Vidya humour thread. Vintage memes welcome.
Vidya humour thread. Vintage memes welcome
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This reeks of 4channel.
>rage comics is vintage
wojakâs worse
it is and thats why im sad
i just want some OC. please just a drop
i think the last good thing we had was virgin and chad. its been a drought really
The sonic movie is generating a lot of good OC.
Yeah they've been around since like 2008....
Post the one where they read the Wikipedia article
mayb Yea Forums should try something like this
You keep thinking "this is the worst internet has ever been", but it just keeps getting worse.
i think so too!
Reddit get out
I forgot how kino this was
lemon key face
it has potential but could you replace every face with wojak? now THAT would make it funny
If we're talking about hardware sales = quality wouldn't PC be the winner?
Hard disagree
Even the fucking memes are getting so bad that we need to use the old ones. Gaming is dead, and the internet too.
doesn't really apply anymore, nu-Yea Forums is casual as fuck and couldn't even beat a stoned tranny in smash
>comic with meme rage faces
>this is considered vintage and oldfag stuff now
That tranny used to be one of the best speedruners and apparently being high on shrooms helps a mans vidya skill
Its not nigger. Everyone know rage faces are reddit
In 2008 I was 21.
i remember this meme was funny wait never mind it never was
it is, you just have shit taste.
>it is
It seems you're the one with shit taste user
spotted the no-friends-haver
if you explain a joke it's not funny
there is no joke
>one person asks me to explain
Damn, they really told me, didn't they? I guess I do have shit taste after all!
Fuck off.
that's where you're wrong nigger
it's a rage face like wojak
wtf is this even about
Women and minorities
s4s humour don't think too hard about it
Are you retarded or just reverse meta bait?
Blame the constant layer of "irony" coating every single faucet of the internet, which is also seeping into real life
still waiting on that expatiation
Dude, this thread sucks.
well i want it to still be funny to me so i wont explain it to you
that's what i thought
Now kiss
still waiting on that expatriation
it's like I just opened Yea Forums catalog in another tab
kiss my ass
this whole board sucks
Oh fuck an actual classic rage comic.
I don't know anymore. Been here so long these things go on autopilot.
your mom sucks
so it's only slightly funny when used ironically good to know
They became Reddit; it wasn't always so. People hated Reddit for running perfectly good jokes into the ground. Reminds me a bit of wojak and pepe.
Rage faces were probably way less stale and burnt out than pepe and wojak by the time they were phased out at least. For the past 4 years the only "new" content on here is just le funny frog or le feels guy but with very slight variation
bring me back to the good old days
Is this what air tastes like?
Maybe it's just me but the modern Yea Forums memes like Boomer, Zoomer, Doomer, Bloomer, NPC, Honkler, etc. feel like they have a very reddit/social media/normalfag vibe to me, like they're part of slick "find the newest epic meme(TM)" marketing campaigns. The old memes, even if you think they were "cringe", felt more spontaneous.
The entire thing is that it's supposed to be ironic. It's mocking Facebook-tier retards that don't understand how to use image macros appropriately.
still waiting on that expostulation
Weird how internet humour's evolution resembles the growth of a cringey teenager into an immature 2X y/o with too much time in his hands
All I still see are cringy teenagers
Zoomers are now posting childhood nostalgia for the LATE 00s-early 10s, once widely considered the "downfall into shit era"
we will never go back
>he thinks so(n)yboys think
Literally 72% gays who fantasize about being penetrated by Nintendofags all day
>kiddies think that shit was ever posted on Yea Forums
Been here since 06. OP's comic was made fun of back in the day also.
The internet will never return to that early 2000's era, might just as well accept it. It's bittersweet because you'll never have this influx of people communicating for the first time again and the creativity that resulted from it. Even if new platforms or systems are created we're all part of the same global village at this point.
Epic doge meme!
>Yea Forums is older than you
Man this site really has been here from the very beginning, hasn't it?
yet snoy/v/ will pretend those games were all "classics loved by everyone". 2 had even more hate. nu Yea Forums just happen to have bee 10-12 when 12 came out.
I can't belive that some of that stuff is already this old.
There were people here calling Luigi's mansion a classic when the 3ds game was about to be released.
>Fun is just a buzzword
I wonder if the user who said that realizes the legacy he left. I like to think he left Yea Forums out of shame.
