>say words
>get banned
defend this
Say words
Other urls found in this thread:
>violate ToS
>playing a game made by the chinese government
I wish instead of banning they would create separate realms, one for people who need to be protected from bad words, one for people who don't.
Seems like you can still say NIGG
watch out, op's gonna reply to you with "have sex"/sojak
>say word, literally
>not get banned
Sorry retard. Im an American i only understand freedom of speech
Talking serously, what companies let you trash talk like adults instead of censoring everything to make it toddler firendly?
Maybe the ToS sucks then
>post picture
>get banned
Fuck mods and fuck jannies
>i only understand freedom of speech
You seem to have a pretty poor understanding of it though.
Valve, CS and TF2 still don't give a shit at least. Instead of being banned you just get kicked by a vote for being too annoying
But muh esports.
ok commie
Do they even speak during esports? I know for sure tournaments for games like sc1 forbade players to chat during matches.
I simply cant defend stuff like this anymore because ever single time someone has been banned for it, it was some actual child who thinks swearing and calling people nigger is the height of life because they have free reign to say it without anyone scolding them. No grown ass person calls people nigger outside of Yea Forums for fuck sake. Dont say shit like that if you arent anonymous, you are not anonymous in a fucking videogame, its tied to an account where anyone can look up your history and see all the faggot bullshit you say, just dont do it.
>someone posts that they got banned
>their id was in the screenshot
>someone finds their steam profile here
>its someone with an anime avatar with a history of names like "Nigger" and several variations of it
>"but I didnt do anything"
What the actual fuck are you doing, dont treat shit here like you can do that everywhere, goddamn, its like a 12 year old who discovered swear words and uses them in every sentence.
valve, for now
what a fucking nigger
how about calling people "retards" or "retarded"? Even that is bannable now
freedom of speech != freedom from consequences
>Im an American
Hope you'll get well soon.
ok commie
America is literally the greatest nation on earth. Not even a nationalist, just facts
but racism IS funny
Yes. Retard is a slur, just like how nigger is a slur. Your point?
>Retard is a slur
Youre a nigger, see the difference? Your anonymous here. Go and call someone a nigger on facebook and see where it lands you when people can look up an account linked to what you say for ridicule and moderation.
I call people retarded in games all the time and havent been banned, ever, I also disagree that this should be a bannable thing if it has happened. Remember, there is a difference between calling someone a retard and having someone looking over the last 20 minutes of chat and seeing that you have been doing this for the entire game and pretty much all your chat history in general is calling people retards.
absolutely based
There's literally no country on earth where you are unable to say what you want.
I mean you might go to jail afterward but hey.
Dumb too? Because dumb people feel attacked?
and pedo because pedos wouldn't like that
>n word is banned in game but it's ok because black people don't exist
Literally the perfect system.
It clearly is, you fucking retard.
Its ok when its a free game.
lol. what kiind of kid's only place you come from? the people that I know that use slurs more commonly are 50+, now i agree that there's kids that retarded, but banning in mature games? how can you take seriously people that get "triggered" by insults? they obiously doesn't have the maturity to be playing that games
Yeah like saying fuck on TV, right? Or not calling black blacks or..
Look up the definition of the word.
Then you'll realise how much of a "retard" you are.
Freedom of speech means the government can't censor you. Games are owned by private companies and can set their own rules for their products. Why do you hate capitalism?
I'm australian and this is literally my culture. WHY CAN I NOT SWEAR, THIS IS WHO I AM.
>dies in the street
>say words
>get banned
The only times I've ever seen someone be called a retard in game, it wasn't because they were mentally disabled, but because they fucked up in some way. In what way does using the word retard in that context belittle the mentally disabled? Honestly
It's a private corporation, they can do whatever they want. Enjoy what you've created.
>dies in a muslim bombing
I don't give a fuck about the free market.
Then you're not a proud American™
too bad it's never enforced
no one says this
>say words
>60 million people die
Freedom of speech means you can't get imprisoned for just saying stuff. It doesn't mean everyone has to tolerate what you want to say. You can still get denied access to private facilities and businesses for saying shit the owners disagree with. And that includes multiplayer in vidya.
>say words
>get banned
Where's my freedom of speech? Where's my protection from rogue moderators? I am proof that you do not need to say racist words or "act like it's Yea Forums" to get banned
The problem with comedy in text form is that you dont know if the person is actually being racist or is being funny or edgy, thats why you dont do it, Im all for edgy humour, but not in text form where it can be interpreted however anyone else wants by other people and by myself to dodge accusations.
Every time you see one of those posts that say something like "I want to taste her shit haha, she has such a cute cunny," there is a likelyhood that there has been times where that was an actual Nick Bates faggot who thinks they are in good company and are being completely genuine, and its not just indulging in memes. Context matters, its hard to put context behind text alone.
>its hard to put context behind text alone.
It isn't. Just because you've got poor reading comprehension and a loose grasp on satire and comedic timing doesn't mean the other person is at fault, you doublenigger.
You and I both know that that is completely untrue, how many games have you played where some kid was talking shit in chat, do you honestly think that is a 50+ year old person doing that, it is never a level headed adult who goes in chat and starts cussing up a storm and chewing people out in a fucking videogame, if they are then they need to have sex that is some beta ass shit.
>verbs cant be slurs because their initial usage before being turned into an insult was non-derogatory
You're wrong fagot
You're equating making a small mistake in a video game to being born or afflicted with a legitimate learning disorder. If they legitimately are mentally disabled, you're belittling them for existing due to no fault of their own. They didnt choose to be retarded, they didnt get a choice when their parents smoked while they were in the womb, they didnt get to change the hand fate dealt them.
You are severely retarded if you cant grasp that.
Hate speech violates terms of service
News at 11
You just invited every tranny on this site to give his opinion on something
This is what happens when you don't want faggots to have wedding cakes.
>be small shop owner
>someone walks in
>screams nigger on the top of his lungs
>ban him for life
It's the same exact thing. It's their server you play on and they can ban whoever they want. Live with it faggot.
americans are ugly fat inbred racemixed subhumans
I'm a pedo and I permit you to say pedo all you want
>Enter store with a group of friends
>Make a racist joke
>Everyone laughs
>The malformed autistic janitor is incapable of grasping the concept of humor and reports him to the manager without the details that make it perfectly acceptable
>They ban the guy from the store and threaten the people that laughed
I can do this too.
Did you not understand what I said? The idea that some people are using satire and others are not but still using the same words and format as those that are is completely indecipherable in text form. I 100% guarantee that there are threads that came across as satire and were infact genuine because the autist behind the wheel thinks the other people doing it are being genuine when they did it. Same as on /pol/ there are people who do the Deus Vult shit and actually legitimately think they are a fucking crusader who will take part in the holy wars and arent just doing it for memes. For example Ill do it, you will never know
>Hitler literally did nothing wrong, like, think about it, look where we are now, look at his past, if he had won he would not have been painted as the tyrant history has written him as, and jews wouldnt be where they are now, writing and shaping that history
Can you tell if Im being genuine or being an edge boy.
whiter and wider than you mohammed
Have sex.
This whole topic wouldn't even be a thing if the fucking developers stopped putting in shitty filters or banning people for saying words. In the days of CS 1.6 or CSS everybody called each other faggots and retards without anyone batting an eye and it was never made a big thing. But when game journal*sts, females and trannies started crying about "muh feelings", everyone got even more enticed to typing insults, racial slurs etc. People have just gotten more creative about doing it.
And what about it faggot? They can ban whoever they want. It is their property.
You can't come to my house and shit on the table either, dickhead. You don't own the servers. Hell, you don't own the game. You bought a license. The ones that do own it get to set the rules. They could say you have to only walk backwards or shoot when jumping. That's up to them.
Why does this concept never fucking get through to you idiots? You would argue if you buy a gun you should be able to shoot up a school without going to jail. Or that you can buy a car and drive on the wrong side of the road. That isn't how this shit works and you're damn near retarded if you still don't get it. Don't bother replying, anything you say other than "oh now it makes sense" is just stupid.
>no one says this
>literally in the OP
honestly please have sex right now before its too late
Blizzard has the right to run their company as they see fit
If they didn't it wouldn't be a free market
Maybe it does but you should have read them before paying for the game.
More like it wouldn't be a thing if people knew how to not be a dick onlin
>pre marital sex
Bro you're a fucking retard thats league of legends
You just reiterated the post you quoted dipshit
The point isn't to argue that private businesses can't enforce whichever rules they want, but that the rules in place don't even allow for harmless banter.
Good luck finding that on the internet
>get told not to say words or get banned
>say words regardless and get banned
>complain about it despite being 100% at fault
defend this.
>Why do you hate capitalism?
sick burn.
Are you being daft on purpose? He's complaining about getting banned for saying words on a site where you can get banned for saying words. Sorry I had to spell that out for you.
>try to get arround the rule to be an edgelord
>cry on a frogposting and memes Mongolian shrimp picking forum
Lel kill self
>You will never know
That you're pretending to be genuine? You sure showed me.
It doesn't take maxed out charisma to infer the intentions behind written posts. And even if you screw up, it's just a fucking loser ranting on the internet, who cares.
Why do you think calling strangers on the internet niggers and faggots makes you an adult?
>the rules in place don't even allow for harmless banter.
when the people are trying to circumvent the rules by trying to get clever despite lacking the intelligence for it, the interpretation of the rules loses subtlety.
and its not like the people enforcing the rules are much smarter, so basically, too many idiots ruin stuff for everyone else.
sorry, didn't realize I was talking to a retard. Let me correct myself:
No one says "TOS DOESNT EXIST ON Yea Forums"
I don't really get triggered by insults but I often report people swearing anyway because I know it'll just make them even more angry than they already are.
