So, does this :

So, does this :
make the joke less or more funny?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fine. I'll do it.

"Oh bother."

>accused by his ex-wife

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>On one occasion, she claims that Cummings groped her breasts in front of the children, saying he could “touch Mommy’s breasts since he had paid for them.”


That's irrelevant to OP's question.


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>linking to fucking jezebel, no pastebin, no quoting of the text
Fuck off with your faggot thread, retard.

>by his ex-wife

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I think that's fair

I just hear it in Gizmo's voice and it brings me joy


Look at that fucking Pooh in the last panel with his dopey expression, caught halfway in his equally dumb stride. That's good visual comedy right there.

you thought Xi Jinping and Winnie the Pooh only looked alike.
Turns out it could run deeper.

That's irrelevant to OP's question.

>Jim Cummings got #metoo'd
Oh come the fuck on. At this rate, every single popular male celeb is going to get hit with this shit. Guaranteed they'll go after Steven King, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas at some point.

*Stephen King

Sounds like he compares well to what Disney is, pretentiously kind and lighthearted but really just corrupt and decadent to the bone.

I mean, conspiracy theorists have always tried to get Spielberg into all kinds of weird shit out of him being jewish. Also, how is Cummings remotely popular?

Stop spamming, OP.

Who is miss Bennet ?

Oh no, a topic that is relevant to two board get posted on two boards. What are the odds ?

>tortures a puppy placing it in a metal bucket for hours in hot sun
>claims it was accident
Lot of the other things he hasn't denied. It's not conspiracy. Stop drinking kool-aid just because you are a hopeless beta-loser, fucking retard.

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Cummings was a very commonly used voice actor in kids cartoons throughout the 80s and 90s so it stands to reason he would be very popular. I was actually pleasantly surprised to hear is voice used for various NPCs in Skyrim.

I think you meant to quote

Except it's been reposted for days with the intent of drumming up white male outrage by using a VA's celebrity.

No one but you gives a fuck, OP. Don't post shitty tertiary clickbait threads and expect them to not get derailed.

>The abuse became so unbearable they moved to Utah in 2017
>But allowed Jim to visit
>Only to wake up and find him standing with his erect penis in her heart
Everything sounds like a lot of bullshit, like most #metoo accusations, but if It was true she is in the wrong for being such a fucking retard

Read Pride & Prejudice. You'll be better than the OP who's trying to post off-topic shit and get away with it.

You need to go back, /pol/.

Oh, is this about Spielberg? Tell me more, most I've read are comments about the jewish oligopoly on movies and that kinda shit.

>Except it's been reposted for days
user, that awkward zombie comic date from today.

Why would you allow somebody who has been allegedly harrassing you for almost 6 years at your new house where you have moved PRECISELLY to stop being harrassed? Why would you be surprised if it turned out that letting him in would only make matters worse and wake up to him using you for a handjob?

>tries to divert it
Could you be any more obvious. The VA is obviously a some level of sadist and general shitbag.

Do you work for some organization, company or do you shill politics for free?

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It's like asking why a population don't revolt against their dictator. they technically have the numeric superiority.

I'm completely sorry about that. I genuinely thought you were talking about Spielberg from the other post that responded to you. Now my google history is filled with "Spielberg dog sun".

American women are weak and stupid. Normies often make the mistake of not absolutely cutting off psychopaths from their lives. They find all kinds of what-ifs and hopeful bias to see if they won't be the incurable monsters they are later on, and the smarter psychos often know how abuse this pattern.

I doubt Jim Cunnings has a private army and well funded secret police at his disposal

And the comic and the article have nothing to do with each other. OP's clearly trolling to gaslight a narrative.


>And the comic and the article have nothing to do with each other.

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>with his erect penis in her heart
holy shit


He didn't deny any of it though.

Ligma, probably

A population doesn't revolt against a dictator because he has the army and people are afraid to die and thus do nothing.
Meanwhile she has tried to stop the situation with several restraint orders, but also invites him to her fucking house.

Your wording and unwarranted hostility made it confusing to determine if you were talking about Jim Cummings or Steven Spielberg since is coincides with the other user who responded to me mentioning conspiracies.

Stay in school, little buddy.

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How do you ligma?

>Write a chapter in your horror book about six shotas going bareback on a loli to "calm down"
Yeah with him it kinda makes sense tho

Is it actually good or just some lit class required reading?

