Xbox teasing something Game of Thrones related

>Xbox teasing something Game of Thrones related
Controller? Special console edition? Possibly a game?

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do you think anyone on Yea Forums gives a shit about this bottom-barrel corporate diarrhea?


It's the GRRM x From game

>Game of Thrones
Take your trash to

>game of thrones

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Funny thing is I hate game of thrones more than I like from soft.

You write like a literal shill

Better than your weebshit.

>le millennial SJW LOTR wannabe that even it's fanbase hates now
Literally the nuStar Wars of TV shows.

>Better than your weebshit

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That was literally false.
The rumor was started by a youtuber with no credibility whatsoever.

Telltale Games

Game of Thrones 2?

whoa whoa whoa zoomers hate Wu Tang now?

>he doesn't know

Telltale is dead.
And besides, why the fuck would anyone want another one?

Yeah man I only play organic games made by free range beatnicks

why is xbox consistently getting involved in fads after they're over

>pays $2 billion for minecraft after it stopped being popular
>buys exclusivity rights to PUBG literally days before Fortnite came out
>investing in game of thrones while the final season is airing(which everyone is hating so far and fans are turning away from the franchise)

Hey man, Wu Tang clan ain't nothing to fuck with

>and fans are turning away from the franchise
This isn't happening because of the shitshow this season is. Even norms were realizing GOT was going downhill for the past few seasons. A 2 year wait also pissed everybody off. People are only watching this season because it's the final one and sunken cost. I really don't believe the spin offs will be anywhere near as popular as the original (which stopped being good when they ran out of book material)

Who gives a shit?
the only thing I want to heart from xbox is when theiy finally have to close down from being bankrupt, they have only bringed cancer so far

>Game of thrones controller

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multi-faction mmorpg w/ DAoC RvR PvP? With the various houses, peoples two continents, etc, could have potential.

But it's XBox so nope

Minecraft is still pretty damn popular with children

There were all these storylines that were to be resolved in the future and the show was about what was going on then and now. Once they started to address those future storylines is when it went to shit,

Ah no, you both suck dicks. That fat piece of shit hack writer should have finished his book series before allowing it become a show. The guy is probably going to die on the shitter before finishing it.

Yes actually, I would expect no less from this place.

> based black men!
> one two uh whitey finna keepin niggaz down, bix nood get that dope money nigga uh

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Based and BrooklynZooPilled

It's clearly dragon age you dumb faggot retard.

I can smell how fat you are over the internet.

God I hope it's a fighting game. Why the fuck haven't we had a GOT fighting game yet?

Do you think it's a crossover with Starbucks?

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Hopefully something with a bit of consistent mechanics at least! Just imagine being a Dannyfag in 2019

>Ice Spears pierce dragonscale
>Rusted knives wielded by undead pierce dragonscale and make them abandon their mother
>Ballistae piece and kill dragons with incredible accuracy and a few shots
I know Jon's going to stab Danny after she burns King's Landing to the ground in the next two episodes, but I feel bad for ever caring about this series after how schlocky D&D have taken it

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> u fat crackuh
> chilluns in africuh be starvin n shit

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Piss off.

>possibly a game
lol no

He says this while on a board that discussing and supporting a medium that’s just as bad if not worse.

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Look at diabetes boy losing his shit.


Film as many fake endings as you want, this series is unsalvageable

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How did no one notice it?

who cares.

Implying this board wouldn't have been filled with "SONY WINS!" post if it was Playstation tweeting it.

State of decay 2 or crackdown 3 "got"Edition !!! Maybe minecraft with got skin ..cant Imagine something else from xbone

>t. only listens to video game music

wtf is the point of the night's watch if Arya killed their main reason for existing and Jon's goody goody with the wild folk?


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xbots have been waiting since 2013, Phil

Other leaks have Bran saying at a point that
There will always be a Night King
So it's up to Jon, the wildlings, and the rest of the criminals of the realm to repair the wall and prepare for the eventual return of a 8000yr old zombie wizard general

No it doesn't make sense, and it SUBVERTS your EXPECTATIONS whilst Jon's story COMES FULL CIRCLE

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Honestly todays episode was a shitshow. I didnt expect much because they dont have any good character writing or scenes to work with so they are just fucking winging it with the story, and frankly the quality of the writing has tanked.

Oh and obvs the battle for winterfell was a medieval tactics nightmare. Better try to open up with a good old cav charge headfirst into a wall of undead flesh that isn't afraid of anything.

>yfw Bran the builder is Bran Stark

If its not a game of thrones inspired remake of the licensed lord of the rings games im not interested.

Spinoffs are never as popular as the real thing. Plus they’re all prequels and prequels suck ass nobody likes them

>Better try to open up with a good old cav charge headfirst into a wall of undead flesh that isn't afraid of anything
When the overall placement of forces is so mad laymen start screeching, you know you've well beyond fucked up at this level
>Cavalry>Siege Weapons>Forces>Barrier>Castle

Would love it at least so he fucking does something. The last relevant thing he did was outing Littlefinger, since then he's done nothing but start a conspiracy that's going to get half the cast killed with his FACTS & LOGIC

Warging for the entire battle of the third episode without any obvious payoff really makes the character seem like a waste

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minecraft is still hugely popular, and one day they will have the name to make minecraft 2 with higher resolution

i can't believe people would even entertain such an idea

Wow that is fucking retarded. Jeezuz, I know they had to veer away from the books because their alterations already changed some stuff and GRRM has given up on writing or is secretly dead, but Martin couldn't have at least given them his notes or scrapwork?

>there will always
Except we saw its creation, so there was a point without a NK. Also throwing in the Warcraft "always be a Lich King" thing only works if there is still undead you need to control/contain. In GOT, they kill them all instantly when the NK died.

fuck off with this normie bullshit, redditor

It's an GoT themed xbox. Just like the godzilla one.

Apparently he just gave them a rough outline but mainly Jon’s heritage & the final ending

The browser game is coming to the Xbox family!

>your wait begins
No. now it tends

>implying the dead are actually dead forever
Despite being stabbed by a Valyrian steel dagger through his obsidian heart, just give him a bit of time to regenerate my man. He's a force of nature rather than a mortal being after all

He gave them his notes and conclusions, but the path to the destination is going to be wildly different. Just compare the tone of Book Danny vs Show Danny. It isn't a wonder why the ruler that crucified thousands of masters should be considered unhinged, but due to the show's presentation of her previous acts, viewers are about to choke down Mad Queen Danny in literally two episodes of buildup before Jon backstabs her like Jaime will Cersei

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It's an Xbox exclusive, Fromsoft developed Game of Thrones game.

This. Xbox is doing a huge teaser marketing campaign for a big theme controller reveal.

Wonder what the book had planned for Stannis the Mannis.

It'll be fucking nothing as usual, considering the source.

Who was Nowy Tends referring to? Why did Ned called Arthur that before they fought?

>One of the top tacticians of Westeros with a large advantage backed with supernatural influence even if he dislikes it
>Dumpstered by 20 good men leading a night raide against a camp thousands strong
I don't even want to know at this point

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I barely remember where the books left off with Stannis. Wasn't he helping the Wall fight the white walkers using the god of light?

No, he was getting ready for/already lost the siege of Winterfell if memory serves from Ramsey's raven to Jon at the wall.

friendly reminder that the directors make multiple ending
friendly reminder that this "leak" has some inconsistencys already

Other than Tyrions numerous executions/betrayals in every theory , please feel free to post dem inconsistencies your big brain has noticed.

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