Thanos is out to collect all of the infinity stones and only the last four vidya characters you played as can stop him

Thanos is out to collect all of the infinity stones and only the last four vidya characters you played as can stop him.
How do they fare?
Hard Mode: No Kirby, Asura, Bayonetta, or any of that bullshit.

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Other urls found in this thread: give too much detail

Four Risk of Rain 2 characters couldn't even fought burning lizards, why would they fight thanos

>Some custom Gundam pilot
>A magic book full of puppets
Who cares about stopping him? We just go crash in Laharl's castle in the netherworld, safely out of finger snapping universal range.
If Thanos comes to the Netherworld, then the castle guards will shitstomp him, assuming they bother to notice him.

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>Noob Saibot
Yeah I'm fine.

Claire Redfield, James Sunderland, Deacon and Dante
Yeah, we're dead

Dante, vergil, neku and the empress from Dragon marked for death. I think we'll be okay if neku can you use his powers.

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>The Knight from Hollow Knight
>Captain Falcon
>Isaac from The Binding of Isaac
>Roblox Noob
Those are some decent chances there.

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>EBF5 gang
>MC from Black Souls

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Pretty much any of them. Let him win and become God

Then just yank the glove off his hand because subconsciously wants to lose

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How did superhero movies gain so much economic power in the movie medium? Who is pushing this? Ever since the early 2000s hit it never stopped.

I enjoy a super hero movie here and there but ive never seen a subgenre of any medium so oversaturated.

Its like as if the main games selling ever would be just FIFA and nothing else being a hit at all in any way.

Katana Zero: Zero
Pokemon Leaf Green: Red
Mario Kart 8: Super Mario
SMT - Dx2: Protag

I might be okay

>Jason Frudnick
>Adol Christin
>these two cuties (count as one character because you control both at the same time)
I'm not worried, that's a team of ultra chads.

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Warrior of Light
Duke Nukem

Not too bad if they can stop him before he gets a stone or two. After that, only Baba can possibly save them with rule changing powers.

>Garrosh Hellscream
>Spelunky guy
>Child Wizard from Dungeon Defenders
>Fenix from Starcraft

Yeah... Even if Garrosh was empowered by the Shah or whatever and wizard kid had forever to prep towers, I don't think we win, unless Fenix is able to mobilize the Protoss to find and hide the Infinity Stones before Thanos takes them.

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>Corrin (female)
>Kazuma Kiryu
>Goro Majima
I think their chances are pretty baller, myself.

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Silas Greaves
Kazuma Kiryu
My Mount&Blade dude
My UnReal World dude

Apart from the last one, they have a chance, I guess?

>Ikit Claw
Okay, they may lose, but holy shit if their attempts to stop Thanos wouldn't be kino.

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Reminder that /ourguy/ Jedah canonically cucked Thanos & defeated him in at least one canon Marvel reality, so if you just pick him, you immediately win.

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Soldier, Hanzo, Moira and Zenyatta I think. so kind of like the Avenbgers?

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but joker can't access whatever palace thanos has, he most likely doesn't have a shadow

A2 dunno whats the andriods power level are but they seem pretty weak.

>they may lose

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>Dingo (Zone of the Enders 2)
The first 3 would put up an absolute hell of a fight while Joker steals the stones.

They were probably all ss13 characters, so I guess thanos is getting toolboxed

>gay, chink, tranny and minority
More like ovendodgers

Wide market appeal. Normie nerd culture forming from previous cape films.

>Punished Snake
>Hollow Knight Protagonist
>Agent 47
>Carl Johnson
sounds like a pretty solid team desu

People liked them over time and they’ve grossed billions

>Tatsuya Sudou
>Ashen One
this is interesting, at the very least

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>Morgan yu (prey)
>Alex Mercer (prototype)
>The Doctor from Pathological
>Arthur Morgan
Alex Mercer alone could win

thanos uses space stone to warp alex the fuck away

Venom snake
Minecraft Steve
Tf2 sniper
Tf2 soldier
Pretty solid team

> Megaman

>Level 6 bard (kingmaker)
>Defect (slay the spire)
>Tamar (civ 6)
>gul'dan (hearthstone)

I'm not even sure how half of those work

>my DS2 Str/Dex character: Dave
>a P51-D pilot
Uhhh, are Sekiro and DS characters allowed to respawn?

