Mahjong soul thread

Reminder that DCTs need to ara ara right off.

Attached: get fucked nyaa.png (1215x648, 874K)

Other urls found in this thread: no Mahjong 3D v2 ENG.rar

Someone pls post yaku list


If I go to sleep now it will be Monday faster late night east boi

just b urself

>playing on a Yea Forums friendly game
>everyone is just going for open tanyao
>literally 100% of the hands so far were open tanyao
why do you tryhard in a friendly game with anons?
please, when making friendly games, go for advanced rules and disable open tanyao, I want to enjoy big dick hands at least with Yea Forums since they are banned elsewhere

>10 pts from climbing out of bronze hell
>sitting comfortably in second 10k ahead of 3rd
>deal into his chiitoitsu haneman on south4

Attached: isaygg.jpg (500x500, 49K)



>19(Mon)06:40:51 No.461125910▶
> 49539
> If I go to sleep now it will be Monday faster late night east boi
>Anonymous 05/06/19(Mon)06:40:57 No.461125917▶
> just b

It's literally unbelievable how often I'm getting ron'd every fucking game, even when I'm playing defensively.

Fire Emblem Heroes got to had a thread on Yea Forums everyday for 2 fucking years.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Furiten Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Pon And Chi Buttons Like Nyagga Close Your Hand Haha

My dora hell wait doesnt pay off reeee


Being a Nyaaer is not that bad.

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What do i do with copper
How can i unlock new girls without paying money

in this scenario, would you keep your hand closed if someone discarded one of the dragons I was waiting for, or would you keep it closed?

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i went to grab a Margarita sue me

Getting a Yakuman is luck based no matter how exposed your hand is. Even when players aren't willingly giving the winning tile because of your exposed hand, there's a chance you might get the tile you want from the wall. Other than others calling Ron or Tsumo, it's only over when the tiles you need are all discarded.

Pon and kan everything like a real nyager

I just don't understand why it feels like I keep dealing into other players. I try to look at what's already been discarded and throw the same ones but someone always fucking rons it in the end.

Pon it if that's the last dragon tile.
Keep it open if that's the first one being discarded.

Just pon one or both of the dragons
I don’t see any Yaku you can get from keeping it close

How do I atk

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Keep winning for points. The bigger points you get the higher your ATK stat.

pon, dumping S first, then one of the 9m
the only extra yaku you could pick up closed would just be a riichi call

the virgin 3 sided wait vs the chad sickdark hell wait on riichi

my best waits are on winds or dragons that have already been discarded twice or at least once
it is a guaranteed discard if anyone else picks them up, your only risk is if the one you are after is in the dead wall
t. just lost a three sided wait

>disable open tanyao
Open tanyao is important, scrub user. You yourself will possibly need it to keep your lead after the big hand win. You and everyone needs it to balance the other open hands or it's piss fucking obvious for which one people go. You need an option open to kill off an infinite renchan dealer without sacrificing your first born. And of course you need it to defend against said big hands. You won't fix the boring people who don't know any yaku with disabling open tanyao, you just shoot yourself in the foot. Play hanchans instead of tonpoos, this should help with small hand abuse.

Attached: Akagi v01 c04 - 090.png (304x222, 50K)

This should be someone's nickname.

How is it possible to have more spd than atk, what the fuck.

Learn tile efficiency, win before the other guys.

whats speed

What are some quick open hands that you should keep in mind? Tanyao, yakuhai, what else?

Win rate. The person who got low atk but decent speed probably went for cheap hands.

>Play a game to get ranked up to Adept with my Yea Forums-friends
>After rank up, decide to check last game, because the guy on my right seemed like he was pretty good at avoiding my waits
>Wanted to see if I was right
>Flip through the last turn of the last game
>See this on my left
Picture: Moments before a stupid cat got ron'd for Dora 3 and ended a South game in East-3

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Depends. If I was behind in points, that's close enough to riichi that I would keep it closed unless the last of the remaining 4 dragon tiles was played. If I was ahead, baby open that bitch up cause we're heading to 1,000-point city.

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Oh fuck i got #REKT

My two favorite go-tos are Chanta (Half-Outside, every set contains a terminal tile or an honor tile somewhere in it) and Iitsu (Pure Straight, 123, 456, 789 all in the same suit). The best part is both of these hands give +1 han if you make it without opening the hand.

bros mahjong makes me feel like im stupid.....

>Play silver room
>Expert dude on the room
>I ended on first place and the expert guy on the last.

I was so confused. He just kept calling tiles and making cheap hands.

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>get my first ron in the the last 10 games
>still lose

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two wind match red doras room for total newbies who haven't even memorized all the baby talk words and just play hands that look nice.

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Should I reread Ten first and then Akagi or the other way around?

No, open tanyao is cancer.
First of all, it is not "only" a fast hand, but it also punishes closed hands by stealing their turn (since closed hands must rely on their own draws, not on what other people play, missing a turn is much worse for them)
There's also how the only way to defend yourself against open tanyao is to play open tanyao yourself. Because then you will only discard terminals (and whatever inefficient tiles will be left by the end of that), and open tanyao niggers won't be able to finish with your terminals.
It is anti-fun the hand. If you want a fast hand there are other options that are not as cancerous and anti-fun.

It was ok to assume you are shitters and begin to roll like a shitter but it was not ok to not adapt seeing you are not.

I prefer Akagi then Ten.

Why would you ever discard the 6s in that situation? You're on track for a shousuushi, if you need to abort into a honitsu you're going to be going with bamboo, and it's the FUCKING dora

this is why yakumans take skill and yakumanlets are just inferior beings

Whipped this up real quick, save and share for when people ask.

Yes, it's slow as shit and jewish as fuck, that's how they get you to spend money.

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Alright, thanks, user.

2 spots left

What with all this shilling over Asian domino?

