Who else takes pride in being a zoomer and realizes that those who berate you for being one

Who else takes pride in being a zoomer and realizes that those who berate you for being one
are miserable, bitter, jealous and tragic guys weeping over their lost time and crushed dreams?
Games are fun and should be keeping you spirited and happy. I feel that happiness when I play the games I like, regardless of my year of birth.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Be born in time to play pretty much any game you want in the comfort of your home, usually on PC
>Have access to the entire history of gaming
Pretty based

You feel that way now, but when you get old and see the younger faggots acting the way they do you'll learn. Everyone becomes a boomer eventually.

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>and should be keeping you spirited and happy
>who cares if we enable bad developers each time a new hot game comes out
>who cares if our use of irony has made us even more socially autistic than Yea Forums
your age isnt the problem, your zeitgeist is

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dumb Satania poster

>watching gay ass anime
haha. no

Tell me something, do you think anime has been ruined by moeshit?

what year, OP?

legal posting age

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I did not enjoy the first two Fallout, really good ambient OSTs but shit everything else.

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but what year?

you can't dox what's in this box

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Attached: [project-gxs] Gabriel Dropout - 02 [10bit BD 1080p] [D91E2907].mkv_snapshot_16.47_[2019.04.10_21.26. (1920x1080, 205K)


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Cute girls stuck in a boring anime about nothing

Actually, I take that back. Let me rephrase:
Cute girls stuck in a boring anime.
The "about nothing" part doesn't even matter when Lucky Star did manage to be a fun watch while being about even less somehow.

nah i actually have first hand exposure with a sibling and you really are the shit under the boot of a series of failed generations user

im boomer
i find joy watching the younger generations and the differences between the generations

>not being both a miserable and bitter zoomer

Give it a decade and you'll be the one whos bitter at a young generation telling them how good it was 10 years ago(now) while they mock you because they never exeperence what you did. You'll tell them about games that didnt pause to show you an add or how you could watch what ever you wanted uninterupted, the same way we tell you about the internet now. You'll think I'm just an old fart who's living in the past , but you'll get here one day to and when you do remember this you can never go back

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Checks out

this, enjoy zoomin because soon youll be boomin

>gabriel dropoutfag
>assumes brand loyalty
Checks out.

>Praises Lucky Star
Gee I wonder why. That show is fucking awful, but kyoanifags have awful taste

They're just mad

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Wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but it was definitely more entertaining that Gabriel Dropout.
Not that that takes much.
It doesn't help that the cutest girl is obnoxious as all hell.

>ADHD Zoomie: The Post

Lucky Star is slower than Gabriel Dropout.
If anyone's the "ADHD Zoomie", it's you.

>No u
Yeah fuck off zoomie

Games are children's toys and you're a child. Nothing wrong with that

What a cute foul lying wretch

>Games are children's toys
Given that, we can also assume literature, film and music are also toys that should be discarded, as you think art forms are toys. What are you into then?

Are you this mad because I called Satania obnoxious?
I've been off Yea Forums for too long, I've forgotten how to evade triggering waifufags.

? What are you dribbling about kyoanifag? You're a literal ADHD riddled zoomer

Hey buddy, nice false equivalence you got there.
Just because someone says A, doesn't mean they say B just because it's next in the alphabet.
Try to keep this in mind, and you can avoid making yourself look like an idiot in the future!
Armed with knowledge, you can let your real self shine through!

>One art form is "toys"
>Other art forms aren't because ???
I can guarantee your political position based on this heavy retardation

>forgot a post posted 6 minutes ago already
>still calls others ADHD zoomers
Do you have anything else to say? If you're just going to regurgitate the same buzzwords over and over, I'd rather you'd just go back to posting cute anime girls.

what is the age gap for zoomers?

Such a shame to see you react like this. I so want to believe you're better than this, user.
I'm not even that same user, I just wanted to point out your mistake before someone else could take advantage of it.

You just don't make sense kyoanifag


Why do I keep responding when I already explained I don't even feel any brand loyalty for Lucky Star? I could be doing any number of productive things and here I am willfully allowing some manchild to shout at me for hating on his waifu.
I almost don't know who's the real loser is here.

>Kyoanifags seething

I want to marry and impregnate Satania

My zoomer daughter Satanichia is so cute

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Post cute Satanias
Also tell this fucklord that he's making us look bad by association, Ive been debating on if I should say something because I know he'll just call me kyoanifag and some buzzword

It is completely irrelevant what you actually like, the point is to insult you, dumb kyoanifag.

what is it about this specific anime character that makes the posters of it dedicate their lives to being quantum shitposters, is it roleplaying?

>7 straight hours of mating presses later

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is the gabriel dropout manga any good? the show was stupid but left me interested

Talk for yourself, functional people don't start yelling at clouds because they're getting older.

>functional people don't start yelling at clouds because they're getting older.
Neither do they come to anonymous message boards to boast about being better than everyone

I have more money than you, prettier and more /fit/ than you, experienced and accomplished more things than you. Good luck catching up, underagenigger.

that's what most animes that create waifufags are

You'll get over this phase, Alice.

You spend less time as a zoomer than you do a boomer ;)

Honestly, you're pretty pathetic and immature if the only thing you can manage to have over someone is an age difference.

Video games are good regardless of their age.

well at least youre not one of those cringy animefags who still watch that garbage after turning 20

This but with cartoons and live-action too

This but with all forms of media

I didn't really watch anime or cartoons before 20 so that doesn't count for me.

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You're not supposed to engage in entertainment after the age of 20.

>Get home after a day of working for my jewish overlords, after all a REAL MAN works all day
>See my family, because that's what a REAL MAN does
>Spend the rest of the night in silence staring at a wall, so I don't engage with any degenerate media
>Post on Yea Forums hoping to redpill others
Another day in the life of a REAL MAN

The only thing you're supposed to do is to die at the end of your life.

Reminder boomer/zoomer was artificially created and spammed here in order to get you faggots to fight about yet another thing so it's easier to advertise to your "camp"

This post is correct and you can tell because there are no replies except this one and others trying to invalidate my previously mentioned point.

I helped spam it and I'm fine with it. Slow Yea Forums is boring shit, angry Yea Forums is funny.

>i was MERELY

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It's quite nice seeing that boomers have seemingly adapted the phrase and are just living the relaxed boomer life now, discussing boomer games in boomer threads.
I wonder why zoomers couldn't do the same.

I don't even watch anime or cartoons I just collect all these anime reaction pic

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Based doomer

sauce it

I'll never understand the people so devoid of identity that they define themselves with memespeak all because of one Amerifat

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Age of consent should be the posting age on this site.

Then most of the world can post at 13+, while USA have to wait until 18+.

They are after all a bit retarded biologically. Too much flour in the water.

Did you mean to say "flour" or "fluoride"

This, except +5

>Too much flour in the water.
>tfw in user's country the faucets produce cake and pastry ingredients

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