Are you ready?

Are you ready?

Attached: 1553728434360.png (378x461, 236K)

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Is something happening?

Yes, Ralsei comes out this month

It's fucking nothing

Maybe if he was a spider

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It's delayed, not coming out this month.

Did you not see the tweet?

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x928, 989K)

Aaaww... I didn't know this...

Attached: 1548565573880.png (540x532, 303K)

fluffy belly

Attached: Ralsei.png (508x689, 401K)

He seems cold, considering his nipples are erect.

Attached: 1553671942658.jpg (520x1554, 252K)

I want to pet_ Ralsei

I still find that vid hilarious unironically

To kill myself? Sure.
To play this sjw gay shit?
Yes, im ready to kill myself

It's just the normalfag version of BALLS OF STEEL

Fucking ruined.

as always, nigger gote > cumskin gote

t. nigger

Fuck off bigot.

Cant wait to brutally murder him in chapter 2

I want to FUCK Ralsei!

Neon Ralsei > Hat Asriel

I was ready until it got fucking delayed. It was even going to be one of those things that I order and forget about which ends up being a nice surprise

Attached: upset fujiwara.gif (185x260, 24K)