Holy shit! Hand, I meant hand

>Beyond that, Stephanie claims that Jim was abusive to their dog. She said that he left the family pet underneath a bucket in the yard in the summer and that "he shattered the puppy's hip" by striking it with a broom. She added that he had a substance abuse problem as well, pointing to addictions to alcohol, marijuana, and Adderall

Pooh is one hardcore bear.

Wojaks are not an argument.

The sad thing is, 95% of the time they don't even deny it

>expecting a LOL thread
>get this
How disappointing

Ask your local physician

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Why even bother denying when one accusation is already enough to fuck your shit up. Just look at Woody Allen

>Only to wake up and find him standing with his erect penis in her heart
Holy shit that is fucking brutal. Had no idea he was this fucked up.

>A population doesn't revolt against a dictator because he has the army
Taht's kind of my point. The power to control population is mostly a shared delusion. A didctatorship is held in control because they are convinced they can't fight back. the army is there to keep in check the oulier. But when it goes all out, an army won't do shit and will appear like the naked emperor that it is.

Power his held by convincing people they' can't revolt. Because you can't actually stop an actual revolution.

this i'm not clicking on fucking jezabel. what about jim cummings? if you don't just put the context in the thread tthen you should have just saved the mods the job and deleted this shit thread yourself.

Thanks doc

The only time rape is hot is when it's male non-human on human female. Too bad there aren't really any video games that let me explore this territory. Only modded Skyrim comes to mind.

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>But when it goes all out, an army won't do shit
Sure, once you've arrived at the point where the majority of the army is ready to abandon the old order, the dictatorship will probably go down. Before that, not so much

>erect penis in her heart

Attached: [Slams Internally].jpg (396x446, 35K)

winnie the pooh, more like wiener on poo! haha!

You're retarded

>A didctatorship is held in control because they are convinced they can't fight back.
>But when it goes all out, an army won't do shit and will appear like the naked emperor that it is.
Yeah, like when the Turks and Venezuelans managed to overthrow their regimes...

It wasn't an argument, it was an insult to your obliviousness.

You really don't see the humor of Winnie the pooh strolling away with a woman being juxtaposed with the recent news of his voice actor being accused of sexual misconduct ?

I don't know, out of all the place, I was expecting Yea Forums to enjoy the coincidence, but instead, it look like you are too butthurt to appreciate some sex abuse humor.

The George Lucas Indy should fuck a 12 year old stuff was weird.

Read the thread.

That's like half of DLsite.

That's thing. Getting to this step is actually easier than you think. IT's through gaslighting its population a dictatorship remain. display of strength is mostly for show.

Because relationships and emotions get complicated. You would understand this if you experienced either

>all #metoo accusations are fake because i like the person he's in my favourite media he can never do wrong
How stupid are you faggots, none of you have even played the game with his best voice work

>the Venezuelans
Dude, there were only 25 militars in that "coup". Guaido's popularity is not extremely high either.

>Getting to this step is actually easier than you think
It really isn't, see most of the ME and also the Eastern Block. Things have to go really bad before this happens and the military will often remain loyal and ready to strike at the populace as long as they're getting their paycheck

Jesus fucking Christ Yea Forums

>>all #metoo accusations are real because i don't like the person

I own two copies of Splatterhouse (2010) because of Jim, that game is a fucking 2/10 without him.
Please tell me more about how i hate Jim.

>Things have to go really bad before this happens
That's my point. Things have to go really bad before the population actually decide enough is enough. You have got your question answered.

OP here, first Google result in English I got. I don't fucking care.

Who hates Jim Cummings? Retard

The population deciding anything doesn't mean shit. Once the army and police apparatus abandon the regime is when it's over. See Syria, even after almost a decade of brutal civil war Assad is still kicking

You don't care because you just want to off-topic shitpost. If I had my way I slap your faggot ass with a range-ban and be done with it.

Again, my point, things have to go pretty far before the population decide to act out to a point the police and army give up.

What the fuck are you even talking about how could you miss the point that much

I wish I was that young. Most of us who are even aware of who Jim Cummings are around 30 years old

And he's got the face for it

Acting is a pretty low IQ career choice and a lot of celebs are confirmed high school dropouts, so it stands to reason that some of those caught up in all this drama went along with the accusations because they don't really know if their actions were truly problematic or not, especially if the partner accusing them "seemed" submissive to it. Not to mention were talking people who bring up these accusations months are years after it's happened, memories of the moments in question are bound to be hazy


This thread has been pruned or deleted

I wanted people to laugh at the idea that Katie might have accidentally put a woman in the arm of a sexual deviant and how it is actually funnier than the intended joke, but whatever.

