Barrens, HOME

Barrens, HOME
what's the alliance barrens?

Attached: Barrens HOME2.png (1024x768, 606K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Getting fucked in the ass by their cousin

Classic addon group finder


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This, pretty much everyone heads that way around level 15-17 at the latest to start doing the defias quests and run Deadmines
nice, i dig it

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I can't wait for Classic. I might be causal but I can't wait to level a Tauren Feral Druid.

don't go to Zoram Strand tomorrow

The Alliance didn't have a Barrens, and that's what made them different. Horde used the Barrens all the way up into the low 30s, but Alliance got to experience Westfall, Redridge, and Duskwood, with occasional raids into Horde territory like the Barrens up to and beyond 30.
Neither of them are objectively better, but they're all fundamentally different experiences, and are some of the myriad reasons why vanilla leveling is better than retail leveling.

Westfall is trash leveling and I always avoid it.
Alliance has no barrens.

Barrens is the most kino tho

Attached: Brought to you by troll gang.png (1024x768, 1.43M)

I really hate this. I hope that's the point of the picture.

>worst class

Pick one.

Need DPS? No problem. Need a tank? I'm your girl. Need heals? I got you senpai. Need a support for your raid? I don't even have to apply to guilds they all beg me to join.

Plus I'm top-tier PVP, can farm anything easily, solo almost anything, and got a free portal at 10 and a free mini-mount at level 20 while you had to walk like a hobo everywhere for 40 levels.

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>I'm your girl

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how's your hrt going, emma?

can't wait to run 40 druid raids like the old days

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You tell them, mister. Emma you're a good man

is emma /ourgirl/?

All man. Ignore Hollywood psyop


I don't get this chart. Outside of Ulduar, wotlk was so fucking terrible. Zones were shit, lore was shit, warriors were shit in all specs pre-icc. Even Cata raiding was miles better outside of Dragon Soul, and the zones at least had some flavor to them except for ice, ice and some grey shit stained ice.

you mean you didn't love Wintergrasp?

westfall, i'd say
either that or redridge both sound comfy in my opinion
loch modan sounds great but too green to be a 'barrens'

I'm rolling warlock, what race should I play guys? I'm thinking maybe gnome

hopefully thats gets blocked by Blizzard.


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TBC is a glorified vanilla DLC but had good PVE and some positive fixes, but at same time started the downfall of many things i'll just give one example flying mounts.
While wotlk gets credit on creative aspects such as atmosphere, villain, pvp (arena). Some really well crafted raids. Also it gets props for introducing a new class, but mind you this is why vanilla is untouchable, because it introduced 9 classes and the most beautifully crafted world that was to this day pure kino. Wotlk just like TBC ended the MMO of MMROPG and I dont blame people that hate it.

Both expansions started the beginning of the end. Yet tbc and wotlk were still playable, you dont have to like them, I dident but many needed it for the fix. Arthas was the end of WoW as we know it and most vanilla players if they did not end at start of tbc then they ended it in beginning of cata. Rating is final tho, troll gang already discussed it.

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>it's shiposting with vQueue episode
The worst thing about it is that some retards actually fall for it.

Not really a big deal since you still need to run there, and can still pick and choose what you want.

I said 70+ GS for BRD Emp run, AND NO MORE WARRIORS!!!


Vanilla had tons wrong with it though even if it had excellent world building. TBC improved massively on PVP, PVE and class design and balance. Also while flying mounts exists world pvp wasnt completely dead even if it wasn't the same as vanilla

Ironfoe and HoJ reserved*

imagine actually playing Alliance.

Not everyone wants to play the evil faction.

I hope the implication of this image is that WotLK was the beginning of the end.
the influences of their merger had begun to show themselves during this expansion.
BC is objectively the best expansion, Vanilla technically not an expansion.

Duskwood is my favourite zone in vanilla.
Feels like a little Gilneas and I love it.

No shoes

>tbc improved pvp massively

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I mean he isn't wrong user. PVP in vanilla is braindead and garbage

>WOTLK was fucking terrible

Not really. It was the death of Prince Arthas and the summation of everything that was true to WarCraft III and The Frozen Throne. The story ended there.

tbc KILLED world pvp and added arenas.
I wouldn't call that a massive improvement.

I would when the bg honor ranking system is horrible and rewards time invested over skill. Also most classes/specs aren't even functional in vanilla pvp

tbc was the beginning of the end, wotlk took that base and ran with it, see tbc and wotlk are tied because they both took part in destroying the game & at the same time had some good qualities.

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I played on a dead ass server but still got world pvp during BC.
did you actually play the game?

Yeah resilience and tickling each other to death with with streamlined matchups is fun.

Yes I actually played the game retard.
What happened once you got your flying mount?

You're thinking of a few expansions down the track. There was still plenty of world pvp in TBC.



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Did you never farm anything? Fuck most people in TBC were farming shit like primals

Just because you have the memory of a squirrel user doesn't mean you should lash at others

I still fought people you brainlet.
do you just fly around or do you fly to a location to attempt to complete a task?

you got ganked upon landing

did chuck norris punch mankirks wife? XD

I mean how bad were you? Most people who didn't enjoy pvp in TBC were shitters that never got higher than the 1500 rating they started at

It's almost like most people went to the same areas to farm or use the summoning portals for dungeons

most arena games were over in a matter of minutes, it's the later expansions that caused the 30+ minute arena matches when everyone has 10 million health

fucking gnomes

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Even in 2v2 with a druid present on both sides the games only got long because the players were bad and didnt know how to setup kills correctly. This is more a skill issue for people than anything

ganked 60s outside shat

Flew around Hellfire ganking everyone without a flying mount and camping them

It's almost like half of world PvP in vanilla is running into people as you travel

top boomer lad

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TBC was way slower than Lich King, the fuck are you talking about. Lifebloom bots could go on for entire 45 minutes without breaking a sweat.

