>Try to talk with someone else online
do Zoomers not know how to talk normally?
>Try to talk with someone else online
do Zoomers not know how to talk normally?
I don't know faggot can you make a thread normally without sounding like an obnoxious retard
>talk to 4channer ingame
Kappa kappa kappa
fuck jannies
Those are the streaming kiddies
Strange, every game I play doesn't have this problem. These are the games I currently play, all on PC:
>Deep Rock Galactic
>The Division 2
>Empyrion: Galactic Survival
Twitch culture is absolute cringe
any bajs?
no those are the pepe avatars in any online game
They lack self-awareness. Sure, you might see some faggot using memearrows and Yea Forums lingo once in a while but it's certainly more rare than some zoomer faggot typing Kappa or whatever shit emote from twitch in in-game chat.
If you do any of these things you're automatically put in the sperg catergory.
>when they say twitch emotes in voice chat
why can't i electrocute people over the internet
how autistic is Factorio?
I'm autistic enough for DOS Roguelikes but not autistic enough for Dwarf Fortress
Go to twitch and see it for yourself.
What does CD mean the only time ive seen it written in video games is to refer to cooldown
One of my real life friends do this
>Friend literally says POGGIES with a basedboy face
>it's certainly more rare than some zoomer faggot
then I guess you didn't join any Yea Forums or /vg/ guild/chat in any game ever.
it's literally 24/7 pepe avatars spamming BASED NIGGER KEK
>arguing on 4channel
>cope, seething, not an argument
It is not any better on here, to be heard
>All of my three friends do this
>They say it out loud in real life
>They think wojakposting and frogposting is any better
le zoomer $0'/boy wojak
is Yea Forums filled with mentally ill boomers?
If you find automation appealing you have the exact amount of autism needed.
The game is more complicated than dwarf fortress, but that's because dwarf fortress isn't very complicated to play and you're a retard.
Omegalul, that's so pogchamp
>person unironically uses meme chevrons outside of Yea Forums
FUCK off
you need to call him out
Why would I do that? I've heard how bad they are and I've seen what kind of faggots that post on /vg/.
have sex
no it's full of mentally ill zoomers larping as boomers
>DrDisrespect (famous shooter streamer, stream concept is acting like a badass big gamer)
>Disliked by some of the 'edgier' streamers
>Disrespect gets caught cheating his wife
>He goes on some apology video about him going to be 'transparent' from now on
>People keep making fun of DrDisrepct by copypasting D OMEGALUL C (DOC)
>Spamming it looks like CD (D O CD O C)
>Frosen make emotes looking like CD warped into his face
>DoctorDisrespect gets triggered and remove it
>Gets more backlash from community, now everyone makes a CD emote
>defending zoomer speak
People talk in memes now. If you control the memes, you control the mind.
>talk about my problems with a friend because i need emotional support
>anywhere close to the zoomer emotes that they steal from reddit/Yea Forums and rename to some retarded shit
Pic related, the guy who uses greentext outside of image boards
zoomers with a superiority complex
more like have this 6
>le reddit asterisks
>not using greentext properly
sounds as retarded as youtuber drama
reddit does not own asterisks
Do you know how to make a thread without a cringe-as-fuck wojack? Take the time to save something else to your...phone, I'm guessing.
You piece of shit.
You absolute piece of millennial SHIT.
Who the fuck do you think you are speaking to?
Why are you so hostile.
Does the thrill of anonymously attacking strangers over the internet get your chode to tickle? Perhaps you should consider paying attention to your overdue bar tab. Oh wait im going to guess you dont leave that crusty old basement you call your home. Perhaps if you took one moment, one day, nay, one passing second to think about your situation in life you would realize that in the end nothing is worth while and that the most you can do to positively impact this world and all other worlds in the known universe is to finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch in the back of your mind. The thought you dare not acknowledge lest you finally man up the cojones, balls for your impoverished foolhardy ass, to FINALLY take that power cord, sticky and grimy with caked on layers of doritos crumbs, sweat, and semen. A frothy, disgusting mixture of bodily waste that so accurately sums up who and what you and your lifestyle represent: Absolute scum. Not one more second should pass where you continue to contribute to the enthropic heat death of known reality. Take that power cable. Take that disgusting mound of semen, rubber, and disgusting food particles. Take it. Take all 8 feet of it from the very wall in which its plugged to the half dismantled box that you use to type this message to me. Take it, and finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch. Tie it as tight as you can around your neck, make sure that one end is securely fastened to the ceiling, and take that final plunge. That final step off your bent and mangled chair, the unfortunate piece of plastic used to carry your morbidly obese welfare person. Take that final step. Take that final step into the halls of darness and obscurity. Do it. Kill yourself. For the good of all mankind you mother fucking piece of shit.