>sexual deviant
user, that's Winnie the Pooh Bear. He has no genitalia, he is a stuffed animal.

>You really don't see the humor of Winnie the pooh strolling away with a woman being juxtaposed with the recent news of his voice actor being accused of sexual misconduct?
I see the humor, but it's shit humor. Neck yourself.

Pooh isn't a deviant, Piglet asked for it. Go after the real monsters like Tigger if you really want to have a point here, he did some fucked up shit to Roo and made Kanga watch. I don't know how the kid can keep on bouncing after all he's been through.

You saw the humor after he explained it to you dumbass

Its not funny. Flat out, "I get it, but I'm not laughing" funny. Please consider your life choices up to and including posting this drivel on Yea Forums, and then contemplate where you went wrong.

Roo is a kinky and dirty slut tho.

Go to bed, OP.

>I see the humor
So, you admit you were lying when you said >And the comic and the article have nothing to do with each other.

I am OP, I am not the user you quoted.

Whatever you say. Go to bed regardless.

t. Tigger
You should be ashamed of yourself. How the fuck can you handle a kid like that and still be proud of being the only one who does so? I hope Christopher Robin pitches a ball through your head, you sick fuck.

>At this rate, every single popular male celeb is going to get hit with this shit.

Yeah, that's the general idea.

After a month of blackouts and years of good scarcity and superinflation. Not to mention the crime rates always rising
Not sure what more they would need to actually start some shit for real

user, you have to know the situation in Venezualle is really badly presented in the US Media.

A lot of the scaricisty is due to economic blockus and there isn't so much as scarcity as there is an high price on it.

I know people that escaped that shithole and probably what US and other media tells us is actually less than what it is. even in Chávez last years It was a shitty country.

>>all #metoo accusations should be assumed fake because they never have substantial proof behind them and even in case of being proven fake there's no accountability on woman's side

There's still a pretty massive block of voters that will vote chavista whenever they can (and let's not kid, even if they're funded by the US gov, the opposition is a joke), and the goverment treats the military faaairly well.

Friendly reminder that Jim and ex has been seperated since 2011.

It's no doubt a mere coincidence that she didn't reveal any of this sooner.

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>substantial proof
>of private family related matters
If i busted a nut in your cereal and told you three weeks later, there'd be no proof.
>no accountability on woman's side
Besides being known as someone abusing the #metoo movement and aiding to the retarded idea that its all for attention in every case? Yeah, completely no accountability you fucking moron.

Easily can be Johnny Depp 2.0 and yet the internet police that is reshitera and twitter will slander him for life.

Reminder that consensual sex can easily be revoked by a woman later in life. You could have raped several women by now and not known it.

Imagine being braindamaged enough to believe this

You cannot rape anyone if you are still a virgin
Incels 1
Gold digging hoes 0


i hate you OP


It's not rape if I say I got raped first.

>tfw you will never wake your wife up rubbing your dick on her

Didn't that site died along with the whole gawker family when The Hulkster put it in an arm lock in front of 50,000 hulkmaniacs in Pontiac, Michigan? What was it for again? Some sex video shit?

Hogan's sex tape iirc

>unironically linking to jezebel
the absolute state of Yea Forums in current year

OP is obviously a ragebaiting shitposter from tumblr. He posted the exact same thing on Yea Forums.

>Disney no longer use Jim Cummings
>No more gay Winnie the Pooh shit in KH anymore.
>Pete no longer in the New Mickey shorts
>Peg is divorced and now gets GOOFED.

Attached: 1487841103095.png (952x1456, 573K)

>Disney will now be forced to vault all of the cartoons he voiced in along with the Song of the South

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Does this actually happen in IT?
How old are the kids meant to be?

Long John Baldry was the better Robotnik anyways

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>OP is obviously a ragebaiting
Nope, I just posted the first english article I googled. I don't fucking care.

The fuck you looking at my wife you little shit

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>putting a period in greentext
newfag detected

That's damn funny.