Stop being a fucking nigger, OP.
Grow up
>indecipherable text
the example obviously says "LOL You took him to the bar?" is gookmoot really this fucking stupd
Just play Dota if you wanna be a toxic pice of shit.
the last time this game was actually playable and fun was 2016
Don't defend the faggot posting another modified wojak avatar.
Unless you're that faggot, which in any case, kill yourself.
Then why did you agree to the terms if they restricted your speech?
>but that the rules in place don't even allow for harmless banter.
So play another game if you don't like it or don't do it on their property faggot. Use discord or something where they don't ban you for it. Or play that other shooter where the devs dont give a fuck.
No one hast to bend over for you, just like no one hast to bend over for me who wants to see you banned for racist jokes.
ok commie
Freedom of speech should stands above all. And now, that the obvious is out of the way, I shall say the C-word.
I'm not really defending OP or a dumbfuck retards' grasp on banter, but I've been almost banned for joking around with friends before, friends that were on the same wavelength as me. Thankfully the stars aligned and I was able to have a talk with a GM and he was cool and understanding, but you can't always count on that.
Then why agree to it?
>buy game
>developers change ToS frequently legally robbing you
I should be able to criticize the rules in place without some bootlicker coming over and drowning my complaints with the same old screeching, especially if I'm an invested costumer.
Good racist jokes are funny, spamming nigger like a sperg isn't unless your a easily entertained child.
>Do they even speak during esports?
Esports players swears in team voice chat for sure.
There is all text chat in competetive games, but it's not showed for viewers(like ony players see this, but spectators can check it in any time) and not recommended to chat. Like, you can get punishment for bad words in all chat for harrasing opponents.
Also i guess you can't say "nigger" in team voice chat too, since Riot are checking it.
I've gotten bans for it, though I get the feeling it's more some angry faggot reporting me for shitting on him or janny looking for a excuse because he didn't like what I said.
>play game for 500 hours
>say nigger
>expect refund
In the early years of league when it's dev team was like 5 college guys there was very little banning and through policing. Then league became "hipe and trendy" and females and their beta orbiters started playing so a safe space had to be created. Then the social justice crowd started replacing the old devs. This game is only such a major success because of the billions of asian players. They have no such moderation and banning for offended shitskins and females. That's only for white people.
Not a argument.
How about you just stop trying to be edgy?
Of course you can. It’s just a classic reference to the hit anime series Hunter x Hunter
I have the same right as you to voice my opinion, but if a mod wants to see you gone....
Nah i stop. I don't like it either, but that is the way thing are and complaining about it on a a korean bamboo flute forum won't change shit about it.
The internet has worked this way since before you were born.
League of legends in 2019...
Will I get a refund if u say no?
If I have to stomach your cringy wholesome memes then you'll have to stomach my edgy shit too.
>hey don't say these words or you get banned
>says the word and gets banned
>"hurr stole muh money"
free speech doesn't apply to private entities, nor does it protect you from the consequences of your speech. All it does it protect you from government and legal action within reason.
Do you support private businesses and that they should be allowed to set their own standards and rules? You know there is a reason this sort of thing gets banned, and its not because of anti-free speech and the red army, its because they want to protect their interests and foster more consumers, not have their own consumers turn them away.
Free speech is for the streets and public platforms, not in privately owned platforms. Your position is that you should be able to walk into a mom and pops shop, set up a soap box and be able to call people who walk in nigger without issue even when it says on a sign on the wall "dont go callin people nigger here". Thats not how free speech and private platforms work.
But he directly implied it by bitching about it on Yea Forums?
>say words
>get banned
Defend this.
Yeah he's complaining about TOS.
>wojak avatar
Its only free speech to them if they can say what they like but any SJW wrongthink is banned. If anyone dares utter the word feminism around them they go into an angry rage and cry for it to be banned
>be a stupid sperg who can't help but shout or scream nigger at the slightest of provocations
Maybe you should just learn to not be such a fucking /pol/sperg?
>i-it's not a wojak
>posts another wojak avatar
Proving my point...
Retards in this thread don't understand the difference between the law of free speech and concept of free speech.
Why does the government have a say in whether or not I allow gays in my bakery then?
>Will I get a refund if u say no?
Yeah answer this? How can a pay for a product thats constantly evolving? They could change to terms to say racists aren't alot to play the game. Then what am I gonna do now? I alread own the game.
I know it's sarcasm, but it's actually the most american thing ever people complain about in here. It's basically "Get off my lawn" just for businesses.
Hes making fun of you because you said avatar retard
antifafaggots infest every european country
>free speech doesn't apply to private entities, nor does it protect you from the consequences of your speech. All it does it protect you from government and legal action within reason.
So then why did I get in legal trouble when I denied service to a gay black couple at my bakery?
You know what you should do OP?
Have sex
Why do private entities have more freedom?
Nigger that rule was in way before moot left
because of the jews
Why is it trendy to be a bootlicker on Yea Forums now
>heh fuck you, stupid nigger
>that's against the rules buddy
>yeah well you're a stupid faggot
>get banned
>omg wtf......... dude, freedume of speech.. the constitution, no.. this is how democracy dies.. :"(
>within reason
Denial Of service because people different to you exist is not within reason
They don't?
You have the same freedom. If you don't like someone you can throw him off your property.
>freedom of speech != freedom from consequences
Typical response from a lefty psycho who wants to silence those """he""" disagrees with.
Most of us grew up.
Homosexuality is a violation of my religion and I refuse to serve those who practice such debauchery, why can't they just find another bakery? I own the business, it's my right to decide who I will or will not bake for.
When they realised being retarded and breaking the ToS you agreed to had consequences.
*bang* *bang* *bang*
sorry bro, only started on this site a few months back
Because of the Civil Rights act. Also the baker won that case user.
>post porn in Yea Forums
>got banned
Well tough shit nigger.
neogaf, reddit, and resetera leaking
That's what I told the gay black guy when he got upset I wouldn't bake his cake
>say words
>get banned
defend this
I let you in a secret we are all breaking the rules with every post we make and especially in this thread. you all niggas should get b&
they won because the gays were retards intentionally looking for a place to deny them and then settled for someone disagreeing on a religious basis instead of someone who just hates fags
People like you are a minority, face it you can’t win this. In the end they will go after alt-right groups and when they do you guys are fucked.
Real life is harsh you either side with the winners or you burn.
>think something
>get banned
Seems like some people are in denial about how they really feel. What pussies.
It's not about the ideas behind the words, it's about letting off steam instead of constantly worrying about how strangers feel.
You can attack pedos because they're rightwingers
Blacks are protected by the left and you're not allowed to attack them
>wake up
>stretch the remaining stumps on my legs after I lost my legs to diabetes
>pull my office chair over to my bed because wheelchairs aren't covered in my minimal health insurance plan
>spend 15 minutes trying to propel myself out of the door like a pin ball machine
>finally end up in the kitchen
>using my back washer, I finally yank the painkillers my doctor over prescribed me
>eat them with 1/4 milk, 3/4 water because Walmart hasn't installed a ramp yet and Captain Crunch is getting too cozy with the Jews
>my morbidly obese children roll themselves down stairs when they hear dry food hit the bowl, I yell at them because it isn't kibble time yet
>they jump up and try to eat my painkillers but I only give them a spoonful each (mixing in some Ritalin that I sold my third born for)
>they scuttle off under the table to finish chewing because dental isn't in our health plan and Tubsy and 2nd Amendment haven't had their teeth corrected with braces
>push myself out around to the front door, place a hamburger in each of my children's reusable lunch boxes, tell them not to forget their new Kevlar backpacks because their last pair got torn up in the school shooting two days ago
>the door handle is wet but I finally manage to get it open by thinking about how stupid it'd be if they socialized our health care system and we ended up in the bread lines like Canada
>after five hours, I manage to wheel myself to work, where I'm paid $7.50 + tip peeling corpses off of floors with a shovel
>after 15 hours of work (no overtime), I wheel myself back home and into my study after making sure my children are eating their (large) take out meal
>log in to League of Legends
>get into a Ranked game, Iron 4
>open up with "hey whats up niggers"
>somebody gently reminds me that I'm not meant to say stuff like that
>"freedom of speech, moutherfucker"
>he all chats and asks them to report me
>get banned
>feel my heart seize, but buy enough time with a slurp of soda to finish my post on 4cha
>It's a private corporation, they can do whatever they want
They can't be racist because government policy (irony there) is pushing it.
>post annoying faggot's steam profile
>year-long ban for "call to raid"
This is why I ban evade.
Germany ToS included gasing the Jews, was it ok?
No you, why the fuck are you so offended by words? How immature.
>freedom of speech
>isn't allowed to catch free water falling from the sky
>be citizen
>criminals not allowed to vote
>government throws me in jail legally voiding my right to vote
yeah i don't like these rules guys
>The absolute state of 3rd worlders utterly triggered by this.
>year-long ban for "call to raid"
That's some faggotry if it happened.
Do you realize US is the first world country with the least freedom of speech by a humongous distance?
Being afradi of words certainly doesn't make you one.
Eve Online you can do literally anything except tell someone to kill themselves in real life.
You can tell them to kill themselves in-game though and it's fine.
Seriously the only ways you can get banned in that game is modding game files, botting or scamming/killing players in the 3 starter zones (you can scam/kill/steal from everyone freely in the other 7993 zones though)
>Kevlar backpacks
Valve, been sperging for 8 years called everybody niggers and wishing cancer around and I haven't even got a mute.
Saudi Arabia would disagree with pride.
>live in analogy country
>single lawyer decides the fate of all citizens and if they don't agree they can just kill themselves
So why is it okay when a company does it?
All your argument would make sense if there wasn't a mute button that can erase anybody from your existence with a mere click.