"The nicer one" sounds based, those are the only kind of bants that matter.
The fucking only experience I remember with COD4 was play with my friends back before party chat and the other team had a clan tag of XJEW. They kicked our asses and once we were all back in the lobby we asked them about it and we all had a good laugh about this Extreme Jews clan, they seemed like chill guys.
Then right before the next match started my friend tossed out "Don't worry guys they're still 6 millions points behind."
>been on Yea Forums since 06
>most of my main boards went to shit because of traffic
>all except Yea Forums, Yea Forums never changed...
>2016 came along
>so many fucking faggots here now
>so many normalfags that they get triggered by NTR porn in the new porn game coming
I only come here now as a "phone poster" these days on downtime at work or before sleep. The quality of this website is so shit I legit PLAY VIDEO GAMES on my pc at home instead of wasting my time here.
I'm at work now, if I was home I wouldn't even fucking come here anymore on my free time. I guess I should consider myself lucky that it took this long for Yea Forums to finally go to shit also. Going to stop coming here 100% at some point probably...
you should just stop coming back now. There's literally nothing left here
Yup, the DS was a good handheld..
first rage comic to make me actually lol
I swear the borderlands 3 gameplay looked exactly like this
this corelates with the explosion of phoneposting, as you can't draw on a phone, or create image by yourself.
literally just spurdo and a mix of 4chin jokes
not bad tho
That ass tho
I will say this. I'm replying to myself. If you really came to Yea Forums in 2016 for /pol/ and actually STILL go to /pol/ you really need to fuck off other boards.
When I first came to Yea Forums I came for Yea Forums all those years ago. After a year or so I stopped going to Yea Forums. Yea Forums and /pol/ are containment boards and you need to understand that. I have not touched Yea Forums in maybe 10 years now. I don't go to containment boards.
If you frequently go to Yea Forums, /pol/, /vg/ as examples don't come here please. Get the cancer out of you first.
Here you go
You need to move on, newfag, because there's no going back. You've out grown Yea Forums.
Soulless. Here, I added some soul.
I want to go back when SA, YTMND, and Yea Forums were in their prime and the entire internet just shit on EbaumsWorld.
There is so much wrong with your post it hurts.
I hate you so much
There is nothing wrong with my post. Stop being such a newfag and accept that things change. It's time for you to move on.
What is Joker listening?
now change the player character to a pepe and it'll be EPIC
the good days
Doom music.
bruh thats the shit xD
i'm having hiccups
This is sublime, I can't believe how well it fits
drink water in small gulps
Wow you're right, it's even funnier now
kys weeb
fuck you
holy fuck it worked
>no variety, just the same thing over and over with minor edits
>no absurdity, itâs literally just a guy with a blank face
But more importantly
>didnât get ridiculed and told to fuck off here when the mainstream got it like rage faces did, causing it to act as a recognisable meme that attracts newfag cancer
No, wojak is absolutely worse.
Remember when Jojo was cool?
Why does it look like it was drawn by 3 different people?
Browsed internet for funny animation videos
Found YTMND, opened such an amazing floodgate of creativity
Came to Yea Forums and fell in love with Yea Forums. Saw CP daily and sick ass shit everyday
Got away from Yea Forums and started to main other boards. /x/ and Yea Forums and Yea Forums becoming main boards
>4hcan was in harmony for many years
>by 2009 things started to change
>Yea Forums started to get traffic and moeshit from a unknown website at the time
>K On! Brought in every normal fag to watch subbed anime
>found out the traffic came from Yea Forums
>reddit became public enemy #1
>/x/ around the same time started to get cannibalized it became unrecognizable by 2012
>throughout all this time Yea Forums still held its culture. It was still Yea Forums. The stupid ass RAGE culture is actually why it survived.
>2016 came
>Yea Forums has finally fallen
>traffic from faggot elections from /pol/ killed this place
Take me home please...
getting mad at wojak just gives them power over you
Now unironically post this on a normalfag humor website, like 9gag or whatever and profit
It's clearly not phoneposters because new variations of pepe and wojak happen and as lazy as they are you can't do that on a phone.
>tfw assclown
le derp
le derpina
Post the Tales of one.
>morons still think phone posting is a problem
If you go to /pol/ you are the fucking problem morons.
