George R.R. Martin and FromSoftware have apparently teamed up to work on a new game

We're finally getting that 10/10 writing with GRRM and 10/10 gameplay from From
E3 hype

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Other urls found in this thread: R.R. Martin and FromSoftware have apparently teamed up to work on a new game/

>a good story
We're reading item descriptions again aren't we

>10/10 writing with GRRM

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and yet the item descriptions are still better written than 95% of games

>George R. R. Martin


His sci-fi was better

> R.R. Martin and FromSoftware have apparently teamed up to work on a new game/
Are you going to make this thread every 6 days?

It's never come out because Martin will be too busy watching The Last Kingdom.

Pretty nice bait, because FROM drones are actually this delusional, often times.

So this is vapaorware, right?

working hard, or hardly working, ha ha

Attached: GRRM.webm (720x404, 558K)

That's cool
Fucking finish Wind's of Winter

prepare for dicks, tits and incest with the best level design

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>Master Key
>This universal key opens any basic lock.
>Tool of the trade for thieves.
>But in the cursed land of the Undead, most doors are better left unopened.

Woah, it's like a work of literature!

unironically, from does an excellent job at telling a compelling story through descriptions on items and appearances of locations. dark souls 3 has a smaller amount of dialogue than most story driven games and yet its world is interesting and rich with history and compelling characters if you search for it. the presentation of the story is unorthodox, but that doent mean it is bad.

>Undead Asylum F2 East Key
>Key to the iron bars on the east side of the second floor of the North Undead Asylum.
>The Undead Asylum is a giant Undead prison, segmented by countless iron bars.
>Even if an Undead were to escape from a cell, passage to the outside world would not be gained easily

So this is the legendary Dark Souls lore that gets autists immersed in the world.

>tfw everyone is being a huge fucking cunt towards you for no reason at all
life is hard for my khalessi ;_;

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>Drake Sword
>This sword, one of the rare dragon weapons, is formed by a drake's tail. Drakes are seen as undeveloped imitators of the dragons, but they are likely their distant kin."
>"The sword is imbued with a mystical power, to be released when held with both hands

Do you actually think this is good writing?

Don't mind me, just posting the best item description in the game

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>we live in a timeline where Martin is considered a good writer

breddy tbchwupham

What do you think is bad about it?

>Japanese development studio going to great lengths to actually hire an English-speaking writer, thus ensuring they would have absolutely no clue as to what the fuck he's writing but somehow make a game about it.
>Japanese game studio choosing someone like him when Japan as such could not give a single fuck about Game of Thrones or the books. In fact, GoT failed really hard in Japan and China.

Dumb, dumb, dumb OP.

So just basically just dark souls

is this a way of saying there won't be any game?

How is any of this bad?

Every time.

Unironically based as fuck.

GRRM is a terrible writer though. He can literally only write edgelord nonsense. "Bad things happening to people" does not inherently make a good story

But stories are From's strongest point and the gameplay average at best. Now you get obnoxious writing coupled with clunky gameplay, wow!

Why does everyone pretend this isn't great?

>But stories are From's strongest point and the gameplay average at best

>If I say things that are clearly asinine and wrong, that will make me an interesting person!


I was hoping for another AC or at the very least some more DLC or even a sequel to Sekiro. I don't want to play good goy progressive HBO drama simulator.

>And then I chopped that bitches tail off literally just for the achievement
The end

dark souls sold better in the west than it did in Japan
a fromsoft GoT game would make more money than dark souls

Lol GRRM a 10/10 writer

"Mad Queen Dany gets killed by Jon who takes the black once more in grief" GRRM

"Bran gets put on the Iron Throne by Tyrion and Davos while Sansa rules the north" GRRM

"Arya stops the Long Night and the prophecy and Jons' resurrection are pointless red herrings" GRRM

That one supposedly writes 10/10 stories, except they are 95% filler and "realism"

The guy that got lucky with 2 good plot twists that involved subverting the same expectation of a reader (noble character plot armor)

You think that fucker's actually a good writer?

