Games as a Service is a Scam

Will devs ever fix the games as a service problem?

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make a TL:DW video 5min max

>an ever evolving game is bad

>man who doesn't clean his own house
>allows mold to get so severe they have to evacuate him from the premises
>having any sort of semblance of authority over anyone caring for ANY sort of anything
it's nice when e-celeb faggots are so retarded that they think their idol's ideas are unique, much less valid.
If you want "games as a service" to stop, stop spending money on it, get your friends to stop spending money on it, and more importantly, play games you like. That's how you keep the games running. When you stop, the devs see less people, and see no reason to keep them running. Less people playing a game means less new people entering. That's the reason darkspore shut down, but he cites some bullshit like "EA WAS JUST CUTTING COSTS", no motherfucker, no one was playing the game, there's no reason to keep it up. It's a version of cutting costs, but it's not as though it was without reason.

Nigga i don't know if you understand how black mold works, but "cleaning your house" doesn't work.
Entire BLOCKS around his apartment have black mold, he went to check.
It's in the buildings, it's within the walls, his place is fundamentally fucked from the inside.

E-celebs are kind of necessary for any movement to get ground on the internet, since their higher numbers make them more appealing to an algorithm.

It's a really good video. Needs more attention honestly.

someone give me a quick rundown
what's the fraud?

Why should they? They don't view it as a problem. It makes them money.

>allows mold to get so severe they have to evacuate him from the premises
Someone can be a complete fuck up at everything in life and still be right about a few things.
I literally couldn't care less about his personal life. His personal life has nothing to do with why I watch people. You retards have been watching/reading to much hollywood celeb bullshit where you think prying into peoples personal life is the norm.
Worse so considering it as a reason whether to watch something or not.
was it autism?

I tried I really did but after twenty minutes realized I am too far gone and a brainlet. Ross your voice is boring and that topic put me to sleep.

>what's the fraud?
Something about games as a service isn't a service. it's a product. Like say "for honor" where it is free to play yet everyone who paid for it can't get there money back. Free-to-play can do whatever they want.
Also some game servers close down forever so you can't play a game you paid for.
You have the GTA IV 10 year anniversary where Rockstar blessed their audiences with an update that removed half of the songs on the game due to licensing issues.
Literally half the product was delete against their will.
They don't have to update of course. But that means no online. Which means no service. For a game they paid for creators shouldn't be able to actively destroy a product they paid for.
Anyways games as a service really isn't legal yet and not consider that. Atleast in the way the games industry is currently trying to represent it.
>I tried I really did but after twenty minutes realized I am too far gone and a brainlet.
It's brainlets like you that is the reason we can't have nice things.
When your being raped by the corporate moguls rememeber it's because your an idiot.

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What are games as a service?
>GAS are games that allow you to play your game.
>Companies withholding functions of a game
>Online Only

Why is it fraud?
>GAS are not services.
>You are buying copies, not the intellectual property itself.
>It's YOUR copy
>If you're not paying a subscription fee it's "perpetual licence" under most country's laws that means it's a good and not a service
The EU, Canada, and Australia all 100% agree that games are goods and not services. The US is the only country trying to push a narrative that you have no consumer rights when it comes to videogames or technology circa 2010.

GAS almost always destroy your games after they have sold it to you.

>alright technically nobody is doing anything illegal but i sure don't like it!

>hurrr durr what is copyright law
>durrrr instructions are a physical good
God damn you people are stupid

>GAS aren't services because I say so
>buying a game is always a permanent license because I say so
>"owning a game" without owning the copyright is possible because I say so
Oops you're retarded

You shouldn't blindly follow what people say just because they have, or you think they have, authority. Listen to the arguments and think for yourself

>gets btfo by ljf, the most meek youtube lawyer

They are. Watch the video

>The EU, Canada, and Australia all 100% agree that games are goods and not services. The US is the only country trying to push a narrative that you have no consumer rights when it comes to videogames or technology circa 2010.
But that's fucking wrong

literally yes because a good game cant get better forever and most of the time this model releases bare bones unfinished trash up front like anthem

regardless. How can you buy a product that ends up being something completely different after a few years? How can anyone believe it is alright to buy something thats value is lost because of the companies action? It's considered fraud when any other company deceives you.

