Is it safe to make a Banjo Thread again?
Banjo Kazooie
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Kazooie a qt.
TTC>the rest
Judging by the lack of replies, yes it's safe because everyones gone back to not caring.
Kazooie's a bird, user
>gets in smash
>gets beat up
Good taste user
At least it weeds out the fakes
How would you go about giving Banjo a Smash moveset?
>Smash fags
I wanted to talk about how bullshit Rusty Bucket Bay is.
I only found out about the wallclip this week.
Neutral B: eggs. Can be selected from fire, ice, grenade, etc, like shulk
>Side B: Beak Barge
>Down B: send out a little vehicle creation to drive/fly into the opponent
>Up B: Spring
Rusty Bucket Bay is absolutely fine aside from the engine room.
Rusty Bucket was good, with the exception of the engine room and the stern jiggie. Fuck those entirely
You both know when I say Rusty Bucket Bay I meant the engine room. But the oily water gave me panic attacks as a kid.
Literally just translate his full Tooie moveset into the game 1:1 but add the chainsaw Kazooie move from the cancelled banjo threeie trailer
>corner of rusty bucket bay with the yellow Jinjo
>surrounded by oily water AND guarded by Nipper
Sure. I got some time to kill.
NEUTRAL B: Throw collectables. Something akin to Pac-Man's neutral. What I mean is, you press B and Banjo holds a different item. The type of item cycles.
>Honeycomb: Travels straight forward. If reflected back can heal Banjo automatically.
>Mumbo Token: Bounces forward.
>Banjo Trophy: Doesn't throw it. Instead he swings it like a bat.
>Jinjo: Has a horizontal and upward movement like Mega Man's tornado but it travels forward a bit
>Ice Key: Tossed backwards for mind games and shenanigans
>Jiggy: Bounces like Pac-Mans hydrant but shorter range.
UP B: Small Airplane from Diddy Kong Racing and Banjo Pilot. Works like Isabelle's. I'd reserve Jump Pad for up smash.
SIDE B: Wonder Wing. It's a very unique move so i'd save it for a special. Especially if you make them immune to physical damage or give it some sort of super armor.
DOWN B: Eggs. Can be angled. Pressing downB+facing the direction you're looking at will shoot eggs like Samus's beam. downB+pressing the direction behind what you're facing will make eggs bounce. A good edge guard.
GRABS: Wrench from Nuts & Bolts.
FINAL SMASH: I have no idea. Probably something relating to Mumbo. Maybe summon the Jinjonator.
some sort of ammo/item collection system for his feathers and eggs. it would represent the type of game banjo represents very well.
It's funny how the only way people can make an interesting banjo moveset is by reaching super hard and making him do shit he doesn't do in his games
Have you ever played Super Smash Brothers?
>banjo collects all of those things
>can wonder wing, use eggs and has a wrench
>banjo has a knack for planes and has ridden in one for half of his games
I don't know what you're talking about but that moveset oozes Banjo-Kazooie.
wanna know how I can tell you have no fucking idea what you're talking about?
The only thing it oozes is desperation
>It's ok if it's not faithful to the character if an e-celeb says it
The only thing is the Neutral B, everything else is good.
That's some spicy bait you have there.
No clue what you're talking about. You said Banjo couldn't have an interesting moveset without doing things he never does in his games. That video shows you he has more than enough source material for a moveset. You said something stupid and were proven wrong. Own up to it.
>You said something stupid and were proven wrong. Own up to it.
Where do you think we are?
aw yeah man when I think of banjo I think of him shooting rocket ships out of his hands and taking out a keyblade and going to town
>generic punches and pecks
Man no wonder you guys want Banjo in smash this badly if the bar is set that low for you
>replying to bait
Only have yourself to blame user.
>conveniently ignoring the eggs, wonderwing, backpack moves, talon trot, and breegull bash amongst other things
And by that logic, anyone who punches or kicks shouldn't get in smash. You zero-imaginative moveset niggers are laughable.
The airplane is a reference to Diddy Kong racing and/or Nuts and Bolts.
>But he can't just summon it
And Inklings can't hold more than one weapon at a time.
Wall clip,
I would sy the main problems ar if you don't have a guide would be the 2nd empty honey comb (hidden by the shark), and the notes in the hull where you rescue the dolphin
Neat. Minecraft is cool too.
So pretty much just another counter except that you can move with this one
>backpack moves
If grab aesthetics are what make a moveset interesting then Corrin has to be the most interesting character in smash by far
>talon trot
Simply moving faster and nothing else is interesting to you?