He's lucky he already made all the money he needs

If he's smart he'll die before he finishes the other two books so the general public forever thinks "his ending" would have been better than the shows instead of realizing he's just a hack

>I was hoping for DLC
fuck off faggot

He's never going to bother finishing the books because there's no point. They won't make anywhere near the kind of money the HBO series is, and the hack writing of the later seasons after they ran out of books to copy will probably influence his writing even if he did.


i'm unironically jealous

Will they explain the main villain's tax policy? This is very important

where's armored core

>Multiple classes, ranging from eunuch, cripple, sister fucker, or cuckold for males
>Yas queen dragon tamer, unstoppable dyke knight, or nothin personnel little girl assassin for females
>Levels range from destroying your ancestral homeland with foreign hordes, protecting your crush while she gets fucked by another man, or having your cock chopped off
>IGN gives it a 9/10 citing its smart social commentary and progressive story

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yeah but now the descriptions will be about tax policy.


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I would kill to live like that.

Because you need to look at more than 2 fucking items before you start getting a full sense of what transpired before you arrived and why.

Baby level entry fantasy

>appearance of locations
that's true to an extent

>dark souls 3
but definitely not in dark souls 3, it's like the Devs couldn't be bothered and ended up using an item randomiser with the item placements in 3, DeS and DaS1 do that much better than DaS3 ever did.

>You have to piece together the world and story yourself
Whoa... almost as if it's a storytelling method that befits an interactive medium....

>dark souls sold better in the west than it did in Japan

Yes, and FromSoft's reaction was to make a similar-ish game set in an ultra-Japanese setting next.
Likewise, you're ignoring just how ridiculous it is to suggest Japanese director giving up complete control over the story and setting. Which they would have because they can't talk to that fat old fuck.

hahahahaha my respect for him is massively increased.

>"Arya stops the Long Night and the prophecy and Jons' resurrection are pointless red herrings" GRRM

This is my biggest fucking complaint about the retarded track this show has been on since season 5 or whatever. Jon coming back from the dead was such a big fucking deal it I'm pretty sure it was the ending or beginning of a season. Maybe both. Jon was the one character doing everything he can to stop the long night from coming and then Arya shows up out of nowhere? The scene is stale before it even happens because the exact same thing fuckin happens with that 9 year old girl and a giant frost zombie.

Oh and for some reason valyrian steel can kill white walkers because of dragonfire or something, even though dragonfire doesn't kill white walkers.

As lost as it's multiplat.

I'm not implying that's a bad thing you stupid shit fuck. That's the reasoning of some moron bitching about item descriptions.

>little girl attacks bad guy
>is easily thwarted and grabbed, lifted up into the air
>looks like her end is near, hope is lost
>little girl one shots the bad guy who is just holding her and staring at her for no reason
You're telling me you didn't love seeing this so much the first time you couldn't wait to see it a second time?

I want a Game of Thrones set game or set in a very similar setting where you can create a character and have a vast amount of role playing options and simulation aspects within the world and can even marry into families and such

He is writing books tough. Some two part series about the targaryens now and the first one is already out. It looks more and more to me that he really doesn't know how to continue from ADwD.

post the one where he jumps into the pool

How could he, he's getting the rest of the story written for him and put in television. Even if the writing is retarded and nonsensical, it would take the steam out of anyone's sales. If they went and made the last 3 or 4 harry potter movies without the books being finished yet, JK Rowling probably wouldn't have bothered writing them. She'd just jump straight a head to talking about how big Dobby's dick is or whatever the fuck.

Man I'm sure these rants make people think that it makes their posts look smart but I can assure you they just make you look bitter. Like you are a failed writer ranting anonymously. GRRM is no genius and his booked are definitely flawed. But he created a great world, characters and managed to produce a book series in a genre that is already so rehashed and somehow give it its own identity. Plus your opinion is fast become the main one here on Yea Forums so it's not even a contrarian opinion here anymore. Get over it bro

That is ridiculous. The GoT show took so many liberties in changing itself from the source material. There is much reason for George to finish the books already since it seems whatever bullet points George gave D&D they didn't really follow them so many characters can live or die and vice versa between versions and many course of events.

If I was working on a project and then someone wanted to make the same project in a different medium, and then went and did their own thing with it, even if it fucking sucked ass and made no sense and I hated it, I think it would really destroy my drive to even bother finishing whatever I was working on, even if it was the original canon.

>how ridiculous it is to suggest Japanese director giving up complete control over the story and setting.
it happens, look at RE7
you really think they don't have translators?

He was pretty vocal that the books and the show are not the same thing and the show is fanfiction to the books. And he hates fanfiction, or at least did a few years back according to his blog. I doubt hope that someone like him doesn't want his lifes biggest work to be remembered for the butchery that DiDo did to it.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-06 George R R Martin Game of Thrones is ‘licensed Fan Fiction’.png (620x658, 341K)

Getting paid so much money you never gotta work again and getting to do as much blow off of an underage hooker's ass has a way of changing your principles.

