Feel depressed

>feel depressed
>start game
>feel incredibly frustrated and quit

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based pussy

>force self to keep playing
>learn from mistakes
>get better
>finally win
>feel incredibly fulfilled and play again

fuck off r9k

>feel depressed
>spend whole day trying to think of something to play
>have literally 500 games in library, you've only played 33% of them
>still nothing to play
>6+ hours go by, you pass time checking in on Yea Forums and other shitholes
>feeling worse by the hour
>feeling worse by the hour
>feeling worse
>you find something to play finally, you boot it up, handle the menus, get into the game
>30 - 60 minutes in, you've beaten the tutorial and the game is cracked open in front of you
>you don't feel like it anymore
>it's time to sleep
>it's time to wake up
>the cycle begins again

Just play something that is easy while needing all your attention games like that aren't hard to find

>Play dark souls 2
>get ganked and stamina broken a lot by hordes
>stop playing
>suddenly way happier

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are u a guy

can /r9k/ fuck off? you will only attract more trannies

This is exactly my life, wtf do we do bro

How do I stop this

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>feel depressed
>start game
>don't die
>depression gone

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This post is too realistic user.

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This except I just bash my head against the wall until I finally give up and just look up what to do.

whats a gaem like this?

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A turn based RPG with timed hits.

>feel depressed
>start game
>it doesn't distract me from my depression anymore
>quit after 10 minutes

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there are no hordes at the beginning of dark souls 2
>stamina broken
imagine even equipping a shield in dark souls that wasn't the stam regen shield or some other niche shield. like why you're literally playing wrong

what are some easy to complete games for good feels?

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Depressed =/= feeling down
Treat yourself to some good food and boot up a game user, keep up the hope =)

>play game
>never get release of dopamine
>no longer enjoy any old hobbies

I'm not at the beginning retard, I never said I was. And I can't equip shit I don't have nor know about. Soulsfags are the absolute worst.

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But Soulsfags hate DS2

You are burned out with vidya. It's either that you played too much for several days in a row or you keep playing the same genre of games. Try some new shit that you never played before, even if they're 6/10s or genres you consider shit, you might like them and cure your burnout.

wtf dude

Lift, get a job, meet new people.

>learn from mistakes
>get better
that's where it's not working for me, I'm too dumb to do that

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>start game
>try again
>try again
>try again
>try again
feels good


Just end it now annon

>feel depressed
>start game
>die alot
>get psyched and start kicking ass
>feel like life's not so bad after all

>play game
>get that nice rush of dopamine for a day or two
>finish it
>back to where I started; feel like shit again

>tfw can't slowly enjoy games anymore
>just rush through it as quickly as possible

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>>Play dark souls 2
you see, there was your mistake

Have sex


>force myself to start a game
>get into it
>have to close game due to adrenaline giving me anxiety

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>feel depressed
>start playing favorite MMO to cheer me up
>party yells at me for messing up
>day instantly ruined

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Depression isn't real kike

This user is right after seeing this post I've just realised tumblrinas pretending to be depressed for stubbing their toe nulifies years of medical research and diagnosis. If you're depressed you're a SJW

(((Medical research)))

Good goy

Remember to get your cold vaccines

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Stardew Valley

Had this feel. Started reading books instead.