For me, it's Alisaie

For me, it's Alisaie.

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Other urls found in this thread:

For me its Alphinaud

>playing weeb skinned WoW-clones
>playing a theme park MMO at all

Is theme park mmo the newest freshest buzzword

For me it's nintendofags are fucking cucks and you niggers need to stop portbegging like fucking niggers

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Is XIV your first MMO it something? Surely you know the difference between WoW and it's Theme Park brothers like XIV and Sandbox MMOs like RO, RS and EVE.

>not knowing what a theme park MMO is
No wonder the Genre has gone down the shitter


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Is there any single player FF with the amount of customisation and large world XIV has? XII comes close but you can't change outfits

meant for Here's a question for you all, how likely is it that ShB won't be as shit as SB story wise?

If you mean cosmetics? Probably not, they need to somehow sell a game that has no real depth to gearing or stats

Ff explorers maybe

The writer for the DRK questline is in charge of writing the MSQ this time, so odds are good the MSQ is going to be kino as fuck

Are we gonna pretend Natsuko Ishikawa didn't write half of Stormblood? If you want to blame someone for SB being boring, blame Yoshida.

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If there's an accurate model for her in Honey Select please let me know.

I completely forgot she existed until the end of Heavensward.

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Well she was completely absent from the main story till then not counting Coil, so that's understandable.

drk questline is worth it? Didn't bother so far since everyone said worst tank.

i think it's universally praised as the best job quest line

It's head a shoulders above any other job quest.

it's the best questline and the best tank dont fall for the pldfag lies they are just jealous of how cool we are

Attached: s.jpg (210x240, 19K)

Existed for 20 years you newfag donkey

I took war to dps while tanking but pld seems truly broken in design as you can completely cheese mechanics with his skillset.

For me, it's Harchefaunt

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>you can completely cheese mechanics with his skillset.
Imp fucking lying
>potentially longest lasting invuln on a moderate cooldown
>Dark Mind busting raid tankbusters like it's nothing special every minute
>TBN zeroing out mechanics such as Hyperdrive in Godka
>ability to pool DPS resources for burst windows
>most fun AOE tank
DRK has its strengths, you got memed on by uncreative shitters who can't play outside of the box

Casual who didn't do Coil detected

>appear right at the start
>dissapear for a whole game, a whole expansion and a half

why are all male elezen such husbando material?

pld best aspect is the skill that lets you shield others - save failures and keep dps from dying. That's taking the party finder rng right out of the game. Hell you can even save the other tank without having to steal aggro. While everyone else has to play mechanics pld can break it all with a single button. I don't like playing the class and don't have it but i still believe it's broken

but she's 16 excluding expansions

Because those other hoes ain't loyal

To spice up your love life with estinien, simply whisper "dragons" to him mid bed and enjoy the berserker rage.

I think you're confusing "male Elezen" with "Ishgardian anything"

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Hilda sells her body for food.

>literal human with lala ears
i am glad elezen are not basic elfs in this game


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Saving a Dps from eating an AOE sounds nice, but in practice I find it hard to get use out of cover except when we plan for it ahead of time.

I find cover's range to be too short to truly do anything useful with it in a crisis. Am I just a shitter?


I don't know if you made that filename or someone else, but either way, someone is stupid.

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does it get more AOE skills later on? because i just hit 50 and the two AOE skills seem meh compared to WAR overpower.

DRK gets two more AoE skills, both of which feed into its loop of self HP and MP regen that make it essentially immortal in large dungeon pulls. DRK is the most fun tank to play in dungeons.

Good to know, also glad that this thread indicates the DRK quests stays good as the Fray stuff was pretty great but predictable towards the end.

For me, it was Yda until they turned her into Lyse

I'm still mad.

Attached: DFFOO_Yda.png (834x1348, 885K)

it's the same person
you never met the real yda

They're the same person but different characters desu.

While technically true, her character morphed so radically the moment she took off the mask she might as well be a different person.

the 50-60 quests are pretty garbo but 60-70 goes back to fray tier

more like plot convenience since stormblood is a mess and her and papalymo were useless until the end of hw

70: not-Mor Dhona
70-72: Not-Thanalan and Not-Gridania
72-74: Not-Coerthas and Titania
75-77: Not-Limsa
78: Innocence
78-80: Garlemard outskirts

screencap this

Downloaded it like that, but the wiki says she uses a Carbine so close enough?

>mfw Garlemald gets Ala Mhigo'd

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It's not like she actually had a character until she took off the mask.

>FFXIV thread
>difference between WoW
I think a crossover quest with World of Warcraft would be badass. They did it with Monster Hunter World.

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good taste friend

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I could see it happen with old Blizzard
not with nu-Blizzard

>Chocobo WoW mount
>Goblin Shredder FFXIV mount
Why the hell not

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at least she wrote the less shitty part of it, the Azim Steppe was actually very enjoyable and the side quests were nice.
The Nhadaam itself was a letdown, bur I'm used to it at this point

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Shit game, WoWfugees have taken over.

>just woke up
>already sad
fuck you, user

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>being sad over fictional characters
Do you cry at MCU movies too?

I recommend a Deathwing mount.

he was a shit character and söyboys like you really need to go out and have sex

Healer on Chaos please queue for siresong.

Lyse is cute, tho

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god no

You dont feel at all? Harchefant was a bro

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3.3 was the peak, it's all been downhill from there.
Prove me wrong.

>wtf why won't these dirt poor farmers who have no combat experience join the resistance and fight the empire?

If she kept that outfit instead of changing into that faggy clown outfit it wouldn't be so bad. The dress doesn't fit her at all

>That kino walking scene
>That final phase ost
>That ending
I literally fucking can't.
My only hope is ShB is as good as HW.
God i don't want another SB 2.0

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this What a fucking retard of a character and expansion.


4.2 trailer is top kino but they cheated.

How do ya’ll feel about Apocalypse Zeta?

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>implying only French are the problem
That DC is just garbage, good thing I'm just on an alt there.


also where my hw boys at

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Are you talking about them using Dancing Mad?

Yeah of course.

