Go against good friend in fighting game

>go against good friend in fighting game
>40 matches
>39 losses 1 win
>happens on a daily basis

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record your matches and watch them back, see where youre fucking up and try to figure out solutions to stop whats working for him

>play aggressively
>he pushes my shit
>play defensively
>he pushes my shit



>go against friend
>loose a vast majority of the time
>don't really care win or loose, just have fun playing.
>start to win some
>friend gets tilted.

It's not fun when you're constantly losing.

Man, no wonder you suck at fighting games if you can't even recognize basic mistakes. The key to any competitive game is both game knowledge and recognizing your opponent's mistakes. If you can't do that, don't even try to actually compete.

not an argument

>competing when i'm at this low level in my mid-20s

LMAO, reaching way too far mate. my brain/body is already practically rotting

For you

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You are correct, this isn't an argument. You are a scrub, by definition

>Go against friend in fighting game
>Win almost every single round because he refuses to actually go into practice mode or look up guides for his characters
>Try to explain that I've only spent like 4 hours ever in training mode and don't play unless I play with him, so he could probably reach or surpass me with like one or two days of dedication
>Just complains and insists my characters are cheap and have unblockables when I know for a fact they don't
>Keeps inviting me to play anyways

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You should lose if you're low level, if you're upset about it play the sims or get good


just tell the real story and say you played fighters much more than him back then. that's always how it goes

>person gets into fighters early on
>person's friend gets into fighters a little after high school
>always loses against him because he has more experience and muscle memory

What game?

Just stop fighting him if he keeps beating you.

smash ultimate. i can beat him just fine in UNIST/SFV but holy fucking shit he curbstomps me in smash ult every time

>smash bros
>fighting game

you have to lose in order to win. you should be lucky hes willing to beat your ass up over and over again since as someone who plays FGs alot theres no interest in stomping scrubs over and over.

This is someone who will never get anywhere in life

>This is someone who will never get anywhere in life
post height and body

smash bros isnt a fighting game

>all fighters are the same
Yeah and mario kart is basically a racing sim.

Im sorry i thought this was about fighting games


this is why nobody plays arena shooters and RTSes, losing 38493489 times against hardcore and experienced players is just not fun, as higher skill lvl translates into bigger advantage

Um OP thats not a fighting game.

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The game I'm talking about is DBFZ, and he's actually played more fighting games than me. He's played Tekken and Soul Caliber for years, whereas the only one I played with any regularity is Smash Bros, and even then only when a new one comes out for a month or two. Shit, the only other anime fighter I've played is GGXrd, and I can barely even string a combo together in that game.

I'm not even good, I get my ass demolished whenever I go online, he just refuses to learn. I try to explain things like not blowing 5 bars of meter when I'm at full health and can just spark to regain it all, or to not use up all his meter vanishing behind me constantly, or that certain moves need to be blocked standing instead of low. He only uses small portions of his chosen characters' moves, never uses assists except to chain supers, and even fails to auto combo because he keeps hitting the heavy attack button two hits in and never follows up.

I like the game and want to get better, but the nigga just refuses to go into practice which leaves me in an awkward situation where if I improve too much he'll probably just drop the game.



why dont we trust the creator of the series and not a wikipedia article written by literally who

>I'm not even good, I get my ass demolished whenever I go online
i wish it was the same for me. i always beat a lot of people online

Not a fighting game.

Did you know that schools don't let students use Wikipedia because it's not a reliable source of information?

I legit love this. Makes me feel like an underdog and I feel myself always improving. Every match is David Vs. Goliath. It's especially good when you get so close to beating him.

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>6 years ago

based retard

and what's your source? some statement that was in 2013? retard

he never changed his statement or mind so why the fuck would we not trust his statement

fucking zoomers thinking 6 years is even a long time at all but then again you do play smash so you are probably 12

You don't just play either or. You have to play adaptively.

having good fundamentals means you can beat ass in fighting games you've never even touched, unless you're going from 2d and picking up a 3d fighter or something.

lemme guess, you play BBCT and think this looks good

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Bait thread. Pack it in.