>destroying your ancestral homeland with foreign hordes
The whiners are having a fit over this, actually. Apparently they sent all the barbarians out to fight against the zombie army absent the means to actually kill them and they were wiped out to the last man. I saw at least one article trying to spin it that the invading dothraki army were actually peaceful migrants. We've reached an unparalleled level of insanity in society, and I don't know if there's any saving it.

I would agree with him. The star wars sequel trilogy is also a multimillion dollar fanfiction.

The dragonfire not doing anything was retarded, valiyrian steel killing them tough was established when the NW first encountereds them.

So the rumor of them working with Miura was false but them working with this faggot might be real, fuck this gay earth

you know it
>Lost sorcery from Oolacile, land of ancient golden sorceries.

>Repairs equipped weapons and armor. Includes weapons with exhausted durability.

>While the effects of this spell are rather subtle, its foundations are a well-guarded secret. Light is time, and the reversal of its effects is a forbidden art.

>no reason
Aside from being the worst character in the show

GRRM didn't even write the shit you are claiming

How is the lord of the rings guy alive is this is great great grandson?

If the dothraki are meant to be some kind of political commentary about immigrants, which is possible, it shouldn't be surprising that people would write articles defending them and the things they do as if they were actual immigrants IRL. I mean real life immigrants can hold up signs like "let us in or we'll kill you" and they'll get defended, there's no reason to think people wouldn't do the same about an actual literal invading army just because they're brown people.

That said if the dothraki really were sent to go fight white walkers with no means of killing them I think that's just supposed to show how shit of a leader Danaerys is. She has 0 experience in anything and every bit of power was given to her by some outside force, nothing she has was earned on her own, barring the tiny bit of dothraki that followered her because she was Kaleesi cuz she ate a raw deer heart or whatever it was. Everything she's ever accomplished has been because of other people and things that basically fell into her lap, and the show up until I stopped watching it hasn't really done a good job of demonstrating that she's basically still a naive little girl with no real understanding of running a city, or an army, much less an entire continent like she aims to do.

Great grandson
J.R.R. Tolkein is LotR Man.
Son was I.R.R
Grandson was H.R.R
Great grandson was G.R.R.

Girls do shit user

The issue with the magic macguffen swords killing them isn't that they do, it's that the reason given (they were forged in dragonfire) makes no sense given the actual ineffectiveness of dragonfire against white walkers.

I don't even understand why they went with Valyrian steel in the first place when I'm pretty sure obsidian was shown to be just as effective. I mean that was shown in like season 2 or season 3.

Embrace the insanity.

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No need to write about it in graphic detail

D&D made it so Dany was immune to fire so not surprised

>Actress is 32
>Looks like she's pushing 50 even in Hollywood makeup
When is anyone going to call out Hollywood for the obvious vampires they are? It can't be a coincidence all these young attractive women become giant stars and then not even 10 years later they look like they've aged 20 years.

Lorewise it's true

Don't know about the show but in the books dragonglass is extremly brtile and can easily break, while valyrian steel is one of the hardest metals.

Does valyrian steel kill white walkers in the books? If it does, does dragonfire also kill white walkers?

Yes for the first one and we don't know about dragonfire

If GRRM ever bothers with another book and dragonfire doesn't kill white walkers, along with no actual real reason for why valyrian steel would kill them, then he's a hack just like the HBO writers.

it's an actor

There's much more information in the books on valyrian steel so I doubt that will be the case

Prepare for some real fucking POODONARRATIVE PISSONANCE going on as a man who finely crafts intricate webs of character arcs has to write characters for videogames made by people who think story is something that should linger in the background with all their set pieces

I agree. If your game has a story but there's no cutscenes to show it off, or characters talking to one another and giving exposition, what's the point? I hated how in Dark Souls no one ever really told me who I was, or why I was doing any of the things I'm doing, or even what I'm doing. Ring bells okay but why? What does ringing the bells do? Why does ringing the bells do anything? Why am I in a poisony swamp and fighting a lava spider? Tell me wtf is going on. How am I supposed to be motivated to play this game if I don't get to see a giant epic story where I'm the central character?



This was meant to be sarcastic and very tongue in cheek and I don't think it's obvious.


thanks for acknowledging me, I tried

miyazaki apparently got bored of pretentious vague lore garbage and wants to try his hand at being kojima with a movie game. yikes.

