How many people do you think browse Yea Forums?
How many people do you think browse Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
About 600
more than atleast 4
Me, me and me.
ten, max
How do you know
It's just me and you, bud.
1 Schizoid guy
At least one.
I have 600 different personalities
'bout 3
imma gurl btw
don't hit on me u silly bois XD
There's only you, me, and that one guy that can post really fast
you know the rules
have sex
Let’s find out.
At least 2
It's in the millions.
That's even more unreliable than counting posts. My god, you're a fucking moron.
Yea Forums probably averages in the low to mid 1000's for lurkers but less than that actually actively post at any given time. It's impossible to tell unless you're maybe a mod (if they even know) or higher up.
Yeah, no.
There's got to be way more people than that Yea Forums's like the most popular board on the site
I don't know, but we're kicking the shit out of those /pol/ greaseballs.
We did it, 4channel!
You realize that this site is one of the most trafficked on the entire internet, right? And this is one of the most popular boards. It's literally in the millions.
It’s always easy to lure out the lurkers by posting a thread that baits them.
Nowadays the only way to keep a thread going is to start it with a shitpost regardless of the series
oh man blast from the past. Where does the time go
>muh /pol/ boogeyman!
seething tranny
No Papa Genos, your not going to find anymore Banjo leaks lurking this board
I’m not stupid
Almost as many as your mom sucks off in one night
How did you blank post?
'Bout three fiddy
>there are only 19 people on Yea Forums
damn I knew every shitposting thread sounded familiar
Hopefully not many that are as fucking stupid as you.
/pol/ ruined this site
how many people in Yea Forums are actually mommys
Only for you, transsexual abomination.
Too many
Probably around elevendy
200k people using Yea Forums at this moment, /pol/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums are probably some of the more popular boards I'd wager, I'm probably missing am okay amount but I'd say at least a few thousand losers come to Yea Forums
Yea Forums feels smaller than it is because the vast majority of people don't actually post, they just lurk.
In a day, about this
/pol/ enlightened this site retard.
You're right, it's thanks to their constant attention whoring that trannies like you now browse this site regularly
cope nigger
/pol/'s inability to stay off of other boards is only a symptom of a far larger problem that is rooted in global society.
Yea Forums in general was always trash. The 2016 election brought plenty of shitters to /pol/ that then migrated to other boards, but seething trannies like you always paint everyone marginally righter than you as part of the /pol/ boogeyman.
stay mad discordtrannies
I always had a feeling theres not very much people on here and its one guy or a small handful of guys that make the same threads everyday like a schedule for the illusion that this place isnt empty. He always posts the
>Why arnt you playing X
Or the many other daily threads on here. The weird/ somewhat original threads are other actual people.
>needs to spout the epic tranny meme
yeah, everything checks out
I actually don't have a problem with /pol/, just with the fact that it fails as a containment board for political shitstorms. And not just right-wing political shitstorms mind you, ALL political shitstorms. Which again, is just a symptom of a much larger problem.
>as much traffic as Yea Forums
it really is Yea Forums2.0
have sex.
history lesson, bucko. /pol/ used to be the /n/, the news board. it was average anons that turned it into what it is now and got moot to change the name. /pol/ didnt ruin this site,*crack* *siiip* this site ruined /n/
Yea Forums died. And not the cute "oh Yea Forums has been dead since '04 HURR DURR HURR" crap, I mean it's literally just a gay porn board now.
All those off topic shitposts had to go somewhere, and [s4s] takes too much to get used to.
pol is needed to keep pussy faggots like you out
>this site ruined /n/
the site is a mindless thing
the users however have the opportunity to choose
>I mean it's literally just a gay porn board now
If you can think of a better way to recruit little boys, I'd like to hear it.
I want her to gargle cum
Well, it was /new/ before that and it was always just a stormfront dating board. It never saw any significant traffic until the 2016 elections, when all the bots from /r/the_donald came to nest there.
Truth right here, but /pol/niggers will act like they aren't reddit safespace.