Tanyao punishes nothing if you gather what is in your hand rather what your greed wants to wriggle out of it. Because they do exactly what you are, trying to fight their hand into the tanyao mold and wasting time. You defend by being efficient. The only problem could arise if you play three tanyaofags at the same time and honestly I didn't see a single such case for the time I spent in bronze.

>the only way to defend yourself against open tanyao is to play open tanyao yourself
No? Open tanyao isn't some sort of 100% reliable way to instantly win a match. People have to discard your tiles. You have to get the right waits. Pons are fast but at most you have only 2 open tiles you can use, and chis have up to 8 tiles but kamicha has to discard it. Hell, you yourself break your own point - "open" isn't the only kind of tanyao. Mentanpin is a staple of riichi mahjong. EVERYONE likes discarding honors and terminals, it makes for good hands.

I'd be open to playing some rounds without open tanyao, but in my experience it's just another tool. It's something you can attempt if you want to stay ahead or stuff a big hand, but it's not guaranteed. It's defensive, not offensive. And the defender ALWAYS has to get lucky - the attacker only has to get lucky once.

It literally takes one mistake to negate 5 straight open tanyao wins. You only get to win the game MAYBE 25% of the time, are you really going to constantly waste your chances on 1000 point hands?



>chink nyagger ron'd my West tile to complete his 1000 hand
>it was not his prevalent wind and 2 were out of circulation already
>I was 1 tile away from at least a haneman

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It has cute girls

I see

get out skilled!

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just one more person

Finally some good fucking chinese domino.

I'm calling it for tonight, because this game makes me want to kill myself.

>went to bed
>thread still going
Holy fucking shit you guys are still at it? How many threads in a row now?

we have one slot left in promise we won't play like gooks!


Fuckin Nyaggers

Just fold bro.

Holy freaking crap Lois i just tsumo'd my opponents for 12000 points and i don't even know the rules that well

This was a good weekend.
Thanks Yea Forums

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>jap mahjong web browser made by chink wapanese and played by weeaboo

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>9 generic characters voiced by 3 generic VAs

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Dan Green I'm so sorry

Why exactly didn't I win here? And then it made me go to furiten.

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i am sure everyone knows the devs are chink and already noticed how bad the quality of the game is, but beginner level mahjong in english is very rare, so this game is helping people get into it.

No yaku.

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Just two actually because the rest is moneys.

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no yaku, get fucked for playing open hands

no yaku
shouldnt have taken that 1 sou

>When someone calls ron on you in the last round when you're at the top
>When their points barely make a dent in your lead and you win the game

I need a smug cat girl emoji for this.

No yaku. Close to a Toi Toi though.
It would have been a yaku if the 123 was a triplet instead.


>other players discard and call recklessly
>they somehow complete their hand first

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>how bad the quality of the game is

For a browser game that has almost all the features (albeit less polish) than Janryumon I'd say they did a fine job. My biggest gripe is the OST sucks but I can't think of many free clients (maybe the Sega one?) that come close, especially not browser based ones.
It beats the shit out of tenhou.

I don't get why there is an extra round sometimes. Just had a game with West 1.

you dont have an yaku
123 has a terminal in it so you can tanyao.
stop calling pon and chii for everthing if you dont know what you are doing, you retard

>next player also riichi
>i get ippatsu ron
Classic mahjong stories.
south, 5+20s

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The first player must be over 30k.

What's different between East and South?

>Kinda figured this shit out

This is fun

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4 rounds vs 8 rounds.
East 1-4 only
Or East 1-4 + South 1-4

at that state, what would have fixed the hand?

not opening your hand

Same. I had tons of other things to do but I'm glad I spent it on mahjong and shitposting in Yea Forums. Definitely not getting this 500 word essay done before it's due.

not taking the 1 sou, so you could have a 2-8 hand

Nothing. You fucked up.
Probably only getting haitei or houtei will do.

3 round win, 3 dragons, 3 your wind


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you fucked up when you got that 123. Your game was over from there

No fuck off newfag

how is mahjong if you're an absolute beginner

Is it even possible to get a yakuman playing chinks?
I just played a silver south and i won with an 8k mangan in the first round then the chinks just traded 2k hands the rest of the way i only needed to win one more 2k hand in the entire game, and in east is even worse.
I mean how do you find the composture to go for big hands when they cant go 5 turns without chinponing.

Learn moonrunes Medusa. I dont call burritos wraps or pizzas italian open faced baked in sanwishes

I learned mahjong with these JP terms and now you have to too

Back away now, it's pure unadulterated suffering.
I quitted after hitting 4dan in tenhou and now gonna suffer in another shitty platform.

Look at this bakayaro my senpaitachi and laugh

I can only thing of 2 ways.
A yakuhai. So triplet of a dragon, the prevelant or your seat wind. You draw it, then you draw it again. And then you draw it a third time or someone discards it.
Or you get an Under the Sea. The very last tile of that round has to be the tile to complete your hand.

Whats the jp term for "big dick hands?"

No. The translations are stupid and I don't know what you EOPs are talking about half the time. Just learn the proper words.

You motherfucker brought this on yourself with kans after kans.

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Tsumo after kan is another way.

>I mean how do you find the composture to go for big hands when they cant go 5 turns without chinponing.

You just go for them? If you deal in it's usually only 1-2k, and if you see they have a shitton of dora you can always just bail.


ggs to everyone that joined

If I name myself Tienanmen Square will the Chinese be instantly disconnected?


>will the Chinese be instantly disconnected?
First off, this doesn't actually work. Second, the game is literally made by chinks. If anything you'd be the one who got banned.

To whoever played with me at the 49926 room:
This was the worst game I have ever had.
We played two South games. I could count in one single hand how many winner hands were not open tanyao.
By this point I am not even mad at losing big dick hands to retards spamming 1-han hands, I'm just bored. Watching retards ron each other with their shitty hands on Yea Forums friendly games is not fun at all, if I wanted that I would just boot up a bronze game.
What do we do to combat open tanyaggers?