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>MC from Soldier of Fortune
>Gaige from Borderlands 2
>Mesa from Warframe
>Jill Sandwich

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Megaman warps around space to fight Thanos' 8 strongest warriors and obtain the Infinity Stones that each grant megaman a new ability to help him and his friends in the final fight against Thanos... Because those 4 aren't winning without them.

>Two Plague Doctors
>Man at Arms

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>NWN1 OC protag
Dov and DF are more than enough.

>Doomguy (Hideous Destructor)
>Doomguy (vanilla)
>Maul-wielding knigger from Mordhau
He's fucked.

Not if that bitch gets CUBED first

>Agent 47
>Shuichi Saihara
I'm not too fond of my chances

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>is male
Beast III/R Heaven's Hole him
Alternatively Beast III/L fills the universe with unlimited waifu

>My Knigga from Mordhau
>Estelle Bright
My hope is riding with The Lord of Terror

>A Marble
Courier alone would gave some [SPEECH 100] BS so I'm fine

>Rune Warrior
>Marisa Kirisame
>some japanese guy I don't even know the name of because everyone refer to him as onii-chan
well, that might work

>Isaac with Homing triple shot Brimstone
>FFXIV Warrior of Light
It's 50/50

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[Black Widow Perk] Hey sweetie your gauntlet is so BIG. Mind showing it to me in a more private place?

Thanos would be one of those enemies you can't talk with and just attacks you, kinda like Frank Horrigan.

>Johnny Cage
>Emily from Dishonored 2
>Pilot from Titanfall 2
Hopefully the former two can keep Thanos off balance and Emily can slip the gauntlet off with some mystical trick so the pilot can take off with it

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>doubting 47

> phoenix wright
Just sue thanos that would probally work

>Geralt the Bitcher
>Engineer from Risk of Rain 2
>5sorc\10red dragon disciple\2 pale master from NWN
Depends on the items Engi has. Is he stacked up some Fungi\syringes then it's winnable.
Also if Geralt can make anti-Titan oil then he'll just %dmg the poor purple fucker outta exsitence with the oil poison and Igni burning

>A fat lute player
>Minecraft Steve
>Some Gaulic tribe cheif
>an Undead Sourcerer/Ranger
Never ever

>Jill from VA-11 HA-11-A
>Ken Masters
Well maybe Sonic and Shadow can stop him. They knocked a god that was living in the past, present, and future unconscious once so that's gotta count for something

Jim Raynor
Highlord Alarak
DoW2's Force Commander
Tenno with Valkyr

This entirely depends on the stones he already has, so thanks for telling everyone, fag.
But whatever.

Raynor is a solid ranged character and apparently one of the best tacticians in the galaxy.
Alarak has mind powers, lightning powers, telekinesis, and blades made of space magic. Can kick most SC characters' asses while remaining smug.
Force Commander Hairgel is a WH40K space marine that kicked so much ass so fast he was promoted to commander and has the power of PLOT behind him.
Valkyr can literally never die if angry enough, and also has blades made of space magic. Then she shoots a small child out that shoots space magic at range.

If he has less than 4 stones, my guys got this.
Also, I just now noticed that Valkyr is a female Doomguy.

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>List last 4 characters you play as
>Specifically calls out characters
How about fuck you OP.
>My Destiny Character.
Basically can solo him. Defies causality so plebfinity stones can suck my schlong.
Based, but can't do shit against it. Essentially along for the ride.
Intense and unbelievably graphic vore scene at some point
>Isaac (Golden Sun)
Summon Judgement and wipe the earth clean of life before marvel evil black man with purple skin can do it.

Also just a quick reminder that marvel movies are trash and you're a shit person if you like them.

