What does Yea Forums think of EFT?

What does Yea Forums think of EFT?

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Yea Forums hates it because muh artificial difficulty. Game DEFINITELY has a ton of problems it needs to fix but it's the best FPS experience on PC right now. There is no other game like it.

What makes you say that user? Because it's been in beta forever ?

It's, by far, the single best realistic multiplayer shooter out on the market unless you're terminally autistic and want shit like ARMA.


It's handled by slavs that don't know what the fuck they're doing so it's doomed to never be even 1/10th of what it could be, potentially.

pay to win scam made by slavs.

permanent early access game that runs like complete shit and is riddled with bugs and glitches, netcode is also embarrassing with results that wouldn't be acceptable even 2 decades ago
best part is the EA tier editions that come with p2w features like increased stash space for 140 fucking dollars

It's my favorite PVP shooter, but it has problems. The servers can be iffy, netcode isn't very good, optimization is not good, and the whole task system sucks a fat one since so many of the tasks are boring, tedious garbage that actually manage to be worse than standard MMO quests. There's a gem of a game hidden beneath those though.

>Hunt Showdown
I mean I get what you are saying but there are other games like it

Hunt Showdown is different, it's mechanics are alot less "hardcore" and is no fun to play since the playerbase is so small they disable rank based matchmaking. Enjoy being lvl 1 playing against lvl 100s with Nitros and automats


worst community

Different guy, but their gamemodes share a number of similarities, although I agree with you about the mechanics. Not having ranked matchmaking is a moot point since EFT doesn't have any sort of mm either.

a headshot with a lvl 1 gun with drop any nitro (which has been nerfed) or automat user (you need to be within 5 feet of them)

best gunplay of any FPS ever made
also never gonna be finished because nikita is a fucking retard and the game has permanent feature creep and no idea what it wants to be

The excessive crying about it is really fucking irritating, but I do think it's a bit too good all around. Having a million fags running around naked with dirt-cheap guns that'll one shot you through some of the best body armor in the game makes running expensive shit endlessly frustrating as you kill 90 moslings for no gain whatsoever. You get no real money from killing them, and the fights aren't fun. It's almost as frustrating as pistol glitchers used to be. That said, it does get blown way out of proportion.

Good gunplay and an interesting metagame premise that I've never seen implemeted well in multiplayer before. Suffers from running poorly, shitty netcode/servers/lag (especially with how punishing mistakes are).

I also find that its overly realistic in some aspects to the point of being boring and inaccessible without help of outside resources, but thats more a matter of my subjective preferences than an objective issue. I know some people really dig that kind of autism even though its not really my thing.

i'm gonna wait until its on Steam to play it again, hopefully it'll be finished

that is pretty much utterly false now. The only way for you to be in a match against high levels like that when you're a beginner if you play with a friend who is high level or once you prestige. But for that you have had to play enough anyway.

I got shot by AKS74u into my whole body. Probably the guy shot his whole magazine empty on me. I had no armor and just a mosin, I shot him twice and killed him. The damage model in tarkov is retarded and it always will be retarded cause of people like you. Denying it when there actually are problems.

> p2w
there's no direct payment for advantages in actual GUNplay; your guns never deal more damage because you paid more. it's the softest form of p2w possible and stash space is a meme that's supposed to be getting erased with hideouts (never ever)
what's actually pay2win is the secure container 'Gamma' which provides 9 slots over the standard edition's starting 2x2 'Alpha' container and largest 2x4 'Epsilon' container (after a quest line is completed) this lets players keep more items safe should they die in a raid (if it was in the container)
The kappa container also exists which is 3x4 but that's restricted to specific item types and requires a 100% quest completion (some quests require stat gains, which takes ages) and supposedly an "omicron" secure container will be released eventually that is 3x3 +3 singles, which anyone can obtain by playing the game.
paying for the big-goy package is made irrelevant by gitting gud and being a poopsocking autist.

no the real problem with EFT is...

the company BattleState Games itself.

this is the company that filed 47 false DMCAs against a youtuber for repeating a rumor (DMCAs being a legalistic manner of claiming ownership over a video; ie court of law) and basically killed that youtuber's interest in ever speaking about the game again.
the company that has left their servers open for data scraping to determine how many players are online on which servers, at eftstat.us
the company that uses Xsolla as a payment service (please buy EFT with a pre-paid gift card. don't risk your actual credit numbers online (ever, anywhere))

oh, and all the constant fucking "hideouts soon"
netcode improvement "soon maybe" (though it has somewhat improved but not enough)
but also maybe never, so please post more actual progress reports?
> we get radio silence

EFT would succeed.
BSG is holding it back.

oh, right. the game.

EFT is fine if you like having your PvE questing interrupted by PvP sweaty-pits who roll max squad sizes with the 1-shot calibers. The best part? You can claim a raid all for "yourself" if you have enough people cooperate on discord to join a dead server at the correct time/place.

Come on in to the Labs with your 12 man, where raiders spawn with millions of roubles of equipment just waiting to be put into item cases (4x4 outside, 8x8 inside) which are nested inside backpacks inside icases inside backpacks inside... etc 17 fucking deep.
Because your legs never buckle and there's no over-weight limitation.
And all you need to do is spend 112k RU to get in!