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>pure unadulterated suffering
seems like my first impression from ye olde Yea Forums and /jp/ threads was correct

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You can fuck off back to tenhou and /jp/ for starters.

it's a game of match 3 times 4

>play friendly matches with Yea Forumsirgins
>they spam the meta strategy of the week killing all of the fun
>water is wet
Why are you at all surprised? All the good Yea Forumsirgins are playing at Silver and Gold rank by now, go catch up to them.

Perfect. Thanks, user.

Learn tile efficiency. I rarely ever had open tanyao or yakuhai only

>It beats the shit out of tenhou.
No custom tournament lobby. 10ho > s*ul

Doesn't always work. You can't guess every single dora or akadora they might have when it's not in their open melds. If you carelessly deal in even to chinpon chinks you may end up paying for it dearly with the occasional mangan, haneman, and what I saw even baimans with all the dora one had due to one kan.

What's the current meta in mahjong?

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Gotta go fast.

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Host your own room with no open tanyao, also kill the red dora while your at it.
The friendly matches i played have mostly been pretty fun, its usually just one shitter who gets big hand and then tries to protect his lead.

Discard honor tiles and terminals first.


13 orphans

Autistically going for the biggest yakuman: big four winds, daisangen, concealed triplets, 13 orphans.

Basically keep all your honor and terminal tiles and throw away everything numbered 2-8.

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not wearing underwear.

>By this point I am not even mad

>entire post is being mad

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The best part of games where the three players are retarded stupid niggers spamming open tanyao is that you can guarantee 2nd place by merely playing defensively
It's good to climb ladder but it's definitely anti-fun so it makes no sense to spam that at friendly games. That's why I stopped playing with Yea Forums. Don't get me wrong, open tanyao is a natural hand to be played by the dealer or whoever is at the lead, but when you see retards at last place and not in dealer position spamming that hand desperately you just know the game won't be fun

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Burn in hell

Riichi, menzen tsumo, tanyao, pinfu, dora 1


Pinfu and tanyao are the foundations of mahjong.

Whoever this was, weren't you calling just as much?

>Only go for big hands if they're 90% completed from the start
>Go for tanyao/pinfu as fast as possible, master time efficiency
>Fold if anyone riichis unless you have a big dick hand worth risking
>Read calls and discards so you don't play into big dick hands

Online mahjong is about getting a high rating. This means playing the most efficient discards every hand, even if it means getting cheap hands, even if it means ending the game not in first place, because while that particular game might not be impressive, in the long run, over several hundred games, you'll be better off. The good player steadily and reliably avoids last place and completes hands quickly on average; the bad player occasionally gets a big hand and spends most of his time in 4th place.

deal with it, nerds.

No, you see when I go for tanyao is purely for strategic purposes.

tile efficiency*

Isn't playing with retarded open hands the >correct way of having fun in mahjong? Playing with tile efficiency in mind is for tryhards.

Offline mahjong is about getting away with cheating.

Please leave these threads and never come back

Calling is fine if you have han elsewhere to back it up.
And shitty 1-han hands are also fine if you're leading or dealing.
At any other situation you are just sabotaging yourself for going open tanyao.
I get that most of you are still new and don't know most yaku, but you will never learn if that's the only hand you know how to play.

Everytime, just got to love it.

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>30 points to get out of bronze
>2 games later
>70 points to get out of bronze

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you also can't have those tiddies if you play english :^)

for superior nipponese players only.

That's fair

what the fuck is this post?
open tanyao is tile efficiency the hand
it's literally the hand you would get 100% of the time if you always went for the most efficient choice
not getting open tanyao requires not being 100% efficient

What rank are you on tenhou?

I'm sorry you got to deal with my shit plays, Yea Forums room.

>it's literally the hand you would get 100% of the time if you always went for the most efficient choice
lol no

If you just got that 10 han plz reply bc i want to strangle you pikachu

You do know you can just not play in, right? If every player on the board has gone for open tanyao at least once and they've opened their hand with a CHII while ALSO DISCARDING TERMINALS, what the fuck else do you think they're going to do?

You can let these dumb niggers slap each other around for 1k for as long as they want and then slap them back 10 times harder with a haneman.

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>clearly has a git gud fever
>back to /jp/

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t. Bronze
Opening your hand at all is inefficient. 1000 points hands are shit and you're going to get dabbed on by a mangan for not having safe tiles.

Wait, there's finally a mahjong game that isn't flash shittyness, or "pretty girls battle"?
How did I miss this?

why must you spread lies

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the problem is when someone when someone wins the dora lottery and gets a 10k hand then they just trade 2k points and you cant catch up.

That's the real meta of this game, just staying low while retards open tanyao each other to death and waiting for a decent hand to show up naturally to BTFO them
But like it was said before, it's boring as fuck, if I wanted to do that I'd go ranked, not friendly matches

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no you nigger, opening hand and going for tanyao is by definition the key for tile efficiency
what you are describing is game efficiency (winning), and of course open tanyao is not the best for that

Was going to stop but I changed my mind. Let's have some more tanoshii


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Learn tile efficiency.

Someone join


We need a fourth because this mongaloid is too fucking stupid.

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1 slot left in 26904

I swear Kazzy, tsumo to my face not online and I'll fucking END you

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>yfw an open hand chink ron's you and the cut-in animation starts playing

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That Tsumo was nasty

Alright Yea Forums, why are they laughing at you?

