The Witcher Netflix Series Filming Is Nearly Complete

Will it be good, Yea Forums?

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idk I haven't seen it

Probably not


Can't be worse than Game of Thrones

I really like Henry Cavill, but I don't think even he can save this dogshit.

Nothing good has ever came from America since the last 5 years and nothing will in the coming future.

I hope it'll at least be enjoyable rubbish.


It will be worse than the polish series.

Only degeneracy and trash will come from this.

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I like Netflix but no, definitely not.

it's the shitsher, it was never good at any moment of its life. the books without the blind religious cult of the game reads like teenager fantasy. It's cringy and pretentious in every aspect, with no pay off. Literally twillight for castrated fuckbois.


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No and if it is good they will cancel it after 1 season

No. The only casting in this series I agree with is Ciri. Everyone else, Geralt included? Nope.

>we're going to be authentic as possible
>raceswaps a few actors and actresses and gets rid of a red hair female
>trust us guys!

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if that wig is any indication, no.

>half the characters are black
Yeah no

>with no pay off.
The ending is literally perfect.

stockholm syndrome. Read actual books that aren't in your highschool library.

>I really like Henry Caville
Why? Legit curious as the only thing I know him from are the new superman films which are utter dogshit

please stop

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>polish series
But the polish series was quite ok. Other than Geralt wielding katana and badly done special effects it was rather fun series.

It is made by Netflix so the production quality will be garbage, the writing will most likely be awful too. The cinematography and shot compassion will be laughable too.

If you have any hopes this will be good you're a fool and if you think its actually good when it comes out you are a pleb. Everything indicated about this series has shown it will be, at best, subpar and most likely god awful fanfiction shlock made by incompetent D listers.

That wig man. This is going to be horrendous.

most likely not

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Is that meant to be Geralt? Looks more like Sephiroth instead. Or Legolas. Actually, he completely looks like said Legolas.

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Trust me, it's going to be great.

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last time i read news about this, didn't they say they were gonna have him played by a niggar?

Did they change their minds or something?

Because I want to fuck him

That's not real, is it?

To be fair, that was the first make up and costume test they filmed. At least that's what they posted it as.


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Absolutely fantastic.

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How can they fuck up this badly?

Nope, that's 100% real

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Name one good Netflix original production

It'll give GoT a run for its money

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what the flying fuck

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fuck, Fringilla really was the cutest witch, why did they go and make her an ugly nigger, why are they actively avoiding a respectful adaptation of the source material.

>It is made by Netflix so the production quality will be garbage
This. I liked some of their films like Buster Scruggs and Annihilation but they always look trash.

You're not a racist, are you Yea Forums?

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Because I want to be fucked by him.


>don't worry it's just pre-alpha/alpha/beta etc.


Narcos, maybe?

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No they announced they were going to ruin it before they even began

I'll watch it but I don't think so, I just hope they keep it as close to the books or games, whichever way they go as possible. Not necessarily the exact same story but keep the Characters as close to their counterparts as possible.

>Let be real though, it's Shitflix, they brought a cudgel to cut up this possible Cash cow.


And even Castlevania is debatable with the gay nigger swap.

I havent seen a good netflix original outside of bright which was only decent so no.

This casting cannot be real

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The only one I can think of is Narcos.

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The writers are unironically a team of purple haired feminists, it didn't even have a chance to be good.

the Castlevania animation is alright

I will on concede to you this is true, narcos (pre pablo death) is the only show by netflix I have actually enjoyed and thought was good. it wasnt perfect but my god was it better than anything else ive seen by netflix. everything else is such poor quality garbage that could only ever be made and published because they are the platform.

Gotta love diversity. No white women is the maximum amount of diversity you can get.

It has potential but I think people will be too busy fighting over the racial casting to care.

Even more than the woke casting choices that weaken the core message of the works, my greatest concerns are the writing team's lack of quality experience, the mediocre costuming (important given the great job GoT has done, and the meticulous and quality job CDPR did on the games), and above all and the quick turnaround from development to shooting. Stinks of a cash grab. It's a pity, Cavill really cared about this.


people at netflix unironically think this

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how do you want your cast?

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The castlevania anime is hot garbage

imagine getting mad about a shitty genre fiction adaptation having mutts and black people

gonna enjoy seeing these tigole bitties floppin about

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>Refuses to follow source material and cast literal whos for pc points

Nah, it won't.

>Be a fan of the witcher
>Gets chosen to play as Geralt
>All the sorceress are now niggers/poo/uglies

This is the writing team, you tell me.

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A fairly important plot point in the books is Fringilla using magic concoctions to prevent herself from blushing uncontrollably about Geralt, which she overdoes making herself ghostly pale. Nevermind the fact that she's closely related to the Duchess of Touissant.

It's going to be pure shit even by Yea Forums standards (you faggots are obsessed with GoT and capeshit after all) but it won't bomb, people are too addicted to the buzz and will watch this utter trash just because it's something to talk about on twitter and reddit. We are now living in the era where media doesn't even have to be good, it just has to be popular, and so being able to discuss it on social media is its primary value to the type of people hyped for this show. Unironically would be amused if such people were murdered, it's a maybe-muzzie-terrorists-are-onto-something kind of feel. Western "culture" is such faggotry jesus christ, just burn it all. I'm thinkin the 9/11 dudes were based now.

Why do they have to make a Netflix adaptation of The Witcher? Why couldn't they just leave it alone?

Yennefer should be a milf, not a pedo material NGOs import from third world

>you faggots are obsessed with GoT and capeshit after all)
Literally everyone on Yea Forums has been shitting on GoT and capeshit for years.


I think they consider casting Ciri with a Polish actress to be a concession. Not the obvious choice that it is.

Imagine how the Poles feel about all this.

Sabrina is kino

>entire catalog is capeshit and game of thrones going on years now

what did he mean by this


I think he's just a really cool, handsome dude (no homo). Plus, from what I've read, he's like a big nerd (plays WoW and reads the Witcher books) in a chad body.

>gonna enjoy seeing these tigole bitties floppin about
>He doesn't know
Poor user.

only because kiki is cumdump material

or precious witch queen femdom material, what ever you prefer

At least read the threads because everyone is making fun of how shitty GoT is right now. You can't avoid talking about it, it's the most popular show in the fucking entire universe.

Something tells me the three dudes in the back are carrying the rest of them. It's a shame; these books were great at having strong independent female characters while also avoiding the SJW pitfalls.

Fringilla Vigo? More like Gorilla Negro amirite?

>cast the biggest chad for the male mc
>cast the ugliest roasties for the female characters
this series is pure feminist wish fullfillment now

Since Fringilla is Nilfgaardian does this mean the Nilfgaard Empire is going to be mostly black?

Seems problematic.

>t. chinlet

As an eastern Euro I have to ask why are they shoehorning niggers into literally everything? Isn't cultural appropriation a bad thing? Do they literally have quotas they have to meet on every show?

Fuck this shit, fuck niggers and fuck jannies too

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I seriously don't understand. Why not just cast white actors and follow the fucking source material? This is creating such a disconnect from our preconceived image of these characters. The immersion factor is ruined.

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The director is a jewish woman so it's gonna be shit, but it's netflix so it was going to be shit regardless

The sorcerer that Yennefer cucks Geralt with? You already know what ethnicity they cast him with.

>ugliest roasties for the female characters
It's the showrunner's wish fulfillment

The west has never been subjugated to muslim rule (excluding Spain). They dont know better.
That will change within our lifetime.

Well the superman films are not dogshit because of him though, they were written and directed by a stupid meathead. Cavill did okay with the material he was given to work with.

It'll probably be impossible to discuss on /pol-vee/ but I'm having some hopes it'll be good, at least more than watchable.

>"race ACSKHUALLY matters when casting"
>"characters have to look like their video game counterparts even tho the series is obviously more based on the books than the games"

just shit-tier level one takes really

that's a pretty recent meme based on "the show doesn't match muh books" mentality since they ran out of GRRM's material, and the entire reason for this meme is that they loved GoT so much in the first place, and still do as a social media product even if it's "bad" now. plus there are still hordes of people who just like it, Yea Forums is my main board nigger, I know what's happening there and it's the unironic capeshit/GoT zone for years

Everything Netflix does has feminist shit shoehorned into it, I'm really fucking close to stop paying them for their shit content.

Only watched season 1 of game of thrones. What's so bad about it?