You zoomers and your wojaks, can't you come up with a new meme or something? Sick of nothing but pepe and wojak for 6 years.
*stabs you in the balls*
back the fuck off?!?!?!
>sorry to hear
>i dont know what to say
>hope things get better soon
I just remove faggots that do this. Okay fair enough if you've known me a couple of days but if we've been talking years and you say this shit you're a heartless cunt.
Penis poop ass.
I've been typing tho out lately, not really seeing a problem
>wow... just wow
>this! so much this!
friend of mine constantly does this
fucking retards I swear
*post anime*
I still have no idea what kappa means.
they're still children
Why don't people call their "friends" when they act like retards
Maybe see a therapist instead of expecting your friends to act like one. Nobody else really gives a shit about your problems unless it's something they can relate to.
More autistic than DF.
Had a 'gamer girl' like this. One extreme to the next. Really emotional and caring one day, then a complete sociopath on the other.
Niggers don't own shortened words
this is the most annoying one, whenever you present an actual counterpoint to something these retards always just go "Oof, stop bro"
Most here are either lazy or don't believe they can do any better, so instead they'd rather seethe, bitch and moan about it, rather than putting forth effort to surround themselves with better people.
Check this 5
whenever i see epic meme arrows in a video game i get an urge to purge every r/Yea Forums ner from existence
No but they're the only ones using it. In other words, stop being a nigger.
Some people value their friendships and actually give a fuck about the people they talk to for years. You're the one who needs to wake up and realise that. You have my sincere condolences that you've never had a friend worth caring about nor a friend who cared enough about you. Maybe you could start by not being an apathetic fag?
>mfw people think millennial "u mad" is some "I win the argument" button
t. incel
My «friend» does it IRL, in french. It sounds even more obnoxious.
exceptionally autistic, it essentially boils down to a visual coding systems that lets you build other games
It is you who sounds like an retard desu
Some stupid, occasionally funny, subreddit where eceleb drama fags pretend they're part of the fighting game community.
it's because you have present a point that can hardly be counter-countered if at all
enjoy your "le win" because the other guy openly admitted defeat
Yeah same. Was her name Graciebat by any chance? Hung around Transformice threads on Yea Forums a few years back as an drawfag? They literally had borderline personality disorder.
>maybe just maybe
>have sex
>r/woooosh on chat/comments
Redditors are a plague
the fuck are you going on about?
Maybe you could start by not being an overemotional fag who wears his heart on his sleeve. Again, go see a therapist if that's what you want. What the fuck do you actually expect your friends to say when you dump your personal problems on them? Everyone has their own shit to deal with, they don't need you adding to it.
>criticizes people for not talking normally
>uses the term "zoomer"
You're the real faggot here
there's more than one Yea Forums subreddit now
epic trollface
oy vey that must be unbearable
It's like you forgot leet speak existed
Me neither. Then again, I am at the age where "o rly" meme should have been funny to me and I never got it, either.
>ITT: Zoomers who weren’t alive for l33tspeak and shitty MSN speak
You guys don’t know how bad it can truly get
Just hit ignore the second they say that shit. They're retards anyways.
13375p33k W42 8453d th0uGh PH4990T
Makes my skin crawl. I just want to rip the tongue out of anyone saying these.
Both were better than what we have now.
It's kinda amazing that you take pride in being a worthless friend. What sort of fucked up childhood did you have?
I don't think "o rly " was supposed to be funny beyond the bird aspect but I recently saw it and I laughed my ass off.
Time is weird.
you couldn't use l33tspeak while talking
Have sex is funny because people have started using it against everyone due to how much it got spammed.
A guy I work with says "lmao" aloud constantly after ending sentences.
lol, true
Is there something you wanna talk about, user?
They don't provide the instant dopamine hit most easy to pick up games provide for ADHD children
You're a faggot for knowing this trash
ok yeah true it's become ironic now
>friends shouldn't provide emotional support to one another
>assumes the guy is overly emotional and dumps his problems instead of mentioning something once or twice
You're not making a very good argument here. How's that psychopathy going for you?
>implying leetspeak wasn't fun
women or asians
How does one say it? "el ayy em oh", "la mow" or "la maw"?
>no one:
Can anyone explain this shit to me? normalfags have been spamming it non-stop, this is why their memes last a month
shut the fuck up
The internet is so fucking shit now. Where the fuck do we go from here?