>Lyse is about to leave for Ala Mhigo
>Tataru comes up with her new clothes
>Its just the fucking jacket
>everyone praises her saying shes outdone herself

I mean, I love my suit so thanks Tataru but wtf

You just didn't care who she was.

it's a nice jacket

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>been living a life of freedom outside of Ala Mhigo for years
>just waltzes back in like she's in charge
>Conrad gives her a high position due to her dad being a big influence, literally nepotism
>gets mad broken and beaten people are too scared to take up arms despite the fact she only just joined the fight herself and doesn't know what they have been through
>fucks off again to go on vacation to the far east
>Conrad dies and names her his successor because of her father once again
>calls a meeting of all the leaders of Ala Mhigo and makes them sit on the fucking floor
>almost gets everyone tempered by inviting in the obviously evil Ananta and they summon a primal
>needs Raubahn to do her job for her because she's literally not qualified for it

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t.person who hasn't started in Gridania

Dunno if you just found the image but in case you're actually playing Opera Omnia i kinda have bad news for you...

>calls a meeting of all the leaders of Ala Mhigo and makes them sit on the fucking floor
I think that was a neat gesture of showing equality and a down-to-earth attitude
>almost gets everyone tempered by inviting in the obviously evil Ananta and they summon a primal
now THAT on the other hand was fucking dumb

Can't blame her when the writers constantly change rules for summoning primals for plot convenience though.


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why didn't you protect her smile user?

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Their beast tribe quests were very enjoyable.

>Elfin Bow: Discovered by the Sons of Saint Coinach amongst a cache of weapons apparently seized by the Allagan Empire during their conquest of the Three Great Continents, this particular bow is documented as having belonged to a lost race of tall, slender beings known as "Elves." Some speculation has been made as to the Elves' relationship to modern-day Elezen, yet evidence proving a definitive connection has yet to be found.

so the Elfin Bow is related to the first shard?
really should get around to picking up the lore books, they look like comfy reading

Are Ippiki and Quentin still playing? Only relevant people in the entire scene.

You need to go back.

Don't you still take the cover damage even with HG up?

>don't leave me alone!
>instead she leaves you alone

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Should beastmaster have a whip or a crossbow, if it ever comes?

whip you can make all kinds of fancy animations for, crossbow only has 'shoot' or 'shoot but with particle effects everywhere'. Crossbows don't exactly lend them to the flipping around acrobatics machinists have with their 1h guns either.

I don't give a shit about beastmaster but crossbow seems it'd be a boring weapon attack wise.

Buttmad Kraut detected. Did Ensemble reject you?

>whip, or a crossbow
>Not Tomahawk
I would be perpetually posterior provoked if they added whips and SMN didn't get them.

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>tfw people on the OF were hoping Beastmaster is the next limited job
why would anyone want more limited jobs? why beg Square to make your job be ineligible for 90% of content?

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I agree. I hated the Namazu when I first encountered them, but their questline is legitimately the best of any beast-race. Except maybe the other fishman race. Not the turtle race. Fish in general seem to be very based in this game.

For me?
It's (Yo)tsuyu.

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I'm ready for WAR to become obsolete again in the upcoming expansion only to be the best tank again in the next patch.

I want to politely kiss her in the cheek.

Imagine still seething 2 years later

I haven't played since 2014, If i preorder mystery niggas now do I get to play heavens and stormbringer now?

The store says yes

I think you have to wait. You can get heavensword for free right now though without pre-ordering shadowbringers.

You have to wait until ShB early access, you can get HW for free right now if you have ARR.

When are they releasing what the new Job sets look like?

Patrician taste, user

They've already shown half of them.

I have no idea how the glamour system works. Should I cast glamours with prisms or use the glamor mirror that's in inn rooms. Whenever I want to re-cast a glamour onto a new piece of gear I can take the glamour off of the previous gear and re-attach it to a new piece at no cost right?

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Can you link them? I only saw the bard

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was it ever confirmed that bottom right is SAM and not NIN?

Are there many slutmogs for males?

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if you buy Shadowbringers you gain access to all previous expansions when ShB launches at the end of june, not before.

Heavensward expansion is currently free to claim so you'll be missing out on stormblood expansion if you start playing now and only buy Shadowbringers.

When you put stuff into the dresser in the inn you only need to use a prism when you put it in. Then you can use the gear in the dresser to make glamor plates which are basically full sets of glamor that you can apply without using more prisms as long as you're in one of the big cities. Glamor will stay on a piece of gear until you use a dispeller to remove it, even if you apply the same glamor to another item. If you don't use the glamor plates then you need to use a prism for each piece of gear you want to glamor.

If you just want to turn one item into another then use a prism, if you want to do larger outfits or have stuff you glamour into often but don't want to waste bag space on then use the Dresser.

It looks nothing like NIN ever looked in this game

That DRK and summoner look like dog shit

>I have no idea how the glamour system works.
but its really straightdforward
>glamour prism applies a glamour to a piece
>glamour dispeller removes a glamour from a piece
>putting a piece in the dresser costs one glamour prism and you can use anything in the dresser for no extra cost
>you can remove pieces from the dresser, putting them back in costs a prism
the dresser has 200 slots, so you can put in anything you like using frequently in there, apply them to the plates and you are good to go
bear in mind, whatever you put into the dresser retains the dye too, this will be its default setting, when applying to plates, you can dye it and it won't change the base setting
any questions?

Neither DRK or SMN are in the picture, check your eyes.

How do dyes work with this?

>DRK and summoner look like dogshit
they aren't even in the picture you unspeakable brainlet

Oh. Its Ast and Sam. Damn its even worse

You dye the item before putting it in and it becomes default
You dye the item on the plate and it becomes fixed for that plate only
You dye it after applying and it dyes just for that application
Any of those cost one dye pot

DRK AF looks pretty good desu
plenty of gear in this game looks good on some races and shit on others

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Who else is fantasiaing to viera?

>asymmetrical horns on the helmet

I'm upset. My autism is upset.

Alright, so I can have one item available in several colors without needing to use a new pot every time I want to switch. Thanks


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I've been playing the same char since ARR, I really can't have fun unless I'm playing male elezen
I fantasia'd a small handful of times and I can't stay something else for long

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i want to see their customization and animations first but it is something i am considering.

