Which is worse? Crossbowfags or bowfags?
Which is worse? Crossbowfags or bowfags?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Attempt to play frontline with any 2-hander
>Can't do shit because fucktard teamates keep running in right by my side and block swings
Fuck them
Longbowfags are almost as bad as cavalryniggers and incompetent catapults.
Crossbowfags are annoying but at least they can only shoot a teammate every so often instead of a nonstop flow of misses and friendly fire.
Overhead you doublenigger.
But I'm aiming for those sweet, sweet unarmoured legs
Ranged weapon user chart:
>high tier
Recurve chads
>mid tier
Throwing weapon memers, xbowfags
>retard tier
Literally anybody who ever touched the longbow
People who complain about bow fags are worse than bow fags
Underswing like you already should be, then?
Stabs. Overheads. Swap to short grip when fighting side-by-side. It's not hard, just stop doing retardswings.
>god tier
Turd flingers
Longbowfags are worse than cavalry though. You might have a cavalryfag zoom in at you once every minute or so looking for his oneshot, but you can beat them just by standing up on a rock or something. Meanwhile longbows are constant.
I agree catafags without Friendly perk and bad/careless aim are the absolute worst thing in the game though. They just don't care if they TK, and apart from votekicking which is a worse system than Chiv's, there's not much punishment for their retardation.
You should lose gold for the round if you TK. That'll make people sit up and pay attention.
>playing in matches with people who never heard of chivalry
>not a single person moves to flank while I've got their attention
>people only, and I mean fucking only use their swings as if they are just slamming on their lmb
>team is constantly shooting arrows into melee piles instead of lone enemy/other archers/cavalry
I thought I left this shit behind when I ranked up higher in chiv. Its the same shit all over again.
>be level 3 armor with good perks for horseriding
>teammate with level 0 armor is very fast and runs to the horse faster than me and dies instantly and enemy has the horse and jousts us to death for 20 minutes
When you have allies surrounding an enemy and no room to swing, my tried and true strategy is kicks.
That's why i just cleave right through them. There is pretty much no penalty for killing teammates, oh no not -100 points!. Fuck teammates, they die like the rest of them.
Shieldfags. They literally ruin the game by bypassing the entire parry/feint/morph/drag system.
literally all of the fault is yours for not being aware or cautious. use vertical or poke shit like everyone else suggested. it's nearly impossible to TK someone unintentionally with a poke
how do I initiate a kick btw? I can't seem to access the scoreboard at all with a mouse
>Enemy team has two people on horses doing killing runs through our spawn area
>The one horse we have is being ridden in circles by someone playing the lute
Ya know, i kinda missed free-for-all shenanigans. Are executioners swords just ridiculous right now? Feels like their hitboxes are twice the length the weapon is.
Rapier + shield niggers are the worst
That’s your typical Yea Forumsedditor playing, worthless garbage
>fighting a lone enemy
>doing just fine
>wind up the killing chop
>retarded teammate minces his way directly into its path and absorbs it with his big stupid face
literally all my fault for expecting my team to have basic situational awareness
Bind a key to open console, type "votekick playername" in it. May need to bind it through config files, google how
Bump for this nigger, why cant i even scroll the damn thing?
the devs need to do something about the rapier/spear+shield. half of every server is using it now
>game was in development for years
>at least 2 of them were for testing/balancing
>not a single person noticed how broken this shit is and the general public found it in a couple days
absolutely embarrassing
>he doesn't just redirect his blade to the ground or somewhere else safe
do you even co-op bro?
fuck that. his lack of self preservation isn't my problem. having my axe get stuck in him is my problem and either way he's fucked up my timing and risking my ass.
Bowfags are the worst in any context
damn that's very inconvenient. it's no wonder votekicks hardly ever occur
Yeah it's pretty retarded. Will hopefully get a proper implementation soom
>take catapult
>do pretty damn well, completely avoid any friendly fire apart from a six-point scratch while scoring multiple multikills
>some faggot decides he want a turn and kicks me off
>let him have a chance, I've got a wall to fix and spikes to set up anyways
>immediately kills eight teammates in a single shot
>kick him off
>he chops my head off
>while I'm dead he moves it right up to the contested point because fuck ranging or anything
>catapult is promptly destroyed after he scores three more teamkills
Some people's level of retardation is genuinely impressive
>Want to play this game
>Always love archers in any game
>know I'll get bullied for having fun
Such is life
dumb frogposting cavalrynigger
day of the billhook now
your billhook is 1/3 the length of my chad lance and 1/2 the length of my chad spear (if on a map with no lances)
you don't stand a chance
It's fucking obnoxious how little effort they have to use
>block with shield, don't even bother parrying or morphing
>Constantly poke
>Some cheeky fucks even have flail weapon bound to a hotkey so they can bait a parry out of you just to get a poke in
As long as you're not shooting your team in the back and you actually know how to use your sidearm, you're alright with me.
Even if you are a bit of a pussy.
>Catapult kills me and three other teammates
>We respawn next to him
>Promptly kick him to death
I'm mad as fuck just reading that.
There was some twitch streaming fag on my team who insisted upon using the catapult and TK'd 10 more guys over the course of the first few minutes of the match.
Everyone that was killed came back to his catapult and smashed it apart before kicking him to death. He was crying in chat about it all game
I just really like leading targets and having to account for drop and junk. Is the game good for that? Also I'm a bit tight on money right now, so is it worth it in general?
This is why I use the halberd and just stab everyone to death from the other side of the continent.
How do I spin my weapon fancy? I know you can, but I can't find the binding.
Everyone here bitching about how shield users are unkillable (when they're actually fighting and not backpedaling), or screaming for shields to be made breakable, realizes you don't lose stamina when you hit a blocking shield, and the shield user DOES lose stamina, right?
just play it anyway; if you have fun it doesn't matter what anyone else feels. I'll still hate you though
>moves it right up to the contested point because fuck ranging or anything
God why does every fucking retard do this
How is it so hard to fire from more than three meters?
>Tfw you and two of your teammates back a shieldfag into a corner
>Just sit there kicking him to death
X then 1 with most weapons. People tend to do it to initiate duels in place of a bow.
I have it set so i scroll down for an attack and then scroll up for a poke. Just run around spamming it looking like i'm having a stroke. So many people can't block it and if they do i just go back to spamming pokes.
Leading targets and taking drop into account is pretty major, yeah. Projectiles, while not slow, definitely aren't instant.
Also if you like arcing stuff like I do, I highly advise trying out the assorted weapons you can toss, because scoring a thrown maul headshot from the top of a cliff is pretty fantastic.
>just hit them for a solid minute bro
never going to happen outside isolated duels. kicks need to be faster
Sounds like the cannons in Holdfast. People can't hit shit with them so they march them straight into range of the enemy guns.
Stamina is irrelevant in general outside of duels.
Yeah but if the shield user is even remotely competent they'll just poke you while you flail on their shield like an idiot
yes and yes
accurate ranged combat is actually pretty hard. it just has a bad rap because the few times someone gets a lucky headshot from across the map leaves a bad taste in the victim's mouth. shots move pretty slow compared to real life and have a lot of drop, and the only way to compensate is practice.
and the game is totally worth the price
hell yes, brother.
kicking gangbangs are effective and fun.
tonight I knocked a hosefag off with a friend and he got trapped between his horse and a wall. we kicked his horse to death and then we kicked him to death. horsefag just had to watch his prolonged, inevitable death play out
Is there a bigger sign of someone being a complete shitter than having a twitch url username?
Honestly enemy archers aren't what really makes me salty, it's incompetent friendlies that hit their own team just as much as the other, without even the decency to stand on the points or anything useful like that.
Who /Bard/ here?
>they'll just poke you
Fucking parry it. Every weapon except dagger will outstam a shield in a constant trade, meaning that if you parry consistently, the shield user is guaranteed to lose their shield in around 6 trades.
>never going to happen outside isolated duels
If it's a 1vX you just ignore the shieldfag until he tries to attack you, chamber when he does, and the rest of the time fight the people who aren't playing blocky block.
Think of it this way: it's an MMO, the shield user is a tank, their shieldless ally is a DPS, and you're a mob being foolishly aggro'd to attack the tank rather than the DPS.
Once you've killed the DPS you're free to deal with the tank.
>buff kicks
Kicks were faster in Chiv and it was cancer. Experienced players still use them to great effect, but you actually have to be aimed correctly and use good footwork.
Nice looking bard
>and people are asking for kicks to be buffed
kicks need to be faster, longer reach, not stun you after you do it, and not knock them out of melee range.
>kick a rapier turtle
>knocks him 10 feet away
>by the time i recover from kick stun and get close again, he's blocking again
i've given up
>trying to find an aussie game during prime time
Just fucking end me now.
What’s everyone’s favorite weapon
I like the messer
What's the difference between buckler and targe?
Maul and halberd.
Alright, thanks bros
Except this isn't an MMO, and using a shield doesn't significantly diminish his DPS by much. Really shields impact your range more than anything.
see you're basically replying to me saying you can beat a shieldfag in a stamina trade by saying "well i kicked him and it didn't work"
The kick only has long ending lag if you fuck up and miss, and the speed is fine.
It really could use a bit more reach, though.
Also jumpkicks when
Billhook, Halberd, and Warhammer.
>>kicks need to be faster, longer reach, not stun you after you do it, and not knock them out of melee range.
None of these are true. They do need to let you carry your momentum forward though, so they don't whiff against literally anyone backing up. The rest would just make them overpowered.
>5 guys run at you
yeah fuck having teammates
but really though I'd dome you in spawn with a maul if you've actually got an attitude like that
Based Longsword.
Buckler has a smaller hitbox so it's easier to swing around, but better stamina game.
No shit it's not an MMO, it's an analogy to make you realize that you're stupid if you attack the guy shielding and turtling first, instead of ignoring him until he tries to attack. Try and keep up.
>16v16 frontline server
>nice amount of people for some comfy 1v1s or small team fights
Executioner sword, I found out it can 1-shot legs by accident.
Good night, my medieval friends. It was fun playing and talking about the game with you all.
As I sleep, hopefully I may dream about outplaying rapier nerds with enormous IQ feints and decapitating archers.
>hey what if we turned this swordfighting game into jackie chan's kung fu fighting 2017
Kick is absolutely fine. It's situationally useful for when you're pressuring or being pressured, which really is how often it should be relevant in combat.
I love Messer!
Maul is pretty cute too.
based comfort frog
Yeah but it'd be really funny
It probably would fuck the balance, though.