>allows mold to get so severe they have to evacuate him from the premises
implying he could do anything and it wasn't the responsibility of the person that owns and governs the apartment block and he wasnt stuck inside polish bureacratic hell

fucking contrarian kill yourself

>model releases bare bones unfinished trash up front like anthem
this is even worse. how can we keep allow unfinished games to be released?
If your burgers uncooked would you eat i? or ask for another cooked one.

i just dont understand what makes Yea Forums always default to being contrarian to the point where you just start making shit up to fit your narrative

ross is pure and you're a giant faggot

You being ignorant of copyright law is not the same as you being decieved, chucklefuck.

Time to grow up

>exclusively makes tatements about US law
>haha it's not technically fraud but it could still be illegal haha
guy's a total retard that falls back solely on precedents from the us when we're talking about a developing global industry

Why would I want to play a game while it's still in development? I'll only play any given game for so long, so obviously I want the best possible experience out of those hours, which usually means playing it after it's 100% completed. If the game keeps "evolving", that's not possible. Even when development inevitably stops it might not be possible, as the servers shut down and the game disappears forever. I want to play a game, start to finish, and then go find something else to play. Not grind the same game year after year, as the developers drip feed just enough new content to keep people playing. The model is fundamental flawed and only works because it exploits human psychology

seeHow can they keep doing this? Some companiese even try to refuse refunds even when they are in the wrong. How many people get screwed by a patch that breaks the game for them? Alot. Do they not deserve a refund?

Fucking assface comes back advertising his shit again. Fuck off ugly.

>almost every company is us
>video is from a us perspective for the vast majority

>companies sell outside of the us

>soi face
Why do you keep posting this garbage?

>it's a crypto e-celeb thread
lol fuck off

gee i wonder where they do most of their business and are headquartered

literally doesn't matter you have to abide by local laws or forego the ability to sell

Soi is cool now.

Hello, samefag

I'm sick of seeing this fucking thumbnail in my recommended videos.

Kill yourself, autistic spammer. Kill your fucking self.

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>noooo how dare you insult me- I mean, my favorite e-celeb?

>corporate shills come crawling out everytime its posted
Like clockwork

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20 minutes

This video was so fucking good, I only found Ross year ago and his so consistently good (watched pretty much everything) and then he uploaded this master piece.

Freeman's mind is boring kiddie shit though.

>Looks at WoW
>Looks at Runescape
>Looks at every perpetually online game ever.


>Freeman's mind is boring
If you didn't play Half-Life as a kid, or you're not a big fan of it, I can see that being the case. A lot of the fun comes out of his take on something you'd already be familiar with, or pointing out incongruities with the game's internal logic - which works better if you've played the game a few times

>kiddie shit
This I can't see. Maybe in the first few episodes, but it's hardly the sort of content I'd expect kids to enjoy overall


I did play it as a kid and I was around when first episodes came out, never knew who did them though.
I just never liked them, I always thought that my own inner thoughts were better.
This "pointing out inconsistencies in vidya" thing was beaten to death 5 years ago.
But anyhow, I respect his work as quite a lot of people seem to enjoy it and I do find it hilarious that he FINALLY moved to HL2.

First sales doctrine comes into play here I think.

>pointing out inconsistencies in vidya
I didn't mean it like that. Ross doesn't make fun of games vs real life, but of the way Half-Life itself seems to contradict, or even reinforce, itself within its own rules. Has an attention to detail when he does it, like when he climbs over a cliff you normally can't climb, only to realize that he's in the middle of the New Mexico desert, and can't make his way through it on foot with the military sending choppers after him. Or how he's talking about the exploding barrels in HL2, not as a "that makes no sense" but as a "the fumes to liquid ratio must be stored in the most unsafe way possible to allow their use as makeshift explosives"

Sure is brainwashed zoomers/corporate apologists in here.

> It's considered fraud when any other company deceives you.
It’s not
The 2008 market crashed proved as much

The responses from lawyers didn't support his case very well.
>demanding games to not die infringes on artists ability to art
>sometimes might infringe on pro-consumer laws
>solution:change copyright law trough congress

>First sales doctrine comes into play here I think.
Now that I think about it. We've always been and still are able to sell our games.

How do you sell a Steam game?

>How do you sell a Steam game?
Pretty sure put a system in place that allows that. You can trade on steam.

you fuckers need to understand that multiplayer component of a game is not a product
when you buy a phone do you honestly expect it to come with unlimited internet acces forever or something ?
no, because the phone is a product but its connection to internet is a service
GaS might be shitty but they are not illegal so fuck off with your retared shit and go read up on law instead of watching literal whos

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So when you buy a 60€ game you want it to be worth 0€ in 5 years instead of 60€.