Remember you're CHOOSING to read what that guy is saying.
do normalfags know what cunny is yet?
>am gone
most american post I've seen today
This sounds oddly specific.
Do you have something you want to tell us, user?
>it's exactly at the 2000 character cap
fucking based
Amatuer shit. Go on a tirade about black I.Q. and crime statistics. You don't even have to use the n word, and people get 10x angrier.
Meanwhile, in a perfect world:
>Developer: "You must sign away your rights to free speech to play our game by signing the TOS!"
>Game sales plummet
>Player base plummets
>Developer: "Ok, I did research and found out its because I have the power to ban people if they use words that hurt my feelings? Very well, I edited the TOS to say all words that I agree with are fine!"
>Comes out the TOS still allows developer full control on banning people for whatever they want, stealing their money
>Game continues to be ignored
>Developer goes bankrupt
>Another game gets announced:
>New Developer: "Well I have taken note of what that idiot did wrong, so there will be no TOS at all to play my game!"
>guys i spammed "nigger" in a game lol that makes me cool rite???
itt: slaves defending slavery
I've started to get youtube recommendations with "Cute and Funny loli" in the title, so maybe?
Because freedom of speech and regulation of commerce are different legal matters.
It's because they got rid of private servers.
This is the biggest sin fuckhead publishers have ever made.
And it's all because they want DRM.
So now, a bunch of slimy activists can get their jollies by scamming legitimate customers out of a product they paid for.
And when they're done with the game and want to release a sequel, they can just kill the game so no one can play it anymore.
They all need to get shot in the back of the head.
nu4chan was a mistake
go back to the_donald
How about you go back to gay-town
>act like a retarded asshole in a multiplayer game
>game devs doesn't want their game to be associated with retarded assholes so they ban you
>go to the internet to cry about it
Imagine being an adult and acting like this. This isn't "MUH FREEDOM OF SPEECH" and good job outing yourself as a fucking mouth breathing mongoloid by pretending it is.
you should fuck off yourself.
Only a idiot agrees to a TOS. When I start up a game and see one, I immediately remove said game and go get my money back right after. Signing a TOS is literally signing away the right to speak.
Imagine a world where, in order to vote, you have to sign a legal document stating that if you say or comment on anything positive the side you didn't vote for did, you go to prison. That's what a TOS is. It should be against the fucking law, but it isn't.
Newmies think that pedoshit is too edgy for normies.
If they were here for old Yea Forums where every other Yea Forumstard pretended to be a pedo ie. be attracted to own peers they'd know better.
Why should a private entity not be able to determine what is done with their product? It shouldn't be illegal unless you're some sort of centralized economy retard that wants to over regulate shit.
Fine. Then I can sue EA or whoever the fuck company whenever someone harasses me online and they don't do anything about it.
If they want to limit whatever is said on their servers, then whatever they don't limit, they support.
I play DotA 2 but because I'm in Russia people here speak Russian
I've gotten called so many things that I honestly actually feel bad
I've never seen any of those people get banned
I honestly think in Russia I have more freedom of speech than Americans do
Because when you buy it you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want with it. You know how it works in the real world? Nobody fucking regulates what you do with what you own. Only in software did you allow yourself to be completly cucked.
Because it breaks freedom of speech. Freedom of speech should be a right forcefully given to whatever game gets released regardless of it being a private entity. Banning for issues not regarding speech is fine, but freedom to state whatever you want in a game, unless it purposefully leads to physical harm, should be a right every game has.
As soon as the mainstream right starts taking actual blowback the guns will come out and the left will shut the fuck up forever. They can only sperg out about the alt-right because they're so small they might as well not exist.
All you can do is fuck off. By playing the game you accept the interaction in the game. End of Game.
>go adopt a orphan
>have to sign a TOS
>there will now always be some guy following the orphan around pointing a gun to his head, and if you say something the guy doesn't like, he kills the orphan
>money stolen
This is what you are defending.
>Because when you buy it you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want with it.
>Because it breaks freedom of speech
Firstly, no it does not. Freedom of speech does not mean you can scream whatever you want wherever you want with zero repercussions. Secondly, not every country is as autistic as the United States when it comes to muh freeze peach.
The fuck kind of logic is that?
Besides, if a company polices speech, then you don't, in fact, have an expectation of being harassed, because the company advertises that they ban it.
So if they allow it, even by mistake, they should be open to be sued.
What kind of fucking FAGGOT unironically uses the ToS to back up their argument?
>le alt right bogeyman!!
Everytime with you retards.
because real, non-homosexual dick sucking males call eachother names all the time. If you're not a fucking pussy you don't give a shit
>Because when you buy it you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want with it.
You are buying a license retard. Also you can't do whatever you want on someone eleses poperty you stupid fag. A online server is just that. It's their property and they pay for it to keep it alive.
Did you miss the clear benefits of ownership? You are the customer and unless you got stock in the company you better think of your own interests first. Where the hell is this dick-sucking mentality for corporations coming from?
>my side is totally winning!
This is what people who have severe mental illness and are constantly living in a state of terror say
>buy rated M multiplayer game
>cant say "crap" or "hell"
Word filters in any game without private servers (that aren't designed to block spam) are inexcusable, especially if results in a ban.
"Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences" is a meaningless term and everyone who touts it is a braindead monkey.
It means nothing. If you pick up an apple, there are consequences too, the apple is lifted.
You shouldn't be threatened with violence or theft for speech. It goes against the spirit of the law, if not the written law.
You're all a bunch of commies and you deserve to live in soviet russia. I fucking hope you get your way, you pieces of shit. It's the worst punishment I can think of.
>you are buying a license from a private corporation that utilizes services like "internet capability" from other private companies
Ironically this is the type of faggot who doesn't play games but comes on to Yea Forums to complain about /pol/ while spreading retarded commie double think
>Freedom of speech does not mean you can scream whatever you want wherever you want with zero repercussions.
It literally means you can say whatever you want UNLESS, you are PURPOSEFULLY, as in ON PURPOSE, doing it with the cause to CAUSE PHYSICAL INJURY. If I call you a asshole on the streets, and you punch me for it, you get arrested for assault. Then when you tell the police that you did it cause I called you a asshole, they are going to tell you "are you five years old? Maybe a few years in jail will teach you what self control means". I am not going to get a fine for calling you a name. Freedom of Speech literally exists to protect people from physical repercussions for controversial speech, in fact with all the protests they do, it protects the left far more then it protects the right.
>Do you miss the clear benefits of ownership?
I own the product, if participation in their rented and owned servers (which you own conditional access to) is mandated by rules demonstrated to you prior and you break them, you deserve to have your access restricted. If you buy a ticket to a sports game, you don't have immunity from security hauling your fat ass out because you decided to start jerking off or calling players racial epithets.
the worst posters on Yea Forums are by far anti-/pol/ whiners
You retarded waste of human space. Fuck the licensing model. You trashcans biting on it is exactly the problem. Fuck licensing, fuck giving them sole ownership. Let the people build private servers and make better games instead of servitude to companies who hold the games hostage on their servers and allow only renting.
Orphan killed, game stolen, same thing.
>I own the product
No you don't. You buy a license and that is in place since forever. That has always been the case with media, even with physical copies.
Why are they a private entity?
For example most people in California pay for riot games because they are exempt from taxation due to the city wanting to bring in more hip jobs
Technically if you live in Los Angeles at what point or another you have paid for riot games without your consent
Also their parent company is tencant which is owned by china
I don't see how in anyway anyone can call riot games a private company
They're akin to a public playground funded by taxpayers
>own the product
so you got stock?
Because don't bullshit about ownership when all you got is a flimsy license to limited use.
Do i support that retards? No i don't, but that doesn't change that fact. If you want to change something do it, but start crying about it like little fags on 4chin of all places.
>too bad it's never enforced
I got banned for 3 days for posting anzu in bikini
welcome to reddit 2.0
No it didn't, and yes it would have.
i hate when newfaggots from reddit make a wall of retarded text just because someone said nigger on Yea Forums
>You shouldn't be threatened with violence or theft for speech.
>You're all a bunch of commies and you deserve to live in soviet russia
You're literally asking for governments to intervene in private business, lol.
>It literally means you can say whatever you want UNLESS, you are PURPOSEFULLY, as in ON PURPOSE, doing it with the cause to CAUSE PHYSICAL INJURY
This isn't an argument against having to follow rules private entities set for access to their products.
None of these disqualify it from being a private company.
That is the product, you can disagree but you're wrong.
Sure thing totally-not-/pol/
But you forgot to mention trannies, trannies sure are the worst and are responsible for 120% of the anti-/pol/ posts
>video games are licenses now
You are genuinely fucking retarded. Also you're not fooling anyone dumb bitch
The Left:
>"You cannot protect yourself with freedom of speech if you call me a bad name!"
Also the left:
>"I have freedom of speech so you must listen to my speech at this protest now!"
Fucking hypocrites.
>inb4 "right does it too" example
Then they would be hypocrites too. Why is this hard to understand? ANYONE who COMPLAINS about freedom of speech like its a bad thing is a HYPOCRITE.
Orphan is unique, game is just a copy
You would not download an orphan
>but don't start*
You are in for bad news kiddo, because they are. You buy a license not the game.
so get started on that game then.
>Person A
>Person B
wtf i hate people now
>No you don't. You buy a license and that is in place since forever.
Factually wrong. You own the game. You own all of it. You don't own the IP, but you do own the specific software on the disk or that you downloaded. In perpetuity.
What they're doing is acting as you bought a subscription based service when you in fact bought what was supposed to be a full product.
> You buy a license not the game.
Yeah, no, I'm not a retarded 16 year old in Biology class with you. This doesn't work
>all these niggers defending the company
Cant you just grow up and get over hearing words online?