>the series is obviously more based on the books than the games

so there is even less of an excuse?

i dont mind her being black but fucking hell at least an attractive black woman

ah yes, a series that started in fucking 1990s poland was supposed to be diverse, even though the average pole sees like 3 niggers per year. it all makes sense now.

It's a particular idea of righting social injustice, emerging from the University of Berkeley, California.

For another fine example, see Camille Paglia - an intellectually honest and academically rigorous feminist, who they are currently trying to silence because she insists on people being exposed to other opinions and the importance of the individual taking responsibility for themselves.

>I'm really fucking close to stop paying them for their shit content.
Its what needs to happen, stop giving your money to these retarded faggots.

Nothing with the first season, it stays pretty good until the third and even the fourth is ok, but after that it sinks into liquid shit really quick when Dumb & Dumber started going off the books.

The writing is full of plot holes and logical inconsistencies that are more evident the more the show goes on, some character have plot armor and the twists are fucking dumb.

Also they pull out a Snoke with the Night King after like 7 years of building him up.

From what the production team has told us he's a huge fan of the Witcher books (in fact that's one of the reasons they picked him because they said he "got" the character) so that's enough of a reason to at least not hate him.

that disgusting poo in loo as Yen is the biggest fucking dissapointment.

yes, middle ages eastern europe was full of niggers

it is real. "we want the dindu audience"

who cares he's a faggot, in fact he'll show his true colors (besides the ones fucking his wife) when people start shitting on the show, by virtueposting about how everybody hates his co-stars are just incels, it's like clockwork. cavil is a buster for being in this show period.

This is a setting where race matters. It's the backdrop to the whole damned thing. The vast majority of people in this setting are ignorant bigots. They don't trust women who let their hair down - explicitly in the books it's stated only whores and sorceresses do so. Witchers are feared and not trusted. This is not a post-racial society, this is an analogue of Central and Eastern Europe where zebras are just a vague rumor, and where the idea of a black skinned person is inconceivable outside of the major trade ports.

Dandelion, Ciri, and Cahir all seem great. I don't have a huge problem with Yen either. Rest I couldn't care less.

Americans are literally obsessed with black people, they are the only ones keeping them relevant in music/tv/film/etc, according to TV shows half of US population is black and the other half is jewish.

Small quote from wiki
>The first settlers also mixed with the Black Seidhe, a group of elves in the Alba valley.

I think they jumped to conclusions way too fast.

I'm curious to how that can be a strong plot point.

Americans in general aren't obsessed, the mid-to-upper class whites on the coasts (who never even interact with black Americans regularly) are. Compensating, I think.

I'm ready for you niggers to stop bitching about SJW drama involving the show.


We wus sorzururz n shiet

We counting animated series as well? Because bojack is fine.

He's a white gu-uh, I mean I just like him bro.

your argument will be consistent if you admit that it would be perfectly fine to have a tv show about subsaharan african tribes full of crackers. after all, who cares about the integrity or aesthetic value of the show, as long as it's diverse.

yen's e3 was more accurate

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You will never pass as a woman.

even if they casted all whites, its made by shitflix, it will be garbage regardless

Narcos was good the first season, everything after that was drawn out dog shit.

In the topic of TV shows.

Should I watch breaking bad? I missed it completely till caught a bit of better call saul the other day and actually liked it.

Its a fantasy show so nah. You guys have the bias of being legit racist, it makes you retarded about this stuff.

I think it's interesting they cleaned her up. In the books Geralt says she isn't that good looking so the e3 one was probably more book faithful

Yes, emphatically. It's a bit of a slow burn at first, but it's excellent stuff.

Yes but it has a shit start and end.

Yes you should, and leave this thread immediately lest someone spoil it.

It's pretty good, they should've wrapped it up in 4 seasons because the last one feels unfocused as shit but it's still fine.

He was good in man from uncle

BB is good to a point, it isn't the magnum opus as some people claim but it isnt bad, better than 95% of TV.

any of the HBO kinos are good too, despite what GoT may tell you

>The Wire
>Band of brothers/the pacfic/generation kill
>Boardwalk empire (to a point and you will know when)

other than breaking bad, the other AMC kino is Mad Men which is arguably one of the best TV shows along side Sopranos.

Some of their movies are watchable atleast. I enjoyed Polar. All of their shows are absolute garbage though.

it's a fantasy show about a specific story, and they are including black people in that story for completely american reasons that have nothing to do with aesthetic value and everything to do with politics.

>eat at a nice restaurant
>"hmmm, I would like to remake the dish I had at home"
>it was a pollack meal with pierogis and whatnot
>put sushi in the meal because "there's not enough asian cuisine in my meals"
>then claim it's the exact same meal you had at the restaurant

a >food analogy for ya

The Terror is easily as good as Mad Men.

>audience eats it
>audience doesn't
"Incels, Nazis, cyclists and bikini-wearers" and good franchise gets buried

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FUCK i forgot about The Terror, terror is great, I would contend it isn't as good as mad men, but it is still up there. the new HBO Chernobyl looks great too, has Hickey and Crozier

See the problem with this discussion is that you are triggered by niggers and I'm not.

Why even get workes uo about this dumb shit? You're giving the showrunners ammo that their critics are racist.

Mad Men got super shit later on dude, The Terror is more focused.

>The Terror
It was good until the stupid monster appeared.

Fuck no it won't.

t. Illiterate brainlet

Triss has canonically brown hair though

are you sure youre not talking about the other way round? terror got worse as it went along, the monster stuff was infinitely worse than the crew aspects. it wasn't bad but was inferior to the first episodes. meanwhile mad men became ever increasingly good emotional kino.

>full of black and asian people in eastern europe

It's going to be trash.

Nuance is needed for adapting works belonging to another culture, which requires an attention to detail and willing to not compromise on keeping some aspects of the work.

Since we know that is being abandoned for another college pamphlet show with a fantasy flavor, you can tell it's going to be shit. The writers or the showrunners simply haven't show the acumen required to make a good show, which well then translate to bad writing, bad direction, bad composition. It's basically a snowball effect.

i dont expect it to be good at this point, i just hope it will be enjoyable shit like Marco Polo

Nope, I know what I'm talking about. The cinematography was top notch, wonderful blockng, lighting, framing. I'm someone who cares about film so good luck convincing me The Terror was poorly shot.

In comparison, Mad Men is very safe and conventional.

Triss' acctress is mommy tier though.

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No. It looks awful. I won't even bother watching it. Waste of time.

Theyre looking for excuses even if its far fetched.

good to know that your mom is a bimbo

It's not going to be a good representation of the Witcher universe.
Maybe it can be good budget 'tv' series.
I don't need several million worth of CGI to be entertained and witcher has always been more about the characters then the action.
If they actually do things with the concept of a guy who's job is to move around and kill monsters for money it could be fun.
If it becomes about some nonsense political plot and Geralt isn't killing drowners on the side it could become boring fast.
My problem with a lot of series is that they slide into nonsense and cliches rather then exploring the core of their idea and doing things with it.
For example Ascension is based on this amazing idea and you see how it can become a thriller about keeping the illusion of living in a space ship together for as long os possible, but they had to shove in the stupid plot device about psychic children because if there isn't supernatural stuff the dummies are bored.
The same could happen with the Witcher where you're doing the monster hunter thing for 3 episodes then it's politics and witches and kings doing the Game of Thrones thing.

it's shitty for the exact same reason that having a white Blade would be shitty, the witcher is a white as fuck story, you (and they) know this because they shitpost about different cultures constantly, so it stands to reason that witcher would be "white" as fuck. corny pseudo-medieval bullshit, elves, christian-style churches, these are all references to historical european cultures aka "white" people by american race standards, NOT niggers, and therefore it's completely crass and hamfisted to toss a bunch of darkies in the mix just because in real life they got a bad deal or something.

trust me, if there's ever a Blade with a white dude instead of some Wesley Snipes tier black guy, it will also be a garbage show that nobody will like, so fuck off with the wacism stuff. it is not the central issue here, I would be fine to watch an actual nigger show with niggers in it. witcher isn't The Wire.

I'm glad the double dose of GoT shitting the bed and The Witcher being stillborn will kill the co-opting fantasy books tactic for a while. If not, then the LoTR and WoT adaptions will do the job
Artemis Fowl ought to do it for the movie scene.