Other raids?
There are maps other than Labs?

Yes, you have:
- Damn i'm tired of this walking (Shoreline)
- Hatchets, Pistols, and Shotguns... No armor. Final Destination Hallway. (Factory)
- Please move some quests out of this map and into others (Customs)
- Damn where the fuck is everyone and why is this map so quiet -- aaand i'm dead. (Interchange)
- Get out, with an SKS, Inna. (Woods)

in-game voip when

Breddy gud map summary, although I do like most of the maps despite their issues. I'd also add that Customs can get too crowded for its layout at times as 12 people + player scavs is insane for that map.

>Come on in to the Labs with your 12 man
As someone who has always played almost exclusively solo and at most in a duo, that sounds pretty fucking fun, honestly. Getting a whole group together to relax in this game for once and just hang out shooting shit (in both senses of the word) together.

>Come on in to the Labs with your 12 man
god I wish that were me, I hardly ever get 5 man raids

Fights go down like this:
Is your gun on full auto? If not, put it there.
> You gun doesn't have full auto? You fucked up. Get one that does.
Is your reticule on target's head? If not, put it there. (git gud)
> Your gun doesn't have a red-dot? You fucked up, get one and the attachments to put one on there.
Does your gun still have ammo? Keep firing.
> Your gun wasn't firing armor-piercing ammunition? You fucked up BAD, go get some and try again.

> Time to loot?

After the target has stopped moving, dump another mag into the body and then evaluate the fight.
Did you see him first? No, he saw you first because it's a AI scavenger. They know where you are at all times and can shoot you through objects too wide and dense for you to, because their damage isn't simulated, it's applied directly. (shooting through doors; hitting legs when only head is visible)

Is it a player? No, it's the worst kind of player. A player scav; The player who PvPs without chance for Coop even with other scavs. Got a better gun? They'll murder you for it. Got a shit gun? They'll murder you for it just so their backpack isn't empty. Fuck you.

Holy shit you found a unicorn and it was a PMC! Check twice and twice the area you're checking, then check all that twice again for that gay nigger friend they always have with them.
Congrats you got 2 PMC kills.

Put their dogtags in your secure container and get the fuck out of there before anyone else shows up.
You've won at every fight in Escape From Tarkov.

> What about the loot?
You're carrying it already, dipshit! Get out with what you have and don't be a greedy idiot.

Fun but buggy because early access. Incredibly immersive and the gun customization and handling is the absolute best.

Want to see it on steam. But the devs attitude and epic in the picture i highly doubt it.
Hope someone makes stalker with EFT gun mechanics.

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I should add to factory "And that one faggot using Fort+FastMT and 7.62x54r trying to do Punisher Part 6"

It's the only rational explanation as to why the flea market gets flooded with rediculous shit all the time. People are gaming the squad system with third party voice comm software to crowd out solo player spawns, and effectively "own" a raid from start to finish with no molestation by player scavs.

As long as the 1-ton fat boy with the 20 item and weapon cases makes it to the exit with all the gear they can do the same forever.

comfy game

Attached: Escape From Tarkov Screenshot 2019.05.01 - (1280x720, 930K)

Well hey, that Fort guy on Factory is just begging for one of the million shotgunners to leg him and take his shit.

> map is slightly foggy
> turn on flashlight because night
> your own flashlight blinds you and washes out the map with a white spot, blinding you further
> some asshole turns on his flashlight and your entire screen goes white

> not even using a real flashlight, just a fucking Klesh

Gotta love that "dot" pattern if you turn off anti-aliasing that makes the required pixel hunting fucking impossible.

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I spent $50 for it a few days ago and I'm tempted to do a PayPal chargeback since EFT has no refund policy. The game is cool but sucks major buggy ass at the same time and I'm feeling scammed

do it, chances are they won't even ban your account/remove the game

I'll probably just get banned from xsolla, the payment processor. I can't say I really give a fuck, sounds like some literally who chink data mine service.

>best fps experience
>built in mechanic to change your mouse smoothing when you change even one bit of gear
Yeah nah

I got my 40 bucks out of it. I thought it'd be really realistic and it tries, but as in any game there are exploits and a clear meta to break the immersion.

Don't forget the extra .20 standing for traders so you only have to complete a few menial tasks to get to ll3 on most traders compared to retarded shit without the bump

too hard to implement a technology of this magnitude

damn shame

wish the weapon modding was in service of a better game

Attached: Escape From Tarkov Screenshot 2018.01.23 - (3132x1764, 2.74M)

It's literally coming in .12

Hunt Showdown deserves better, game is so cash when it plays as intended.

>permanent early access
>runs like shit
ALl you need is 16gb of ram and a midrange gpu and its fine dude, are you playing it on a Styrofoam pc?
>riddled with bugs and glitches
You complain that its early access and then complain about glitches? Glitches aren't even that common.
>bad netcode
I'll give you this one
>package tiers
You can get bigger stashes when the game comes out.

filled with cheaters.

Runs fine on 8gb of RAM for me, very few stutters.

redpill me on this game.

i see people talking about it from time to time, but it looks just like a third rate PUBG clone. but apparently there's some continuity between playthroughs? so is it just a "realistic" FPS roguelite or is it not that complex?