Why would he leave out of shame? He's right
>reddit became public enemy #1
>in 2009
Nigga no one gave a shit about reddit yet. If I remember right that was well before the Tribes match.
But he just posted it on 2019 Yea Forums
you don't get more normalfag than that.
It was noticed in 2009. And it gave 4hcan its first problems in 2009. 2012 is when reddit grew into a real threat. A threat doesn't start from nothing.
Also late 2005 is when the cancer started not 2009.
You faggots are pathetic.
Reddit is a normie ass echo chamber for faggots. It's a true threat that goes against the ideals of Yea Forums.
t. wojak edits are my favorite meme ever
The exact opposite. This retarded tribal thinking about websites and memes is what got you the endless wojak spam in the first place.
>oh no they're gonna steal our memes
>better never make OC again
>why is everything pepe and wojak now, what a conundrum
>fucking reddit tho
Retard. redditors are the ones spamming wojaks and pepes.
because it was
Keep telling yourself that.
I mean, it's the truth.
Wojak and pepe edits have completely gone normalfag, you can see them on every social media now. Who do you think goes there? Muh Yea Forums oldfag sekrit club members? or the reddit newfags who like le wojak memes xD
That garbled English was good for mother&daughter comics, but it's just retarded that he puts it everywhere.
we live in a society
Who gives a shit what gets posted where? This is what I mean. This kind of thinking turned this place into the shitheap it now is. You reap what you sow, stop whining about it.
did u u jus assume [s4s]'s gender????
You know what's funny? Forced memes.
As being here from 2006. I never once have posted a wojak or a pepe. NOT ONCE. I still have not made a reddit account.
I don't believe you at all.
Wtf does this mean?
Your line of thinking is how a website loses its identity
>dude just post everything everywhere xd
It's a new meme response then?
Thread theme
I know right? how can you be on the internet and not be on reddit? it's where all us cool 4channelers go! and wojak and pepes are the funniest meme ever
What identity does it have now? The place where you repost instagram memes and twitter convos? Get fucked.
>What identity does it have now?
that's the fucking point you absolute retard
you caused this
This is what you want people to think of you and it's really pathetic.
I've never opened a single thread and exclusively post via quick reply from page 1.
Roody poo
No, you caused this by pissing your pants in 2012 because reddit stole ragefaces, spamming tfw no gf and sad frog all fucking day, acting surprised now that's all people know.
Oh man, I'd forgotten about ellory.
>oh please don't drop me home
>because It's not my home, it's their home and I'm welcome no more
Jesus christ
I've been here since 2004 and I've never even posted an image with the colours black, white or green on it. And I still haven't made a runescape account.
Fuck off from this board, you reddit refugees weren't even here when wojak was new
say it with me now
it's not hard to understand. the difference is that now they feel welcome here because they are the majority
Yea Forums wasn't even made in 2004...
I would know I'm the 2006 faggot.
I've been browsing Yea Forums for over 12 years now.
I remember when a hot new meme came around it was posted to death and back, you fucking retards think cope, yikes and oof are bad? When umad became really popular every other comment became umad. When Katawa Shoujo came out half the board became KS circlejerking and the other half all got invaded by KS-fags taking over threads. Back when /mlp/ wasn't a thing but the show's popularity was at its height at least a third of the board was warring with pony and anti-pony posts.
Back when /vg/ wasn't a thing yet most of the board was consumed by generals full with forum spam. I remember the time of TORtanic abd GG when there were at least two women threads up at all times, back when nobody really knew what GG was.
It's only redditors who care about pepe or wojak in any level at all on either side.
Everyone who wants to make braindead faggots like you seethe is spamming wojak and pepes and the same people used to spam ragefaces, umad and every other meme to make braindead faggots like you seethe.
peak 4chinz
Trust me this shit doesn't work, I've been trying to explain that people complaining about /pol/ are inviting trolls to come and make them butthurt by making /pol/ posts for 3 years and they consistently fail to understand and revert to just calling me a /pol/tards.
Despite these idiots consistently insisting they are oldfags they cannot comprehend on any level what "don't feed the trolls" means.
Walkman sold 385 million units in total. So assuming the rest of this is accurate, that puts Sony's total sales for Playstation products at 542 million units.