>breegull bash
So just a flail attack with a fancy name, typical
Actually it's even more lame than a counter attack since you wouldn't be able to attack back, more like just another shield button
I actually kinda agree, the wonderwing would be better as a shield animation than a move, maybe give it a unique animation if you get a perfect counter where golden feathers come out or something. Replace it with a Kazooie bot or dragon Kazooie.
Awww...What a cute little troll.
That neutral B is way too similar to Pac-Man's, that should definitely change
>Pressing B lets you cycle through some items (Honeycomb, Mumbo Token, Jinjo, Jiggy, Ice Key)
>Pressing B again causes that item to spawn somewhere on the stage, possibly with a handful set positions on each stage so it's not totally random
>If Banjo touches the item he automatically picks it up and gains a unique effect (Honeycomb heals him, Mumbo Token turns him giant temporarily, Jinjo acts as a powerful single use projectile, Jiggy buffs up his attack, defence and speed, and he swings the Ice Key around as a weapon with a disjointed hitbox)
>If an opponent reaches the item first they can't use it like Banjo can, but interact with it as they would normal items (Honeycomb still heals them if they eat it, but not as much, the rest can only be thrown)
Basically think K. Rool when his crown has been knocked off expanded into a character's entire gimmick. It would probably be absolute fucking cancer for competitive play and ensure that Banjo was either banned or placed at the very bottom of every tier list, but having to actually collect the items in order to use them would be very much in the spirit of Banjo-Kazooie.
So what does Incineroar's side B do? Cant just "Magic" shit into existence?
>spawn in the stage
That'd be a bit too fucked though. I don't quite much like that but I guess it would make a bit more sense.
Even so there's nothing inherently wrong with a special being shared. We have a million counters already.
Does this game have the best Game Over screen ever?
How would you all feel about Down-B move that actively splits the two and Kazooie acts individually while you control Banjo? She eventually returns, or can be "Collected" back into his backpack. I'm also thinking about a chargeable side B that has Banjo launching Kazooie out like a cannon like the Talon Torpedo. Honestly we dont have to follow the games 1 : 1 unless we take the moves and implement them in a creative way.
Wait what? I’ve never seen this.
I got time to kill, so I'll play.
Yoshi doesn't shoot eggs like a gun, he lobs them at bizarre angles. He also doesn't access to the different types of eggs like Kazooie does.
>So pretty much just another counter except that you can move with this one
That would still be a unique thing no other character has
>grab aesthetics
Not just grab aesthetics. If you actually watched that video, you'd know Banjo can use the backpack as a flail, put it over himself as a shield, and even hop inside it to use as transportation, like a sack race.
>talon trot
Palutena no longer has featherweight, so it wouldn't be so bad to have a character with a similar move. Enhanced moveset speed in return for reduced weight and attack options
>breegull bash
There's literally nothing wrong with it. It's an actual move he uses, and works perfect for a smash attack.
what else you got for me?
You probably have
I think he's talking about the teaser to Nuts n Bolts where Banjo uses Kazooie as a chainsaw to break open the door.
When those haters and Trolls say that Banjo-kazooie would be a duckhunt clone, this pretty much shuts them up.
There is endless creativity in their character, and this shows it. Those fools are either to retarded to see that, or are being willfully ignorant to themselves to appear above it all.
Post yfw Nuts n Bolts
See you at e3 shitpost-kun.
Can we talk about B-K mods:
And Banjo-Dreamie are very good.
It’s only a matter of time before a fan makes their own version of Banjo-Threeie. It’s a shame we never got much info on what Rare wanted to do with it. Considering Tooie expanded outward from Spiral Mountain, I feel Threeie woulda done something like take the duo to a new world or something.
As for levels, no doubt McJiggies woulda been one for sure, considering how much it was talked up in Tooie. Another Theme park level probably as well, as Rare really liked those, DKC got a few.
Ohh, I forgot about that. But now I feel like it and the Lockpick move woulda been new abilities has Threeie ever been made.
That is why I got so blindsided by the ope ing tone of N&B. To show a trailer like that and then turn around like that and make it a car game seemed like false advertising. Then again the fake out at the end of the trailer may have been a preview of how all this would go down.
>dead thread
This proves that most Banjofags are bandwagonners.
We pretend Banjo-Threeie got made.
What’s it like?
What’s the main hub?
What are your favorite levels?
What new abilities did Banjo get?
Who are the new playable characters?
New transformations?
Please PLEASE be more like the first game. It was more closed off and focused. It was so good. The second game is so boring...
Mayahem was such a slog.
Anyway, I'd make the hub sort of like Spiral Mountain sized. Not too big like Grunty's Lair and not humongous like isle o' hags.