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>Were you expecting Alisae? Too bad... it's me, WoL-kun

Traps and memes, truly the unifying forces of this world.

Same but with female elezen. I'll probably bun for a while but I'll inevitably go back

They just don't want Tataru to be sad

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I'd teach him how to swim, If you know what I'm saying

Based. Femezen are a treasure, shame there are so few.
post yours please

Female Dunesfolk Lalafells are often the best tank players, why is that?

they are daughters of rich merchants rebelling against their fathers, i,e daddy issues

One of my memories leveling a healer is doing Aurum vale with a lala PLD. She took a ton of damage and we died like twice because I couldn't keep her up even with CDs, plus she kept pulling too much and losing aggro of trash which meant I had to heal myself too. She kicked me from the party.
I queued again and this time had a femezen PLD. She pulled entire rooms and took almost no damage, every single mob was glued to her and she picked up anything that strayed too far.

So in my experience, no. Lalas tend to be the cuntiest players though, I'll give them that.

What did you expect? That place is filled with subhumans on par with /xivg/

Real Chads don't take themselves too seriously and can afford to meme it up

>tfw no potato players in my static

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>tfw first run of Dun Scaith on release was with 24 lalas
It was almost worth going lala for a month just for that
too bad most of them sucked, but it was amusing nonetheless

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>tfw you are the potato player

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Stop posting this NEET

Heavensward > Shadowbringers > ARR > SB

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why does this molerat sid from ice age lookin weasel keep popping up in my youtube, why the fuck are you shoving it here

Then release the benchmark, Yoshi!

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All potatoes must be purged.

Attached: based.jpg (185x185, 7K)

I can vouch for this. I spam backflips as a lala and black ranger pose dab on people yet still end up purple parsing and getting commends. People that wear meme glamour and meme hard too are in a similar boat while the people who wear slut gear and say nothing are usually the worst performers.

Which one are you treating like ARR trailer? Answers?

The cinematic ARR trailer was easily the best one in my opinion, the others don't even really compare. Stormbloods on the other hand was just complete garbage.

ARR > HW > ShB >>>>>>>>>> SB

Female Lalafell are to be admired and worshiped from afar

Attached: notmycharacter.png (450x482, 364K)

They're going to release it on the same day as the live letter but after the show.

End of an Era, if it Answers then it's > ShB

Why do people want the benchmark so much?

new skills

Datamine the new expansion stuff, duh.


they want to play with the character creator, it will include Viera and Hrothgar
also this

Attached: pretty_lady_by_chocolate_rebel-dclrdet.png (322x350, 138K)

>Playing Tranny Fantasy when CoH is back
Enjoy your mog station updates, shit community and trannies lmao

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Personally I don't give a fuck about the benchmark itself, I just want the video.

You're supposed to pet them and if they give consent /hug

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Thank you I will

MMOs are only worth playing if they're theme parks.

But then you'll have to deal with the chance of rejection, I just can't deal with that

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60% of the playerbase

You wouldn't do that

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Confessing to Alisaie at Starlight and watching her get all cute and flustered!

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I care more about the music leaks than the video itself.


What's the best way to collect Crystal Sand for Heavensward relic without having gatherers leveled?

Why can't be half elf like her? She's the best looking.

if only they did have those shapes

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XI had better half-elves

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She's just a Hyur with a different ear shape. I wouldn't be surprised if mods exist for that stuff already.

n1 else here day 1 BROthgar?

for me it's dodo

Attached: keester of the dodo.png (450x331, 29K)

just mod the ears in

seething so hard that wow was killed by ff xD

me dont brain gud wat job play?


unga bunga WAR

Why can’t tanks do their jobs properly

Cool book, reading it doesn't actually blind you, wish those antennaes were shorter tho
9/10 would glam

Imagine being so butthurt about being kicked from a group that you make a youtube video about it

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Aggro is a tanks job tho.

>why can't blmcucks press the diversion button
absolutely deserved you inbred

>baaww why should I pay attention to anything other than my rotation
dps shitter

>having to do a tanks job for them in a dungeon

imagine being
fucker beat me to it. Also
>not using Lucid
>not using diversion

So what? It's a single button press from you to prevent the issue from occurring and a second button press to react to it happening in case it happens anyway.

I don't agree with them kicking either without saying a god damn thing the entire time, but teamwork motherfucker, do you use it? This game runs on it.

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Enmity is a group effort. If BLM is constantly pulling without diversion then they're screwing over melee dps positionals and making the healer do more work tabbing through people to keep them alive instead of DPSing.

And healing is the healer's job, but you can make it easier for them by not standing in the AoEs. Likewise, you can make it easier for the tank by PRESSING A SINGLE FUCKING BUTTON BEFORE THE BOSS PULL

This bait, every, fucking, thread.

This isn’t savage content.

>every time

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It's not savage tactics. These are habits I would recommend to any player. The tools are there to be used.

>not using expanded or WXHB
I'd kick you too.

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Goddamn that scene pulled my heartstrings. Waaaay better than the Doma snooze fest we got.

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>Do Nidhogg EX
>BLM doesn't use diversion
>Boss turns around and cleaves party
This is just one example. It can be applied to many other instances.

The MSQ of base Stormblood besides the steppe was pretty meh. But the Namazu Quests where Kino as fuck.
Also, everything post 4.1 was just amazing and I really liked how it started calm and went down the shitter for the characters.

Post cute GLAMS!
How do you like my new one?

Attached: teensy-weensy-demon.png (340x570, 278K)

I'll kill you

Attached: ew, what a terrible character. Please never post it again. Better yet, delete it. I honestly can (347x399, 221K)

maybe tank should stay in tank stance, clearly if I’m getting aggro my damage is pretty superior.

Didn't see one word in the chat of them asking him to use Diversion or Lucid. The passive aggressive silent kick is a bitch move to be honest.

post laladick

Too lewd. Lalafell are pure, not sluts


When she cried and yelled at you at the end of 4.5 hit really hard.

b-but muh fell cleaves

respect your female raiders

Play a dps job if you wanna do damage

with your dick


>join a static
>healer is a """""""girl""""""""
every time

I don't respect healers or bards.

