Show me a game where the companion AI is not totally useless

Show me a game where the companion AI is not totally useless.

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Bioshock Infinite unironically

This but ironically

Fallout nv


Cats in Monster Hunter
>collect items
>give extra carves

The Last Of Us, Dragons Dogma, Middle Earth: Shadow of War/Mordor, Bioshock Infinite and Far Cry Primal/5.

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Titanfall 2


Only if you keep them set to Ranged and only because randomly strafing around is a half decent way of not getting shot. You put them in Melee and they'll get chewed up because the AI can't fight close quarters for shit.


Unironically Persona 3. Fucking fight me.

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Dragons Dogma

Surprised nobody mentioned half-life 2. Having Alyx to keep you company in the second half of the game makes the mood change from desperate solitude to actual fun or hopefulness. But I guess that's more of a testament to that game's storytelling than AI, since basically all she does is keep you company and shoot baddies.


Now I will buy your game.

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Fortune Summoners

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Post the kingdom hearts 3 webm.
You know the one

What game is this?

Dark Milkies

Basically every AAA today.

>cat, come do thing
>"can't I'm busy right now"
>standing beside me, not doing a thing, not gathering, not attacking the monster, not buffing

Arbiter in Halo 3

Setting your party members to AI in Dragon Quest VIII actually makes the game easier. In the game you select your move and go through with it when it's your turn, but the AI simply reacts when it's their turn. The AI can also "see" enemy health values and will always use the most MP efficient move to kill the enemy. The Ai will also only use chance based moves when they're guaranteed to work, and this includes death spells.

There's literally no reason not to at least make Angelo Ai controlled in DQVIII.

Mass Effect

i guess xenoblade chronicles 2 cause when i tried to control the healer myself the team didnt last very long. i guess ill let nia do her thing

I prefer shakala's suicide diving to save my life. Chacha and kayamba were the best

Attached: MH3G-Kayanba_ChaCha.png (520x397, 253K)