Mad Men peaked when they had Lane fire them to set up their own agency. Should've then started wrapping the show up over the next season or so, rather than dragging it out forever
also, less Betty subplots. No-one cares


Nah she's a true british slag.

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Out of the three she's the least worst. If they don't do anything to her hair then they're fucking retarded. No reason to have three big female characters have the same color hair.

>racism isn't the central issue
It is when you fags can't shut up about niggers

>a shitty genre adaptation that swore up and down they would remain truthful to the source and not change anything
fixed your niggerfied nonsense

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he plays WoW and is a legit fan of the source material for the show
he's a a nerd that just happened to win the genetic lottery for looks
if it's bad it'll be because of the writers taking too many liberties

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Mad Men is more about contextual cinematography for the moments. Terror has some great shots and atmosphere, I am not degrading that but Mad Men had shots and scenes where it had a heavy impact if you were really into the story, characters etc. I would take a Terror or a Mad Men anyday over anything else on TV right now and I am sure we can agree on that

maybe they can make a sequel to this where strelok enters the zone

seems like a lot of the Netflix writers are self-inserting

It's not like mutts can have any other hair color.
Different hair colors is literally white privilege.

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>Nuance is needed for adapting works belonging to another culture

The witcher is pretty much just polish ASoIaF though. It's 90s cynical shit with a Polish neolib flavour.

she's a paki

How can niggers be this ugly?

That's fair enough, user. Christ GoT is such dogshit, but I do hope Chernobyl is good.

He was in more stuff than DC EU what did crap job, like that historical drama show what would be better indication whatever he is good actor

>Henry Chadvill

God the things I let him do to me.. . .

no she isn't, she's fucking hideous, pic related is mommy-tier, not your disgusting bitch of an actress

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I can't wait for the official trailer to drop and this place gets spammed for a few days with OH NO NO NO and similar shit memes.

We know it looks like shit so far and half the cast are retarded picks but I'm just holding on to a hope they adapt the books well.

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Its gonna be pozzed as fuck.

not wanting niggers in a white show isn't automatically racism just like not wanting a white Blade isn't racism, I already explained this niggerlover. I am racist aplenty, but I would still be perfectly fine with watching a Blade movie with a black dude because guess what, Blade is a black dude, Blade represents "black cool" in a lot of ways and you can still enjoy such an artwork while acknowledging that most niggers are garbage in real life. so the point stands, witcher has a european aesthetic, keep the darkies out of it and keep the crackers out of Blade's role because it has a black aesthetic

Oh right modern Yea Forums loves OH NO NO NO and twitter screencaps.

If you're racist why do you think that makes your argument more compelling? It means you're biased against niggers, you dumb fuck. You're the marketing team's wet dream.

you're not even addressing my arguments. address my actual arguments or shut the fuck up nigger


I don't really understand it, either.
Faithful adaptations which translate the style of the original source material into a screenplay have been successful.
Shitty adaptations which ignore the original source material and just make a bad production end up being unsuccessful
Supposed directors and producers who command large salaries keep changing shit for no reason, which is extra effort, for a result which statistically makes less money. It's insanity.

Harry Potter, Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings (hell, lets put fucking Twilight in that list, nobody can claim it's not faithful) all changed major shit from the source material but they almost never betrayed the core, underlying feeling of what the their original media were trying to portray until very late on in production when it no longer mattered. Didn't matter if they were adult or YA fantasy fiction.

Artemis Fowl is only a mystery because it's 15 years late, and then they make it shit and unfaithful too. It's bizarre.

What arguments? That its a white show? Blade has white people in it you fucking dipshit, what a retarded example.

The Netflix writers chose to take "Black Ones" literally.

>haw haw u raycis der4 nobodee shuld lestin 2 u

all of it, just watch Vikings, much better

Maybe they just won't "address" it, and no one will act like she's different.

Almost like that's a thing that's been a tradition in acting for decades.

quit being a nigger and sidestepping, address my actual arguments. I said Blade's role, not the entirety of Blade. It was just an example. Having white slaves named Kunta Kinte in a remake of Roots would be just as stupid.


Keep it.

imagine being this dumb, that guys point flew entirely over your head and you still think you're on top of the argument, holy fuck

Wouldn't be surprised if the show never mentions the Black Ones and change it into something else

The Witcher is a Polish series based on the ideas of a Polish man living in Poland including racial tensions relevant to Poland and also the rest of Eastern Europe but specifically not anywhere else in the world.

If you put black and asians in the show it loses all meaning, it's bad enough having americans in it.

Literally proving me right, dumb fucktard niggers.

Nobody in my family has yet watched A Wrinkle in Time. We've read the book but this current trend of movie producers to BLACKED everything is obnoxious, irritating, annoying, preachy, and a rotting cancer

not him but, made me laugh again


>insert islamic name



That nigger looks like a mad, prettier Legolas.
All I see when I see that guy. Doesn't look like Geralt or even a witcher really.

First off, nobody on Yea Forums read the books. They're shit and the games changed fuckloads.

Secondly, there is zero reason they can't have those elements. You're acting like its nkt a majority white cast.

Also you niggers have been crying about this show ever since a woman became the showrunner. Its super obvious you're just hyper sensitive to SJW shit.

>If you're racist why do you think that makes your argument more compelling
so basically you're saying that nobody should listen to any of the shit which pours of that dirty crusty anus with dingle-berries you call a mouth

The key difference is that I am a nigger :3

>I like Netflix
why? you do realize it's a propaganda machine?

Literally the only slave in the US that we have a biography on was a black muslim that wrote his biography in Arabic. Omar Ibn Said, there's another Islamic one we know of but he was released because the Sultan of Morocco requested it because it turned out his was nobility.

b l a c k p r i v i l e g e

he was great in the tudors (tv) and the count of monte cristo (movie). he also cares about the source material, too bad he's starring in a complete abortion of it.

sure, she isn't fit to cast Triss though

Just wait Caville's gonna make a comeback with Star Citizen

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isn't it supposed to release this year? How are they gonna finish on time?

Basically, if Season 1-3 is 9-10/10 then season 8 is 2/10.
It's one of the biggest disappointments in tv history. EP3 S8 was horrendous and then EP4 leaked and people couldn't believe the leaks because the shit was even worse than EP3, and now that EP4 is out we know all the leaks are true.

GoT's problem is that it got popular due to people misunderstanding it, and then the producers decided to run with the misunderstandings to pander to those people.
For example, people thought that the deaths were meant to be omgshocking, rather than an ultimate consequence of their actions and not having plot armour (I.E Drogo macho act gets him an infection, Ned walks into the lion's den due to idealism and dies, Robb makes political fuck ups and gets backstabbed by an alienated ally, etc). This devolved into people getting murdered left and right for no reason at the drop of a hat for shock value.
Another example is people ignoring the character flaws of Danaerys, Arya, Sana and Cersei, and this devolving into their character flaws getting removed.

The reactions to this season is where the crows have come back to roost, because they realised they actually have a designated ending to lead into, and that ending is going to piss off the retards they've roped in since S3

every time some left wing idpol shit comes along and takes a bunch of actively hostile actions, people act like the resulting butthurt is unreasonable and unfounded

>dude breaks into your house
>starts raping your wife
>you shoot him

people are anti-sj because sj is such a radical, in your face proposition that to not defy it is to become completely changed, so idk why you are acting like it's some trivial nonsense when literal millions of people are pushing and riding on this

the entire series was 90% in niggerbabble and people literally died while scouting the real life locations. there's some weird esoteric shit that went on there, like cia spook stuff.

It goes on for a bit too long, but otherwise it's pretty decent.

>i cant read subtitles

wut, there are a bunch of slave memoirs, 12 Years A Slave is more famous than that one and even had a movie based on it. that movie is pretty kino too, the book is alright, need to finish it

tons of people were white knighting her on Yea Forums months ago when the news broke. "she's not that ugly!" "shes cute!" lmfao

I don't really care about blackwashing characters as long as they make a good end product that feels like the witcher and isn't just trying to be GoT with slavs and nigs.
To me this is the same as people complaining about Cyberpunk 2077 having sunlight. You're not focussing on the ideas, which is what actually matters.

>that analogy
You niggers are hilarious. You want rape, look at Thrones - and thats a white show.

i can, in fact i prefer original audio in everything. i just don't like listening to niggerbabble.

You just equated them casting a black lady to play someone that was described in a book as fair skinned, to someone raping your wife. You have either no concept of scale, or are being wilfully disingenuous.

