As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century...

As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.

Attached: Google's_Censorship_in_China.jpg (522x266, 34K)

Well if this is the final century I really don't give a fuck what happens.

But user, free speech is a tool of the alt-right to circulate anti progressive values! We can't have that!

>companies should be forced to let people use their services, fuck the right to refuse service!!!!

lol, get fucked commie

The internet is a public space

Websites are not

>Earth's final century

The Simpsons represent human civilization in more than one way, user.

Nah, not by united states law thanks to Ajit Pai :^)

Yes they are.

This but also other non-essential products like housing, electricity and petrol

Websites are private domains hosted n the internet. You can still use the internet, you have no right to another persons servers and domain/

Goyim exist to serve the Chosen People of Isreal, the only information goyim need is how to do their job.

Not if you're American

>being able to post memes on websites equivalent to housing, fuel and power

lmfao, no wonder you guys are losing the cultural war so much. priorities man.

>defending companies whose admitted goal is to re-shape society according to their far-left ideals
everyone, point at the libertardian and laugh

The internet itself as a concept is public, but private sites are commercial services and privately owned domains. Your email is not a matter of public record, nor are the contents of texts. You are free to create a discussion board and remove users and censor it however you wish.

this is the current legal paradigm, and it rapidly pushes us towards a corporate dystopia that makes Shadowrun look optimistic
you're absolutely fucked if Google denies you service
it might only affect Alex Jones today, but there's nothing stopping Google from extending their definition of undesirables

Can I just genuinely ask why you've decided to post this on Yea Forums?

>need to use the serviice from a private company to acces t
Surely they wouldn't do anything like blocking sites they don't like so you can't acces them

Are my eyes deceiving me? Is that really what I think it is? Did OP just create a non-vidya thread on Yea Forums - the image board dedicated to video game discussion?

Well that does it.

I'm going to find out where you live OP. I'll track you down and then I'm going to fucking kill you. I'll kill your whole fucking family. I'll burn your house down. I'll fucking dig up the corpses of all your relatives and defile them. I'll make sure everyone who ever knew you is dead too you motherfucker. I'll make sure all records of you are wiped from the face of the earth. You're a dead man walking.

You'll regret the day you made a non-vidya thread on Yea Forums you sick son of a fucking bitch.

I'll make you drown in your own blood you piece of shit. You're dead.

If I was forced off the internet tomorrow, nothing would change. I'd lose some social media accounts I didn't care about and that's it. Limit the power corporations have over you.

Because its a quite from a video game