Days Gone

Any good? Just got a PS4 slim recently, trying to find _______fun______ games to justify my purchase.

(Context: Bloodbourne was shit the first 15 minutes in, Shadows of Collosus and Horizon Zero Dawn were boring, God of War and Spider-Man were fairly good, Tetris Effect was god-tier)

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You might not like it.

If you really like zombies, you will.

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I'm having a blast with it. It's comfy as hell.

>i have shit taste, will i enjoy this shit?

I had fun but will never replay it

I don't think I've encountered a single person who claims Bloodborne is shit and isn't stuck somewhere in the game or struggled with the whole thing. Pretty funny desu.

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Looks fine from the gameplay I've seen. Horizon Zero Dawn looked boring as fuck when I was watching my roommate play it. Seems like you enjoy "cinematic" games and all the characters I've seen in this were likeable.

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roomate huh? you guys uhmm haha you know...

There are better open world games. If you don't have an affinity for pozzed biker drama I'd pass.