Looks cute(sexy)!

Which tank class is the most fun?
I don't plan on leveling all of them

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> 15 or longer queue times
nah. me and my healslut will just votekick you if you don't use diversion.

Only if she's a tank.

I watched that mogtalk thing. It was pretty boring and they would drone on.

The ARR End of an Era trailer is the best.
Having played since 1.0, this nigga still makes me tear up. I miss these beautiful bastards if played with, that never returned. This trailer makes me remember these last two hours, YoshiPs defeated voice on that live stream. YoshiP crying at the launch event and people cheering him on.

We don't deserve that beautiful bastard.

>shitty whm gamergirl leaves the group
>we recruit a gay dude
>he is super nice and does twice her damage and healing
why are fags so good at this?

If I see a nearly nude male Roe Healer in his underwear then I know it's gonna be a good run.

Definitely WAR. It's not even about meta even if it is currently the best. The job is just fun in all kinds of content in any situation. The same can't be said of PLD or DRK.

Attached: WAR.jpg (2560x1440, 1.18M)

>join a static full of gay dudes
>they gossip and shit on each other behind someone's back like a high school clique

Male healers in general always make a run better I feel.

Fun is subjective. I like DRK but people hate it.

this unironically happened in my first static
that fag we recruited played both sch and smn at super high level, he was truly an amazing player

Well male medics IRL are generally superior to woman when it comes to response times and hand coordination

it's also the easiest job in the game

>casts B3
that's why you were kicked

Would rub tummy

how does it feel knowing that you only appeal to losers online and the majority of people think you're weird as fuck?

>Tell me why break trust? Why turn the past to dust?
>Seeking solace in the abyss
>Tell me why create a circle none can break?
>Why must you let go this life you were bestowed?
>This I fear I'll never know
Fucking hell this line still gets me teary-eyed. Nothing will top 3.3 for me

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no expansion will beat heavenskino
we are only going downwards from here

heavensward was edgy garbage and only melancholic boomers like it

>posting jp audio trailer
reee weebs

yea id definitely say war, its way too convenient in dungeons and doesn't have mp to manage plus meme cleaves

I don't think so, honestly. They're too tall for most people.

This, FFXIV is one of only few games where i like ENG more than JAP

>tfw she accidentally tempers Alphinaud

Attached: FFXIV_Titania_Render.png (1585x1285, 1.62M)

You underestimate people. They will hop on anything that's flavor of the month. They will Fantasia and then get bored and Fantasia back later. It's like how everyone played DRK for the first month of HW which made DPS queues in demand then they went back to their old jobs making the queues normal again.

How else should he get umbral hearts to set up quad flare?

Attached: 57239219_380218509248464_6010609264562888696_n.jpg (1080x1080, 370K)

Plus the CGI trailers are clearly made for English speakers. The lip sync is incredibly off in the JP trailers.


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Looks like the first shard's version of La Noscea

Heavensward was the most true to Final Fantasy game we got in more than a decade.

Benchmark just came out, go download it now

how long would it take a new player in the titan questline to get to the heavensward stuff

It's sleeping time hours in Japan

not him but
>open with b3 + enochian while tank is pulling
>hit once with b4
>aetherial manipulation to catch up
>B1 as necessary until tank hard stops
>T4 then aoe for maximum profit
>transpose, T4, B4, F3, repeat
There's no need for B3 in aoe because you have enough time to refresh aoe dots and umbral hearts.

Where is this?

Certainly. Though the question is, is it a zone we haven't seen yet in previous or still Eulmore? Latter would mean that the new zone are way bigger than Stormblood's.

with blizzard 4, stop
you need just 1 stack of UI to do a quad flare and I doubt anyone out there does actually quad flare since you need a potion

if you full time job it and know exactly what you're doing about a week

Fuck of course the BLM gear looks like shit again

I knew you were lying but I looked anyway.

Attached: ayyymeric.jpg (400x505, 124K)

>Hold aggro instead of playing ping pong with the tank
You're a bad BLM

>expansion of reused assets
>first shard mor dhona is from an early build
>viera and ronso are both half-finished races that can't even wear all gear
>absolutely no informations about actual new gameplay content
>only "new" feature is new game plus aka replay what you already did
>press event happening before the liveletter
>less than 2 months before early access
already shaping up to be worse than stormblood

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Why are we so cucked explosionbros? Is it our fate?
We can't denied it?

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Men are better at everything more news at 11.

Depends on how much you play per day, do you skip cutscenes, do you play solo or have help, what class are you, etc.

or you can buy a ARR skip for like $15 on Playerauctions and get into it now.

Oh wow it's an Aetheryte.. way to keep the hype train going SE...

Looking forward to seeing hrothgar bara smut

why bother with new glamours when you can just wear the full shisui set and be a slut desu

Based and besttaste


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Depends on how efficient you are and whether you skip the cutscenes/dialogue or not.
Back during Heavensward I rushed a fresh SCH alt from 0 to 60 and raid ready in 2 days, but that was no lifing it, skipping everything, and knowing where to go and what to do at any point in time.
If you play 8 hours a day and go through completely blind you should be able to get up to the start of HW a few days, as long as you don't try and queue up for the mandatory dungeons on a DPS in the middle of the night or something silly like that.

That’s not very PC of you desu

But the perfect BLM gear is already in the game, user

Attached: sharlayan.png (500x1000, 241K)

I'll be as anti-PC as it gets if it means getting my fucking clears

>if you buy Shadowbringers you gain access to all previous expansions when ShB launches at the end of june, not before.
This is a real jew fucking move. Why can't they let you play HW and SB right away and grant you access to SB when it comes out instead?

that is such a gay fucking hat

>Get access right away
>Cancel pre-order

>dissing wizard hats

Valerian set is the only answer you fucking imbecile


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Based gremlin.
You think gremlins are soft and fuzzy?

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My only problem with this video is that in the video he's watching the guy literally will not shut the fuck up and let the trailer actually play. He just cannot keep his mouth shut and I think it ruins how kino the trailer is cause he pauses it every few seconds to say something really retarded.