On the subject of aerial combat, does falling on someone do any damage? Because it should.
keywords are "long ending lag". you still get locked down when you hit
this is a 100% true story and it was the moment i realized that despite how fun it is, im not going to play it anymore till a patch comes out. it's absolutely unacceptable for a shield user to get kicked and put his shield back up before i get close enough to use a longsword.
reminder that this game was in a testing phase for 2 fucking years
get fucked frenchoid
Just go join one of those faggy autistic duel servers.
How much of a disadvantage am I at with 95 ping in a duel server where most people have around 25? My ISP is garbage so I get only around 75 ping even in servers in my state, but nobody puts servers for games in CO anyways.
Posting again here because I just realized this is the real thread
Credit at Agincourt goes to the based engineers who spiked the fuck out of everything, including the mud.
>but really though I'd dome you in spawn with a maul if you've actually got an attitude like that
And i really wouldn't care because someone will see you do that then attack you and then the chain begins. I have gotten a good chunk of my team just fighting each other, it's great.
Then i carry on my merry way cutting off the heads of enemies and teammates alike.
I'm in a similar boat but it's not too bad for me. Things only get choppy when I'm above 120 or so.
spotted the horsenigger
I didn't want duels, I wanted a comfy 16v16 frontline game with small teamfights
Bastard sword. Snazzy as fuck, easily underestimated and when you switch to two handed everyone drops their spaghetti at the change in timing
No shit it's an analogy, and I was explaining how the analogy doesn't work. Saying "just don't attack him" doesn't make any sense when he's as much of a threat as any other person. Sure, you can attack someone else, but that doesn't even vaguely address the fact that he has a large advantage. Unless you're in a protracted, one-on-one duel where you can stop him just backing up into his teammates you're never going to stamina break him.
The real argument against shieldfags for large fights is that they're fairly susceptible to attacks around their shield, are largely blinding themselves from below by holding it up, and their shorter range means they need to step out of line to get a hit in. Pretending "hurf durf they're a tank just don't hit them" is good advice or that stamina has literally any relevance outside of duel servers is just ridiculous.
>fuckers didn't have to abide by no goddamn barricade limit
>they fucking spammed that shit for good measure
And here I am killing shield users nonstop with Longsword after a kick while you claim they're unkillable. Maybe you should actually learn how to play the game before you bitch, retard.
It's not a testing issue, it's fucking true to life. If a knight has a shield on his arm and you hit that arm with your directional swing, it's going to block it, just like real life. You have to hit AROUND the shield.
>You have to hit AROUND the shield.
oh so you're just pretending to be retarded. ill stop replying to you then
He's 100% right user. This is where axes come in, or the mordhau grip on the longsword, or rising strikes in general.
I like the Halberd but is it worth the 11 points? Poleaxes seem similar but cost considerably less.
>the shield user is guaranteed to lose their shield in around 6 trades.
This doesn't apply, because shields don't ruin the game in 1v1 situations. Shields only ruin the game in any form of teamplay, because you simply don't have time to deal with shield niggers before their team bares down on you. Any other player, you can kill in 2-3 swings by baiting out a bad parry and outplaying them, which lets you quickly move from target to target going 30-0 if you're good enough. Shieldfuckers put all of that at an absolute standstill regardless of how good you are. There simply isn't a timely way to punish or outsmart somebody who holds rmb and crowds you.
meant to say
>if he has a shield on his arm and you hit that arm with your directional swing (even if he's not blocking at the time)
this is why some people think shield users are able to block quickly after being kicked, but they're actually not even blocking half the time, you're just hitting the shield hitbox like how in Warband you can "hit shield on back"
>You have to hit AROUND the shield.
This doesn't work. You're literally ignoring the facts and memeing. If you hit somebody in the side or back with a shield they block, even if they aren't facing you. It's a huge fucking problem.
>Hit a teammate offscreen with my zweihander
>Use the "Sorry" emote
Halberd has much better reach and power compared to the poleaxe. It's got the second-best reach in the game after the spear.
The poleaxe is essentially a mini-halberd much more focused on fighting up close, and doesn't deal with armor quite as well. Still nice, though.
>Saying "just don't attack him" doesn't make any sense when he's as much of a threat as any other person.
You're not fucking listening. You don't attack him when he's not attacking, and when he does attack, you chamber his attacks. During the time when he is blocking and his ally is attacking, you block his ally.
>but that doesn't even vaguely address the fact that he has a large advantage.
It's not a "large advantage" when the ONLY thing holding up his shield is doing for him is BLOCKING ATTACKS THAT ARE NOT COMING because you're fighting his ally.
And when you're done with his ally, you can parry his hits, hit his shield, parry his hits, do this about 6 times and he'll be out of stamina and you fucking kill him.
>Out of the way, squire!
Swing from the left, user. It's really not hard. Particularly with a rising strike or overhead. They can still block it, if they're paying attention, but they do actively need to block it. Pretending it doesn't work is just retarded though.
My game keeps crashing.......
spear and zweihander both
>scooting around the battlefield in light armor popping heads with spear
>nobody learning after the first time you do stab morph into overhead with zweihander and it one-shots them when you get the head
he's right, you're the retarded one here. shields consistently block in a 360 degree dome. you have to get lucky to hit them in the back.
>This game has amazing customization, dude!
>Wear medium or heavier armor or you'll die to a stiff breeze
Yeah, great fucking customization
>this doesn't work
I HAVE LITERALLY DONE IT NUMEROUS TIMES YOU GIBBERING SHITTER. Are you using a fucking dagger or something?
>If you hit somebody in the side or back with a shield they block, even if they aren't facing you
W R O N G . If you stab a shieldholder in the back they WILL take damage.
halberds pretty fun
feels nice poking helmets with the alt grip
>shields consistently block in a 360 degree dome
I don't know what game you're even fucking playing. Post video of this "360 degree cone" in action. Even kite shields literally cannot and do not do that.
Does the halbers alt grip increase it's reach or does it just look like that? I can clearly see that it changes from the axe side to the spike side.
Dodge or parry, nigga.
You're trading survivability for mobility and potentially bigger weapons.
Don't bother with medium armor it's shit. Either go for light or heavy.
It does. I think it's by about 20cm~ if you check the advanced stats? It's a bit slower, too.
meanwhile I wear 2/1/1 ALWAYS and only die if I get too greedy after a triple kill looking for a fourth
You are wrong, or you've only played LAN games. Shields block from behind more often than not. Similar to spies facestabbing in TF2. The hitreg is all fucked up and shields can only rarely be punished by getting behind them.
learn to block
learn to footwork
use ranged builds, shields, catapult, dodge perk, or toolkit builds if you can't do either of the above
congratulations, you have your customization
Blocking with the shield isn't some long term choice user. Its functional effect is that you can't faint or switch or whatever to get attacks in. Your 'advice' is still "don't attack them because they become functionally immune to attacks in small-fights with one or two a side, where faking attacks to bait parries is still important but you can't just sit there and wail on them until they're out of stamina.
I regularly hit people using shields my dude. Seriously, get a longsword, put it in mordhau, and just swing up and left in gangbangs at niggas with kite shields or whatever and you'll hit them constantly.
You being too retarded to hit around a shield doesn't make them magic.
>mfw poking the toes of a targe user from safe halberd distance
its just more damage to armour afaik
Holy shit, user.
To hit around a shield, stab from the opposite side (relative to the opponents shield bearing hand) and move to that side while doing it. It takes a bit of practice and it can be blocked by the shield user if they are paying attention, but you can bypass a shield in this way.
That being said, the protectivity of shields is not the main crux of the issue with them. The main issue is that due to being so protective, fighting a shield user is a time consuming practice, and time spent focusing on one target is time not spent on keeping an eye on your surroundings. The most prevalent outcome of a shield user vs literally anyone else is that the shield user blocks everything thrown at him until his teammates pull him out of the fire and gank his assailants. This can happen against anyone, true, but at least their defense game has to be on point for them to withstand all of your attacks and they are not just holding the block button.
I only play servers where I get 50 ping or lower, and I've experienced the same shit. You're the retarded one here, sorry.
>wearing less armour makes you more vulnerable
Wow who would have thought.
>medium armour is shit
Stop getting hit retardswings from the brainlet swords. The vast majority of weapons in the game go from 2 to 3 hits to kill at level 2 armour.
How are the Crossbows? I wan't to roleplay as a RHODOK.
>cut guys arm off
>he's still alive and swinging 1 armed punches around
lol, never saw that before now
Except this so called mobility is literally negated by the chase mechanic the game has. Someone wearing three pieces of T3 will catch up to someone who is naked because the game gives a speed boost to someone tailing another player close by.
>long ending lag
Fucking smashfaggots, I swear
Pretty strong. If you can land headshots you're gold.
so that's why I can never get away
>Join 64 player Horde server
>Watching the last boss cut down about 50 players in a row
What a sight to see
No, I play 20-40 ping in this game and TF2 that's not true. It's because the shield's actual hitbox is large, not because of netcode or anything. They need to adjust the hitbox considering you can equip rapier or spear with shield and become a god. It's understandable to give shields leeway with blocking if it would actually make your thrusts very slow, but they don't attack any slower than someone without a shield so it simply needs a hitbox drawn directly on the shield's model.
it's from the Flesh Wound perk
I'm not saying you should be sprinting away. I'm saying you should be abusing your mobility and sidestepping stabs and getting in the face of people who don't want you up close or better yet, using the dodge perk. Seriously, it's great with a polearm. Hopping back out of stabbing range is useful as fuck.
What you've experienced is called being bad. Learn to drag my dude.
>Your 'advice' is still "don't attack them because they become functionally immune to attacks in small-fights
And what YOU don't understand is that they can be immune in a 1v2 all they want, they're not a threat to you while they're holding up a shield, and when they do try to attack you, they're just as parriable as anyone else. So who cares?
You deal with the guy who is feintable first, then outstam the shield user. What's the problem?
This is my problem with it. I consistently kill everyone in just a few swings because I feint and morph properly, and I'm able to move from target to target outplaying everyone I come across except for a select few. But a shield nigger can hold me back for longer than a genuinely good player just by holding a button down, killing the flow of the game and giving his teammates time to gang up on me and kill me even though I by all rights bested him. It basically destroys any game mode with teams, and it means that the ultimate unbeatable meta will eventually just be droves of shieldcucks with spearbuddies behind them to support. You simply can't beat it because there's no fast and efficient way to outplay or outsmart them. It single handedly ruins the game, and it's only a matter of time before it gets adopted as the meta to make things worse.
>Commit to realism in terms of armor
>Do not commit to realism in terms of weapon balancing
You either go all the way or don't try at all.
Why does the zwei have more reach than a spear?
2 hits to kill light armor, 3 hits to kill heavy armor.
Yeah no, you post video of this magical 360 degree block cone while having 50 ping or you shut the fuck up. Pics or it didn't happen.
