>boyfriends actually writes the reviews and was a professional editor
>gf just sucks at video games and is an """"äctress"""""
Boyfriends actually writes the reviews and was a professional editor
industry plant
I’m actually surprised. The video’s are so bad you’d think she wrote them herself
more like 5 head reviews
Please user, don't tell me you actually watch this ahit
>people still watch basic game reviews in Anno Domini 2019
I delete that shit everytime it comes to my rec tab
The fuck 500k subs already? Last time I checked it was like 20k.
I like it because it's not just an onion making faces while reviewing the game or an SJW complaining about nothing. It's fun to watch. 1000x better than any "game journalist".
I think their reviews are fun, even knowing he writes most of it.
it's propaganda
I don't even know what this is, but if they're being honest about it, who cares?
Is this really the shit you guys watch?
The zoomer brain is a mystery.
You watch Love Live, so you're not any better than these faggots.
shes reading a script, oh no the horror
>Hole up a minute
>A "comedic" spin
Jesus fucking Christ.
Uh... yes I am
Isnt "hol up a minute" a racial thing too?
You watch this normie shit op? Lol..
>"Smacks lips"
fpbp. stop posting about vidya bloggers.
That doesn’t make sense.
This. What type of normalfag watches this shit.
Kill yourself retarded incel.
This channel isn't even a year old but already have several developers wishing them luck and inviting them to events
>All these incels acting like they wouldn't gladly do that kind of work so their waifu could perform
Damn it Yea Forumsros why can't I have a qt gamer gf
This but unironically.
Women killed gamers
Idolfags are the lowest form of otaku and shouldn't criticize anyone for their taste
e-celebs aren't vidya
kill yourself zoomer faggots.
Did he died?
Can you still be considered professional if you do youtube videos