>"I like to eat food."
Also humans:
>"Eating food is bad, anorexia and breatharianism are the only ways to live a moral life."
Humans are so fucking retarded, holy shit. We need to nuke this whole planet.
No you don't even understand that much
You are wrong. It's like renting a house vs owning the land. All you do is rent and i want to own to be avoid getting fucked by the real owners which you so adamantly try to defend ehre.
Watch any video at a protest. Its the same people. Person who complains about freedom of speech being bad, and at a protest touts freedom of speech as well, its the same people.
name three things that are against the law to say in the U.S., excluding State Secrets.
>Its the same people
Show literally even one example of a person who has espoused both of these opinions.
what makes even less sense is that fucking retards application of the logic. Like devs can be like
>okay players, we know that you pay a separate subscription fee for internet access which our game relies upon but if you utilize that in a way we disagree with you will be banned
>get told not to do thing or you will get banned
>do thing
>get banned
>get mad and cry about it
>You shouldn't be threatened with violence or theft for speech.
I seriously need to explain this to you, you mouth-breathing retard?
>You're literally asking for governments to intervene in private business, lol.
I'm asking the government to do what it's actually supposed to do, which is prevent people from infringing on other people's freedoms.
That's what the law is for.
Just because some asshole politicians in the pocket of big business allowed companies to form unchallenged monopolies, doesn't mean what the companies do with their power is correct.
It's okay, maybe he'll get the message when his children are banning him from public for the next ridiculous "social revolution"
>I seriously need to explain this to you
Yeah, substantiate your arguments for once.
>I'm asking the government do what it's actually supposed to do, which is prevent people from infringing on other people's freedoms
.. By asking the government to increase market regulation because you don't trust the free market to sort these issues out, yeah.
Not him but what stands out is your laws that forbid saying anything negative about isreal. Teachers got fired over it.
If they're a private company why do they have to follow the countries laws?
The only reason they're able to create a TOS is due to regulations on internet entities not being taken into consideration yet
Most of everything that riot does falls along a gray line of legality that in reality is not legal in most other countries
Also if you're taxpayer funded than it does disqualify you from being a private company
you have to fully explain on order for commie retards like him to understand. Teachers got fired for being """"""""""anti-semantic"""""""""" for their comments against Israel. Being anti-semantic is against the ToS for being a teacher
The tos exists actually because of country law. It's legal protection that allows them to act like they do in the first place. If there was no law they wouldn't need you to agree to the terms to ban you at will.
Theres like only 2 states that restrict rainwater collection, and even they only restrict the amount you can store
If you're so free market why are you in favor of private companies being able to regulate their platform? If they weren't corrupt and degenerate they could just let the market work it out. Checkmate, atheist.
Where is the guy simultaneously espousing both of the arguments you claimed they were making?
>why do they have to follow the countries laws?
They follow laws that limit how businesses are allowed to act.
>The only reason they're able to create a TOS is due to regulations on internet entities not being taken into consideration yet
Conspiracy theory.
>Most of everything that riot does falls along a gray line of legality that in reality is not legal in most other countries
[citation needed]
>Also if you're taxpayer funded than it does disqualify you from being a private company
No, it doesn't.
Are you retarded? Now start any game you own a physical copy of and read the eula. The hint is even in the title "End User License Agreement". Just go and read it and get btfo stupid kiddos.
>THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED, NOT SOLD. SEGA HOLDINGS CO., LIMITED of 1-2-12, Haneda, Ohta-ku, Tokyo, 144-8531 Japan and its affiliated companies (collectively, “SEGA” or “We”) reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. The products that are subject to this license are referred to in this license as the Game Software, Editors, Additional Content, Physical Materials and Key Code (each as defined below) and collectively as the “Product”.
This is the same for physical copies and always has been. Find a eula for one yourself.
Imagine if private companies started giving children guns, and people wanted the government to stop them, they just said "they are private companies, we can't get involved lul"
Everyone would be up in arms, but because this is just video games, they get to do whatever they want with your purchase. This really is clown world.
>E - Ready
>R - Ready
They couldn't even bother coding in the spell names because they know they are all utter chuuni shit
i've gotten ban for it. its pretty random. although the rate of bullshit bans goes up when after they just hired a bunch of jannies
The game just isn't played by literal children
>don't say anything
>move fingers over keyboard
>click with mouse
>get banned
>money stolen
ToSfags will defend this
Many CS servers had swear word filters though and you'd get banned if you were a dick either by an admin or by AMXX itself
And people defend them because they personally identify with huge soulless corporations that they like, sad.
>If you're so free market why are you in favor of private companies being able to regulate their platform?
??????????????????????????????????????????????????? are you super retarded or did you just misspeak?
>If they weren't corrupt and degenerate they could just let the market work it out
You *nearly* got there, brainlet. In a free market, if TOS practices were so objectionable, competition would arrive with no TOS and dominate the market.
>SEGA is not responsible for communications made by other users via the Communication Software. We are not responsible for communications made by you via the Communication Software.
>comparing shitting on paedophiles to shitting on black people
This made my head ache, pure insanity
Also leftists:
>dude just play the other game that everyone you know is playing if you dont like it!!!
They can put whatever they want in their EULAs. They're NOT LEGALLY BINDING
They've never been LEGALLY BINDING
No you fucking protectionist shill. Using a TOS to hamper the market IS regulation. It's a fucking contract that would be argued in court, with the force of the government behind the subsequent legal decision. It's literally regulation.
>pedophiles are right wingers
>Person A
>"I think thing."
>Person B
>"I think other thing."
>A legally binding agreement
Wait a moment, let me laugh even harder.
>comparing shitting on people for their immutable characteristics to shitting on people for their immutable characteristic
So go on and buy a DvD of Avengers or some shit and make your own little cinema in a public place. Let's see how long it is not binding.
>expecting people to read the ToS
you cant be this dumb
>Using a TOS to hamper the market IS regulation
It isn't hampering the market, you sludge sucking faggot. What the fuck TOS do you think is restricting access to other products in the market? Do you not understand what a free market is? Holy shit, am I literally arguing with a high schooler? A free market isn't "I have access to every product with absolutely zero strings attached and am capable of doing with these products what I wish." It's an economic climate that means that when a product fails to deliver, other products are able to enter into it and interact with dissatisfied segments of the market.
I know for a fact that riot has changed their TOS over time to suit their current legal needs
What they did is actually highly illegal and not enforceable in any court
Like the only reason they and many other companies get away with it, is because there is no entity to stop them
Why do you think other companies that aren't on the internet don't have their own version of TOS?
Because it's legit fucking nothing burger
TOS can barely be considered a contract let alone a legally binding agreement
You're sounding pretty commie right now, my dude.
That's completely different law. It has nothing to do with the movie being screened, but with you screening things in public without a permit.
All leftists are the same though so you have no right to talk. See:
The NPC meme was created because you all have the same carbon copy responses to different people. So much so, it makes it seem like you are the same person. Unless of course, these ARE from the same person? But if that were the case, I would be wrong, and not all leftists are the same people. But you would never be willing to prove me wrong would you?
Take your girl (male) pills or you'll be late and turn into a 40% hon.
And the laws of the countries say otherwise. Guess what, the moment something clashing with actual laws that has power is detected within the EULA, they go out of the fucking window. Courts have ruled in cases that games are products and not services. Get fucked, you corporate cocksucker. Better yet, get disemboweled.
Except when the market is hampered by regulatory tampering, which IS what a TOS is. Attaching strings to a product with the force of the government behind it is literally regulation. If you're okay with TOSes being enforceable in any way you're pro-regulation.
thats a much easier thing to argue in terms of theft
Back when Path of Exile still had races, you could have names like "GasTheJewsHailHitler" and proudly announce your name to the global chat without consequences. It's probably different nowaydays though, with the game being more popular.
have sex.
The second person is me and I reposted it because you were the THIRD person to go
It's not an argument and you can never prove your shitty strawman's validity.
They can't just chat ban these people because...?
>America is literally the greatest nation on earth
So, how's that healthcare of yours? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.
Ever heard of a little thing called freedom of speech, sweetie?
TOS are "legal documents."
If they were enforced, common law would make the terms into law, which would dictate what the markets can do.
The only way your little logic could work is if you could break the terms at will with no consequence whatsoever and the government would prevent companies from doing jack shit, because it's not a legal document.
actually my private healthcare plan was unbelievably amazing until Niggerbama ruined it
It's the best in the world and people literally get flown here from across the globe for specialist care so pretty good thanks
he said FIRST world
No I mean if they just turned off chat for those people instead of taking their game accounts away there would be a lot less backlash.
>Except when the market is hampered by regulatory tampering, which IS what a TOS is.
No it's NOT you stupid fucking retard, holy SHIT you literally learn this stuff in the first years of middle school. I'll make this SUPER simple for you because you're obviously retarded.
>Free market: I make lemonade on the street for 25 cents, I mark it up to 50 cents because I want to turn more profits, somebody else comes along and starts selling lemonade at 30 cents
A market can still be a FREE MARKET if instead of price gouging, I enforce conditional purchase.
>I have a lemonade store where after your first lemonade, you have to throw a basketball through a hoop or you have to pay a higher price next time. Somebody down the street realizes we're in a white suburb and has unconditional prices.
>I open a lemonade stand, neighborhood watch arrives and tells me what I'm allowed to do with lemonade stand, how much I'm allowed to increase my prices, what is and isn't acceptable in terms of business practices. This applies to the neighbor down the street, meaning we're all regulated equally.
How the fuck is a TOS regulating the market? It's conditional clauses for a SINGLE PRODUCT OR SERVICE.