Is the longsword alt grip just for popping off helmets?
dragging doesn't help at all against shields, you're a retard. probably a shieldnigger who can't parry or feint and is mad about being rightfully called out.
It deals more damage to anyone with level 3 armor at the cost of half your range.
It doesn't, though. It's close, and definitely longer than the shortspear, but it's still shorter.
The bowman is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an archerfaggot and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Why do I sometimes see people just eat a hit mid-swing and still finish the attack? It's fucking infuriating when it happens.
>>Commit to realism in terms of armor
They didn't. You think visored barbutes actually existed outside of larper gear websites?
poise just kidding i don't know
are you talking about hits from projectiles? those don't cause flinch intentionally
I was more talking about the protectivity issue, but you make a fair point.
Axes and heavy two handed weapons, maul especially, should obliterate shields. That's the simple and easy fix.
>make shield/stamina take significant damage after every hit with a heavy weapon
>shield still hard counters anyone using a light weapon
>nerf rapier damage
>rapier still hard counters spear and heavy weapons even with the nerf
I just fixed the game, holy fuck.
>Commit to realism in terms of armor
I mean you can just cut people down with swords and they are in full plate, no half-swording needed. Not very realistic.
I'm surprised they didn't make shields more like the Targe. Essentially just a parry but with a longer window.
>they're not a threat to you while they're holding up a shield
That's just blatantly false. They're still an active threat in all realistic ways unless they're an actual mong and just holding M2 for days.
>and when they do try to attack you, they're just as parriable as anyone else
That's false though. While properly dragged riposts can hit them, their far simpler defense game makes them able to block far, far more attacks than they normally would be able to. Additionally, they don't need to time their parry out of a chamber, and you can't really switch out of the chamber to bait the parry. These make them far harder to counter.
>You deal with the guy who is feintable first, then outstam the shield user. What's the problem?
This guy put it far better than I have been. You don't outstam them, because you're on a battlefield and there'll be another teammate soon enough, in small 'semi-duels' which are honestly the most common form of combat in the game, they're extremely hard to realistically deal with.
Nah, I'm talking me hitting someone mid-swing and their swing still going through and damaging me.
I think repostes give super armor.
This game feels like it's upside down:
>parrying takes stamina
>attacking does not unless the attack misses
>chambering takes even more stamina than parrying even though it takes an order of magnitude more skill
>dodging takes huge amounts of stamina
>light weapons take no considerable stamina penalty when parrying larger weapons
>light weapons are so fast that even longswords don't have a choice but go on the defensive since trying to attack will result in a stab to the chest
It's literally balanced in a way that makes quick spam weapons (rapiers) the most viable. It all comes down to who runs out of stamina first since going on the offensive is out of the picture (at best you can try an easily parried stab, don't even think about dragging or feinting since the other guy will just spam stab), and light weapons will not run out of stamina because their attacks do not drain stamina.
I'm pretty sure ripostes have armor on their attacks so you can swing through shit.
>Do not commit to realism in terms of weapon balancing
The fuck are you even talking about my dude
They used to before release, but they don't anymore.
What weapon are you using ? As far as I know the Carving Knife doesn't make enemies flinch, maybe there's other weapons like that.
I think if you use the counter where you attack at the same time they're attacking, your counter-attack can't be interrupted. I never pay attention in the midst of combat to notice this stuff, I'm still not sure if killing people slightly increases your health because sometimes I notice after killing a couple niggers in a row my health feels like it's higher than what I remember.
It does.
Yesterday I counted 10 greatsword overheads in a row on a shield faggot and he didnt break stamina.
The only problem with this is that it obligates you to use a heavier weapon just to not have to deal with shield cancer that shouldn't be an issue in the first place. Every weapon should be able to outplay shieldniggers by simply being better than them, just like how every other build works. Shieldfucks don't deserve to have an effective way to hold off good players without having to learn the mechanics. The kick should just auto knock the shield out of their hands in one go regardless of stamina, and it should have double the range.
you get 25 health back on kills.
My toaster can barely run it on 30 FPS in lowest graphics, but it's already fun and i can't imagine playing with textures.
How does this game fares compared to Chivalry?
You can outplay anyone using shield with any weapon combo, in a duel. Frontline is not a duel. "hard-counter" simply means in a chaotic battlefield I can deal with you quicker than you can with me before we get interrupted. In duels the better player will win every time no matter what weapons are used, it just takes a lot longer.
I can tell just from reading this post that youre bad at the game.
A quarterstaff is a deadly fucking weapon that is especially useful against armored opponents and outshines swords in that regard. But lo and behold, in this game it takes four consecutive hits to an unarmored opponents head to kill them with the staff, five if they are wearing a helmet. A two-handed sword will kill an armored opponent in three hits, two if they are both headshots.
If you are going to throw around the "lmao heavier armor protects better durrr" argument, you should have a problem with the above discrepancy since it is entirely unrealistic. And if you do not think it is a problem, then why would it be a problem for something entirely unrealistic (like an unarmored or lightly armored warrior being capable of taking just as much damage as anyone else) to be the case in terms of armor?
Great theory except I beat rapierfags all the time. Chamber their stabs easily with mwheelup spam, then when they're not looking mix it up with a parry>accel'd upswing or (if close) a kick.
You can also literally move forward while facing them to turn into them and around their stab, and if they miss that gives you a nice opening to wail on them. If they're too close, you can kick them. If you back up, you can make them miss their swing with superior footwork.
Definitely rapierfags, my friend. Fuck 'em. I'll stick 'em with a knife when I have to but god damn all they do is just autohotkey their mousewheel up.
I've seen people mention this but it definitely works for me.
In a group of enemies I can riposte and just cleave heads while tanking hits no problem.
Being a Crossbro looks very comfy
I've definitely noticed it
>first guy swings
>parry him and riposte
>seond guy swings
>aim riposte at second guy
>eat his attack and kill him with my own without being interrupted
The walking tree symbol truly is a sign of a man with taste.
Crossbowfags or longbowfags make it impossible to play lightly armored, otherwise we might have more peasantbros.
Ah, I believe what's changed is that it used to give damage reduction as well as immunity to stagger.
>You're terrible! Look men, look how terrible he is!
name a more devastating voiceline
I agree, but you shouldn't be obligated to use a heavy weapon in frontline. It'd basically mean you either use a shield or a maul and nothing else.
Is there a way to bind a specific emote to a single key?
>Your wife provided a fitter challenge!
Anyone else always top 3 in kills but with nearly as many deaths? I love just going completely ham and getting into horrible situations
>tfw just throwing rocks as a peasant all round
>most assists
>Thy presence is tedious and lacking gallantry!
how is the amount of gold you get per match calculated
is it a combination of how long the match was + your points?
>Your efforts are as feeble as thy manhood!
"I've had rougher times at a brothel!" is pretty savage as well, especially if you utter it right after effortlessly murdering someone.
That's the whole point of a shield. To be harder to kill to block choke points and allow team play. You're literally mad at not being able to 2 shot a shield bro, while the main draw of a shield is to be a defensive team player. The state of gaming.
>This line always seems to come up after I've killed an archer
>God tier
>Soi tier
Everything else
>They're still an active threat in all realistic ways
I feel like I'm talking to an empty room here. Going to try one last time.
So you have a shieldfag and normal player attacking you.
Just like any normal 2v1, when the shieldfag attacks, you just plain parry/chamber, then hit the other guy during the hitstun.
When the shieldfag blocks, you ignore them and hit the other guy.
When the other guy is dead, you focus on outstamming the shieldfag until he is also dead.
>their far simpler defense game
Of course it's a simpler defense game, it's a fucking shield. That's the point. Literally how could you implement shields in any way without them being a simpler defence game than blocking with a sword?
As it stands, yes it's simpler, but the tradeoff is that you get a FREE
win against them in 1v1s if you can just parry their strikes enough times and hit their shield enough times.
>You don't outstam them, because you're on a battlefield and there'll be another teammate soon enough
You realize you can make anything sound overpowered this way, right? They have an endless stream of allies rushing to their aid and you have nobody? No shit you're going to be at a large disadvantage in a 2v1 or 3v1 scenario.
In the real battlefield you have allies to distract the other guys and fight them until finally you can 1v1 the shield guy and outstam him.
What I'm trying to say is sure it will naturally be more difficult to survive against a shield user the more enemies you have to 1vX, but that doesn't make it any more difficult to just keep doing the same thing to the shield guy during this time, until your allies finally show up to serve as a distraction, you no longer have to 1vX, and you can 1v1. It's not a problem with the shield that your allies aren't turning up.
Quarterstaves are useful but they are not, by any regard, some magic lightsaber that tears through armour. They're far more useful than they are in the game, but largely in ways the game doesn't model. Ultimately though with the same big overhead swing or whatever, getting hit by a round wooden bar or a big steel bar are both going to hurt roughly similar amounts. Though yes, them being *so* weak is annoying to me as well. They are an outlier though, not the general line by which the game is balanced.
Regardless, "lmao heavier armor protects better durrr" is not some call to realism, but basic common sense both in terms of gameplay and general logic. Nor do things like realism act in absolutes. A game can be more realistic or less realistic, it's not a binary choice.
For reference, the vast majority of weapon in the game follow the same basic logic of bigger = more damage, the same way that heavier = more protection in armour.
tl;dr stop being an autist
Longsword kniggers
It may be the point, but when there is no execution barrier for such a vital and effective role, it undermines the ability of your opponents through no play of your own. Outplaying your opponent should happen through skillful application and use of the mechanics provided by the game. It requires literally nothing from a player to use a shield to its fullest potential and reap the rewards.
It's as effective as it is easy, and that should not be the case.
I hate that a rapier (or spear) knigger can stop a two-handed attack with a maul or a mace with no effort. Hell, they can just interrupt it with a quick stab, even if my character has full lvl 3 armor.
>A quarterstaff is a deadly fucking weapon that is especially useful against armored opponents and outshines swords in that regard.
By which I mean: Can you specifically give us a source of any kind that hitting a tin can-encased guy with a long stick of wood will kill them faster than hitting them with a long stick of sharpened metal?
Chillin' up in the mountains with billhook bros in a wall of pavises is pretty comfy. And that's why I always choose Rhodoks.
Not only are trees comfy but at first glance it kinda looks like the trunk is a Gondola. You could set the leaves to the same color as the background to get just the trunk walking and it definitely is a Gondola, but it's an awfully small Gondola.
That's my shit. Go big or die trying. I often fuck up because I often find myself alone and am not good enough to rip and tear myself out of it every time so I'm not at the literal top of the scoreboard but I'm certainly up there.
In the time it takes to kill a shieldnigger is the approximately the same time it takes for 3 of his buddies to surround and butcher you.
So how do i properly afk in horde? I think i get kicked between matches, is that correct?
