Did you like Dragon Age or is it a long boring grind?
Did you like Dragon Age or is it a long boring grind?
I liked it when I played it the first time, but could never manage a second playthrough. It's certainly not a grind, since enemies don't respawn. However it's a slog to play through.
This is basically exactly how I felt. The first playthrough was amazing and I was totally immersed. Second time felt like an arduous slog of shit.
Which Dragon Age?
Origins is good, 2 is enjoyable, fuck off cunts, and Inquisition is a boring grind.
I think just knowing it's at least 60 hours with no real way to speed it up is what kills the second playthrough. I did the game once, all DLC, took 90 hours or so, and a couple years later I went to play it again and just couldn't get through it. Still an amazing game, but just not a lot of replay out of it.
I liked DA and DA2
Didn't play the next ones tho
In retrospect, DA:O wasn't really good.
It was an RPG that was so streamlined that all the RP stuff felt like shit.
The morality choices felt like shit too, specially when you realize they don't even mean a thing.
People will say 'the fade wasn't that bad', but it really was.
It's just like those Arkham games, nice games that were good for its time.. but in retrospect, it's not something you'd like to play again.
There's a reason why you barely see Arkham nostalgia threads... and RPG nostalgia thrads are still BG1/2 and Fallouts but barely DA:O
People liked Origins because it had mechanics from older CRPG games and during that era that genre was beyond dead. Then they did DA2 and we got the 'Press x and something awesome happens' mentality.
I liked it, although The Fade and parts of the Deep Roads felt like a chore to do
i really liked dao
will i like the other da games?
I don't mind the Fade because it's easy to mod out in subsequent playthroughs. The Deep Roads though, sheesh.
I enjoyed getting fucked in the ass by zevran
I liked it with cheats
I've played it so many times that it's just long and boring now.
DA:O was okay. It's ugly, uninspired and kind of boring but provides a serviceable WRPG (the elements that aren't bugged or broken anyway).
The sequels are aborted fetus tier.
Inquisition was very quaint. On the one hand, I liked how straightforward it’s plot and goal was compared to the shit I’ve put up with before in the series which was always a variation of nothing happens, the video game. The companions banter was great, really like characters like Blackwall and Dorian. there was some really nice levels to explore with emerald Graves being a favourite. Also getting to sit on a throne and judge the losers that fucked with me in game is very amusing.
At the same time, I get really annoyed by just how tedious the map sizes could get, ESPECIALLY the starting area. The grind in certain parts got me sick of it and locations real quick.how there was so little enemy variety was disappointing to go along with a combat system that’s both mindless yet can be overly complicated for no reason if the mindless way to do it is better. Also I wish there was more to the romancing stuff but eh. Maybe I’m the only one that like the ambassador lady and would’ve liked more interactivity going on.
Overall, I don’t feel compelled to replay it but I did still enjoy the ride. It’s a real shame the news surrounding BioWare and the new dragon age game. I wanted to see real adjustments. They clearly were improving but now so much time has passed and all the news about them having to force in EA’s mandated monetizations scheme into it after what we’ve already seen happen with anthem like EA/BioWare said “naw we won’t learn anything, it’s the customers that are wrong. They’ll by our microtransactions if we put it next to a dragon, right?” It’s disappointing.
>Did you like Dragon Age or is it a long boring grind?
2 is the only one ive played and it was the most boring game ive ever played. Finished it,uninstalled and forgot all about it.
It's uninspired and mediocre, but RPGs were in a really shit place in 2009.
The combat is slow paced by today's standards. The slow pacing can be especially felt by experienced players or repeat playthroughs. However There are mods to fix that particular issue.
>2 is enjoyable
Fuck no
>Inquisition was very quaint. On the one hand, I liked how straightforward it’s plot and goal was compared to the shit I’ve put up with before in the series which was always a variation of nothing happens, the video game
I'm not bagging on you, but the fact the game from the get go blasts you into super interesting apocylpse-shit-going-bad is great... but then drops you into "MMO Forest starter area #33" surrounded by fetch quests immediately right after was absolutely jarring as fuck and doesn't get any better.
