Which Silent Hill games are the good ones?
Which Silent Hill games are the good ones?
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1, 2, 3.
4 is also good but requires you to be extremely patient, and also be extremely patrician, both qualities you clearly don't posses, so i'd suggest you skip it.
Anything else is trash.
none really maybe silent hill 2 is worth a playthrough, they're all overhyped shit held on by boomers because they can't move onto anything else. They're alone here now...
4 depending on how much bullshit you can handle.
Silent Hill 2 is just a masterpiece.
The rest are kind of meh.
When someone holds this opinion, you can safely ignore not only their opinion on SH as a series, but also video games in general.
It's the ultimate red flag that such an individual is a complete shit for brains.
2 is the best but its slower paced in the beginning than 1 or 3, which may turn you off.
2fags are retarded. In both MGS and SH.
No, the SH2 fan equivalent for MGS is MGS3fags.
I don't even know how you can be that retarded. MGS2 fags ARE SH2 fags.
SH2 fans are the quintessential superficial bitches that only understand the series on a surface level, the brainlets of the community, the bandwagoners.
MGS3 fans encapsulate this attitude, towards MGS instead.
God no. 2fags are the pseuds that hate everything else in the series besides their precious 2.
MGS3fags just know 3 is the best game in the series.
MGS3 fans are literally brainlets, try again.
seething MGS2fag
seething MGS3fag
lol u mad?
You are the fucking reason the idiots at Konami keep making remakes of SH 2, yes im fucking mad.
lol u mad?
The game is all about circumcision
Will we ever see another Silent Hill game?
I enjoyed ripping on the new games.
>just repeating what I am saying
Silent hill origins is also alright, shattered memories is a good game.
Ok now kiss and make up you two
>just repeating what I am saying
1 through 3 are the best of the series (mileage will vary though with how you wish to rank them--personally for me it's SH2>SH3>SH1)
4 is good, but has severe issues. If you can look past them, it probably has the best story of the bunch
Originally, Homecoming, and Downpour are very disappointing in their own specific way (Origins doesn't know what type of horror it wants to be, Homecoming was too obsessed with "Look, it's a new Silent Hill! There's Pyramid Head, did you catch him? Clap!", Downpour just isn't scary and is incredibly buggy)
Never played Shattered Memories--looks near, but not a fan of the "run-and-hide no combat" style horror games (especially since the only time you're in danger is when you're in the Otherwirld, meaning attempts to scare you outside of there has no actual teeth behind it)
>Silent hill origins is also alright
Fuck no.
>shattered memories is a good game
But not a good SH game.
I can accept that MGS 3 is a better game and probably has a better story as well, but MGS 2 message and theme will always be superior for me.
He doesn't have the guts to do it.
Different strokes for different folks. I always felt more connection to 3.
We can do this all night buddy.
>it probably has the best story of the bunch
I wouldn't say 4 has the best story, rather it has the best PREMISE and the single best character in the entire series in the form of Walter.
But overall story, probably not.
Atmosphere is lacking from time to time to, too many high and lows, it's kinda inconsistent.
>Terrible but Hilarious silent hill 3 movie
That's my only real in depth exposure to this franchise.
I like the because best girl just saying.
This is most likely a same fagging situation here and I bet if you could stomach it.
You'll find this on reddit in the next 2 days.
It is alright. Monster design is dumb
>not a good SH game
True maybe, but neither is 4 then, which actually makes sense
I love that movie. It's one of my favourite bad movies.
not samefagging
No one has mentioned The Room?
By far, hands down the best game of them all.
Okay, so just good old fashioned fagging then.
Got it.
what the fuck is this shit
Additionally SH4 has a lot of "wasted content" and "wasted lore".
As in, there's shit most players won't know because it's not easy to find or they don't pay attention to it because they're busy going trough the escort quest that is the second half.
-More than half the victims have difficult to find information on their backstory, no the wiki is NOT reliable, you actually literally have to go check the japanese translations of THE JAPANESE SITE EXCLUSIVE BLURBS that is probably not even online anymore, basically you gotta go ask SH lore buffs like Nubzombie etc.
-When you're descending the stairs there's small diorama compositions in the cages around you that are actually relevant to Walter and the plot but the camera angle means the player can't even fucking see them in any decent away.
-Small, cool details such as Victim 19 moving erratically and rewinding then fast fowarding because of the electric nature of his execution, completely wasted, most players won't even notice because they're busy running/getting shit done.
I could go on and on.
SH4 is full of stuff, and during the average playtrough the player will miss half of it.
And it's not just background elements, but shit that actually helps you understand the story and characters better, but has been lost due to poor priorities during development and a difficulty development process in general.
Unpost this right now.
1, 2 and 3 are the great ones.