Blades slide off of plate, this is why they are worse.
>Chamber their stabs easily with mwheelup spam
Congratulations you just used three times as much stamina as they did because they'll parry your chamber.
>then when they're not looking
When would they not be looking? Rapiers don't look away to drag since all they do is stab.
>mix it up with a parry>accel'd upswing
Piss easy to parry.
>a kick.
Enjoy a stab to the face.
You beating scrub rapier users doesn't prove anything, retard, "I beat a rapier user" has no weight in a discussion about balance. It's about the inherent advantage of the weapon, fight someone skilled a few times and you'll notice they have a much easier time than you do. You're retarded if you think "can I beat him or not?" is the extent of balancing a game.
Dunno. Never experienced getting kicked.
Do you play with fullscreen or borderless window?
No, that's retarded, shields should if anything take less stamina to parry. Better would be to slowly drain stamina when the shield is raised, or to make raising and lowering the shield slower, so you have a harder time switching between full wall mode and attack.
>When the other guy is dead, you focus on outstamming the shieldfag until he is also dead.
We've been over this user. This simply cannot happen. This is not how large fights play out. There is absolutely zero situation where this can happen.
The entire point is that in practice, in these small scale engagements with a couple of people, there is little that can realistically be done against a competent shield user. Additionally in practice, it's less about the shield buffing their defense, and more about it meaning they don't have to worry about their offense. They don't have to worry about their strikes being chambered or parried the same way most people have to. They additionally cannot be faked out. The counter to this is, as you have said, them running out of stamina, but that is just not feasible unless they refuse to attack you at all, ever, in the sorts of short engagements which make up the majority of combat in the game. You do not have infinite time to kill an enemy. This leads to them having a disproportionate advantage as their primary downsides are not applicable outside of absolute gangbangs. They're not cripplingly overpowering, but they certainly punch above their weight in overall effectiveness.
>“The power of staff weapons is truly phenomenal and I once bouted against a full-contact re-enactor who wanted to experience fighting against the quarterstaff. He was wearing a good quality suit of armour and was armed with a sword and dagger. My first blow knocked him off his feet and shook him up quite badly. After that I wound down the power to about a quarter but even so still knocked him down several times. He said afterwards he felt totally helpless because he couldn’t get in range to strike. He also said it felt like being inside an oil drum while someone hit it with a sledgehammer.”
That's their role, but they currently dominate doing it and with a rapier/spear combo they can solo the battlefield. Shields need to be treated like destructible objects are, a few hits with a heavy weapon should force the player to drop their shield to not only discourage mindlessly holding down right click, but to keep the flow of the battlefield. The player with a shield fulfilled his role, regular swords and pokey sticks couldn't find a way to get around him no matter how skilled they are because it was too risky to pursue him too deep, but once someone with a two-handed came they countered his role. It would be like if archer could quickly fire 2-3 arrows rather than 1 at a time, that's the state shield is in right now. 1 player has too much power and control of the battlefield than he should and there's no immediate counter for him. Even when you attack someone with crossbow/bow they are literally forced to drop their weapon. There's no doubt in my mind the devs will implement heavy penalties for shields being attacked by hard-hitting weapons.
Fullscreeen that's alt-tabbed, guess that's the issue?
>quarterstaff at quarter power
A 1/16th staff is enough to beat armorkniggers.
So your source is the guy saying "be careful when practicing with quarterstaves because some people have underestimated them and injured themselves with them where they didn't injure themselves with metal practice swords."
That's comparing unsharpened HEMA weapons to timber though. Not comparing quarterstaves to actual greatswords with a sharpened edge.
Nowhere in that article does it say "hitting someone with a real quarterstaff will take just as long to kill someone with a real greatsword," which is what you're claiming when you complain about the hits taken to kill someone with a qstaff.
In fact, the article doesn't mention LETHALITY at all, because historical re-enactment and HEMA are explicitly non lethal.
The reason why hitting someone with a sharp metal sword in the face is vastly more lethal than hitting someone with a wooden stick in the face in Mordhau is because that's how it is in real life.
Maybe. I use borderless window, and have never gotten kicked liked that. You could perhaps try it and see if it works for you?
That's more due to the range of the staff vs the sword than anything else.
The real reason why the quarterstaff is so damn weak is because there needs to be a cheap ass version of the spear which is just the staff with a tip. If the spear was buffed to have the same swing and overhead damage as a sword like the article says, it will be hands down the most ridiculous weapon in the game.
Are you genuinely retarded? If the staff fucking ACCIDENTALLY wrecks people in armor in play-fights, what the fuck do you think happens if it's an actual fight and the staff user is not holding back? The article also links to several sources for these claims, if you'd cared to read it in its entirety.
Yeah user don't see reasons why i shouldn't give this magnificent suggestion a go.
This post is wrong in like every single possible way.
>or to make raising and lowering the shield slower, so you have a harder time switching between full wall mode and attack.
that would be interesting but it would leave them too vulnerable. they'd be forced to be in pure defense for 90% of their fights since most players are very aggressive. the shield simply needs significant stamina penalties while being struck.
nigga a sword doesn't just cut through steal armour.
He's not 'holding back', that's not how that works. Additionally, he straight up says that it's primarily a result of it being underestimated and people taking the blows wrong.
>You're retarded if you think "can I beat him or not?" is the extent of balancing a game.
Wish more people understood this. It's not about being able to beat them, if you need way more skill than the opponent or you are sweating bullets while he presses 3-4 keys over and over again to beat him, then it's not balanced. Different weapons can require different skills, but if two equally skilled players duel 100 times with two different weapons, and one of them wins 80% of the matches, then something isn't balanced.
>He also said it felt like being inside an oil drum while someone hit it with a sledgehammer.”
Correct, I wear ear protection under helmets when sparring in armour because even practice longswords hitting the helmet over the ear will ring like a motherfucker. Blunt weapons are much worse.
>That's comparing unsharpened HEMA weapons to timber though. Not comparing quarterstaves to actual greatswords with a sharpened edge.
Edge matters none for fighting armour, retard. Swords can't cut through chainmail, let alone fucking plate. There's a reason some swords had very acute points, because you needed a stab to get through the mail. Not even polearms cut through plate, which is why most of them had a point or blunt side somewhere on it to use against plate. Striking with a sword against plate will only do damage via blunt impact, it's obvious to anyone that a 1.2-2.5kg sword will not hit as hard as a staff, and the big swords that do are much less wieldy and agile than a staff.
>If the staff fucking ACCIDENTALLY wrecks people in armor in play-fights
Did you not read your fucking source at all? The whole fucking point of the article was "people underestimate the quarterstaff so they swing harder than with normal weapons". Fuckhead.
Now I'll ask YOU if you're genuinely retarded. Are you seriously trying to tell me right now being hit in the face unarmoured with a long wooden staff is going to be more lethal than being hit unarmoured in the face with a long sharpened piece of metal?
Great. Hope it works!
first shieldfags will get the nerf
then rapierniggers right after
then we'll get new maps and the game will be so perfect
It literally says in the quote posted by that the person using the staff toned down his attacks after knocking the opponent on his ass with his first attack, and was still absolutely wrecking him afterwards.
And you are a special kind of dense if you think that re-enactors actually strike with the same force they would if they intended to kill their opponent, as they would in an actual combat situation.
Wish you best of luck in your afk efforts in pursue of high fashion as well.
how playable is it with a controller?
Honestly don't nerf shields. Just adjust how weapons work with them. Weapons like Hammers/Pickaxes/Axes should do a SHIT TON more stamina damage then say a normal sword or a dagger.
Honestly weapons should have counters, with piercing/overhead doing different damage types depending on what was used.
>This simply cannot happen. This is not how large fights play out. There is absolutely zero situation where this can happen
I've knocked three shieldfags' shields out of their hands since release during trades, including one today, so yes, it definitely can happen, and you are 100% wrong. You should try it sometime.
The only reason it hasn't happened more is because I've been using other more efficient methods to take out the shield as my first resort and left outstamming as my last resort (ie: backing them into a corner and kicking, firepots, swinging around the shield).
>They don't have to worry about their strikes being chambered or parried the same way most people have to.
...But you can chamber shield user melee hits, what are you talking about?
On the flipside, they have to worry about the fact they are guaranteed to lose any prolonged engagement.
>You do not have infinite time to kill an enemy
Let me again point out your scenario of one shield user blocking while an infinite stream of his allies pours in is also unrealistic. The players in a server are spread around the map, killed players have time to travel back to the frontline, and you have allies to distract the enemy team who turn up sooner or later (and are totally capable of ganging up on the shield user with you, just as you've been ganged up on this whole time killing the shield user's allies).
>Edge matters none for fighting armour, retard
It means more force concentrated in a smaller area, dumbfuck. Armour varies between 1mm and 3mm thick, and that's leaving out weak points in armour too, which as an obvious abstraction for gameplay purposes are just done over the whole body hit rather than having to hit tiny points.
that's a nerf though, and is what I wanted too
Nigga are you seriously trying to say you can just hack through plate with a sword?
>Weapons like Hammers/Pickaxes/Axes should do a SHIT TON more stamina damage then say a normal sword or a dagger
Why do people want this dumb scissors paper rock hardcountering shit in the game? I don't think shields need a nerf, and they're really just a crutch for noobs that gets shit on by good players, but if you really have to nerf them, do an all-around nerf rather than turning this game into Overwatch.
"Whoops haha looks like I picked a loadout that counters your loadout so you lose this fight! :^)"
fuck that shit, it should be minimized wherever possible.
How about just giving shields durability like in mount&blade, which would then be affected by that otherwise pretty useless building breaker perk.
Can you develop some fucking reading comprehension before you type your reply?
>There are weak points where plate joins
>Triangle hitting something hurts more than rounded edge hitting something no matter what the material being hit is, because more force is concentrated on a smaller point
Shields need a hard-counter though, because they entirely circumvent the gameplay systems that anyone not using a shield have to master to defend themselves.
They might swing harder due to underestimating what the weapon is capable of, but they still do not swing "I'm going to fucking kill you" hard, which someone in an actual fight would.
And both would kill you. The staff would literally crack your skull, knocking you out cold and leaving you to die due to brain hemorrhage and the sword would get lodged in your brain, killing you almost instantly.
desu don't even do that
The primary problem with shields is that they don't effect your offense at all. That is where the fix needs to be. Rather than making them useless defensively when that's their whole purpose, make them slow your weapon slightly. Preferably the recovery period or better yet the combo timing. This fixes spamming rapierniggers and spear/shieldfags while still giving the shield all it's defensive strength and keeping it a powerful tool for its intended use.
