Ralsei tricked you. You betrayed Lancer.
Ralsei tricked you. You betrayed Lancer
looks like some dogshit like undertale
Is this aimed at the "self-deprecating humor is the pinnacle of comedy" insecure teenage reddit sòyboys? Because it sure feel slike it.
go back to your DMC or FPSes, kid
let the adults talk
Pure soy.
Well, yeah, the fact that Choices mattered for the ending means that either the whole kingdom gonna get destroyed so it stops mattering and hammer down the point or the voice in the intro going all Nihilist was just a attempt at setting the stage for a "What you are in the dark" on a metalevel to see how players act when they don't have Damocles Sword of outcomes hanging over them (It was a Survey Program after all).
They aren't mutually exclusive though, even if the consequences of your choices in Chapter 1 are undone the game can still pull a "JK YOUR ACTIONS MATTERED!" at the end.
How did you get that from OP's image? What has it got anything to do with what you just said?
I get the feeling that you may be reaching for reasons to hate something you don't really know anything about. That seems to be what zoomers find cool.
just like soydertale then
Shut the fuck up nerd
Back to fortnite where you belong kiddo.
The second one is pretty obviously what's gonna happen, with the movable soul at the end being pretty much confirmation of that.
Ralsei status: not real.
Me status: eternal suffering.
I just hope this is the Papyrus we get to see in the full game.
Right, forgot that it is forbidden to actually post about video games, even bad ones, on Yea Forums.
Who cares both Ralsei and Lancer are crap non-characters anyway.
>How did you get that from OP's image?
Both the images of the characters and the way they speak ( Hey, uh ) gave me the feeling that the target audience for this product is insecure teenagers who might think about doing HRT
I don't trust ralsay vbecayse he's black
>you will never marry susie
>you will never have dozens of susling children with sousig
Sounds about right, I just played it because it released like right before a Smash Direct and i wanted to pass the time and have good insight about what the game was actually about, got in some nice discussion before the "I WANNA FUCK RALSEI/SUSIE" faggots and Youtubers started the cringecavalcade, which started really fast.
The start clearly bait the DEEPEST LORE GAME THEORY faggots and the "Main Story" baits the PACIFIST IS THE ONLY ROUTE "Feelgood"fags while the stinger baits the "Genocide" faggots with the hint there will be murder, so yeah, pandering like hell to the Undertale fandom.
He’s white though
Sure but how did you get “self deprecating” from that?
Imagine the salt if he went through with that
From the face of the first character mostly.
I feel quite strongly that the voice which creates the vessel with you is not the one which interrupts and declares that you are Kris.