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Premium shitter btfo

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>learn tile efficiency
I'll one up that and teach YOU, nigger
useless wind > round wind > dragons > your wind > 1s and 9s > 2s and 8s > everything else
this is the optimal discard order, and as you can see by following it you'll naturally end in tanyao
opening your hand also speeds it up, and it is often worth even sacrificing one honor/terminal triplet for the speed you get
that's why open tanyao is what most shitters go for, but it's not rewarding unless you got dora or lucked out with some very specific yaku that shitters probably won't build because it requires not being 100% efficient (like flush)

Mangan is the gold standard. Open a yaku sheet, sit and think out 4-5 han hands, that's your homework. I'll throw here a riichi tsumo tanyao pinfu, open one suit yakuhai triplet dora and an open junchan sanshoku dora.

God I fucking suck

>expecting the open tanyao board to know how to consistently mangan

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i bet you fucking weebs never even played mahjong before cute anime girls were plastered over it in this game.

is it fun and can a brainlet play?

Sure, fucker, tile efficiency is like having a roll of pennies in your fist; but it does not excuse you from THINKING

Collecting a bunch of non terminal/honors in your hand is like sticking your dick in a bunch of taiwanese prostitutes without a rubber, you will get ronned.


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Literally imposible to get a mangan with bad starting hand and shit draws. Why do you people act like this is some big task.

>is it fun
>can a brainlet play?
You'll find yourself in good company in bronze, friend.

going for dora would require actually trying, bronzeshitters can't do it

Swap easy mode with Kuitan Nashi

I played it when I was a kid
I got back into it a few months ago when XIV added it

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not if you actually know your yaku

if you always follow that order you're never going to make it
you need 4 sets and a pair, with your starting hand divide it into 5 with groups of 2 or 3 tiles that can become a pair or a set, going for more than 2 pairs is a bad idea unless you start your hand with 4 pairs or more, after that start discarding in the order you propose, sometimes you don't have godly hands that can be divided into 5 so look for tiles that can form them and keep those tiles, don't discard dragons or working winds unless you really need to discard them to form your groups
thats how tile efficiency actually works

Will Kaijis speed mahjong make sense after playing this?

I want hag-sama to ara ara in my ear as she takes all my points!

>don't discard dragons or working winds unless you really need to discard them to form your groups
bad move, discarding them often improves hand speed dramatically

Depends if you actually learn how to play.

I hate it....

Yes you "can" get a mangan with any hand.
But you won't. Because luck is a factor.
Tile efficiency isn't everything but trying to turn every single hand into a mangan will not amount to anything.

Like, actually learn tile efficiency dude. There's more to it than discard order. If you have a triplet of terminals/honors or a 123 sequence, breaking them up to force tanyao is literally taking your hand backwards. In addition, with each call you make, the range of tiles you can accept, or which improve the number of tiles you can accept, decreases.

There are times and places for tanyao but claiming that kuitan is the essence of tile efficiency is simply wrong. If anything, it'd be pinfu, but there's a reason people say that tanyao AND pinfu are the foundations of mahjong.

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Chinese tileset huh. Actually looks not that bad.

meant for

Is the part about tournament play good advice for a beginner? I've been doing this for a couple of matches already.

Make her ear double the current width.

So is this game just Mahjong with anime girls?


>not playing with superior american tileset with star of david white dragons

baka at you goyim

Attached: jewtile.jpg (300x222, 14K)

It's essentially the same. Smells funny though.

Oh yeah. Japs dont play with flower tiles. Wonder why

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That last tile with the circumcised dick does not belong on a worksafe board, friend.

Dora fills the game design space as them, but in a much better way because there's actual strategy involved instead of just drawing it and immediately getting the points

Cause in chinese, you can exchange them for normal tiles. So playing with them is like playing without them.

No. Tournaments and leagues have different rules and contexts that lead to different win conditions - for example, a greater emphasis on first place or on total points earned, or fewer dora which makes bigger hands more difficult and makes building yaku more important (e.g. honors are useful for honitsu/chanta type hands and also for defense) - which leads to a different meta to online mahjong. Don't copy it, and especially don't try to imitate pro players without understanding why they make the decisions that they do.

>Dora fills the game design space as them, but in a much better way
I disagree, with flower/seasons you always know exactly who has them and exactly how many. Maybe dora on their own are fine but uradora jumping you with surprise haneman/baimans isn't what I would consider good design.

they should add a way to just quit a match
sometimes you are so deep in negative score that there's no point


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you really need some crazy phd to play mahjong

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Thanks for the games and hosting, Epoc.

I'm gathering EVERY hand until someone riichis or begins to drop doras, or begins to tsumogiri. Usually a bad hand means someone throws a 1k stick by the 10th turn so the problem solves itself.

I'm not talking about ura dora, just dora and aka dora. They function generally the same way except you need to actually work them into your hand instead of getting a free bonus. The point is the presence of dora is why flowers aren't used, the design space is already covered by dora so it'd just be a mess if there were both.

I kind of wish the view was top down so I'd have a clearer view of my opponent's tiles.

uradora is just a reward for riichi, it prevents people from calling dumb kans and opening their hands

If you're negative the match should immediately end.

Fuck off, DSP.
Stop shitting up matches with your quitter bullshit. Three people took time to play until the end with you. Least you could do is offer a challenge.

Removing the numbers/letters from the top of the tiles helped me with that.

>lost by 500
gg all, was fun

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Open tanyao is cancer to you because you play at newb leagues where every noob goes for tanyao. Open tanyao is a legit stat to keep league or end a game fast to close out. Try playing South 8-rounds with better players and you will learn to love the tanyao

Slow and steady wins the race.

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Come play with me, 39099

>Won a hand after you and the other two called riichi

Now I know why Japanese salarymen play this fucking game.

>thanks for hosting namefag!
Great sign that this needs to be moved to /vg/. The circlejerking and namefagging already began.

Fuck off. People who quit are the worst. This is why I rarely play on Tenhou anymore.

Nuki dora (Norths) from 3p riichi mahjong is essentially how flower tiles function.

