Any games where the final boss is a girl?

Any games where the final boss is a girl?

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>ara ara peter-kun~

Monster Girl Quest
Spiderman /ss/ when


Real Life. The greatest enemies are all girls
>Frau Merkel
>Theresa May

>everyone comes back to fight the final boss

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where tf is the army? i know half of them were snapped but shit, no one could have sniped thanos with a .50 cal from a rooftop?

Her fucking jaw holy moly


Kotor 2. If an old witch counts as a girl.

>43 minutes

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>43 minutes
Gentlemen my pp hard

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Silent Hill

Dude the guy took a spaceship to the face in Titan and literally didn't even scratch him, and you think a .50 cal round would do anything but bounce off his gigantic chin?

Her only tolerable scene in the entire movie.

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Dark Souls 2


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>final boss is a boss rush

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Metroid II Return of Samus
Super Metroid
Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
Metroid Other M

But she didn't do anything.

>final boss is a jobber

She got punched by Thanos so hard she was sent straight to the last scene of the movie.

I bet murricreaturas clapped at this scene

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>43 minutes long
I'm goin in

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The real question is why the fuck is Mantis there.

>No kevin feige I won't suck your cock again unless you give me my female avengers movie
>w-what if I just make them put in a really shitty forced scene where all the women suddenly gather together to look lame as fuck?

I can't stand this chick, all other females in movie cool af but her acting seems so dead. I guess that the character idk

I'm pretty sure they give her that fucking dumb scene so the dumb whore would shut the fuck up so they could continue with the movie, for what I read before she was suppose to have a bigger role in the finale

slaaay girl


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I liked that they let Marvel play to her biggest strength by taking out Thanos’ ship

It was cool, fucking Thanos took the power stone and just knocked her, fucking kek

No, Brie Larson is an unlikable charisma vaccum. It is by far the worst casting choice they've made.

And then Tony stark who carried these movies ended it all, RIP tony.

Did people have a problem with this? It was neat to atleast have his compared to annoy everyone the whole movie

Redpill me on Brie Larson. Why is she so hated?

Red Faction

>really shitty forced scene
I mean, the entire final battle was just one big fanservice jerk off. Having all the heroines in the MCU team up for even more fan service was par for the course. I'm actually surprised that scene irked people as much as it did.

Why did old captain america show up in the original timeline? Didn't he go back in time to a different timeline?

This but unironically

Don't worry, it's now in the hands of the superior avenger.

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Yes, I was really enjoy the movie and that shit took me right out of and remind me of her stupid political bullshit.

He came back once he was old and tired and probably after Peggy died. At least that's what i assumed. Basically he just took a 70 year long vacation in those 5 seconds.

The entire battle is good fan service and it was earned. That fucking stupid scene rips you right out of the movie and reeks of moronic pandering nobody except a few tumblr cunts and beta retards asked for. It's so unnatural and forced you can't ignore it; literally the entire MCU is in that fight but only the women gathered to help?

yet one kick from iron man made him bleed

I liked the scene but what the fuck did Mantis actually do, put people to sleep I guess?

It just felt really forced, i'm not sure how to explain it. Basically the same scene is in infinity war when Black Widow, the Bald Black Bodyguard and Scarlet Witch fuck that amazonian alien but that scene didn't feel forced or awkward at all.

It's mostly the character really, Carol danvers hasn't been good in years.

He probably had to use some device to return. He couldn't have done it naturally.

Apparently he placed back all stones perfectly and it ended up merging their timeline with the old

Nanomachines son.

Come on user, use your head.

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Nigga, her appearance at the end of the movie was the only part where she was tolerable. Got punched into space and barely opened her mouth, and when she did she was being playful instead of trying to be STRONK WOMYN.

I actually watched the Captain Marvel movie after Endgame. I assumed I wouldn't like it, but it was kinda fun. "Bored and browsing Netflix" fun, not "See in theaters" fun.

And talking about the retarded webm, you dumb cunt, not about Thanos ship, that was cool

He lived in that timeline then jumped back when he was done.

so make a .50 cal or a 20mm round out of nano machines

I haven't seen it but that's what i would've expected from her movie, most of the marvel movies fall in that category.