God no. That doesn't call for a hard-counter system, that calls for more relevant downsides to their playstyle making them more balanced across the board, rather than "have this weapon (which happens to be the exact type of weapon I use) or get fucked"
>It means more force concentrated in a smaller area, dumbfuck
Makes little difference, retard, and nowhere near enough to make up for how bad of a blunt weapon a sword is.
>There are weak points where plate joins
You're not going to hit them with a strike, they are protected by other plates layered above and you'd need perfect alignment even if they were uncovered, not going to happen.
>Triangle hitting something hurts more than rounded edge hitting something
You have no idea what you are talking about, take something more than high school physics first. Aside from the fact that there isn't as much difference as you think between area of a sharp blade and a blunt (the thin edge will deform on impact), you are also a retard who doesn't realize that the plate will spread the force over a larger area anyway, again making the difference in edge area meaningless. In fact, a sword with a completely flat edge would be if anything less likely to slide off the angled plates and therefore be better.
Here's a wild idea. Instead of bringing up the shield instantly and dropping it down when you let go of the button, have the shield stance be a toggle with brief entry and exit animations during which no other actions can be taken.
>be average mordhau player
>complain endlessly about bows
>consistently on ever pick Camp, the map that's an open field
To answer your question, catapult fags are the worst.
If something is getting wins for free, you make it weaker against everything, rather than continuing to make it get wins for free against some things, and making other things get wins for free against it.
That's just retarded unless you're making a card game or RTS or something, and the player is dealing with hundreds of units.
But when it's an FPS or action game and the player is the "unit", the player should win or lose based on your own skill, not based on whether they picked the right loadout when starting the game.
r8 no h8
user the weakpoints in armour are not literal weak sections that will just collapse if you hit them hard, they are sections which are not covered heavily and thus are vulnerable to thrusts. They are not located 'where plate joins' because it's going to fall apart in the seams, they're located inbetween the plate because if you slip a sword in there you'll impale the person on the other side.
>Triangle hitting something hurts more than rounded edge hitting something no matter what the material being hit is, because more force is concentrated on a smaller point
No. The triangle exerts its force in a more localized location. Unfortunately, plate armour is ultimately made of the same stuff the sword is so you're not going to break through it. What the plate is doing is transferring the force to a wider area and thus the pressure on a specific point is irrelevant. Heavier weapons like a quarterstaff can deliver more total force, and thus more force transferred to the user.
Seriously, I'm on the sword side of this debate but you're so completely fucking retarded it's just embarrassing. Please take a high-school level physics course before pretending you know what you're talking about again.
Don't use swings, retard. This was achieved with 90% overheads.
source on image?
Making the shield user completely unable to interact with normal attacks coming their way, making them useless defensively despite paying 3 points for the shield and crippling the range on their weapon?
The pan, the rock or the lute. Choose wisely, your slots will be filled with what ever path you choose.
>but they still do not swing "I'm going to fucking kill you" hard
Source that they weren't swinging to kill? Otherwise you have zero grounds in saying "it accidentally wrecks people".
Because by all indications it looks like your source is saying that they were swinging with all their might BECAUSE they underestimated how hard they could safely hit with the weapon.
They should limit the ability to turn while your shield is, then add a shield shaped correctly to enable phalanx play.
No, the shield needs to be viable for regular play. There's no argument anymore, taking significant stamina penalties for being hit by heavy weapons, and taking more penalties by being hit by any other weapon is the only way to fix shield. As it stands shields quite simply do not get overwhelmed by blows. You need to get directly behind them or kick them which takes time and tact in a battlefield full of players running around and accidentally hitting their own team. A single player shouldn't have that much control of the battlefield, and that's all it is. They'll definitely make stamina adjustments for it as right now it feels like there's literally 0 stamina cost for just holding right click forever against 5 people, stopping the entire fight.
No, they should make the shield hitbox accurate.
Does lute music actually do anything or is it giving a buff just a meme?
No, the way to fix the shields are to make the hitboxes accurate .The shields in Chivalry were fine because you could stab around them with a short blade if you were skilled.
>Source that these people who were not trying to kill eachother did not intend to hit eachother with force that would kill
They underestimated the damage the weapon could do and hit HARDER than normal due to that, accidentally breaking bone. Harder than normal does not translate into lethal force, especially because normal for re-enactors is safely non-lethal. They would have killed or injured their opponent for life if they hit with the intent to kill.
>Makes little difference, retard
It's up to you/him to prove that. If you're going to use that source as a claim to show that greatswords aren't more lethal vs armor than quarterstaves, YOU have to show how an edged sword and unedged sword are of just the same effectiveness against armor. The burden is on you to show that your source is relevant to support your claim, not on me. Retard.
>There's no argument anymore, taking significant stamina penalties for being hit by heavy weapons, and taking more penalties by being hit by any other weapon is the only way to fix shield.
Lmao "no argument anymore". nigger nobody is going to listen to your shit scissors paper rock idea. There's your no argument.
>taking significant stamina penalties for being hit by heavy weapons, and taking more penalties by being hit by any other weapon is the only way to fix shield
His solution was retarded but still better than yours. Rock-paper-scissors is categorically not the answer. Additionally, being able to hit them repeatedly with large weapons isn't the problem with them, as the problem weapons that shields enable are significantly fast enough compared to those weapons that they wouldn't even help.
That would make shields useless. Devs make large hitboxes like this on purpose for balancing. It's extremely easy to side poke a shield with a spear as the game currently is, if they make the hitbox realistic shields would be very rare as casual and even regular players would simply feel useless blocking with it.
>See injured team mates.
>Run over there with medic bag.
>Start building walls and spikes.
>That feel when the medic bag and fortifications get used up mostly by people being shot in the back by our crossbows and catapults.
How the fuck does kick counter shield in any way? They have enough time even if you do manage to kick them to put it back up before you swing.
Fucking this. People get so greedy for kills that they run into my own blade.
Stop stabbing them retard. The "extra area" there is miniscule. Swing under and from the left rather than just poking repeatedly.
Additionally this is literally only a problem with the kite-shield being boxier at the bottom than it looks. Even it still dies horribly to rising swings. Either from the left, where it's wide fucking open, or from the right, where he's completely and utterly blind to you.
It doesn't counter them but it's an easy way to get in some damage if they are pushed up against a wall. I usually spam kick them to death if i have them stuck.
Speak English.
I guarantee the devs will implement stamina penalties. Screenshot this.
>an edged sword and unedged sword are of just the same effectiveness against armor.
>show that greatswords aren't more lethal vs armor than quarterstaves
You're the one making the claim, retard, show me a manual of the time or other evidence suggesting that. Don't reply to me unless you got it, faggot, and I want a proper source, ideally a manual of the time or proper historical evidence, no neckbeards ranting on YT about it.
Parry hitboxes aren't accurate either, so what? Shields would be 100% actually genuinely useless if you could just stab their legs.
Do you think it's accurate that a parry user can look up in the fucking air and parry a shot aimed at their torso? Of course not.
Worker Hammer, combined with toolbox and medkit.
Don't use swings, ever.
Oh the kick actually does damage even when shield is up?
Stabs are faster than swings user.
Damn, this entire thread is just people saying "Why can't I easily kill something that's specifically designed to take longer to kill?"
Yes, but not only 15 damage or so.
No, he's right, this would fix shields. You'd still have a constant parry that's always up, but you'd have to actually keep track of what the enemy is doing and angle correctly. Which also discourages keeping it always up as you can't see shit when it is up.
Nah i was kicked yet again.
Doesn't matter what attack you do, they have plenty of time to block after you kick them...
Addendum: it would also make leg armour more useful AND you have less reach when aiming for the lower leg, so to get a stab in below the shield you have to lose quite some reach of your weapon.
You already do when you enemies aren't retarded. The shield user is completely blind to their right, and a single step further in that direction would have let the stab go through.
No, you're the one making the claim here because I'm asking about REAL greatswords vs quarterstaves and you're presenting unsharpened HEMA swords vs quarterstaves, you fucking subhuman.
By your logic I could make a claim, you could request a source, and I could give a completely unrelated source and say "haha prove how my source isn't related i win :^)"
You're desperately looking for copouts here because you have fucking nothing to give showing that quarterstaves are more lethal to armoured people than REAL ACTUAL greatswords.
there's nothing wrong with not being able to 1 shot a shield user. the problem is 3 people can't do anything about him either and they just have to wait until someone side pokes him, gets behind him, or manages to kick him without behind TK'd from behind which can happen to a really good player very easily. he'll still need some time to deal with the shield, meanwhile his team smashes his head open from behind as they're still mindlessly swinging at the shield user who has an infinite block.
That is a problem due to the nature of the game. Being able to prolong your fight makes it that much more likely that your allies will make it back to you. And that would be fine if there was some form of execution barrier to it, but it's literally just holding down a button.
>still no link in the post
Not gonna read your post user, you're claiming the contrary of the knowledge of anyone who does or studies anything related to this, so provide some evidence to back up your claim.
>but you'd have to actually keep track of what the enemy is doing and angle correctly
So you're paying 3/15 loadout points for something that's a sidegrade to parrying in terms of effectiveness (because you might not have to time it, but now you have to aim that tiny bottom part of the shield, which is just as difficult if not more)?
Why would anyone even bother with shields at all?
Where exactly are spikes?
All I can make with the toolbox are those wooden arrowslits.
>makes it that much more likely that your allies will make it back to you
The enemy player has allies as well though??
Press R
>back shieldfag into a wall with 3 friendly lads
>gang up on him and start kicking him to death
>eternal stunlock
>death by old age
>see him again a minute later with a maul instead
>the problem is 3 people can't do anything about him either
Uh yes they can lol, ganging up shield users will reliably kill them 99% of the time
go pick Protector and wade into a group of 3 enemies holding M2 in any server and see how long you last
Press R and if you have 6 toolbox ammo (you start with 3) you can build a ballista.
and they all get stuck wasting time at the shield impass and it ends up turning into3, then 4, then 5 people just beating the shit out of a single player just holding down right click, and sometimes one of them is gonna get team killed, and even then it's still going to take like 15-20 seconds to finally kill the guy with 5 fucking players vs 1 guy holding down a button
>Literally incapable of responding to the argument that shows that you're the one making the claim, thus no link is needed
Stay BTFO there, champ.
Back to you before you die, I should have said. Without a shield, you have to actually be the better, or at least equal, player of the two to defend yourself for the time it takes for reinforcements to arrive. With a shield, all you need is to hold down RMB.
>Which is worse?
LARPing redditors
>ah yes a match of frontline
>get arrowed from a teammate
>catch a thrown axe from another
>get a couple swings on the head from fellow infanty
>get finished by an actual enemy arrow
Nice, guess i'll fuck off back to duels, inbred teammate niggers are insufferable even with the friendly perk.