I still have a phone though.

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>when you buy a phone do you honestly expect it to come with unlimited internet acces forever or something
no. but i do expect to be able to use the internet when ever I want. old games used to make it possible to host your own servers so say like AoE2 which is 20 years old is still being played now because anyone can host the servers.
New games don't allow this capability cause they want full control without any freedom or care for the customer. When the "service/servers" end thats your money down the drain.

kill yourself, nigger

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Whilst an interesting topic and well-done video, i've watched 20 minutes of it and he seems to have fully explained his point already. Is there any need to watch the entire hour?

do you expect that products keep their value ?
fucking what
in entertainment people pay for novelty and prices will go down
going along with my initial analogy if for an instance the method of transmiting data changes and your hardware isnt adapted then it is effectively bricked
finally surprise surprise it is perfectly legal for you to buy something that doesnt work or wouldnt work in the future provided that you know about it
then you are providing the service yourself
in that case you are just wining that the game doesnt have a component you wanted despite knowing that it wouldnt have it
thats on you

>do you expect that products keep their value ?
Yes, a string of 0's and 1's aren't fruit that deprecate over time.
>in entertainment people pay for novelty and prices will go down
In entertainment it's unprecedented that a product becomes permanently unusable after the point of purchase.

stop spewing bullshit and read the rest of the post genius

Seriously, why does this shit ALWAYS happen
So you wanna spam your video, alright.
But why do you use the same opening over and over?
Are they literally so smooth-brained they can't think of a single new sentence to start a topic?

>ITT: people not leaving youtube on in the background so the can tune into the important points.
Can't believe people actually shit at their desks and watch youtube. How fucking uncomfortable. I'm laying in bed whilst I watch youtube whilst shitposting
>then you are providing the service yourself
and i can play the game atleast. How you'd you like it if after a year or two a company turns your disc into a paper weight because they feel like cutting costs?
It's completely anti-consumer to
>in that case you are just wining that the game doesnt have a component you wanted despite knowing that it wouldnt have it
back in my days people bought games with the full intention they could play it whenever they want. Not when the dev's see it fit.
Then they turn around and cry about piracy because people want to preserve their games. Have you seen some of these "HD Remasters". They always butcher the soundtracks and to make it worse they ruin all the colouring and artistic style.

>Are they literally so smooth-brained they can't think of a single new sentence to start a topic?
>imply it's not a legitimate bot set to post every few hours.

>back in my days
say no more
oh and good luck trying to host a 64p battlefield server on your pc
even if you were able to you would be one of the 5 guys that can
do you expect vidya for milions and bilions to have features just for your autistic-ass ?
talk about entilted

>do you expect vidya for milions and bilions to have features just for your autistic-ass ?
whats interesting is every battlefield allowed you to host your own servers.
Come battlefield 1 and its removed.
see this
Literally bringing back an old service that was always a part of the game even when multiplayer wasn't such a big thing.
I bet they only did this for more shekels.
Honestly don't know why you support companies that only hold utter contempt for you and your wallet. the only reason they don't want you playing old games is because that means you can't play their new games.
It's planned obsolecense and i don't even thing it's the legal kind that the retarded ass American's have.

I can use the phone offline. It's not rendered useless.

Im not supporting those companies, just saying that these counterarguments are shitand wouldnt work, wouldnt change shit

Lmao dedicated server takes next to no resources.
You could host it on a laptop from the last 5 years.

My phone isn't rendered unusable when the reception is shit, and I can always connect to my own wifi.
You can't do any of these with GAAS, once the reception is gone your phone is gone with it.

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Phones have multiple functions, games generally dont
If you only use the phone for internet and you cant do it anymore then its bricked for you
Are you dumb or just out of ideas ?

>Im not supporting those companies, just saying that these counterarguments are shitand wouldnt work, wouldnt change shit
You'd think a game calling itself a service would have a certain level of customer support. Customer satisfaction is the last thing on these publishers minds.
What kind of a business model is that?