Not that argument, but my argument that all leftists are the same WAS a strawman.
Then you posted the same exact response so many times now that you have proven it not to be a strawman, by giving the impression of multiple people stating the exact same responses.
So you have proven "two contradictory opinions are majority shared by most of the left" to be a strawman, while you have also proven "all leftists are the same people" to not be a strawman because two different people posted nearly the exact same responses.
So should you celebrate, or should I celebrate?
>leftist: we need to ban all forms of racist hate speech
>also leftists: Making demeaning comments towards white people isn't racist due to their perceived power
>all leftists say that 2+2=4, they're fucking clones!
holy fuck imagine this, where everywhere in Europe will land you JAIL TIME for saying no-no speech
Why bother? He is just going to respond with LEL QUIRKY PERSON A PERSON B SEPARATE PEOPLE response he always gives.
non-American cope thread
And who pays for it, you or your government? I seriously hope it isn't you.
>by giving the impression of multiple people stating the exact same responses
I reiterated the argument because you and the other two NPCs made, clause by clause, the same non-argument.
>So you have proven "two contradictory opinions are majority shared by most of the left."
?????? They were the exact same responses, if anything this would be proving the opposite.
Show even ONE PERSON who has said these things.
How are poltards non npcs tho?
All they do is post the same thing
>Trump is gud
>immigration is bad
>leftists are bad but i can’t explain why
>clearly attacking the left means you have to be alt right so have some anti alt right memes
Centrist actually, good for you, have fun.
If there wouldn't be a EULA you could do it without the possibility of them suing you. You buy a license and that's it. You agree to their terms often as soon as you open the product.
It is legally binding, but only as long as it doesn't conflicts with the laws of your country and some other bullshit.
Again, centrist, I agree with you.
Half of /pol/ thinks Trump is a jew shill.
Centrism does not exist, you goof. You're looking for that other c word. :)
No, they sometimes say that trump is bad because he's a far-far-far-far-far-leftist because he only REEEEs about trannies somewhat and only banned them from military and not from life.
That would make an e-sport better. Have a Toxic Conference and Non-Toxic Conference battling their own brackets to make it to the finals.
>be american
>get shot
How is a company using the force of the government to dictate how you use your product that you supposedly bought NOT regulation? It's incredibly clear cut regulation. They're even intentionally doing it to manipulate the market, they think if people use less bad words in chat their product will perform better than it would otherwise. Just because the government is nodding along instead of initiating it doesn't make it not regulatory.
And where does the government get the money to pay for it?
You can't enforce terms after a purchase. That's fraud.
If you buy a car, the dealership doesn't get to tell you when you can drive it or not.
>spew moronic alt-logic
>but I'm a centrist lmao, I just act like alt-right
There's only 1 country where "you" doesn't pay for it and they won't have that system for very much longer
Shifting around the costs doesn't mean you're not paying for it in some way or another
>And where does the government get the money to pay for it?
Taxes. THAT'S what your government should be spending on, not JUST the military and fighting capability.
>Inb4 the US is deliberately a Dog-Eat-Dog nation to weed out the weak, and draft in the strong
>be american
>get shot
>shoot back
>don't go to jail
The American Dream
I actually hope this retarded faggot gets his way so that we have game devs unironically trying to challenge some random due because he said "nigger" in chat then nullified his purchase for it
Because it isn't regulating the MARKET it's conditional use of a PRODUCT. You can still buy products from other companies that do not use TOS/EULA/insert boogeyman, ergo, it isn't a regulated market.
>they think if people use less bad words in chat their product will perform better than it would otherwise
This is completely in-line with the optimal outcome for a free market economy. It's literally what supply and demand is.
If I say in a game chat all white people are mayo loving, dog kissing school shooters, should I get banned?
>be european
>go to jail for memes
>go to jail for making joke on facebook
>go to jail for having sharp kitchen utensils
>one guy repeatedly tells everyone that its impossible for one person to hold contradictory opinions, and constantly tells them they have to source examples of their statements or they it doesn't count
I'm honestly not smart enough to know what kind of fallacy this is, but it is a fallacy, that much is certain.
Its like if I said "most dogs like dog food", and then I have to provide a fucking source for it. Like seriously? All you are doing is trying to waste my fucking time, not actually think on the statement at all.
Of course, its so simple. All you have to do to win a argument is just make them source every fucking word they say! Brilliant!
>do things
>consequences occur
explain this line of effents
>bait dumbass into saying nigger/faggot
>they get banned
Join me in solving the world's problems Yea Forums.
The government barely spends on the millitary.
If you want to know who's spending your taxes, look at fucking Detroit.
Yeah I’d ban or mute you because I don’t want some idiot talking shit on my server or in my game.
the world's problem was finding a cure to AIDs
Ok, anti-extremism from either side then?
GTAO tried to do something like that, Didn't really work most of the time, And it was only temporary, Still a good idea.
>Its like if I said "most dogs like dog food"
No, it's like saying.
>Like hot dog shaped toys
>Also dogs
>Don't like hot dog shaped toys
>dude dogs are so retarded wtf
When the biggest companies do it with the force of law behind it and the government agrees with it then there's no room for a "competing" product that doesn't function the same way. The option has been regulated out of viability.
>The government barely spends on the millitary.
Define barely, no, seriously.
>US mothballs its navy
>suddenly half the ships that patrol the trade lanes with big guns vanish
>pirates become a thing again
If everyone enforces the same terms that are harmful to the consumer, the consumer has no choice.
That's not a free market, it's an oligopoly and the government's job is to bust trusts.
look how only racists complain about this shit. they want to say nigger in video games because thats what their racist minds think about all the time. they think about black dicks in their minds all the time for no reason. MASSIVE obsession.
centrists are spineless faggots who don't want to take any controversial opinions, so they will allow everyone else's kids to get buttfucked but won't start caring till it happens to their own
Examples? Clearly that's a strawman if you do not have examples.
I miss times when I could make my own server with my own ToS
Barely is a bad word. Like a little less than half of it.
But at least the military is an actual role of government. Gibs aren't.
>I hate you
Real cool discussion you got there bud.
Why is Yea Forums full of so many snowflakes demanding private companies stop enforcing their rules that they agreed to when they went online? Have some personal accountability you fucking degenerate
At least it isn't the C word, you'd be banned from Steam instead.
all that bullshit you agree to before you click play covers this shit dumbass. Freedom of speech not freedom of consequences at any rate, you can't be thrown in jail or executed by the government for what you say, but that doesn't stop some giga nig from shattering your skull in the street or you getting banned on a game, sorry you inbred fuckwit.
nice literal straw-man, coward
pentagon got done with its audit and they can't account for almost 2 trillion over the last twenty years, fuck off
>that pic
the worst part is that swirl on the child's head is a global pedo ring symbol known by the fbi
>then there's no room for a "competing" product that doesn't function the same way
Either TOS are borderline illegal and everybody hates them or everybody loves them, you can't keep waddling between these arguments. There is literally nothing stopping a games company of any considerable size from foregoing these conditions, they just won't because nobody but edgy manchildren care. Your example before of "people are happier that they don't have to hear people be cunts" is literally the definition of what a free market is meant to serve, which is the demands of the consumer. Providing a superior product isn't regulation and these companies aren't monopolizing the market. Thus, they fit within and are fantastic examples of the free market working.
Hilarious that I was being called a fucking leftist when I seem to be the only one in this thread that wants a free market.
So it comes down to hurt feelings, Are we children on a playground? 18+ games should not be censored for a younger audience.
>No grown ass person calls people nigger outside of Yea Forums for fuck sake.
People like you ruined Yea Forums.
>anyone who wants to be able to say racist words is a racist
what mental gymnastics
It should be legal for me to kill any gamedev employee if they do things with my game that I don't like after I've already bought it because in buying it I literally pay for them to live and so I own their life, anything less is just a lack of personal accountability.
or Yea Forums
fuck the janny trannies
>No grown ass person calls people nigger outside of Yea Forums for fuck sake.
Unironically go back to r*ddit.
Not a strawman, a summary. I just summed up what you were saying, the whole thing about being a coward for refusing to be an extremist. Which equates to just saying you hate me. Fair enough I suppose.
Guess I won the argument.
This is what trannies say
You buy the car and not a license to drive the car.
When you buy a game, movie or music you buy a license retard. You don't own it.
Kek all these seething replies just to be able to type nigger in all chat wew lad. You Yea Forums children truly are a special breed. Online games are shit in the first place and you're a dumbass for playing them.
>break rules
>get banned
what a surprise
>inb4 freedom of speech
I agree, but maybe you should be complaining to whoever the fuck made the game about that instead of anons who can't do jack shit
>meanwhile trannies reject basic fucking biology
I've got banned on Yea Forums for saying "nigger". Yea Forums has been normalfag central for a few years now.
If you dont want to agree to their rules then dont agree to them. It's that simple faggot.
Companies can do whatever they want. Your life is not meaningfully affected because you cant say nigger in certain places
You're an idiot. That's not real money, it's accounting errors. It doesn't mean they have 2 trillion just laying around, AOC.
>say nigger on twitch as a white duden get banned
>say nigger on twitch as a nigger, its fine
>listen to nigger music that says nigger all the time on twitch, even as a white guy, and its fine too
no bias here goy, embrace nigger culture goy its good for you
>If everyone enforces the same terms that are harmful to the consumer, the consumer has no choice
In a hobby market? They've got the choice to support other businesses or, drastic suggestion, not support market forces that do not align with their interests.
>it's an oligopoly
No, it isn't. Oligopoly is market power dominated by a few companies, not prevalent market trends.
>children are now literally being given hormone blockers to prevent puberty from happening on order to have trans surgery, all this is sponsored by the left and the LGBT
"Now I don't want to be an extremist... but.."