You ready for round 2 bitch

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>GTAO protagonist
>Frank West
>Sam Stone
>Ash Williams
Lacking cosmic firepower but three of those are canonically too stupid and/or too lucky to be defeated in the long run, while an argument can be made for the fourth as some low-key reality warper

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>Bf4 grunt
I doubt it

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>The vessel
Eeeeh ill be fine with the Vessel alone, dream Nail should do the job

>Noob Saibot
>My Kotor 2 character

Marvel/Disney was willing to play the long game for the initial few years until they managed to cash it in hard to the point where they could release multiple movies in a year and relying on almost every avenue to promote their movies. Say what you want about them, but their strategy worked.

>The robot guy or whatever from Forager
2/4 are fairly useful, and the other two have their own uses. I like my odds.

Solmyr from homm3
Bellona from smite
MC and kitty from Monster hunter world
Wander from shadow of the colossus

I Think thanos is dead forever

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>TF2 Pyro
>Nier Automata 9S
>Ghost Trick

Sissel interacting with these characters would be fun

Ori, Artyom, The Knight / Little Ghost, Raiden

we're screwed

I mean canonically Mythra could nuke him with the siren, yes?

>Travis Touchdown

I am more than fucking okay

>Hollow Knight
>Monster Hunter
Amaterasu puts up a good fight.
Monster Hunter and Ridley are too busy trying to kill one another to care.
The knight defeats Thanos by going into his asshole.

>the two doctors from finding paradise and to the moon
>a regular guy surviving a plane crash from the forest
Yeah 47 is the only one that I can count on but I think even he would have a hard time against Thanos.

>The ironclad (slay the spire)
>Axton (bl2)
>Fallout 2's chosen one with big guns and exploration tagged

Seems like a very brawny team that WON'T get the job done because it's an one shot all out team with no healing or backup available
Thanos wins

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Also you have no women on the team. As the movie shows, men lose to Thanos, women have to come in to save the dumb men from him, with an obligatory pose to show off of course.

It was a woman who beat him in the original comic

Papa Nier (Nier: Gestalt)
Zangetsu (Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon)
Aeron (Pandora's Tower)
Mitsurugi (Soul Calibur 6)

Ehhh...they're all kinda whimpy aren't they?
The best bet would be if Zangetsu killed the other 3 characters and absorbed some power-ups from them, but honestly these dudes have pretty lame power levels.
I'll take the L.

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Thanos no doubt has a bloated ass dream palace. My Persona team will steal his heart and he'll give up in the real world.

>don't remember what else I played

I'm probably fine anyway

Steve, the robot (nuclear throne), the robot (enter the gungeon) and captain viridian
Steve alone is enough

Monhun cooks buff food
Wander acts as bait and reveals weak spots
Bellona punishes him with her arsenal of steel and sweat
Monhun joins in, katana wield more fighting.
Wander jumps in his back and starts to wail on his spine and neck struggling to hold on.
Solmyr obliterates thanos with chain lightning and cripples all bystanders
Wander consumes thanos essence completing his curse, ending our world anyway.

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>tommy vercetti
>duke nukem
>lo wang
Sleazy womanizers wouldn't save day but would be hilarious to watch

>Leon Kennedy
>John Marston
Considering humans are mysteriously OP in the MCU I think we'll be fine.

At least we'd see Rance get raped for once.

>Soldier from TF2
>Gordon Freeman
>Adrian Shepard
>Miles Upshur
First three have a decent chance of winning but Miles is completely fucked

>Doomguy, Makoto Naegi, TF2 Demoman and a KF2 merc

Doomguy is my only hope

Cross from Xenoblade X
Pokemon Trainer with Mega Rayquaza
Light-side Revan
Super Metroid Samus

Actually interesting fight. Would probably win if they prevent him from getting more than one stone. Might win if he has 2. Couldn't if he got more than that.

Literally all you need is a Capcom character due to the MvC series balancing power levels.

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And I have no problem with that, as long as she also didn't do a stupid pose in the middle of doing so.