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People who ruin perfectly good ass shots like this by drawing men/dicks/semen obscuring them need to be drowned in a god damn river.

I’m the only one sitting here waiting for people to #metoo george lucas and stevenspielburg for raping indiana jones

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only ugly ones, brad pitt and the like will never get metooed

>we are announcing that song of the south won't be sold anymore
>why, because it's racist as fuck

South Park already did it.

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Based and cummings filled

He's not actually banned in China.

>Besides being known as someone abusing the #metoo movement and aiding to the retarded idea that its all for attention in every case? Yeah, completely no accountability you fucking moron.
Except we both know that's not how it works out. No matter the absolute lack of evidence, or even evidence on the mans side proving his innocent the woman never faces any repercussions and many people will still side with them and argue for them saying that it happened but they just can't prove it

>Except we both know that's not how it works out.
You "know" this because you're fucking delusional, thats now how it works in the real world you fucking retard.

Name two people who have abused the #metoo movement and have faced actual repercussions that have ruined their lives as much as the false accusation did to the other party

>the woman never faces any repercussions

>woman never faces any repercussions
Just like the Guy, the Woman gets her name dragged though the mud as well, regardless of the outcome.
Because people like you aren't actually rare, user.
You'd have to be legitimately batshit to falsely accuse someone, because you're likely gonna fuck your own life up in the process. Hence, It's not too common.

Dunno about the #metoo movement but there have been articles of women being charged and facing jail time for false accusations of rape in various places in the world. There was one in the UK where a woman was charged because she made a false allegation against 3 men she had sex with at the same time.

Go ahead and name two women who have faced actual repercussions from abusing the #metoo movement and have had their names dragged through the mud.
Even in high profile cases like Brett Kavanaugh nothing got done about the false accusation. Hell people to this day still believe her and she's sold books and been paid to give speeches about her experience, despite the fact that her story was full of holes and the fbi investigation found nothing to support her story.
She even fucking named witnesses who said they weren't there

cant you just ask the children?

I mean if you're paying for expensive tit implants I think it's only fair you get to touch and fuck them whenever you want

yo whats that winnie the pooh baseball game

>Go ahead and name two women who have faced actual repercussions from abusing the #metoo movement and have had their names dragged through the mud.
All of them retard. It's not a thing that happens only sometimes.
Look though this thread at all the people accusing the ex-wife of being a bitch, for example.

You weren't talking about #metoo, and false allegations actually get followed by repercussions.

lso, what #metoo assertion turned to be false?

>Even in high profile cases like Brett Kavanaugh nothing got done about the false accusation
user, you do realise her assertion weren't proven false. You are not making a point with this case

Oh look, another accusation hit. Keep depowering yourself women.

Oh no! Anons on Yea Forums are accusing her of being a bitch! How will she ever recover from this?

not the same game, but does anyone know of the Creepy indie game about Winnie the Pooh fighting a floating head of Rabbit. It's like supposed to be a horror game i guess with a weird artstyle.

>All of them
Strange how you're having such a hard time providing two examples then.
>Look at this thread at all the people accusing her of being a bitch
Maybe because the shit she's saying is fucking ridiculous?
>on one occasion, she claimed that Cummings groped her breasts in front of the children saying he could "touch mommy's breasts since he had paid for them"
>The abuse became so unbearable they moved to Utah in 2017
>But allowed Jim to visit
>Only to wake up to find him standing with her erect penis in her hand
This is just fucking outlandish

As listed before, Johnny Depps ex-wife

>Strange how you're having such a hard time providing two examples then.
What #metoo assertion was proven to be false in the first place ?

Kavanaugh. Also Strauss-Kahn, although that was before #metoo was even a thing

In this case, he accusation haven't been PROVEN to be false. IT's more a case of his words against her words.

I said two. And no, people on Yea Forums calling Cummings wife a bitch does not count.
Brett Kavanaugh had the fbi investigate him and no evidence was found, and with all the false information Ford gave that was proven to be false the accusation itself is safe to assume is false. And again, she suffered no consequences and is still believed by a large amount of people

Wrong. Her accusation hasn't been proven to be false.
Try an other example.
>Also Strauss-Kahn
HE effectively had sex with that employee. and the civil case turned in her favor. You are not doing great, there.

