Hey bro, wanna hang out a bit and play some vidya?

>hey bro, wanna hang out a bit and play some vidya?

Attached: jack.jpg (1280x851, 357K)

S-sure! I'd love to suck your d- I-i mean play some vidya! h-haha

what are we playing?

come a bit closer bro, let me show you my switch lol

Attached: rsz_jack2.jpg (3008x2000, 800K)

I can come as close as you like! haha

gay skelly go outside you need sunshine

So is he supposed to appeal to homo's or women?
So pale he is almost see trough
So skinny he could audition for a ww2 jew role
Average dick

hahaha you mind if slip out of my clothes bro? it's getting awfully hot in here lol

Attached: jack3.jpg (1280x851, 297K)

This dick is small, and the man it is attached to is relatively unattractive. Too skinny.

I-i don't mind at all, h-haha! I think I-i'll do the same, it's getting r-really hot, haha.

haha i hope you don't mind if i play a little with myself haha just ignore it
gaming always gets me in the mood ^-^

Attached: jack4.jpg (1280x851, 241K)

M-mind if I j-join you?

is that strar citizen?

are you doing

O-oh don't be bothered by me
in fact i c-could join you as every good f-friend would

it's fucking Ramadan AAAAAAAAAAA

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think nothing of it lol
nothing wrong with good friends having some fun haha

Attached: jack5.jpg (1280x851, 281K)

Y-yeah! H-having fun with f-friends sure is the best, haha!

who the fuck wears underwear like this

he did porn btw

jack, obviously

>Hey bro, I brought my girlfriend to play videogames with us. Hope you don't mind.

Attached: nd324.png (742x714, 224K)

hey my name is jack and I'm a faggot too :D

holy shit do i despise twinks and skinny people in general

Why do you hate me, user?

>tfw no normalfag gamer bf

actually i do mind. fucking inanimate objects is so gay bro, not cool
here let me show you how it's done

Attached: qt.webm (406x720, 1.82M)

It's ok user we don't all hate you

Hi user thats me
Average looking guy thats a "gamer"

idk it's the first impulse don't take personal

have sex

>on Yea Forums
>thanks hes a normalfag
nice try, i bet you haven't showered in a week

lmao americans

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f-feels good bro haha
no homo tho

I'm trying to not mix my love of video games with my enjoyment of dicks and butts. Please stop this. It's inappropriate and interferes

Attached: st&n.jpg (300x168, 7K)

Hello, I just showered two hours ago.

eastern european here

Never said normal i said average
4 days ago

>shaving your back
>shaving your legs

Interferes with what?

probably a week before that shower though

>H&G G43
nice taste user

Nope, last time before that was on Saturday.

>fat polack
Well, at least you aren't a fat nigger
But you're close

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what would you do if your little bro came back from school, took his trousers off, and gave you this look?

Attached: 1549932572785.jpg (911x1200, 547K)

>4 days
if i wasn't a complete musk fag i would be vomiting right now

So this is the average RDR fanbase.

>having hair on your back

Just stop being a faggot lmao.
Maybe get off this site? Yea Forums is the gayest board, and has plenty of sissy cuck homo bbc faggot anal tranny xigger brainwashing.

why are guys so cute, bros?

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erections cause sexual frustration. Making me feel the need to waste time masturbating

Attached: danger.jpg (1400x787, 129K)

hold him down and put a piercing/tag in his ear

This thread

Attached: 1543621480979.jpg (640x640, 213K)

>see this
wat do?

Attached: tied1.jpg (540x720, 142K)

So this... IS THE POWER OF.......... >> !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

Attached: Goat.webm (540x540, 1.04M)

>not being completely smooth below your head

Attached: twink.png (767x418, 38K)

Why do you have those pics saved in your computers?

is this all secretly a jojo reference?

>looks like a child
I'd put him in his place
The bin

Attached: 1518802971372.png (559x556, 154K)

I sit inside all day and its like 50 degrees and I dont wear more than a t shirt and underwear. Only issue is my hairs kinda oily, dont smell besides obviously around my dick, a bit.
Imagine being so fat you cant go a few days sitting around doing nothing without becoming disgustingly smelly.

wrong answer

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

get my elastrator out

You need to learn to keep your dick in check, user.

wish him well.
I prefer it when they tie ME up

Attached: bp.jpg (724x720, 95K)

wot site is dat

>tfw playing porn games for the gameplay
>flaccid most of the time
Get on my level

It's an abstract, transcendent feel, degeneration perverted into ascendance

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just lock it in a cage
no problems then

Fuck, now muslims will come and turn this place into mini-/pol/

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god I wish that were me

Attached: D41-SrtU4AEBIgA.jpg orig.jpg (2480x3508, 1.06M)

wrong again

Attached: 20190506_123014.jpg (722x960, 426K)

Turn 360 degrees and sit down

Attached: 1518173990240.webm (1280x720, 706K)

eww cages.
Cages are the worst memes that wannabe traps ever fell for.

Attached: wood.gif (250x173, 1.38M)

gayest thread on Yea Forums

what's going on in this thread

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>only 26 posters
good to know Yea Forums is not gay

Let's make it even gayer.

nah the grrm+from threads are gayer

FUCKING SLAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take the gaypill and be free from w*men and their bullshit

is this matt watson

I’ve tried fucking twinks like this but I just can’t get it up. I stay rock hard when I get sucked by them, and I can fuck a woman for hours, but to try and fuck an ass just doesn’t work for me and cock goes all soft until they get working it with their mouth again. What’s wrong with me bros?

Femboys are for straight men

Attached: 1533514570322.gif (222x293, 1.15M)

>gay thread on Yea Forums
>it’s a disgustingly borderline anorexic twink
>not a meaty twunk or chad


Attached: 1541718021679.jpg (988x1759, 365K)

I like the androgynous look but I prefer them slightly masculine, I don't want a guy to shave his entire body looking like a little kid or a woman desu, but I do prefer guys that have less hair overall generally.

still just an anorexic twink

They are cute though

Attached: eestiboi.gif (450x254, 2.31M)

Casual reminder that these threads are Psyops or devolve into psyops.
Luring straight men into bisexuality and eventual gayness. It's conditioning and it's very real.

Go home to your friends, loved ones. Find a nice girl to love. Gay people know that they're gay and don't have to be taught to be

Attached: father.jpg (1400x700, 142K)

is that a twunk? I have a body like that, except less tummy hair and more leg hair and I generally rock a beard.

Attached: d10.webm (1280x720, 1.8M)

this seems like the type of fag thred to ask
does anyone know if autisticsissy has changed names or just completely stopped?
i can't find them after tumblr died

Attached: autistic tummy2.jpg (1200x1600, 455K)

put down the burger fatty

>that thigh
fucking ew, he needs to eat and work out

only good post itt
