Assassin's Creed Kingdom info

-Assassin’s Creed (codenamed) Kingdom planned to come cross gen 2020

-Actual name is Assassin’s Creed Ragnarok

-Main character is ally of Ragnar Lodbrok and aids in the formation of Great Heathen Army

- Map is split into several kingdoms encompassing all of Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland

- Kingdoms are split into regions that can hold settlements.

-Settlements have some customization and in game economy systems

- Large scale “conquest” battles return, and can be used to weaken enemy hold on regions and parts of the story

- Player does become an assassin and use hidden blade

- First Civ lore is a bit less than Odyssey, finding a vault and Mjolnir

- Game is developed primarily by Montreal

- Creative Director is Ashraf, Darby McDevvit is the Narrative Director

- Sofia is assisting but is planning on creating a DLC set in Iceland and using Yggdrasil to move across the 9 realms

- Co-op is returning, and can be used in most side quests and world exploration

- RPG mechanics, eagle, and ship combat is all returning

- Ship combat is toned down to focus more on exploration

- Game is more focused on exploration, removing question marks on the map, and making players want to explore locations for better loot (like Breath of the Wild)

- Larger emphasis on build and armor usage.

- Player has ability to change outfits on the fly, which can speed up or slow down notoriety build up in different kingdoms and stop Sheriffs coming after you

Attached: acrag1.jpg (3264x2184, 1006K)

Other urls found in this thread:,

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>your settlement is under attack
I'm out

Will there be black vikangs?

Attached: acrag5.jpg (3224x2280, 889K)

I recognize this scene from Mount and Blade

ok retard

Attached: acrag6.jpg (3264x2160, 1007K)

Sounds plausible, but after Grinch, I don’t trust a goddamn thing from here.

>ass creed in any year

Attached: acrag7.jpg (3224x2272, 1.08M)

The only problem is the screens you posted look like ps2 shit

Like dude, this looks like source engine in 2007 with nicer NPCs thrown in

he got the horses from the back

This series' soul died with Desmond

98% sure this is M&B

Looks like the Viking Conquest DLC from Mount and Blade

Nice meme retard. Stop posting fake leaks. Next AC takes place in the Roman empire

Vikings is honestly one of the worst possible settings for asscreed.

The entire Asscreed series is about parkouring around huge, urban cities and experiencing the high culture of ancient and historical civillizations. The vikings didn't HAVE large cities. There's so many other cool interesting, and underused historical settings that do have large cities, complex socities, etc and they go fucking vikings because normies are familar with it, I guess? Even though Asscreed has never minded doing more obscure shit like the Golden Age of Piracy, the French Revolution? It really fucking says something when I had higher expectations from fucking Asassasins Creed of all things.

Literally any of these would be better or as good:

>Roman Republic/Empire
>European Middle Ages
>Proper Ancient Egypt (as opposed to origin's poltemic egypt)
>Bronze Age mesopotamia (Sumer, Babylon, etc)
>Ancient Persia
>A newer game set in the Medieval Islamic world
>Ancient or Medieval India, enough shit here for like 3 games
>Medivial Southeast asian kingdoms (Khmer, Sukhothai etc
>Ancient or Medivial China, like India you could do 3 fucking mainline games in China alone
>Fuedal Japan
>Postclassical Mesoamerica (Aztec, Purepecha, etc)
>Classical Mesoamerica (Maya, Teotihuacan, etc)
>Late Horizon Andes (Inca Empire); an early intermediate or middle horizon with Moche city-states or the Wari and Tiwanku empires would also work, if not for the lack of historical sources)

For fucks sake, AFRICA is better off: West Africa at least had more formalized political states and empires then the Vikings did and had some actual large cities even if they were even less vertically minded then the cities from Origins or Oddessy, and it also would be something fresh and not overused.

Attached: cultureregion scandanvia minus africa 2 COMPRESSED.jpg (2000x2928, 3.05M)

AC2 and brotherhood were the peak of the franchise

Layla deets?

Great. Another time period turned gay. I can't wait for Ragnar with fire and lighting sword and axe.

Attached: ivar.gif (324x324, 1.95M)

But we already have mordhaur and it's almost perfect. Fuck Ubisoft.

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? If I wanted to roll in bushes around shitty, worn-down shanties and row boats, I'd just go outside.

Not even just west Africa, even fucking native americans up in north america had some actual civilizations and towns and even a city or two that shit on what the vikings did, see pic


Attached: Cahokia.png (1022x1552, 2.73M)

expect vikings to passionately fuck each other


>Co-op is returning, and can be used in most side quests and world exploration
Then what's the point? That's the same retarded shit Unity did, where you could do nothing but run around the map and do about 6 co-op specific missions.

90% of the content in modern Ubi games is sidequests.

>co-op in unity
>get paired with some nerd who's run the map over 9000 times
>abuses the AI to zip across the map in 20 seconds
>the game glitches, moving the objective marker 100 meters in mid-air for me
>no idea what to do
>the dude calls me a loser and drops out