Last game I played is Open Imperium Galactica, and as the protagonist, I pretty much conquered the entire galaxy in a matter of 5 months of in game time. So Yeah, a pretty good chance of beating him to the stones I guess.
Death Knight Arthas in RoC undead campaign before that (getting ready for wow classic) - there is no way he'd stand up to Thanks in all honestly.
Space Pirates and Zombies before that - again, with the insane tech progress, there is a good shot of getting to the stones first, and than massacring the zombie filth at the galaxy core with them.
I don't even remember what I played before that. Prolly some SC2 co-op with Tychus, which means there is some shot at getting the stones even there.
It's funny actually, 3 out of 4 have a good chance, who'd have thought...

>Nero from DMC5
>Dante from DMC5
>V from DMC5
>Trigger from Ace Combat 7
I'm gonna be okay. Thanos isn't winning this time.

>Yea Forums is now filled with capeshit ledditors

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>who is pushing this?

>oh no people are discussing blockbuster movies instead of triple AAA titles

>Using legendaries
>Using mega stones
>Using mega legendaries

>The most normalfag shit
Based retard

I like how hard mode he puts Kirby and bayonetta like those are powerhouses

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Bayo, maybe not
Kirby is some bullshit, though.

>sekiro guy
>a stormtrooper
>a space marine terminator

You're right I secretly love watching grown men in pajamas pretend to fight over a toy glove with shiny fake rocks :) I also have a mobile hanging over my crib and a pacifier to give me something to do during the movies, gotta practice sucking :)

>Tarkov PMC w/ 3 million roubles and an entire flea market
>Mordhau knight w/ zwei
>OSRS and RS3 mains
Too easy

That sounds hella autistic, user.
I just sometimes go see these movies since my friends invite me to go. Hell, he even bought the ticket for me. Had a good time with Endgame.

I mean you are throwing a tantrum over people watching normie movies

Alright I'm done baiting are the movies actually decent, I haven't seen a superhero movie since iron man 2

>Isaac (BoI)
>Jiro from Payday 2
big oof. I mean, better than nothing I guess. I think Erdrick might hold his own.

Look at all the other low-quality shit people gobble up these days. Is it really so surprising?

>implying they aren’t the same level of trash

>DMC3 Dante
>MvC3 Vergil
Yeah I think Thanos is a good as dead

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Nice blog faggot. You can always spot a liar when they give too much information that no one asked for.

Would ameratsu from okami win?

>Dante (dmc3)
>Luxanne Crownguard
>Raiden (MGRR)
>Geralt of Rivia
Raiden could 1v1 Thanos and win, so the rest are just emotional support

Decent, sure. If you go into them expecting some life changing thing, you won't be satisfied. Most of them are around a 5 or 6/10, but the good ones (Thor 3, Guardians, Spiderman) hit 7 or 8.

Last game I played was Arkham Knight

I like cyborg ninjas as much as the next guy but I think Raiden would have a rough go at it. Dante would probably cream Thanos though.

>God Eater 3
I think they'd fare pretty well, if push comes to shove, Huniepop guy can just seduce him to give him the gauntlet

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It’s unironically propaganda-pushing trash designed to show you all the products you’re familiar with and love so that you’ll clap, have the good feefee’s, and tell all your garbanzo-guzzling forum fighters how “epic” and “woke” it was.

But what else is new with Hollywood?

>a vietcong
>Kazuma Kiryu
>a Jedi

I assume the jedi does all the work with minimal help from geralt. Is thanos immune to lightsabers?

>Thanos slips before he can snap
>Clown steals his gauntlet

>Alex Mercer

I mean, Raiden literally threw a skyscraper sized robot,
and can slow down time.
It would literally just be him cutting thanos' arm off

Or because I had just beat Delta Episode retard.

Wow, Thanos is gonna be fucked.

I can’t even remember the last four games I played. Nothing has caught my eye for the last few years, so maybe turning into dust isn’t such a bad thing.