I think you ment to reply to


seeth harder

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>Go against friend who's a beginner at fighting games
Heh... Sucks to suck...

If only you put this much effort in getting good

>None of my friends ever get into fighting games
>They always just scratch the surface and give me shit for beating them when I dare to dig a little deeper and learn about the game
>They abandon the game after a week or two and forget about it until the next one comes out
>Never had a friend that really wanted to invest heavily and actually master the game together
It's a bad feeling.

>just 1 shitty smash game left

feels good man, next year there will be zero

you sound like a cunt

Shower harder

evo used to have mario kart in the line up too, user.

You sound like my dad.

Maybe just play the game and have fun? Don't worry about getting gud and let your friend play it how he wants. If he doesn't want to put in the effort then it just means he doesn't like it that much. Don't force someone to play a game the way you want them to and don't try pull back your punches because you're afraid he won't want to play anymore.

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you know what they say about father and son

Based, I beat a guy 10 times on mk11 he won me 4 times, he wouldn't stop wanting me to rematch and I got bored of him so joined new match, stomping same dude over and over shit boring shit

So you'd rather find someone who beats your ass over and over? That makes no sense. It's like saying men are allowed to cheat but women aren't.

>play friend
>25 wins, 25 losses
>sometimes he does better, sometimes I do
>always close

There is no feeling more kino

It's hard to have fun when for me the fun is improving. Playing a fighting game for a short time just isn't satisfying to me because I get a grasp on the basics and then I'm alone with my dick in my hand and nobody to play with except randoms.

And I'm not trying to force anyone to do anything, I just want my friends to stop hassling me to buy X or Y fighting game when I know perfectly well they'll just bail in a week. No Mike I am not buying Mortal Kombat 11 for 60 fucking dollaridoos, your playtime on MKX is fucking 6 hours and you bought it on launch so eat shit.

Hahaha scarlet johansson dies too and captain America goes full black

Picked up SFV a month ago as my first real fighting game, messed around on fightcade before and even tried skullgirls but the 10,000 hit combos weren't for me, and having a pretty good time. I use to feel intimidated with how much effort getting good seemed but I think people just think about it too deeply. You'll never be playing top 8 at evo, as long as you stick with it you'll learn shit. Studying guides, spending time in training mode, and watching top level play all feels wprth it when shit starts to come together and you pull off that combo you've been practicing.

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>play against good friend in fighting game
>we're both very closely even on wins

GOOD feel

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>play with friend in game they play all the time
>they beat me repeatedly because they have more practice
>whatever, we're having fun
>start to get better and start winning against him
>gets visibly agitated and even rage quit once


This is the only way to play fighters. Anyone who enjoys losing to someone over and over again and "improve" """slowly""" is lying to themselves and are just masochists.

Enjoy it while it lasts. Either you'll level up and win more often than not and he becomes a total bitch about it or he'll level up and leave you in dust and you'll either become a total bitch or resign yourself to being your superior's training partner.

t. total bitch

Well then all the great artists, musicians, and writers were masochists too as they were shit at what tbey did when they started too.

Shit takes time. Maybe if there's a huge skill difference, like a evo champ playing a beginner, then the beginner will be too outclassed to learn anything but playing someone a rank or two above you is still incredibly rewarding even when ypu keep getting your ass handed to you.

Why the fuck would I want to be a great top fighting game player?

>Friend wants to play fighting games with me
>Tell him I don't play them
>Eventually convinces me to play with him
>Beats me, and rubs my face in it

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when all the devs say its not a fighting game

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It's not about becoming some well known champion, just good enough to go to locals and maybe tournaments to play other people and have fun.

I just finished a set with my brother. I punish him when he uses moves that aren't safe on block

You got to find friends that are more into fighting games my dude. Maybe try an online fighting community somewhere if you can't find a group in real life.

just wanted to say when i play fighting games with my friends and if its a game i realize i beat their ass in i take it easy on them and take intentional losses.