Kappa Sigma was my frat in college.
>using discord emoji codes on a site that supports emojis to be quirky
>empathetic and caring
I blame too many people, smartphones and attention whore culture.
Tl;dr: normies managed to manifest the concept of nothing into a strawman. So they literally strawman a nonexistent population to support their argument (or typically an attack on a person/people)
>pretending to be a tough guy online
>only outs himself as a massive autist instead
Every time.
not being a faggot automatically makes you an incel?
haha I like this post.
It can and will always get worse
>calling anyone a massive autist when you have to cry on 4channel about your friends not giving a shit about you
This is the cringiest shit on earth
He says la mow. This fucker is obsessed with youtube, memes, and irony. I think this dude is literally an "ironic weeb".
And underage too, well that explains it.
The only option we have is to stay on comfy obscure websites that reject modern culture, so Yea Forums is not an option.
Imagine going to high school with these kids. Memes, trends, and electronic addictions. No zoomer has good social skills
>Someone uses twitch terminology outside of twitch
>go out of my way to act like I don't know what it means and incessantly ask for clarification to make them feel awkward
>When they finish explaining it I say something to the effect of "oh that's really dumb lol"
I'm doing my part - are you?
What? No, the "no one:" thing is supposed to be a play on "nobody asked you" where the person says something that nobody needed to hear nor care about. It goes like this
Me: *insert opinion about anime or some bullshit that only the person making the post would care about here*
Basically imagine them blurting whatever they said completely out of the blue with no context. Nothing provoked them to say it yet they did anyway.
I honestly think they can't.
It's not even just Twitch-viewers. A bunch of the youngest guys at work will talk like this and not even know what it means or where its from.
Apparently it's the normal thing and the evolution of language for that generation. They can only communicate through memes.
So, yeah, Idiocracy was right. We're all fucked.
>Imagine going to high school with these kids. Memes, trends, and electronic addictions. No ______ has good social skills
Twitch emotes are for gamers while emojis are for normie women. Be honest about what you are.
Is it comfortable for girls to wear that outfit?
Just curious.
It's an autist simulator
>hahaha imagine not having "good social skils" fellow neurotypicals
What the fuck happened to Yea Forums.
It's basically to imply that what the next person does or says is completely unwarranted or out of left field, unexpected, or bizarre.
>DOS Roguelikes
You should just play more of these. Moria, Angband, etc. Try MAngband too, if you don't mind the real time aspect. DCSS is kind of "too accessible" even with the ASCII graphics but it's still a great game. My personal favorites are ToME and ADoM (presteam of course, something like 2008 was when I played them a lot).
Factorio is like dwarf fortress for people who are less crazy - more of a transport tycoon / railroad tycoon / ORCT2 if you will.
I'm still not trusting anyone who says :eyes: on Twitter
Yes absolutely, applying advice on how to be human makes you a fucking omega god among these betas. Doing that makes them dysfunction as drones and you can just have a shit eating grin the entire time like a massive dick.
>Having 3 friends
go back
You should probably shut the fuck up then so we don't break tradition.
So much soul
>Playing world of warcraft in expansion pre patch
>Alliance, warmode on for extra xp
>Along comes a level 80 rogue to pick on my level 65 warlock I'm leveling
>He keeps it up for nearly an hour
>Switch to my 110 demonhunter and murder his asshole 5 times
>He switches to an alliance character to shit talk me
>Unironcally uses things like OMEGALUL in his shit talking to insult me
As a 22 year old zoomer myself I'm not sure, but I can't take people that use twitch memes seriously
Id imagine going to school and being an outcast where the internet was an escape from that kind of life, but now that its the status quo your average male isnt intimidating.
What do these mean?
Fighting the good fight.
I try my best, but the group at my work just go and reinforce their thinking after with the ones not in the conversation.
They literally need to retreat to an in-work echo chamber to make sure they can talk like a fag and keep their shit all retarded.
I had to stop since they don't fucking work when they're together, and that happens any time I challenge their maymays.
Would JOo pR3F3r If W3 5P34k lik3 7HI2? owo
That's crossing the line. I would bully him until he quit. I'm gonna guess you guys are still at uni or fresh outta high school?