That's the problem with the whole thing. When accusations come up saying it happened years ago, it's nearly impossible to prove it one way or the other. Unless one side is caught lying or contradicts themselves repeatedly, it's not something that can really be proven

Well, how do you prove you haven't raped someone? Innocent until proven guilty is a thing for a reason

I like the idea of Tigger paying for someone's tits.

Twelve or something.

I understand where you're coming from since the damage to the reputation from a false allegation is great and in some cases the accuser faces no repercussions sometimes but that sort of landscape has been changing, i'm not in the US so I can't comment on state of law and public perception on these things but false allegationns are vehemently looked upon with disgust here.

Having sex with someone isn't a crime and not what she claimed either. The civil case did not turn in her favor, it was settled out of court
>Her accusation hasn't been proven to be false.

>Brett Kavanaugh had the fbi investigate him and no evidence was found,
Absence of evidence isn't prove of lying. IT was never proven she lied.
The first requirement "women in the #metoo movement who have been exposed as liers" still hasn't been fulfilled.

>Wrong. Her accusation hasn't been proven to be false.
She gave information that contradicted itself several times. She changed the date of the night it happened, the location, and named several witnesses who came forward and said they were never at any party with her and Kav. And the fbi investigated and found nothing to back her story up.
Her accusation was proven about as false as you can expect an accusation from decades ago to be proven

>Well, how do you prove you haven't raped someone? Innocent until proven guilty is a thing for a reason
Exactly. The women are innocent of the crime of having comitted libel up until they are proven guilty.

You first need to prove they have lied. Then you can complain about the lack of repercussions.

Discrepancy in a testimony on events that happened decades ago isn't proof of lies. Just proof of bad recollection.

In the US the woman is by default the innocent party and it takes a huge ordeal to convince anyone otherwise.
Except she was found lying several times during the trial. She claimed she had never had any coaching on lie detector tests, which was proven false. She named several witnesses who then came forward and said they were never at the party, and she changed the date and location of the party multiple times when it was found there never was a party on the night/location she named.
It's very reasonable to say that it was a false accusation since she constantly changed the story, and the fbi investigated everything, including people she claimed witnessed the whole thing, and no evidence was found

>Go for the tits, Boo, go for the tits! RUUUUUSK!

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She named several witnesses who said they were never at any party with both her and Kav. And it wasn't a bad recollection when she said she was never coached on lie detector tests, which turned out to be a lie

They won’t go after the ones in deep with the media empire. They’ll hit all the old dudes of the last century & even q couple up-and-comers from the early last decade, but a dude like pic related’s going to be around forever and get away with literally everything, so long as he keeps up the funnyman & crybaby schtick.
It would please me immensely to wake up one morning and find one of the Late Night/SNL big players in deep #metoo shit they gotta fumble to get out of.

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Xi Jinping is behind all of it

>In the US the woman is by default the innocent party and it takes a huge ordeal to convince anyone otherwise.
It also take's a huge ordeal to indict the person being accused.
Shit Like sexual assault is really hard to prove or disprove.
Most trials for it just kinda end up going nowhere.

They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!

>She claimed she had never had any coaching on lie detector tests, which was proven false.
She was accused of being coached, but that was never proven true.
>She named several witnesses who then came forward and said they were never at the party, and she changed the date and location of the party multiple times when it was found there never was a party on the night/location she named
Discrepancy in a testimony on events that happened decades ago isn't proof of lies. Just proof of bad recollection.
>It's very reasonable to say that it was a false accusation
It isn't. Nothing prove she has lied.

>and it wasn't a bad recollection when she said she was never coached on lie detector tests
Nothing indicate she was coached. it was an accusation that was never proven.

Post Cummings kino

Crazy thought here, it might be a little easier to prove if instead of waiting 20 years it gets reported as soon as possible. Also people have been indicted before with no evidence at all, because they never did it. There was that one case with the guy who was going to be drafted by the NFL got accused and was arrested, and years later the girl admitted she made it up.

>"I have witnesses, these people saw it happen!"
>Those people come forward and say they were never there
>"It happened on this night and at this location!"
>There wasn't even a party the night she named
>"I meant this other time and place!"
Why is she to be believed when your best defense of her is that she has a very bad recollection? For all we know she could be mistaking Kav for someone else entirely since she named several witnesses, including her friends, who said they were never there.

Fuck, I lol'd.

>it gets reported as soon as possible.
There is a whole culture of slandering those who report rape.