>write a mediocre book
>get picked up to be a shit tv show
>now you get money thrown at you and you don't even have to write anymore


Give me an example of good game writing.

I been binging the show recently to stay with the hype and the only storyline I always got bored with whenever it came on screen was fucking Daenerys my god, the only good thing I liked was Jorah and Barristan Selmy before they killed him even though he wasn't killed in the books and was overwhelmed by literal whos

How is it pretentious?

So you can be uber contrarian and say it is shit? Sure. Morrowind has some of the best writing and world building
Now go on, say it.

LoK games

most games have better writing than "lets just give some basic background info in item descriptions no one reads"

>m-muh world building

Pretty sure Fromsoft could have a mini-game where you scratch a giant's balls and every Fromsoft fag would write an autistic dissertation about how it's actually the smartest most epic thing in the history of mankind. Get a fucking grip it's an item description.

Sisterfucker is OP, the Jap devs buffed it too hard.

Okay, yeah, it has decent writing. TES games in general have decent writing.
Does it have an ending as beautiful as Dark Souls 1?

Fromfags are hilarious.

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But what about Gwyn’s tax policy?

Who is HRT?

The only reason that ending is "beautiful" is the music. Other than that, yes actually. Morrowind has just as "beautiful" an ending as Dark Souls 1.

If you watch S8E3 you see in the beginning how the dorthaki are positioned outside the castle, during a coming siege battle, getting flaming weapons and then riding straight towards the enemy in the dark and only seeing how the light of their fire swords go out. Nice to look at, but from every possible tactical point of view completly retarded. If it showed anything at all plot revelant, then that Dany ihas no idea waht she's even doing and only her dragons got her so far.

>Ambiguity and having the story unfold depending on how the player interacts with the game is bad
Oh dear
I don't care about "world-building". There is no need to be so frustrated about things I did not say and do not believe.

The last thing I think about when I think about the ending is the music. The trek through the Kiln of the First Flame is what makes it such a great ending

there is no unfolding in item descriptions that add literally nothing.

They do though.

Is this a reliable leak or is it some bullshit reposted from 4channel

And Dagoth Ur's monologue at the end is great too.
>The last thing I think about when I think about the ending is the music.
You are full of shit, that is the best song in the fucking game.

I'm more critical of the studio than most. It's just an obvious fact that the item descriptions are a smart way of implementing story into games without it being intrusive, and they are written with a degree of ambiguity, which is a rare quality in a medium rife with exposition.

Oh yeah is so deep. Priscilla had a doll and people were meanies, amazing. Really great story telling there.

I said nothing about "being deep". That item description clearly does add to the story.

not GRRM writing.

Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Miyazaki, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Dark Souls had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a martyr god, the age of fire would be prolonged indefinitely. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Miyazaki can say that Gwyn became king and reigned for a thousand years, and he was mighty and grossly incandescent. But Miyazaki doesn’t ask the question: What was Gwyn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these demons? By the end of the war, the Dragons are gone but all of the demons aren’t gone – they’re in the ruins. Did Gwyn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby demons, in their little demon cradles?

What was the original tax policy quote about?

reading this is making me laugh , and get mad, at the same time

Well, I will let you in on a little secret, the guy I was replying too, the one at the beginning of the thread, did say that the story is deep.
Those item descriptions are nothing and add basically nothing. It would have been much easier to let Priscilla herself explain it than pointlessly add it to a textbox. Or even better, make an actual quest around giving the doll back to her and then having her explain why she holds it dear.
I mean come the fuck on.

>Good company

What do you mean?
JRR Tolkien's son Christopher is in charge of his estate right now, but he's really old. JRR does have a great grandson at this point, though.

Of course, LotR is literally a mythic Epic, so it's stupid to ever say that about it, which is why it's mocked.

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>Well, I will let you in on a little secret, the guy I was replying too, the one at the beginning of the thread, did say that the story is deep.
That was me. I didn't say it was deep, just that it was better written than 95% of games. Which is true.
>Those item descriptions are nothing and add basically nothing
They clearly do though
>It would have been much easier to let Priscilla herself explain it
The entire reason Dark Souls has comparatively good writing is that it refuses to do easy exposition like that.

Lont Kingdoms 3

You do have to bear in mind that most games have terrible writing.

this fat fuck can't even finish his own books but has time to write fan fiction for vidya? Get the fuck out of here.