Can't you try to be subtle? Find a substitute for the words that get you banned. Once people catch on, you find another one. Always think one step ahead of the censors.
>In a free market, if TOS practices were so objectionable, competition would arrive with no TOS and dominate the market.
Unless, you know, the free market doesn't work.
of course its not lying around, it all went to corrupt generals and weapons contractors
>should not
Do you know what a subjunctive is? Instead of you googling it, I'll just explain it to you. Should is a SUBJECTIVE word. Just because you think something SHOULD be does not make it OBJECTIVELY true. Just because you think you SHOULD be allowed to spam slurs does not make it ok for you to spam slurs. There are places where there are OBJECTIVE rules. You won't get banned for slurs here because the it's not against the rules. You will get banned on online games because it is against the rules. Just because you think it SHOULD be ok, does not make it ok if it is against the rules. Your opinions don't dictate reality. Holy shit, how hard is it for you people to separate these things?
Why are burgers like this?
theres actually been a recent internal issue with Yea Forums as everytime the post for janny entries, reddit and resetera all jump on trying to cause some kind of "revolution" on this site. The mods over at /gif/ are mostly and unironically transsexuals
Yes, I am against that. Not because its the left. Because its extremist to do that to children. Why is this hard to understand, I am against extremist in general regardless of what side its on?
Looks like someone isn't reading the TOS when they play online lmao
>Unless, you know, the free market doesn't work
If you're pro regulation, then yeah, regulating the market would be in your interests.
And that's nice from a theoretical perspective but in practice once companies get big enough they both set the tone and the market conditions, they directly become regulators and can use the government to enforce on a case by case basis since smaller startups and individuals will just go bankrupt trying to contest them in court.
If you were ACTUALLY in favor of free markets you would also be opposed to companies trying to enact regulation.
thats something /pol/ has already proven to not work due to neo-liberal insanity. People are unironically trying to ban the OK sign now
Time for Britannia to rule the waves again.
>pedos are right wingers
what the fuck am I reading
>person says they are against extremism
>state "then you must support this extremist perspective"
Isn't that the exact opposite of what they support? Being against extremism?
lol just wait till you get banned for being a "transphobe" for believing that
the catholic church
Europeans always cry "You're American", in response to criticism.
are you fucking retarded and thus incapable of understanding that point of view can get you labeled "an extremist" by someone on the left?
And I would be against that too because its extremist to ban someone over wanting to protect children.
Seriously, why would pedos support conservatism when liberals are pretty much trying to bring the weimar republic back?
It just doesn't add up.
Brace for actual reasoning. Warning: may require 100+ IQ.
>raise minimum wage to 15 american euros
>employers have to pay $15
>choice is whether they pay it to a dirty mexican who doesn't speak American or a local burger
>they can't pay $5 to the mexican, no matter how many of those they import
>mexican have no reason to be imported because they have to outdo the locals to get their pay
the pope literally cries for open borders, kisses muslim feet, and says european needs to welcome brown people
catholcucks are barely right wing at all
most pedos are homosexual and thus get free protection from most liberals until they prey on a religion
You mean the church with the muslim feet kissing pope?
This post is retarded.
Freedom of speech isn't freedom from social repercussions, it just means that the state and government can't send you to the gulags for having opinions. Calls to violence and threats are not speech.
Read a fucking book.
>agree to rules
>break rules
>cry at consequences
This literally only affects children and the mentally feeble. Adults can just say nigger elsewhere.
that doesn't sound very centrist
If anything It'd be the chinks doing the patrolling, or the US would sell off its ships to defense contractors and start a new era of Privateering
the church is more than one person
and last I remember the catholic church is still anti-gay and anti-abortion
Isn't left or right wing.
Separation of church and state, retard.
It goes deeper than insults, fool. And companies can't do what they wan't, They have to follow laws too, Do you not remember Rockstar games getting sued for millions over a cut sex feature? And manhunt was banned in the UK, Ireland, And Australia for being too violent?
Point is you're a faggot
It's not legally binding per se, but if you break them, they can legally ban you.
Like saying fire in a theater.
I don't understand why westerners try to enforce their western values on to non-westerners. Words like NIGGER have no meaning to the non-western nations, or even to non-anglo sphere. What's more relevant is the legal binding of the commercial product itself. If you're banned for these "racist" speech and outside the anglo-sphere, you should take the game company to the court and seek refund. The court does not have the authority to validate arbitrary the terms of service from anglo games.
Or i simply don’t give a shit, ever thought about that?
There’s nothing wrong with switching sides when it suits you by the way.
>tfw you're so immature that the literal transfer of Ideas from another's mind to yours causes you distress
Lol this is literally a real large drama debate in the City of Heroes Private server communities. One server is super social justice type while a new one popped up that has no moderation. Pretty much can say the n word without any problems but its caused a meltdown holy jihad from the other CoH server group. Its crazy
>agree to rules
When? no one reads the ToS and you know it.
Yeah, but that is because they themselves started sock puppet accounts and turned that symbol to represent white power. It proves that people don't fact check what they read and consume. Memes are scary.
Brace for you being a moron:
They're "illegal" aliens, and therefore don't have to be paid the "legal" minimum wage.
Not in this age
those aren't even close to the same things holy fuck. You cant yell fire in a theatre based on literal safety for human life, where as the other is an arbitrary retarded tid-bit that can be manipulated easily by argument. Defeated as well.
>it goes deeper than insults
I direct you to the OP. What the fuck else are you saying that's getting you banned from a game?
It's still your fault.
>Freedom of speech isn't freedom from social repercussions
Yes, it is. If you punch someone for saying things, they're not the ones going to prison.
You haven't really named any extremist alt right opinions yet though.
Nice strawman, Reddit.
here's your 15$ an hour bro
Why does nobody seem to care that the TOS is literally rigged against you like the society we live in?
So stop agreeing to EULAs nigger, but we both now you wont.
Laziness is not an excuse. Put in some effort before you play a game.
Oh look nothing has happened to me
You can say fire in a theater.
It's protected speech.
That's a myth that you idiots like to parade around, but isn't factually accurate.
>they both set the tone and the market conditions, they directly become regulators and can use the government to enforce on a case by case basis since smaller startups and individuals will just go bankrupt trying to contest them in court
Firstly, what? I don't even know what delusional anecdote you're trying to push at this point. If red cars are popular because some movie came out, you start selling red cars and then somebody starts up a car dealership that exclusively sells blue cars, that isn't regulation because they fail, it's a lack of demand for their supply. A company having a TOS isn't preventing other companies from breaking into the market, in fact in this world where people care about these things, they'd actually be jumping on a demand that isn't being met.
Legitimately, spend some time researching basic economics. Free market economics is one of the most fundamental things and it's clear you're desperately out of your depth discussing this. People don't want to play games where people scream nigger at them over their microphone, the demand isn't there, tailoring your product to that isn't regulation, it's improving your product.
>it's your fault that they make the ToS 30 pages long instead of making concise rules
yeah man, i totally control that shit and should spend an hour reading before i play any game, i should also assume that they can revoke my freedom of speech
>You can attack pedos because they're rightwingers
On what fucking planet
They're corporate bootlickers.
>You can say fire in a theater.
>It's protected speech
You can say it, sure. It's not illegal to say it. But you'd get banned.
Opposing trans child surgery in 2019 is litearlly an alt-right view. As a matter of fact, being opposed to trans surgery in general as well as not using "compelled pronouns" is also "alt-right rhetoric."
>hurr all companies can trivially skip all regulations and somehow manage to avoid being checked when everyone knows their workforce is all brown
I bet you believe that gun control can never work because criminals will just get guns elsewhere, even though statistically fucking poland of all places has less than half the 'murkan murder rate and almost no guns.
>A company having a TOS isn't preventing other companies from breaking into the market
Yes, it is. Make any moderately well selling game, and you'll get bought out by EA or 2K or activision, and now you too have an EULA with blatantly anti-consumer bullshit in it.
As someone who is black I'll give them creativety points.
Why does Yea Forums suck the dick of the oppressors in an endless loop? Is the board just flooded with AI repeating the same defeatist remarks?
Goalpost state: pic related
Robots will not cause an immigration of browns.
If anything, they will cause the locals to have to learn how to manage robots or perform jobs that robots can't perform, thus making the workforce more dependent on having triple digit IQ, further discouraging unskilled labor immigrants.
Freedom of speech doesnt apply to private entities. It's not their fault you're dumb and easily distracted.
The constitution does not protect you from private corporations you dumb fuck. It is literally protection from the government. Why the fuck is it so hard for you retards to understand this? If your mother says "You can't say bad words" she doesn't get fucking put in jail for violating your constitutional rights. Jesus Christ this isn't a hard concept. The first amendment does not apply to private corporations. I swear to god you people are purposefully misunderstanding because you're retarded as fuck.
They also have a highly nationalized population and government with native Polish being in the 90 percentile in terms of demographics. Also low population density.
Why are private entities not beholden to the laws of the state and why do you think this is acceptable?
They're shills. Gaming companies do employ people to post shit on here.
I mean, they're not even hiding it.
There are plenty of companies that specialize in just this type of service.
>and you'll get bought out by EA or 2k or activision, and now you too have an EULA with blatantly anti-consumer bullshit in it
This isn't market regulation, this is business acquisition.
Euro-Yea Forums is the worst. Nothing but lgbtqrstuvbrrraaapp mentally ill sissy retards. You will not be spared when shit hits the fan.
I'm talking about censorship, Mongo. Keep up. You can't say mean things, You're not allowed too much nudity or gore, All in games that are meant for "adults" Why?
>Put in some effort before you play a game.
How do you know if a game is worth investing hours of reading before you play it?