>artificer (risk of rain 2)
>future warrior (xenoverse 2)
>mc from summertime saga
>my bard class from mordhau
well any dragon ball character could beat thanos if he has yet to get all the stones so I only need the one. I guess the bard can play megalovania on the lute to entertain the rest

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Wilhelm, Nisha, claptrap. And a khora. I think he's fucked just cause of Nisha

>Donkey Kong
>King K. Rool
>Pac Man
>Mega Man
Yeah, I'm thinkin' Thanos is dead.

Some Kirby villains like YING YARN or Dark crafter opening act is to straight up change the rules of the universe and they are considered tier B in that universe who did not had a chance to even defeat the pink puffball of doom, Thanos would be just another Thursday there!
YHVH would be a shitty Monday. Anyways going back to topic
Holly hell they can make it only if those 3 can earn enough time and to let cho eat like fat and ugly girl who just got dumped really unlikely I know but can be done
Plus imagine Sadida watching Shantae and straight up asking if she wants to become a champion for him.

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>The Knight from Mordahu
>Oda Nobunaga


That's some Schizo shit, user.

My FFXIV Dragoon/Paladin, Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn, Nero from DMCV and I have no fucking idea who I played before that.

Unfortunately it’s the truth. give too much detail

The fuck are you talking about scum save till you win

>K. Rool
>RoR2 Engie
>Paper Mario
We're fucked

I didn't give detail though. I gave like 3 vague concepts in that post, especially in comparison to the retardo shitpost before me.

Did you like Iron Man 2? The style of humor and so on stays roughly the same. They do eventually move on from "villains that are an evil copy of the protagonist", though.
I'd say give them a try.

Why didn't he just make more resources?

>Wolf (Sekiro), Kat, a Spartan-II and The Good Hunter
Maybe well?

sure thing kiddo. I appreciate the (You).

>Jotaro Kujo
He’s fucked.

>Jacob / Evie Frye
>Arno Dorian
Poorly, they fare very poorly.

>Rebecca Chambers (Resident Evil Zero)
>Billy Coen (same game as Rebecca)
>the mainchar from Nights of Azure 2
>and I guess Ike (Fire Emblem, or in this case, his appearence in Smash Bros Ultimate)

ok, Rebecca might be the healer, and range attacker
billy is for range-attacks and closequarter
mc from Nights of Azure 2 is Speedfighter
Ike is the Tank

Ike might stop him a little bit, but I guess they are screwed, non-less

>with Dante

>stronger than a Titan
>stabs him with the Blade of Olympus
>rips his soul out with the Claws of Hades
>(Speech 100)
>Archimedes laser
Ratchet and Clank
>Time Bombs
>Alpha Disruptor
>Any animal changing weapon
Meatboy can't do shit, everyone else would be fine

Master chief, Jason from Far Cry 3, Pokemon trainer and Jackal from Rainbow Six Siege. I think we're fucked, but it might be interesting.

>A random knight from Mordhau
>Yuri Lowell
>Gene from God Hand
>The Vault Dweller with 10 Luck and Jinxed
Thanos tries snapping his fingers but then breaks them by accident. Everyone else rushes Thanos while he is distracted by his own pain but Yuri trips over a rock and his sword flies out of his hands, decapitating the knight from Mordhau, who accidentally flings his rapier while dying and kills Yuri in return. Gene then uses the Ball Buster on Thanos and hits him right in the groin, but breaks his own leg by accident. Thanos goes WOWIE ZOWIE, RIGHT IN THE INFINITY STONES while Dogmeat covers his eyes with his paws and falls to the floor. The Vault Dweller tries to shoot Thanos in the head with 95% accuracy but the bullet ricochets off the infinity gauntlet and instead hits Gene in the head, killing him.

40k ancients did this! and ended up just making them have more things to kill one another
Hitosura, Shulk, Zero(megaman) Megaman.EXE, Aurelion Sun would be bigger tread to him than Bayo or Ashura who by the ay aren’t that powerful all thing considered
Dante would be a liaison because He would enrage the being who can go nope and just throw a Goodman star at him

Fuck your hard mode
My character in the new hellmoo fork pissdrinkers
Arno Dorian
And bayoneta
I think they will manage but pissdrinkers dude and arno are going to fucking die.