>unironically liking arena
>wasn't just a minigame that you were forced to play to obtain the pvp gear
Yeah, much better then ranking by mixing up WSG, AB, AV and world pvp. Fuck man, I must be a shitter because I didn't like being forced into a small box of unbalanced matchups instead of 10v10's where each class had specific roles and varied playstyles.

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It's the same thing, you just use a flight master to get as close as possible and then run a little bit on your mount to the destination. You only ran into lots of people traveling if you went out of your way to do this.

>run a little bit on your mount to the destination
>a little bit
guess you didn't actually play the game

>playing 2s

there's your problem

t. sub 2.3k scrub

This was only true in 2v2 and even then if you are competent at the game games would never last 45 mins as you would bait them and then setup kills with their CD's down and vise versa

God I wish female humans were real.

boring people

Maybe if you were running to SM as an alliance player or something. In most cases you could go between flight masters to get almost anywhere. Yes this means having to individually click each point of the travel

Compelling argument. Being able to gloat about a number on your rank = better pvp.

what do you mean senpai?
tfw: having a holycow personal healer

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duelists are always so salty

>I-I d-didn't e-even want glad a-anyway! a-arena is shit!

It sure means a lot more than any pvp in vanilla. Also yes generally generally a higher rank in an mmr system shows you are a better player, that is kind of the point. Notice how the honor system in vanilla doesn't reflect this at all and instead is just a grind

I mean generally having a higher rank makes you a better player. That's kind of the point

wew this reminds me.
my server was so shit I would win every duel outside Org only wearing weapons and accessories, rings amulet trinkets.
only fully equipped gear to fight rogues.
>t. Warlock

I mean getting duelist still puts him with the top 3% of players. 2300 has also been Glad in some expansions. How many people in this thread do you honestly think can get to duelist let alone even getting to challenger

Reminder that classic wow is running 1.12 meaning we aren't even getting the good version of AV

It's actually really addicting if you play with friends who are competent.

where do I download this
asking for a friend

so is overwatch and any fucking MOBA out there and those are horse shit

I mean you can just admit if you are bad at pvp games user. You might just feel better

i want to be Assumi's foot slave

>unbalanced matchups
Arenas were 1000 times more balanced than X vs Y battleground
There were PvP gear for honor, noone forced you into arena.

>alliance winrate on AV

I mean vanilla is probably the most unbalanced pvp in the existence of the game. Most classes and specs don't even function like they are suppose to

>minigame players thinking their kid's play matters
Mythic raiding is by definition the only content in WoW that takes any ounce of skill, in PvP you just capitalize on other people's mistake whereas PvE has an objective static difficulty to overcome. Even rank 1 Gladiators get declined from joining guilds like because it's a meaningless achievement.

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fair point, i hit 2400 in tbc and it was honestly piss easy since everyone sucked, came back recently and got glad again since only skill-less boomers like ziqo pvp now

>scripted encounter takes more skill than head to head competition

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if you hit 2400 in tbc you probably win traded,
fag cuck

PvP is the only skill that matter, since you react to the situation and find way to win. PvE is always the same, I can write a bot that will perfectly raid just by following same shitty algorythm.

Imagine playing on a pve server

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Scripted encounters don't make mistake, their difficulty is absolute, whereas the players you fight in PvP will make one eventually giving you the free win. It's not even worth calling a challenge.

pve carebears calling pvp a "minigame" is such a cuck zoomer thing to do.
you don't even know what Warcraft is.

listen here buddy my one button spec take a lot of fucking skill okay

*moves out of the fire*

Wew man that mythic boss sure was hard guys

PvE is easy and have been solved. PvP can't be "solved".

Good thing as you improve you fight harder opponents then. Punishing mistakes and baiting people into making mistakes is the core of any competitive game

PvP has been solved since it came into existence, CC the healer and nuke the DPS.

Yes their difficulty is absolute, where as humans are ever adapting. Imagine making mistakes against a scripted fucking boss when you have addons telling you exactly what to do in every situation. You're deluded.

I've done it bros, I've finally decided to play a druid!

For all the moaning about PVE and PVP in this thread I doubt many if any of you actually have played wow at the top level in either PVE or PVP

>Full Tier 2
But what are the best miscellaneous pieces if I want to PVP? Looking for more +stam to btw

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Humans have a skillcap far below the encounters of Mythic raids, hence why the PvP scene is completely dead as even PvPers realized this and moved on to better things.

ok now put on the dress tranny and let me caress your boipussy while we farm DME together on my warrior Chad

*drops on our UBRS run*

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Funny how Mythic raiders can step into arena and be unable to break 1500 rating. Fuck you have Grand Marshalls from vanilla who couldn't break 1700 in arena come TBC. It's almost like against better players baiting and punishing mistakes without making them yourself is skill intensive


You know why it's dead? Because blizzard are FUCKING incompetent.
PvP at it's peak design had a skillcap that trumps any predictable pve encounter.

I think you mean retail is just dead. No one puts effort into the game anymore outside of a few at the top in both PVE and PVP

its tier 2 with some rank12 pieces mixed in, I dont know the optimal combination. you want 5 piece t2 for the pet buff, and I think that means you can squeeze in one of those nice fatty +Shadow Damage non set epics from MC or BWL.

Every PVP game gets solved though at a high level. The issue is not many people cant execute said answer or are unable to adapt to unknown situations

Good thing I reserved it.