>I don't understand the difference between a perpetual and subscription license
The phone and access to the internet are both products. You purchased the phone and you own it so you have a license that is permanent. Internet access is a product you can subscribe to and it ends when you stop subscribing. Products are both tangible and intangible. Insurance is a perfect example of an intangible product.

only retards who don't play games complain about games as a service

like the people who shit on sfv the day it came out and mindlessly repeat their complaints about it for years on end (known as vappas) while ignoring all updates to the game

meanwhile the people who actually enjoy the game continue playing 100s or 1000s of hours

Guy makes his case that games as a service is when you buy a game but they can break your game at any time and you can't be expected to repair it. He's not arguing against updates or microtransactions/DLC. He argues the minimum solution is the devs release appropriate documentation that could allow someone to "repair" the game, say make a private server for it.

so your analogy is shit and doesn't fit?

*Autistic heavy metal music*

It's sad that all the great games we have will be shut down and throw away in 5-10 years.

A hostile one
Unfortunately it works
Devs dont make components for a fraction of the playerbase
Please stop being entitled, if you dont like it dont buy or request these features
Providing internet connection or server acces is a service, even when you buy a subscribtion

>do you expect that products keep their value ?
>fucking what
>in entertainment people pay for novelty and prices will go down
Yeah but if you buy a book you can read it 10 years later
In fact your grandchildren can read it 100 years later
>books are not entertainment
Not to you

Does it count as advertising at this point?

>Guy makes his case that games as a service is when you buy a game but they can break your game at any time and you can't be expected to repair it.
Might be irrelevant but thought I'd just put this out that Apple really doesn't want you repairing their products. They've even been on record stating they'd perfer their customers to just buy a new one. This coincides with what i said here.>Honestly don't know why you support companies that only hold utter contempt for you and your wallet. the only reason they don't want you playing old games is because that means you can't play their new games.

>copyright law allows companies to remove goods that you bought from them

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>stop being entitled to the right to play a game you've bought
You're a nigger.

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Books and online vidya are the same bc they are entertainment
Holy fuck you got me
How can i recover

You specified entertainment. And yeah legally speaking they are the same insofar as they are goods.


hehe someone didn't read steams eula and tos
they can do whatever they want

Just give up
You cant argue that books and online vidya are the same
Youll just look like a retard
Listen to yourself

This is a stupid title, and I won't watch it because of that.
Games as a service may be shitty, anti consumer, and designed to suck money out of idiots, but it isn't a scam. It's just shit.

No, you listen to yourself. You sound like these people -

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Never. We're hurtling to the communist utopia of nobody being able to own anything and the only people with the power to stop it are more focused on whether it's more important to send Israel money or to send soldiers to die for them.

No because it is only a problem to everyone except the corporations, to them it is a goldmine

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Is there a fanbase more cucked than gamers? I honestly cannot think of another industry where people will shill so hard for companies without even being on their payroll.

>You cant argue that books and online vidya are the same
Yeah we can't seem to compare vidya to anything because it seems to have it's own entirely different laws governing it where previous court presidencies seem to be thrown right out of the window because the authors of games have every right to break into your house and replace your pc games without your permission or knowledge.

Ah yes who doesn't love 5 years of "open beta/early access" before the game dies?

>Is there a fanbase more cucked than gamers?
it's because we're all children inside and just like a kiddie fiddler luring underage kids into a car for candy. We, too, are being taken advantage of.

>he actually did it
Thats retared and (you) know it

>Ah yes who doesn't love 5 years of "open beta/early access" before the game dies?
this. it's becoming pretty much standard for games to be released when in actuality they're still in development.
Imagine you order a hamburger but they give you the buns, lettuce, tomato and chess but say you have to wait cause we're still cooking the patty.

If you dont want people to keep pretending to be contrarians then stop responding to them you fuckign retards.
All the problems on this boards exist because you people keep gving them a reason to keep existing.

>Will devs ever fix the games as a service problem?
After Ross's wife starts cooking and Ross can finally escape from eating canned beans with insects in them.

Are you a paid shill by some game publisher, or are you retarded enough to think every youtube video is a Cosmopolitan article?

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Laws need to be made so that when a company decides to abandon a game it either needs to be made to run offline or the server software is made public domain so private servers can be setup.

It's bullshit they can charge $60 for a game and if it flops or is no longer profitable in a year or two they can destroy your product.

Reminder that only Ubisoft, Blizzard and EA multiplayer only shills are attacking Ross's video.
Reminder that their opinion is garbage.

Didn't he get btfo by an actual attorney and admitted he was wrong?