I like you for not giving up, OP

>get mostly beat online in Tekken7
>absolutely demolish my friend tho
>he still invites me to play regularly
>he has better online ranking than me bc he actually plays online unlike the autistic me
>he never gets bored playing with me

I used to love playing fightans. But I had to stop practicing and playing them because I didn't want to create a gap between us.
Now the gap is in there anyway but I just lost the passion. I only buy them so he can invite me and get beaten.

Make It stop

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>make it stop
Why? Isn't it a little fun?
I wish I had a friend always willing to play with me, all my friends will play like 5 local matches of any fighting game with me max before they are like "this is bullshit, I'm done" because they can't stand not winning every time. I don't rub it in their faces when I win, and I'm not even that much better than any of them. One friend has a Switch and still hasn't even gotten Smash bros

Do you have difficulties reading?

I've never understood this mentality. Why do you think it's impossible to learn? I started picking up fighting games at 26, and at 29 I've been able to competently perform in the mid-high ranks of any game I pick up. And that's just fighting games, which I don't even take that seriously. If you think you can't do anything past your mid 20's, you really should just kill yourself and get out of the way.

>be decent at a fighting game
>bf sees me playing it all the time and want to play with me
>he's completely new and I wipe the floor with him over and over again.
>month or two of this goes by, he's getting better, the matches are getting closer and closer.
>play with my old FG friends for the first time in like half year
>realize that I've gotten much much worse than I was
>play bf again after a few days away with friend and realize he hasen't gotten much better, I just suck to his level.

>realize that I have fun playing with him and I don't care if I become a scrub in the process.

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>decently matched with friend, i win 30% of the time
>he plays a zoner with fucking full screen buttons
>keeps my short stubby range ass out
>incredibly frustrating to slowly get in
>literally will get close but whiff and eat a combi
>finally get in and spaz out all over him, dropping combos and getting retarded resets i didnt deserve
my fucking face when
im the one losing here how DARE you complain

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dont be mad he complains, be smug

Best way to play casual local versus in a fighting game is to pick random fighter vs random fighter, preferably on random stage, where it all changes with every rematch. No character "mains", all fair

>invite normie friends to my house for some comfy beer night
>woah dude you have a ps4 let's play some tekken or nba
>we play tekken
>get my ass handed to these faggots who only played tekken6 years ago
What the fuck I thought normalfags are supposed to be braindead in vidya

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>be better than all my friends
>always play random to try to balance it out
>going to first tourney soon
>don't know who to play.


any normie that ask to play vidya when they come over, isn't a true normie.You probably are dealing with a disgusting halfbreed, also known as the Escaped Ones

>tfw when every fight goes absolutely down to the wire, with a tiebreaker round and some extremely clutch shit from both sides

just means you're dogshit

My roommate is the 12th best smash player in my state. I don't play with him anymore, it just isn't fun.

have you tried blocking

>be me
>never ever played a fighting game, not even smash
>MK10 comes out and uncle gets it
>go to his house pretty frequently
>start playing a bit and complete the main story
>some day i’m playing and little cousin (7yo) asks if he can play a bit with me
>he already plays other violent shit so it’s ok i guess as long as he doesn’t cry
>start match
>he presses the same goddamn button each time
>he wins
It was at that moment i knew i had to git gud

>friend outplays me in any speedrun versus we do
>play any PvP game, or the PvP mode of a game that had a story mode we raced each other in
>trash his face 10-0 and make him drop the game

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They watch pewdiepie sometimes and look at game trailers so that's how they got """"interested"""" in videogames but never actually play vidya because they are busy with their hobbies like sports/riding their bikes.
fuck you
Those fuckers just zoned and spammed the same over and over and they laugh their asses over me.

don't worry about it because you aren't good enough for it to matter, just random and get mopped and go home

what the hell is "speedrun versus"?

that's the plan

>best friend finally wants to learn fighting games
>we decide to play usfiv because it was cheap and I'm not an expert on it
>teach him everything I know about 2D fighters
>only play characters I don't know against him
>very even matches, lots of fun
honestly, the best feeling. He's only getting better too. I always thought this outcome was unobtainable, but here I am

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Stop sucking his cock while playing?

but it's just a funny prank, how else are we supposed to get our laugh on without brojobs

probably racing someone in a speedrun, starting at the same time


I can be your friend's friend instead, and you can play with my friends who hate losing and learning.



