Do you ever go to gaming tournaments?

Do you ever go to gaming tournaments?

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Fuck off, lol


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god i wish that was all of Yea Forums

did this really happen? i forgot about this shit

too soon

genuinely enjoying videogames?

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What happened?

care to explain this e-celeb stuff?

I go to local fighting game events as often as possible, usually a couple of nights per week

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I went to EVO Japan last year. Not to compete, I was just in Tokyo at the time and decided to check it out. It was the middle of winter, but it was so crowded that it was stuffy and smelt like shit inside.

I know someone got shot but I can't remember who

Incel got mad he lost at a Madden tournament and shot up the place.

thanks I forgot about this until now. you now remember baby kate.

>gaming tournament being held
>alt right incel loses early and gets washed out
>leaves then comes back to the tournament with an AR 15 and starts shooting up the place
>OP image is from the tournaments stream right before he started shooting
Look near the black guys arm on his chest, that bright red is from the shooters laser sight
Oh and Inb4 crying about me saying alt right incel, after the incident and whole investigating the shooter they found he was a /pol/ and /r9k/ poster

Lol I still can't believe he fucking killed a guy and himself over fuckin Madden.

Oh shit, I remember that. I thought this was the one where the guy suddenly died just off screen after getting up.

The fuck is that? Definitely sounds like something I'm not googling.

i live in bum fuck nowhere and there was a smash local where i lived
went there and got 4th despite not playing any ultimate, but to be fair there was only like 12 people. was fun playing against good people without 20 frames of input lag

Reminder that black guy deserved it for being toxic in the first place.

I thought it was some handgun with a laser sight and he just shot the guy who beat him

>how to tell someone’s a newfag
>don’t remember when a game tournament was shot up a few months ago by some fag that lost fifa

>Look near the black guys arm on his chest, that bright red is from the shooters laser sight
>Oh and Inb4 crying about me saying alt right incel, after the incident and whole investigating the shooter they found he was a /pol/ and /r9k/ poster
What will they find you posted when you go on your shooting spree?

>spent his time on /pol/ probably calling people degenerates and wastes of life
>spends his life playing competitive Madden, of all fucking games

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Ultimate is for retards. Did it smell like shit?


who's the newfag now

He only killed the guy that beat him, he tried to shoot others but failed

self deprecation

and kills people over it lol

I don’t pay attention to sport games because I’m not a fag

>What will they find you posted when you go on your shooting spree?
/toy/. Just kidding, I wouldn't throw one of the few decent boards under the bus like that.

kek, sure kiddo

they also had pm and melee. there was 6 melee entrants. i played some of that too, but im garbage at melee

How the fuck did he fail? Did he shoot himself too?

>What will they find you posted when you go on your shooting spree?
Lots of arguing about games/comics/movies and a bunch of porn, futa on male is as extreme as that goes though

there are no decent boards on 4channel.


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>aim at other people after shooting first target
>fail to shoot them due to recoil or adrenaline making hands shake or whatever
>turn gun on yourself when you see security starting to rush you
Dude tried to go for a high score, got only one person, then punched his own ticket from fear of being apprehended, sounds like a failure to me

No, you're just a retard.

They’d find my hentai collection. And an abnormally high amount of photos of Garfield being photoshopped in movie scenes

>a few months ago
Wow you're such an oldfag holy shit I bet you've been here for almost a whole year


jews are insane .

Then you should have just said 'a game' instead of proving to everyone you're dumb as fuck.

reminder he was a jew as well

Don't worry bro you totally fit in

A self hating jew? Never heard of that one before

Another reason to remove /pol/

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what's your point?

and Yea Forums

>Tfw you find out every /pol/tard is actually a Jew like Sharpio or a flamming faggot like Milo

Met a guy who "went to smash tournaments".
Painted his toenails black like a faggot and was generally unkempt. Pretty much turned me off of the idea of ever going to anything like that.

This is why need to ban all straight white christian men from public events

Imagine taking this as an attack on your race

He was a Jew.

honestly most Jews i know IRL are all fucking weirdos
like it isn't even an exaggeration, these people are genuinely insane
there might be some unsuspecting Jews out there, but almost everybody I know who's open about being a Jew is a genuine fucking weirdo
What's the cause of this? Is it confirmation bias?

>goes on a shooting spree over a video game
>is wh*te
How am I not surprised?

Not tournaments but a few street fighter and tekken meet ups, played some matches, talked some trash, had trash talked back to me, and generally had a good time since it was all in fun and no one was a sperg
My worst experience was with melee players and I wasn't even directly attending their event, I went to my local comic and games shop and see what was up
I walk in the door and am immediately hit with a stench wave, and this was in November so I don't know how those guys got that sweaty
I get my comics and would normally talk to the guy behind the counter and shoot the shit but he's as close to the door as he can be and burning 3 incense sticks
As I was leaving I hear the smash fags in the back start chanting "Fox Only"

>Crying newfag saying that people should know what sport game is which


did anyone actually died ? i dont remember

It was a handgun you sperg. Stop listening to MSM, scarcely any shootings use an AR-15.

>/pol/ defense force has arrived
>he was totally a jew guys, jews are so crazy, have I told you about the global jewspiracy yet
Try being a little less transparent

nice try, shlomo

Black guy in image died. And shooter tried to kill more people but failed and killed himself literally seconds after the first shots

Black dude died, shooter fired at others but missed since people immediately hit the deck, then shooter offed himself

>looks like a jew

keep trying

I honestly regret watching/listening to the footage of the incident. I've seen a lot of shit, but for some reason this video haunts me.

It's still amazing to me how the stream switched from filming the players to the gameplay in the same moment he was shot. Lucky or unlucky depending who you ask I guess, I'm sure twitch is happy it went that way

>Have a fear of going to tournaments and smelling bad like Yea Forums says
>Always wash before going to nerd functions and douse myself in Burberry

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>douse myself in Burberry

>109 countries

Post good cologne then, faget.

It’s because when videos like this are online the sound quality is shit so you don’t hear the voices and you don’t realize they were just humans like you and me. Another example is a ton of people are haunted from the new Zealand shooting video becomes of that one lady that desperately screams for help for a bit.

I don't think I ever saw it posted and I never bothered to search it out because i'm not an edgy teen

Are you disgustingly fat as fuck or something? Just take a shower before you leave the house with literally any body wash and literally any shampoo. It's not rocket science. Do NOT fucking put on cologne or perfume or any other chemical garbage, you will annoy the shit out of anyone that has a cold or a flu, because their irritable nose is going to feel all scratchy from the stupid fucking chemicals you're forcing them to breathe in.

it cuts as soon as it supposedly happened, the vid showed nothing you pussy

if you wanna see some real shit look up ISIS vids

Nooooo, keep them in their containment board as it should be. Otherwise they'll spread else where.

>the new Zealand shooting video becomes of that one lady that desperately screams for help for a bit.

I honestly couldn’t sleep for like two days because her voice was stuck in my head

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ISIS videos are funny, because they are edited like MLG footage

>cartoon crosshair moves over soldier
>wacky sound effects when he dies
>rewind slo-mo, black and white filter

I forgot about it immediately. I hate being like this sometimes.

i go as a chaperone for my nephew and niece but that's it

not the edited one where you dont see any action. You know which ones im talking about. On bestgore....

They already spreading on another board, especially Yea Forums.
Deletion on that board is the only answer

>sympathizing this hard for muslims