Here's a solution, let reports work the other way too, if someone spams reports then you restrict their ability to see chat or teach people about the muteall function when they send a report.
dumb, lame, stupid, idiot, moron; these are all slurs.
You must be new here.
>free speech is just a government thing, not a concept or ideal concerning the free exchange of thoughts and ideas you fucking nazi xD
Every time.
I remember when someone got banned for saying "skill yourself" and it caused a huge shitstorm.
Because they're not the state. FFS did you fail your high school civics class? It's acceptable because the government isn't allowed to control private entities and you're literally a communist faggot if you think they should.
It's painfully clear you're a barely first year student who's never done anything real. For your analogy to be on point the company has to be financing the movie, and quietly scooping up everyone who might make blue cars to work for them instead, buying out or suing the people that they can't. Then it's more accurate to the current situation. You think the components of a business and its product come out of thin air and that any margin will allow it to happen naturally and if it doesn't it clearly wasn't in demand. You've barely thought about the practical moving parts of any of this in the slightest, your thought on this borders on tautology.
>The constitution does not protect you from private corporations you dumb fuck.
So corporations are above the law now. Fine, just don't come to me when Activision shoots you for saying their latest game was less than optimal. They're a private business, so they can do whatever they want.
The constitution is about the organisation of government ans the state and its relationship with the people and law. Private entities (including people) arent governed by it.
you have to admit that you are wrong and bannign people for saying no-no words is way more complicated than "company can do X, Y, and Z with their product and consumers just have to deal."
You may think that game devs who are getting stringent on speech are doing it out of their kindness of their hearts for social justice. Next thing you know you're going to get banned from a game that you just paid full price for because you happened to criticize a few things and the devs happened to have a "no criticism clause" in the ToS.
Censorship is always bad and is factual proof that the "slippery slope" fallacy is not a fallacy at all.
What is good is giving your player-base the ability to censor for themselves only. You can't legislate away sensitivity, but you can legislate away freedom.
i have an r-word pass because im actually diagnosed with autism
It's consolidation. Like I said, it's an oligopoly, and the bigger companies will push down the smaller ones so they can enforce whatever they want.
Are you just going to leave out the fact they're 90% + white unlike Niggermerica? Switzerland and Finalnd have a high gun per capita and nowhere near the amount of gun violence as Niggermerica.
Nothing oust you as a polarized retard as fast like saying that /pol/ is some uniform faction.
Constant Trump is a jev vs /ptg/ threads, constant pagan vs christian threads and nazbol threads should give you a clue.
there is constant debate between shitflinging.
Unlike progressive lefty circles, that repeat LISTEN AND BELIEVE until your one particular sect is not welcome anymore and you are kicked out.
They should be, especially if they have billions of users.
But apparently they just get to wield however much power they want with no regulations or accountability. If Zuckerberg is found having ran one of his "experiments" again he'll just say he's sorry and had no bad intentions and that's the end of it.
>I'm purposefully being retarded
First off, no one ever claimed corporations are against the law. Second, murder isn't outlined in the constitution. Third, murder has it's own statute. Fourth, you're literally fucking 85 IQ.
Their game man they can make what they want.
If you're too lazy to do your research before you play something you've no right to lose your shit when it bites you in the ass.
The right only tries to blame the left for the right's horrible sexual habits because otherwise everyone will notice it's the right doing this shit.
If the right was actually trying to attack left's logic, they'd imply that left supports incest, because the core of leftist morality is informed consent of mentally competent people, which is very strongly violated by traditional pedophilia, but not by incest.
No one gave a shit about racism on Yea Forums until 2015.
Then the mods went full SJW and started banning everyone.
>supposed redpilled right wingers are advocating for suppression and censorship because if you don't youre a commie
Why the fuck does Riot Games, a corporation earning billions, owned largely by china, need to be protected as a private entity?
>90s and early millennium feminists fight for girls to be able to "show off skin" and for more representation of the female body because fuck chrisitan soccer moms
>Now they are all called TERFs by new feminists because they don't believe a tranny man should legislate for actual women
It's in the TOS, though. They reserve the right to terminate your life at their discretion.
If we're going to take blatantly illegal things from current TOS's, then I don't see why you oppose my analogy.
You cant have a concept or ideal revoked. What they're doing might not be in the spirit of the principle (and that's questionable because they have their own freedom of speech to do what they want) but theres no right to revoke. Do you complain to your employer when they dont let you say nigger?
>you have to admit that you are wrong
I'm literally not. The constitution doesn't apply to private entities. Full stop. Period. End of discussion. So you can suck my wiggly dick on that part. They are 100% within their right to ban you for violating ToS. If you have a "no criticism" clause in their ToS and you violate it, then you deserve to get banned. If you don't like the ToS, don't buy the game. That's how the free market works you stupid fuck.
>try to make actual arguments
>ignored in favor of /pol/-baiting
I l-love /pol/ cross-pollination.
Banning someone from a game they purchased should be an automatic refund. TOS don't mean shit in real law.
>We can't pay shit jobs a decent wage or they will be replaced by a robot!
Isn't that a good reason to raise the wage? Eliminating shitty jobs for the good of society.
Nope, Did you forget already? "Do you not remember Rockstar games getting sued for millions over a cut sex feature? And manhunt was banned in the UK, Ireland, And Australia for being too violent?"
They tried to make what they wanted, Didn't work out.
Yeah, the same way the UN is telling japan to censor loli because otherwise people will notice that they are trading CP on their private networks.
Please go look at movements like MAP and then tell me the left isn't full of nonces.
Words can lower value of an experience
There's an apartment for rent, but the inside of the walls is carved with words you don't like (pick your favorite political shit that you hate). The landlord wants to charge $1200 per month. Fuck that, right? There are nicer apartments for the same price.
Words have lowered the value of the apartment. It's no longer worth full price to you as a customer.
>mfw people using "First Amendmemt" and "Freedom of Speech" Synonymously
What's illegal about banning you for saying nigger?
Because you're fucking stupid. The first amendment does not apply to private corporations. Period. They literally cannot violate your first amendment right because the constitution does not apply to them. Why the fuck is this such a difficult concept for you?
>Also low population density.
russia has twice the burger murder rate despite having a fraction of poland's population density.
>They also have a highly nationalized population
As long as they aren't nationalists - nationalists genuinely do affect crime rate, though not in the way that benefits their nation
shut the fuck up retard and re-read my post. This isn't about the constitution rather basic consumer's rights. Do you believe a company could be able to implement "no criticism clauses"
into their ToS so that they can blatantly get away with ripping off people?
Come on dude, we both know it doesn't start and end with people saying nigger. Far from it.
They're limiting the use of a product I paid for after purchase.
Ergo, fraud.
>TOS doesnt mean shit in real law
>literally in the OP
>Like I said, it's an oliogpoly
No, it isn't. These businesses do not overwhelm the gaming market. Your definition of regulation is contrary to that of every single economist.
>"We will limit your use of this product if you do this thing:"
>Does thing
>"what the fucc?"
Yes, they're allowed to put anything they want in the ToS as long as it's not against the law. They can put 'You have to wear all pink while playing our game or we will ban you' and it would be 100% perfectly fine if they ban you for wearing purple. If you don't agree with the ToS, then don't buy the game. It's not that fucking difficult.
Literally any TOS case. Just google it.
I can't even give a serious response.
So you're saying we need to nationalize online services?
You know exactly what kind of thread you're making.
Why do you try to shoot the messenger? Why do you faggots always do that.
He jus tells you the facts faggots, doesn't mean he agrees with that bullshit.
user, not everyone is the same, some people like playing a lot of different games and arent dumb enough to play the same games for years.
It's a test. You failed it. Get banned scrub.
Your ability to use that aspect of the product (online) is subject to you agreeing to the TOS. You purchased the game knowing your use of online was conditional.
No, I'm saying if you don't agree with the ToS, don't buy the game.
That stat has to be bullshit based off of Russia having a lot of land that is uninhabitable.
It's extremely related. A Polish person living in a 100% Polish town full of Polish people who all live by the same trends and culture have a bit easier time not having to worry about defending property
I'm doing my MBA at LBS. You literally cannot, by any demonstrable metric, show that the success of these companies is regulating the market. Your conspiracy theories about the evil TOS goblins killing all non-TOS compliant entities holds no purchase in reality.
Yes, that's illegal. Because, they're not providing a service, but a product.
Only acceptable form of censorship in games are funny word filters.
Everything else should be punishable by public whipping.
I'm socdem and even I think this is dumb.
What's the difference?
So none? If it's that easy give me one
That's fine, but when your failure to do minimal research results in you breaking rules you agreed to the you dont get to cry.
What a shit analogy, words all over the walls would lower the price significantly regardless of which words they were as you would almost certainly cover them up.
>If you don't agree with the ToS, then don't buy the game. It's not that fucking difficult.
Except you often times can only read the TOS after purchase, and it can change over time.
Fuck you.
One is against the ToS and one isn't. Gee, that wasn't hard.
>Yes, they're allowed to put anything they want in the ToS as long as it's not against the law.
No they won't you're a dumbass lol.
You fags really do use the word "facts" too loosely
>So none? If it's that easy give me one
You really are retarded. Violence is not speech, dumbass.
>agreed to
I don't believe you read all the ToS before you play any game and if you do that's even sadder than someone who feels oppressed when they cant use the nword.
If the ToS changes, they have to notify you by law. You can also find the ToS of any game online without purchase.
I didn't say they will, I said they're allowed to. Are you fucking stupid?
Not Blizzard games, both are considered bannable because """toxicity""" is in the ToS which can be used to describe literally fucking anyone
Only 3% of GDP goes to military. It's only large in absolute dollars because GDP is so high and there are over 300 million people.