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Nothing like PUBG other than the fact you end the current session when you die. You start on one end of a map at the same time as everybody else and have to make it to the other end of the map to "extract". If you die, you are sent back to the main menu and lose everything you brought into the match. If you survive and extract, you get to keep any loot you found plus whatever you brought into the raid.

It's not like PUBG at all. You have to escape as the name suggests and you get to keep what you take out. If you die, you lose everything (unless you insure it and nobody takes your stuff).

You play against other players and scavs (AIs and players). Players spawn at the beginning, player/AI scavs spawn in whenever. If you play as a player scav, you get a random set of items to start off with each time, so you can never run out of loot as long as you escape.

All of the shooting and gun customization stuff is really great. It has some of the coolest gun mechanics I've seen in an FPS.

My problem is that the game is just not that fun. Sure it's super "hardcore" but dying to random bullshit and losing all of your gear isn't the greatest design decision, especially when you'll get 360'd from the shitty bots.

The game would be tons better with voip, and I have no idea why the fuck they don't have it yet. Playing these types of hardcore games, especially like DayZ, a lot of the fun is player interaction. But EFT doesn't have that, so any time you see another player, you just have to kill them. With voice chat you can actually team up, but right now the game is just a giant sandbox free-for-all match.

I have hope for it in the future. Once they actually have all of the maps and add more QOL shit like voip, I think it'll end up being pretty fun. But as of right now, it's just not really worth playing for me.

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so is there an incentive to co-op or is it just a free-for-all deal where the last person alive escapes?

not trying to shitpost or anything, but it does sound a lot like a "twist" on the battle-royale format. Like there's no reason not to immediately kill anyone you see for the best chance at loot (especially if it'll carry over to the next match).

There's no VOIP yet to make co-op very feasible, and most of the stuff isn't hard enough to warrant needing help with. There's also nothing to stop them from shooting you at any point and taking everything for themselves. There also isn't an implicit last person alive. On all maps but one you can generally try to avoid conflict with all players and sneak through the map, killing bots and looting as you go if you want. There's also no closing circle to force player conflict. The maps are the maps, and the boundaries of them do not change, so sometimes you'll end up just not finding other players by chance because Jimbob and his 3 gay buddies were always moving around the opposite side of the map from you. But you're right about there not being much reason to not just kill everything that moves, and that's how most people play.

alright. so the potential is there but because of Early Access shenanigans it just kinda devolves into that

this desu, a lot of spookiness is because you don't know how many other players are left

Well, yeah. It's not supposed to be a coop game, it's mostly a PvP game. If you want coop, squad up with your friends. This isn't DayZ where people play for ebin pranks and RP.

how is it pay to win? because you get EOD and and bigger stash? lol

>being butthurt that people like playing together
autism at its finest

Good gameplay wasted on a fucking awful gamemode

The shooting feels good and it sounds and looks good.
However, I dislike the flow(?) of the gameplay. Nothing could be happening and BAM you die from some guy you didnt see or hear. The sound can feel off at times and ive died to somebody slow walking up to me and not hearing them because I didnt have my sound up to really high. I had to stop playing because the game keeps jumpscaring me.

>early access since 2016

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I would unironically like to see a large scale battle royal with its mechanics.

That's...the point of the game though?
It's supposed to be a slow paced survivalistic game, not a run and gun. If you died to somebody you didn't see or hear that's your fault.

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Not interested right now in the game, as my backlog is big enough to be playing games in early access.
But I would pay up to 15$, if they released their weapon customization thing as a standalone with everything unlocked

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Well I dont like that style of gameplay. Good thing I played it with a trial key.

I can understand that. I like the gamemode we have, but it's definitely not for everyone. I wanna see a more pvp-oriented mode get added.

I gave it a shot and thats kind of why I stopped too. The game focuses too much on sound sometimes so much that it grinds EVERYTHING to a halt. I dont think ive played any FPS like ETF but it wasnt for me.

Wait, what?

>no PvE/singeplayer experience or dynamic missions/campaign

Missed opportunity...

>MP squad-based bullshit instead
fucking forgotten already

He's probably talking about armor and helmets affecting your sensitivity, although you can counter that with a simple formula if you feel so inclined. It's still a pain in the ass and ultimately pointless since it's easily rendered ineffectual. I think there's also some dumb shit with different guns having hidden ADS modifiers as pistols, SMGs, and shotguns all seem to have higher ADS senses.

russia 2028 was/is going to be the singleplayer version of EFT

>hating MP in general
fuck off hipster trash

What are the dev's plans for the game?
How will it play after launch and when is that going to happen?

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Russian scam

I would understand if it just makes your guns turn slower on aiming so it has to catch up to your head but having your whole view be affected sounds unplayable since you have no consistency. It's the equivalent of having forced mouse acceleration on in another game.

>hipster trash
>thinks I hate ALL of MP in games

fucking stupid zoomer, enjoy that sinking ship of loot-scooting faggotry and epic camper killing on corridor chokepointed maps you fucking pea-brained retard.

One of the most fun and intense "realistic" milsims I have ever played. Have pumped two full wipes worth of time into it so far.

Biggest issue? The optimization. Can barely get 60FPS on all low settings with a 1070 and i7. It stutters like crazy.

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>If you died to somebody you didn't see or hear that's your fault.
This is not true at all though.