>sneak peek

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i'm still waiting for yoshi to deliver on his promise that they're going to make one of BLM's buffs do the darkened face + yellow eyes thing like the old school sprites
i fuckin need it

Oh yeah, maybe I should have watched the video too, my point was opening with it. Thought I might be missing something important.

UI3 gives a quicker cast of F3, no? It's not a big deal, but I prefer it, and mana cost isn't important.
I quad flare whenever I can, I love it!

Because they don't give you individual expansion keys, people would just sell them off and that cuts into their profit. The expansions are tied to that Shadowbringers key and you can't redeem it yet because Shadowbringers isn't out yet.

Also HW is free right now on Square Enix store.

Also a good answer, trips confirm

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>screwing over melee dps positionals
I fucking hate when people fucking red rover the boss. Just press the damn button.

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>wearing a bathrobe with the donkey hat
fucking hell guys have you shit taste

Show us your amazing BLM glamour then

The best thing about being an elezen is that everything on mogstation looks like crap on you. Money saver.

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but this is no /xivg/

>inb4 slut glamour

Just play black mage and be the best dps in the game already

Yea Forums has notorious shit and basic taste when it comes to glamours, really funny considering how people here shit on slut glamour when they're on the same level as them

This user disagrees with you

that user should get back to xivg then

That's my pajamas you insensitive buffoon.

And so does your current outfit.

>first shard mor dhona is from an early build
They based it on that beta trailer and then remade it from the ground up.

Standing still and casting bores me.

>inb4 uraeus coat BLM

>/sneer femlezen

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Good for you that black mage is an aoe magnet, so you're constantly moving to avoid them. Putting leylines down is basically saying to the boss "put your instakill move here pls"

a full dalamud red high allagan casting set is the best glamour out there
you can't deny that

Most of the pieces look alright, but there's just no beating Chaos Cuirass

>Not drifting AOE in the 90'

not him, but I call this my modern wizard attire. Was going for a stage magician without going full bunny.

Attached: potato on a potato with an extra thot.jpg (291x490, 59K)

bet you play a catboy too

>edgy dark set #28467648
yeah no thanks

Just enough leg to show to make it good

Cute, would put my dick in the space in the legging

fuck no I'm not a tranny

Maybe I've had good luck, but I've never had to dodge much or the "healers adjust" meme when I played it, though I am only at 61 with it.
Samurai is my current love, it just feels like a better monk and I went pugilist day one because the early positionals made it the only class to not put me to sleep.

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I tried doing this with RDM but it was just too garish for my liking.

Attached: 11. BLM.jpg (2560x1440, 843K)

SAM feel boring to me after awhile with Shinten spam.

They fixed lip sync in the last JP trailer.

part of it is luck, but most of it is learning and mapping out fights as you see them. It's also part alliance raids fucking you over at every turn.

>alexandrian gear
objectively the best looking set for every job, stop
it's that good

>mfw alliance BLM stand in the same spot as me
>mfw drifting AOE together
it's fun though

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you meant midan

no I meant alexandrian

No, he means gordian.

Yeah, I did. How silly of me.

Stuff like optimizing 3rd eye usage keeps me entertained. Also seeing other SAMs not use one fucking banana DoT all fight flares up my autism too much.

finna cringe

I sometime forget it.
It somehow feel weird desu, unlike DRG dot that flow smoothly.
SAM dot feel tact on

Well, I am seeing far less of that these days. Most of the time I am seeing them put up higanbana after their first sen, forgoing a slashing debuff and damage buff.

>finally complete the zodiak books
>think the hardest part is over
>some fucker tells me to I need to attach 50 materia to my weapon and need special shit to do it

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>he doesn't know about the Nexus Zodiac step

Love me Aymeric.
Love me Alphinaud.
Love me Estinien.
Love me Haurchefant.
Love me Urianger.
Love me Raubahn.
Love me Fray.
Love me Sigurd.
Love me X'rhun Tia.
Love me progressive gay Highlander tank x Miqo'te lancer tornberry couple.
Love me Gauis.
Love me Zenos.
Love me Thancred.
'ate potatoes.
Simple as.

Attached: aymeric ahem.png (828x812, 2.58M)

It feels second nature for me to put up the dot since it's part of my opener. But then again I practiced a lot while some players don't at all and just press whatever buttons.

Speaking of players, why are there so many healers with stupid slow reflexes now? A tank takes a tankbuster and is at low HP and it takes the healer a good 5-6 seconds to react to it, they aren't even DPSing either they're just jumping around.

i clapped

You forgot "Have shit taste."

Protip: When you revive, you are invulnerable to all damage for the next 5 seconds unless you jump or press an action. It can be used to cheese certain mechanics.

you can use the cheapest materia since it's just for glamour at this point


>Love me progressive gay Highlander tank x Miqo'te lancer tornberry couple.
They were pretty cute

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This is now a BLM fashion thread

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At least it's there, but that fucks with me too.

It's no chaos thrust, but I wouldn't exactly go that far since it's part of your opener, lasts a minute and meikyo/hagakure exist to help you play around with Sen usage a little if something happens. The only part that feels awkward to me is their aoe being conal->radial

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Oh user...

As long as they don't die, what's the problem?
Chances are they are doing more than you know and/or waiting for CDs to come back up to use for healing.
Can't really generalize that broadly when really bad healer gameplay does actually resemble very high level play at times when it comes to the healing aspects.

Hey, I'm not the one who designed Vivi

Did they changed something?.
As far i remember slashing debuff doesn't really affect DoT damage only the initial hit.

Most healers won't heal you asap, it's not that weird.
This game doesn't punish low HP
So 100, 1000 or MAX HP doesn't matter as long as it's not 0

The thing is that the tank or other people die sometimes. You've probably noticed this in Susano or something where he casts his Ukehi and the healers don't start casting Medica until it's over and people are dead or almost dead. Or in Thunder God in OM where he reduces everyone's HP to 1 and healers don't AoE heal until 5 seconds later.

That is correct, but there is no reason not to get your slashing debuff up and consume 3 sen in your first opener of the fight in many fights. In raids it's probably already there due to a warrior or ninja so not to worry about it at that point. If you throw it up immediately you'll likely also miss out on the trick attack window which does affect your dot portion.