I tried

Kept it as Open Tanyao since she says easymode in english anyways

I'm done. OC is hard

Attached: laughingsluts 2.png (600x455, 111K)

The casual yakuman. That'll win the game.

Attached: MahjongPatchy.jpg (850x600, 430K)

Even once you hit joukyuu the number of quitters drastically decreases compared to ippan, to say nothing of tokujou or houou.

Indeed. There are a thousand and one different tricks to use.
It's kind of shit you can't riichi on noten to force others to betaori.

Does this chink game show the win record like tenhou?
Like saying 1st round Guy A hit guy B for 8000 without having to scroll through every game to find the round you want

You know people constructing their hand and deciding what to cut from already healthy looking one consider possible uradoras by looking at discards for the dead indicators. It's not that random.

There's a game history function under "log"

Playing East

Am I supposed to grind in East or South?

Attached: 1529924473918.jpg (374x374, 41K)

You have to go through the replay.

Need 2 more.

Because I used the laughing cat emote after I called riichi and then someone called ron on me immediately.

I was this close to breaking my yakuman virgin

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-06 Mahjongsoul.png (1677x943, 1.6M)

I love the term BETAori. Its so fitting.


"Do I get better at mahjong by playing less rounds or more?"

not close at all? 11 of the 13 orphans is still very far away


Trips confirm

Pretty sure he's asking which is faster for grinding rank/currency

>being a lucklet

I can understand the names, but why cover the eyes?


Attached: 1456421380047.png (600x426, 264K)

1 more.

>play 100% safe all game
>make one risky discard for the chance to change my tenpai wait for way better odds and more dora
>deal into a haneman
this game isn't good for my blood pressure

Attached: 1542979992883.gif (320x180, 424K)

The game accesses your webcam and matches your avatar's eye color to your own.

You did know this, right? You did read the terms of service?

That guy is right, during both joukyuu tonpu fast and joukyuu hanchan I just wish someone would fuck off for easy points but no sir. I actually legit don't remember a single point fueled rage quit for months and months.

Fucking stat fag.

Attached: I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO KOKUSHI.png (493x334, 13K)

I don't even own a webcam.

Dead room.
Why doesn't this game at least let you talk in lobby? We're all grown adults who can handle some toxicity, right?

because chinks

That's a shoestring budget game 90% of which funds were probably spend on seiyuus, why bother if discords exist.

>implying 13.55% isn't high enough when the reward is a fucking yakuman
Fucking pussies. Where's the fun in gambling then.

>no lobbies

Attached: 1.jpg (720x719, 239K)

Wait why is the 4 in furihen, i didn't discard a 4?

Attached: chrome_2019-05-06_07-49-55.png (1920x947, 1.79M)

There's always the official discord, if you want to scream at people for being TALENTLESS LUCKY SONS OF BITCHES WAITING ON A GOD DAMN CLOSED WAIT WHERE 3 OTHER TILES ARE IN PONDS

did you finish your bronze grind yet

but I don't want to play with chinks I want to play with Yea Forums

you passed on it

look at the pon on your left

You discarded 7 on a 4-7 wait, making you furiten for 4

Same shit if you discard a Two on a 22 GG wait, makes you furiten for Green.

If you discard ANY of your winning tile, you're in furiten.
Note this applies to times where you have no yaku as well. Say you are going for tanyao and holding a 23, waiting for 14 but you discarded 1 earlier, you will still be in furiten.

This. I always consider kokushi with 8 tiles and always go for it with 9 tiles.
You are never going to lose your kokushi virginity if you always wait for that perfect 12 tiles.

if you pass on a winning tile during riichi you can no longer ron any of your winning tiles.

In case you might want to spar AI with personality instead of majsoul bots or the gamedesign flash no Mahjong 3D v2 ENG.rar

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Majsoul Friends Room 32502(4-Player East):

Attached: Legendary Gambler Tetsuya (14).png (640x480, 322K)

>consider kokushi with 8 tiles
The madman.

Attached: 1235736578.png (520x678, 351K)

>anthrophobe and always very nervous
Wow, they even include me as a character.

Attached: favarooooooooooooooo.jpg (615x528, 70K)

1 more

let's try this again

One thing to fix here is that you aren't guaranteed copper in Silver lobbies if you come in 2nd place.

nevermind joined the other lobby

GGs love ending a match on a big hand when I really don't need to

>Negative points

Attached: 1540285857404.gif (148x111, 264K)

That shit was the laziest haneman I've ever seen

I got owned every time I was close to winning a hand

You really need to include the thing I have to type continuously like some sort of fucking shill since this is seemingly the purpose of your infographic. 50 Dust -> scroll -> summon -> result PLUS 1 "faith" as a by product which purchases one wishing stone. That's the second source of Wishing Stones.

grind east in bronze and then switch to south once you get to silver

I just want a non-starter girl. How long do I have to grind to get one?

too long

What do the spheres do?

5% chance per roll
750k copper per roll iirc

download majsoul plus from github and play as a duck


Attached: 1530999826450.jpg (859x640, 49K)

whenever i choose to fold it ends up being that none of their waits were anywhere near anything in my hand

and whenever i choose to not fold i end up getting dealer ronned for 12k when i'm just trying to get into tenpai

correction, it's 150k
still quite a lot

>dealing into my hand 3 times in a row

150k if you already have 40 stardust right?

oh wait nevermind I'm dumb, that's if you also dust your starter 8 gifts

If they call a lot you can probably estimate how big their win is and see if you should fold. Otherwise you have to judge based on their discard but that's a lot more complex.

ggs 12971

Play on Sega MJ client for a bit. It shows all the bombs in your hand immediately after someone wins or it's a draw. God I wish we had this here.


>Play safe all game
>At first place
>making a mediocre hand
>2 people at riichi, which means they aren't even thinking when discarding
>Go for tempai, first risky move all game
>Double Ron-d by the 2 guys at riichi

And they are not starter gifts, they were for the first week first login only.