Yeah it's really stupid. But hey, at least you can easily work around it with elementary school math, even if it is a hassle.

Imagine having a backlog like video games are some kind of worthwhile cultural artifact that you need to educate yourself on. Holy shit.

So, do you just open your options menu and type in a new sen every time you change gear, even in the middle of a game?

>Get to the end of the map with some loot
>Literally no sense of accomplishment because you'll probably just lose it to some bullshit in a few rounds and there's nothing else to do with it.

I'm usually taking gear with me, so I set it beforehand. But yeah, if I grab something that'll fuck with my turn speed by more than like 5%, I'll frequently turn my sensitivity up. I just won't alt-tab to figure out what exact number I'd need to change it to in order for my actual mouse movements to be the same (or as close as I could get since I'm forced to round to the hundreths place). My aim isn't even that good. It's okay, but mostly I'm just anal about it and know it'd only be that much worse if I didn't do this.

Does 'backlog' imply what you just said?
Legit doubt, ESL-kun, have yet to play Metro Exodus because Ace Combat launched the same month, so I consider Metro to be on my 'backlog'

The things that are unique to it are really good.
Some of the best gun animations I've ever seen. Really good slow-paced game-play interspersed with chaotic fights. Good sounds (directional audio still needs work), and fun gun play... When the game's NPCs aren't omniscient or you're not against a sweat-lord with BiS gear.
The game absolutely throws itself in the trash when it chugs/freezes during a firefight, or an NPC does a 180 and one shots you from 50m away without indicating at all that they're aware of you. It does have issues with FPS seemingly at random, even on an insane PC. PvP can also feel incredibly unfair at times when body armor, helmets, and armour piercing bullets make your opponent a terminator that you have a 1% chance of killing even if they have their back to you (kinda not really THEIR fault that there's such a massive gap between a decently geared player and a fully geared one, but I think they need to be significantly closer together).
Overall it's fun in bursts, but you have to really work at the game to find the fun in it. There are zzzzzeeeeeeerrrrrrrrooooo considerations for a new player at this point. It drops you in and you have to learn by trial and error and/or watch videos showing you extract points and quest objectives.

If someone likes slow game-play and high-risk/reward systems, they might like it.

Having a big stash doesn't win you a gunfight. Look up the definition of Pay-to-Win.

What it deserves is an FOV above 50.
Why do devs still think this is okay?

Yea it does. A functional person simply plays whatever game they feel like at that moment.

It is. Don't be a retard who goes into bad spots and doesn't check places out. I kill so many niggers just sprinting through brush decked out in areas that have spawns around them or are active.

Also most people who dislike it are just retards who know Jack shit about guns and get triggered when they shoot someone a few times wearing armor with a shotgun. Or they just sprint forward in "good gear" and takes m995 through a press vest and fucking die and then reee about it being cheaters.

>corridor chokepointed maps

Just don't play factory autist, everything else is fine.

i stopped playing about a month before the mosin came out and i was so over it i couldn't even bother logging in just to check it out

>some of the worst optimization in the industry. makes 3rd party pc ports of aaa games blush
>loot means nothing. the whole loot cycle is what interested me in the first place, but it's actually trash in execution
>cheating npcs with aimbot and xray vision. it's not fun getting headshotted by a pixel in a forest with a sawed off shotgun (maybe this has been fixed by now, but knowing the dev cycle, probably not)
>hitstun flinches are specifically my biggest peeve. get shot, gun goes all wobbly. ok. too bad your aim doesn't actually move, so even though your gun is pointed up from the flinch, your aim is still straight ahead, and when you try to correct for it like a sane person would, you're actually aiming all over the goddamn place now

>You complain that its early access and then complain about glitches? Glitches aren't even that common.
Game has been in EA for almost 2 years, man. It's never coming out.

Looks good, but gonna wait steam release

The scavs are *usually* less OP now. Randomly you'll encounter some fucking god-tier scav, but it's way less frequent now.

I don't like silencers in this game. I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but sometimes I take damage without hearing anything at all. Like not even a snap of a bullet flying past me.

Game is fun at times, but it's broken as fuck too.

Backlog usually means "games that you've put off for reasons"

very comfy, although unfinished

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I always go back to the game and end up thinking "Why did I stop playing this it's fucking great", then I'll get stutter-shot or I'll forget that shift doesn't hold breath for a second after sprinting and get lit up when I had the drop on someone. For as punishing as the game is, they seriously need to improve on the bullshit ways you can die. That, and the maps should be way more random. Having fixed spawns for high-tier loot is a shit idea and only makes the gap between veterans and other players that much larger.

Fixed spawns for high tier loot is fine, it centers the action and reaffirms high risk high reward.

There just needs to be *more* loot spawns of mid tier loot as well, everything else is pretty shit.

they're called silencers for a resaon.....

Don't be retarded, unless you're using subsonic ammo you'd still get the supersonic crack, which is what happens when the game works correctly.
There's literally just instances where you get shot and there's no sound for it, had it happen to me a few times as well.

the silencer takes the sound out of the bullet

Often, this can be the case of you being somewhere else for another player. He sees you, shoots you, and even though your positions is not synced up correctly, the server will still damage you. There are some pretty egregious videos showing this.

its god tier but it only has enough content for 30 levels. After you get traders to before max rank you just don't care. Since you don't have anything to work towards the quests lose their value. The length of enjoyment has been getting longer and longer and once next patch drops which is going to be the biggest content update and introduces hide out + map + large dump of weapons and mods its going to be mainstream desu.