There is also that stigma to live with of being seen as "that girl who was raped" and people being unable to see past it.

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>Why is she to be believed when your best defense of her is that she has a very bad recollection?
Missing the point. You still haven't proven she has lied. That was your first requirement. and it still ahsn't been fulfilled.

>For all we know
Innocent until proven guilty.

>accused by ex-wife

Attached: winslow.jpg (600x794, 41K)

11 or 12. King was still on coke then and it shows.

Fuck, anyone hass a btter veriosn of this. gogle is failing me.

domo arigato mister doctor-o

>There was that one case with the guy who was going to be drafted by the NFL got accused and was arrested, and years later the girl admitted she made it up.
There's a reason why this case is so well known.
Because it's pretty fucking rare for this to happen.

>it might be a little easier to prove if instead of waiting 20 years it gets reported as soon as possible.
Maybe, but 20 years ago was well before metoo, when the idea of accusing someone famous of sexual assault may as well have been career suicide.

We are absolutely living in a clown world if this is the mentality that people use in today's world


>none of them have the brain matter to just bluntly say 'x is a liar looking for money.'

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That's because there's also a culture of false accusations, or accusations that reasonably cannot be proven one way or another because of the insane time gap between the time the alleged rape happened, and the time it's being reported.

Rape is an awful thing, and yes being seen as the girl who was raped would be heavy baggage, but unfortunately the best thing to do in the event it happens is to report it as soon as possible. If not for the victims own self interest, they should report it so they can help prevent the rapist from abusing more victims.

It's a very unpopular opinion, but I think if you've been raped and sit on it for 20 years without reporting it, then you have no one but yourself to blame when people doubt you and proving it is impossible

That's just the thing though. There is no way to prove whether or not she lied. However, the majority of the 'evidence' she gave to support her claim turned out to be false.
>innocent until proven guilty
And the same applies to Kavanaugh

>We are absolutely living in a clown world if this is the mentality that people use in today's world
Yes, presumption of innocence is crazy, isn't it. Kaavnaugh get to be supreme court Judge and Ford get to walk off without legal repercussion. Funny how assumption of innocence work.

His books aren't hysterical literary bushes any more. Even autistic shit like Under the Dome is planned. Peak coke King was Tommyknockers, just a man fucked out of his mind writing in every direction at once without 2/3rds of it mattering.

It still has happened. Yes it's not insanely widespread, but I don't think it's ridiculous to think that there are more cases where people have been wrongfully incarcerated in these cases.

The fact that he was arrested at all when there was absolutely no evidence is just insane

Not in today's society it isn't.

>There is no way to prove whether or not she lied.
So you can't complain she didn't get repercussion.
>However, the majority of the 'evidence' she gave to support her claim turned out to be false.
Inconclusive, actually.

>And the same applies to Kavanaugh
That was my point. You complain she got no repercussion, but just as for Kavanaugh, she is innocent until proven guilty.

I hope they get Stephen King, hes a cuck and a hack

>The fact that he was arrested at all when there was absolutely no evidence is just insane
The dude was black, was he not?

Proving libel is impossible to do in these cases, because it all boils down to he said she said.

Let's play a game user. I say that 10 years ago you raped me. Now I want you to do two things, prove that you did not rape me, and then prove that I am lying about it just to ruin your image.
Can you prove it?

She named witnesses that said they were not there. That's false, not inconclusive.

>Proving libel is impossible to do in these cases,
Hence my point. You can't complain she suffered no repercussion if your first requirement was "proved she lied".

a?d I come back to my initial point, when women have been proved to lie, they suffer legal repercussions.

It's inconclusive to prove she has lied.

And now we circle back to the point that false accusers almost never suffer legal repercussions because it's impossible to prove they lied if they simply say it happened years ago and keep the details vague, which is what happens in the majority of these cases.
Yet there doesn't need to be any evidence at all for the accused to immediately lose their jobs and have their reputations ruined

>Even though she lied about everything in the case you can't sat she lied because she may have just made an oopsie

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شكرا يا دكتور

I understand receiving but what is it about giving?

>raping his ex-wife


>abusing the dog


>And now we circle back to the point that false accusers almost never suffer legal repercussions because it's impossible to prove they lied
People who are proven to have lied suffer legal repercussion.

It's common for actual rapist to not suffer either because there were inconclusive proves of it too.