Will this even stop at this point regardless of whether or not OPs keep using Ross' face?

buy ad space and stop shilling this shit already you fucking faggot

are you being retarded on purpose right now presently at the moment?

TOS/EULA agreements don't overwrite laws and consumer rights.

that sounds really bad
you cant just force a creator to modify his work by law
besides i really dont get this shitting about lan, how many of those games would you play if they were aviable like that ?
guy is a brainlet and he would have done more good if he just stayed quiet
morally right =\= factually correct

It's just part of the corporate propaganda machine
Stop the discussion on the internet so laws dont get changed and exposure is minimal.
What other possible motivation would they have.

He said the US was hopeless but the EU and Australia had a chance.
Effectively it doesn't matter which country/whatever the fuck the EU is wins, the way they have to comply benefits the entire userbase regardless of region.

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I wonder how many more people would have clicked on his video if he didn't have his 2/10 face in the thumbnail.

It's perfectly fine to use centralized matchmaking, but you should also let users host their own shit. There's no reason not to, removing that option is in fact a step back from what we had in 90s and 00s.

It's NOT fine to put any amount of single player content on a central server though. Ever. If you paid for a game that did this even once, I have nothing but contempt for you.

Its amazing anyone would ever comment on his looks as if it matters.
Where does it originate from?

>you cant just force a creator to modify his work by law
If his "work" (in this case, product) is intentionally harmful to costumers down the road, then i don't give a fuck.
>guy is a brainlet and he would have done more good if he just stayed quiet
Enjoy trying to play your rainbow six siege after daddy Ubisoft shuts the servers down. Worse if your game is single player online only like Diablo 3, good luck with that.

>morally right =\= factually correct
The eternal libertarian strikes again.
"Pepsi adds cum in their sodas, no one is forcing you to buy it, and trying to use the law against them is immoral, think of the company's well being!"

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A lack of counterarguments

that guy is based

Being LAN enabled basically means it's possible to have private servers on the internet. Over VPN of course but still. And that's why companies won't do it. Won't even admit it's possible, sometimes.

>trying to stop game devs and publishers to gimp games is bad

They sell you a game in a cock cage and flush the key down the crapper whenever they feel like and you're left with a busted game because the companies don't want you running your own server on a game they gave up on.

they don't ever evolve. they just die and disappear after a few years. every single time

No i'm just tired of e-celeb posting especially one we've seen like 9 times already.

>There's no reason not to
Oy gevalt, giving consumers autonomy is literally fascism

If you have a law that forces a creator to add something then its really fucking easy to make another one that forces more severe changes
Enjoy your government mandated fun retard
The rest of my argument stands incorrected as well, shitter was dumb and should have got someone not retarded to help

I don't like looking at aesthetically displeasing images. If you're going to post your eceleb shit on Yea Forums, then I have a right to complain when I'm subjected to looking at their ugly ass face.

Well thank god you eceleb shills are here to save the day then. Fucking idiot.

Are you mentally ill?

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I am 100% positive that government can manage my fun better than EA.

> e-celeb

So you're retarded and think every thread about a Youtube video is a Cosmopolitan article, cool.

Get a trip so I can filter you please, thanks.

Where's my DLC?

If you've ever bought a DLC/virtual goods, you're part of the problem, not the solution.

How fucking dumb are you

Because around here it fucking is you god damn self regurgitating e-celeb worshipping vaccum brained faggot.

>If you have a law that forces a creator to add something then its really fucking easy to make another one that forces more severe changes
Oh no, the law asks you to stop destroying games and stop making predatory tactics like day 1 dlc's or microtransactions.
What do you gain from defending a rich company that gives no fuck about its consumers ? Are you willing to accept subscription based single player games ?
Fucking lolbert, no wonder you're the trash of economic ideologies.

>company makes content
>you buy the content
>you play the content forever
Which problem are you talking about?

You're on the spectrum, aren't you?

This guy has such a unique voice I love it. Grew up with his Freeman's Mind series. He could have a real career in voice acting if he wanted it.

Trip please.

Code or down a flight of stairs, I don't mind.

>constantly spams muh eceleb, when the topic is about games as a service being a scam
Where were you when Angry Joe or Boggie threads were spammed ? fucking nigger

>online service

You didn't buy anything. You rented the license to play on their server. That's it. They can revoke that at their discretion. And people get banned all the time. Hundreds of thousands get banned yearly from all of their online account purchases.