PvP ain't PvEasy guys, remember when they put that arena fight in ToC and the PvE raiders flipped out upon realizing they had to do more than move out of the fire?


You mean during Cata? When a literal sperg like Reckful went 100-0?
Yeah no, still not harder than M KJ.

fuck off you fag

CATA? Jesus christ just fuck off already you retarded carebear. You don't know shit.

>masterloot it because i'm the main tank who was ressing dal'rends anyways

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What is the manliest class?

Not like the most anime badass macho asshole class, but the one this guy would play?

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Barrens for the alliance is the areas touching Elwynn forest.

TBC is way too low

ele sham

warrior obviously

Prot warr

warrior, its always warrior.

male troll hunter

Shaman, nothing more chad than controlling the elements, being able to heal, stand at range and cast or smash shit with a 2h mace/axe



The only "meta" in Arena is what DPS deals the most damage in the current patch.

>pve shitters getting uppity
remember this thread when you're getting raped in BRM

You really can't stop yourself from saying the stupidest shit possible, can you?

It can be solved and it always is solved. The reason the meta changes is because class changes are rolled in or new gear sets come out. There is always optimal lines in any given meta

Gotta love theorycrafters who never actually fought on any competitive level.

I mean if this is the extent of your knowledge of arena pvp it explains quite a lot. This level of knowledge isn't getting you further than 1600 rating. If you are going to play a proactive comp you need to know how to approach every comp and that doesn't just mean 'CC the healer and nuke the DPS'

>That warrior who equips leather because "It makes me do more dps!"

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>bunch of autists expecting a game to not innovate through a decade and still keep the old early 00's Everquest template of gameplay

>game is still one of the most played mmos after 15 years


Did somebody say...

this but unironically
>at one with nature and the world
>see your enemies before they see you, your fate is entirely in your hands
>can effortlessly avoid confrontation when you deem it unnecessary, yet can be nigh unbeatable if provoked
>uses an arsenal of weapons, wears heavy armor, doesn't rely on cheesy tricks like stunlocks or fears
it's Marcus Aurelius: the class

can bump it up to B+ but then wrathbabies cry, i think you two deserve each other. Trollgang gave both of you a favorable rating anyway.

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you must go back.

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TBC is a better game than vanilla though. Vanilla is way to high on your chart for all the issues that it has. Vanilla may be the complete opposite of retail but that doesn't mean it hasn't got multitudes of issues due to early game design

Well the majority seem to be skilless autistic fucks. Self improvement is outside their window of expertise

>Want to play Paladin
>Can't because then i wouldn't be allowed to have Engineering because Engi doesn't fit the "theme" of a holy warrior of the light

have you ever heard about Truestrike Shoulders,brainlet?

You should probably put wod over bfa, or just make an F tier and move bfa down into it

orclords was trash and garrisons basically ruined the game, but at least it was a comfy hangout

Any fag who uses discord to raid should be killed on sight.

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>priest as group leader
>priest tags mobs
please tell me no one actually does this

Play dorf? Dorf racial stereotype is either engineer or miner.

yea but then you have to be a stinky dwarf lmao

Objectively wrong.

dorf racial stereotype is blacksmith not engi, engi is gnomes

God I can't wait for Classic.
>no flight
>no 696% speed mounts
>no cross realm PvE
>no RDF
>no LFR
>no hiding from the server community
>no """""balance"""""
>no homogenization
>no escape from the hybrid tax
>no soulless hunter pets
>no tokens
>no transmog
>no bloat races
>no shaman and paladin on both sides
>no troll paladins, orc mages, or other no shoe niggers playing retarded class combinations
>no dailies
>no 10 man progression
>no heroics that are actually easy mode, and normal modes that is actually journalist mode
>no legendary cockrings and cloaks, only flashy exciting legends with great lore
>no end to the Rank 14 grind
>no arena
>no "PvP" / Resilience gear
>no strict itemization standards
>no empasis on talents precluding your role
>no dual spec
>no passive shared capitals
>no bullshit to shrink the world
>no portal network
>no meeting stone summon
>no summon from world to inside raid
>no AoE snoozefest
>no 5x threat multiplier to all tanks
>no infinite mana with constant spam in a 10 minute fight
>no graveyard full of dead major characters
>no selfies
>no social media integration
>no sanctioned gold selling
>no phone apps
>no cash shop for a subscription based game
>no phasing
>no sharding
>no sharting
>no jannies
>no trannies

Attached: pepe devilish.jpg (600x760, 59K)

BFA may be shit but it still isn't as bad as WOD. Need I remind you it had a major content patch dedicated to a selfie cam. It also only had 2 raids tiers as Blizzard gave up on it to work on Legion

Oh boy, grinding on harpies for 3-4 levels. What an absolute mad lad. Who has the autism to do this?

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>class Priest
>role Tank

Oh, its ScrawnyBenji again.

don't forget this part it's the most important part

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Notice anything?

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Was Stockades ever worth doing?
As someone that wears shoes, of course

>going back to college this fall after dropping out because my grades were shit after spending all my time playing WoW
>feeling the classic itch



As a dungeon, no. However it can be used to speed level with a level 60

only three women

Hired for their skill and not because of some shitty feminist agenda.

bwl trash is harder than aq40 trash

Well you are the expert on trash

no but my dick is

just give in user. College is overrated anyway, having a job is overrated, being a contributing member of society is overrated. Let the videogame take over

Of course it is, if you're not some turboleveling tryhard. Tons of quests and an item or two.

[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]

Lmao there are 15+ year old fighting games where the meta still evolves, you don't know shit

You're going to need to provide some examples user. Even if they did have meta shifts at that point they are so small. Most games have completely solved metagames in 3-6 months with slight bumps here and there.
You're retarded if you don't think the meta shifts in wow aren't completely dictated by gear or balance changes that Blizzard roles out.