>Not just guardbreaking Thanos near a wall and infinitely dodge cancel thrust kicking him

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Kirby being a powerhouse is mostly a meme but bayo is pretty fucking high tier.

>The Courier
>Pilot from Ace Combat 3
>Pilot from Ace Combat 2
>Pilot from Ace Combat 1

>Jedi Exile
>Gordon Freeman
Fucking easy.

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Big Boss (Medic)
Yeah he's fucked, Big Boss is basically Captain America but better in every possible way

Chaos Emeralds make all the difference in the world. Do they have them all?

Hey those are my S+ Picks

Enter the Gungeon's Gunslinger
Ice Climbers
DMC5 Nero

Theres a chance with Nero I guess

Only if Thanos says the D word.

>I enjoy a super hero movie here and there but ive never seen a subgenre of any medium so oversaturated

>Adolf Hitler (Hearts of Iron)
>Warrior of Light
We’re gonna win

Captain America would beat Big Boss.

What Godzilla game?

>Nathan Drake
>Deacon St. John

Thanos is so fucked, it's not even a contest

superhero movies are kinda gay

ironclad from slay the spire
factorio dude
someone from anno?

>Nick Kang
I think I'm good, the demon boys can handle him while Nick makes one liners in the back.

Hero from Dragon Quest 1
Link from Zelda 1 and 2
'87 Donatello

PS4 one. It's fun if you go in there not expecting a brawler.

I doubt

Time for Thanos to get REMINDED™

>Monster hunter
>Mortal Kombat

Alright. A charge blade wielding hunter, Equinox, Subzero and Scorpion. I think they have a pretty good chance, actually

>Reimu Hakurei
>Mega Man
Sora alone could probably fuck him right up nevermind all 4 of them combined

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You’re kinda gay user but I like you anyway

You think spy could backstab thanos

>Captain Toad
>Arthur Morgan

Captain Toad just has the player tap Thanos to freeze him in place

>clown frames Thanos for murder
>shitcurity stun batons Thanos and puts him in the brig
>when he finally comes out his shit is missing
>at the same time tide wrecks the birg and in the commotion some random assistant toolboxes him to death
Now that's kino.

>Phantom Thief Joker

I have no idea what the outcome would be.

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>Mannfred von Carstein
>Henry from KC:D
>Corvo Attano
>Warren from The Surge
Fate of Bjuna GG

Merc from RoR2
Guy with a stick and rock from Mordhau
The latter two don't stand a chance but the former two stomp.
>hard mode
Just a bunch of dudes from Mordhau so I'd be fucked.

>Kirby, Sekiro and Kratos
Only games i played in the last two months.

Hey man I love Disgaea and Laharl too but as shown in the series the Netherworlds are just different planets in the universe so Thanos would definitely be in range.

Joker makes Thanos give up on the stones. Thanos goes out with the party to get some pizza and tea

You’re retarded

Did you actually watch the film? Everyone had decent amount of pot shots but still lost to Thanos and in the end Tony kills him.

You're angry over something that never happened.

>Chosen Undead gets snapped
>Comes back anyway
CU has no chance but will kill Thanos out of pure stubbornness.

>Phoenix Wright
>Jill from VA-11 HALL-A
>Chosen Undead

Just got done playing smash, these were the four characters I used last:
>Captain Falcon
So I think I'm pretty good. Falcon will probably die, but the others are strong.

If we're doing one character per game, then
>Captain Falcon (Smash Bros.)
>Link (Breath of the Wild)
>Travis Touchdown (Travis Strikes Back)
>Sora (Kingdom Hearts 3)

I'd say this group wins as well solely because of Sora. Falcon, Link and Travis die hard as fuck tho.

>People thinking they can take on full gauntlet Thanos without any God, ot God tier characters

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>Leon Kennedy, Artyom, Nero, and Deacon St John

Man we are fucked out of luck

>Thanos snaps CU
>Pops out 10 seconds latter from neaby fire
>Thanos snaps all fire
>The Fire Fades tm
>Universe crumbles into itself with no fire. Thanos is thrown into total darkness. CU shows up
>Welcome to the age of men, motherfucker

>Dante, Arizen, Leon, Artyom
Shit I dunno
Didn't read capeshit. Is Thanos that powerful?

