What is your favorite video game ad?

What is your favorite video game ad?

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why isn't this a meme

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Boomer porn was weird...

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>you will never win an action packed trip to Detroit
>you will never be hauled away against your will onto the plane
>you will never be dropped off by a taxi in the middle of Detroit's most dangerous neighborhood, where you have to avoid detection and procure weapons on sight to make it back home

Why live

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on site

because you belong on reddit

what do I do to NOT win the trip to detroit so i dont become dieded?

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Well I fucked that one up. Sorry. I'm tired.

Who could have thought after the release of Deus Ex in the year 2000, that a mere 11 years later that same franchise would be used to advertise a shitty microwave burger with the promise of an action focused trip to Detroit.

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>joystick coming out the front
>at waist level

Why did high waist underwear stop being a thing?

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Wow that langerie looks so modern

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>shoes in bed
deserved it

The fuck you talking about? It came back like 3 years ago and needs to die again.

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Glad to see this sort of advertising is still somewhat existent.
I was about to go full boomer mode, ranting on about how the advertisements were better back in my day.

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Only in indie shit though.
The Vita ad is from 2012, so 7 years ago. Different times.

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this is creeepy as fuck, I love it

The 80s were so politically incorrect, you couldn't get away with using nipples to advertise your games to horny nerds these days.

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or anything else

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he fucks her at the end of that game

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member Juiced?

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this can't be real

I know this is a riff on a popular pin-up photo, but is it me or is this particular girl's height and proportions a bit risque?

would this be allowed today

this ad used to turn me on when i was little

so this is why all the characters are loveless and childless

It was a different time man. I fucking miss those times...

there was a Need for Speed Pro Street advertisement, I liked to jack off

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what does he mean? that he is gay or?

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I bought Anna Kurnikova's Tennis for PS 1just because I was in love with her when I was younger, I didn't even liked tennis.

lmao is that the former French president (bottom, second from the right) ?

I fucking miss her. Now we have Ving Rhames in a skirt as the face of women's tennis.

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Dahlia is still fappable

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even back then they knew he was a psycho

He thinks she's underage or something.


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Yeah it's Jacques Chirac


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also no fat people. if you go back and look at old mall videos there's just no fat people

it's funny, those kind of advertisements really lit my imagination for what games could be

I love how the two guys on the right didn't bother wearing pants that fit them for this photo. Protip boys: If you have that loose fabric near your ankles you did bad.

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>not pulling your pants halfway down when you pee

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Rayman 3 is literal piss, so this ad is perfect.

is the implication that all these dudes are thinking "damn, rayman has an impressive cock"

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the fuck were they thinking

wow, what a fucking throwback. i was thorougly rused for a while, but only because the internet wasnt around to debunk that shit

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Do parents stop having sex after having children?

I miss those days, SJWs are so boring they have even ruined games

Fuck urinals. I don't want to talk to a guy when he has his dick in his hand.

Valkyrie Wilde would've been a classic

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I swear, half of you think the only good advertisements get you hard.

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> I don't want to talk to a guy when he has his dick in his hand.

me too, all i want to do is sucking.

this Kinetica ad was the subject of several of my earliest faps. luckily i didn't develop some weird cyborg fetish

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That was an April fool.

why are you talking to someone in the bathroom anyway, homo?

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>wtf am i doing here?

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I don't want to, but every time someone comes up to the next one he feels compelled to go "hey how's it going" or some shit. Just shut the fuck up and let me take my piss.


Does anyone still play the DC version online?

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>Use butt to advertise your game
>It's flat as pancake

Is it because asians have rise dicks and wouldn't fit them in any ass that is just a tad bumpy?

I don't get it

Asses are shit anyway, tits is were it's at.

Yes, except no. Tits are for breastfeeding, asses are more sex-oriented. You are literally a baby if you think tits>asses.

Guys who like big asses secretly want to fuck their moms, that's why it's so common in groups with rates of single motherhood like blacks and white trash.

It's not like you're touching either of them.

I wish I could go back

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Deflection is not a counter argument.

Read You didn't suck on mommy's boob long enough if you still crave them. Ass is near the playground plus it can give a female orgasm.

seeing all these old adds makes me sad, that companies won't have fun with their adds anymore for fear of setting off an outrage mob.

There's a bit of a difference between those magazine ads and today's clickbait internet ads.

>Ass is near the playground plus it can give a female orgasm
This is some open bob shit.

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>The chad Kirby

Didn't you know that pussy is playground and ass is dumpster?

ain’t karma a bitch sometimes?

Yeah, I hate watching other dudes peeing with their dicks in their hands too.
I could be sucking that dick and drinking that man's pee. Such a waste.

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from the thumbnail I thought this was going to be a resident evil ad