You know they could just leave it and have everyone act like there's nothing different about her right? that's entirely possible to do. Because they're A C T I N G.

if it's based on the books than none of these characters are supposed to be anything other than white you fucking resetera retard

The guy responsible for Dragon Ball Evolution said he saw it as a paycheck and a stepping stone to something better. Probably the same thing here since most of these people are not capable of learning from history on account of it being too racist for them.

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Except the writing is on the wall here with these writers. We're talking Jessica Jones writers for fuck's sake.

They don't want it to be good, they want to be important.
So it's less likely that it's good.

>I'm the one being disingenuous

yeah sure, let me just get on making that all-white remake of Roots and see how good of a movie you think that is. it shouldn't matter since race has no bearing on anything.

I'd fuck her brains out, but she shouldn't play that character.

>the perfect clapback again trumpism

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Who are you trying to fool, nigger?

>"iT'z nOt A bIg DeAl," they say
yet it keeps happening in video games, in comic books, and in movies with millions upon millions of dollars banked upon it and, quite coincidently, these scores of people who "care nothing about it" rush forward to tell others to also not care about it and go do other things, like "have sex", somehow coincidently over every single thing which the corporations have changed

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That wasn't written by the slave in question, I should have said autobiographical really, because most of the other accounts were written by other people who twisted things (pro conversion propaganda or abolitionist usually). Said's is very interesting precisely because he wrote it himself, in a language that his owners would NEVER be able to read.

You guys are making it so obvious you didn't watch it. Its like getting triggered by the fucking Boondocks.

I've seen some hidden cam vids from the shooting. Netflix version of Triss Merigorld is the actress looking exactly like she looks on her regular photos except wearing her grandmothers dress. That's it. It's all looks just as cheap and bad as Cavill's legolas wig.

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clapback is the hot new ghetto nigger word a bunch of coastal white people stole to use on twitter in between complaining about cultural appropriation

Sure, I don't expect it to be good. I just think it's going to be bad for reasons unrelated to the blackwashing.
The same way I think CP77 could turn out shitty if they pad their game with trash again. But not because of the sunlight.

Yeah I highly doubt it. Blacks are incapable of mocking themselves in the current day unlike Boondocks.

>hidden cam vids from the shooting

Well, sure, not necessarily because of the blackwashing, but it's certainly a direct symptom of a much larger problem.

nope and i like cavill
bad wig, everything else is ok

Race lifting is a red flag that accuracy to the source material is a secondary concern, which is more of an issue than sunlight in cyberpunk.
Sure, they might absolutely nail the tone of the books, and the actresses might smash out a performance that proves they were the right choice for their personalities if not looks, but I highly doubt it.

Yeah okay dude you clearly know what you're talking about, keep crying about niggers.

>accuracy to the source material is a secondary concern

All of the best adaptations in history have considered accuracy a secondary concern. People being slavishly accurate is the usual sign that an adaptation isn't going to be worth watching.

Nilfgaard is big I guess

Lord of the Rings is arguably the best adaptation in history, and that definitely didn't have accuracy as a secondary concern.
A work adapting something doesn't mean it doesn't care about the material, especially if they take pains to ensure accuracy where possible.
This is clearly not an example of this.

Since were talking netflix, what does Yea Forums think of the nerflix cowboy bebop casting of spike, jet, faye and vicious?

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there's a difference between autistically transcribing something from one medium to another, and making a story about wolves become a story about tigers. amerimutts don't consider The Witcher to be the latter because they are such a bunch of genetically hopeless, cultureless corporate-mongrels that their "culture" changes every generation depending on the whims of the jews. or corporations if you don't like that word.

You're full of shit and never read the books. ROTK in particular was loads differerent and upped the strong women thing, and its still a masterpiece.

The godfather literally changed the entire ending completely.

More like Jet BLACKed

Fucking horrible, you westerners can go fuck off with this shit.

It's going to be awesome, also have sex

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>Talking about degeneracy with a Tomoko pic when she's this close to eat Foxmom pussy

not bad casting at least based on those pictures, not sure is cho can really pull of spike or do any convincing action/kung fu scenes

Oh fuck off.
They were as accurate as reasonably possible given the time constraints. Faramir was the only significant victim of it.

>made by netflix

it will be awful.

>netflix original adaptation
you must be a retard if you think so

Looks like Christophe Lambert Raiden

Not really.
GOT season 1 was completely accurate and it was perfect.

No you fuck off, you know I'm right you dumb shit. Where's Tom in the movies, huh? Fucking faggot, thry cut SHITLOADS from the books because its a different medium.

They fucked up and changed the very first scene. The pilot episode is actually really bad, it just has the shock gimmick ending.

Also Osha is a different character in the show and far better.

>Where's Tom in the movies, huh?
Be it bait or too retarded to tell the difference, It makes no odds.
Fuck off, retard.

>aspiring cat mom
Why do women do this shit? It makes them seem insane.

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>f-fuck off retard, I'm right
Your fault for using LOTR, the greatest fantasy trilogy ever made, as your example you dumb faggot. Learn to read.

They changed Frodo and Sam's relationship significantly. Fucking secondary.

This casting is inexcusable.

You think there'll be any actual titties flopping around? Those puppies will be so strapped down, it'll look like a cargohold for an airliner.

Insane is trendy in this clown world

>patriarchy smasher

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>cho is older than shakir by a decade
>jet is supposed to be the dad of the group

>Nigger Triss
Why bother? Netflix is garbage

No they didn't.
Stop spouting retarded shit and hoping something sticks to a wall, all for the sake of deflecting from an obvious miscast in a netflix show.

>this can't be real!
>hollywood would never do this!

>Frodo literally tells Sam to leave him in the films
>Have to be forcibly dragged apart in the books.

I think Netflix chooses non-white actors because they're cheaper.

Stop pretending like you read the books, poser.

>Blue eyes

This is probably at least partially true.

Most Netflix shows are full of sex scenes so much so they feel forced and out of place. I'm convinced Netflix required the marvel shows to have a sex scene every other episode because they all had forced ass srx scenes that didnt even go with the pacing in every other episode, season 1 of the punisher season 1 of Luke cage are especially bad about it. So I think you might see them titties.

The important part was always Sam. Frodo being fucked with by the ring just an exaggerated part of the adaptation.


Uh huh, now explain all the changes in RotK.

They should have made Geralt black too and made Dandelion a black rapper so at least there would be comedy value to it and I'd actually watch it and see it as a parody

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snoke pisses me off, I really thought they were going to go with the angle that "haha he was force projecting as well" but it seems like they wont

Time constraints leading to amalgamated content.
The aesthetics, tone and castings were all spot on, which is the point of this whole line of argument you passive aggressive fuck.


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Man you're such a fake fucking nerd

That series ignores the video games so it's not vidya.
Hell it apparently even ignores the books, why does this even exist?

I accept your concession, you wiki reading faggot.
I at least expected you to point towards the witch king's death, which actually was one of the weaker points of the adaptation, and you can't even do that?
The absolute fucking state.

Not video games you mouthbreathing braindead retard

I am 100% fine with everyone except Spike. I like Cho, but he's not going to make a good Spike.

Ironically the best antidote to this type of shit is IRL black women, a lot of black chicks resent "white feminism" deeply and I can't find much fault in their arguments. White bitches are literally fucking AIDS and not only anti-western, but also inherently anti-left as well, they are basically just horrible pumpkin spice corporate drones who exist to be pincushions for monied dick and only parrot political opinions for good girl points. Today it's pro-black NIMYist idpol, tomorrow it's tradthotism. When people bitch about "whiteness" a lot of what they are saying applies mainly to white women, as white women are responsible for a lot of s*y culture since they were given the franchise by a minority of foolish males.

So I will agree to become a feminist and anti-white as long as it means anti-white bitch; as soon as the white strumpets are sent back to their place normal civilization can continue with actual humans such as white men, and some non-white men and women. White people are basically divided straight down the middle: with our men all the good lies, and with our women all the bad. Other races are a bit more mixed, with virtues and vices in each gender more diluted, but with white people the female side is just horrendous, somebody just put a muzzle on the eternal white bitch already jesus christ. Where my /soulsistas/ at?

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i thought that shakir guy was pretty great in Luke Cage too bad about the rest of the cast

Yea Forums just likes to be contrarian, plus this board is filled with weebs who unironically think their pantywaisted cartoons are the epitome of human creativity.