>Prestidigitation, the useless spell that does nothing
Well, this author knows nothing about D&D
wow so based
except before there was one 'u mad' meme
now literally every meme (aka wojak edit) serves the same exact purpose
>brainlet wojak = u stupid
>angry wojak = u angry/sad
>console war wojak = u angry because my console > ur comsole
>npc wojak = u stupid
>soiboi wojak = u gay/cuck
>smug pepe = u mad
Why does it have to be wojak and pepe? Why does everything have to be an edit of those 2 memes from years ago?
If you can't recognize the same pattern as reddit rage comics which extracted memes out of their original meaning and used them as templates, then you probably have serious brain damage.
now go ahead, spew one of the many variations of 'u mad'. it's the only kind of humor you have.
>implying implying implying
dummy dummy
This whole website sucks
the average Yea Forums user
Now draw them kissing
I'll agree it became worse but it wasn't always
>posts tourist meme while defending tourist memes
Imagine that.
Were these shitty rage comics ironical to mock reddit back then? I cant tell anymore
Candy ass
Yeah, I'm going to tap out
>that feel when people younger than you rape your corpse for years and years after your death
You're not very bright, are you?
Those hormones you're taking fry your brain?
whoa ho ho
The cat has your pipe.
holy shit
Prestidigitation is a cantrip for basic parlor tricks. Makes a couple lights or assists with with slight of hand. Mostly it's for cleaning clothes. What the fuck is prestidigitation going to do against a beholder?
Look at the post it's replying to and use context clues, dumbfuck.
oh my bad he was pretending to be retarded xD
protip: pretending to be retarded isn't a thing. the act of 'pretending to be retarded' is retarded
People often forget that it was actually this site that created the term's current usage
>when labo is more fun then every ps4 game combined
If you're so butthurt about pepe/wojak why didn't you ever bother to create/shill something yourself? Yet you complain how braindead those reductionist memes are, yet it used to be the same shit just with 5 overused memes instead of 2. Fuck, I can remember when everyone here said "rustled my jimmies" and half a dozen variations, was that really funnier than soulless wojaks? Also don't forget the millions of exploitables which were essentially the same thing as Wojak but in reverse.
Take me back...
>/pol/ haters are redditors
It all makes sense
I'm not gonna lie. I'm one of those cancerous fags that came over during 2016 for the election. I came to /pol/ in January or so. I barely go there anymore. /pol/ is 100% responsible for the steady decline of this site, thanks partially to a viscous media cycle that paints the chans as some edgy right wing terrorist group.
>I can remember when everyone here said "rustled my jimmies" and half a dozen variations
did that last years? no it didn't. like any semi decent meme, it died after a few weeks.
wojaks and pepes keep coming back because lol it makes u mad so I'll keep posting it xD
these people need to leave.
and no I'm not going to force another meme to suppress them, that's just doing the same they are. fuck that
Are you brain damaged? The Snoy image I was replying to included Walkman in a chart to imply that Sony had higher lifetime sales than Nintendo. I removed the lifetime sales of Walkman, which made the total lifetime sales of Playstation hardware lower than Nintendo hardware.
How do you even function in your daily life?
/fit/izen here
your memes are trash, this thread is trash, this board hasn't showed me any decent games to play.
is this standard operations here?
>the game
>has only been here since 2016
>thinks he can comment on the "decline of Yea Forums"
Kill yourself.
/pol/ haters and /pol/ loves are both reddit, buttmunch
Yes, Yea Forums is a babysitting board for autistic children. Factorio is a 10/10 game everyone must try
They think just repranding pepe and wojak makes it a new 2019 meme when it is still a pepe,and still a dead meme
Most tired memes like ir Aniki or trollfaces went on for years and people claimed they were board culture if you ever dared to call them out. How is that different from Wojak?
Yea Forums changed for the worse when google changed the captchas on us
On 9gag
NTR is shit taste
The le monkey face was never organic to Reddit. It was used to troll Yea Forums back when the rustling jimmies meme was big here, as a way to bastardize it and make it look like Reddit was stealing memes regardless of if they actually understood their context. Which they clearly didn't.
Is this bait? The media has been doing that since at least 2006
Now this is something I haven't seen in over ten years, thanks bud.
>you gain brouzouf
As a Yea Forumsirgin of nine years, I can say that 2011 was the only good year on Yea Forums since the last decade
>people think these memes are different memes
Kill me
Remember nigger tits guy?