This list is accurate desu

Anal [ _______________ ]

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TBC pvp was shit.
It had some excellent raids though.

Shattrath was a mistake.


Alliance are objectively worse and they know it. It is why they would always take the boat and try to go to the crossroads.
They WISH they were Horde but can't admit they chose the boring faction


Still hype for classic, but may boot up my retail character every now and again to go back there

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Imagine caring this much about factions
Are you 12

just play netherwing

>deadmines at level 17
you retard

imagine being a buttblasted ally and having to listen to little children and trannies all day

Is this faggot playing on Northdale? Should I gank him? I have a mage that I haven't played in 2 years on that server.

Possibly Paladin.

fuck off back to your mud hut you shoeless nigger

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But I want to play Shaman

No we talkin


Alliance barrens is getting raped by a undead rogue and mage in red ridge mountains.

>one of

>getting a new character to 70
My time ain’t free

>t. sub 2.3k scrub
reminder that a team full of rank 1 glads got dominated by private server players in a vanilla wsg tourney on henhouse

>ACTUAL CHAD class/race combos
Dwarf warrior
Tauren warrior
FEMALE orc warrior (please understand)
Gnome warlock(please understand)
Undead mage

>BRO tier class/race combos
Tauren druid
Dwarf hunter
Tauren hunter
Troll shaman
Undead priest
Dwarf priest
Dwarf pally

>TRY HARD RAPE YOU IN SLEEP race/class Combo
Undead warlock
Undead rogue
Tauren shaman
Gnome mage

All night elves

>bottom bitch baby faggots
All humans

Trolls that aren't shaman

Literally the worst list

undead mage is shit tier, bags of bones wearing a dress
undead warriors on the other hand are Chad tier

IceWing Bunker

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It feels like the people complaining about tbc are wrathbabbies who want to jump on the vanilla train. There was plenty of world pvp, welfare gear was harder to obtain than vanilla's welfare gear (lol raid-level gear just dropping like candy in easy mode dungeons), and arena had not yet grown into a cancerous tumor. There are plenty of problems, but every iteration of the game has problems.

>tauren warrior
>dwarf warrior
>gnome warlock
>undead mage
how based can you get

Everyone always says westfall sucks for leveling, but never say what the alternative is

>FEMALE orc warrior (please understand)
>Gnome warlock(please understand)
our lord did not die on the cross for this

>Humans have a skillcap far below the encounters of Mythic raids
What the fuck are you talking about

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retarded zoomer chart, armor only looks good on humans, so anything human is top tier, rest is mud hut no shoes shit tier, just deal with it, loser.

>t. femhuman sissiboi

>Thinks randoms are stream sniping him
>Can't comprehend that people are nice
>i-it must be because they don't want dishonourable kills!

Such a sad fat little boy, who hurt you?

>FEMALE orc warrior
>Gnome warlock

troll mage > undead mage pve wise except certain battles like nef when you probably can squeeze out extra frost bolt or two with wotf

shit taste

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>he took his trip off out of shame

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groupfinder "killing" the game is my favorite meme
even if the game had nuwow LFG tool back in vanilla it would have been the exact same

I really hope Classic is community driven like OSRS

dwarf priests are always huge faggots that think they are hot shit for playing the best healer
only made worse by how everyone bend over backwards to suck their dick

just give me ogres and goblins on horde and high elves and naga on alliance and the game will be literally perfect

This tard sounds identical to that jammku guy from 4craft from like 2014.

M7 wow has always been community-driven. That is exactly why retail is in such a terrible place. The "community" aka "the parts of the community that are the loudest" always want it dumbed down and/or "balanced".

TBC made mostly all class specs viable
it started the lore rape though, but for me gameplay > "story"

>edgy 13 year olds don't have BEs to try to shit on
>they now try to shit on NEs

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The thing I love about TBC is that it gives mages Water Elemental, Spellsteal and Invisibility. I can't help but think mechanics-wise I'm only having discount fun in vanilla. Everything else is better though.

I'm going on hunger strike until Classic comes out, I'm 4 days in.
I'm really just prepping myself for a week of non-stop leveling

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stfu tranny

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Darkshore to Ashenvale is better EXP.

Just realize this forsaken's eyes are red, the whole race would be better with red eyes imo

>if you play as a taller human, you're a tranny
seething manlet

Who is Jammku? I found one video from him and I agree, he sounds exactly like him.

Attached: jammku.png (362x674, 200K)

>being this obsessd with trannies
just go hire one m8

if you play nelfs or humans you are officially a tranny and your arguments are invalid

Too bad I can't play a mixraced Nelf/human hybrid. Bet that would piss you off.

WG was unironically comfy

wg is warsong gulch, type out wintergrasp

I'd rather play with a tranny than someone who literally cannot stop talking about trannies.

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TBC is objectively superior to Vanilla in every way except that it accidentally destroyed world PVP.

World PVP is and always was utter shit anyway.

>TBC handed out welfare epics

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>Rolling Dwarf Paladin and UD Warlock
>tfw I don't even know how many Pvp servers there will be and which will be the most populated

But what if...

>doesn't like world pvp
>shit opinion
like clockwork

silence, you fool!

World PVP is shit. There's only two scenarios:

1. You see an enemy player and attack them. wow fucking ebin I've been playing this game long enough that this is no longer exciting at all.

2. An enemy player sees you and attacks. Fucking wow how fun I just want to play the game and some 12 year old streamer is being and edgelord

He didn't say they were bad. Tauren shaman players are normally just psychopathic assholes in pvp.