GoT is solid TV, it falls off a bit in the last 2 seasons when it moved past the books, but still one of the higher quality shows out there. as always the books are better but also have to give it credit for doing the books justice vs. totally butchering them.

plus u know it actually exists (the later seasons) as opposed to the books

I don't have any hopes, but I'll reserve my judgement for after I watched it.

you are mentally ill and should be culled

Nah I read the books in elementary school. You read dick, just like your mom did instead of grabbing condoms.

The last few seasons have been fucking awful, what the hell are you talking about?

its netflix. It'll either be mediocre and Yea Forums will praise it to heaven since nobody watches it or it will be geniuinely terrific and everyone likes it and Yea Forums and Yea Forums will say its the worst thing in history of mankind cause they dont feel special for liking it.

Biggest concern really is Henry is bad choice for Geralt & Netflix CGI is awful.

From the very first witcher, Geralt is an extremely pleasant character to watch interact with people. He has a dry rumor that works really well along with a charisma that are both hard to explain in words but that make the character so appealing.

This actor just doesn't have that. I hope he can capture geralt but I doubt it, pls tue whole thing is full of diversity casts which is just annoying

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Woke for white dick

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That's not how you spell The Last Kingdom

>Triss is a nig


i explicitly stated the last 2 seasons havent been as good, to say they are "awful" though is just overly dramatic. the shows just been around for a longass time now, there's nothing they can really do to make it surprising anymore

this coping mechanism is my favorite, not pathetic enough to make me sad, and still capable of producing hilarity

>GoT is solid TV

cringe and capepilled. I forget who said it but some fantasy author basically said the reason fantasy tv shows and movies are so corny is because the stories themselves are corny but it takes seeing it in the flesh and blood to realize just how stupid it is. GoT does not transcend this. to anybody who wasn't raised on a steady diet of autistic escapist media, GoT is just as cringe as the downtown group of assburgers larping as ogres and knights at the rec center, this is why this stuff was "nerd" culture until it became cool, but make no mistake, you are still a nerd with terrible taste even if it's moderately more mainstream now. I never even played the witcher, I'm just some boomer who likes puzzle games and stopped in this thread to see what's going on. looks like everybody is being an idiot.


now if you'll excuse me, there's a John Wayne marathon on TCM

Jesus, that's even worse than I thought.

I like Cavill, but I have my doubts as well.
He basically only got the role because the screenwriter has a crush on him.

Somebody assure me that this is just a troll image.

Are they casting the ambientalist, lesbian, man-hating dino veterinarian from Jurassic World as Faye?

>the Game of Thrones show opens the door for all the fantasy copycats
>they pick up The Witcher instead of Wheel of Time or Mistborn, or even First Law

When will producers learn?

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stranger things s1
devilman crybaby is one of the greatest anime of all time.
bojack horseman
love death robots was neat
black mirror was kinda hit and miss but overall good
ted bundy tapes
drive to survive
devil at the crossroads
triple frontier
i dont remember but I think fargo tv series was also netflix original

netflix is the lesser evil. Other than a few little things that trigger only autists and mostly mediocre original shows they are allright.

Book Geralt is supposed to be an ugly dude too, not daddy as fuck.

It's not made to be a good product.

>see this sort of gif 10 years ago
lmao fucking morrowind what a shit game
>see it now
holy shit i need to play morrowind again, it's been too long

Mikkelsen could pull it off

more than half of that is garbage which awful production values, bad acting and writing made for mindless peons.

>typing all that out so he can reply "i said good"

you'll learn to ignore rather than encourage soon enough i hope

I thought the first game did book Geralt well.
A low class pseudo intellectual, a rude thug, pale and ghoulish, the butt of every joke, but a terrifying monster in his own right when he wants to be.

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He also looks like a total goober.

He was charismatic in the Man from Uncle.

why do this?

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it'll be normiebait, devoid of any quality the original story had. Look at the writing team.

Mutts can't understand european fantasy, they lack the culture and past that is required for it.

2 and 3 Geralt is more handsome but if you say a guy like that irl you'd probably thing he looks weird and ugly because of the eyes, white hair and scars all over. Just to players who know he is based does he look handsome

I expect nothing. Honestly, I just want a Witcher game that covers the events of the novels

It's a fucking nickname you wankers, you're supposed to translate nicknames. His real name is Alfred Pankratz.

witcher is more relevant because of the recent popularity of the games
the fanbase/audience is already there

What it could've been lads...

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One of the main enemies in WoT are broo-style beastmen. Rather costly bit, that.


I think it makes sense of you see the games as dandelions embellishing of the events

Gotta love america

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That's unfair because Mads just works for everything.

back to your anime you pathetic neckbeard.

claming GoT is bad is literally wrong. everything is comparable. what compares to GoT ? nothing. KyS nigger.

For me it was the other way around. Loved it on release, and when I revisited it in preparation for Skyrim I was surprised at how shit the game is, and how much nostalgia-blindness I had about it. I still can't believe I used to think the repetitive wiki dialogues are a good idea and how I used to argue on forums more games should use them.

He looks like a veteran soldier though. I always imagined Geralt looking like a vampire, unnaturally pale, cold to the touch even. Maybe thats my headcanon, but I was unhappy and how very human he was in TW2, and even more so in TW3. He needs to be more spooky, and more of a mutant.
Just how my feels go.

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>cuckolding in third episode
>muh stronk women
>muh rape is wrong
>muh literally army of only women
>muh black vikings
>muh muslims
Fuck off.

We've been over this.
He's too old and he slurs his words.

Demographic dice-rolling. Traditionally the red-haired white is the first to be replaced by some black or arab because white-skinned redheads are a vanishing minority. Secondary or tertiary characters will also be race-swapped because they're unimportant enough that either people forget their original race (as you often see with GoT), or because they're not important enough to cause a real outrage.

Marketers believe (not without cause) that if you want nigs watching, you need a nig or two doing the dougie so they're not alienated. They also know that if you replace the main character with a nig the main demographic often won't watch. And so this pattern repeats, an attempt to capture disinterested ethnic demographics without alienating whites by doing it too blatantly.

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And this looks more like Geralt? LMAO
Worst casting, I'd rather they casted my sister as Geralt.

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>SJW: the series

aren't nigs a minority? why chase niche market?
USA is only 1/3 of the market, everyone else is from europe and other places

>he slurs his words.
that's racist against danes

>hating on the best fantasy tv series of the decade

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Speaking weirdly actually makes him more like book Geralt, not less

They are, but their money spends as well as anyone else's. When you have what you assume to be a 'captive' core market, you look around to expand it. Publicly traded companies do not believe in the 'bird in the hand' maxim; to keep your employment you need to convince your investors you're going to make them even MORE money.

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pecks are too big for swordsman, hand got correct triceps focus, lower body and shoulders are toned not to damage mobility
he is very close to an ideal swordsman body, his muscles are probably mostly red from lifting, not enough pink for quickness

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Tell me, how badly will they fuck this up?

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remember war in the north RPG? expect that story quality.


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Geralt doesn't have an ideal swordsman body though, he is lean and slim. His strength doesn't come from his human built, it comes from his inhuman mutations and his drug high. He is a thin, slim, undead looking ghoul of a man, deathly in appearance, his body doesn't portray his exceptional strength or speed. They aren't human. One of the main points of the game is how he is a human after all, despite every single person who so much as looks at him immediately deciding he is not human. Because he doesn't look human. Thats the whole point of so much of Geralt's story, that he is a real boy and a real human bean.

Triss Goldstein

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Image the brouhaha if they handed a great female created piece of media to adapt to a group of men.

Not really:
>Milva glanced involuntarily through the cave, in which she had just seen the wounded man. Handsome, she thought instinctively, though thin as a stick … A white head of hair, but the flat belly of a youngster, the kind associated with labour, not bacon and beer …

>He is a thin, slim, undead looking ghoul of a man, deathly in appearance,

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Thats just saying Geralt has abs, and abs are pretty.

>he is lean and slim.
yeah, that's what swordsman look like. shoulders,lower body(meaning 6pack), and triceps is all you need for a sword. i've been doing test cutting for a while now. If I did HEMA i'd want leg agility too.
also you are really mixed up on a lore there, once again i'm reminded how shit english translation is

Dude just look at~

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Do we know whether it's based on any particular book or game?