Fuck off, mobile scum
>I'll never complete my calle collection
it hurts
You forgot the clapping emoji after every word you waste of oxygen
Strip comics tend to be saved in a GIF format. It's lighter than PNG, and it's not a lossy format like GIF. It's the best format for small black-and-white images and images with simple colors.
You kill yourself too.
Stitches are broken
The truth goes unspoken
Iâve never forgotten my pills
I donât know my gender
Or what is the reason
Iâm standing here holding my blade
A sterile place
Without any trace
Itâs only the estrogen I feel
Itâs me that I spite
As I sit down and dialate
The only thing I know is real
There will be blood-shed
The man in the mirror nods his head
Left analogue stick makes playstation unplayable
Back before modern games journos
Thanks Yea Forums
>lossy format like GIF
I meant JPG.
in Yea Forums's defense. Dead Space is really the best survival horror
Thank (((G-d))) for refunds
fuck i lost
>Yea Forums memes used to be creati-
one the of the first image macros I've seen on the internet
I remember when Yea Forums was to the rest of the internet what Reddit is today. Using Yea Forums and referencing Yea Forums jokes was considered incredibly embarrassing, especially on places that predated it. People looked at Yea Forums users as what they were, which was largely underage retards who took jokes and ran them into the ground.
European cover (left)
American cover (right)
Can the damn jimmy gorilla please come back? I miss him so.
Makes me remember my T.I. From basic.
I remember Japan time.
>all the memes from when Brawl was first revealed
take me back
>i'm an ironic gamer
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Bore-derlands was trash. And I played almost all of it with a friend.
Ultimate memes:
>people being obnoxious about their never evers for several months
Jake Paul musicly fags are zoomers not the in between fags
They have one purpose and are only used for that. When was the last time that wojak was used to represent a 'feel'?
sorry I didn't read the whole reply chain
go back to twitter
These try too hard to be what at the end of the day is just another shade of "lol so randumb"
i have never seen the original of this
This site was build on lol so randumb, you swine.
Thats the joke
*holds up spork*
Well, each panel was made by a random different user, so that's to be expected. Can Yea Forums make something better I wonder? I'd like to see it.
Exactly, never fucking forget the spork.
just picture 9 wojak edits, with 2 or 3 of them being the same edit pasted over multiple times
Ye cardboard stompy golem!
I'm just waiting for people to realize that "SOUL" is also a buzzword.
Smart people knew that long ago, brainlets still think that "fun" means something objective.
nah, Yea Forums is better than this, there would be 8 wojacks saying nigger, but also one with a loli saying cunny
Can someone post the radical jump
So what's the deal with all these people on this board who seem determined to be as unpleasant as possible?
Elections coming close so the shills are in full effect on all boards
>over 1 billion copies of windows 10 sold
xbox wins again
Couldn't be that. People act like this all day every day.
Damn. When I read MW3 I thought it meant MechWarrior 3 at first.
Fuck I'm old.
>hidden post endings are closer to Yea Forums founding than to today
imma post this shit to r/Yea Forums
>2010 was 9 years ago
you go to reddit one more time
ill come to your house ,disembowel you and fuck your intestines
Shit it's that gem. Now summon know who
do us all a favor and dont come bcak.
shit bruh chill
yall niggas always be wack like why tf don't u want other ppl to see this so bad baka
So, /pol/ is full of old people?
Rage faces were abandoned mostly because back then reddit and 9gag appropriated Yea Forums memes after they became popular. But now, Pepe and Wojak are alt-right, so lefty and normie sites wouldn't touch them, so there's no need to abandon them.
No, there are some old people but most are teenagers who didn't work a single day in their lives.
That'd make an amazing game.
fuck i want it now
Then make it.
You can't make a meme game just like you can't become a meme person like gregor.
It can never match the hype.
Yes you can. Look at Barkley.
Pretty funny 2bh
Inglip memes were so good.
It's sad to see what has become of this site.
I don't know in what world you think other sites don't post pepe and wojak shit.
>It's sad to see what has become of this site.
Oh come on, the new captchas aren't THAT bad
This one never fails to amuse me.
You don't abandon a meme because other sites start using it, you abandon it because it becomes stale and unfunny. Pepe and Wojack have run their course, I just wish they'd die.
doremi is not [s4s] culture