For me, it's cat thots.

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I'm not playing XIV, but I'm curious how many Vivi copies did people make

think about how long a GCD is

Because they are probably new healers?.
I played only DPS and started healing in SB and sometimes people died on me.

>slashing debuff doesn't really affect DoT
>mfw play the game for 3 years and doesn't know this

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I honestly haven't seen anyone else try. The lack of high collar coats makes it really hard to do well

For me? It's Montblanc.
Can we all agree that Ivalice moogles using a slightly modified lala skeleton would have been infinitely superior to roecats?
>tfw no juggler class with a mischevious trickster Ivalice moogle who is part of a traveling troupe who spends the majority of quests pranking you or helping you prank others
>tfw no class quest that involves you fucking with a DF party while they try to complete a run

They were pretty common in 2.2 when they added glamour

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How bout no new races and making the exciting ones have better customization.

I think that the new zones will be the size of all ARR zones combined. So we will see all of Thanalan north central south and so on as one big zone. These are my expectations.

I quit in the beginning of Stormblood but recently came back. The game is quite comfy. Anyway, are SAM still overpowered and overpopular like they were in the beginning? Or are the numbers more balanced.

BLM autists are subhuman

Its just that women are bad, not that us fags are good. People are always amazed when they see a healer perform at a semi-competent level because they're so used to absolutely abysmal healing from egirls who somehow manage to do less healing than me whilst also not casting a single damage spell for the entire fight

What do you mean by overpowered?.
But yes, there a less SAM overall now.

BLM should literally be the only rdps

Back when stormblood had just came out while I was playing SAM were so above the dps of other jobs that it wasn't even funny. So basically if you wanted to be the best dps around you had to play samurai.

Oh, the ivalice moogle fags are here.


They're 2nd highest personal DPS behind BLM.

I see way more bards and red mages than any melee role

So are healers still expected to dps whenever they can in this game?

Imagine the ather currents.

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Officially, fights are never in mind with healer dps. However, it is a community expectation that you dps instead of stand there like a vegetable doing nothing when everyone's topped off.

I love aether currents. I hope they take hours of walking just to reach them and are in spots where you have to drop down by circling the whole map but can see them out of reach just to taunt you.

Manderville Man class when?

Except they already said the zones will be smaller compared to the HW and SB ones again since they realized that huge empty zones aren't actually very fun to traverse through.

Are you implying anyone could ever hope to match this magnificence? You'd be insane to think they'd give us a class to even come close to 1/1000th of this manliness. Something like the Blue Mage would be great though, where it's a fun class to fiddle around with when soloing.

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>Officially, fights are never in mind with healer dps
For savage? Maybe at gear cap, at entry ilvl it's a requirement.

It's not new and it's not a buzzword. If you never played any MMO older than WoW then it makes sense you wouldn't be familiar theme park vs sandbox or non theme park. MMOs today are watered down so much, it's a damn shame

In normal probably not is kinda boring since you are going to stand still most of the time because the damage comes always at the same moment.
In savage/ex/ultimate yes.
But remember is okay to not dps when you are learning the fight or the job.

Friendly reminder that Gilgamesh did nothing wrong.

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They'll be mazelike then, because there's no way they won't take forever to navigate. Running filler is always 50% of the game.

The conjurer questline is literally about a girl who refuses to contribute damage and only heals. Then she finally wakes up when she realizes that someone got hurt because she didn't defend them with an attack. You can apply the same logic to fights in this game, if you didn't DPS as a healer in HW then you didn't skip soar and everyone took extra damage.

Fights have taken healer dps into account since coil2

Yoshida went on the record before saying they are balancing fights with a minimal healer DPS contribution in mind. They obviously don't expect you to min/max it and do anywhere near as much as you can, but they definitely do expect some form of damage contribution and are designing around it.
There was a liveletter just before HW where he went in great detail about it.

What do you mean the far eastern dress with the big ass slit on the side is pure boner fuel on fem elezen

>skip soar
Excellent meme.

and people try to argue Miqo'te don't have a serious case of sameface

t. that guy who always disbanded

People argue that? Miqote are the epitome of sameface. It's a side effect of this being a Japanese game.

>PF has "skip soar or disband"
>guy who made PF had piss poor damage
this was the fucking worst

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What is YoshiP gonna do for us Ninjas? Mudras are shit gameplay.

I'm so behind with FF14, I haven't played since I finished Heavensward. Is it easy to get back into and catch up?

Another non soar example is A11 where if healers don't DPS then the boss will enter his limit cut form making him invulnerable and everyone has to deal with adds+laserbeams+that move where he reduces people's HP to 1. If you contributed damage as a healer you could drop the boss HP to 43% and skip all of that entirely.

Point is the game teaches you early on in conjurer questline that contributing damage as a healer can save people.

I'd strum her harp, if you know what I'm saying

Mechanically, DRK is the worst Tank. It's far and away the best questline, though.

But all Tanks are trash compared to WAR right now.

You are getting the 4th one.
And you are going to summon shadow clones and you are going to like it.
Also you will lose TA.
Yoship out.

Or maybe DPS should have done better job instead of having healers pick up their slack.

Sure, but again an extra 1000 across the dps is nothing compared to the extra 3K from healers.
Why not both?

Sometimes it's not the DPS fault but other people. Like tank doesnt pick up the add and they kill the dps. Or the tank follows the dps and end up blowing them up with the target bomb.

Also not everyone was ilvl 270+ during HW like we are now.

>almost gets everyone tempered by inviting in the obviously evil Ananta and they summon a primal
I love how the entire time the WoL has this look like they KNOW shit's gonna hit the fan and when it does you can just see the
>yep, called it, every fucking time
On their face.

>every race only has 4 face options with 1 being ok and 3 being trash because the devs are lazy shits who never add more options or fix the garbage ones
>people naturally pick the only good one
no fucking shit

>Just fought Ozma in Baldesion Arsenal
Holy fucking shit what an experience, even got my CV on my first run.

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Aura face 4 is the best though.

I just don't understand why mudras have a 0.5s recast time, it's frustrating
just let me create my ninjutsu as fast as I can

You forgot
>*Clenches fist*

>ayy lmao bug face

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The bull horns alone make it the best option.