fun times

>Literally any of these would be better or as good:
>>Roman Republic/Empire
Agreed. They could reach a new peak with the AC franchise like during ezio's Italy setting games
>>European Middle Ages
Unity's missions were pretty good in the medieval times period so that would definitely be cool.
>>Proper Ancient Egypt (as opposed to origin's poltemic egypt)
I don't think it would be any better than what we already got
>>Bronze Age mesopotamia (Sumer, Babylon, etc)
Yeah i thought this was going to be the 3rd choice for AC but I think Mesopotamia and people like Gilgamesh are too unknown for the casual AC fans that cry "muh Japan". That old Capital of Mesopotamia looks amazing on drawings
>>Ancient Persia
Might be a bit too close to prince of Persia since Ubi is behind it but I could definitely dig it
>>A newer game set in the Medieval Islamic world
Big Yikes. Ubi shills would defend Islamic war and conquest
>>Ancient or Medieval India, enough shit here for like 3 games
Not that interesting
>>Medivial Southeast asian kingdoms (Khmer, Sukhothai etc
Could be cool
>>Ancient or Medivial China, like India you could do 3 fucking mainline games in China alone
>>Fuedal Japan
Japan is a dumb settings since they didn't even have tall buildings. Japan would be a very empty during feudal times like the Viking area
>>Postclassical Mesoamerica (Aztec, Purepecha, etc)
Don't think this will fit well. Not even going full /pol/ here but AC3 showed us natives weren't really aware of all the ancient artifacts etc. It all started in the Mediterranean area so it doesn't make sense to have some Assassin's Creed game there going on by that time period
>>Classical Mesoamerica (Maya, Teotihuacan, etc)
Same as above
>>Late Horizon Andes (Inca Empire); an early intermediate or middle horizon with Moche city-states or the Wari and Tiwanku empires would also work, if not for the lack of historical sources)
Same as above
>For fucks sake, AFRICA is better off
No thanks

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No way another assassins creed game leaked?! When will Ubisoft stop this master spy?

Have you ever seen a game 18 months from release before? As in, not bullshots.

Viking went with the "the one doing the fucking aint gay"-rule, if you got fucked you were a turboloser and probably should have cast'd yourself off a fjord or something.

>AC3 showed us natives weren't really aware of all the ancient artifacts etc

One of the old Facebook games said that Cortes was a templar looking for First Civilization artifacts, and that the Aztec's had some.

And putting the whole asssassin/templar thing aside. the actual nature of the Conquest itself is remarkably well suited to the sorts of political scheming and social-class-ruling shit you see a lot in asscreed plots

You have the whole setup of two completely alien, complex socities meeting each other, a unique aeshetic/setting never really been done in mainstream fiction before with even close to a degree of accuracy, also tons of ancient ruins in jungles, caves, and mounains you could explore, the political intriugue and scheming of both the Conquistadors, various native city-states, and the Aztec empire all trying to manipulate each other, with the former trying to manipulate the latter two to get gold and glory, the second one trying to manipulate the first to use against their own rival city-states and to take out the Aztec captial to further their own geopolitical standing, and the latter trying to use the first to take out the last holdouts, and ally with them and Spain to further cement their own imperial authority, and ancient alien shit for the whole First Civilization shit

Since you brought up tall buildings I can concede that, say, Mesoiamericans cities tended to not have very many super tall structures (some had a lot tho, like Tikal) either, but Origins and Odysessy showed that more Horzitonal, Bronze age/Classical style cities amnd archtrectutre still work, and Aztec, really Mesoamerican cities in general were absolutely at least as big as the cities you'd see in those games: the average city had like 15,000 people, on par with the average greek city-state, and some got way bigger: the Aztec captial (pic related) had 200,000 people and was 1300 hectacres, it was as populated as 16th century paris and like 4x the physical area

Attached: Montezuma's Palace besides the city center ceremonial plaza (off to the right), in Tenochtitlan (1200x800, 323K)

>No thanks

I agree that West Africa wouldn't be a good fit for an Asscreed game, but that user is right in that it'd be a fucking better fit for it then Viking shit.

West Africa wasn't super complex and advanced or anything, but it did have some actual kingdoms and empires and cities at least, pic related

Attached: Timbuktu.jpg (3263x2088, 1.27M)

>The only problem is the screens you posted look like ps2 shit
Based retard.

yeah nah, fake as fuck

One thing missing:

-Settlements have black people in it because they were always black people in europe

-Women hold major roles and we will have a strong women as side character that will battle males and defeat them

-Atleast one easter egg with Antonio banderas as Muslim saying how dirty europeans are compared to Muslims who invented everything

Asscreed has more or less abandoned the history larp with the last game.

Its now a fantasy larp, and vikings is perfect for that.

>Atleast one easter egg with Antonio banderas as Muslim saying how dirty europeans are compared to Muslims who invented everything

is this a fucking 13th Warrior reference?

ass creed always look like last gen trash, people just love to advertise it with E3 footage and blurry youtube/twitch vids.

I'd believe it. Unity got leaked here before its E3 announcement as well.

so basically prison gayness

>some had a lot tho, like Tikal

An image of the center of Tikal, for reference. The suburbs of the city actually extended out for litterally hundreds of square miles (see, but the structurures in those suburbs were way less densely packed and this is the actual urban "city" part.

Attached: Tikal reconstruction of city center zug55 flickr 1 COMPRESSED.jpg (3678x2208, 3.93M)

That's what makes this a legit leak. Have you seen the leak for odyssey back b4 that came out? Similar looking to this. I guess ubisoft block out the world with primitives and work on the story and gameplay before they add polished character models and environments.

This so fucking much.
Some of Odyssey's environments/mountains literally looked Oblivion tier with how bad the LODS/textures were.

It's a real mixed bag.

Kill yourself.

Damn, I might actually play an AssCreed game again.

>Not that interesting

If you honestly think this you probably don't know shit about indian history

I don't blame you, most people don't, but there's a ton of cool shit there

Attached: 25853015-one-of-indian-temples-in-the-complex-of-ancient-ruins-in-the-pattadakal-town-in-india-near- (1300x863, 174K)

Yes it is.
There was a scene when all the vikings washing their face in the same bowl


I can't even begin to guess what in that post pissed you off, user

How likely are we going to see black people in Anglo Saxon England and Viking Age Scandinavia

i'd say there is a high chance of it

Fake but would play.

give me the chinks

>posting about the virign Tenochtitlan and Tikal
>Not the chad, literally the size of fucking rome Teotihuacan

Attached: PhxArt_Teotihuacan_SiteMap.jpg (5850x3484, 3.41M)

Attached: teotihaucan 3d recreation find source.jpg (736x414, 80K)

Where the fuck is my Assasin's Chink?