It just keeps getting bigger

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Controls make me want to vomit. The loot managing mechanics are Russian bullshit that induces more anxiety to the game and imo lowers the fun factor.

good game except helmets are fucking retarded and only one in the game is rated to stop rifle rounds and even then not AP rounds

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Probably the most unforgiving game for new players I have ever played. The gab between players is too extreme imo.
Veterans have the obvious advantage of knowing the maps and being more familiar with the game all around which is fine.
But they also have better gear.
And they have higher character skills giving them more HP, making them move quieter and so on.
I'm not a big fan of matchmaking but I believe it would help new players a lot in this game.

r6s is just as punishing for new players imo

playing it again after half a year. Its pretty good. I play it sporiadically during less busy times and enjoy it, game could really benefit from cutting down amount of players on maps except for factory.

Overall comfy experience, nothing really like it except for hunt showdown.

I see constantly retarded people get mad because they use shit ammo in shit gun (5.45x39 any but best round in ak74 which are all shit tier unless you are shooting 1000 rubles a round) against high tier armor and complain game is bullshit.

mfw jumping into factory with lvl6 full body armor and face shield and a pistol and killing scrubs left and rite

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>finally install and start the game
>zone into map
>killed instantly by 4 man squad
>zone into map again
>killed instantly by 4 man squad
>zone into another map
>killed instantly by 4 man squad

quite the experience

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hunt showdown is a great game.

Level level 100 prestige 10s use same gear level 10 people use. winnies, vetterlis and such.
Nitro is a meme for joke playthroughs and avtomat is harder damage less controllabe chain pistol.

Tarkov is a bit buggy sometimes yes but overall its hit detection is fine, its the armor system that people mistake for bad hit detection and its world of tanks tier retarded bullshit that won't bother you if you use correct ammo.
Number of bugs is less than majority of AAA games. Netcode has improved vastly to point where I haven't had a desync in last 90 games. And im on euro server. I run a cpu from 2011 and a 970 and my performance is stable and solid with frame drops when people and scavs spawn in.
Tarkovs only problems are how devs choose to handle certain topics like weapon balance, penetration and such.
Overall its a fine game and real fun.

Having fun but as a new player I avoid factory as much as I can. Fuck that shit.

>doesn't wipe the squad

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Use your mouse wheel for fucking everything, loot management, etc.
CoD with gadgets, faster TTK and no jump button.

Early access scam by scummy devs known for having not having finished a previous game and copyright striking someone for calling out possible info leaks in their shitty game.

>use your mouse wheel for everything
>comparing it in any way to cod
You're retarded.

it may be a scam but I've gotten like 500 hours of pure fun outta this game for 50 bucks. And a free copy of the game I gave to my pal.
And if you want to play a game like it, there isn't one unless you make one.

Scam of the century, Im glad I fell for it.

Thats a good idea, factory is cancer

How is siege not fat and slow CoD

I stopped being interested once I saw a stream of a dude in heavy armor tanking 5+ bullets and sprinting around 100% of the time and spamming people at point blank range with an automatic pistol.
I thought it was supposed to be tactical.
That and the absolute faggots that cheat non stop on PC kept me from buying.

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Because it's far more mechanically complex and teamplay oriented? I don't know why I have to explain this.

This argument you're presenting is any shooter is just cod

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>not knowing how GOST ratings work
>waah my 9mm didn't take down 6a armor
The game didn't need more people like you anyway.

There's no subsonic ammo in EFT

Well yeah it is just cod. Braindead idiot probably has 200 hours on siege and thinks it's some high brow shit.

eh factory is not too bad other than endless scavs.
Just bring level 3 armor and dont get shot at by scavs. Players wont do shit to you.

Not all bullets are made equal.
AKM 7.62 cheapest ammo can eat through medium to heavy armor thats level4-5.
AK74 5.45 does not do jack shit against anything unless you are literally shooting ammo that costs 120k rubles per raid loadout.

Most people getting mad about op armor and shit are retards buying shit ammo and claiming shit guns are good.
Unless its AKM or 7.62 nato or nugget, its safe to assume they are not going to do shit against anything.

There literally is loads of em.

Sprinting around at 15 miles an hour with an automatic pistol tanking bullets to the face still isnt tactical, no matter how """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""realistic"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" you want to meme it is.

tactical is a style of play, nothing stopping you from doing that in real life.

You can spring around in full armor but unless youre playing against total shitters you are going to die fast cause your gun is shit and your movement is loud.

>tanking bullets to the face
You said armor, unless you're wearing the level 6 helmet you aren't tanking shit to the face.
they need to rework helmets tho
Literally anyone with good ammo shreds those retards trying to run around in heavy armor though.

For some reason type of ammo doesn't matter at all in this game, as long as you use a silencer it will magically become subsonic.

Literally get good

It's a good game that still has a lot of flaws that need fixing.

Biggest issues right now are the trader rep system, static loot spawns and how massive an advantage groups have against solo players, particularly with the insurance system. I feel like insurance should only be turned on for the first 3 weeks of a wipe and then be shut off.

