Why don't games make bosses like this anymore?

Why don't games make bosses like this anymore?

Beating Emerald Weapon without underwater materia because I was a dumb kid and sold it was such a great experience

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>Dumb Kid
>Actually got underwater materia to sell it

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y'all know that's a Gundam, right?

I didn't fucking know there'd be an underwater boss

He means if you really were a dumb kid you would never work out how to get underwater materia because it's such an abstract quest to get it

Agreed, its hard as fuck to even get. No reason to go to underwater reactor ever after huge materia thingy

I've played this game like 4 times, what the fuck is underwater materia?

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Removes the time limit in the Emerald Weapon fight

I used morph materia on EVERY enemy

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Why is Neue Ziel in a FF7?

Shouldn't it be dropping colonies on Earth instead?

I don't even know I beat it as a kid, don't even have access to KoTR.

Optional superbosses still exist though.

I always liked his "Aire Tam Storm" (Materia Storm) ability. Thought it was a cool ability to force you to choose the shit you really need.

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Name 3 (three) games from the last 5 years that have optional super bosses.

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Enemy’s skill is the only materia you’ll need.

Xenoblade X
Xenoblade 2
Persona 5

Everything needs to be easy mode these days, the current audience has been way too pampered to sustain old-school superbosses.
Something like the Demifiend in Digital Devil Saga would never fly these days.

What are the chances Ruby and Emerald will end up in FF7R?

>Enemy’s skill
Which abilities? I never really used that materia.

octopath travelers
xenoblade chronicle2
pokemon (I guess)?

Hmmmm.... name 2 (two) more.

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For Emerald Weapon, all you need are:
*White Wind
*Great Guard
*Magic Hammer
*Angel Whisper
*Shadow Flare

Optionally Dragon Force for juicy def/mdef boost.

Disgaea 5 has 3 optional superbosses by itself.
Baal & Carnage Baal (Technically fairly different fights besides bigger numbers, your choice if it counts for one or two)
Carnage Lize
Proto Darkdeath
The Bank Robbery

Interesting. I will try that when I play that game again.

Dragon Quest XI
Hollow Knight

White wind and Big guard are the most broken magic in the game and you can learn it early in game .


For every weapon, the only materia you need is final attack > phoenix

Laberynth of Refrain, Coven of Dusk has this thicc mommy for an optional superboss.
I mean, not really, she's required for some stuff, but as far as you know for your first playthrough she is.

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Yup, in true blue magic tradition, it's broken af and i love it because of that.

Every Etrian Odyssey game that released in that window, like 5 and Nexus.

Not that good for that fight, but you can also get Beta from the Midgar Zolom, Trine from the Materia Keeper (And something else, I think?), and Aqualung from something in the Gold Saucer desert, which are absurdly powerful for most of the game.
Especially if you can get Beta on your first encounter with the Zolom. Without grinding, Barret can usually just barely survive it from the back row with fire elemental armor and no grinding, and once you get it low enough to actually use it, sending Beta right back should kill it, so you can keep it.

Alright, you guys pass.

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Thats literally a Qubeley mobile suit.

Grim Dawn

I'm sad no one but me caught the gundam reference.

These niggas out here really plagairising Neue Ziel

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Optional superbosses just cheapen the main end game.

Do any western games still have superbosses? Like bosses that involve a shit ton of grinding and prep to have a chance of beating?

I swear in most western games, even the more difficult optional bosses are generally just slightly less forgiving that regular bosses, and can be easily beaten after a few tries.

You don't need underwater materia to beat it. Even as a 7 y/o shota bitch went down quick.

>Do any western games still have superbosses?
Do they have bosses? Or is that too gamey for them?


That's a Black Sarena though

Game was to broken to have bosses like this be enjoyable because there was no middle ground between being impossible and "oh this is what I have to do to beat him I guess I'll just spend a couple hours doing the stuff I have to do to get broken and then it's over", FF7 biggest drawback was zero fucking play testing and it makes the midgame feel inauthentic


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