In a spinoff, along with India and the Russian Revolution because ubisoft seems to want to waste all the good settings

>more generic boring hacked out ubishit
This franchise should be put down already.

Unity teased game ideas that would be better than this garbage.
Here for example, if we're going for literally irrelevant historical locations, why not that Mick Assassin they teased?

>Play as a member of the IRA during the War of Independence
>For the recent rural-esque stuff you'll have rural Ireland
>For urban stuff you can have Dublin

Michael Collins literally had a team of assassins so it all fits in. Easily more fun that viking Vikings of all people, christ.

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>game in development looks like shit
It's almost as if graphics aren't that much of a priority early on in development.

How do retards like you exist?

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why did they have to ditch the white hood?

Even Sub-saharan Africa would be better. Stuff like Great Zimbabwe and Great Mosque of Djenné gives artists something to work with if they embellish a little, Scandinavia has fuck all.

Modded Oblivion?

why hasn't chink creed gotten a real game yet
can't think of a country with more suitable history for a game about assassination and politics

user are you serious

With how the censorship issue is for period media in China, I'm sure that if they did make one it'd be heavily censored

Attached: temp.jpg (4608x2592, 3.89M)

here's your protag. bro

Attached: 3dff40ec57ed0ff20a449f51647b0f21.jpg (500x680, 78K)

>Ubisoft 'leaks'
Fuck off you cheese eating surrender monkeys, stop shilling Asscreed on Yea Forums

They've personally 'leaked' previous AC titles like this before, it's pure 110% shilling.

someone post the obvious shilling for far cry 5 picture

If the greatest developer in the world wants to shill their games on Yea Forums, who are we to criticize them?

Hopefully they get rid of the male protag. Male protags are a waste of resources. Literally nobody except homos wants to be a man.

mite b gud

Attached: AC_Rogue_Viking_Armour_3-1024x533.jpg (1024x533, 104K)

Won't be good but it might be comfy. Day 70 pirate

No big cities in that setting so its a dissappointment
I hope we can play as a red head muscular amazon at least

Modded M&B

Prove it.

Why don't they just abandon all this AC faggotry and make a bunch of games set in these time periods?
I don't give a fuck about Apples of Eden or Templars or any of that faggotry.
Look at this shit
>Play as a Native American turned Revolutionary during the American War of Independence
>Play as an orphaned noble out for revenge during the French Revolution
>Play as a gang leader during Britain's Industrial Revolution
>Play as a privateer turned pirate as the Golden Age of Piracy declines
>Play as a warrior in ancient greece

All these fucking settings and characters have so much potential for story and plot and amazing experiences but no, we're all tied to fucking assassin faggotry. God it annoys me so much

Because those are all boring as fuck games. You're like someone asking why Doctor Who is a science-fantasy show instead of being set in Vikings or some shit. You're like someone asking why The Matrix has the goddamn Matrix.

>hey guys here's some seekrit leaked images of a game that hasn't been announced
>"I don't believe that is actually real"
>Prove it xDDD

You realize the burden of proof is on you, right?

"Hey, guys, remove all the story elements that make your game series unique and interesting. That'll totally make it better!"

Those textures animations and models are from M&B you're not fooling anyone OP.
But I hope you had fun shaking your phone in front of your monitor to get those.

All of those places besides Scandinavia are in the tropical or subtropical zones, areas that are great for supporting large groups of people, which is needed for the constructing of buildings and complexes such as the ones shown.
Most of them also have rocks that are great for carving, like lime or sandstone, and in many cases relatively easy to obtain, or in Romes case, they simply just made concrete, whereas much of the rocks in Scandinavia are poor for this propose. Wood and clay became preferred building materials as a result, with stone buildings being reserved for the dead.
Don't get me wrong, the great stone constructions around the world are rightfully considered great marvels, and by far outshines anything build in Scandinavia at the time. But there are also very good reasons as to why that is.

All that aside, this just seems like an extremely weird choice to use as a setting for Assassin's Creed of all things.

When is the rumoured Atzec/Mayan AC coming out, beb?

skull and bones is this kinda.
Although, I can wait for $15 golden ships wheels and crap.


>unique and interesting
Yeah bro my mom got me assassins creed even tho its raited M and it's super cool it has like the illuminati and shit... kinda deep bro

Because ancient aliens and the mystery of the maguffin every single game is really what draws people to AC instead of the cool setting. Everyone loves Desmond's Arc! We all love getting janked out of the experience for some shoehorned present day faggotry

>Map is split into several kingdoms encompassing all of Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland
so another big map full of nothing but ugly copy pasted assets and the occasional poor AI copy pasted animal, just what the series needs

Ubisoft fairly predictably release leaks of their games every year. If people think it's M&B, then posting screens to prove it would help.

*gets caught and sued*

BAH, ill only be interested if its set in either China, Japan, or Wild West.

Attached: d3403d1.jpg (640x390, 38K)

Again, you're no different to someone who watches Doctor Who because you like period costumes.

I unironically hope they take notes from GoW because popping Spartan Rage and going full berserker on motherfuckers feels good.

Attached: God of War_20180705142303.jpg (800x789, 657K)

They keep making AC games because the brand is famous
And no one expects from those games a good story or characters so they have a free pass on that regard

>mythology wise it's either Buddhism, Norse or Ancient Greece

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The fact you mention Desmond makes me think you're way out of the loop and you're not aware that reality is a simulation. Desmond was meaningless. Everything is the animus.

>Just remembered you never finished GOW PS4 for some reason

Should I go back and complete it?
or should I start over on the hardest difficulty?

man I can't wait for nigger vikings

No, because a majority of Doctor Who is about the sci-fi and time travelling and the interactions between the Doctor and the setting.
A majority of AC is essentially period-drama with usually some ancient alien stuff jammed in right at the start and right at the end.
"Templers" are the big bad.

AC2 had a decent balance, and everyone touts it as the "best" AC game, mostly because the modern nonsense and sci-fi shit takes a far backseat to the period drama.

