Played Shin Megami Tensei IV in hope that this would be a serious, dark toned RPG with no goofy shit

played Shin Megami Tensei IV in hope that this would be a serious, dark toned RPG with no goofy shit
was disappointed
>use play coins to revive yourself
I also don't really wanna play Persona 5 because the main character looks like a fag and i don't like waifu shit

is there anything I can get from this series? I don't mind goofy games, but I can't play something that's in between serious and goofy

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SMT: Strange Journey Redux on the 3DS

Play Soul Hackers, it's on the 3ds and it's really good if you don't mind the older gameplay

All SMT are goofy as fuck, don't know why people pretend they're anywhere near "dark" games. Outside SMT maybe try the Raidou games, those are overall more light hearted. Try the first Devil Survivor too, it takes itself more seriously but you might not like the artstyle and certain characters.

thanks anons

It's just I've been told I should play SMT if I want the more serious version of Persona, that's where my disappointment came from

>Wants a dark toned serious JRPG
>Mentions P5
Come on son.

Yeah SMT isn't the series for you if you dislike anime goofiness.

Nocturne isn’t really that goofy, especially if you play the version without Dante.

illiterate much ?

The Raidou games have that excellent post-Meiji Restoration, pre-WWII aesthetic going for it that more games/movies/animes should strive for.

Nocturne is sort of an outlier in that regard

If you want a serious and dark JRPG play Final Fantasy Tactics.

You got meme’d. Persona 5 is unironically darker because it connects dark things to real life instead of everything being in apocalypse world.

If thats your only gripe, don't use playcoins and use Macca.

Strange Journey has exactly the tone you're looking for.

That said no SMT is totally devoid of goofiness. It was all spawned from vintage anime borderline cyberpunk from the 80s and 90s. It has inherent camp and demons like Jack can't help but be goofy.

did you play iv or iv:a?

>>use play coins to revive yourself
That's what turned you off?

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It's a shame the SMT series isn't more popular. I'd go to say it beats FF as the prime example of JRPG. But then it goes out of it's way to blend in various other genres. You have sRPGs, standard RPGs, dungeon crawling RPGs, aRPGs, life-sim, MMORPGs (that nobody plays), Fightan games, and even dancing games. There's almost something for literally everyone and yet aside from later Persona games, they're generally unpopular. Fucking why?

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>Only complaint you can come up with is an optional revive mechanic.

lmao what a retard

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SMT4 is KINO setting/world and atmosphere

The waifu shit in P5 is just an option.

Cause demons are scary to mainstream western consumers. Honestly, I get the feeling that the reason they pretend that demons don't even exist in Persona 5. despite the fact that the "shadows" are all but demons in name only, is because casuals and westerners would be scared of by the mere mention of demons.

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