lets have an indie game thread. What gems have you discovered over the years? Starting with a classic.
Lets have an indie game thread. What gems have you discovered over the years? Starting with a classic
You think people talk about about video games here?
Hammerfight is fun.
deep rock galactic
sky knights
Deep rock agalatic is fantastic but i refuse redownload it and play until it's officially out. Fuck early access, just sell a finished game god damn.
Quick i need a comfy masterpiece to help me quit smoking, just something relaxing that isn't stardew valley.
I like Kenshi a lot. Cool world to explore, sandbox and comfy building.
That's for the best but you will be waiting a very long time
This shit was pretty fun
I can't get into it and i loved rimworld, factorio and other autism simulators i don't know what the deal is. I feel like a brainlet when i play and i don't know if that's because it's not intuitive or if it's user error.
I'm on a tribal run right now, DUDE LMAO makes every moral challenge null, it's insane how broken kike herb is in this game.
I'm also waiting on this, it's gonna be years isn't it?
Your guess is as bad as mine
Is it still just a shitty battle royale where people don't even bother to fight the monsters?
Came here to post this. Fantastic game, far better than it had any right to be. The dev's new game looks rad, too.
Heat Signature, Star Sector, CDDA, Crisis Response, Liberal Crime Squad, Maximum Action, Receiver, Door Kickers, Fistful of Frags, Digital: A Love Story, Democracy 3, Exanima, Papers Please, Dwarf Fort, FTL.
Just beat this yesterday
deep caverns were pretty eh to me but its a solid game
It's slightly more engaging, it actually is pretty immersive as a hunting game with headphones.
I suppose Cultist Simulator is indie-esque. Just found out about it yesterday, been having so much fun that I actually bought it.
You need a decently sized group before you want to make a base because you'll get zerged by cannibals. Also a good chunk of supplies so you can build shit up quick. Id also suggest a funnel to your gate with mounted crossbows. That makes it so people can never get in, especially after you upgrade them.
Kenshis harder then something like rimworld because shit doesn't slowly ramp up over time giving you a grace period.
I got that and sunless sea. imo i'm having more fun with sunless sea, cultist simulator is comfy but slow and sort of frustrating on how it explains absolutely nothing which i get is the draw and i like that but it's even more obtuse than sunless sea.
The absolute esotericism of Cultist Simulator is fantastic.
Great game that really emulates dipping your toes into the vast unknown.
Rain World
Mutant year Zero
Yeah but when the descriptions are so vague all that's left to do is randomly mash cards together and memorize the outcome you know something fucked up somewhere, it has great writing but it's disjointed and usually is not practical for communicating game mechanics.
Where you at right now? I remember when I first played it. Dread killed me way too many times before I figured out how to deal with it.
I always get roadblocked around 8 hours in on each playthrough, a lot of things make sense in this game ie
>Health and exploration = vitality +2 = another health card
>Sleeping with health has a small chance at contentment
>Going to a brothel has a chance at contentment
I like how things make sense but when it comes to expanding, on expeditions or collecting books or summoning shit i have no idea what to do because all i have to go on are thew useless tooltips and vague descriptions.
Dead Cells scratched my 2D Castlevania itch quite well.
Death Gambit as decent but havent put that much time in yet.
BallisticNG was pretty cool. I didn't have a lot of experience with games in the style of F-Zero aside from the first F-Zero itself, but it's pretty damn fun. Shame dedicated servers and Steamplay weren't something they wanted. Something about player-hosted matches allowing the game to live on past some hypothetical company shutdown. Still, pretty damn fun.
What problems are you having with expeditions and getting more lore? Those are actually more straight forward than most.
It's the summoning shit, following your "Desire", and everything that relates to "Way" shit which took me a bit to really get a grasp on after I settled down with the game.
GearCity is the absolute best business management and car tycoon game ever made. It looks like shit and the interface is mostly slider-based, which isn't very intuitive, but once I learned how things worked, I immediately bought it. Helps that the dev is a really cool guy. One man project (with art from some other people) and he always answers people in the forums.
Crosscode and rabi ribi have alot of content and soul
Fuck you.
Cultist Simulator is only good for like 3 hours until the sense of discovery completely stops and everything that's left is just mindless grind until you find this shiny new thing you've never known about and then go back to the grind again.
Alexis Kennedy was the main dev of Fallen London and Sunless Sea before leaving Failbetter to go freelance and end up on Cultist Simulator. Alexis Kennedy also seems to greatly dislike making videogames accessible.
Well, here's a hint: If you want one of the first tier of Expeditions to succeed, you need 5 in whatever aspect the problems call for. So if it says you need Lantern or Forge to get over this gap, you need followers with a combined Lantern or Forge of 5+ to get over it. Sending them money wont help.
There so much shit to discover that I seriously doubt you got it all within 3 hours.
>Deep Caverns
Really makes you think
>Heat Signature
Kind of crap. The difficulty is all over the place.
Where is the expansion ?