I played until after you get a castle and encounter scary rock face man and stopped a little while after, the simple combat system didn't help matters.
try waiting at least 3 years before replaying big RPGs.
I do like it.
>real-time combat
>tactics, so your companions dont need micromanaging
>spell combos
Yeah. I like it.
I really liked it.
i found dragonage origins really late, like i don't know how late but the next gen had arrived by the time i played it, i thought it was pretty great with being able to get rid of party members and tweak the ai etc, but at the same time it was really fucking limited and clunky
i never finished it because it just fucking went on and on forever and i got bored of the game and swapped to something else
i cant imagine how anyone goes througfh and experiences that game from all the specific angles
Not having ADHD helps
My issue with inquisition was all the enemies felt like damage sponges.Even rank and file bandits.
not him but the most abrupt moodkiller for me was all the talk of how the breach was this super dangerous phenomenon and then lol 10 mages or 18 templar stitch that bitch up at the end of act 1
Boring garbage only zoomers like because they have nostalgia for turds like these.
It's why I dislike playing on Nightmare, yet I hate playing games on anything but the highest difficulty.
And I ALSO hate fan made balance mods because it feels like cheating. I am fucked
You'll understand when you're a bit older than 12.
I don't think inquisition is boring since it has all of the action aspects, which even if you hate them, they really are more fun to execute than pause commands.
But I played dual rogue so maybe my action was more actiony than most
Played through every Dragon Age game multiple times
>1 is arguably the best
>2 is the most interesting
>3 is the most ambitious
Origins was my gateway into cRPGs and I'm glad I played it even when I initially disliked the combat, there's just a lot going for it in terms of quality
>all around enjoyable and interesting companions
>interesting story/lore, i really like the deep roads
>a refreshing amount of gore for a crpg, wish they didn't go the comical route in 2 and then did away with it altogether in 3
I think 2 tried and succeeded in telling its story in one location over the span of multiple years and I can appreciate it for that. I really enjoy passage of time in games and I wish there were more like it, especially if it were to be done well and had you make choices that would carry consequences multiple years later
3 is just a different beast altogether, I really like the environments and think the creators of those did a great job, the game looks visually stunning in that regard
The action combat obviously falls somewhat flat because enemies have too much health and you're not doing enough damage. This isn't a problem later on especially if you pick one of the incredibly busted specialization classes
The DLC for 3 was decent and the Trespasser one especially was a straight up upgrade in practically every regard. Stuff like set items with unique effects is what the game desperately needed, just a shame it's only a couple hours long and doesn't do anything for the main game.
Their core mechanics are strikingly different despite the same coat of paint. 2 has more in common with DA:I than it does with DA:O. If you really liked DA:O just for its gameplay then don't bother. If you liked DA:O for more than its gameplay (its lore, setting, characters, etc.) then give 2 a chance. Only bother with DA:I if you manage to get through 2 because DA:I is much more of a hassle to get through than 2.
It's shit
zoomy zoom
>the mage tower
>the deep roads
the latter, I usually play games to completion even if I don't love them but I dropped this one.
I mostly agree, with some minor variation.
Origins is great, 2 is enjoyable and Inquisition is a boring grind that retconned all the best parts from the earlier games.
>prefer superior turn-based combat
zoomy zoomy zoomy zoom
I liked the deep roads, but yeah mage tower is a huge slog.
Love it, Zevran is mai husbando.
Enjoyable? Sure. A good game? Nah. You're allowed to have fun playing it, but that doesn't not make it a myriad of terrible design decisions and a rushed product.
Except he didn't say it was good. I'm in the group that probably gives DA2 more credit than it deserves and even I wouldn't call it objectively good.