And please make only Banjo playable. Mumbo was such a drag.
I know I sound like a complete fag about it but I really didn't enjoy Tooie at all. All you need to do is play Yooka-Laylee and look at Nuts n Bolts' empty as fuck maps to see what Threeie would've been if we had gotten it.
Just a few ideas for levels I think Rare would have done, just going off past titles.
>Haunted Forest
MMM was a great level, and DKC did the haunted forest thing a few times, to great success. I feel it was only a matter of time before Banjo did it too. I can see stuff like Spooky Ghosts, and Spider webs being a recurring thing.
>War Themed Battlefield
Conker did something like this in the SPR level, and with a character like Jamjars showing up in Tooie, it only feels normal Threeie would try it. Plus, Rare was pretty good at FPS, and BK2 had tons of FPS segments, so this would probably try to refine that. I can also see a Tank being the transformation here.
>Factory level
Rare really loved these, B-K2 got one, all the DKC games had at least one, DK64 had Fear Factory. I feel we’d see this concept show up again, but with a twist. Probably combine Glitter Gulch Mine with Grunty Industries? Mine carts, conveyor belts, security, the works. Woukd be a great way to bring back chars from GGM too.
>Beehive or something similar
The Bee transformation has shown up in both Banjo games thus far. And a beehive has been part of a level twice too. Considering DKC did the Beehive level a few times, I can see Banjo finally going all in. You could do a lot with such a level concept.
>Pirate Level
This one is a staple of the Banjo games, and with good reason considering the game’s history. No doubt we’d see a return to the pirate theme similar to Treasure Trove Cove and Jolly Roger’s Lagoon
>Painted world
Somehow I feel this would be a cool idea for the “weird level” like a world inside an impressionist painting or something. With paint brushes, and using colors being like a core gimmick. Very visually striking
That’s all I got.
I want Banjo in, love his games, and replay them yearly but I don't have to talk about them constantly to prove it, dipshit
Idk, I liked Tooie more than Kazooie personally. I love how interconnected the whole game was. It made it feel like the world was alive.
As for playable characters. A playable Jamjars woulda been cool.
Considering the Era, I imagine Rare woulda tried to expand and refine things even further. Bigger worlds, more collectibles, more moves, more multiplayer stuff.
You could look at Odyssey to see how the same formula coulda been done right btw. Collectathon games benefit a lot from the Open world formula, because the whole point of those games is exploration. The same principle applied to Banjo woulda been perfect.
Only if we can go fast. Mumbo was slow and Banjo needed some sort of transportation. Make talon trot faster.
Or better yet just mash Banjo's plane into the game.
Or add a fast travel.
Well, seeing as we have hindsight as a benefit, just look at Odyssey and take a page from there in terms of new moves.
Add more Warp Pads, and place Flight pads in Key locations.
It can work just fine without adding in shitty vehicles. It all comes down to good level design.
>shitty vehicles
Too far user. Diddy Kong Racing was the bees knees. I'd definitely want another one. Maybe add a mode where you can customize the vehicle you ride on like some sort of, minecraft like game.
Yeah and change Banjo's artstyle to a more blocky one. Hmm I might be on to something here..
Sounds disappointing.
Nuts & Bolts would have been a huge success if it came out a little later
>Add more Warp Pads
Warp pads are either a symptom of Tooie's levels being a slog to navigate or the reason Tooie's levels are such a slog to navigate in the first place. Either way they should never have existed in place of better level design.
I see you, blockhead.
Neutral B: Breegull Blaster.
>Normal eggs: Fires 4 at max. Similar to Fox's blaster. 2.5% fresh.
>Fire: Fires 3 at max. 3.5%. Low knockback at a short launch angle.
>Ice: Fires 3 at max: 4% damage. Higher knockback angle than fire eggs. Freezes.
>Grenade: One fired at a time. Slower projectile than other 3. 15%.
>Clockwork: Functions identically to Mecha-Koopa. Can't use other eggs while active. 12%. Cannot be picked up.
Size-B: Wonder Wing. Low damage but has invincibility frames. Can be canceled into a jump, grab, or attack but has short last hitstun, so only jab and perhaps a short-hop aerial are guaranteed follow-ups. Spamming it numerous times shortens max duration of attack.
Up-B (in air): Beak Bomb.
Up-B (on ground): Shock Spring Jump. The hop before the jump can bury. The jump itself can be auto-canceled into any aerial. or special that can be used mid-air.
Down-B: Egg cycling for neutral.
Blockheads are band wagoners
Reimufags are band wagoners (see tabbender)
Erdrickfags are obviously bandwagoners
all other xfags are (probably) legit