He really only has the one voice, and its not one like Steve Blum where it fits every generic character.
Its perfect for his videos though

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did you even watch the vid ? He pretty much debunked your "rental" claim. Only MMO's are the exception. You own the product when you pay 60$.

Are you falseflagging?
This site needs some id verification system.

Don't buy games the publisher put on a death row and encourage others to do the same.
Voting with your wallet works when you encourage enough people.
Claims that "it doesn't work" are actual shills attempting to silence you.

>EA seething this hard
how much are they paying you to shill here ? did Anthem's failure made EA lower your salary or something ?

Dont change the subject, we were talking about the government forcing creators to add lan
And you know, that doesnt sound all that far from adding a component that say ... monitors your in game activity or one that enforces censorship etc.
This is why the world is going to shit btw - you people keep on whining to the government to enforce rules that suit you and then get real fucking surprised when they enforce more than you wanted

Everything you wrote reeks of redirection. Adding client-side functionality plays entirely into art preservation, which guess what, already functions in every medium besides video games.

Top 10 of the most popular games today are all multibillion dollar games as service business. Your zoomer dance emotes/zoomer skins/costumes/zoomer dlcs are all services.

Saying "Only MMO" is being disingenuous when the most played games with most customers are using games as service.

Are you retarded? Games as services are fundamentally tied to id verification system. So any id verification system criticism is a criticism of games as service. You're not buying a game, you're renting a game at this stage.

You're changing the subject to "muh 1984" shit, when all we want is companies to stop scamming their costumers.
Do you bitch about titties being censored on PS4? guess what, Sony enforces that censorship, not the government.
There was also an indie game that got dropped by Microsoft because its plot was about a dystopian feminist future. Again, not the government dropped the dev and his game, Microsoft did, a private company.
Your whole fucking logic is retarded like your ideology. "If we ask people to stop shitting on the street , we won't be allowed to shit at all in the near future"

>If you let the government force vhs players to have a rewind option you're opening the door to have your movies censored!
Get fucking real dude.

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>How dare you suggest that government should step in and do something about anti-consumer practices
Brb, gonna head out to my company store for more company toilet paper for my company apartment

>Top 10 of the most popular games
Normie free to play shit are irrelevant. We're talking full priced games with no subscription, especially if they're singleplayer, but depend on online servers. You didn't understand jackshit all along.
>You're not buying a game, you're renting a game at this stage.
again, he debunked that, watch his vid.

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How many of these retarded things do you have

>normie free to play games
Billion people spending money on their games do matter regardless of what you believe.

>Games with no subscription and single players
Are disappearing and only amount to less than 1/10th of the size and is ever shrinking. Almost everyone of the games are transitioning towards online service model.

The government (most of them anyway) didnt take your anime tidies not because they chose to but because they dont have the power to. for now
By giving the gov power that it never needed you practicly bait totalitarian future
And fucking AGAIN, im not talking about buisness practices im talking about altering the product outside of monetization
Hazard is bad, extortion is bad, forcing some fuck to add lan to his game when he doesnt want to is bad
Art should be preserved in its unaltered form
Thats what you get when you try to lump together entirely different subjects and call them all bad
E-celeb was a brainlet and should pay for this shitshow

>man said thing
Oh boy, we have a liberal over here.

Imagine failing to become even a janny and this being all you have left.

The more you talk, the more you sound like an EA dev that got reprimanded for Anthem and now you have to shill on image boards.
>By giving the gov power that it never needed you practicly bait totalitarian future
How totalitarian of me to regulate those poor BILLION DOLLAR companies. Are you by any chance also defending private businesses that hire illegal immigrants ?
> forcing some fuck to add lan to his game when he doesnt want to is bad
fucking lmao, asking a dev to add a back up option to preserve the game after the servers are shut is something oppressive ?
>Hey, wanna sell your food? then stop spitting in it, you're breaking the law, it's illegal
>reeeee, fucking goberment is taking my business away! help!
You people deserve to be scammed.

>Art should be preserved in its unaltered form
and that's what were trying to force companies to do, moron.

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Face it, Yea Forums is e-celeb because Yea Forums mods are e-celeb babbies.

U want to force companoes to save their product without changing it BUT with added lan
Pick one
Nice food alegories btw

If the game isn't preserved indefinitely, the company failed. That's the bottom line.

How the fuck does having the ability to play a game locally change it?

What's the alternative?