>Missoula my arch nemesis

Why do you guys keep giving a shit about AssCreed? Do you have no self-respect?

Cuz bro this game is cool and dark and deep, like what if the illuminati was real???

jokes aside, it's probably going to be fine

Attached: viks.jpg (737x663, 466K)

>Ragnar Lothbrok the asssasin

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literally M&B, how can you niggers not see it?

what games do you like?

>"Templers" are the big bad.
That isn't really true anymore.
>No, because a majority of Doctor Who is about the sci-fi and time travelling and the interactions between the Doctor and the setting.
In AC: Odyssey, you play a demigod with an Isu weapon. You hunt a cult built around an Isu artifact. You search for a way into Atlantis, an Isu City. (They just released a massive story DLC involving Atlantis, with more to come.) And you reunite your family. Your family is special entirely because they are resistant to alien mind control.

This isn't background stuff. AC: Odyssey is a game where literally everything you do revolves around the ancient aliens. It's not some random bit of plot jammed in at the end. I'd argue the OP is full of shit because the story DLC for Odyssey is super hardcore first civilization stuff. They're not gonna have less of it in the next game. They need to wrap up Layla's story.

How many people in this thread have actually played AC: Odyssey - The Fate of Atlantis?

>wild west ac

that sounds like the most pointless thing ever

Why the fuck would I want to play a Ubisoft game that isn't Rayman?

yeah it was okay i guess

waiting for a price drop
it sure looks interesting, though

>Played AC 1-Revelations
>Got Origin in the Humble Monthly
>100% it and the DLC because it was fun
>"The others are on deal, so lets just grab all the ones I missed"
>Start playing AC3R (From the Odyssey Season Pass)
>Connor gets stuck on everything
>100% Sync is garbage
>Tempted to just skip the Tyrant King DLC

Should I play Liberations, Tyrant King DLC, or just move on to Black Flag next?

Skip straight to Black Flag
its DLC is basically Liberations anyway

AC3R is really badly broken in places. The DLC is broken even worse. They're working on a patch, though, looking at SteamDB. I'm refusing to touch the remaster until they fix it.

fuck off shill with your "leaks"

So they aren't relevant going forward?

I won't actually give a shit about AC unless it goes WW1 or 2. give me a game like sniper elite where i actually assassinate world leaders and have an impact on world history. have a jewish assassin inside the nazi party who has to work his way up the ranks eventually getting the trust of hitler some james bond type shit. you can even copy the microwave scene from MGS when the assassin tries to escape a concentration camp

Chronicles Russia, and Syndicate have WW1 missions.

Liberations can be skipped without any risk
the important parts of 3 are the beginning (because it introduces Haytham Kenway) and the ending (because it fucks over the series)

hell, even Black Flag and Rogue aren't that important to the story (Black Flag ends with a cliffhanger that goes fucking nowhere) but they are at least fun to play

Ezio was such a based character we see him go from Playboy Douchebag and learn how to become an assassin through him and not already be one where eventually become the Mentor Leader of the Assassins even Altair was boring compared to Ezio

Attached: 6908373470_a7dcff47e7_z.jpg (600x331, 119K)

Well at least that's better than "getting caught and sued and made fun of by a bunch of anons on a Uranium-238 refining forum for being a spaz with parkinson's"

I fucking hate conquest or whatever shit in Oddysey, literally insulting to history. It's a fucking game not a Hollywood film. You have limitless potential to make formation accurate to history but nooooo. Literally bunch of people dueling each other across the battlefield, you would think that with those massive shield soldiers would do something with it. FUCK I hate it. Literally muh big battle to satisfy shitty casual normalfags. FUCK

Attached: Never happened.jpg (650x412, 66K)

Historylet here when it comes to viking shit, redpill me on Ragnar Lodbrok and the great Heathen Army.

Loved Oddysey (don´t like the AC franchise aswell) but ye, those were just gang fights.

Because it's unironically the best RPG since Morrowind.

Attached: Assassin's Creed Odyssey.png (1840x650, 1003K)

seething medshit

Whats with all the norse/viking shit recently?

You're out of date. AC is about Elon Musk "universe is a computer simulation, we should totally crash it" stuff now.

Literally just coincidence but I like it.

How is exploration mode? What changes does it make? Got any screenshots of the log/journal? I recently bought Origins and Odyssey and am going through Origins now, but when I get to Odyssey I think I might use it if it's not completely shit.

First assassin's Creed I'd be interested in since 4. Let's see if it's really all that.

God, I wish Breath of the Wild didn't fucking exist. Everyone's going to try to copy it now. The most interesting part of that game was the physics engine.
Even the combat wasn't as good as Dragon's Dogma.

Exploration Mode tells you that, for example, you need to find a farm east of the something mountains. When you get within range of the farm, it comes up with the "Press V to search with your eagle prompt" so you can pinpoint it. The practical effect is that you explore general directions far more naturally because the game doesn't tell you "Go to this marker" when you receive an objective. It tells you a general direction to go in. And that general direction has a shitload of other stuff in it.

>Feudal Japan
Fuck off, weeb. You're not fooling anyone with that wall of text, trying to justify your glorious nippon.

Parkour is the most boring part of asscreed aside from the nice views.

>it's another Ubishit """""""""leak"""""""""

How is the parkour animation.

The problem with that is that the world is too bland and copy-paste-y. It would need to be like the world in Deus Ex Mankind Divided.

I have mixed feelings about Ikaros. While it's a bit hand-holding to have the game say, "You're close to the destination, press a button to find out where it is" the game world is fuckhuge, and I'm honestly not sure wandering in a circle for 10 hours trying to find a little shack would be more immersive. Even Kingdom Come: Deliverance had to compromise.