>nothing stopping you from doing that in real life.
No on earth can do that. The hollywood shootout nerds youtube.com/watch?v=wZg4mcYkIwU couldnt sprint around in that fat heavy shit. Theyd die of heat stroke in 3 minutes.

So why even have the shit ammo and guns in the game if they don't do jack shit and are nothing but noob traps?
Seems like retarded game design.

>intro trailer is literally group vs group
Stop complaining about that shit, it's your choice to go in solo. I do many solo raids without an issue, if you run into a 5 man squad just kill them lmao

nah you still get supersonic crack. Theres a difference between subsonic and supersonic ammo. Its just better to use supressor as a flash hider and sound reducer and keep armor penetration and damage rathre than shoot the BB ammo that is US.

Except VSS and AS VAL, 9x39 is a fucking beast.

Also its called supressor not silencer.
If you're going to be autistic do it right.

Literally how it works in real life senpai.

aint arguing with you there, most of the ammo is fucking useless.
5.45 has like 20 different types and they're all shit except one.
9mm has like 15 different types and they are all shit except one.

actuially the game doesnt simulate fragmentation and such yet so HP ammos dont actually do the advertized damage aginst flesh.

Most detailed tactical combat system ever conceived, but it's held back by poor optimization and intermittent stuttering that you can't do anything about.

I would like it better with a dedicated PVE mode or as a strictly singleplayer RPG which they'll supposedly begin work on after EFT is done.

It does have fragmentation though, it's just bugged as of current patch.
HP ammo used to be silly with how easily you could leg someone..

Real life armor doesn't give you all around protection. It has gaps. Helmets also do not stop rifle calibers.
Not to mention how much it weighs you down. Tarkov armor doesn't incur enough penalties for how good it is.

None of my friends are autistic enough for EFT.

Even if we assume a solo can kill a 5 man squad as often as a 5 man kills a solo, the system is broken.

>You die. The five man strips your body clean.
>You 5 wipe. You have space to carry out 3 guns and 2 armors, assuming you dump your stuff in a bush. 3/5 of their gear gets returned to them in insurance.

5 mans have 10 eyes and can watch all directions, if they catch fire and 1-2 go down, the remaining guys will wipe out the threat almost every time, then hide their buddy's gear. The only downside to being in a group is you will get spotted/heard more easily, but the pros far outweigh these small cons. Groups should be prioritized into raids with other groups, but more often you have one kitted out deathball that just cleans up 6 solos with zero risk.

Insurance is a really bad mechanic and one of the reasons labs is so good.

Have you ever used fort? I feel like a fucking slug whenever I use it and can't sprint for more than a few seconds.
I'll give you helmets though, they need to be reworked as only one helmet is currently rifle rated, "killa" helmet shouldn't even stop 9mm but he's a boss so they made it hard to kill him

>rank matchmaking
>play barkob
>have starter aks and some paca armor
>get greased by wolf pack of chads with M4s and gen 4 armor
I mean I'm not saying this is a bad thing but are you seriously saying that not having matchmaking when Tarkov kicks you in the dick for being a newfriend harder than any other game?

you can spot 5 mans very very easily
and if you're not confident you can take out one or two, theres always the option to either hide or gtfo the area

It's true IRL helmets won't stop a rifle inside 300 meters, but if they didn't do something nobody would wear them. In reality they protect against shrapnel/fragments and EFT has no artillery and I'm not sure helmets have any effect against grenades in game. It's unfortunately one of the 'gamey' aspects that probably needs to stay. Though face shields should see heavy nerfs. Removing one of the only ways to kill an armored dude with a pistol or shotgun is pretty rough and of course leads to the leg meta.

Yeah, face shields need huge nerfs.
Why the fuck can they stop AP 9mm? That shit is like a tenth of an inch thick.

Guns make noise. Assuming I see a 5 man and elect not to engage, I now have to wait for them to do whatever they want before I can do anything. They get to loot all of resort, or Kiba, or whatever. If I don't know they're around, they're gonna home in on any gunshots they hear.

I don't have any problems with competing with other solos/duos, but 3 mans and up really break the game's system. Bonus, you can still 5 man on factory, that's indefensible.

Fair enough. I agree on the face shields. This whole leg meta thing is dumb as hell and I wish it would go.

Because they're cheap.

Progress in Tarkov is gated mostly by prices, to access high tier gear without leveling traders you need to count on random drops or purchase it off the flea market where players always fleece you, sometimes you'll make a bigger profit if you go in with just a PP19 and a dream and just accept that you'll die if you run into any players, being helpless and scared in a raid is all part of the fun.

You spawn in a map
You kill everything that moves
Most often you get killed by people that have armor that your bullets cannot penetrate

I'm not sure I'd consider avoiding other players until I can buy / afford armament that can reliably take them out to be fun.

Yeah, the fact that you can pay for a massive progression advantage like this really turned me off. Fuck pay2win.