Git gud faggot wtf

Sports games are just as fun as fighting games for local multiplayer. I don't even like real football but I will play NFL blitz against a friend and have a blast


Well you're a casual fuck. I can beat all of my friends in any game every time.

>as they were shit at what tbey did when they started too
user, I...

>play friend in fighting games
>destroy him
>play him a gain a bit later
>he practiced a ton and pushes my shit in
>now have a ton of fun with close matches every time we play
I sure am glad me and my friend aren't bitches like OP

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I usually never say this, but OP is not a bitch. He is a dedicated motherfucker if he keeps playing 39 losses - 1 win every day

>Yea Forums is shit at actual vidya like fightan games
as expected, no wonder smash is popular here

I feel like fighting games are a whole universe I'm just too braindead to interact with. I wish I could play fighting games, but I suck too much to enjoy them.


Not that guy but I'm a 30 year old boomer who went from scrub to decent tier in about 8 months of play.

You could do it too if you put the effort in.

>go against good friend in fighting game
>he plays it 24/7, I don't
>pick up cheapest character
>wreck his ass 39 to 1
>he spergs out
>lol git gut fagit

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Lol what a loser

>centering your life around a gay ass video game
user if this is your biggest fear, that you cannot compete in a damned video game game, instead of just enjoying them, you have a serious problem in your life, and you should try to fix those problems, instead of caring so much about some pixelated crap on a monitor. I know its frustrating but lets be honest here:
For starters you don't get paid for it. If this is not enough to change your mind then let me tell you: there is a 99.8% chance you'll not make a living out of it if you didn't do so up until now. You are a grown ass adult now, even if you try your hardest to forget it. So threat video games as a form of entertainment, since that's why they exist in the first place.

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You wat m8?

They call it labbing and grinding because you have to develop your fundamentals to get better and the only way to do that is to play against people who will actually force you to learn fundamentals.

This can't be done as easily by playing other beginner players.

He meant specific mistakes. What happens during your offense that causes you to get wrecked? Do you default to one unsafe move that keeps getting punished? Do you mistime your fireballs so he keeps getting in? What happens during your defense? Are you constantly opened up by lows? jump ins? Even this is just generic advice since you need to look at game specific things that are fucking you over as well.

>not improving
you should end your life

>not using the losses as motivation to find new ways to get in on your rival or change up your play by playing more defensively or learning a new combo route or two to throw him for a loop

Crosstag has isekai Ragna now

Thought you meant Calamity Trigger since you missed a B at the end. My bad.

i know this guy

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>bro-in-law is really good at SF, MK, KI (basically all the old fighting games since he played them in his teenage years at arcades and local restaurants)
>try to play him in ARMS and utterly decimate him
>he tilts and decides to give up after just a few games

Feels bad man. He does a pretty good job of beating me down in all those other old games too.

How long have you spent trying to learn one? I guarantee you that if you spend at least 100 hours playing matches you'll at least become competent enough to beat the average player.

Keep at it, I actually enjoy SFV a lot despite the rabid hatred towards it

Thats literally me (the one getting tilted)

>they shittalk you upon winning with a cheap tactic
>immune to salt so just laugh along with them and talk some friendly smack too
>level up
>download their playstyle and shittalk too
>they hate it and ask me to stop insulting them ever again

False. Only reflex is affected. Sure, you wont beat the top level talentend brute-force reflex-based youngsters, but fundamentals know no ages.

>Go 7-3 against some guy
>He starts giving you advice like you're the one that lost

It's beneficial to hear all advice out since even if you're winning, you could be auto-piloting and not realizing it.