How can one list be so fucking based.

That orc female and gnome warlock is bang on the head.

>someone has to engage
woah holy shit you solved pvp

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Wasn't there an addon to change the text font of both the combat and actual chat text?

>being this mad about getting killed

They did away with attunements halfway through, you retard.


Reminder this is not bad.
because it doesnt teleport you to the dungeon
it doesnt give you exp, gold or item rewards its just helps you make the group faster.

dumb cuck.

This is literally how dungeons work in retail WoW today.

>tfw everyone is gonna suck my dick for portals when I roll mage.

>remember swifty
>hes still going
>watch one of his latest videos
>hes an annoying obnoxious stereotypical twitchfag

Are you that guy from reddit? Why? You will get nothing out of it.

You reek of a 1.5k shitter who vastly overrates his own ability at the game.

>choosing your dungeon when going random gives you more loot

>Humans have a skillcap far below the encounters of Mythic raids

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>Doing heroics at all

Yea Forums is shit. There's only two scenarios.

1. Someone makes a retarded post. wow fucking ebin I've been on this board long enough that this is no longer exciting at all.

2. You reply to a retarded post. Fucking wow how fun I just want to have an interesting discussion and some 12 year old zoomer is being and edgelord

>Zones were shit
see? You make it way too easy to identify you as a shitposter

just RP that you're trying to create holy bombs to take back stratholme/epl with, easy

I forgot that the game has almost no relevant content and things start getting outdated before you even reach max level

You don't have to run the dungeon at that point (although I think I remember getting recruited by some desperate groups who really needed a healer when I was level 17). My first character was a night elf and I headed towards Westfall at level 15 to start the questlines which I remember had you running around from Redridge to Stormwind and back. Before they just put everything at the beginning of the instance.

>devoid of color

must be sad being a hordefag and not having comfy places to explore

>beta cuck needs a heal

I look forward to making Darna-portals after raid.

>don't have BEs to try to shit on
Shut up or I will shut you by putting my tranny dick in your mouth.


>if you play as a chad, you're a tranny
what the fuck am I reading


Healless nigger seething.

swolebenji my nigga, text below stream moves way to fast, slow it down dude

Shaman easily.
Followed by non dress damage, followed by dress damage, followed by literal cucks like warriors who rely on other people for everything

I still have my original WoW discs but no optical drive. Are you able to buy the original WoW on its own? I'm seeing the entire collection here for 60euro but don't want to spend that much money.

undead warlock is the only race+class a man should choose

What do you mean? For Classic you will only need subscription and will have to download the client off

You don't need to buy anything to play classic once it releases, just subscribe for 15$/month to get pre/bfa+classic account on your battlenet

If you have your CD key you can contact blizzard support and have it added to your account.

orc shaman or undead priest? raid healing and pvp damage at a high skill level

>once it releases
I thought you niggers were already playing this and I was missing out.

>orc anything
tauren shaman

it's garbage that barely anyone uses and it's questionable whether it'll even work on retail because it depends on creating a custom global channel for data transmissions or some shit

Shamans are more in demand and orcs have better pvp racials, you have tremor totem for fear/sleep/charm

Nah user, the release date is summer 2019, nothing concrete and summer is right around the corner.

>orcs have better pvp racials
Delete this

25% stun resistance compared to tauren stun and troll bonus casting speed

Absolutely based and blessed post.

>no soulless hunter pets

Kill yourself. Devilsaur bros are kino

>Thank ye all fer comin!
>Aye have just a wee little thing ta say..

Attached: aurik_brewfest.png (237x313, 88K)

For Shamans yes they have, Taurens have a stun and Trolls have Berserking, neither compare to stun resistance, 1/4 of any stun on you will fail and if you are a Warrior, you can make that 1/2 of any stun on you will fail.



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if I roll a healer will I spend all my time looking at bars and clicking names rather than the world itself and mobs?

if you're a bad healer, yes

if you're a good healer then it's only 95% of the time

Only if you set up your UI incorrectly to a ridiculous degree
Move those raid frames to the middle.

>i'm unable to see anything else when i pay attention to specific things
please die soon

bars and names ARE your world as a healer mate.

Attached: w4.jpg (1025x818, 355K)

*drops while you are levelling*

Attached: leather belt forest.png (230x163, 14K)

super mario land has never been the same since


Im torn between warlock and mage guys.
I leveled a mage to 60 and I know the ins and outs+I like the utility. But warlock is also fun because of pets and I dont have any friends to level with.

What do I pick?

Attached: gnome-ad3-1.png (485x458, 330K)

>tfw you can't roll a certain race with the hairstyle you want because others will think you are jusr copying a old pvp video

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Well it's not like you need friends to level a mage, so there's that.. I personally like mage utility better, but if you're going to be playing on alliance then you have pretty much guaranteed raid spots, so thats a plus.

I played on the Nostalrius server for a bit (Horde) and i saw so many undeads named something like "Vurtnee" or "Vurtnepro" or "Xvurtnex" so i had to google Vurtne to find out where that came from. It was almost like the archers named Legolas back when i played Mount&Blade

He ruined the best Undead hairstyle for me

>get raging boner to play wow again
>get on private server
>hit max level and cum HARD
>feel the afterglow for a few weeks
>boner dies down and my balls are so drained i cant possibly carry on
>never see endgame content and never log on again
>reroll on new private server at least 1.5+ years later and repeat
who else never-going-to-make-it-but-thats-ok-because-the-grind-is-the-magic-and-the-endgame-is-gay

Attached: 8fa4383470b991ba3c4278a0a47bc8b1.gif (130x104, 89K)

You should try path of exile or something else with seasons.