Stop running into my blade just to take my kill I already secured, fucktard.
Shields already are hard-countered by axes. Just fucking under/over swing with any large axe or polearm and you'll pretend they're not their unless they're very actively parrying you with their aim.
>Not combining off your kick for one of the few garuanteed hits in the game
This has been tested and does not work at all. Remember, the only thing worse than a shield nigger is somebody who defends shield niggers.
Why the fuck did they make a default class with a Zweihänder
On what fucking planet is that remotely a good idea? It just means you have a bunch of clueless retards hitting their teammates in the back.
The only change kicks need is to knockdown airborne targets, since landing cancels the stun kick puts them in.
>3, then 4, then 5 people just beating the shit out of a single player just holding down right click
I don't think you play this game. if you have 3 people you can surround them unless they back up. If they back up they're going to back into a corner eventually (or off the objective, which benefits you as well). You can all sprint forwards, and they can't sprint backwards.
Once they're cornered or surrounded, you stab/kick/overhead them to death.
And it doesn't take 15-20 seconds to drain the stamina of a shield user who is being attacked by 3+ people.
Each hit on a blocking shield costs each player 0 stamina and costs the shield user, depending on the weapon hitting the shield, between 5 and 10 stamina out of their 100 total.
The shield user's going to go down pretty quickly with 3 people wailing on them, unless they are all literally dagger users.
They also need to auto disarm shields.
he's completely right, you're the one who clearly doesn't play this game.
>nobody should come within the five mile reach of my zweihander
Stop being retarded. Also there's no such thing as a secured kill you retard.
Not him and you're a retard who complains about the game's balance without understanding it. Almost all the 2hs are capable of swinging AROUND a shield with directional swinging, your "tested" was probably just this where they weren't even using directional swings at all and just spamming mwheel, wasn't it?
I see a guy caveman speaking a lot ingame, is that you grugg?
>me and another big strong boy start having a zwei-off in a quiet corner of the map
>suddenly retard comes in to help (kill steal)
>dont see him and take off his head with my next unga swing
>immediately starts bitching in chat about 2handfags
But it literally does. I'm doing it right fucking now with a poleaxe. Why are you so retarded?
it literally doesn't, he's right. you cannot swing around shields. are you false flagging to try to stop them from nerfing your broken shit?
>ttv faggot mad at me because I stabbed the person he was "dueling" with
Go to a duel server or deal with it
I have played 50 hours and i can tell you that it doesn't work.
Nah, you're wrong and I showed why in that very post. Stay BTFO, retard.
If i took a double headed 45 pound war axe to a heater shield I’m going to be going through that motherfucker and straight into the guys forearm, then I’m going to yank my axe out of the shield and probably dislocate his entire arm with it. That would be realistic instead of my giant fuck you axe bouncing off of his 20 pound shield
t. retards who haven't learned how to play
Do you think that the combat system could be translated into VR in a way that would allow for crossplay between non-VR and VR? Because this game looks like a dream VR game desu.
>Shield users do not have to time the block
>To compensate for this, non-stabs on a shield do not have all of their damage absorbed
and the player suffers something like 5-10 damage (depending on the type of attack) for each such blocked attack
>Skilled players can circumvent this somewhat by chambering whenever possible
There, shields fixed.
You didn't show anyone anything, you just made yourself look stupid. You're wrong and they're right.
No, that would be impossible to balance.
VR shits will get murdered.
Get a better isp
I've played for over 400 hours since Alpha and can also confirm it does not work. You can't reliably attack around shields. It's not a way to outplay them or kill them quickly, and it doesn't solve the numerous issues with shields that break the game.
I figured that might have been the case.
>We have tried mousewheel scrolling into shields with our daggers and we can't hit around them when we do so IT DOESN'T WORK!!
Load up a local server game. Pick protector class. Set bot count to 1. Hold M2 while looking directly at the bot. Proceed to get hit in the ribs by a 2h swing, then feel free to come back and apologize.
It doesn't work, it never worked. You can stop lying any time.
t. alpha player
No. All attacks in this game are incredibly slow compared to IRL and by extension VR games, there's no way you could balance it without making things terribly clunky. Watch any footage of VR melee games such as Blade & Sorcery, they are insanely fast in comparison.
Also, all VR games with decent melee combat rely heavily on physics, which makes netcode close to impossible.
Stay BTFO, retard. Here's your last (you) if you're going to pull that childish nuh unh shit, treasure it.
>muh realism
Are you really going to pull that shit? Do you think parrying while looking up in the air would deflect a swing aimed at your torso in real life?
Yes, just like you can't reliably make someone fall for a feint, it's called skill variance.
His point was that you can hit around shields, that it's possible, and you're admitting it's possible.
It works right now.
t. not shit at the game and regularly uses both shields and this tactic against enemy shields
you're the one who got btfo though. you're wrong and defending shields for literally no reason. probably a shitter who can't parry or feint.
A fucking bot is not a human player.
>Don't make my immunity plank actually require skill to play!
That's not a realistic or valid comparison. Whether or not your attack goes around the shield is random chance. It would be like if hitting the feint button only had a 25% chance of causing a feint. You cannot balance a game around that. There needs to be a way to outskill shield users with hard reads and superior tactics, and currently there just isn't one. That's blatantly fucking broken and is ruining the game in every mode outside of 1v1 duels because that's the only setting where ever stamina matters.
Your damn right. Love that it pisses so many people off.
t. retards who do not understand this game or play it at a high skill level
T. shitposter
And I do it to human players all the time too. This is just for demonstration purposes, since you're not good enough at the game to hit around the shield, so we have to get a bot to show you since you're literally worse at the game than a retarded AI.
You got hit in the ribs, didn't you?
It's going to get nerfed into the ground soon, enjoy it while you can.
>it's random chance because I'm too bad to do it reliably
Are you fucking retarded by any chance?
>Whether or not your attack goes around the shield is random chance
"Whether I trick someone into parrying with a feint or not is random chance"
>It would be like if hitting the feint button only had a 25% chance of causing a feint
There is no numeric chance involved. If you swing there and they are not blocking there, they will take damage every time.
You're just fucking bad.
I'll find something else after. There will always be something that is to powerful/not fun to play against. Maybe main bows after.
>want to make a ronald mcdonald character but not level 22 so no goofy landsknecht gear yet
>see a 1v1 happening off the edge of the map
>start chucking my assorted kitchenware at them
>get called a retard for interrupting them
Easy way to fix shields is just making them have health and have them break after a few blocks along with fixing kicking entirely, it's so horribly implemented. Rapier needs a tiny nerf in either stamina usage or speed, archery is fine, never got the complaints about. Buff the speed on the Eveningstar.
>You're not allowed to tell off casuals for being casuals on Yea Forums
I use longsword with no shield.
You're bad at the game, man.
Backing shield users into a corner and kicking them to death works. Killing them with firepots works. Outstamming them by bashing at their shield for 5-15 stam per swing (depending on weapon and accel) until they're forced to drop it works. Swinging around their shield works.
You just have to spend less time bitching and more time improving.
Notice that experienced players don't use shields? Because they know it's a crutch that only helps against bad players, not good ones. End of discussion.
>Easy way to fix shields is just making them have health and have them break after a few blocks
This works pretty well in Mount&Blade so it might be good.
user you are not a good player if you don't understand why shields are broken. The only people who don't get it are shitters, so I'll explain it to your shitter ass. Some dumbfuck holding down M2 does not deserve to stop my decapitation rapetrain of constant perfect feints and ez kills through outskilling people. A dumbfuck holding down M2 does not deserve to hold the point for 30 seconds while backup arrives just because he brought a shield. It breaks the flow of the game. If anyone takes more than two swings for me to kill, it NEEDS to be because they're smart enough to parry. Not because they have an outrageous level of assured survivability against infinitely better players just by holding down a button. This game is meant to be fast paced, and fights are meant to be over quickly. If some dickhead can stop all the progress I'm making just by standing there holding down a button and forcing me to spend the next half minute kicking his dumb ass into a corner, when I could have gotten several kills in the same amount of time against any ordinary player, then something is clearly fucking wrong with the pacing and balance. Good players shouldn't be put on standstill because of a piece of gear. Only another good player should give good players pause.
Easy way to fix shields is for you to acquire proficiency. Games like this are balanced around the high level players who have no issue with countering shields, not around people like you.
>Spend sixteen thousand years attacking some guy's shield
>His buddies come and smack you to death while you are occupied
>Absolutely no way to feint him into a weak position
I'll be laughing when they are nerfed.
Post stats or shut the fuck up
This is the truth. Only absolute dogshit people who don't understand the game defend shields.
You're the one who is not gud. All high level players hate shield niggers.
Shields are not broken. They enable rapiers to be far too powerful. That is literally it. Introduce a minimum cap on attack speed while using them fixes literally all problems.
Archery is just annoying. It adds more downtime to the game.
>Heading to the fight
>Get hit by an arrow
>Hide for a few seconds and move again
They're not overpowered, just annoying. Like mosquitoes.
I just tested myself because I was curious. If you are facing the bot dead on he cant hit you at all, and even if you are facing away from him by like 45 degrees.
>Spend 3 points to have a parry that's totally useless after 4 blocks in addition to all the other ways that already exist to counter shields
In general, they're definitely overpowered but does not change the fact that swinging around shields is a thing you can do, just that it's something they can counter fairly easy.
>If anyone takes more than two swings for me to kill, it NEEDS to be because they're smart enough to parry.
This is just fucking retarded though. It's a defensive option. It will always increase your defense. Crying purely because you can't mindlessly swing through retards is stupid. The problem lies in just how much they can abuse that defense, not that they have it in any degree at all.
The problem with archers isn't balance, it's just enjoyability.
Whether they're friendlies shooting you in the back, blocking friendlies in doorways because they have no situational awareness, and interrupting fun fights in general.
In addition, they by design reward cowardly behavior, which is annoying when they run into a crowd of teammates instead of fighting like a man, and also annoying because many will sit back and do nothing of any use and therefore be dead weight for their own team.
In other words they're irritating no matter what team they're on, and you can't even kill half of them because they're supposedly on your side. Games about melee combat should stop fucking thinking they that need ranged classes too. Sure it was part of historical warfare, but it's not part of fun gameplay.
I love that having a shield causes this much anger.
>Good players shouldn't be put on standstill because of a piece of gear. Only another good player should give good players pause.
this is the core of it. shields have no skill requirement whatsoever, but no matter how godlike you are they will force you to slow down and try to kick them or give them a reacharound. either way it feels like shit. there shields eliminate the mindgames in a game about fast decisive fights based on mindgames. it's broken as shit and needs to be implemented differently. what it really needs is for a single kick to totally knock the shield out of their hands. that way, they'd still have the option of counter kicking but they'd have to at least consider your actions and think defensively. currently shield nigs don't have to ever think about defense.
