You can make a mistake in the first minute of the game that means you'll eventually have to start over

>you can make a mistake in the first minute of the game that means you'll eventually have to start over
>I only realized it after several hours of playing

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strife 96


This was super common in early-mid 90's point & clicks. The whole genre was sadistic as fuck.

what do you think I'm playing

anyway, it might be easier to get through it the second time since i don't have to read dialogue

I've only played I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, which this does happen in, but the choices you make still allow you to complete the game you just get different endings. What games actually prevent you from finishing?

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they should bring those kind of games back. Encourages replayability while scorning those who did not pay attention to their surroundings

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Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe text adventure.
In the very beginning you can give a dog a mayonaise sandwich. If you don't do this, you will always game over hours later.

>doing a run in Dark Souls to do all the achievements
>missing the gesture from patches
>say Yes to him like a fucking retard

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Why do I always write universe

ff12. Open a chest within the first 10 minutes of gameplay and can no longer get the best weapon in the game. Realized I did this 10 hours into my first play through and never touched the game again. I had even bought a ps2 just to play the fucking game when it first released. Went back to WoW like a basedcuck.

FFX and missing Al Bhed primers, although you could also sync them if you had spare saves backed up thankfully

>item apparently does nothing through 75% of the game
>key component for the game's finale

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what exactly happens if you dont give the sandwich

This game is called KGB.

I don't remember. I think the dog is some kinda alien or some shit and he saves your ass at the end of the game, but only if you gave him the sandwich.

FPBP. It doesn't take that long to realise you've permanently fucked your save, at least.

>Want to play ffx but avoiding it because of this

>choose yennefer because she is hot and seems destined for me
>game only reveals her to be a bitchy cunt towards the end
>quit playing the game altogether because of this

Just like my real marriage, funnily enough

>accidentally aggro everyone in Vault 13 in Fallout 1 early on without realising it
>go away for ages doing the main quest and sidequests
>can't progress the main quest when I get the water chip, saved over all my saves from before the aggro so I have to start the game all over again

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it's ok user they kick you out at the end anyway


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that image makes sense.