Tile efficiency, faggot

>go for tile efficiency, throw an unconnected tile.
>end up drawing it 2 more times

How do i into reading discards


>which means they aren't even thinking when discarding
You make it sound like they're idiots but that's what riichi is.
>risky move when 2 people already riichi
You deserved it.

What does the Sphere items do??
Should I buy those or gifts to my waifu?

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can you see a honitsushitter at least?

any tile efficiency calculators that don't suck?


Attached: 1231231.png (1109x146, 100K)

I don't mean it in the sense that they are idiots, but no matter the tile, they are discarding it. If you are at riichi, it doesn't matters if you are a genius or not

I thought that if I go for it, and it passes, there are good chances of me getting a ron off a risky piece if they draw it even if they wouldn't discard it normally

But yeah, should have played safe and waited and let them just kill each other

Lots of end tiles? Probably tanyao
Weird calls with terminal in them and no yaku? Probably holding a honour pair/triplet
Honitsu shitter is easy to spot

Against two riichis, there's literally no point trying to get into tenpai. Their combined waits are way better than yours. They will win, and their hand is bigger.

one suit efficiency:
play this bambooshit

using this as a cheat help

Have fun with chombo rape.

tenhou calculator is too damn slow

mom I hate math moom

which is statistically more likely assuming no discards on table, pon or chi?

I want to say GGs to be polite, so I will.

why should I not play south in bronze room?

>dealt in another 3 times
user please.
Look up betaori.

2-side chi > pon > 1-side chi
Or something like that

>playing east at all
Enjoy never getting out of bronze.

If you're not playing the cat and doing the thumbs up emote every time anyone uses any emote in any context, you're doing it wrong and you hate fun

Cause no one plays south in bronze

Not him but sometimes when you're already far behind, you just have to push.

If you know mahjong, east is how you git out of that soup as soon as possible. If you are new, south teaches the game so it's preferred.


You can also get your dick wet in Suji theory, but even in that case, you can only ESTIMATE, since it doesn't protect your pon palace-ass against closed waits.
It's all about risk and reward. There are hands that pack a huge payload, but dragging their hefty bulk has you starve in the desert while buzzard pick off your flesh.
You can lose 1000 points or 12 000 points, always think about it like that.

I saw little point in doing that, to be honest. I was too far behind to just go for not losing points, and it's not like I didn't try that in the first place before losing so hard.

You can discard safe tiles AND try and build a hand.

East relies on luck. If you know mahjong play south, more rounds means skill > luck and you get the same points you would get by playing 2 east games.

You know that's not always possible right?

Yeah, in theory that's true.


Yeah, but in the end you have to make a choice:
Do I want to go for it or do I want to give up?

You can't have both.

You use sphere to upgrade new outfit when you get to lvl5 bond i think

Attached: sample-5a4b59677e9f622d7957e052f2bea275.jpg (750x1000, 107K)

dumb nyagger

Absolutely correct. It just sucks sometimes when they get the occasional lucky hanemans and baimans tsumos from dora, especially in east ranked games. This has happened three times to me in a row just now even. hanchans at least you can recover later or just defends and watch others drop.

Attached: 1542223372052.png (195x278, 55K)

Spheres are almost useless because their use requires a shit ton of another way harder obtainable mats. Spheres related to the characters you don't have are 100% useless.

>see thread
>decides to try it
its 5am and I cant stop playing this
fuck you Yea Forums

Probably because he has hon rou tou as back up plan. 6s won't be of much help anyway. Plus, he's down to 700 points, so yolo.

How's opening your hand to any yaku that smiles at you a good way to climb ladder when everyone else does the same? Might as well throw a 4-sided die and hope for the best.

furiten is not about specific tiles but about your hand
if you pass any chance to win, you are in furiten and can't ron at all anymore
the point is so you can't choose someine specific to ron off

that was me 3 nights before.

Look at the pon on your left. Now ponder why the last 7p is turned sideways. Hint: it's your discard

you guys said silver is better than bronze but it is still pure ass to play even in south room
every dumb cat niggers are still spamming hobo hand at lightning speed
but unlike bronze room they are doing it even faster and less likely to end up with no yaku

They also tend to go negative in south games

Any v room up?

Im about to go to bed now
but if you can find two more I might just play one two win game

>1st place on last round
>Five turns left
>Toimen riichis
>2 north winds on table
>Discard my north tile

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (1014x1024, 77K)

make one

>discarding a live wind when five turns are left

Nothing personal, kid.

Attached: 1550140133742.png (640x480, 390K)

>2 north winds on table
>live wind

Attached: 1499969358838.jpg (327x406, 43K)

Yeah, it's live until you see all 4

Is it your first day playing and you're trying to sound smart?

Don't be dumb, that's usually a safe(r) tile since it's rare to keep a single honor pair wait with only 1 tile left in the wall

Post your R, kid

>Double Yakuman
Jesus christ

Attached: DoubleYakuman.png (1527x922, 1.03M)

that poor neesan

I have no problem going for a wait like that, since a lot of people will just assume it's safe and if someone gets it they will discard it.

>blocking the names
are we getting raided again?


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mahjong is fun
I love these threads and I love playing with clacky tiles and I love _you_!

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I'm the motherfucker who keeps his 北 around until Riichi. If the hand value doesn't change by making it my pair, I usually tanki on that sexy bitch.
If I pull that shit three times in a Hanchan it results in angry emotes galore and that rage fuels me.
In case shit gets real and you have nothing to discard safely, just throw the Pei. If I feel cute I have another Ota-Kaze just for this so I can keep the Pei.

Pei-chan is love. Pei-chan is life.

why pei of all things? Are you a marine geologist, by chance?