This game has an ability queue system so you can press mudras at 0.25s intervals assuming your rtt to the server isn't terrible.

Fuck you, go back to the general.

And for hellsguard is 2.

I will never clear Ozma because other people always fuck up. That's my major gripe with this game. You can try your hardest and do everything flawlessly but all it takes is one retard to wipe you.

I know and that's what I do but my point still stands
why do mudras even have a recast time in the first place?

>Cover someone's fuck up
>get ejected and miss out on the clear
It's never worth it, if someone is going to fuck it up, let them fuck it up for everybody

Because every action you press in this game has to be sent and confirmed to the server which takes time. If it was entirely client side based then people could just edit what's stored in RAM with cheat engine to abuse the system. PSO back in the day did this and it was chaotic where people could rapid fire megids.

that mount is not worth grinding the worst content in the game

These threads are way better than /vg/. I love you guys in a non-homo, no ERP, kinda way.

someone post that one webm with the catgirl bard dropping the meteor in the wrong spot and wiping everyone

But you can get MGP really fast.
Just do the challenge logs you nerd.

>just got the black chocobo
>need to do bullshit to fly

Bet it is not till towards the end that the thing will even fly if there are quest locks behind it.

you did clear at least one of the ultimates right? you're not gonna shit up 5.0 as well

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seething zoomer, you gotta work hard to get rewarded


fuck off

You unlock flying after you done with the msq in that map.
Also, the currents are always near msq, you rarely have to go anywhere far to search for them.

>makes 300 videos on how to make gil
>is poor as fuck

based and also in fact, redpilled


I love you too anons

Attached: dunesfolk.jpg (640x873, 48K)

How to make gil videos without a doubt gets the most clicks, so it's not surprising for clickbaiter to make so many videos of that.

Are you sure? I distinctly remember some currents in both The Hinterlands and The Lochs that were in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

kill yourself faggot.

I just replayed HW few weeks ago, so I'm pretty sure, now that I think it was Sea of Clouds that had currents not on the way of msq. Only map I haven't unlocked flying.

If you have friends or acquaintances you could have them fly you to every current. Sucks if you play entirely solo in this MMO

I ran into everyone's worse fear the other day.

A healer that jump potioned. Now I dont typically give a care if you do, especially when you have another of that role lvled (70whm jump poting sch). But this was a 100% new player and his friend.
This sch had never played healer at all in this game. And we got the lvl 51 lvl dungeon. This was the healers first dungeon ever. He had 0clue about his actions, how to heal, what his pet did. None
When I pulled small, I was spammed physic over and over and over. I would have full health, and get a physic.
If I pulled larger, I died in 3autos because no buffs/ adlo (I was using my CDs as well, but had no TBN yet).

I dont mind small pulls but that sch learned nothing from that dungeon. His friend spoke for him and just said how hes teaching his friend sch (he didnt even have it lvled) and that it's fine.

Mate you threw your dude into the deep end and would tell me to just relax when I was calmly trying to explain how a sch can heal with less stress\spamming one heal. Your friend had a boring, bad experience with the other dps shitting on him because you didnt even let him do hall of novice before lvling roulette with a jump poted 60SCH.


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>tfw Sophia will never summon forth her scales of revelation for you

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AMD GPU? This used to happen to me a lot on my r9 270x until I upgraded to a 1060. I think it's a driver issue.

>Hakaze -> Shifu -> Kasha -> Hakaze -> Jinpu -> (Kaiten) -> Higanbana -> Gekko
am I doing it right, lads?

what do you think she tastes like

>Yoshi still hasn't put her outfit on the shekelstation
>need to use mods for her slutglam outfit

It hurts

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Better, but no.

Attached: file.png (605x117, 81K)

yeah but it continues (if you are talking about the opener)

Afaik slashing debuffs don't affect DoTs.

It's time to become a real samurai, user.

>beautiful black goddess

No, it doesn't, but the initial hit does benefit and there are so few fights that you can't get 3 sen off in an opener, you should be acquiring them prior to hitting a hagakure

Black licorice with a white filling

>3 Sen opener in 2k19
I laugh

For a while I used the Halonic Exorcist set with the Sharlayan hat, and even though it sounded like heresy to not use a long coat my initial idea for this current glam was too good to ignore. I started with the hat and worked out a theme from there.

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That's because getting those (obvious) tips bite him in the ass. Every time someone makes a "how to make gil" video, the specificv examples are bought up and undercut by the retards who barely lay the game yet for some reason want a lot of gil and do not realize they are ruining it for themselves. Then they give up, economy goes back to normal until some other or the same retard makes a new guide.

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Nope, nvidia. Ironically, this issue started when I reformatted my pc and changed gpu FROM amd TO nvidia (and also was given bigger ram and storage in general - when my game runs it runs smoot af and I can easily have medium to high graphic settings with 60+ fps even during flashy battles and no load times whatsoever).

Just gather up a whole lot of crystals and summon your own horny version

I came back after a long break and now have the same exact issue on the DX11 client on my at this point pretty dated gtx770.
When I researched it people always blamed it on overlays and things like that, but absolutely nothing I tried fixed it.
Ended up just using the DX9 client, which runs perfectly fine with zero issues.
It's weird, never had this issue on the DX11 client before my break.

For me it's steppiemom.

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I always wonder why people can't simply undercut by a modest amount. It's always a huge chunk.

Or better yet transform yourself in sophia.

>you fuck her but then she has to balance it by fucking you in the ass

1 sen best sen

Sounds like a OS issue then. Maybe Windows screwed up your DirectX dlls with one of the Windows updates.

For me it's steppe mom

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imagine unironically following an MMO's story

Even better desu

>he plays RPGs for the purpose of watching his numbers go up

Why dont they just lock your account if you cancel preorder if your character has touched expansion stuff?

>cohealer dies within first minute of Ozma fight
>nail-bitingly make it through solo healing as SCH and get that first clear
Felt like a goddamn champ. The entire group would certainly have wiped if I had gone down. Bless the guys in my party who Mana Shifted me.

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imagine playing RPGs

If you have to teach someone common sense they don't need to be doing high level content.