>- Game is more focused on exploration, removing question marks on the map, and making players want to explore locations for better loot (like Breath of the Wild)

please god make this right. I wanted to explore in odyssey like i did in witcher, but those question marks were so fucking boring jesus

Were they really like that, though? I know germanic people that invaded Rome after it fell repudiated homossexualism, even before Christianity.

>Great Britain
Why? Who cares.

Can't Feudal Japan fans just play Ghost of Tsushima once that comes out?
Infamous 3 was almost a launch title for the PS4 wasn't it? It's pretty crazy how long GoT has been in development. We're a year and a half away from the PS5.

That's an entirely different kettle of fish. AC is trying to create a feeling of being a tiny fish in a vast sea. Deus Ex is about creating a slice of reality that behaves as close to reality as possible. I personally prefer the Deus Ex approach, but considering how poorly the likes of Dishonored and Prey and Deus Ex sell, the mass market unfortunately doesn't appreciate immersive sim world design.

So it is basically nothing more just odyssey in a viking reskin.

IMHO The Witcher 3 had too much open, empty space. Should've been more compact.

t. assblasted EU cuck

peaked with Unity

>Bulletsponges the game

I'm fine with that, to be honest.

so let me get this straight
Yea Forums likes
I'm starting to think this isn't a board for people who really like video games

And Unity would've been the peak overall if the combat didn't suck ass and side missions were more interesting.


If you are interested in a financial business partnership, please contact me.
I am still looking for different partners in the gaming industry.
Would be very nice. I would like to hire you.

Chasero # 2161

go on, name your games

I wouldn't recommend harder difficulties. The game's combat is not polished enough for those. It kinda falls apart.

Nah, the game sucks to be honest.

user those games are like 10 years old
after what time is it acceptable to like them?

Not really. His proof is the pictures. You gotta have proof to support you claim of being false. Stop parroting posts you see on Yea Forums

You already played it normally, so why not?

>Asassins Creed is about climbing big buildings
>next game will be nordic
>mfw mud huts

Have you played the others? Not worth it otherwise

t. irrelevant autist

I think the general directions the game gives you are a bit more precise than "east of mountains"

Many of the locations I've received have been along the lines of "South of _____ and East between the two stone pillars"

never because they're all total trash
mostly these days I play kaizo rom hacks. they're video games so I imagine you wouldn't really get it.

I have played 100's of games for thousands of hours across many different genres. Fighting, racing, puzzle, platformer, action/adventure, point n clicks, fps,

now kill yourself for not liking video games but thinking you do.

asscreedd is not a video game it is the very antithesis of video games

hasn't been about big buildings in a while
it's all about traversal of EVERYTHING now

This. I hope we get something that's the equivalent of Unity's urban parkour but for nature. I want to be swinging off branches of trees and shit in Scandinavia.

That would make up for the lack of big buildings and urban sprawl.

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Japan was a single fucking example out of like 15 other ones there you faggot, and i'd much rather have virtually anything else there other then Japan due to how overused japan is, but japan would still be better then vikings by a mile

Origins and Oddessy, while not having huge vertical structures, at least still had CITIES. They have proved that stuff like Mesopotamia, Persia, Aztecs, Maya, Ancient India, Khmer, Thai shit, etc would work, since even if their cities weren't overtly vertical they still had large cities, but vikings isn't even close to that.

I think you're really underestimating how interesting an Assassin's Creed vikings-era game would actually be as long as we're going back to actual assassins.

Especially since they can explain all the mythical shit in lore.

I'm at work so i can't give you any screenshots, but what it basically does is give you 2-3 hints
where you are supposed to be and looks something like this:
"It's on the island of Andros"
"the fort is somewhere south-east of the temple of poseidon"
It's not hard but neither is it braindead because you get some directions and have to walk there yourself.

This. It's pretty pathetic that Assassin's Fucking Creed has more in common with older TES titles than Skyrim does though.

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Thats how games start out.

Look at the sea of thieves startup.

Not him btw, but i guess i learned something today.
Thought they would use the world of the previous game and return it to
a blank slate and reuse some models like for pots and stuff so it doesn't look
like mud when you're working on it.

I'm getting Witcher 3 Skellige flashbacks.

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That happens further down the line

The only thing that draws me to a Viking AssCreed is the fact that it'd be the first game I could draw my lineage from. I could pretend that if I kill the wrong person I'd be erased from time. However an Irish one has a stronger connection to my family tree since I'd have to make sure anyone with my last name isn't killed.

This is M&B 100%

Can we all agree 6th generation was Ubisoft's peak?

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I sleep

>might be comfy
Only reason to play AC.

No. Everything out of Ubisoft since 2014 has been gold. They're unironically the best AAA publisher today.

This could be real and I couldn't care less.

Who gives an absolute fuck about that Mary Sue dyke?

Gold? More like copper. You can upgrade to bronze via DLC.

I'll be honest, I'm probably biased, i've never really given a shit about the "assassin" part and just like the series for historical archtecture and urbanism porn.

>12 great games and only one of them open world. And even then it was small and compact.
God, I miss those times.

You can shit on their DLC/pre-order practices all you want but I can't really go after them for the contents of those DLCs. They've all been worth the money.

They literally just put out a Blood&Wine-tier DLC for Assassin's Creed Odyssey (Atlantis)

I refuse to believe that even a prototype on a next gen version of Anvil would look that shit.

There is gonna be lot's of black people, isn't there?

cant wait for viKANGZ

>DLCs. They've all been worth the money.
They sell a shit ton of overpriced items that should've just been rewards for in-game quests, free of charge.


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Read history based retard.

You mean the only good part? Like there is literally nothing else that's good about them, nothing, story is shit, graphics is shit, combat is shit, only parkour is fun.

Absolutely based user tiocfaidh ár lá

Looking back, it's pretty clear asscreed devs always pull the setting from their ass. Everytime they choose the lamest setting possible. Except pirates.