>what is hate speech
Marsh v. Alabama
>In its conclusion, the Court stated that it was essentially weighing the rights of property owners against the rights of citizens to enjoy freedom of press and religion. The Court noted that the rights of citizens under the Bill of Rights occupy a preferred position. Accordingly, the Court held that the property rights of a private entity are not sufficient to justify the restriction of a community of citizens' fundamental rights and liberties.
>they have to notify you by law
What does that have to do with anything? you are already invested in the game in time and/or money.
God bless the first and second amendment
Companies can make retarded demands with their ToS all the time to cover their ass, doesn't mean it actually works
A miserable pile of dumb definitions
Lol you absolute retard. Read the fucking thing before you post it. If something is illegal a tos or eula doesn't change that fact.
And that's completely legal. I don't see what the problem is. Just because it's ambiguous does not make it against the law.
And that's where the legal debate begins about 'services' and 'property'. You really are fucking dumb when it comes to the law.
real law doesn't mean shit, the rich person or entity wins every time
especially now with all the far-right federalist society ghouls trump and mcconnell rushed through
There are any number of natural monopolies that have developed in many different markets, and many other cases where regional monopolies develop where companies band together to enact anti-consumer practices in a way that can't be effectively fought by any individual consumer, if you're actually in an MBA program you should be very familiar with these two situations. In effect, these companies are now regulating market conditions however they see fit, and so the government steps in to curb it.
You haven't even thought much about the TOS issue either. You didn't stop to think about WHY the companies want to ban language specifically and how that would benefit them. You assumed it was the will of the market since obviously the market bore that condition, but who are one of the biggest mtx spending groups that these companies want to increasingly tap into? Kids with their parents' credit cards. If your game isn't "kid friendly" it's a harder sell to parents, so in this case the consumer and the person purchasing the product/service aren't even the same person and don't have the same interests. Companies aren't stupid, and are aware of this nuance and take full advantage of it. With regulation.
So that's a TOS that was designed badly. Nice and irrelevant.
I dont, but I would do some research in case there was something people were making a big deal out of.
And? Your investment does not give you the right to break ToS.
I did see my own post. Thank you for linking it twice.
>if he had won he would not have been painted as the tyrant history has written him as
I don't think anyone would disagree with that. History is written by the victors and all that. How many people today give a shit about the Holodormir or the Great Leap Forward? Hell, the Armenian genocide isn't even acknowledged by most politicians.
>If the ToS changes, they have to notify you by law.
So what? If you don't agree to it, do you magically get your money back? No. You're fucked. And they can change it whenever the fuck they want.
>You can also find the ToS of any game online without purchase.
No, you fucking cant. Companies aren't even required to make them available to the public if they don't want to.
Let me guess, Your solution is socialism or communism?
None of that disputes what I've said a dozen times at this point. Catering your product to the demands of your market is not regulation. It isn't 'anti-consumer' to prevent people from ruining the experience of other people. They aren't *regulating* market conditions, they are successful because they are responding to consumer demands.
Well, it's dadny then, that we aren't talking about services because GAMES AREN'T SERVICES, THEY'RE PRODUCTS
>REEEEEE doesn't fit my narrative so doesn't count REEEE
fuck no
All your investment is wasted if the new ToS makes the game not worth playing to you or worse, removes your ability to play. It's literally stealing money and/or bait&switch
Slavery was eliminated by western industrial techniques that made masses of indentured servants uneconomical. Why shouldn't modern automation free up the lower class?
nah, we like being playthings of the rich in america with no rights
They SET consumer demand. That's the entire point. The product isn't the thing being catered, it's the consumer.
>hurr all companies can trivially skip all regulations and somehow manage to avoid being checked when everyone knows their workforce is all brown
They unironically can in America. Pretty much every regulation around corporations is completely ineffectual so they don't have to care, and all their illegals are kept in fear by constant screams to deport them so nobody speaks up.
They made a mistake and worded something wrong. So whats the point? If they wouldn't have made that miskate it would look different.
>made masses of indentured servants uneconomical
Yeah, they became wage slaves instead
Yes, you're fucked. That's the way the law works. Which is why if you decline the new ToS, you don't get to play the game. Also, yes you fucking can. I don't own LoL and I can find the ToS online. You're fucking stupid as shit dude. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean that's not the way it works.
Could you find me some legal precedent to back that up? I don't think you can.
Which isn't illegal. See above. Just because you think the law is scummy doesn't mean that's not the law. The way the free market works is if a company does that and gets caught, then the market should regulate by not buying from that company any more. Again, this shit isn't hard, you just refuse to accept it because you don't like it. Your opinion does not dictate reality, fuck head.
Companies don't have a right to change the rules after you purchased a product either.
Hasbro doesn't come to your house to stop on your monopoly set because they decided to change the rules printed on the box.
You cunts stick out like sore thumbs, It's too easy to peg you fags, Now that i know who i'm talking to i can disregard everything you gullible fools say
They aren't setting consumer demand, they're responding to it. Market themes aren't dictated by companies unless it's a monopoly. This is ECON 101 shit. People don't want you to piss in the ball pit, you put up a sign saying "if you piss in the ball pit, you get kicked out with no refund." This isn't market regulation because people advocating for piss filled ball pits aren't successful, it's insufficient demand and an unattractive product.
user asked for an example, so I gave one. I don't give a fuck what it's about, it still proves my point.
that's a product, not a service
Rules in the game box aren't TERMS OF SERVICE. You stupid fuck. Terms of service are completely different. Also, companies do reserve the right to change ToS. You're telling me that every company that has ever changed ToS is in violation of the law? That's what you're going with? You fucking downey.
>not having to worry about defending property
Except that poland has plenty of thieves right now and had massive crime rates before it joined the "rotten west" alliance that is EU.
Nations are a spook.
and you don't stick out because every american is a rich person bootlicker
True but the increased industrial efficiency raises the living standards of everyone, even those on the lowest rung benefit.
>Hasbro doesn't come to your house to stop on your monopoly set because they decided to change the rules printed on the box.
Bad analogy. Board game rules aren't equivalent to ToSes. Those kinds of rules are only a suggested way to play, not some binding agreement.
Games aren't services. Fuck off with that shit.
They're products.
I'll never understand why videogames get a free pass to do whatever the fuck they want, especially now that it is a marking of billions of dollars.
What other market lets you spend thousands of dollars goods that can all be revoked by account closure.
You got to love the "Champagne Socialists" Defending the big corporations when it suits them
in an all digital future they will be :^)
Again, show me legal precedent that backs up your statement. Protip: You can't. You're absolutely fucking stupid as shit. You have no idea how the law actually works, you're just throwing in your "well I don't like that!" opinion.
TOS's aren't binding either. Just because they rarely get challenged in court, doesn't mean they're suddenly legally binding.
They might as well be written in toilet paper.
americans are the most politically illiterate people on the planet, no wonder since you think 'liberal' is the same thing as 'communist'
>let everyone into your game
>wait until you have a monopoly on the market
>start enforcing your existing rules that noone read because they were too long and never enforced anyway
>now your normies (main whales) have a safespace and spend more
>now youre big enough that other games cant enter the market
>you only got big enough by allowing all opinions
>now the people who dont follow your political beliefs have no where to go
How is that not anti consumer?
I don't understand it either. However, I still understand how it works, unlike the rest of these retarded fucks. If you don't like it, don't play them. It's really that simple in term of legal matters. No one forces you to buy the video games, you do that on your own and you have to accept that.
Just because the law is behind on protecting consumers from all the retarded assrape bullshit game "providers" get away with doesn't mean it makes them right.
Holy shit.
So you cunt we make it simple. You have proven you are a retard over and over again.
When you buy a physical copy of a game you own the cd and the packaging. What you not own is the software on that cd and what is written on the back of the case and in the booklet so on so on. For the software you only buy a license and there are terms and laws how you can use it that hold stand in court.
That's the same with digital products. You don't own them. You only buy a license to use it. One that can get revoked at anytime.
A service implies multiple payments, for one.
They're binding as far as using the service goes.
Using the law as an excuse is pretty weak, the law clearly hasnt had enough time to catch up to the internet and specifically online games.
>Just because the law is behind
and with trump in office and mcconnell appointing pro-business judges to federal courts, it will never be fixed
I didn't say it makes it right. Again, you're confusing opinion with fact. I don't think it's right you dumb fuck. That doesn't change the fact that it's still law.
No it doesn't, that is a definition you pulled from your ass. That's not a legal definition.
That's not case law. That's some dudes blog.
>What you not own is the software on that cd
Yes, you do. You have full ownership of the 1's and 0's in that CD.
What you don't own is the rights to the IP of the game you bought.
I'm not american. But i have a feeling one of you are.
It's a legal excuse. Which is the only thing that matters if you're going to try and bitch about them violating your first amendment right.
And you're just some retard screaming in an image board.
The link has an explanation of the topic along with detailed sources.
>Yes, you do. You have full ownership of the 1's and 0's in that CD.
In fact you don't own them. Like you don't own the design on a t-shirt you buy.
>the current laws are the only thing that matters
user, how do you think the law ever changes? it's from people saying shit like 'this isn't right, we might need to change the laws'. You sound like a huge corporate cucksucker, it's legal so it's ethical!
Whenever Yea Forums discusses politics, it never goes right. Wait, it does, but you get the point.
Not my fault they let Marxists drag their name through the dirt, Liberty used to mean something
That's right, dumbfuck.
You own the T-shirt, along with that specific print of the design, but not the design itself.
Just like you own that specific copy of the game software, but not the IP of the game. Which means you can do whatever the fuck you want with the software on that disk and no one can take it away.
But you CAN redesign that t-shirt
You CAN write bad words on it
You CAN sell it it or give freely