Yeah but that still ain't a reason for a nerf to them, that's their thing. And once you charge them, it's basically over for them.
There are 2 ways to get around shield, one that is badly put in and the other depends on them being a fucking retard. Shields should have health, not breaking after 4 hits of course you braindead retard. They should be repairable as well.
Now post stats or shut the fuck up.
How about this
>Shields have a "stability meter" when held up
>Each hit adds to that meter, the exact amount dependent on the type of attack blocked
>Once the meter is full, the shield user is knocked down on the next block
>Meter empties gradually when not blocking
>All high level players hate shield niggers.
Because it stops them pubstomping all the new players launch brought as hard, not because they're actually overpowered.
I'd prefer archery wasn't in the game at all and ranged weapons were limited to throwing spears. Archers and shields are counter intuitive to enjoyment.
Jesus christ you fucking people. I think shields are definitely too useful in certain circumstance but nowhere near to the point you autists complain. If you want to duel with twohanders and nothing else, go to a duel server. The game needs shit like archers and shields to give it some form of variety.
This. The game is about mindgames and shields negate all mindgames. Shields in this game is like if you could play Lethal League and have a character that automatically hit the ball any time it touched you. It's stupid and makes no sense.
how do i deal with 3 people walking at me and poking me when i try to swing my big boy axe
i usually just end up spamming block and hoping a teammate arrives
Nobody who mindlessly swings is mad at shields, though. The only people who hate shields are the actual skilled players who understand morphs, drags, feints and delayed attacks. They hate shields because it's not possible to outsmart a shield user. It feels bad to be able to kill anyone almost instantly simply by baiting out a bad parry, but then seeing a shield cuck and knowing you're going to have to spend the next minute trying to find a way around their impervious defense no matter how dumb they are, simply by virtue of them having a shield. Shields are a bummer that ruin the game for good players, not for bad players who just swing.
don't be there in the first place
Don't be somewhere with 3 people around you.
Chamber or Riposte really, if you have dodge you can bait an attack with it and go for a swing if you have a weapon that can slice through multiple people
t h i s
I will freely admit I'm not a high level player, I've only been playing since release. However despite this I have no issue countering shields.
If I can do it, you need to acquire proficiency.
>His buddies come and smack you to death while you are occupied
>Shields should have health, not breaking after 4 hits of course you braindead retard
You said "a few hits" you subhuman piece of feces. Why don't you say what you mean if you don't want to look like a faggot in front of everybody?
I was one click away from buying last night but convinced myself not to, the game is streamer bait and it will be dead in 2 weeks after the autists have figured out ways to cheese the mechanics and ruin the fun. Also hearing from some anons that it gets repetitive and boring fast.
You're a retard who doesn't understand this game or the problems with shields. Archers are fine, shields are literally gamebreaking and will turn the meta into all phalanx or instant loss.
>The only people who hate shields are the actual skilled players who understand morphs, drags, feints and delayed attacks. They hate shields because it's not possible to outsmart a shield user
HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHHA Yes these "actual skilled players" (not a product of my imagination I swear!" definitely have never killed a single shield user!
The thing is that if someone isn't using a shield, I can outsmart and dispatch them quickly. If they are using a shield, I just have to sigh a bit and walk away because there's no way I will deal with them quickly.
A few means not a lot but more than 1, not 4 specifically you braindead child. Use your brain instead of going to the most retarded scenario your retarded brain can think of just to shitpost.
>I will freely admit I'm not a high level player, I've only been playing since release.
>won't post stats
>keeps shitposting about getting good
epic shit, enjoy the last (you)
If you're not a high level player you shouldn't be giving your two cents. Shields don't affect you if you're a shitter who isn't carrying the team. Shields mostly are a problem for people with skill who don't want their game slowed down and ruined by dumb assholes who turtle up.
try chamber someone and then drag a swing across all of their heads.
Dear Baddies: Git gud. That is all.
Sincerely, a good player you've all been talking about.
Now I'm back to playing the game rather than bitching about it. That's how you learn these things, see.
You are retards who are nowhere near good enough to be talking about game balance.
>I just have to sigh a bit and walk away because there's no way I will deal with them quickly
get fucked
The medieval swords will slice through african paper shields
>Isolated duel environment
see final (you), I'm going back to killing shield users now thanks
>Nobody who mindlessly swings is mad at shields, though.
You're absolutely retarded if you think that isn't where the majority of complaints about shields are coming from. Especially with how fundamentally awful all the ideas to "fix" them have been.
Regardless, this doesn't touch my point, which is the assumption that one way to play should be the only one because it's the one you enjoy. You are not entitled to mindlessly chop through every player on the field just because you learned to morph. Shields are there to give a relatively absolute defensive option and they do achieve that, giving definite disadvantages in the process.
Estoc and Poleaxe are my two favorite currently. Yes, I am a horsenigger
You just proved everyone you were arguing against right. Good job btfoing yourself.
See .
Skill-lets, when will they learn?
Just the sight of the shields is able to make 2 handed cucks run away.
doesnt prove anything and not even viable to try half the time. looks like a fluke.
So is this game a battle royale or is there also deathmatch with respawns and the like?
>You can literally see him drop his block before the swing lands
Check the stats yourself, user. Click on advanced stats and you'll see everything. Yes, it gives it more range and slower attacks
>literally every single person in the thread pretending they're a "high level player" and that only THEIR opinion matters
There's duels, deathmatch, a big Battlefield-esque mode. Good variety.
There you go again, not understanding this game or how it works. Players like you get chopped down instantly by players like me because we are mental titans compared to brainlets like you. All we have to do is fake you out one time and you crumble, letting us finish you off for good. The problem is that shieldshitters don't die as quickly as they deserve to for how little skill they invest in their defense. 1000 IQ players like me are put at a dead stop by a shieldshitter, not because they're good or doing anything interesting, but just because our enormous brains don't give us the advantage we deserve to have against pea brained shield cucks like you. This is a problem with balance, and it will be fixed soon.
what are duels? i only see frontline, skirmish, horde, BR and death matches, how to get some 1v1 duelling?
It is up though, skill-let. I see you don't recognize how the animations work yet.
Stay mad. I'll continue killing shield users while you continue grunting in autistic frustration. Bye.
If this is your idea of proof, then you've definitively proven that shields are busted and need to have a real counter.
Literally every problem with this game can be summed up with "why don't you just let me fight?"
Archers are fight interrupters. Yes, they're way better balanced than in Chivalry, but the problem was never balance, it was their very existence being unfun.
Firebombs any other area denial tools are the same. Area denial simply means downtime in this game. The fact that they added the fireproof perk is practically an admission that they were a bad idea.
Also if we didn't have firebombs, people could actually try fighting in formation and stuff. What's more, as with archers, all those tools are as bad for the teammates as they are for enemies because 90% of the time the guy using them is retarded.
I could go on but you get the point. A "purer" game about simply fighting would actually be more fun, this game has way too much unnecessary shit putting a dampener on it.
Is the skill ceiling high? I suck at any multiplayer game really but can still can get some enjoyment out of them.
there are no disadvantages to having a shield, apart from the point cost. messer and shield is just an easy way to go 60/0 without ever having to learn how to play the game for real.
The skill ceiling is incredibly high but you can actually out-play good players in the Frontlines mode by just unga bunga button mashing while they try to xXMLGXx you with feints.
>6 useless fucking archers on the team
>I carry the first round with a fucking team wipe 9 kills with a dagger
Holy shit what just happened
It'd be nice if some servers disabled archers and firebombs. They're not OP, they're just boring to deal with and cause down-time, like you said.
horses too. mods are coming though, so hopefully that includes server-side restrictions.
Every single game I get tricked by people who just swing and don't stop swinging
Everyone complains about horses but they're honestly one of the biggest draws to this game. Its so fun charging people down, and if you dont have a horse you arent really a knight. They're also balanced since they're high risk high reward
>Some 10,000 IQ nigga just walking around swinging his axe in our spawn goes 50/5 because people think he will have to stop swinging eventually
you aren't outplaying them in that case, you're just so bad that you surprised them. like when a pro fighting game player loses to a button masher because they don't expect anyone to actually be that retarded. you're still a shitter who can't play, you're just a shitter who was so shitty you surprised a superior player who gave you more credit than you deserve.
>I-It's up! I swear!
We all believe you, user.
>there are no disadvantages other than costing points and ensuring you have short range, low damage weapons alongside it
user, come on.
Regardless, even the most vehement of anti-shieldfags aren't pretending they're OP in that they'll get you kills, don't be retarded.
No kidding, how hard is it to remember the word 'recovery' exists? Fucking smelly retards.
if it's so predictable then just chamber it you mong. rapier isn't even that good, with or without shield. it's so easy just to out-stam them.
Horses would be more fun if we just had a cavalry mode/map in which everyone's on horseback in one insane skirmish. While I really enjoy riding in Frontline, to everyone on foot they are yet again just another gimmicky faggot interrupting everyone else's fun.
I think my biggest killing spree was done on horseback but I'll be honest, there was no skill involved beyond rudimentary timing.
>short range or low damage
He's right, you're wrong. It's purely advantageous. Shields don't give you offense options, but they don't stop you from playing offensively or taking good weapons and all they do is make you immune to mindgames and prevent you from having to interact with the game's primary mechanics.
>glanced at the first and last words of the post
Sounds like you want a Duel server/custom server mate instead of bitching about the gamemodes that were designed for other people.
You have found the secret mini rapier, don't tell anyone user.
>45 lbs axe
They'd be like 10 lbs at most but you're still right about busting the shitty wooden shield at least.
I think it makes your stamina regen faster, but don’t quote me on that.
that's because the rapier isn't good at all and only works against shit players like you.
just fucking chamber their predictable as hell stabs and will out-stam them so fucking easily.
And cost 3 more loadout points as opposed to just parrying, and are guaranteed to lose in any battle lasting over 10 hits.
Why didn't you guus tell me that 3/3/3 with bloodlust, scavenger and dagger is the secret easy mode of this game?
I went 59/10 on a Taiga frontline by just murdering lone dudes and stealing their stuff.
How well optimized is this game? Would I be able to run it well with an Intel i5-4690k, GTX 970, and 8 gigs of ram?
Is this as rage inducing as for honor? Getting raped by multiple people at once at all times?
realism need not apply - you can wear armor mismatched from centuries apart and cut through plate armor with swords.
I have a similar setup to that and it works.
>Lone dudes
Dodge costs 4 and isn't even 1/10th as good of a defense option. Shield should cost at least 10 in its current state if we're talking points. And no battle in frontline or tdm lasts 10 hits. That's the problem, shield's only possible disadvantage never comes up in the most played game modes.
