>There will never be a good Spawn game
There will never be a good Spawn game
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There will never be a good Spawn movie either.
Probably won't ever be a good Spawn comic book ever again too.
Spawn is trash. The HBO series is amazing and it was more than the character ever deserved. The SNES game was alright though.
>Issue 300 this year
>they're still milking it
my nigga al doesn't deserve this fate.
Not him, but I was planning on reading that shit, where should I start and what should I avoid? Is it good?
Fuck you, I loved Capcoms Dreamcast game.
>Spawn will never have good X
at least he was kinda fun in SoulCal2. But wtf was Todd thinking with fucking Necrid?
Spawn looks like shit in SC2, 90% of what makes Spawn cool is his cape
Start at the beginning then stop when Al finishes his first story. Somewhere between 170 and 200 I think.
>half of spawn comics are issues where LITERALLY NOTHING HAPPENS and most don't even fucking have Spawn in them AND they replace the nigger with some white guy with amnesia
spawn going to be an MK11 guest character
Necrid was fine.
>wanting them to ruin even more characters
y tho
He is already black, they can't ruin him.
nigga the creators already ruined spawn once by making him white. I'd hate to see what plague NRS comes up with for him.
>There will never be a good Spawn movie either.
97 Spawn was the shit exactly because it was campy, I sure do miss that aspect. If a spawn movie today took itself 100% edgy and serious it would be shit. Wasn't spawn who carried the movie either, but Leguizamo.
a Prototype-esque Spawn game would be fuckin dope. Why haven't they done this shit yet?
Oh boy. You know that there's a serious dark Spawn movie coming right? Exactly what you stated.
Yeah, along with the new Spawn animation. Another 10 years is all Todd needs.
You'll have to wait 20 years after the exhausted all the popular superheros.
fucking normalfags ruining everything, as per usual.
they only ruin their own characters, don't worry
I honestly played the shit out of the Xbox game back then
isnt spawn op as fuck? how would his game work
>comicbooks are a respectable hobby
>he says on a video game image board
>I love superheroes they're so cool!
muh wanda !!!
>there will never be a good spawn
Who gives a shit about Spawn? Todd McFarlane was only good when he drew Spiderman for a short stint.
Everyone who was old enough to read in the 90s.
the same way god of war or devil may cry games work
Sounds like a oxymoron.
The original animated series was bretty gud.
The Spawn game for the Dreamcast is/was pretty good and crazy fun to play with other people.
but I was a kid; it could have just been a shitty action arena beat em up
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It'll be cool since they should be able to do his cape shit.