It seems to me, based on screenshots and description is that OP is talking about Mount and Blade:Viking Conquest

>Creative Director is Ashraf, Darby McDevvit is the Narrative Director

>Game is more focused on exploration, removing question marks on the map
Fucking finally.

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Finish it, my dude despite everything Yea Forums said its still a good game.

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Its going to be a Witcher 3 little,so who cares

>- Game is more focused on exploration, removing question marks on the map, and making players want to explore locations for better loot (like Breath of the Wild)
Literally just came in my pants.
Fuck maps
Fuck minimaps
Fuck compasses
and FUCK quest markers

cool but does it let me be a complete sex fiend like in Odyssey?

They already did this with Odyssey. Go play it user.

Last time I checked the minimap still full of question marks and ckecklists.

No northern France. SHM

>here is your Isu stuff, senpai

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Then turn off the mini map and listen to the NPCs when they give you "North of the island east of the two pillars" directions. It's literally just like Morrowind.

There's literally a whole game mode made for this autism

Yeah I just learned about exploration mode.
Doesn't seem to go as far as I would like but I'm definitely interested now.

Would be nice to finally see denmark in a vidya, too bad ass creed's combat is actual ass.

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>Doesn't seem to go as far as I would like
How much further do you want it to go? The world is at least 100x bigger than Gothic and I don't think you can have an open world like this without towers or the birds eye mechanic.

By the time you get the "use the bird" prompt you've already done 99% of the exploration.

this is your typical Yea Forumsermin in 2019


No it doesn't. They may give you some superficial directions but the game wasn't built around it. You can bet your ass that exploration mode was an afterthought.
In Morrowind the entire world is built around exploration, from the road signs, strange rock formations, rivers, crossroads, isolated farms and egg mines, dwemer and dunmer ruins... Meanwhile in Odyssey it always boils down to "southeast of X landmark".

Post inspirations for the OST

also, since Skyrim did a great job with that, I hope we get a version of Ezio's Family with a male choir

I said doesn't seem. Maybe it does things how I like them. I'll definitely try it. Exploring ancient Greece without 20 quest icons on a minimap sounds perfect.

what game?

Is the "Ubi leak phase" in effect again?
Go away fucking shills. You haven't made a decent game since Black Flag.

Assassin's Creed Unity
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Assassin's Creed Origins
Assassin's Creed Odyssey

That's just one series you idiot retard.

Even sub-Saharan Africa had it's share of city-sates and short-lived medieval kingdoms. Meanwhile Scandinavia was the poorest and most backwards region of Europe with modern Congo-levels of hunger until the beginning of the 20th century.

>They're unironically the best AAA publisher today.
Not a high standard, admittedly though all their teams besides the far cry team have noticeably put in effort to improve but their games still resemble the derivative mass market grey sludge that keeps you busy but is ultimately forgettable.

Maybe that' s the reason this franchise turned to SHIT.

their passion projects flop so yeah, they pretty much have to shit out the grey sludge to stay afloat

>Zelda lets you climb anything
that's cool
>AC let's you climb anything

Hussite Wars would be cool

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That's the thing though, they've made their top earners into their passion projects.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a top tier RPG that competes with Gothic's world building and The Witcher 3's story telling.

Looks like heaven from Diablo 3.

Altair has the same progression as Ezio though, Ezio is a knockoff of Altair.
Altair starts of as a cocky and snarky piece of shit and goes to wise mentor figure, Ezio is the same + playboy aspect.

What? Are you implying any of those games are decent? Crawl back to where you came from, absolute retard.

>>Roman Republic/Empire
I've been dreaming about an Asscreed game in this setting for years, especially after Origins and Odyssey. Imagine getting to explore the city of Rome at its largest and most grandiose in the 2nd century AD. Climbing around the enormous temples, the imperial palace, the colosseum, and the great imperial forums. So much potential. They could set it during the later years of Commodus and show the year of five emperors and ascendance of the Severan dynasty. There would be plenty of opportunities for the assassins to be involved somehow. I know it's never going to happen, but imagine the possibilities.

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cool fanfic, the only thing i dislike is how you can easily tell that the screenshots aren't from assassin's creed engine and it just looks like a modded m&b.
my immersion

They did the bowl thing in Vikings too. It based on on the historical account of an Arab emissary sent to the Rus.

Remember this?

Attached: YvUGunI.png (1116x719, 750K)

I want an asscreed set during WW2.
You play an edgy French resistor who's decedant of assassin's or whatever and you infiltrate nazis on some sci-fi shits.

Or whatever else, but WW2 could be a very nice settings for a more classic asscreed.

I'm still mad the last year's leaks about next one being Ancient Rome set during Year of the Five Emperors turning out to be fake.
I don't want more "LE VAIKEENGZ" shlock trash.
Insert Lindybeige rant here.

Nice Mount & Blade animations and stances.

>still no potato famine Assassin's Creed

They truly are wasting the series and its parkour mechanics by not realising the incredible potential of an ancient Roman Asscreed game.

Ehh, Ubisoft has been pretty toned down in that regard.
Even AC Origins, which was set in Egypt, made sure the main character looked middle eastern-y instead of just making him black.
Hell, there's only two black characters in the game, and both betray you and you have to kill them.

>online co-op

No, stop this shit. Asscreed does not need co-op

one day, fellow romans...

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What about an Assassins Creed game centered around the Boshin War/Russo-Japanese War? The beginning of true modernization of Japanese way of life or the rise of true Japanese imperialism could be an excellent way of handling AC: Japan as opposed to a boring feudal Japanese game.

Is it less grindy then Odyssey or will everyone who calls it a good game either pay for faster EXP or cheat again?

>Not called Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

They had one fucking job

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I did neither of those things and still thought it was a fun game. The key is to play slow and explore a lot.

It was weird how Ezio's games kept having File's stressing that Altair is bar none the most skilled assassin in all of history. Almost makes you wonder how he'd play in the RPG games.