Relative to the greatsword you could have had instead it sure fucking is both of those things.
There are duel modes if you wanna duel, and big retard combat swarms are 90% of the Frontline mode. For Honor wasn't even rage-inducing, no idea how people got mad at it when it was just a clusterfuck.
It was a 32 player server
Literally useless.
Yes, on medium-high settings. I have 16 gigs, an i5, and a 1070 and I get 60+ fps on ultra.
>Join server
>guy with pepe avatar and green clover emblem on my team
>he's shit
Why does this game have such a big Yea Forums presence anyway? So many fucking cringe lords greentexting and using ironic meems.
>just fucking chamber their predictable as hell stabs and will out-stam them so fucking easily.
Have you tried playing the game, user?
If you chamber you lose a massive amount of stamina. If they parry or block your chamber like they will because it's the only thing you have against them, they will lose less stamina than you do.
Not if he's a tenacious nibba who just runs at you and spams. Speaking of Tenacious is a stupid fucking perk
>You know what? Fuck stamina management lol
I'm making pretty good use of it sitting right behind the front lines, peppering people constantly, finishing off lots of people and getting one or two shots on anyone who runs at me, giving me a huge edge once I pull my sword.
Just don't use it like a longbow because it isn't one.
>Default Bardiche skin is a fucking Voulge
>The actual Bardiche skin for Bardiche costs gold
where are that cat's legs though??
Can I play this with my toaster? Does the game have a resolution scale option? Also how is the progression in this and the customization? Are there microtransactions?
I am a moderately high level alpha player. Shieldsnare hardly a problem once you realize they lose stam wars ez. You're just salty at shields because they don't let you rely on your feint and morph crutch that every other new player can't counter either. If every player could read the shit feints and morphs you throw out you'd be crying about that too. Shields are a straight downgrade for anyone with a decent amount of skill.
What to do with stuttering in this game?
You should be able to run it, probably, and the progression and customisation are very fair and good. There are no microtransactions.
Whats a noob friendly weapon?
good job proving you have 0 skill and do not actually play this game. stamina wars are not relevant in tdm and frontline. you do not have time to run these shield shitters out of stamina when they have backup coming, and there's no fast and efficient way to outplay shield shitters like you can do to everybody else. ultimately it just punishes bad players like us and rewards bad players like you. that's not okay for the type of game this is.
>the default halberd skin is called "devout"
>the cross is a Swiss cross and it's a Swiss halberd
>tfw I see friendlies get smashed by a faggot mishandling the catapult
>see the little group b-line it to him and just chop his head off
>someone else is now controlling it
>he's worse
I value a good catapult user.
Shield + anything.
Zweihander! (But be careful not to hit your team)
But you won't be a noob for very long, I've been playing for only two days and I feel like I have the hang of it already.
I saw a dude wielding a Faussart, so I guess it's an alternate skin for a weapon?
What a fucking deep cut of a weapon to add to a game.
I am sure it's for the Messer.
the problem with shields is that their hitbox is much larger than the model. Also polearms should go through shields when doing overhands
you realize that tenacious doesn't make you regen in combat, right?
>Just wail on them for a solid 5 minutes bro nothing could go wrong all the other enemies will ignore you bro
What do you call the accent that comes with the
>My Nan fights better than you
Feel like it's the quintessential British fuck voice.
yes, and even if they parry, unless you have a dagger or a rapier as well, they will lose more stamina from blocking large weapons with smaller ones.
and yes, i've played the game plenty. ft10 me if you want to find out.
Wrong perk, my bad. The one that gives you stamina regen on hits. (even if they're parried/blocked). It's fucking bonkers
Maul, Spear, Zweihander are all very fucking good and fun
you have no clue what you're talking about and should stop talking lmao.
>outstam them
>stam even being an issue in anything but duels
Come join us down here in the real world for 2 mnutes.
The Bastard Sword speaks to me.
Dodge isn't just defense, it's all-around mobility you get which can be used outside melee.
I use the crossbow exactly like that, It's miles better than the recurve.
Everyone and his mother has t3 armour and recurve does 20 damage to t3 armour
The bastard sword is an arming sword (even the grip is obviously one handed, especially with the wheel pommel) and every other one handed sword is horribly undersized
I don't know why that irritates me so much
>Can I play this with my toaster?
Pretty sure you can, I'm playing it on an NVIDIA GTX 750ti on everything HIGH with some stuff lowered or disabled.
>Does the game have a resolution scale option?
It does. Matches with lots of players would make the game clog down to 47fps for me sometimes but after turning the resolution down from 1.00 to just 0.98 it works just fine, almost constant 60fps the whole time with the lowest dips going to 50.
Why can't you make lance part of your kit? I just wanted to roleplay as an obnoxious horse boy and use the lance on levels that weren't snowy mountain.
wtf, pretty sure my grandparents used to spread the butter on their bread with that thing
Fire needs to be limited to one per spawn, fucking bullshit melee combat game where you spend half the time waiting for fires to burn out.
You can do the charge attack with spear (and I assume polearm) type weapons
yes yes but can ME run this game? or should I just wait for a console release
>see geralt cosplayer
>hit him in the head
Why do I see so many people playing this game who seem to constantly forget you have a stab that lets you attack without cleaving into your allies
Yeah, I already use a poleax, but the reach isn't as good as the lance.
Try the standard spear, it has looooong range. Great weapon too
>stick hits shield
>axe head hits shieldfag
He's half right; shields can't block in a 360, but the shield user can easily just turn slightly to the left or right as you swing and block anything you do.
>Add this
>Shields can be repaired by mallets like buildings
>Adds an interesting new dynamic to the game.
I like it.
Any beginner tips? What's a good beginner class?
>People debating how to fix shields
>When Mount and Blade already figured it out by just having shields break
for the love of god use a short weapon so you don't constantly clobber your teammates
I've tried both, and I find the recurve far more useful. I can get way more shots off, don't have to look down and let someone rush me each time, and can backpeddle while loading in more shots. It's really a matter of how close you're playing it. In terms of armour, 20's still enough to finish people off a lot of the time, and there's usually enough dipshits running around with no head/leg armour to fuck up.
long spear, at first try to support the frontline. When you get the hang of it switch to whatever two-handed weapon you like the most
Do the tutorial and pay attention to the stuff they say in it
Then just jump into frontline and start hacking away. I think all the "classes" are good for beginners but I had a lot of trouble with heavy armored ones (and still do) because you feel pretty limited in terms of speed
What game is this, and is it on PS4?
God I'd love to have that much confidence when talking about something I clearly knew fucking nothing about.
Knight. Longsword is a good all-round weapon and will teach you to play well. Brigand lets you swing around like a madman and is fun as well.
the losers who have 0 awareness and complain that they cant right click
Just go fight enemies where youll have no team mates around. Honestly makes the fights easier.
>tfw the TTK is kind of fucked since everyone can basically, in Chiv terms, wield Vanguard weapons as a Knight (albeit by forgoing leg armor) and it makes 1vX harder than in Chiv
>Only remedy to this that i've found so far is to use the Maul since it's the only weapon that achieves any semblance of consistent 1 hit kills
Well also it's vert slow and makes acceling and deceling more effective
>Brainlet who waits for his kick to confirm before doing the follow-up, missing the combo window.
>Playing in third person
Why the fuck do they even have this as an option in this game whatsoever, it's almost cheating
This post brought to you by Billhook-Gang
the absolute fucking state of blue team
If you kill yourself with your own firebomb while you have the scavenger perk, will you drop your own equipment?
Thinking about making a merc that just hands out free Zweihanders to my team.
The ultimate support class.
The Spear is probably as noob friendly as it gets, longest reach in the entire game and all you have to do is find opportunities to mouse wheel up and stab them (you can get a lit of kills jist stabbing at enemies who are occupied with something like fighting a teammate of yours)
>that one teammate who feeds the entire game
If you go negative in this game you should be banned.
Mordhau and likely never
>see shieldfag backed into wall by three friendlies
>"oh hes dead for sure"
>not a single one of them kicks
>constantly whittling each other down with friendly fire
>shieldfag kills all three of them effortlessly
>That archer who is on the hill trying to shoot you the whole time and keeps missing while you slaughter his entire team
how do you kill people with shields? they always spam left click and then hold block until their stamina recharges, then repeat
I saw a build where you where heavy armor and load up on perks, after that you'd scavenge a weapon amd go to town as an absolute juggernaut
Jump and stab.
Shieldretards are bad and wont be able to react fast enough to you and simply die.
Two handers can only swing around a shield in one scenario: You move around the shield users sword arm, and the shield user DOESNT adjust his block. If either of those isn't true, you will be blocked.
you can disarm people with shields, and people with shields are worse of in a stamina war.
Throw a firebomb behind and watch them backpedal into it.
they can't regen stamina while blocking. if you use a two hander, you will always win the stamina duel against a shield unless you're retarded.
I don't think Mordhau could function well on a controller. Chiv didn't.
3/3/3 Bloodlust, Fireproof, Scavenger
Worthless on Taiga and Grad, but Camp is littered with Bastard Swords, and Peak has a single Sledgehammer to start out with.
>Stab him with a pitchfork
I know nothing of the control scheme and just want to play armored dress up. I'm hoping I can run it despite my old ass CPU.
You won't be able to on that hardware, sorry.
i just booted the game up for the first time and whats up with the mouse not being able to click anything on the right side of the menu?
i cant click the settings and to pick a class i have to hover slightly above and to the right where the button is
I mean you could just wait until an enemy dies and take their stuff, that works on any map
Any game similar to this on consoles?
Looks like kingdom come deliverance, but with online gameplay. Looks great
It has to load for a bit if you are having the same problem I did.
You are literally never going to disarm a shield user unless you're on a duel server, or you're in some isolated corner of the map. I've seen people with shields tank FOUR friendlies for 30 seconds before running out of stamina. "Just deplete their stamina" is as big of a shitter flag as "lol just kick them" is.
>and people with shields are worse of in a stamina war
Factually wrong. The common misconception people have is that shields can only block, which has no drain negation; this is half correct. A block does not have drain negation, but a PARRY does, and shields can still parry like a normal weapon. For comparison, an Executioners sword has a Stamina Drain of 20, meaning a shield user loses a whopping SEVEN stamina on each parry. Couple this with the fact that an Executioner Sword takes 12 stamina to swing, and you end up losing MORE stamina than the shield user.
A dagger, some armour (2-3-1) and every perk under the sun is a hilariously effective combo
thank you for validating my hatred of shield users
Strikes that do not outright miss do not drain stamina, even if they are parried or blocked. You only lose stamina through defensive actions or by whiffing a swing entirely.