Why the fuck would you want a sixpack for any practical reason lmao.
If anything, you want more weight, to add mass to your swings.

t. boxer

Cuckflix wants to piggyback off of CDPR's success, obviously.

>torbjorn from overwatch

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>it's based on any particular book or game?
Nope. They even didnt ask/consultate with Sapok, never lol

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What success? If every Witcher game buyer watches the show, and nobody else, it will be a horrible failure. The Witcher fanbase is big for a game, but not big for a TV show. And the majority of those people already pay for Netflix anyways, so they won't be new customers getting attracted.

Wtf bros I thought the witcher guys were based!! Remember when they told american sjws to leave them in peace and that the witcher has a different setting than america? How could this possibly happen.

Has netflix ever made a good show? Don't Yea Forums at me.
Who made/paid for devilman crybaby? I enjoyed it. And aren't these the paypigs giving us Kengan Asura?

>I just want a Witcher game that covers the events of the novels
I wish this would happen too — not just one game but multiple. Unfortunately it probably won't happen. I assume CD Projekt RED got permission to use the characters, title, etc., but not to adapt the actual stories, and the author of those stories is a butthurt moron who hates CD Projekt RED because he actively fucked himself out of money in his dealings with them.

poland here, i'm sick of those motherfucking niggers in my motherfucking tv. i wish you westerners would die alone instead of trying to pull the entire world together with you back into the stone age.

Stranger Things S1 but it turns out they stole it off someone.

that's not how swords work. go take a stick(try to find one in 1kg weight) and make it wooosh loud enough, see what muscles get used
as a boxer your trainer never told you the strength is in your belly? it's true for swords

Fact. They made the sjw menace and spread it, they attack countries everywhere. And after shitting everywhere they call the second-hand corrupted "cucks" Disgusting.

>not making geralt lore-friendly

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>it will be a horrible failure.
what? if 20m people watch it, netflix will order 10 seasons of it. you hugely overestimate modern tv

That was Metro dumbdumb

>polish fantasy book adaptation
>not a single Pole in cast but niggers and indians

nope kurwa

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I hated stranger things, I really don't get what people see in it. I adored that german show about time travel though, way better than that thing.

It's not even the west from the get-go. It was spread from America to western europe and northern europe and now they're going for the east.

As a boxer, and as a swordsman surely, when you step forward the weight of your torso is added to the strength of your blow. Having an extender in your hand doesn't change the mechanics of it. You are shifting your belly weight from your back food forward to your front foot, and into your blow.
I did have a sixpack when I competed, but thats because of weight classes. If I was fighting without a weight class, free weight, I'd get fat. It would make my punches more powerful. It would make sword swings more powerful. The only trouble with it is cardio, but cardio doesn't matter in a swordfight, it won't last long enough. Its only relevant in a sport athletics event that goes on for half an hour.

>Has netflix ever made a good show?
The first season of Stranger Things was pretty good.

I can't really think of any other Netflix-original series though. I'm sure there were some that I liked, but either I've forgotten they were Netflix original, or I've forgotten them entirely. All in all, I think there's some good stuff on Netflix, original or not. My problem with Netflix is that I've run out of things to watch because I've finished or dropped everything that looked interesting.

Is that the nigga from highlander?

This. Why does every fucking american movie need to contain polawskis and vladimirs? Just fuck off, nobody likes these subwhites

>butthurt moron who hates CD Projekt RED
This is meme tho, result of retards who took his sentences out of the context and o top of that translated it very poorly. In reality he is just typical grumpy old man who was raised and lived more of his life in commie times.

No it was witcher. Remember the guy with the BASED shirt? wonder if he still works there anyway.

With Jenifer.

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>Is that the nigga from highlander?
Lol. He'd honestly make a better geralt than Henry cavill

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20 million people watch Game of Thrones live, on the moment of its release, with who knows how many more watching it on demand later. And even with these numbers they can't afford to film proper battles. Remember that great show Rome that got cancelled because of low viewership? Its viewership was in the millions too.

To be fair, it's really fucking hard to find an attractive polish woman who can act to boot

kek, you people really don't have any self awareness

There was two reasons for Rome being canceled, "low" viewership and the BBC pulling out of the budget split because they couldnt afford it. At the time HBO didnt see a value in fronting the entire budget required to produce Rome just for the views it was getting. Which were good, but at the time, HBO didnt see the cost worth the viewers. GoT was the difference, they put the money in and it did better than Rome very quickly and they decided to commit with the budget. Real shame we didn't get the full Rome though.

>Having an extender in your hand doesn't change the mechanics of it.
it does. you have a lever in your hand, sure you step forward when you can, but it's lever mechanic it's not same as forcing rigidity on your body/hand for stronger blow
>but cardio doesn't matter in a swordfight
do you know why olympic athletes from ancient greece were never warriors?


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If you hate american television, then fuck off back to banging rocks and get beheaded or whatever you eurochimps love doing. You've made nothing but trash yourself and you dare point fingers at us? Besides UK, not a single show or movie from eurostan is worth watching.

stop sewing division, shlomo. forget vlad for now, tyrone and ahmed come first.

>its a lever
Yes, and it exaggerates and enhances the power of your hand being thrown forward, which is itself enhanced by the mass of the rest of your body being thrown forward.

>do you know why olympic athletes from ancient greece were never warriors?
No, but I know why my humble self, who gassed out hard in boxing fights if I didn't end it early, was still a top tier football hooligan and street fighter. Because actual real life fighting ends much faster than sports fighting.

pretty cringe

Soi got triggered. Winter is coming, bugman, amirite? Like omg can you believe what Sansa did? loooool epic XD.
Fuck off

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And then he told all the lil' alties to fuck off and that his game wasn't meant for them either so now he's considered a traitor at 8cuck

>polish fantasy book adaptation
>not a single Pole in cast but niggers and indians
As toilet cleaner I don't have problem with 0 poles but casting blacks and pajeets/pakis is what put me off completely from watching it.

No, you're all equally terrible creatures. I won't ignore one wrong because there exist another wrong.

Ah, yeah my bad. Wrong dev. I recall the witcher devs/cd-project red fighting back before though when people wanted to americanize the witcher ("not enough diversity")

This is the developer of KCD, right? It's a shame that the game wasn't more successful. The guy seemed really passionate about it. But I guess it was a little too ambitious for its budget. At least, that's the impression I got from all the complaints about bugs, etc.

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That chin...

They couldn't have done a crossover with fairy odd parents and got crimson chin in could they?

>It's a shame that the game wasn't more successful.
KCD was very successful considering cost of the game.

>Poland here
>It actually thinks saying he's polish gives him gravitas
Ah, russians on /int/ were right, poles really are deluded about their own influence and stature among nations

>lil' alties
Fuck any political scum.

netflix is swamped with cheap diversity hires that don't want to make the licensed source material more money, they want to butcher it and market it as their own. in doing so, they take a shit all over it until you don't recognize it at all. Netflix doesn't give a fuck about how good it is, they just need to fill content with shit retards recognize. It's going to assault your eyeballs you're going to think its a stage play.

they took the asian bean pill with cyberpunk though. Unable to understand their shitty AAA ubisoft rip off was going in a wall, they tripled down on "ebil gamergaters troll" mentality and are now the complete opposite of your picture.

divide and conquer is a thing, you retard. focus similar people on their differences and they'll fight each other while getting invaded, and all will be lost. first come the borders. once the nation's secure from the outside influences, then petty squabbles about who is the purest aryan can come.

t. disgusting incel

you do not commit with you whole body in swordfighting
watch some HEMA, it's not the same as fist fighting
good luck surviving 5h battle without stamina btw.
you seem to think geralt is some posh duelist, I don't remember actual estimates, but pretty sure he fought some monsters for whole night in the books not to mention the quote where he says he trains every free second

What are you talking about you fucking retard? This guy is not from cdpr

Figures you'd be afraid of that, since the true winners here ARE the true aryans, like nords, anglos and germanic races. Slavs are at the bottom rung, barely fit for a life of physical labour to ensure that their superiors can enjoy a good life as nature intended. So no, if my gun is aiming at a slav, i'll pull the trigger just as fast as if it was on a negro or nip. In fact, slavs are more dangerous for white society because some of them can blend in, and only a trained eye can spot them.