Yeah but I like having a npc pet to help me with leveling. Im autistic and Im able to do aoe pulls as a mage quite effeciently but I get severe anxiety running alone in some zones

This is the first one of these I've seen that is accurate, good job son

>>>I want to play mage or warlock
>>Play mage
>But I'd rather play warlock
Sounds like you already know what to play

Play warlock.

Mage is fun, but I warlock has less downtime.

>Sounds like you already know what to play
This is never true

>I dont have any friends to level with
It's vanilla, friend. You'll make some.

If you move TBC to A, then it's accurate
TBC had some top tier PvE endgame, which was then then ruined by Arena and Flying mounts

Dun Morogh or the wetlands

I remember people I leveled with over 14 years ago, no other game has managed to do this. Hell, I don't even remember people I've meet IRL last year.

I used that. Fucking nice having it trawl the chat for you so you don't need to keep your eyes peeled on a spam channel chat window.

Move BC to E and Pandaland up to a (plain) C and and I'd call it accurate. BC was hands down the worst expansion.Nothing in it was good, anything it added it took more away and made it fucking worse in every regard.

>it's garbage
>that barely anyone uses
that doesn't matter, it's literally just a chat trawler. Doesn't matter if it's just you, or the entire server using it. It still works the same, and just as well.

Im torn friend, i know vanilla in and out as a mage but warlocks looks fun too

In general, high rank pvp players also do well in pve. It's not always like that for high ranked raiders.

>tfw you will never play proto WoW

Attached: file.png (1024x767, 948K)

They still have these builds in their archives, they just need to release them to the modding community.

Yeah, above 97% of people who don't care and don't try. Arenas have no barrier to entry. Your measuring stick is a bunch of people who play their 10 games a week without even caring about their setup or to practice. It's maybe 80th percentile or worse if you only count people who give a shit.

Is that man wearing flesh boots

anyone playing it right now is on private servers. official blizz classic still doesn't have a release date other than "summer 2019"

Go work on your GED, bro. Serious.

Isn't this just a glorified /2 interface?

when will they learn

Attached: manlets.png (1024x772, 1.03M)

watching someone pretend to be cool and overconfident is fuckin sad

stay hungry, killa

warsong gulch is and has always been wsg

fucking good videos though

i thought stun resist stacking was multiplicative, not additive?

>orc racial = 25%
>5/5 iron will = 15%
additive would be 40%
multiplicative would be 28.75%

40% seems way too high.

Not glorified. Glorious.

Gee lets take guys playing high level retail PvP right now and put them up against people that have been running premade v premade in vanilla for the past 4 years

Make Perp/Boney/Goth play a 3s team on Retail and see how shit on they get simply because they don't have the same level of practice

commoncore pls go

There's no excuse for a grown man to not own any tools, even paladineets

>couldn't just let the Horde have 4 races to Alliance's 3
>had to retcon gnomes back in after their absence in WC3

there are plenty of peaceful religious people who use bombs. it's quite fitting. or you can just pretend they're holy hand grenades and bless them each before you throw them. make a /yell macro, i'm sure people will love you for that.

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Are Succubus and Felhunter worth getting at 20 and 30 respectively when locks use Voidwalker to level?


>He doesn't know the secret Disc tank build

any video?

Worth in what sense? In a leveling sense no, and in a pvp sense not really either. Voidwalker sac is always better for pvp while leveling.

Wrath had literally the best zones of any expansion. Only ones that iffy is Storms Peak, and thats only because of how flight-centric it is.

It's additive.

Yeah, I'm asking if it's worth it to take time off leveling to do the quests. I played a Warlock in vanilla and I remember the quests taking a while.


It's not worth it. You only use felhunter and succ for pvp purposes, so getting them when you have your mount at lvl 60 is way more efficient since it's requires tons of traveling by foot.

You should get Succubus for CCing humanoids in dungeons. I'd kick you instantly if you didn't have it on level.


To me it isn't

Attached: TrueHome.jpg (902x507, 100K)

it wouldn't be nearly as sweet if the retailfags weren't hardcore shit-talking before getting completely raped

having fucking played classic you fucking zoomer

Paladin. He was a thinker but also a warrior.

Why are you complaining about stuns? Were you a rogue main? Play a real class then like Arms Warrior, you fuckin' pussy

The end of BC is when they introduced the improved skill tree and added Titan's Grip and Bladestorm. It was a fucking great time to be an arms warrior. Me and my two other arms buddies with second wind were unkillable. We used to just walk, not run, through Eye of the Storm like we owned the place.

This unironically would have been better. Gnomes and Trolls = vanity picks

In all honesty I really miss one-handed fury, single-minded fury was a fun time for awhile, but then they removed it. Nothin' was funnier than getting to roll on a piece of gear a rogue was nutting their pants over and stealing it from them.

Honestly replacing the Forsaken with the Trolls would've made 100s of times more sense.

Where the FUCK is the blue post blizzard

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to utilize Slam. The timing of Slam is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics the typical player would net a DPS loss for each Slam used. There's also weapon speed, which combined with flurry makes up your swing timer - Lao Tzu speaks about this in his Use of the Feet in Other Schools and each Slam must be used with such inspiration. Slammers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of Slam, to realize that they're not setting DPS records - they're creating the meta. As a consequence people who dislike Slam truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the 10ms delay before the Slam begun. But a true slammer is existential, and takes this pause in grace; before every Slam is a cryptic reference to Drek'Thars Peeling the Onion. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as I keep my 10% damage lead through execute phase. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Slam tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 50 dps of my own.