Did the fact that aside from nice boats, a cool language and a couple of stave churches the "vikings" were nothing more than pirates, pillagers and rapists really made you that salty?

>pay for faster EXP or cheat
No, the trick is playing in NG+, when you are already at a higher level than anyone else and everyone is at the same level of you, the game is perfectly balanced there, and you can kill in one hit with stealth attacks to pretty much everyone.

Oh wow, what a surprise! A new Assassins Creed! I can't fucking wait to replay the same motherfucking generic dogshit open world "game" for the gazillionth time!

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>Player has ability to change outfits on the fly, which can speed up or slow down notoriety build up in different kingdoms and stop Sheriffs coming after you
of all the things RDR2 did, why copy this one

Lol, snowmonkey.

Okay fag.

>Is set during the start of the Viking age

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AssCreed peaked with ACII, there's never going to be a better one.

Meh, God of war 2018 and its sequel are the only Norse games I need now

Fuck off weeb


Ubisoft would use the fucking Eskimos before feeding into the weebs, commies, and street shitters.

I'm kinda hype for robbing england. I hope they add sieges as minor as they were during that time. Ubi is really playing with my feelings lately, hitting settings I want 3 times in a row.

Odyssey wasn't grindy at all, autists just rushed the game then bitched when enemies were higher level since they skipped side quests

Why we would we want ass creed: snow niggers edition?

And that's good because there's already shit tons of games based around nip shit as it is

> Larger emphasis on build and armor usage
Literally how?Odyssey is already fairly build dependent.

That setting would work the best for Japan probably
Definitely true. Wouldn't be surprised if the next setting is neither Vikings or Roman empire but some random ass country like the Commonwealth of polish Lithuania which no one sees coming

>co-op returning
>open world
Very neat.
>removing question marks on the map
Taking them away doens't make the random camp or cave more interesting

>-Game will reflect the modern, vibrant, and diverse existences of these countries

just don't make the dude a beardless milkdrinker

Thank You, Sir Ubisoft™®

still waiting for a return of middle eastern setting.

Why can't we have Assassins Creed Japan

Its been asked for years and years yet they never want to do it.
Yet games like Ni-Oh and Sekiro come out and prove theres a market for it.
What the legit fuck bros.

Feudal Japan would be so fucking boring and bland.

wtf im outraged now

Because they know that game will sell no matter what.
It's their ace up their sleeve, they'll only make that game when the franchise is in danger of dying.

>"""Leak""" the setting
>"""Leak""" pictures
>"""Leak""" trailer
This has happened for
>Watch Dogs
>Watch Dogs 2
>Far Cry 5
>Far Cry New Dawn
>Ass Creed Unit
>Ass Creed We Wuz Kangz
>Ass Creed Greek editiod

you forgot Assassin's Creed "Victory"

Altair is most likely more skilled since he did a lot more alone than ezio who had his brotherhood. But I am pretty sure ezio is the strongest assassin in terms of fighting power

Best possible AssCreed setting coming through.

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>the game will sell no matter what

Weebs are not the big market they think they are

>strongest assassin in terms of fighting power
that would be Connor

Ah yes, the First Civilization, very interesting.
the biggest twist they could pull out of their ass is going back to Adam and Eve at this point

They can’t pander to the blacks or gays in feudal Japan. Ain’t never gonna happen

>implying the long lost city of Ha-Süs exists

I recognize the exact pattern and color from M&B Vikang Conquest

Don't forget the niggers

Ubisoft game.
Cant wait for the Muslim Vikings.

I doubt it.
They even had a game in Egypt that barely had any blacks.
Among the biggest companies, they've been the least SJW.
Any other company would have made the main character of Origins and Odyssey niggers.

But you do play as a nig in origins
And can play as a strong independent kween in ancient Greece

>least sjw
Did you forget they did an entire DLC over because fags were upset their character was in a straight relationship?


Like half the NPCs were black

The guy in Origins looks more middle eastern if anything, he even had a semitic nose.
There's only two actual characters who are black, and both betray you and you have to kill them.

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have everyonebelieve your dumb ass garbage

Bayek is Egyptian, not a Sub Saharan

Egyptian =/= Sub Saharan african. North Africa is vastly different from the rest of the continent

>And can play as a strong independent kween in ancient Greece
But you can also play as a dude.
And honestly, they are both goofy as fuck.
Odyssey has this weird positive tone that completely clashes with the fact that it's set in one of the bloodiest wars of ancient Greece and that plagues are happening everywhere.
And both Alexios and Kassandra, despite being mercenaries, they are just upbeat and positive and are always happy, which is also weird as shit.
I have no idea what the hell they were going for in Odyssey.

Those were SJWs, what people were mad with is that both your characters were railroaded into a romance with a bland as fuck character.
They didn't even do over the DLC, they simply killed the character you are forced to be romanced with in the following chapter.

Isn't that the same Ubisoft with the "lol historically girls didn't get any education but muh diversity so that is why we have girls too" shiiit?

>defending a hoax poster. calling others retarded out of pure assumption.

one day im going through the trouble finding one of you fags and killing you.
no joke.

>Game is more focused on exploration, removing question marks on the map, and making players want to explore locations for better loot (like Breath of the Wild)
God I so wish this were true but it's fucking Ubisoft, I highly doubt they'll do that.

The question marks are ok, though those could even be replaced with a fog of war, but there are still exclamation points indicating quests and such. On one hand, I’m like what can you really expect. Quest givers can tell you where to go, but nobody tells you where quest givers are. Furthermore, there are so many faceless NPCs wondering around, how do you know who to talk too for quests? So that seems a little difficult to solve. Maybe the faceless NPCs have a handful of things they’ll say to indicate where quests are located? Maybe you come across events where you can overheat conversations that also indicate location do quest givers?

