Hello, I am Actual G, the author of this famous killer7 craigslist ad. I will prove this with a timestamped image shortly. I am here to plug my Discord so we may have fresh voices in it (no creeps). Please check it out:
In the meantime, let's discuss how Halo 4 was actually the best Halo, Baba Is You is nowhere near as brilliant as Stephen's Sausage Roll, The Shawshank Redemption is a shit movie for retards, and Sparks is the best pop band ever.
So did anyone ever take you up on it? Also killer 7 is rad man
Aiden Stewart
I remember when you posted a new pic last year >halo kys pleb
Juan Lee
I have no interest in using discord, that said I really really love this image and every time it's posted I read the whole thing and it always makes me laugh, so good on you mate.
I just finished replaying Halos 1-3 plus ODST and Reach a week ago actually, and I finally played through Halo 4 for the first time. I played the first couple levels back when it was new, but I wasn't really feeling it. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it, it's definitely not my favorite Halo but it's pretty good. I can only comment on the campaign, never touched the multiplayer.
Discord is a garbage chinese botnet. Get on GNU Jami, IRC, XMPP or Matrix.
Jace Martin
Modern Warfare is garbage the whole series utter trash. Go back to liking good games like Killer7.
David Sanders
Was the craigslist ad supposed to be funny or are you really that autistic?
Kayden Barnes
stop being a faggot and do something with your life.
I hope you don't consider that craigslist ad the biggest achievement of your life
Isaiah Jenkins
I must know what compelled you to post that ad.
Camden Gutierrez
>went from kinda cute to really gross looking don't do drugs kids
Caleb Foster
except its the same fucking tv and table. dumbass
Cameron Gomez
With the same exact weird end-table and the same CRT as in the ad? Yeah no.
Tell us the biggest achievement of your life user
Camden Cooper
How many people answered your ad?
Cooper Smith
The best reply I got was from an actual Suda weeb in Japan when I posted the ad on the Tokyo craigslist
He sent me this pic with the message
" Hey there. Killer7 is one of my favorite video games of all time, and because of that game I became a big fan of Suda 51 and Grasshopper Studios and have played a lot of their games. I have a copy of it, of course, but I left it in the US. I don't have it with me in Tokyo. So I understand your passion for the game. I am 29, for at least another month. "