There's AP ammo and weapons to fit them available from traders right off the bat, they just kick a whole fucking lot, it becomes a question of whether you want to spend less and deal with the recoil, or buy a gun that uses less punchy ammo but spend more on AP ammo from players on the flea market, or go with non-AP and just focus on killing scavs, it's all about managing risk.

this, if you play maps in SP you see how fucking well it coudl work as an SP game. Even halfing the player counts would do wonders on all the maps.
>>have starter aks and some paca armor
paca only protects against low tier pistols and shotguns. You get greased by anything. Should've gone at least level 3 or use flea market to go level 4.
>>get greased by wolf pack of chads with M4s and gen 4 armor
Slow stealthy gameplay and bringing earpieces helps. Never engage in a fair fight. I've survived solo games like 20 games in a row wearing nothing but paca, facemask, comtacs and supressed vepr and plenty of kills.
>I mean I'm not saying this is a bad thing but are you seriously saying that not having matchmaking when Tarkov kicks you in the dick for being a newfriend harder than any other game?
Biggest kick in teeth is beginners bringing in shit gear thinking it helps.
Its not dark souls where you should stay away from guides and enjoy discovery.
Wiki. Every. Fucking. Thing. Everyone else does, if you don't, you're at an disadvantage.

squads biggest weakness is having to communicate all the time, if you have a silencer and keep on moving you can pretty much give them hell

lets just skip all the fluff and make a excel spreadsheet pvp game

Looking at the official ammo chart Tarkov is basically that.

squads second biggest weakness is they are extremely impatient.

If I play alone I can sit down and wait for a guy to make a mistake for 30 minutes easy or slow crouchwalk across entire shoreline.

If I'm with squad its full sprint and being agressive.

I've defeated entire squads where they have the advantage by sitting still, waiting for chaos to ensure and slipping inside of them and shooting them in the ass and pretending to be one of them. Very few squads are organized enough not to teamkill eachother. Most players including Yea Forums ones are total shitters and its statistically more dangerous to be part of their squad than against them

as much as people complain about cheap ammo, people seem to forget that you're likely gonna be killing AI scavs more than actual players. AI scavs unless they are raiders, very rarely wear armor so "cheap ammo" is entirely effective against them

Attached: 2018-08-23[19-16]_125.7, 22.8, -136.6_0.0, 0.9, -0.2, -0.3 (0).png (1920x1080, 3.04M)

its better to ignore 5.45 and 5.56 unless you have stockpile of approperiate ammo.
7.62 PS is the cheapest akm ammo and it is pretty damn effective until you run into level 5 + armor. Even then it eats through anything that isn't a visor helmet.

> best weapon models in a game

Attached: 2018-08-02[10-44]_568.6, 2.9, -58.3_0.0, 1.0, -0.2, -0.1 (0).png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

can confirm, most of Yea Forums is fucking awful at this game

i hope you stole it from killa not entered raid with that pos, user.

don't forget 7.62x54R LPS Gzh which is the DEFAULT round you can buy at level 1 which pretty much ignores everything up to level 5

There a timelimite per map? Do items respawn on the map and new players keep joining? Or can some dude go afk for 7 hours until the server is nearly cleared out and scavenge some left over toilet paper?

as a pro 3d artist in games can confirm, they are some of the best modelled and textured firearms in a game. BSG may be shit company but man they got some real talented staff.

Its okay but becomes hit or miss at level 4.
I use it extensively for my kiba runs but I have stopped since you may as well have a TT against killa.

Actually TT is better since it can stun killa while you may empty entire magazine of lps gzh or even the best rounds into killas faceplate and he wont give a fuck.

Its to do how the penetration is not a yes/no its a dice roll.

Fuck whoever is in charge of armor.

50 minute time limit most of the time on every map, and that depends on if you got in a fresh raid or not. If you are spawning in as a PMC you're more likely to get in on a fresh or semi-fresh raid. If you spawn in as a player scav, you're pretty much guaranteed to get in a raid that has 20-40 minutes left before it ends

If you want to do quersts its fine to grab some water, wait in a bush, go afk until final 20 minutes and do your quest uninterrupted.

Can it run on an r7 360? I know Slavs can't optimize games

Attached: 1556486353307.png (540x294, 217K)

hit killa in the back of the head with LPS Gzh and he dies. The mistake is aggro'ing him and having him face you, he does not give a fuck but the helmet armor that isn't his faceplate can't stop LPS Gzh

I love it too. Too bad it's dead. That's why you better not publish early access games. Once abandoned there's no coming back

so your advice is to literally never play the game right?

>gameplay alone isn't motivating enough for long-term play
really makes you think

I didnt know the game existed till this trailer cam out the other day, it's such a good fuckin trailer.
So many games I want now, not enough money.

imo fighting squads is now easier than ever with the vepr hunter
>If I'm with squad its full sprint and being agressive.
i noticed this aswell in general, especially when one person died already and theres blood in the air
suddendly its not that much important to get out alive but to take revenge
>Very few squads are organized enough not to teamkill eachother. Most players including Yea Forums ones are total shitters and its statistically more dangerous to be part of their squad than against them

Attached: 2019-05-03.jpg (1920x1080, 449K)

Open beta when

No its to not be a retard and learn the map and to learn the game. Problem is retards that are terrible at games somehow are deluded enough to think they are good and have zero knowledge of guns and armor.

