Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree this is the best in the series for people who actually play fighters, yes?
Also it's on sale for $20 until tomorrow
Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree this is the best in the series for people who actually play fighters, yes?
Also it's on sale for $20 until tomorrow
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I'd say so. SC2 and SC5 were also pretty good but they had a few more problems dragging them down.
Literally the only thing holding it back is the Reversal Edge the only things I've seen people complain about just out them as scrubs like the story mode or the voldo glitches, other than that the game is pretty great, it lacked a few things in the character creation but it's perfectly solid now with the dlc
Is this game worth it if I like ryona
no sweetie, only plebs that dont understand fighting games could possibly like sc6,5 and 4
is this the only fighting game where NA, EU, and japan are basically equal?
I don't even care about the CaS pieces in the next DLC, I'm just looking forward to the SC2/3 soundtracks, assuming they include them again.
when it comes to CaS creativity Japan is clearly ahead
Honestly I wouldn't even mind RE if the animation were a couple seconds shorter. And I do like the way it looks when you're absorbing a shitton of hits like with Asta's tornado