You could be doing some very unsafe things or have some very bad habits that will only get you so far, he's just looking out for you and wants you to become even stronger, what's wrong with that?

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What? Also who cares what you were doing as long as you were winning?

If you come across better opponents and try your samey blockstrings, they'll eventually begin to fall apart and get hard countered.

Hence auto-piloting.

If it works, it works. If it doesn't work against the next opponent then I'll take that guy's advice. I'm not taking notes from a guy that consistently forgets to block jump ins high. If you wanna lecture me then prove you know more than I do, don't just do it to save face after a loss.

If you say so. I'm just saying that if he was decent enough to meet almost half your wins then he's clearly not just a beginner and might have some good advice worth keeping in mind.

Too bad he can't block overheads though if they're predictable ones.

Normally I'd agree with you but often times the "bad habits" I hear from losers is stuff like "stop using that fireball it's cheap!" Where it's less advice on how to get better and more them trying to get you to stop using a tool they have no answer to. I play against my brother a lot and he's a salty fag so that might have something to do with it.

That's just looking for excuses though like blaming your controller or lag. Bad habits come from options that work against inexperienced players but will get you killed against someone who is aware of the mechanic.

wow,maybe you're friend is just better at fightan games than you. literally who the fuck cares, how is this even a thread?

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It started with OP losing every day to his friend in Smash Ultimate.

I'll take this discussion over Aceman spamming waifu images for a fighting game thread on Yea Forums.

>he was playing badly on purpose to make me git gud
>he fucking finally takes two characters that can obliterate me perfectly.
>cannot git gud Vs him, online is dead, ai is shit

>go against good friend in fighting game
>40 matches
>40 wins
>happens on a weekly basis
It’s starting to make me feel like a shit friend if I keep going hardcore unga-bunga & winning, like where’s the fun in that?
Whatever happened to Super Monkey Ball? I want them to bring that back so we have another default to multiplayer compete in.

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What game?

Fighting games are a man's genre and if you can't take the heat then gtfo

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Why don't you adapt to his serious play? Eventually you'll be able to adapt if you grind out the losses.

>fighting game

Make fighting game friends on here.

Fighting games don't work like this though. The people who "recognize basic mistakes" are the people who played in the hayday and learned the basics to recognize mistakes.

Someone trying to into fighting games for the first time in current year and doesn't know the basic is never going to know what they're doing wrong. Especially not against a seasoned opponent who can read and punish them even if they do something right.

Not with that mentality you won't. Like any profession, effort will take people to higher places.

Playing fighting games growing up doesn't mean anything if you only played them on a basic level all the way til now.

I remember when I first decided to take the genre seriously since I always had a blast playing them casually with friends and it was still non-stop losses for many months until I was able to get at least 1 win a night. After about 8 months I've finally gotten to a point where I can say I'm decent enough to hold my own and take more than 1 win in a lobby.

Acquiring skill is proportional to the amount of time spent and doing that along with taking advice from fellow lobby players helped me to go from scrub to decent player despite having familiarity with the genre.

>buy tekken7 yesterday
>go to 1st dan only using throws and the crouching diagonal punch of King
>geting my ass destroyed

>pick up game
>get my ass handed daily for three months by one guy
>start beating him back
>go back and forth for about a month
>lose interest
how the hell do people play the same shit for a decade

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Try playing new characters or playing new opponents.

If a game has a fun enough system to play with there's lots of room for replayability.

This is especially true in fighting games since new revisions and patches can make you feel like picking up new characters and the like and learning them from scratch can be a challenge.

>go play against friends
>8 wins 0 lose
>friend doesnt want to play anymore
>i lose intentionally
>friend feels insulted and doesnt want to play anymore
what to do /v ?