My point wasn't that you should take anything and be fine. I was responding to that user claiming that Hunt having no matchmaking is a bad thing. The game is absolutely brutal for new players where matchmaking is concerned and I really would not recommend telling new players "lel just sink all your money into gen 4 armor." The best thing you can do starting out is do as many scav runs as possible to learn the maps and if you do PMC, take shitty AKs that you dont mind losing.

hard to learn the map when the gameplay doesn't let you

I'd actually advise against Scav raids as they don't net you any XP for your PMC character.

You guys are overthinking this way too much.
Some of the points are valid. Random scavs. Complacency vs looting. But for the most part I think you're overthinking it and letting your OCD and paranoia go into overdrive. Take it easy.

Don't play it.

It's made by a Russian company

The netcode is shit

It's a scam, and Russians love to scam people

It's been in early access for three years or something now

The devs are releasing $200 bundles for p2w items and traits

Once you get level 5 for access to flea market, ingame XP is trivial, atleast in the beginning. What you need more than anything is map knowledge and to figure out how weapons work, which you can do very effectively as a scav so you don't put any of your gear in jeopardy while you have no idea what you're doing.

when is the open beta?

Scav runs are literally free poverty gear runs with zero consequences and less enemies. Playing with friends, playing with /eftg/ or grouping with your fellow redditors who bitch constantly about dying from "hackers" which are just people walking with contacts listening for retards to run by.
How many hours do you have and why do you expect to immediately get the game and be good at it with zero map knowledge or game knowledge?

Before I got to try this game I watched way too many videos and basically knew the maps already yet I still did as many Scav raids as I could.
I ended up with a bunch of money but nothing to spend it on because I didn't meet the trader requirements.
Fuck giving flea market jews money
soon™ but it won't even be a real open beta

Eftstats go back to making hacks for redditors because the devs got your site to help hackers removed.

311 hours
and I can only run as a scav every 10 minutes
I'm just saying that many gameplay-design-elements are objectively bad and make for a very unfun experience

>get shot before the screen fades in
>have to wait for 10 minutes before I can go in again
>"zero consequences"

Can I get a redpill on Hunt Showdown and Escape from Tarkov? Should I wait for when/if they are finished?

good luck the game has more than just gunplay for its gameplay

It's not a fun game for bad players desu and there's zero way to ever make it fun for them. There won't ever be ranking other than for the arena mode. Shitters just have to learn the game rather than complain it doesn't cater to them. It's a survival shooter focusing on realism and hardcore shooting so of course it'll be brutal and thankfully Nikita has repeatedly told people to just stop being shit rather than making it easier. They can't appease the lowest common denominator and it would literally ruin the game to do what the majority want. The least fun part of the game is just shitty quests which could be made far more entertaining.
Yeah literally zero consequences you lose nothing other than your time. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Of course retards that never take the time to try and learn why they are dying will immediately spawn in as a scav and fuck up killing an ai and die and then complain on reddit about it.
For tarkov I'd say, if you have a good computer and you have friends to play it pick it up on their next sale. You really have to spend some time learning the game or you'll turn into one of the shitters complaining about the rampant hackers and posting recordings of you dying from being an idiot.
Hunt showdown runs worse on my rig than tarkov does and has God awful net code and gunplay. Haven't played it in months though since my friend bought it for me. It was still fun but the horrendous shooting and net code made it unfun.

>Go in with a PMC that is fully decked out
>Killed nearly instantly upon entering the area
>Play a random slav with a shotgun
>Down PMCs left and right and casually walk towards the extraction point with loads of dosh

I don't understand.

What are some other fps games that are coming out this year or next year that youre looking forward to? There were a few ww2 milsim games i was interested in, cant remember the names but they looked good.

>focusing on realism and hardcore shooting

>playing this over DayZ
Might as well play BR games.

Good but needs lots of fixing.

> focusing on realism and hardcore shooting
Maybe in another year but I doubt it.

Ready or Not

Just watch gameplay and decide for yourself. like Yea Forums is actually going to help you decide.

>Virgin DayZ, the extremely buggy piece of shit about meme zombies
>Chad Tarkov, high-skilled gunplay and mobs that can insta-kill you for being a retard

mmm okay sweetie

>literally zero consequences
>except for the consequences

>learn why you are dying
you just went full

>loot and shoot with literally no purpose
>/k/ autism is the only thing it got going for it
>high-skilled yet worse than Arma shooting
Hah, yeah right.

You are probably really shit at the game.

>no purpose
Ok this argument confuses the fuck out of me. What possible purpose could any video game objective serve? If it's not the gameplay loop that you enjoy, then clearly it's not a game for you.

Okay, my bad. No end-game. There is nothing to strive for. It's just the same premise as BR games except there is no goal (reaching #1). You just go shooting at people, loot them and then leave just so you could do the same shit again.

its almost like the gameplay in itself is fun enough to make people play it non-stop

The overall goal is to level all the traders and get enough money so you can roll with gen6 armor and m4s every raid and just stomp everyone else around you.

I just hope the new Stalker can get the /k/ autism at least somewhat as far as Tarkov does.

I just hope it exists

Fun game but I wish there was some more focus on PvE beyond the offline mode. Gittin gud is one thing but it's kind of shit getting wrecked over and over again. Also kind of wish they changed how player scavs work. I understand why they're there but getting your raid ruined by some fuckboi who spawned near you with a mosin who has nothing to lose is shit.