>Yet theIn most of the case, of people being caught by re doesn't need to be any evidence at all for the accused to immediately lose their jobs and have their reputations ruined
Wrong. Kavanaugh still got the supreme court position. Most people who suffered from the #metoo movement actually admitted to have committed those action, you are not making a point.

>>Even though she lied
Incorrect, it hasn't been proven those were lies. You made a bad recap of the situation.

What about Bulmas VA?

Nice try, but Kavanaugh was a high profile case where he simply could not be dismissed of the job based on the accusation with no evidence, especially with the president recommending him for the job.
Meanwhile normal people actually get fired based on the accusations when they do not admit to them. A voice actor was recently fired and blacklisted from funimation because he got #metoo'd with no evidence. He's currently preparing a lawsuit against funimation because of this

>it hasn't been proven those were lies.
If she was telling the truth wouldn't she have settled on a place and witnesses? I can remember the time and place of my molestation when I was 7 so ahe shouls remember this just as well or even better.

>unironically linking to jezebel
What the fuck happened to this place?

Were you piss drunk at 7 years old?

Where's the joke?

I was a child which is equivalent. Also if she was at a paety why can't she remember ANYONE but the rapist?

>A voice actor was recently fired and blacklisted from funimation because he got #metoo'd with no evidence.
Testimonies are legal evidence, user. And he was fired because there were several coroborative testimonies.
Not everyone deal with the memories of those events the same.

First english artcile that popped up on google and me not giving a fuck. What happened indeed, people have become some thin-skineed, here.

user they were found false. They even used a girl who had nothing to do with this case as evidence and then she spoke out against them.

People bitched about linking to shitty, clickbaity sites for years, retard

>I was a child which is equivalent.
It really isn't.

Except no one ever gave specific testimonies on what actually happened. Once again, they kept it vague and did not mention a time or a place. Which is exactly why he's suing.
Do you honestly think if he actually abused the women he would draw more attention to himself and file a lawsuit for wrongful termination? Because if he was an abuser the smart thing for him to do would be to fade into obscurity.
>testimonies are legal evidence
Except if you get several people to tell the same lie with you it doesn't magically become the truth

Again, it doesn't prove she lied. it only prove bad memory.
Not in 2007

It is qhen it comes to memories, but I like how you ignored the rest of the post. Can she at least name who hosted the party and who she went with?

At a time where grabbing your wife's boobs without getting written consent in advance can get you #metoo'd, you can be sure they will.
On the other hand, that just means the accusations will lose all meaning. After all, if everyone does it, who is going to be your judge?

>Using false evidence and false victims is bad memory

But then you sure as hell didn't miss out the years of people shittalking your for linking a kotaku article then.

Who sleeps completely erect in bed holding a pillow? Also I want one.

>He wasn't wrongfully fired, they gave testimonies which is legal evidence!
>"Uh actually they lied retard, the girl they spoke on behalf of came out and said they were wrong"
You can go fuck yourself retard

>Do you honestly think if he actually abused the women he would draw more attention to himself and file a lawsuit for wrongful termination?
>Because if he was an abuser the smart thing for him to do would be to fade into obscurity.
But not the balsy thing. Some people have a win-all attitude and consider they have nothign to lose anyway.

>Except if you get several people to tell the same lie with you it doesn't magically become the truth
first you need to proof those are lie.

I remmeber the time when Kotaku's banter was about how slow they were on infos. Good times.

Except you were given fucking proof and you claimed they didn't lie, just "had bad memory"You're either baiting or a drooling retard

>first you need to proof those are lie.
Thats what litterally happened

Spielberg is, they say, an inner sanctum Moloch and cheese pizza aficionado. So he will be fine.

Called it.

Can’t rape your wife no matter what the Jews say about it today. It’s not like they’re practicing what they preach especially in Orthodox circles.

Don't speak ill of the dead.

Cummings is the guy who voiced PINGAS. I have to side with him.

Not that beautiful lady who deserves the world.

>what #metoo assertion turned to be false?
Not him but literally every single one

This is the most goddamned retarded statement I've ever seen. Hey retard, every single one of her allegation were false as she didn't even approach the police and had several witnesses and testimony debunking her claim.

he's literally not wrong. how is this a problem? this is like buying your wife a car but she doesn't allow you to drive it

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t. roastie who wants her husband to buy her everything with all his money and expects to give nothing in return