4 and Shattered Memories are deeply flawed, but excel in certain aspects.
this is how you know a person hasn't played any of the games and just had the plot of 2 described to them by an e-celeb.
2 and if you are very generous shattered memories
this is the most correct answer
sorry but you are stupid, 1 is very badly designed and the devs had barely an idea what they were doing. So they didn't get their point across. 3 is just bad casual mainstream shit
What about 1? 1 is the spoopiest after the 4. Despite having actual lizard and moth as bosses.
off yourself
you're an uninformed turdface spreading wrong information
sh2 and 3 aren't that much different in terms of design compared to 1. I advise you to choke on cocks.
I unironically hope you get hit by a truck as you're getting back home one of these days.
What the fuck?
The lizard was originally supposed to be a giant chiken.
Seriously, i'm not joking.
this guy isn't baiting, he legitimately is this retarded
Play everything made by Team Silent. Everything else is optional.
Oh yeah?
Have fun playing this, fuckers.
Yeah, enemies are fucking dumb in that game, except for maybe grey children, the guy who jumps at you and nurses/doctors. Baphomet at the end was also menacing.
Thanks for the video, never knew about this stuff, wow.
I got you faggot don worry
That worm thing at 10:50 is fucking disgusting. Reminds me of that maggot with a tail
>All this seething
Maybe I should skip the series, it looks like it has a toxic fanbase
Good, go ahead.
You knew what I meant.
This guy's right. 2 is a masterpiece. 1 and 3 are okay but not as good. 4 is garbage, (sigh... when looking back on playing that it was so fucking boring), shattered memories is okay. But the atmosphere, the moods, the emotional impact, the creepiness are all genius in 2.
Absolutely, and never come back.
The state of SH2 faggots.
They are all fucking trash and so is Resident Evil and every other overrated weebshit island slit eyed cannibal """videogame"""
shit "gameplay"
shit controls
shit graphics
plot makes no sense
retarded gay characters
if you disagree you are a weeb and should kys yourself or alternatively HAVE SEX
>letting something other than the game or the price tag dictate whether you play the game or not
Get out of this thread or i'll hit you with brown bricks
Silent Hill 4 is ultimately my favorite and the moist Kino
It has too many mechanical and core design problems.
But it's the most kino in the entire series overall, for sure.
>someone says all the games are bad except one
>fans say there's more than one
Wait, there's a third silent hill movie?
There are only 2. The second one is just based off the 3rd game.
The first movie is loosely based on 1 with splashes of 2 thrown in.
The second movie is loosely based on 3.
Oh, okay. You had me worried.
only 1 and 3
2 has a good story but utter trash gameplay
I mean yes, mechanically speaking SH2 is inferior to 1, and 3, especially 1.
But i didn't expect someone in retard baby central such as Yea Forums to understand this detail.
That's interesting.
>fans say there's more than one
Let's look at some actual quotes together
>off yourself
>you're an uninformed turdface spreading wrong information...I advise you to choke on cocks.
>I unironically hope you get hit by a truck
>he legitimately is this retarded
That doesn't look like fans. That looks like cyberbullies. And as we all know, cyberbullies are totally toxic.
I'll never give full praise to Konami until they let Kojima's dream team finish Silent Hills.
>All this bickering
I wish anchor posts let you hide replies, most of this thread isn't even arguing a point it's arguing the way other people argue
You're full of shit and you know it.
Prove me wrong.
Silent hill 2>1>3>4>>>>>>>>western trash
someone post the silent hill guide pasta
What a boring ass normie ranking, shesh.
You're right, he should rank things based on how much of a special snowflake it makes him feel like.
No good answers. I like them all except the 2.
It depends on what you like about the franchise and on what you are tend to relate to.
I have never played a Silent Hill game. Are they scary or what
they are shit and so is metro
It isnt call of duty so it probably stupid and gay
1 to 4, the rest are awful.
oh cool. what's your favorite cod?
>my first day on the internet
Do yourself a favor and close your web browser.
1 and 2 are literally 10/10 masterpieces
3 is an order of magnitude worse but still very good
4 is hit or miss, some people love it, some people really dislike it. it's worth a try
This is now my favorite picture
Shattered Memories is very underrated.
I, uh, I'm flattered.
1 is more arcad-ey and good for multiple playthroughs
2 is good for its story, atmosphere and depth
3 is good for jerking it to teenage girls
I'd argue it's pretty much the only good post-TS Silent Hill
It's weird how the bosses ended up being a break room for me sometimes. The environment is so spooky, but with bosses you just shoot away and laugh because you're shooting a bug
the absolute madman
Only good things ITT
The unused monsters video
The ridiculous Harry screenshots
What the hell
I can't get over how fucking good the SH2 OST is