Was it secret kino all along? Why has sega never made a sonic handheld collection? Advance 1-3, rush/adventure. Wide screen. Online multiplayer. XB1/PS4/SW/PC release. Free money and we can get our god tier sprites and music back
Was it secret kino all along? Why has sega never made a sonic handheld collection? Advance 1-3, rush/adventure...
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Because only Advance 2 is good.
What is the best team and why is it Cream/Knuckles?
But thats the worst one
>Was it secret kino all along?
That would be Sonic Battle.
>Why has sega never made a sonic handheld collection?
Because THQ owns the rights to the English versions of the GBA games and you can already play the DS games on 3DS.
>Not Amy/Knuckles
The only reason people remember this game is because it's the last Sonic game with the original voice actors like Ryan Drummond and Deem Bristow
Advance 2 is fucking shit.
It was confirmed that Sega owns the rights to the GBA games in THQNordic's cripplechan AMA.
hey I also watched that geek critique video. Also rush & rush adventure are the best sonic games and got completely overshadowed by "muh 06" and "muh unleashed"
I actually like 06 and unleashed. The rush games are so underrated. Being on a handheld just limits a games legacy
I quite like unleashed as well (at least the wii version). Handheld sonic generally got overshadowed by how completely fucked console sonic got, even though all the handheld games are worth a shot
johnny said no
shit taste
1 is the only truly good game, the rest are sub-genesis trash.
I prefer the 360 version but played the wii one first and still enjoy it. Handheld games are just always forgotten in general. Ace attorney and danganronpa wouldve been forgotten if they didnt get console releases. People forget games like elite beat agents or ninja gaiden dragon sword even if they were good.
> still watching somecuckmejohnny
underage people aren't allowed here user
Don't forget the gamegear games. They're actually also quite good.
>Being on a handheld just limits a games legacy
Tell that to advance wars / fire emblem / FFT / etc, etc...
>Ace attorney [...] wouldve been forgotten if they didnt get console releases
Idiocy, AA made its entire legacy on the DS and the Wii/Steam/PS4 releases didn't make the tiniest splash because they're irrelevant.
You're right about Danganronpa but only because the handheld it came out on happened to be the Vita.
He's one of the oldest sonic reviewers a lot of people can remember, chillest too, no need to be that way
I think ace attorney is the exception here. I don't think anybody in the states played professor layton because it was on the DS
Havent played AW but its a name i never hear either. FE only got big because of smash representation and finally being localized a decade later
The hd release last month ensures the game will be enjoyed and preserved in the future. No one is whipping out their old handheld to play a bit of an old game. Xboxs and PCs dedication to forward compatibility and the switchs smart console/handheld hybrid design means things can be better archived now
TGC just put out his Advance 3 video today actually, it's pretty good: youtube.com
Never played Advance 3 myself, always heard it was shit but it does seem kind of interesting.
If they mad some form of source port where you could make it wide-screen where you can actually see more than an inch in front of sonic then yeah itd be great
Layton was also popular and sold way more than Ace Attorney did in their DS days (mainly in Europe), it just didn't hold the public's attention as long because Level 5 is a serial franchise murderer.
>The hd release last month ensures the game will be enjoyed and preserved in the future. No one is whipping out their old handheld to play a bit of an old game. Xboxs and PCs dedication to forward compatibility and the switchs smart console/handheld hybrid design means things can be better archived now
Yes, but this has nothing to do with handhelds or franchises becoming successful. Every old game that doesn't get rereleased in a modern, digital format runs the risk of not being preserved, it's not exclusive to handhelds.
the situation with advance games reminds me a lot of Mario & Luigi getting overshadowed by paper mario even though PM is a garbage franchise with one good game that's not even that good, but nobody talks about M&L cause it's on handhelds
I just finished watching a series about this game and I really slept on it. I didn't realize that what partner you picked changed absolutely everything
>with one good game
I get some of his complaints (like Route 99 having annoying traps), but the one about the hub worlds is really whiny, it takes a couple minutes to learn the layout of each one, they're tiny with one or two small setpieces between each act ring. C'mon man.
oh right I forgot about super paper mario
Super Paper Mario is the worst garbage that franchise has put out though.
the story in SPM is great but I remember nothing else about it. I assume you're talking about PM64 but chapter 3 was really boring so I stopped playing
Literally only the first one is good. The third had some cool ideas but the level design is absolutely abysmal. The second is just average.