>East-only has more players than a full hanchan
Have I stepped over into the twilight zone

it's not even in tenpai


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I can't guys...I just can't. My tolerance for nyack people was already low, but this game has festered that feeling into a full-blown nyagger hate..

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just embrace the fucking Chanta like Akagi told you to. You get more tiles you can build that hand with, and Tanyao-scrubs will just throw them away because they'll dirty their hands and make them go furiten. Heck, pon the fuckers if you have to.

even nyaagers dislike other nyaagers dont worry

What do you mean? It's seven pairs plus honrotou

>whenever someone declares riichi i immediately give up my hand and discard only the safest tiles possible
is this a dumb strategy? i dont know what defensive play means so i just discard whatever i have that is also in their pile. i haven't won in a while because someone always declares riichi but idk what else im supposed to do at that point

Survive till the gold room somehow, also there's always Japanese server with their own bronze and silver rooms.

Attached: 111111.png (198x233, 51K)

Are you frustrated nya?

Attached: nyaa avatar.png (50x50, 6K)

I love every single nyagger in this universe.

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Attached: mahjong superb.png (120x120, 10K)

Attached: Nikaidou_Miki-6.png (100x100, 21K)

Dragon Cat?!

Attached: Mikami_Chiori-8.png (100x100, 21K)

why are you guys playing mahjong at 5am

Attached: 1.png (350x315, 13K)

I dunno man i literally only play it for the catgirl and cat puns

That's pretty much exactly what you should be doing, except that you also need to win hands. Learn tile efficiency so you can riichi faster than the others.

repeat after me

you should look up how suji works

the room maniggas

We are actually Chinese.

Level 1:
"he never discarded any bamboo so he might be waiting for that"
Level 2:
"there was no east wind thrown all game so someone might be waiting for it, better keep it"
Level 3:
"who the fuck discards a dora 5 in the first discard? Better keep my 9"

Level 50:
"These discards make no fucking sense, better bail because it's Chitoitsu or Kokushi"

Level 90:
"he threw the 5, so the 8 is safe"
Level 91:
"he threw the 5, so the 8 is dangerous because it might be a Suji-Trap"

Level 9001:
Fuck reading discards, just read their calls and imagine the worst-case scenario, scout for the smallest hand and deal in on purpose to pay 1000 when you could pay 3000 for being no-ten (the only trick required to escape bronze)

Attached: how to mute old people.webm (446x458, 110K)

Have you found the magical sands yet Yea Forums?

The cat is older than the hag.

>scout for the smallest hand and deal in on purpose to pay 1000 when you could pay 3000 for being no-ten (the only trick required to escape bronze)
Nigger please, you don't need any tricks to escape bronze.

You mean the ones from selling gifts?

mahjong looks really cool, but also too fucking complicated to get into

Attached: 1454522792792.jpg (900x1440, 605K)

why not just play poker instead of this shit

It's relatively easy to pick up once you get over the "you need one yaku" thing
The core gameplay is very simple

Buzzword alert: Fun, you dipshit

it only took 3 days for me to get the hang of it

If you can dodge danmaku you can dodge ron.

Attached: fear satori.jpg (277x396, 29K)

I had problems with jp bronze a week ago but now the based scrubs came to feel all elite and shit and current silver is easier than one week-ago bronze.

Attached: Catt.jpg (468x780, 130K)

If smooth-brained paypigs can understand it, you can be a master at it.

it's like a combination of poker and chess. its a fun meld of luck and hard math strategy

Because the only version you can play online is holdem which is babby tier brainlet shit.

An actual beautiful hand for fucking once.

Attached: hand.png (1733x977, 1.3M)

>He hasn't watched Akagi
Get out

No pinfu?

So you can actually get blue gifts from silver chests. That makes things a bit easier.

Adept 2, so far so good. I fully expect to start eating shit in gold though

Attached: Screenshot_9.jpg (669x243, 41K)

Pair wait disqualifies pinfu.

Level 1:
"He discarded a 4, that means he's not waiting on 4"
Level 2:
"He discarded a 4, that means he can't have 23 waiting on 14"
Level 3:
"Four 3s have been discarded, that means he can't have 34 waiting on 25 or 13 waiting on 2"
Level 4:
"He discarded both 1 and 7, that means he can't have either 23 or 56 waiting on 4"
Level 5:
"He called riichi and discarded 6, that means it could be a trap waiting on 3"

Fixed. This is pretty much all you need to know until tokujou on Tenhou or jade room on Mahjong Soul. "Reading discards" is a meme and it doesn't work in real life the way it does in Akagi.

It's just psychology.
It's the tile most people just throw away the moment they get it.
it's also where the best schools in saki are from, the north

Akagi is mostly based on super-powers, but there's Tetsunaki no Kirinji manga from a tenhou 9 dan guy which is completely about discard reading voodoo with some explanations

kinda my point, yeah.

Room where my fellow countrymen ?

so how do you guys read discards and shit while still playing the game when you only have like 15 seconds per turn to make a decision

Majsoul Friends Room 94258(4-Player South):

you think about it during their turns as well


>"He called riichi and discarded 6, that means it could be a trap waiting on 3"
What? It can't be a ryanmen. Do you mean he's waiting on a pair or triplet of 3s? How common are Suji traps, really?

I don't read my hand at all, I just discard shit that doesn't fit, things that improve my wait and fold like a bitch whenever someone riichis.

how do you play for free after you hit expert rank?

He meant suji trap, yeah

Honestly, I'm not good enough to do it. I just check their ponds when I need to know if my potential waits are gone or not.

Attached: 1544237321125.gif (448x252, 1.82M)

It could be from 246, making it a closed wait for 3. Most suji traps are not intentional.
Also it could be a random lone 6 which is why suji and stuff is mostly a last-end resort when you have absolutely no safe tiles.

It's fairly common from ryankan shapes like 246. That's why suji of the riichi tile is considered one rank lower in safety than it otherwise would be.