They have no way of telling if you cancelled your preorder if you ordered at a place like GameStop. Plus imagine if people bought a HW/SB key from someone else who cancelled their SE store preorder, it would be a clusterfuck for customer support.

>wanting the tranny marble
i'm good

>nail-bitingly make it through solo healing as SCH
is this a joke? sch is the best at that shit.

Okay but what world? I need further inspection.


Bitching out on the scions to play King of Africa was not cute.

this post is the epitome of coping

pressing buttons to watch the screen change pixels and you do this for 8+ hours a day

Made for choking.

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Why do people keep implying it has to be multiple keys? Why can't SHB key just include all expansions?

I know they are, but this was a fight that I had almost no firsthand experience with, cohealer or no.

Tsuyus end arc was super good. But as an expansion as a whole, Heavensward was awesome.
Didn't they talk about letting us buy flats in Ishgard at some point? It's my favorite city to hang out in, but it's dead as fuck because there's nothing but the ascetics there

>tfw love playing SAM but it brings nothing to the party

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It does. But you can't redeem the SHB key yet because the game isn't out yet.

imagine caring about padding your tranny party

It's okay, you get to prep the MNK bull during Brotherhood.

it brings slashing debuff!
good luck being in a party without both a WAR and a NIN

>best girl Fordola gets banished to suplimentary materials
I hate it

Attached: fordola.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

>Didn't they talk about letting us buy flats in Ishgard at some point?
They've hinted at it being a reward for the Ishgard restoration crafter/gatherer endgame.

Fuckin faggot

But you had someone to hold your hand the whole way through. I doubt you cleared without coordination of some level. And I'm sure you watched the guide before hand if you cleared. It's not a big deal, user.

fucks sake

>has the Echo
>working with the Scions and the Flames
>important enough to get a side story
She'll be back

Third eye is a boring skill. Discuss.

>They've hinted at it being a reward for the Ishgard restoration crafter/gatherer endgame.
They did?

>absolutely no informations about actual new gameplay content
you know besides the repeated statements that drk and mch are getting overhauls (with mch being brought up unprompted when conversation shifts to the subject), the implications behind features like eureka's cross-world instances leading to world-visit and related stress tests, and those greyed-out skills that keep getting posted here if you choose to believe them i kind of do because a lot of the skill removals are interesting, especially getting the trick-attack yoke off of ninja's neck

When they announced it they acknowledged that a lot of people want to live there, and then quickly moved on.

>greyed out skills
Can you post them?

It should give +5 kenki when you get hit along with it's current effects. Also Seigan should do more potency or have no kenki cost.

Well, here's hoping. I would move there. Sadly, I gave up on the dream and purchased a shirogane house. Hopefully I can get a discount if I transfer to Ishgard

Fuck you, user. Fuck you. I did something cool in a video game for once!

Attached: 1510008171623.jpg (263x247, 7K)

>reworks of already existing jobs, old content and "leaks" are what bootlickers define as new gameplay content worthy a 40$ expantion

Make it happen Tataru.

Attached: 435453435453453453.jpg (2912x3507, 2.14M)

i have them in text, don't have the images handy; so far three pictures of greyed-out skills have been released
- Hide (ROG/NIN)
- Blood for Blood (LNC/DRG)
- Riot Blade (GLA/PLD)
- Sword Oath (PLD)
- Trick Attack (ROG/NIN)
- Barrage (ARC/BRD)
- Blizzard II (THM/BLM)
- Refresh (Ranged)

- Dark Arts (DRK)
- Heavy Thrust (LNC/DRG)
- Wildfire (MCH)
- Jugulate (ROG/NIN)
- Aetherflow (ACN/SMN/SCH)
- Physick (ACN/SMN/SCH)
- Thrill of Battle (MRD/WAR)
- Freeze (BLM)

- Fists of Earth (PUG/MNK)
- Fists of Wind (PUG/MNK)
- Fists of Fire (MNK)
- Diversion (Melee/Caster)
- Lucid Dreaming (Healer/Caster)
- Protect (Healer)
- Synastry (AST)
- Fluid Aura (CNJ/WHM)

If it's some kind of reward then I'm guessing it will be some kind of instanced housing. Like one house with a yard around Fortemps Manor instead of an entire player ward. Imagine going through an entire expansion of endgame to unlock housing and then some cuckolds with no crafters leveled come and take your dream plot. That would be fucked.

i'm glad you saved yourself the trouble of pretending you wanted to talk about the game at all and went straight to shitposting le epic maymays

great argument
glad to see how you have to personally attack me instead of my points

Okay now I know for a fact that's a lie the devs working on the battle system said they wanted to keep Protect.

don't be so sure, yoshida hates protect in its current form, claims it's pretty much a "lucky charm" you always pop before you start an instance. i could see stoneskin returning to whm under the name "protect", personally

Completely unironically the correct way to play.

It essentially already does everything you posted since Seigan is a potency gain anyway. Third eye is just kind of boring cause there's not much to optimize since you pretty much just press it in the same spots in the fight every time. Also merciful eyes is literally useless unless you're like 20 ilvls above the tank or something and actually pulling that much agro. The only fun use I've seen is the SAM in my static using the 10% mitigation to overcome hp thresholds to survive in UCOB cause he had to swap classes on short notice and didn't have gear or vit melds.

They already almost removed it in Stormblood but kept it because they said it felt 'wrong' to have FF without Protect. They should really just make it work like it does in PvP.

>having a whm becomes mandatory

>in it's current form
I hope they keep it in one form or another, they can't just get rid of it.

>thinking the will remove lucid from the game
yeah just die during prog and wipe because healers have no mana lmao

When do you use seigan anyways? Like I can't find a situation where I would use it over shinten.

I'd like it as a Shake it off/Troubadour type thing, like an AoE HP-based shield, but that might be giving that buff to too many jobs across different roles.

pretty much never, merciful eyes doesn't cost kenki and is better as an enmity-dump

you act like there won't be any replacement method of mana regen, we've known cross-class skills were going away ever since they increased the skill limit to 10 for jobs instead of having 10 for classes only

Shake It Off should be changed anyway