>they followed cyberpunk canons to a letter
that's how I read your "outrage"

dude geralt is on drugs when he fights
he isn't a normal human, he's a mutant

about hema, i said i havent done any, but i've done real life fighting and sports fighting for years, i have a feel for it
don't know about 5 hour battles historically, probably they fought in shifts, or they rested in between skirmishes, you can't fight for 5 hours. that much i know for an actual fight. you can't even wave a flag around for 5 hours, let alone a sword. they had some mechanism to rest.

made for tv films had higher budgets. they literally spend all their money on the IP and one actor some people might have heard about, the rest is diversity hires and starving women's study majors looking for any type of work, which they inevitably poison. netflix is the wal-mart of entertainment.

They're going to try and ape GoT and crash the thing in less than a season.

It's based off the books

>Asian bean
Don't you mean the "nazi bean"?

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We are going to watch it just for the memes right?

KCD made good money, too. Turns out you don't need to have affirmative action foreigners in Europe.



Btw there no Geralt.

Attached: Gerka.png (500x333, 251K)

Or a good combat system, for that matter.
Or a well optimized game. Or to fix bugs.
Like EA and Activision know, its 80% marketing, and their marketing was perfect. You fell for it, mark.

there are records of even longer battles
you are trained as a sportsman. of course you can't do that, I can't either, swords fighting and melee weapon fighting is a lot like farm work without a horse, you know that one where you plow it by hitting the earth and people can do that kind of work for 8-12 hours
or cutting grass for cows, preparing it for winter, my grandpa could do that for 5-8h, I am a witness to that, I was too little back then but I remember how long he did that
and trust me, grass cutting with sickle isn't an easy job.

Of course not.

>Or a good combat system, for that matter.
Basically the same as Mount & Blade. Clunky but functional.

>Or a well optimized game.
Who cares about optimization? I'm not playing this on some malware-clogged prebuilt Dell or a Macbook.

> Or to fix bugs.
This I'll fucking grant you, but more bugs than an east German apartment never stopped me enjoying New Vegas or Morrowind or Stalker. They're an annoyance, not a dealbreaker.

Seethe more.

>Seethe more.
I only seethe that I expected a great game, and I got KCD instead. And they still made money despite the subpar product, because of their well targeted marketing campaign.
Advertisement as an industry is ruining the theoretical free market natural selection process. Too many dummies enable bad products based on good marketing. Sad!

Dat elf under ciri is realy fucking cute

When this series is released, everyone will remember the old series from 2002 and they will look much better against the background of this shit from thus damn amerimuttz™ ®

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Why Hollywood and all the glohomo show producers hate redheads? They always change them other race or hair color

KCd had marketing? what? only people into middle ages knew about it. and it sold accordingly.

The Witcher books were always about either politics or society, sometimes both. By the mere virtue of being a witcher, a 'freak', Geralt has to react to the people around him treating him with fear and disdain.

The "Game of Thrones" thing you're thinking of is called 'diplomacy'.


KCD is one of a few commercial projects that hijacked GamerGate to advertise their product. Another I remember was that Fine Young Capitalist thing, and there was another game I think. Also don't play dumb, you know very well what hook you bit on, even if you still wear it pretending its a piercing.

>Who cares about optimization? I'm not playing this on some malware-clogged prebuilt Dell or a Macbook.
I'm not the guy to whom you're replying, but optimization is good practice even if a sufficiently large number of players have powerful hardware. Even for those players who did spend $1000 on a PC, an unoptimized game is just a waste of energy. I don't like running my GPU at fucking 60°C for a game that looks like my GPU should be 45°C, whether it substantially increases my electric bill or not.

Unoptimized games are also a bitch to mod for.

When did Yea Forums turn into Yea Forums anyway? They used to be good, now they're just like us. Just smearing their shit on everything and spamming stale memes

Cavill's in it so nope

you are retarded. it got hyped on middle ages without dragons, that's all.
also the fact that the games is gothic 2+oblivion incarnate.

The games happen AFTER the books you sperg
Geralt dies at the end of the books and he is injured at the start of the first game


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eh? Yea Forums was always like that, it's Yea Forums who became like Yea Forums

Poт eбaл этoгo жидo циpкa нaхyй.

Literally Yea Forums.

based, and dare I say it, squatpilled

>implying any slav with above room temperature IQ is proud of the failed nation he had the ill fortune of being born into

>n unoptimized game is just a waste of energy. I don't like running my GPU at fucking 60°C for a game that looks like my GPU should be 45°C, whether it substantially increases my electric bill or not.
>electric bill
> >-1000$pc for gaemz
> ncreases my electric bill
Absolute kike state of retardation.

Yea Forums is not that creative

>failed nation
>niggers, fags and trannys are gettin killed and choped for pieces all day long

Attached: 114.jpg (1440x1075, 111K)

>taking pride in murder
Failed nation and a failed culture.

fuck no
1st red flag - Netflix
2nd red flag - woman director
3rd red flag - divercity hires
4th red flag - Superman as Geralt

>failed culture.
Tell me more.

Attached: D47Bb1q.jpg (600x315, 27K)

At least americans have the dignity to regret murder when it happens. Slavs celebrate it, they are uncivilized barbarians.

Youre the reason west od dying

All nations are built on murder, kill yourself dumb tranny.

DMG Entertainment has the Cosmere universe movie rights, netflix can´t touch that thing. I don't watch original series from netflix, hbo or other companies, but i would really like to see a Way of kings serie rather than movies to be honest.

None of those groups are stupid enough to live in the lifeless wasteland that is Eastern Europe.

Killing in war isn't murder, though. Learn what words mean.

Your reading comprehension isn't very good. Neither is your reasoning.

"...whether it substantially increases my electric bill or not" implies that I don't really care much about the electric bill, you fucking illiterate. The problem is that the GPU is being overworked for no good reason.

Moreover, spending money on a PC doesn't mean I hate money or that saving money is no longer possible. If you buy a used car for $5,000.00, it's better to buy gas at $2.50/gallon than at $3.00/gallon. If you go out and buy a new car for $20,000.00, it's still better to buy gas at $2.50/gallon than at $3.00/gallon.


so says the tryhard larper in denial while his nation is dying and turning into brown mutt slave race, while his women destroy any semblance of order and structure to replace it with rampant matriarchy.

rome didn't recover. it was overran by the subhuman germanic niggers because the romans larped like you. they clung to their past glory and sought division of superiority with their neighbors instead of putting their differences aside to exterminate the germanic hordes with overwhelming force. then native romans died out, barbarians replaced them, and as they didn't know how or care to maintain roman technology it all fell to disrepair and shit, like africa after the colonists left.

and now the germanic niggers get uppity and behave exactly like the romans they replaced did, as they're facing their own imminent replacement. history really likes to repeat.

"War" is just a word they came up with to justify murder.

>americans have the dignity to regret murder when it happen
>starting everyfucking war
>killing each others with muh guns 25/8

All those words, just to say you want superior people to bow down to your inferior people because it will never happen naturally.
Trusting a slav is begging for a knife in the back.
Is this the part where you start demanding gibs?

He's a perfect looking Superman, he's just had the misfortune of being stuck with the worst directors for Superman movies.

HAHAHAHAHAHA look at this cum drinking weeb faggot.

>manslaughter is just a word they came up with to justify murder
>execution is just a word they came up with to justify murder
>negligent homicide is just a phrase they came up with to justify murder
Sorry but words have distinct meanings. We all know war and murder both involve killing; most of us don't need to shrink the vocabulary of the English language in order to reconcile it.

Amerimutt here, I'm sorry our shit has spread to you guys.

Finna cringe

Why americans ruins everything

Don't blame yourself, blame us, who gave the english civilization to begin with over a thousand years ago. Anglos are incapable of good culture.


>manslaughter is just a word they came up with to justify murder
>execution is just a word they came up with to justify murder
>negligent homicide is just a phrase they came up with to justify murder

>Sorry but words have distinct meanings.
If pedantry is all you can bring to a moral argument, don't bother. This is no different from going "technically it's called ephebophilia".

Fuck off tranny

>moral argument
Make one. So far your only "argument" is lack of understanding of the english language.

A fine sentiment to have when you don't need to do anything yourself.

>person who thinks words have meaning

It just pisses me off to see my "countrymen" (who hate their own country), say that every European country needs to pay reparations for "colonialism". None of the Scandinavian countries ever got involved in the colonialism game, and of the Slavic countries, only Russia did. Why the hell do they need to suffer?