100% agree. It would've been cooler to see the girls fighting along side the guys instead of what we got.

He did not jump between any timelines once he went back to the past he stayed there

It's because it's the bare minimum amount of effort they wanted to put for to seem progressive. It honestly plays out exactly how a board room full of cartoonish caricatures of CEOs and board members would make a girl power scene in an action movie.

These people are no friend or ally of anyone.

That describes like 80-90% of Marvel movies. The Avengers movies were generally the only ones worth seeing in theaters, especially Infinity War and Endgame.

Oh seriously fuck this is so annoying. Assassin's Creed did this a couple times and it just made the game almost unbearable at some points (I still love it cause medeival isreal / syria aesthetic)
Also if you know of any better games with the same aesthetic, please do tell.

The only actual answers to the thread


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What games do this? Your post reminded me of the part of the final battle in The Thousand Year Door were everyone you met in the game starts cheering for Mario.

NieR:Automata's Ending D

Well that's what he did, but he still lost because by the time Tony fought him on Titan Thanos had the stones. And in endgame they were doing reasonably well against Thanos just the 3 of them, but Thanos is a big manly man so he still came out on top, blame Thor for not eating his salads.

It's the last avengers movie, and for some, the last MCU movie in general. I don't see the reason to get your panties in a bunch over a fan service moment. It's not like any of them had a gurl power line or anything. Even captain marvel kept her mouth shut. The only thing I thought of it was it's a shame widow couldn't have been there too.

Was it rape?

Where is this from?

she defends uglyness of current era

mulholland dr.

As far as MCU origin movies go, it's not the worst, but it's also far away from the best.

GotG > Black Panther > Ant Man > Captain America > Doctor Strange > Captain Marvel > Iron Man > Thor

She was at least written better in her own movie than in Endgay.

>What games do this?
Master Blaster Zero 2. The ending the hype as fuck too.

If assassin's creed manages to fuck up the best trope in video games, that's on them.

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>captain marvel above iron man

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works for me

He was old af cause he ended up never being frozen. So apparently he just placed all stones in original spots and continued to live his normal life. Some shit don't make sense when you factor this because timelines should have technically split.

I'm sorry, but it's actually
GoTG>Ant Man>Dr. Strange>Black Panther>IronMan>Captain America>Captain Marvel>Thor


don't open it

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Ace Combat 4 has that feel. Everyone flies with Plane Jesus.

Capeshit is bad and all of you should feel bad for liking it. The only semi-bearable movie from Marvel was Winter Soldier. The rest suck, yes, even all the Avenger series.

Haha imagine all of them domming Peter haha

Skies of Arcadia. Ramirez slaps your shit at first

>Black Panther not on top

Y'all racists?

I wish i had listened.

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My theater had a bigger reaction to Scarlet witch beating Thanos than Captain Marvel

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i like thor ragnarok

there was clapping at the initial assemble and then silence when all the women lined up in the webm

>The only semi-bearable movie from Marvel was Winter Soldier.
Oh look, another normalfaggot.

Good movie. Enjoy

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Don't most girls start to get those in their 30s?

Black Panther would've been better if they didn't have a war at the end, if Killmonger lived(what a waste of a character and good actor), and if the final fight between Killmonger and Black Panther didn't look like a cheap cgi nightmare from the early 2000s.

Paper Mario, the Thousand Year Door.

Winter Soldier was pretty good. Also, Infinity War

They had to kill him. You can't keep a villain around, especially when they're objectively in the right.

Because it was awesome, seriously, why did Captain Marvel have to be the "female face" of the MCU when we have Scarlet Witch and had Black Widow, hell, even Gamora or The Wasp would be better. Fuck Captain Marvel and fuck Brie Larson.

Imagine being so fragile that this makes you physically shake.

Christ. People actually watch and enjoy this garbage?

I love feet and everytime I saw her in endgame I was disgusted by having flashbacks of those ugly toes

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