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Ah, I wasn't aware you established the exact formula when it's a heavily debated topic for people on private servers. You should show them your proof and put and end to it once and for all!

how does slam work out in pvp

Pandas up one tier and the rest is accurate.

>Trolls = vanity picks
What an absolute garbage opinion

Yes. I role play a Night Elf Priestess.

Attached: eDQvTAB.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)

Be allowed to do retarded things just cuz you're omg so hwawwwwwt
I hate attractive people

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>having to become a healslut because BFA refugees inflate druid tank/DPS population to laughable levels
you have a higher chance of making it majoring in acting and moving to hollywood

Tauren Hunter. Big, manly, handling beasts. Shooting guns. Camping. Big horns (aka big dicc) Makes elven women wet. Makes orc women wet. Turns other feminine males into breeding bitches. Worships the sun and the earth. Truly the manliest.



rate my stance dancer
is it possible to tank Stratholm with this spec?

Attached: orc.jpg (756x507, 131K)

Purple bitch, be grateful we come here to take shit in your woods, how else would you trees grow so tall if it wasn't for us coming and shitting everywhere?

Male Night Elf Druid.
Gotta agree on Tauren Hunter
Dwarf anything
Warriors are for brad wannabes and basic bitches.

Slam is shit until BC

>15 prot
>no last stance or defiance
>tank 5-mans
you can tank 5-mans just fine in any spec, or without even allocating a talent point

Your home is the equivalent of a McMansion

Its possible to tank strath with any spec. The problem is why you being a retard?

you realize it isn't the numbers 31/5/15 that make the spec, but the actual talents picked, right?

I've never read a build in my life.

you of all people should

fine. I'll get my reading glasses. now where did you last leave that link?
imp charge/overpower is a matter of taste/gear level

Shaman period

Troll priests > Undead priests

I see here. Thanks. basically drop Anticipation in favor of defiance, shield block, and last stand. And drop heroic strike in favor of weapon specialization.

For me?
Its female undead shadow priest.

Attached: HtbQwS.jpg (701x406, 177K)

Anticipation isn't bad, you can get that instead of toughness. It's just that the T3 talents are too fucking good to consider passing up. You can get imp HS instead of deflection if you want to.

But seriously, unless you're going to be tanking in raids, just go for full arms or fury.

Be my big tiddy goth gf

Friendly reminder that questing is the poopsocker minmax faggot way to level up.
The smart way is to collect rested xp and do dungeons, this way not only you get more xp/hour than the poopsockers, but you will also constantly be in full blue gear.

>orcs come in
>shit up the place
Humans pls help

Works for every class

only if you play a warlockchad

>over a week no blue post

Bros, is it dead?

The best way to level is questing, dungeons, grinding, fishing, picking fights you can't win, griefing lowbies, camping people until they call their guild, holidays, roleplay, exploring random shit that sounds neat, trying to go off the map, going into zones that are too high level for you, helping lowbies with dungeons, doing battlegrounds when your 10-12, doing battlegrounds when you're 7-9, sneaking into the enemy's city to do their dungeons and scare lowbies, picking meme talents, crafting everything you can, selling greens on the ah, making random alts you abandon at 8-20, trying to start shit in gen chat and running around cities aimlessly shitposting in trade chat.

Not expecting release until autumn at this point

Attached: 1546332307249.png (480x480, 423K)

Troll priests racials are underrated are are generally better in more situations than undead priest racials.

This post is really confusing.
You call people minmaxers but also that they are being inefficient, then you mention a way to do it even faster which would make you the actual minmaxer here.

Mortal Strike is situational at best. The other one is basically 1/3 a shadowguard. Not having devouring plague is dreadful, even if you do nothing but pve.


These retards are the reason why Vanilla shouldn't be a thing. I swear, by my life, that none of you is older than 25. I fucking swear it.

Honestly not expecting a release date until last minute. Classic can be more considered a large patch for WoW since it's just part of the regular sub with no extra purchase. They don't have to give retailers way advance so they'll just give a date when ever's good for them.

The smart way to play is autistically practicing 1-20 speedruns as an elf and guarding the entrance to stonetalon

Duskwood is my fucking jam,holy shit that music,that roming flesh golem that cozy town in the middle of undead hell. It was and will always be my favorite zone.

Devouring plague isn't situational, it's on a cooldown. Shadowguard is actually really neat but it's RNG as fuck.

I used that chat trawler and I'm 27. Guess I was 25 when I played on Elysium, though. Neat addon anyhow.

So an alliance version of SwoleBenji?

Ahh true, but what i meant that fuck people who will play 15+hours a day.

Literally fucking who


I feel personally attacked


Anyone else getting fit before Classic comes out?

I've been lifting for 2 years in preperation and made no gains whatsoever lmao.

You tracking macros?

Everyone you see who lifts, who makes serious gains , roids

Everyone lies about it too for some autistic reason. You're honestly just wasting your time if you lift without cycling test at the very least

Now queue the hordes of fags who will accuse me of lying , for exposing them

Not so much fit as less fat.
I've lost 20lbs this year just by tracking calories.

this, but lifting 1-2 months a year is fun, even if you dont get any muscle

congrats bud. im down 15 in the past month doing meal prep and aerobic/bodyweight in my garage

>tfw no warrior spell reflect
I miss TBC PvP

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What are considered serious gains?

apparently a lean 250lbs

Going to do a human paladin first.
Get verigans fist fast
Focus on engineering
Shift to healing at 60
Go retri once I get my hands on sulfuras

Nah I've been super on and off. The problem is that I always take week long breaks to rest up because lifting weight that doesn't make it hard to move my arms for days on end isn't fun.

yeah i guess if you want to sit for 10 days between 2 hour play sessions to have the shortest /played time