Go to bed gramps.
imagine getting triggered by bajs
There's a difference between being socially awkward and literally not being able to go a single sentence without spouting off an internet meme. Imagine the modern equivalent of a 2010-era Yea Forumstard spouting internet memes in public, except instead of one weird kid it's everyone. Me and a lot of my friends were socially awkward in high school but we still knew how to communicate with each other. The zoomers I've seen basically sit together, stare at their phones, and communicate in a constant stream of twitch-speak, memes, quotes, and vague vocalizations. Occasionally one will hold up their phone to show the rest of the group a funny picture and garner a laugh. Once I heard one actually say "lol" out loud in response to this, pronounced like "lull". Maybe this is what it's like to get old and look down on the next generation, but I really feel like no meaningful communication is taking place. They're just swapping memes back and forth, every genuine emotion smothered beneath a complex web of references, irony, and sarcasm.
Ever heard of slang, boomer? It's not a new concept.
Defend this. A deal’s a deal, user! What's his name again? What the fuck was his problem? Refute this. Prove him wrong. Perfect X doesn't exi- . Protip: you can't. Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much? Yea Forums BTFO. Would you? Is he "our" guy? He did nothing wrong! Will you buy his game? Buy his game. Convince me to NOT buy this game. Find a flaw. Bing bing wahoo! Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit? I'm glad we can all agree on this. How did we go from this...to THIS? JUST. Hold me, Yea Forumsros. WAKE ME UP. How do we fix this? No way, fag. Redpill me on X. Confess. What was his endgame? Was it kino? What am I in for? What are some games that let me do this? Name 1 (ONE) game that does this. What went wrong? Why is this allowed? Will this save the gaming industry? BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY. Can we get one of these threads going? I will post this everyday until E3. LOL. Keep it vidya. What’s the best X, and why is it Y? Really makes you think. WE. So this...is the power...of X...woah. I just played X, what did I think of it? *BRAAAP*. Here's your controller bro! DIE BARNEYFAG. I want to ____ X! Look at this Nep! NEVER EVER! Kys. THICC
*blocks your path*
Oh no no no no no no
*breathes in*
>tfw too intelligent to X
>hey user turn on your mic!
[Ranking of Dark Souls games]
haha. I'm at a loss. HE. How's that youtube gaming channel, Yea Forumsros?
What the fuck were they thinking? Claim you're waifu! I HURT MYSELF TODAY
>people fell for the X meme
Headsets thread. Tired gamer thread. Are videogames art? CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES. When will you outgrow videogames? Sex or videogames? What games allow me to play as X? It’s not fair! Is this loss? Is this a Jojo reference?
>this is your ___ for tonight
>this is ____ say something nice to them
Really, nothing is epic, bro
I don't really know what else to say. I do care but I'm not a therapist or any words of comfort that I might say would just sound fake and forced.
Yeah, I agree, it's like every fad is just some level of unchecked irony. I barely get along with people my age, and the new generation is beyond foreign to me.
PepeLaugh he lacks the important information
i wont, 90% of this is nu Yea Forums cancer that spawned post 2014
>he forgot the "this is a webm of a fairy eating fruit"
It'll happen to you
>50 cent
he is unaware of the situation within which he finds himself
Maybe you should stop trying to talk to children online. That's fucking weird.
>no based/cringe
one fucking job
Slang is basically just vocal shorthand born from experimentation with language. That's not what's happening here. Regimentation and route memorization is the norm, enforced by swift group corrections when one person fails to quote something accurately. The voice of the Zoomer has been stolen away, replaced with a sad imitation made up of mocking quotations of media that they are fed 24/7. It can't be healthy.
Its all about adopting whats new. If you're not into it, they dont want to deal with you.
No one over 12 uses these.
>he cant read an internet page for 5 minutes
Its this. Part of the whole ‘i was born in the wrong generation thing’. Altho sometimes its also boomers and ‘our generation was much better’ thing.
t. born in 94
It's better than using quotation marks
>No one over 12 uses these.
Based on this pic and your main childhood era, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
I liked
Moville Mysteries
Growing Up Creepie
The Buzz on Maggie
Oggy and the Cockroaches
My Gym Partner is a Monkey
>retorting with a meme
Way to prove his point, retard.
I don't understand this copypasta. All of those shows were disgusting shit.
You can play it without going full autismo. The game is pretty simple but you can take it to the next level with all kinds of shit.
>division 2
>the slang of my day was nothing like these confusing "meme"!
Oof and yikes.
This. Buncha 19 yr olds that think they're 60yr olds because they watched a playthrough of dmc or Fallout.
Late gen X is cleary the best. No one should have been born after that.
>uses memes like "basedboy"
>cringes at others
you wish, uberfaggot
They fucking piss me off.
I was in Goldshire (when I was subbed), and I see little zoomers responding to eachother with like you say; Monkas, or OMEGALUL.
LITTLE CUNTS. fukin hate the cunts.