Story>Music>Art style>Graphic>Gameplay
Story>Music>Art style>Graphic>Gameplay
Yeah you right
I'd agree with you but since you posted an anime picture I'm sure your ideas of good art and music are very warped since anime don't have either.
Find another hobby
>gameplay is the least important aspect of games you play
Gameplay = Story > Music > Graphics
Mmmmh Yunyun's milkers
>this is what a s*y faggot who plays pozzed sony shit actually believes
Might as well fuck off and see movies or visual novels then you stinky retarded nigro
more like YumYum
>gameplay last
Uh. How about no?
>he can't say soy
Gameplay=Story=Music=Graphics=Art Style
Different aspects of a game are interconnected to create a coherent whole where 1 aspect would ruin all others.
Now fuck off to there.
Gameplay>Story>Music>Art style>>>>>>Graphics
Only underage faggots who have no clue what they are talking about even consider graphics a dealbreaker if it's bad.
Gameplay > Story >= Music > Art Style > Graphics
And a game isn't memorable if it doesn't have good music.
Legit wish she got more attention, Milkers is best girl
Graphics matter
I just commissioned YunYun porn
Gameplay > Music > Art Direction > Story > Graphics
You cannot prove mine wrong. It's fact.
All of this shit matters, but as long as you can make entertainment everything goes. That goes even for shitty games
Gameplay = Story = Music = Art Style = Graphics
Why the fuck do I have to choose instead of desiring a complete experience, as rare as they may be?
Shut the fuck up yunyun and suck this dick
Tits>ass>feet>whatever else
Alright boys (everybody who's not retarded). Is it worse to make a completely assbackward distinction [e.g. gameplay is the least important aspect of playing a game] or is it worse to make NO distinction/judgement at all?
I love my wife Yunyun!
Tits > thighs > ass >>> feet
Music = Gameplay > Art Style > Graphics > Story
bros I wish I was a girl so I could be killfucked by some nig
this but backwards
Yunyun > Darkness > Aqua > shit >>>>> Megumin
The best point honestly
Worst in thread
I mean you could just go watch a movie
But i want to play game
Story is separate. If you play games for story you're fucking up
Gameplay > Music > Art Direction > Graphics > Story
Judging by your description you clearly don't.
Thighs > Ass > Tummy (or abs) > Chest > Feet
Lets put this into simple terms:
If gameplay which is bulk of game is shit then why play game?
If bad gameplay then other stuff no matter since gameplay is bulk of game. You buy game for gameplay not style. Style no substance but gameplay is the fun the reason to play. If no fun then no buy.
>If gameplay which is bulk of game is shit then why play game?
These tier lists are absolutely retarded. It really depends entirely on the genre or type of game you're playing. I've played games with awful gameplay that I still love. Hell, I fucking platinum'd Deadly Premonition. I've played games with great gameplay, but dropped due to the shit music, story, and characters, and art style put me off (most Star Ocean games).
Because it has other factors keeping you interested enough to push through? It depends on the game.
Gameplay>Music>Art style>story==graphics
A story is not needed for a game to be good it just adds more depth when needed.
Graphics most of the time are the same it is the art style that makes shit shine to look better than it is.
Art style is the real graphics, if the game has no style then graphics are shit automatically. Also older games have shit graphics but great style.
Music sets up the mood for the game. With shit music the gameplay hurts a bit since you don't have that feeling you want to have to be immersed.
Gameplay is the bulk of the game. If it is fun the game will be fun. If it is shit then why play the game? If gameplay is not engaging or fun then I zone out the quit the game since it is not worth my time.
Jesus christ
>Star Ocean
I've tried so hard this past decade to finish The Last Hope, but I can never fucking do it, kay?
yes my son?
Depends on the genre.
RPG? Gameplay = story > music = art style > graphics
Pretty much anything else?
Gameplay > art style > music > graphics > story
Yunyun I love you and all but that list is bad you can't be doing that.
Gameplay>Story>Art style>Music>Graphics
Gameplay is the most important aspect. Music elevates a good game into a masterpiece. Everything else is a bonus.
How about I beat your fucking ass for being so retarded instead?
Shut up and bend over Yunyun you pathetic breeding sow
>gameplay at the very bottom.
only retards think this, yes that means OP is a retard along with all those who agree with him
Gameplay > art style > music > graphics > story