But people are more likely to pull out their old console because of it. Before the gba sp and psp, handhelds were really terrible places to play games. Someone might know that dead or alive extreme was a series. No one has ever heard of extreme paradise on the psp. Someone who brings up outrun 2006 isnt referring to the psp version, they mean the xbox, ps2, or pc version of it. Someone may have played phantasy star online or universe, but phantasy star portable 2 on psp sold so bad sega stopped localizing the series because of it. And so on
Now compare this to an old classic console game...im sure many have their snes/n64/dreamcast and ocassionally plug it in to play some donkey kong country, mario kart 64, or jet set radio.
Thats another good point. Superstar saga is the best mario rpg by far but you will never see it mentioned
Yeah theres a ton of dynamic setups you can do and even if some of the levels feel to big or aimless, its because it had to compensate for all the situations you could get in. Really bold and inventive game for being stuck on the gba
nah superstar saga actually gets mentioned a lot because you can play it on the gamecube. Good luck getting anybody to talk about the 3ds games though
Handhelds and handheld games are easier to misplace and lose, but that's all I'll give you. They're way more convenient to pull out and play over having to plug in old systems with their cables and possibly outdated plugs and video outs.
>nah superstar saga actually gets mentioned a lot because you can play it on the gamecube.
What? Tons more people had a GBA/DS than they did a Gamecube, and even fewer had a Game Boy Player. Why are you acting like handhelds are kryptonite?
user is right and you're all too blinded by nostalgia to realize it.
Advance 1:
>level design laden with bullshit "traps" like poorly placed pits and spikes that arbitrarily limit your progression more than they make you think
>weird physics
Advance 3:
>gimmicky teammate system
>every zone has a boring hub level that serves no purpose besides padding out playtime and hiding a few extra chaos
Advance 2 has mostly good level design, mixes precision platforming and high-speed segments, and introduced a lot of depth in the form of the trick system. Its only flaw is how annoying it is to get all the chaos emeralds with all the characters.
Don't get me wrong, I love all 3 games, but I think there's a very strong case to be made for 2 being by far the best, and maybe even one one of the best Sonic games ever.
I only ever liked Advance 1, it played pretty much like a classic Sonic game on the Genesis, full of nostalgia throwbacks, very comfy. The other two were too hectic for me to enjoy, too much focus was on speed and it just didn't work, especially on the tiny GBA screen.
>Advance 2
My brethren
Yeah it was good, until I had to deal with those SP Rings and shit. It's bad enough that I have to do it for each character just to unlock Amy
His reviews suck. Half the review is about a story and he needlessly cusses and talks way to fast. TGC or Nitro rad for example are better because they spend less time on story, explain things in more detail, and dont need to cuss every 5 seconds to pretend to be cool when youre really just a balding nu male cuck.
>The Chad Critique
Man, I hope TGC's channel ends up gaining more popularity in the future, given that most of his reviews have aged extremely well.
Yeah he makes good content and is more humble where as scmv feels like hes trying way to hard. TGC is just limited though. Hes slower and his main stuff is sonic or metroid. He needs to get in a totally braindead normie series like fallout, zelda, or mario in there and he will rocket up to a comfy level of popularity
Geesh did TGC suck your dick or something?
Team mechanic was great.
Why was this game so kino, lads?
Look at those designs and sprites. Those are adventure era designs. The most soulful period in the series
>Advance 3
>better than anything with that dog shit level design which throws anything the game had going for it into the trash