The four Godwoken in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Not sure how well that would go since I don't know what the stats translate to, but my fighter can move objects that weigh up to 6,400kg.

Attached: 1555354985466.jpg (1700x1144, 948K)

>My DBFZ team + Chris Redfield
I would be fucked solely due to Goku holding back everyone, so Thanos could get the gauntlet.

Attached: 1551687801228.png (704x396, 181K)

>87 Donatello
Gonna invent some shit that btfo purple Shrek.

>Hard Mode: No Kirby, Asura, Bayonetta, or any of that bullshit.

If the Avengers were allowed fucking Thor, why wouldn't our team be allowed gods?

>any of that bullshit
is too vague to mean anything, really.

>You're angry over something that never happened.
In the end the stones killed him. You're the one who didn't watch the movie. It was a stupid movie regardless since Thanos with all 6 stones was weaker than Thanos without any stones, but the point remains.

Who else is on your DBZF team.

>My team from Legend of Grimrock 2.
>Consisting of One Insectoid Fighter, dex based with heavy armor, critical strikes, and light weapons.
> Insectoid Knight, Heavy Amor, Heavy Weapons,
> Human Battle Mage, Concentration 3, Fire Magic 5, Air Magic 5, Water Magic 1, Light Armor 2
> Ratling Alchemist, Light Weapons 1, Missile Weapons 5, Alchemy 5, Critical Strikes

They'd need time to ramp up. Don't think Thanos will give them that chance.

My Conan caveman, my dragons dogma knight, Michael De Santa, and Theodore Roosevelt

>Necromancer (Castle Crashers)
>Doom Guy

The D R E A M T E A M

Attached: 1557033576348.gif (307x335, 1.11M)

Eh he'll asspull a way to tank gauntlet thanos and defeat him in the end while everyone else jobs and we lose a few galaxies in exchange.

Could Wright get Thanos a Not Guilty in a trial for his crimes?

From recent to past, it would start with my catboy paladin from FFXIV, Ryo Hazuki, Ringo Ishikawa and Goblin Slayer from Tower Unite.

They have a very small chance to win but it would ultimately depend on the paladin to tank all the hits while everyone beats on him.

> doomguy
> 3 various Risk of Rain survivora at various stages of OP equipment
Grapeman's dead yo

clementine from the walking dead, the human female noble warden from dragon age origins, malkavian from vtmb and a sim from sims 3.

well the vampire would fuck off for a start, the sim would cry and wet itself, so it's up to clem and the warden to save the earth, good luck with that shit

I'm in luck.

I've got SUMIO MONDO on my team. Dude could snag those infinity stones from Thanos like it's nothing.

So my team:
>Sumio Mondo
>Morgan Yu
>Travis Touchdown

I think that Travis could go one on one on Thanos and wreck his shit. The bloodlust in this dude is incomprehensible.

Attached: sumio4.jpg (192x391, 23K)

>PSO2 character
>XIV character
I think 173 could easily do it but the question is whether joker could change his heart or not. Considering he'd be on his own and not have any backup thats questionable, Thanos probably has a fuckhuge palace.

If he survives the snap, of course.

Endgame cap would wipe the floor with him

>parkitect highway map
>chosen undead
>jim raynor/sarah kerrigan/terran commander with an army (replaying SC1)
>the subnautica protag

yeah nah purple man wins

>man wielding an indestructible shield and a hammer forged inside of a star that gives him lightning powers on top of being a genetically modified superhuman is weaker than a test tube baby

>Probably Cooler
Tuna is going to lose to wacky cartoon hijinxs.

Videl and Cooler

>Fire God Liu Kang
>The Dragonborn
>Commando from RoR2
excluding the dragonborn because of TES bullshit Fire God Liu Kang could probably do it on his own definitely with help.