>charming aesthetic
>tight controls
>satisfying difficulty that still gives you the option of making it accessible to anyone
>daring and bold message about the loss of a child that isn't completely in your face about it and is somewhat open to interpretation
Why does Yea Forums hate Celeste again?
Charming aesthetic
Yea Forums hates everything. Dont you know that? That said Celeste was great. One of my favorites.
This game had a million clashing art styles that probably came from several different tumblr artists working on it and none could replicate the other’s style. The writing is annoying. That mini game or classic version of the game sucked.
Boo. This game is not very good.
>That ugly as fuck tyical indie art style
Get the garbage off /v.
>daring and bold message about the loss of a child
I wanted a linear experience, so the secret-lurking and openness of the dark temple kinda turned me off.
The game isnt about abortion you fucking retard
Because of le epic abortion meme xDDd
>People meme that it's about abortion
>Turns out Super Meat Boy is actually about abortion
Rused again
this is a falseflag
>daring and bold message about the loss of a child
>op image
op is a fag
in conclusion, op is a falseflagging fag
The loss of a child? Where the fuck did you pull that from?
>The game fucking beats you over the head with this stupid-ass depression shit. Complete opposite of subtle.
>The main character is an annoying little bitch until the later parts.
>Side characters are all annoying except for evil MC girl since she’s actually practical and pragmatic.
>That stupid fucking feather minigame. Retarded and annoying and meant to be “deep”
I played it on my roomate’s switch, and as it got to mid game and everything I was like “yo, these characters are kind of annoying and bitchy/spineless and this feather game is annoying and stupid”. He flipped his shit about that being super insensitive and how this game is all about depression and people struggling with it and how saying that was just so horrible and shitty. I don’t care man, I don’t want to have to wallow in the characters shitty depression bullshit with them.
It’s a fun game though, and it does feel rewarding as you go through it. If I could turn off dialogue it would probably have been better though.
>daring and bold message about the loss of a child
for fucks sake stop with this meme already. it's just about not listening to your doubts all the time and trying until you succeed. nothing more.
That said I'm tired of indie 2D platformers. I don't know anything about it except you jump and go up and down and left and right. That's enough to tell me it's fucking boring.
"That Dragon, Cancer" had a "daring and bold message about the loss of a child," and it was a stupid fucking walking simulator made by the creator who wasted time on a shitty game nobody liked instead of spending as much time as possible with his dying kid, so I don't really see how it's a selling point.
Because Madeline looks like a 12 year old girl and i'm pretty sure the author is a pedophile
>It's OK when Yea Forums likes loli's!
>tfw you will never love a depressed loli and her evil tulpa
why even live
*starts talking*
But we don't like lolis you fucking pedophile.
>charming aesthetic
I think you mean shit tier, insult to pixel art, trash.
because game A being bad doesn't mean game B is. you have a literal sample size of 1
The fact that all SJWs love is a red flag also. Though if not for horrible graphics I would have tried it by now.
A sample size of 1 is enough to demonstrate that "daring and bold message about the loss of a child" is not necessarily a good point.
>pixel art
>but it's actually just blocky and looks like shit
This, the writing was utter garbage and pull me right out of the experience.
Gameplay was good though.
Why didn't indie devs get the memo that you were supposed to make the pixel art look better than the older games
Because the name of the game gives me the wrong associations
Because it's fucking stupid when it's an artstyle.
You don't tell a painter that his work should look better than his peers when it's obvious he made it look that way on purpose.
You can say it's a shit artstyle but there's no point comparing it to old games that were made by professionals based on hardware limitations
Is that Nightmare King Meat?
Why shouldn't they be compared when it's obvious that indie devs can make their pixel art look better?
I don't care if it looks like shit on purpose, it simply looks like shit compared to older pixel art.
>Why does Yea Forums hate Celeste again?
Because one of the developers demanded an easy mode in a Fromsoftware game. I hadn't even heard of it before then.
At least the game lets you skip cutscenes, so it isn't as annoying
Just picked this up and got to the summit the other day. It was a nice game and I like the kind-spirited attitude it had compared to a lot of other copious-death platformers. I’m looking forward to going back and grabbing more of the secrets.