But while it’s a step up I do feel like they’re still slapping it on a little bit. The world still feels very theme parky with a map saying “go here to begin the ride!”, while neglecting other things in the world that could be used to engage you a little more in it. Like that other user said, morrowind literally had signs and shit. Not a big innovation, but Odyssey doesn’t have that. I have no problem with Ikaros being a method to find the exact location of thing though once you get in the area. It would probably be annoying as shit to find the misty mountain town where some bride lost her ring or whatever, and then have to search for 20 minutes to find the fucking thing.

>despite being mercenaries, they are just upbeat and positive and are always happy, which is also weird as shit.
mercs are happy people, you know, they don't care about shitty tribalism or recently invented nationalism which is same thing but for more people

funny story,before this war, 10 thousand mercs were fighting for some persian prince for his throne, their commanders got caputred and persians asked them to surrender, what do you think they did? elected new commanders and fucked off to crimea to start a new colony
greek mercs are a fun bunch. prince got beheaded btw.

>mercs don't care about tribalism

Way to show you done even know what you're talking about

You'd expect people who make a living out of fighting wars and killing for money to be way more jaded.
The entire game should have had a far more serious tone, closer to the one in Origins.

>white protagonist
nice try

Retarded idea + they already have a rage type ability in Odyssey, it's just not universal

>to be way more jaded.
I've talked to a several Afghanistan veterans, the soviet ones, they are fun people to talk to. jaded shit is overplayed by movies or just americans.

Acrobatic viking assassins. AC and nordic culture doesn't mesh at all.

Exploration mode is extremely overrated. I like the idea but again they just make it too simple, easy, and formulaic. It's like a tiny 5 second "puzzle" game every time you're told to go somewhere.

sadly it's not morrowind tier, but at least it's better than following markers right away

I like BOTW in theory, it REALLY does to exploration well but the problem is that the map just feels empty and mostly barren. Like at times it feels like it's an alpha version of a full map that still hasn't been fully populated yet.

It would be a lot better if they removed question marks everywhere and also didn't give a popup in the middle of your screen when you're in proximity to the location/target

This is just Mount & Blade.

yes. that damn popup.

This dude already made an unofficial theme for it. It even has some bits of Ezio's Family in it.

AC would be great as a Noir spy thriller set in the 40/50s right as the Cold War is starting. Limited guns like small pistols could be in it with limited ammo but gadgets/hidden blades would still be the main focus. Final mission is assassinating JFK in an alternate way

Does anyone still play every Assassin's Creed game? I stopped playing at Revelations, so maybe I'm way off base here, but it seems that every Assassin's Creed release aims to be so expansive and time-consuming that someone who gets the most out of every game in the series would have little time to play anything else. Maybe that's the point but it seems shitty.

This opinion will probably be unpopular here but since becoming employed I've started to appreciate smaller games more and more.
>this game is good because it has 300 hours of content!
Who the fuck has time for that?
>lol this shitty game is only 8 hours long!
Sounds great, if it's cheap, which it probably is.

Fucking Swede's, man.

And yet lot of people didnt bother to finish a game.
Retarded normie wisful thinking

fuck that bitch. she's even worse than desmond

I dropped it after Rogue but still watch the modern day shit to laugh at Ubisoft's attempts to drag it out.

h*ck yeah

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>Unity store assets
Fake and gay.

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What we're going to climb in this game, wooden huts and Helga's fat ass?

fuck off

Pretty shitty that they put that at the beginning. I thought I'd be able to play more than just Jacques De Molay.

My favorite irony of AC games these days is the disassociation of the titular name from the actual games themselves.

1-3 + BH were all about the assassins. Now it's just about who the fuck even knows anymore.

What was shown of "Victory" made Syndicate look like trash.

can't wait to do her in new game plus and just whore myself out to all of greece

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What about the hint to Assasins creed valhalla in division 2?

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>India got gay ass poor man's Mark of the Ninja treatment
Still hurts to this day

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Both responsible for Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag.
Former directed Origins.

>tfw no AC game where you fight with Jannu to kick anglo ass back to bongland
I don't get it, it would be perfect for Ubisoft because they'd have their strong female figure and it would be set in France

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I have not, Ubisoft™ man.
Fix your regional pricing on Steam, take some cue from SEGA.

>Odyssey wasn't grindy at all
yes it was, be quiet

There's already a story about that, The assassin is Jeanne's childhood friend who doesn't get brought up in historical records but traveled with her.
her death was faked and she hooks up with the assassin dude in the end and they live comfortably in the countryside. Her descendant is the modern-day protagonist. It ties into the Assassin's Creed movie

Imagine caring about Assasin's Creed in fucking 2019

yeah, now make game about it, Jeanne must be at least as cute as Unity girl.

>- Game is developed primarily by Montreal
>- Creative Director is Ashraf, Darby McDevvit is the Narrative Director
games gonna be trash.

There are going to be shield maidens literally everywhere.

>Ehh, Ubisoft has been pretty toned down in that regard.

>her death was faked and she hooks up with the assassin dude in the end

Attached: 1553112146763.jpg (442x460, 125K)

>Among the biggest companies, they've been the least SJW.
what the fuck?

Attached: 4chanin2017.jpg (2260x1808, 629K)

..this is what it's about, idiot

But will there be LGBT characters and can I shank people while wearing a rainbow wig and a banana hammock?
Flying thru the air with my cock and balls dangling ?
Will Ubisoft cater to my progressive vision ?

You retards know those are all pictures of Mount and Blade, right?

Attached: notsonice.png (500x668, 401K)

>Flying thru the air with my cock and balls dangling ?
You'll be playing as a young woman in this story, sorry. Traditionally shield maidens accompanied raiders in groups of at least a dozen, and you're character will be the young leader of a particular dozen. Part of the game involves roaming the map and recruiting other strong young women to join your squad. You can level them up and also switch them out for the crew on your own personal long ship, that you command along side your second mate Ayshalla.

It's literally the same way odyssey """"leaked"""" on here a last year. Ubisoft releases this shit themselves to stir up marketing.

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