>I skimmed an ED article once
>/n/ gets raided by stormniggers because nowhere else on the internet would host their retarded asses plus "SPREAD THE WORD" shit
>slowly drive out people who actually care about news in favor of neo-nazi circle jerking
>mewt deletes /n/ to try and remove the cancer
>stormniggers throw a hissy fit, DDOS the site, and raid other boards constantly for months
>mot caves to the pressure like the fucking faggot he is and brings back /n/ as /pol/, threatening to delete it if it becomes a neo-nazi circlejerk again
>it becomes a neo-nazi circlejerk again and he does nothing because he drinks more semen than water
A few years later:
>/pol/ begins trying to meme trump into the white house during the 2016 elections because he's an epic meme man and hillary is left wing
>decide to do so at all costs and enlist the aid of our ancient enemy, reddit, via /r/thedonald
>autismal rejects that were banned on other reddit boards for not following the narrative flock to /r/thedonald and from there migrate to /pol/ proper
>other redditards get the word that they can come here to dump all their bullshit opinions without getting banned by the powertripping retards that admin most of their shithole
>Yea Forums slowly becomes infested with reddits who care nothing about the quality of the site and come here solely to steal memes and say things they can't on reddit as they spread across other boards
And that, children, is how Yea Forums became even shittier than it already was against all odds.
isn't Yea Forums the most busy board in all of Yea Forums(nel)?
seven TOPS
tranny get out
Wait, I fucked up. /new/ got raided first, deleted, brought back as /n/ and renamed to /pol/ after it didn't change. My memory is failing me.
Yea Forums teamed up with reddit before /pol/ did
>giving a shit about the machinations of our corporate overlords and their human puppets
>thinking that your opinion matters on a national, much less global, scale
well telling from this thread atleast 50
>he does nothing because he drinks more semen than water
sometimes I miss shitting on moot
did you reply to the wrong person trannoid?
user, I don't know how to tell you this, but not everyone you think disagrees with you on the internet is a mentally ill faggot who chopped their cock off.
No, most of Yea Forums only wanted to laugh at a stupid slut. It's the "akschually it's about. . ." fags made it about joining forces with other sites. And let's not forget they actively gave away money to a company that shat on them because they had to show they weren't against women. And in the end when literally everyone was laughing at them and the slut they had to leave for cripplechan.
and you think everyone that hates niggers is a neo-nazi or originates from /pol/?
I think too many children, for starters.
No, I think everyone that can't talk about videogames on the videogames board without bringing up their political viewpoint should suck on a bullet.
Daily? Maybe a few hundred, maybe a thousand max
There are faggy Yea Forums discords/circlejerks formed because of retards like adamantium and speedonvhs
Before the split, Yea Forums was a top 200 website worldwide.
>Free society in a move of complete and utter lack of self awareness allows the concept of "wrong think" to solidify itself.
>A place happens to pride itself on the purity of opinion separate from an identity happens to attract those suppressed by the "wrong think" mentality.
Moot was always a dumbshit for expecting that shit not to happen and "caved" because he realized he was invoking internet censorship over "literally can't even" opinions.
It's called maturity, and few people other than moot would have gone back on their decision because the entire millennial generation unironically believes that anti-wrong think initiatives and freedom of speech co-exist.
Just me. The rest of you niggers are bots.
Even me?
Can nobody detect sarcasm anymore?
why don't we take a count? I'll start
most of the shitposters here don't shitpost about political stuff or /pol/ related things; and yet fags like you only complain about /pol/ in every fucking thread
it's obvious what your problem is, and it ain't shitposting
57,257 loyal visitors that spend more than 5 hours here daily
well I can only prove I'm the only one posting or even existing, everyone else might as well be some kind of ai
Except that's wrong, retard. The announcement that he was bringing back /new/ as /n/ literally said something along the lines of "DON'T MAKE THIS A NAZI BOARD AGAIN OR I'LL DELETE IT"
He brought it back to try and contain its denizens, because they were burning the rest of Yea Forums to the ground. It was a desperation move. It's basically the same as when an invaded country makes a land concession to stop a war because the rest of the country is getting raped and they're unable to push the invaders out completely.
Moreover, it's not nearly as political as you're making it out to be. The problem wasn't that the stormniggers hate niggers, it was that it's the only thing they wanted to talk about 24/7. There would be a thread about a football player committing crime, 20 posts in,
>so why do we still let niggers in the NFL again?
Thread derailed. Then another one about a car crash with 7 fatalities, one of them a black guy,
>well at least there's one less nigger in the world.
Thread derailed. So on and so forth. You have a right to your opinion, you don't have the right to talk about it fucking everywhere regardless of context, because that's annoying as shit and people want to talk about other things sometimes you fucker.