Your mentality should always be to question what you're doing and ask how you'd deal with it yourself. If you think about how you'd handle your own approach and can see that there's an obvious way to shut it down, then it isn't real. You can keep on using your fake shit to beat weak players or players who don't know "the trick" for points, but that doesn't help you to get better at the game.
Eventually when you've played enough you'll get over the novelty of being able to finally beat somebody, anybody at a game. Then you'll recognise "getting gud" as an ultimate goal.

game I played was bbtag, I had a few teams I switched around. those four to five months were really fun but yeah I just kind of stopped playing. tried unist and got destroyed by everyone.

going to pick up granblue when it comes out and I'll try to stick to it longer than I did with the other games.

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They probably suck at Tekken but so do you so it doesn't really matter

I say this as someone who has been on both the giving and receiving end of learning fighting games. They are brutally pusnihing to try and learn in the >current year because there are so few reliable resources, and so many nuances and potentials for outplays that invalidate information.

There is so much opportunity for information and learning becoming colluded because of how many obscure interactions you get. Even if someone learns something that is right, a player can still punish it and make the player second guess what should be a right decision they made.

The only way someone can really learn is to get their ass kicked a billion times until they stop getting their ass kicked quite so badly. Its not a fun process and no one without passion for the genre will make it through the process.

Resources do exist in the form of character primers and character specific discord channels with loads of information per character so there isn't a lack of information on that front.

Of course fundamentals need to be developed on your own but that is true of any timeframe and not just the current year.

I'm just saying that a person that has played fighting games all their life can still have alot to learn if they only scratched the surface level and never developed the fundamentals that you're talking about.

The only argument I see you're trying to make is that young people don't want to put in the time to acquire fundamentals because otherwise there's plenty of sources for learning everything else.

I'm just trying to say that people who have been playing fighters since the early days cannot not have picked up a decent understanding of the fundamentals (even if the weren't doing it consciously).Everyone sucked back then so people learned together and got better and learned fundies by playing tons.

Its different now because the skill gaps are so massive. You will never get the skill mismatches playing SF2 on SNES with your buddies 20 years ago that you will going online in SFV and joining a lobby with people that are all but assuredly much better at the game.

I hate having to sandbag but sometimes it helps

>character primers and character specific discord channels
If you're talking about actual beginners then this isn't what they need at all. People without a lot of fighting game experience need to understand the absolute fundamentals like start up and recovery, how the wakeup state works, what frame advantage means (Not the numbers, the absolute basic concept of turns), game system wide mechanics like jumping to avoid throws or DPs being invulnerable or how to block a jump-in and not get immediately hit by a low, how blockstun works and how to recognise when they can actually act, how to move on the ground instead of spending the whole game cycling between jumps, dashes and random full screen specials, the most basic level of human interaction where you try to get an idea of what the other player is doing instead of playing it like a single player game.

People who play the genre massively underestimate how much a real beginner needs to get started.

>Friends get me into fightan
>Learn a shit ton over over a year
>Level up my combos every other month, have a couple subs, try new neutral tools etc
>One friend who started off as the best hasn't even touched a new character, tried new combos, or labbed a day in his life since
>Sometimes wins due to good fundamentals but is otherwise totally SOULLESS
Depressing how he's gone from Chad to basic bitch

I disagree. Bar knowing how inputs work I didn't have a clue about how combos worked or how to feel out proper spacing or punishing mistakes and would constantly be doing things like raw supers and letting myself get wrecked by throws.

This all changed after I consistently showed up to lobbies in order to build combos into muscle memory and learn how to punish, be patient and play the spacing game by getting bodied by the pros until I got used to their behaviors.

yeah that’s us alright, 3 losses in a row is enough to bore him.
Also, when we played Skullgirls he spammed Beowulf’s ‘Danger!’ move so hard he broke his right bumper on his controller, and now he refuses to play the game because mashing instant grab moved was his favorite strategy

There exists videos that cover fundamentals all over youtube though if they're truly interested in starting up and a fair amount of that stuff can be learned by experience if they ask questions in the right places.

I recently decided to pick up Guilty Gear myself and was linked from this site to a Crash Course video series that explained the nuances of both GG and fighting game fundamentals in general quite well.

So the resources are out there, it's just up to the new player to seek it out by asking questions.