Quick east only game before I go to bed, default rules

>I should grind to silver today
>hours later
>down 100 points from where I started

Attached: 1523003947807.jpg (538x536, 75K)

>reading mahjong theory and playing by the book
>not going full 13 year ole akagi mode and confusing the shit out of everyone with chaotic retard plays

High value hands usually have predictable discards/calls. Memorize the yaku and keep an eye out for them. For example a player discarding only two suits and no honors may be going for a honiisou. Outside of that all you need to know is suji, furiten, and how many of specific tile are already on the table.

Don't give up user
Sometimes a little break helps

Ara ara~ looks like I got 3 dora

Attached: ara ara~.webm (1000x425, 2.84M)


Which is a better feel? Tsumo and win as first place or ron'ing on the bitch that took all your points earlier?

Ronning a hag into oblivion

>if you leave the game open the cat starts singing and humming


You cannot throw dora unless you are in tempai
You cannot throw an honor tile on the first turn
You cannot betaori (completely folding by dealing safe tiles)
Do not break the rhythm of the game (instant discards)
No suji-cut riichi (135p shape, throw out 5p to wait on 2p)
No hell wait riichi
No tanki riichi except for chiitoitsu
Play according to the situation.

>play silver room
>end up with 27000 points
>lose copper cause i came in third

why is it my fault that some shitter went into the negative giving away easy rons?

Attached: 1530601985382.jpg (500x375, 31K)

bed time!!
thank you for game


that felt dirty, I'm sorry

Attached: Yagi_Yui-9.png (100x100, 21K)

that's probably for the best since I should be asleep anyways
24k's a pretty meaty hand

It kinda your fault when you couldnt take his easy ron tho.

>superstitious trash

you were punished for not exploiting weakness.

agree, I fucked up and I called Kan by mistake fucking myself.

>no hell wait riichi
that's my signature move

I don't believe you

>tfw no cute cat gf to play mahjong with

Why am I seeing a disproportionately large number of kans?

Attached: 1418222143392.jpg (448x412, 25K)

That wasn't the cat. It was me.


mom get the camera

Attached: yakuman.png (760x398, 374K)

Can I just log and watch matches?

i thought you had to complete that with the last pair to get the yakuman

Yes, on Tenhou

nah single tile wait is double yakuman

He self-drew it so it's still counted as closed.

>If you can win over me on the Mahjong table, I will give you a little surprise
What does hag mean by this?

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I hate this kusoge

>Yea Forums playing mahjong
never thought I would see the day

Just stick to friendly game with Yea Forums.

>one player discards a dangerous tile
>it passes
>second player discards from hand
Now the tile is dangerous again. You should not only keep track of people's discards but alwo watch HOW the y discard a tile, from hand or from the wall.

Seven inches

Her riichi sticks aren't supposed to be that long!

Why do i keep hearing stories about experts in silver? Why would they even go there? It doesn't feel real.

I want to pee

>Guy got big playing cookie cutter meta but then got disgusted with himself and now only plays casually


what the actual fuck

That was an insane game.

gee gee fellas

The jews fear the samurai

Attached: HHHH.png (134x160, 33K)

>No suji-cut riichi (135p shape, throw out 5p to wait on 2p)
>No hell wait riichi
>No tanki riichi except for chiitoitsu
These seem really annoying. I guess it's meant to put more restrictions on riichi, since that does kind of dominate the game. Not throwing doras and honors makes tanyao harder, especially open tanyao (if they even play with that rule).

It does seem a little more balanced, and if he's a master at the game he should know balance better than me, so it's probably a lot more balanced.

I understand how discarding 5 man making 5 man a furiten, but why does red chun ends up in furiten as well?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-06 Mahjongsoul.1.png (1677x943, 1.59M)

Furiten applies to the whole hand

the wait itself is furiten not the tiles

tiles highlighted in red are not furiten, they are winning tiles someone needs

Wrong, stop talking without knowing, newbro...

Wrong, stop talking without knowing, newbro...

>novice 3 hell of getting matched with both good players with giant hands and chinks with open hand devil waits at the same time

Attached: 1532570947512.jpg (485x801, 39K)

He is not furiten for the chun, stop making me mad, you fucking nyagger retard newfag holy shit, never post again


I see, thanks.

Attached: 1557133534764.jpg (765x1200, 135K)

He is furiten for the chun, stop making me mad, you fucking nyagger retard newfag holy shit, never post again

he is wrong, you could win if the top player discarded the red dragon

my red chun was in furtien

gg ez, come on copypaste my post again retard do it, DO IT

Classic shanpon chun-only 3 doras open hand.
Everytime i do this i fear the furiten god will strike me.

What are you talking about? Furiten is a state of your hand and he will stay in furiten as long as his wait are 5man and chun

You're not in furiten for something, as long as you've discarded one of your winning tiles your whole hand is in a furiten.

Very embarrassing. Please read about furiten and kill yourself.

red chun is not furiten, you can win if someone else drops it
ignore the newcuties above this post

Step 2 should be
>learn the furiten

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Attached: 1540418198506.jpg (410x307, 31K)


Not sure if pretending or actually retarded.


Attached: 1545537728418.png (1159x152, 132K)

stop embarrasing yourself, cat

Furiten in riichi mahjong is a state in which a player has discarded a tile that would have otherwise completed his hand. A player who is furiten cannot win on an opponent's discard, but can only win by self-drawing the needed tile.

He is in furiten for 5man, not for red chun, retards.

Yeah, and he can't win from chun, because a player who is furiten cannot win on an opponent's discard.

There's no such thing as Furiten for X tile
You're in Furiten or you're not

Bondlets will never ever hear cat's cute song

If you're furiten on one wait you're furiten for all waits until you lose furiten by adjusting the wait.

What would you do, user?

Attached: yaku3dora1.png (1920x1080, 1.97M)