Vidya game Autism thread

Vidya game Autism thread

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What was the name of that comic with the hilariously edgy torture of little furry creatures?

Inb4 posting op

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>note 2

What the fuck

mention that shit on Yea Forums
we don't talk about it here

that's not as specific as you might think

As a Croatian I am shocked and appalled at the implications of this comic.


kek that got me


are you talking about the frying pan one?


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Happy Tree friends?
Please send help all fandom is kill since 2008 anyone left is asian and i dont know what the fuck they're saying

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as a Serb the last part is great entertainment to me

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>ctrl f fully delitized

>I now have the tune stuck in my head
Fuck you.

This is based on the AHHH I DON'T WANT TO BE BREAD meme, it's not real

Fluffy ponies?

How dare Cro*Tians do this to Delcatty

i want to eat bread delcatty

Anyone got the ones where the pokeautist overexplains badly illustrated situations like some kind of fucking robot, if I remember one of them is about the trainer getting paralysed by stun spore and another is about the trainer getting shrunk and cucked.


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He's talking about those little pet-like things who were obsessed with sketties and spoke in broken english. You don't want to fucking know how far that shit went on Yea Forums and /trash/


Haha wow this comic really gets to me
Like damn dude, even ALIENS think this shit is tight?
That is one radical cat

im afraid to know how bad something like that can be, but how did it started?
people like to watch htf and maybe those take it easy heads for the shock value right?
no one can be THAT much of an autist right user?

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is that the cum jar?

Isn't that ponies?


>That whole thread
holy shit

fuck me i remember that one
The paralyzed face sitting fire bird right?

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