>muh gatsby
off yourself, quentin

on Yea Forums, "tranny" just means "person i disagree with"

I can run the game well with a toaster amd x3 and a gtx650 ti

The fuck you talking about

>a moral argument
There shouldn't be a moral argument. You want to use the word "murder" because you think that's the only word for killing which implies that killing is bad. But that's your own bias which you're projecting onto the language itself. The word "war" implies enough horror and suffering; you don't need to use the word "murder" (which has a different meaning) in order to imply that the killing which takes place in wartime is bad.

Again, we all know war and murder both involve killing; most of us don't need to shrink the vocabulary of the English language in order to reconcile it.

>None of the Scandinavian countries ever got involved in the colonialism game,
Well, at least you just proved you're a genuine but well meaning american.

i said nothing of the sort. i warned you of your impending future, and all you did is sew more division, all to avoid taking action and preserve the status quo, to avoid closing your borders and keep letting arabs and niggers into your nation, ignoring them while shitting on other europeans. but that's your choice. in 200 years there will be no more germanics. no anglos. no saxons. no nords. only slavs will remain. natural selection proves your races are inferior, and so, they're heading towards extinction.

but go ahead, self fellate some more while ahmed and tyrone have his 4 wives and 10 local girls pop out 20+ kids who will replace you. never stop your enemies who are in process of destroying themselves. the slavs, who closed their borders and chose to remain racially pure just laugh at you as you commit racial and cultural suicide.

What is it with burgers and their obsession of putting token niggers everywhere?

>dat tranny amerimutt trying to arguing

Attached: 15570617085740.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

>dat brainlet dual wielding buzzwords as if it matters

Attached: ahem.png (965x673, 584K)

No way. This can't be

Attached: nominorin.png (704x396, 164K)

Nigs have money too, and companies want it. It's already been explained in this thread.

I understand the English language better than you do. True understanding comes not from being able to look up a word in a dictionary. Saying they're different words doesn't negate the moral equivalence that has just been drawn. How can you really claim to understand English when you can't grasp rhetorical strategies and can only refer to literal recorded meaning in all instances? If language worked the way you think it does, the dictionary would be completely static. Nothing would ever be added or changed because whatever isn't already in it is just a failure to understand English as we have it.

>FUCK vampires and FUCK elder gods

I'm fucking speechless.

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Where do i watch stuff like this?

When two people declare that they are trying to harm each other by going to war, and one of them dies, its not murder. Failure to understand this betrays your mental dwarfism.

The Witcher? More like The Pooper.

Did I forget Denmark owning Greenland? Or was there something else I missed.

There's a yearly stream on /int/ i think. At least there was. Good bantz to be had all around, and some butthurt from losers

No because they made Geralt white for some reason

Someone post the costume pictures

>But that's your own bias which you're projecting onto the language itself.
No, it's pointing out the bias in language itself. "War" can be justified, as can killing, but murder cannot. By using the unambiguous term "murder", it denies the justification for the wars of conquest and colonisation that shaped the modern world.

Although if I'm reading it correctly the original poster was entirely cool with murder so who knows what he was thinking

Swedes had colonies in africa, carribean and even north america and partook in slave trade.
Norway and denmark still owns several foreign islands, though these are basically barren so it can't really be considered "colonialism"

>None of the Scandinavian countries ever got involved in the colonialism game
>Nord Afrika
Cabo Corso 1650–1658 & 1660–1663
>North America
Nya Sverige

Attached: 1457339677554.jpg (510x510, 173K)

What if one of them declares their intent to harm the other, leaving the other no choice but to wage a defensive war?

>Doesn't understand that he posts homo San Francisco propaganda
>Calls anyone else dumb


writers sacrefice great story telling and narrative for 'lol so unexpected!'

still I think The Affirmativeatcher will be worse


In Africa:
>Fort Fredensborg (Ningo: 1734 – March 1850)
>Fort Christiansborg (Accra/Osu: 1658 – April 1659, 1661 – Dec 1680, February 1683 – 1693, 1694–1850)
>Fort Augustaborg (Teshie: 1787 – March 1850)
>Fort Prinsenstein (Keta: 1780 – 12 March 1850)
>Fort Kongensten (Ada: 1784 – March 1850)
>Fort Carlsborg (February 1658 – 16 April 1659, 22 April 1663 – 3 May 1664)
>Cape Coast Castle (Cong) (Cape Coast: 1659 – 24 April 1661)[2]
>Fort Frederiksborg (Amanful or Amanfro: 1659 – 16 April 1685)
>Fort William (Ghana) in Anomabu (1657–1659)
>Small base near Ningo from 1784 to 1850
In Americas:
>Greenland (1814–1979)
>Danish West Indies (1666–1917)
In Asia:
>Tranquebar (1620–1845)
>Serampore (1755–1845)
>Nicobar Islands (1756–1848/1868)
In Atlantic:
>Faroe Islands (1536/1814–present)
>Iceland (1536/1814–1944)
In Europe:
>Danish Estonia (1206–1645)
>Bishopric of Courland (1559–1585)

These don't include Viking landings in the Americas and Atlantic from before the Colonial game started.

FUCK the Dutch for stealing our great colonies

geralt is over 100 years old

The Witcher had trash novel story though. Everything with Ciri was just the old fuck's boner writing fanfic tier trash.


>leaving the other no choice
The other has the choice to submit, the choice to run away, etc. By picking up arms to defend himself, he declares the intent to kill the other guy (in self defense). Its two people declaring they are trying to harm each other, and if one dies, its not murder. Its a large scale duel, in a sense. It would be murder, if a civilian is killed by a soldier.


No, from 5 onwards the show has been on a steep decline.

Watching it back, you can tell that they were hoping for GRRM to step in with the writing or at least release another book by the time the show caught up with the books but that clearly didn't happen.

Seasons 1-4 follow the books near perfectly with a few superfluous omissions. Once we get to Season 5 however, they start neutering/omitting major characters and arcs from the books because they don't know what to do with them.

Dorne plot? unpopular and goes nowhere, killed off.

Tyrells? Didn't know what to do with them, killed off

The High Septon and the Sparrows? See Tyrells

Young griff and Aegon? Omitted and merged into with existing characters

The Night King and the Army of the Dead? Wew lad

Euron? Just a plot device capable of teleporting to where the plot needs him.

The Blackfish? brought back 3 seasons later to die off-screen

There are tons of examples like this, the show started off as a faithful adaption of the books but as soon as they ran out of source material the quality has suffered immensely, such as characters becoming temporarily retarded just so the plot can move forward or plot developments that make zero sense when you apply the slightest bit of internal logic to it.

Black people

That nigger who played Heimdal made Heimdal actually look cool as shit, unlike the cuck he was in the mythology. Apparently people, even /pol/ at least respects him from what i've seen.

So if I send someone a death threat and that person decides to arm themselves and I break into their home and shoot them, it's not murder either, but a duel?

What if that person is a soldier and I'm not?

It's colonialism if you literally own a place full of natives. Swedes and danes being cucked out of their colonies was just euros being euros.

Its colonialism if a private company gets papers from the government to go declare that land part of the government (and thus claim protection), and in exchange settlers there pay taxes to the government. Thats what colonialism is - a private sector effort to expand the borders of the state for commercial reasons, while remaining loyal to the state for protection. Just because not every colonial startup ended up successful doesn't mean it wasn't colonialism. Russian colonialism in California and Alaska was equally a failure, but is remembered by history as exactly that - colonialism.


this is going to be a complete fucking joke holy shit


Why do they always pick the most ugly negress actress, but when it comes to male characters its always a bulky african dude that probably works part time for
Really makes you think

Attached: me mug when cossacks.jpg (345x500, 38K)

>Netflix has terrible track record with making their own original shows/movies
>Vidya has terrible track record with being made into shows/movies (yes I know TW is a book but nobody cares especially not the showrunners)

logically these will cancel each other out and it will be glorious and even better than the Mortal Kombat movie

/pol/fags will be contrarian and say ITS SHIIIT because one of the characters is played by someone with slightly darker skin than in the game, because fairies and elves don't actually exist IRL, but that will only lead to ultimately positive press. even if it were bad I'd watch it just to spite you untermensch.

screenshot this post it's 100% factual and deep down you know it is. literally can not be worse than GoT, and everybody loves that so logically everybody will love this even more.

Attached: Game Of Thrones.jpg (1000x2071, 491K)

Makes me think what the conspiracy is supposed to be. Do they want you to racemix or not?