What is the best JRPG of all time Yea Forums?

What is the best JRPG of all time Yea Forums?

Attached: Lunar1box.jpg (340x294, 25K)

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not that one

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my brain says wild arms 3 but my heart says skies of arcadia

good first choice
but i raise you pic related

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I wanted to say FF7 but Lunar Silver Star Story holds a special place in my heart since it was my first JRPG that didnt have randomized battles and was similar to Chrono Trigger when fighting enemies

They're all the same, and equally trash.

Attached: Final_Fantasy_V_Box_JAP.jpg (425x235, 20K)

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Best JRPG villain.

Ma maaaaan

understandable user, silver star story is a good JRPG. FF7 wasnt my first JRPG or even my first FF but it became my favorite game of all time

FF7 was my first JRPG and gave me a bug to play more back then. My next step was Lunar and explore some SNES JRPGs. I still need to play Breath of Fire 3, Suikoden 2 and another JRPG from PS1 but I forget what it was.

Chrono Trigger

check out the star ocean games if you haven't. 1-3 are some of my favorite jrpgs. don't bother with 4 or 5


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you could have at least posted with lunar 2

Xenoblade Chronicles 1.

>FF 2 is exactly the same as The Last Remnant
Fucking based, excellent game. I wish people who liked Souls would explore Froms other games

Pretty much. All weebtrash is just visual novels for permavirgins to jerk off to sameface animu characters over.

They're not RPGs, they're not even video games. It's just trash.

>That spacing
>That retardation
Yeah head back

>Head back
Can't go "back" to anywhere I've never been, retard. Though I'd probably have an adverse reaction to proper text formatting too if I was a drop-out permavirgin basement dwelling retard.

Head back to you know where retard

Go back to having sex you faggot