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>Miyazaki can say that Gwyn became king and reigned for a thousand years, and he was mighty and grossly incandescent.

Attached: 1539003337991.jpg (293x236, 30K)

Welcome, stranger Undead. I am Priscilla the Abomination. I am a kinda failed experiment made by Seath and I was banished in this painting because I'm really ugly. I will now cry because of my story with swelling music and you're supposed to cry. I will now attack you and start a really easy boss fight. Be emotionally engaged.

>That was me. I didn't say it was deep, just that it was better written than 95% of games.
So you said it was deep, uh huh.
>They clearly do though
We going to go back and forth all day?
>The entire reason Dark Souls has comparatively good writing is that it refuses to do easy exposition like that.
That isn't good writing, I don't even think you know what that means. It is a small blurb that gives you basic info that you shouldn't even have knowledge of in the first place.
It would have been more coherent and engaging to let her say some piece of dialogue if the doll is in your inventory that got the same basic message across.
Item descriptions are a good way to build SOME backstory, but it is silly to build a games story around them.

Yeah great argument man. Really got me thinking.

it's bullshit some literally who e-celeb is spreading and gamebloggers picked it up for clicks because it combines two of the hottest things right now, GOT and FromSoft

god I hate how stupid everyone here is

worst of all it's literally "my dad works at nintendo" tier of fake info but dumbasses lap it up

That item description gives a vague, minimalist fairy tale summary of what you as the player can derive from the game yourself, here: It gives the impression that the Priscilla character is a childish innocent seeking refuge from the cruel world of Dark Souls. It does this without the character having to explain herself because it's more effective. It's better writing.

Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Miyazaki, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Demon's Souls had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a bad man, the lands would be covered in a colourless fog. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Miyazaki can say that Allant became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was false and a slug. But Miyazaki doesn’t ask the question: What was Allant’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these demons? By the start of the game, the Old King is gone but all of the demons aren’t gone – they’re in the fog. Did Allant pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? All the little plague babies, in their little plague baby cradles?

This. Every time Dany won a battle it's because she allowed others to direct it alongside having OP units, like the unsullied or her dragons. It was never because she was a competent leader. Someone else lead the battle or her units were just plot armor destined to win.

>It would have been much easier to let Priscilla herself explain

Thank fuck youre not in charge of video game design.

>That item description gives a vague, minimalist fairy tale summary of what you as the player can derive from the game yourself
bull fucking shit, you don't get life stories out of dolls and armor. It is not engaging and unintuitive.
>It gives the impression that the Priscilla character is a childish innocent seeking refuge from the cruel world of Dark Souls
Could have easily been done by her making a remark about the doll in your possession. Nothing like that other guy said. Something simple like "That doll you have, I had one just like that, long ago, before I was locked here."
Easy peasy. No need to shove it away in some corner 70% of the players will never look and will learn from some youtuber.
>It does this without the character having to explain herself because it's more effective.
effective? It is a fucking item description, it is about as bland as you can get.
>It's better writing
You aren't even arguing about writing anymore m8. You are arguing about how a story should be given to the player. "abomination sent to live in a pocket dimension" is not "better" writing.
Yeah, I guess then you wouldn't have your Item descriptions. What a loss.

>Miyazaki can say that Allant became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was false and a slug.

Attached: 1522506133146.jpg (810x810, 147K)

Attached: 1541062527918.png (625x626, 149K)

I wish I was fucking Bate.

>bull fucking shit, you don't get life stories out of dolls and armor. It is not engaging and unintuitive.
It's engaging enough that there are popular YouTube channels that probably make good money off dissecting them. And whether or not it's realistic is irrelevant. As a method of storytelling it's more effective than having characters explain everything to you. It's a pure narrative contrivance, definitely, but it has enough ambiguity that it's still (for the most part) well-written in comparison to most games.
>That doll you have, I had one just like that, long ago, before I was locked here
That's shockingly dull exposition, though.
I guess your argument is that item descriptions are dull and esoteric, while I'd much prefer confining story material to optional text than dumping it into expository dialogue.
>You aren't even arguing about writing anymore m8. You are arguing about how a story should be given to the player.
That is writing.

literally fake news

a mud slug!