Dude, I'd be happy if someone wanted to play with me that many times. Sounds like to me that you are in the perfect position to learn, don't go in trying to curb stomp but learn his patterns and changing up combos. You do the same thing every time you play and ya lose... You are going to keep getting beat.

>Play modern fighters
>Constantly shit on CPUs in the story modes and feel like a badass
>Go online
>Can't even make it out of the baby leagues
>Pick a single fighter and decide to actually get good at it
>Look at BnBs, look at what's safe and what isn't, look at how to structure a layered offense and how to actually punish and defend
>Go back to playing a bunch of fighters again
>Go online
>Feels like I'm fighting a bunch of 5 year olds and blow through them like it's nothing.

Holy shit, skills transferring over isn't just a meme. No wonder old arcade boomers are monsters at these games.

This. I play Dead or Alive 5 with friends like that. That game is a lot more fun as a fighting game than people give it credit; everyone acts like its just a big anime tiddies simulator, but the rock-paper-scissors gameplay of holds, throws and strikes really works great. Also sidestepping and environment damage and stuff. 3D fighters where you can circle eachother are fun

Being handed a win by your opponent intentionally throwing the fight is unbelievably patronizing. Don't do this.
If he keeps coming back to play than he has an interest and will eventually get better.

>no mains
But half the fun of fighting games is learning to get better with a specific character over time. Just pick a random fighter and let people gravitate towards who they want to play. If there's a gorilla character that consistently dominates in scrub level play then maybe just ban that specific character.

Then you two should just cut the middleman and fuck already, user.

>Being handed a win by your opponent intentionally throwing the fight is unbelievably patronizing.
Not if you make them feel like they earned it

>I disagree. Bar knowing how inputs work I didn't have a clue about how combos worked
You're still massively underestimating the ground floor of basic knowledge people need to be able to get started. Let me give you an example.

>Ryu jumps at you and hits you with jumping Fierce
>Ryu is now standing on the ground in front of you
You have 100hrs of playtime on a SNES in the 90s and never learnt what a combo was. Do you respond to that situation by trying to sweep him?
Of course you don't, that would be fucking crazy. You're instinctively straight into defensive mode and you're holding down back. You would never even consider trying to sweep immediately after being hit by a jump in.
But a new player absolutely would. What a new player knows about sweeps is that they reach far, do decent damage and knock things over and that makes them a good button. Ryu is standing in front of a new player, in sweep range and they're worried they might get hit again, so knocking Ryu over seems like a great idea. So they sweep because that makes sense to them, and they get hit and they end up on the ground. Then Ryu stands over them as they're on the ground so they try and sweep again for the same reason, and get hit and die.
New player immediately afterwards: "I don't understand this game, nothing I try to do works".

You'll hear casual players talk about how frame advantage isn't something you need to learn, without realizing they already instinctively know how frame advantage works because it's an absolute fundamental part of the game which everybody needs to learn immediately.

And yet there are people ITT making excuses that new players will never have the drive to get better.

You'd think after the 100th time spamming the same move that they'd try something different.

What you're describing isnt even a casual but someone who actively tries to avoid learning at all costs.

See this guy if you wanna see a casual going from being a casual to getting gud

Save that for online play, or when you really wanna get serious. Random is best for casual play because it reduces the skill gap between the two players, since neither of them are going to know every character that well. Good if one player doesn't have the game and so doesn't know any characters anyway.
Also it's good for practicing because actually playing as a character allows you to much better understand how to beat them, so if you play every character you will understand them all

I don't think you know what a normie is

He knows that the sweep didn't work, but he doesn't know WHY it didn't work. So what he tries a different button next time? No that's not going to do it. There's a fundamental piece of the mechanics he needs to understand before he can logically figure out what he should do. There are many different pieces of the puzzle like that and before you understand them it's difficult to even learn from your mistakes because you lack the logic of the game world.

Can confirm this since as a kid I would do nothing but fierce and roundhouse since they did the most damage. I didn't even know why the weaker buttons existed.