Grinding is and will always be the fastest way to level.

easy, just make multiple characters if you spend the rested xp too fast

wrathbabies need to get out

I wouldn't advocate waiting for your main to get rested all the time, but it's certainly a good idea to have 3-4 alts on standby.

lol my boomer dad had lean 225 this by the age of 24 as a casual hobby lifter before baby me killed his gain train and im on pace to do the same
"NOOO BROS YOU CANT MAKE GAINS DONT LEAVE ME BEHIND" is how you come off, probably your terrible mindset/form/routine/diet but even if you are a genetic failure dont try to bring everybody else down with you

lmao 300 calendar days to hit level 60 on rested xp

what is the point of this webm

>no women
>good game

fuck yeah

Based BC hater
how about like this

Attached: wow tiers fix v3.png (1020x1130, 233K)

tauren prot warr


Just walked into stormwind for the first time as h*rde.
Everything they said about dev bias is true; they didn't even give us fucking shoes..

Casual alchemist here

can't wait to fish, explore and craft potions that I can sell at inflated prices to raiders.

Attached: IMG_1419.png (483x638, 186K)

Clearly not for you lmfao

dev bias was opposite, you guys get easier quests, better racials and fucking rings.

Based jewboi


I suppose not but you'll be missing out on a lot while you cycle through running 6 alts through ashenvale for the rest of the year

you do you, lil nigga

All the replies to this post made me change from priest to shaman.

>worse than wod
>Worse than cata
>Worse than fucking BFA
>Hands down

Man shut thee fuck up

Is there a reason to take Leatherworking as a Resto Druid?

brain damage

>Everyone who makes serious gains roids

Are you serious? You can look amazing without roids. People who lift and dont see results after x amount of months either aren't lifting right or aren't eating right

You think nobody was fit before roids were made?

no raids until phase 3, plenty of time

yes absolutely. In the summer im gonna go in the morning and when i get back ill play for the rest of the day.

Your boomer dad did dbol in the 80s, literally every male in the us did

Ask him lol

Can this hair ever look good? Which is worse, this or the spike hair?

Attached: ud-close-up.jpg (352x429, 58K)

Onyxia and MC are phase 1 yo

Go for the Qyburn hairstyle as undead

Attached: qyburn.jpg (1339x630, 211K)

I'll be waiting for you in the Barrens friend. Gotta get those Deviate Fish.

Attached: 1389051549737.png (378x281, 86K)

you dont need roids to look good/muscular m8 what onions diet are you on?

based Barrens brother

See you at the Oasis

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Go Ask your dad about dbol , like I said. Tard.

You probably cycled as a 16 year old on your high schools b team , even one cycle makes it easier to make gains for the rest of your life

Either that or you're a Manlet


Did you reply to the wrong post, or are you just stupid?

You download it from "that" site of course. However you don't use it now that Blizzard has begun swinging the ban hammer down on model edit. After 11 years of allowing them.

My only regret is now I won't have a pretty, curvy milky cow wife on Classic, after having not played retail for 9 years.

Engineering is obviously a must have, but is there any other profession that gives something useful bop?
I can think of enchanting for bears, tailoring for clothies.
Might just do alchemy, or a gathering. Just for convenience and moneymaking.

blacksmithing has the 30 minutes of fear immunity trinket


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Slam was OP until BC what are you talking about

>"everyone else is shit"
>plays the strongest 1v1 class and spec in the entire game


It was for all of their flaws at least they ADDED something to the game. BC was nothing but removing content.

its doing its job perfectly fine here

What trinket

>Laughs in Mortal Strike

Attached: laughgit.gif (1200x1200, 75K)

Not gonna happen, but BM from WOTLK in Classic would be dank.

I want my devilsaur bro T_T

Give me TBC and remove the flying. Just add additional attunement or just fucking goblin transports to allow players to get to the raids and dungeons that required flying to get to. TBC was based as fuck, but flying is arguably the worst mechanic introduced into the game ever in WoW's history.

Attached: gaemboy.png (960x960, 308K)

yepp kill them yetis and skin em

Better yet just keep flying in outlands. No need for Azeroth to have flying mounts, but the terrain in outlands is pretty hazardous

unless you are aoe farming you have no reason to play mage over lock in 1.12

Based. This is the perfect WoW right there.
This is how it was TBC...

nah fuck flying man. redesign blades edge mountains a bit, give teleporters to get up to those dungeons and raids (gruuls, everything in netherstorm) and make people stay on foot. world building is a huge part of what made vanilla great and you pretty much strip that away when you give people flying. way fewer interactions with people, way fewer world pvp opportunities, and this makes the world feel empty as shit. only time you see people is in shatt or in another main city or in front of kharazan


barafags are truly the worst

>Humans have a skillcap far below the encounters of Mythic
No you do you fucking nigger

Attached: 1534381167096.png (511x251, 30K)

>t. retailbabby
lol they added flying in azeroth in cata

Buddy i was an off tank in MC 31/20/0 so you can do any 5 man fine.

Where the FUCK is a beta or release date?
"Get ready for a classic summer!" implies we get to enjoy our summer, not have classic launch on the literal last day of summer.

What do you mean, they clearly meant November. What else could they mean by summer?

This is blizzard we're talking about
Just be grateful we're getting classic at all , with minimal cancer fuckery

July 16th.

>Yea Forums
group finder ruined the game!
>also Yea Forums
10,000 player limits are awesome!

Are you high right now

the universal identifier of cherrypicking/strawmanning betas

>reddit meme

Please understand that every competitve game is like this. The bottom 50% in any game might as well not exist and never try or ever will.
It is still top 3% now as much as it was 10 years ago