Attached: Labyrinth Mole.jpg (900x623, 248K)

>It's engaging enough that there are popular YouTube channels that probably make good money off dissecting them
Oh yeah, great way to engage the player huh? Get all his info from some faggot on youtube?
>As a method of storytelling it's more effective than having characters explain everything to you
It isn't though. Why don't you explain how it is effective? How is making it as unengaging as possible effective?
This isn't good storytelling.
>That's shockingly dull exposition, though.
eh, thought it up on the fly. Wasn't trying to make it flare.
And you can easily make it optional text to, they did it in Sekiro. Just give a dialogue option to show her the doll. It is better than reading some fairytale apparently written on the back of the doll.
>That is writing.
No, it is storytelling and while storytelling and writing go hand in hand, they are not exactly the same thing.
A book can have a fantastic story, but have horrible prose and be very dry.
Just look at LOTR and Foundation.
Same applies to games. You can have great writing, lets say something like Planescape, but the story is told through giant text walls that can be frankly dull.

>It isn't though. Why don't you explain how it is effective? How is making it as unengaging as possible effective?

Because the backstory and details are there if the player gives enough of a shit to bother looking for it. There's a reason people tend to appreciate a book more than a movie and it's because a book takes more effort and time to enjoy.

>Because the backstory and details are there if the player gives enough of a shit to bother looking for it.
I'm sorry, but I don't really see how that is effective
>There's a reason people tend to appreciate a book more than a movie
Sadly, I don't think that is the case anymore.

it is good storytelling.

Then you're a fool who's never felt satisfaction after having worked for something instead of just having it handed to you.

I'm a fool? Whatever m8. I am sick of arguing.

>nearly finished
>anything involving GRRM

>laughter is an argument
here's your (you)

Will we finally find out what tax policy gwyn had?

What was Gwyn's tax policy?

Attached: Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight.jpg (1240x1754, 606K)

I only just started replying to you and from what I've read of your own words you don't find any value in doing something yourself or having to work for something. It's what I'd expect a spoiled kid to say. Not surprised you're done arguing because that's just another thing you'd have to put effort into which you apparently hate doing.


I don't want that fat fuck to ruin Dark Souls. But then I remembered there's nothing else to ruin.

They just don't like cryptic lore to decipher or figure out for your own. Or they don't like filling in the blanks for themselves.

The whole point of the soul games was to be cryptic because of HIdetaka's experience reading fantasy novels and not fully understanding them because they were in english.

I don't care what any brainlet nigger says the guy literally invented a new way for story telling in video games where thousands of people converge and try to decipher it. That's Tolkien level story telling.


So the game will be completed a decade from now?

We're finally going to learn Sullyvhan's tax policy

No, no, no. You got it wrong user. It is
That is how you will really make me seeth.

>Not huge amounts of stress causing them to look older than they are
Based retard.

Virtue-Signaling Souls

>Why don't you explain how it is effective?
Because item descriptions depend on the player's own interaction with the game and his own understanding of the story as he pieces it together, suiting the medium. While having arbitrary dialogue that explains everything to you is not as suitable to the video game form.

when the story relies on item descriptions....

>vomits in mouth

Imagine if that retard had to explain the story of Armored Core for Answer which doesn't even have a Vaati to explain for him

>for a person who gets everything they want while working as long as they say and do what a script says
>a person who never has to worry about paying bills on time is stressed
>She looks like a grandma because she's stressed, not because she's been doing coke and fucking execs for the last 10 years

Infinitely better than cinematic cutscenes

more immersive too



Shut up you hipster twat, I don't watch those videos and I don't care about them. Dark Souls still has better writing than 95% of video games.

not a fan of cutscenes here, but hmmm i do wish there was more lore about the universe of dark souls. or ways to discover it, cave paintings maybe?

>Acting is totally stress free guys
>Please believe me, my job working at McDonalds is far more stressful than what actors and actresses have to put up with

>story of Armored Core for Answer
its such a simple story

>unstoppable dyke knight
Fund it

Like Dark Souls?

explain it then

Do you kids actually not now what fucking consumption is?

>10/10 writing with GRRM
read a book

Well yeah she is a woman.

>millionaire actors have super hard lives guys, they're not aging 2x faster than everyone else despite having infinite money and excellent health coverage because of nonstop partying and drug and alcohol binges, it's cuz acting is super hard and scary

I haven't paid attention to GoT since the end of season 5.

I know about the warping and such, but what has happened in season 8 that's so bad outside of the horrible lighting, bad battle tactics, and Arya killing the Night King ending a gigantic plot suddenly?

She also killed Tyrion and Jamie.