Ross already gave options to how games can be preserved, nice try.
One way or another, your precious rich companies won't go out of business if they're required to have a back up option for their games.
Most of you libertarians will never become CEOs or open a big business. What do you gain by defending scamming kikes ?

Companies operate on profit margin, not cultural preservation or good of humanity. If a company found out eating literal/physical/feces shit would make them billions of dollars a year, you'd bet there would be plenty of companies eating shit.

>Will devs ever fix the games as a service problem?
No, because for every person who understands that the whole thing is a scam or at the very least heavily benefits the maker at the expense of the consumer and therefore refrain from buying such games, there are a hundred faggots buying games as a service because they either don't know better or simply don't care.
It's a lost cause

I do feel bad for Ross.
Every lawyer that's reviewed his video so far said there is no way this will go anywhere in the US court.

And EU well... It's EU. They fucking let Article 13 pass.

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If the companies could enslave you for profit they would do just that, but I doubt you have objections to government protecting you from it.

Is this one of those movements like "fractional banking is a scam" that exists only on youtube and the real world pays no attention?

You can thank the EU for Steam refunds, fag.

It's also true and the world should be paying attention. See: 2008.

>Oppose games as a service
>But use OS as a service
Big yikes.

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The rageaholic thread is down that way, cretin.


TL;DR: games are products, they cannot be sold as services - that would require subscription to validate. Once the service terminates, the online-only component that product is fully dependent on is gone, rendering the product itself damages and unusable. This is apparently illegal, as well as games as service or live service concepts are false advertisment/product description due to mutual contradiction. Since legislation has not caught up with this, EA et al are doing their best to milk vidya while they can.

>free to play
So long as the server is up, yes, you cannot get your money back. When server is shut down, company/publisher must either return you the money or make game playable via offline/LAN.
So long as money is not involved, they dont own you shit. Once you purchase MTX or supporter pack - they are legaly bound to give you your product (that is that MTX/pack). Im looking here at Path of Exile.

Why would they? More money is not a problem.

>people are shitposting with Ross now

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No, its called dissemination of information. Like what biotechs/medics need to do to explain the importance of vaccinations/healthy diet/etc. A thorough, detailed, non-jargon, non-biased, straight facts, actions-consequences, impact.

Its not even that laws need to change - just extended.
And yes, corporates will for the dear love of money want to keep this whole thing out of court.

Getting sued for all your worth might be though.

If rightly prepared, it can go and can succeed.
Issue here is biased disposition of judges themselves.

That's not even remotely what he is talking about but ok.

Have 18th birthday

>Getting sued
Nobody outside a few take videogames seriously, go out and have sex

>stop caring so much about things we sell you for a fat premium, h-have sex!


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That's why I pirate shit. Because I fucking refuse to support jew design decisions.

And then publishers go "hurr of course consolefags are our target audience because PCfags pirate too much"
Well fucking stop making games that are trying to rape my mind into opening my wallet and I will support you.

>Nobody outside a few take videogames seriously
Nobody takes a hundred-billion-a-year industry seriously? Very much doubt it. You just really want to keep things under radar, scum.


guy has an ugly face that legit looks terrifying to look at, shouldn't be a face youtuber
he knows it from the fact he shows the side of his face

Who are all these queers commenting on a man's looks? Is this some attempt to undermine what he's saying?

Yes, its called character assassination.
They cannot win in a debate against him because he already covered all bases, so they resort to that.

Because he's an entertainer on a video platform where you fish for ad revenue and his face is bad enough to make the video unwatchable.
Also OP is a zoomer or some autistic 'enlightened' reddit nigger who thinks this video is anything but beating around a dead horse. There's way better videos/articles exploring this topic even 5 years prior.

Fuck off brainlet zoomer you're the reason the industry is going to shit cant stand to go 5 mins without stimulation

I think it's reasonable to expect a middle ground between "5 second loop from Vine" and "literally the whole Shawshank Redemption", especially when that time is spent on watching a talking youtube head.

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>There's way better videos/articles exploring this topic even 5 years prior.
>and his face is bad enough to make the video unwatchable
No its not. Also, you end up listening more than watching.
>fish for ad revenue
You dont make hour long videos for that.


>will capitalist ever do something that makes them less money

gamers rise up?

How many of these do you have?

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This triggers the whiny user

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I'd report your severe autism but at the same time it's so amusing to see you seethe this hard over literally nothing

you mightve baited this other people, but you wont get me!!!!

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