Attached: 1556917807370.jpg (792x1181, 349K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Come on guys reply to my thread.

They knew exaclty what they were doing.

Attached: 1556275766962.png (2299x3216, 2.77M)

big milkers

is this the giant titty thread

Please? It's the first time I ever made a thread and with the boobs I figured I'd get guranteed replies.

>tfw no Rouge the Bat espionage spy stealth action game

Attached: sadheavy.jpg (480x360, 22K)

sega made some nice characters but the true question is...
everythin fkin sexualized

Attached: 1556268919992.jpg (348x363, 73K)

Hubba hubba.

Keep posting boobs.

Is she actually a bat? It's made clear that her wings are fake and she can't fly.

Attached: 1550448615474.jpg (1631x1872, 116K)

No, fuck you, I'm not replying to this shit.

No it's the Bat Tats thread

The fuck? Where? She literally flies in Sonic Adventure 2 where she was introduced.

My only problem with this picture is the tail.

Attached: 1532589514614.jpg (900x650, 143K)


>friend of knuckles
damn, knuckles gets to tap dat on the regular?

Attached: tenor[1].gif (498x372, 891K)

Attached: f57[1].gif (400x300, 687K)

>Species: Cat

>Rouge the Bat
>Species: Cat
Excuse me?

this is the only fuckable pic of her

thats a negative



Playing in my chao garden right now

I'm no furry but I'll tell you that there's been way more images of Rouge that have tempted me than one, and the OP image isn't even Top 10.

Attached: C580FF91B076A73EE398E60637BFDCA191B559F8[1].gif (296x677, 2.89M)



Attached: Capture.jpg (684x394, 34K)

Attached: tumblr_obq4y02Bl51r7sijxo1_500[1].gif (478x386, 1.91M)


>Tricking anons into posting more to "prove you wrong"

She would actually be hot if she had hair. I literally cannot fuck with that bald shit. I have a hard time liking furry stuff as it is, the further the head strays from being human looking the harder it is to like for me but she could be hot if she had some fucking hair AAAAAA

She does have hair. Look at the sides of her head.

I'd prove you wrong but I've only ever been banned because of posting Sonic females.

im fapping to her right now

How is it?

Literally dick sucking height.

Attached: Eleven-Different-Male-Body-Types-In-Lineup.png (1100x525, 115K)


I've straight up stopped caring about the heads as long as they have human bodies. Those furries can be amazing artists sometimes

They're mostly weirdos tho

Attached: kaa_massages_rouge_by_snakeythingy-daelmkz[1].jpg (1120x730, 501K)

Miss when her mouth was in the middle. Fucking retards at Sega with that retarded Side Mouth bullshit.

the white is her hair

Watch out bro I heard you can get banned just for posting Rouge now even if it's sfw.

pretty good im having alot of fun

What the fuck is wrong with you furfags? So you put a human body on a fucking cartoon bat. Are you sick in the fucking head? SHE IS A BAT. DO YOU WANT TO FUCK THIS?!?!?!?!?

Attached: vampire-bat-2-27-18.jpg (3596x2944, 1.54M)

No, I want to fuck this.

Attached: 1413404591272.png (1200x1920, 1.49M)

Rouge looks nothing like that.

No, that's why I'm jerking off to Rouge and not a vampire bat.

So where are the tailsxrouge fanfics?

I don't want smut, I want true love

Attached: bf1[1].jpg (912x796, 438K)

Attached: 542BCBEB-8D9C-477C-A902-F02571D9151D.jpg (720x1089, 60K)

please post more huge fuckin bat tiddies

dude wut

Post thicc Isabelle

Catwoman is still a human even if she trying to LARP as a cat.

I know that's what it's supposed to be but it doesn't look like hair


Attached: 14db750c49fba7b73c7b3d9f3c6fab5c.png (950x1611, 1.19M)

Attached: bd5ab61c9781dc2466ea985dfdf6ab6a.jpg (1571x2300, 214K)

You rang?

Attached: you know.jpg (2048x1584, 262K)

save it for the isabelle thread

Cursed image

Attached: tgt 12-1.jpg (900x1043, 487K)


this one's mine

Attached: 1536455620242.jpg (749x733, 63K)

Link to the original?

every time I see this posted the reflection is different.
it is impressive how many slight edits are floating around.

Attached: rouge_vs_artificial_chaos_by_chaoscroc-d91e57p.png (1024x1651, 586K)

I'm going to cum right fucking now.

im about to bust

ive gotten ptsd from the image

Why do people repost this like it's interesting? It's a 1 button typo that spellcheck can't catch.

lewder, more tidi

>clothes change magically
bonner killer.

post more rouge

I remember really wanting to see these round robot chaos things inflate Rouge with their weird gooey water spheres bodies.

Attached: 1556668303935.jpg (725x1024, 197K)

I fap to Rouge, Blaze, Amy, Cream, etc
Still not a furry thou

Attached: 1546992230554.png (1500x1200, 588K)

It's ok user, Rouge is honorary not-furry. You can jerk off to her like she was a alien humanoid.

I just wanted to see her naked desu

What's the matter, bros?

Attached: l-10898-uncomfortable-and-slightly-nervous-doggos.jpg (700x732, 257K)

Over 9000 hours in MS Paint.

Attached: rouge.png (684x394, 268K)

Attached: white girls fuck dogs.png (500x463, 133K)


is it ever even said that rouge is a vampire bat?

>he doesn't know

true you are just a pedo.

And thats a good thing

Attached: 1550184133833.jpg (920x985, 231K)

fuck the mods on this site. got banne 3 days ago for posting a sfw rouge pic on a sonic thread.

Mods are fucking awful, holly shit.

cry me a river dickface.

Stop being a fag, that's why you go banned.

You didn't get banned for posting Rouge, you got banned for your shitty grammar.

Attached: 1512074833041.jpg (411x402, 53K)

Whoah, Momma!

Where can I find me one of those?

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u3[1].jpg (449x550, 23K)

>t. mods

moar of that thic ass

How to improve their profit margins

Attached: 1556780510405.jpg (771x877, 100K)

Attached: 3044cd28b34789331cdf191d223bbff2.jpg (695x979, 56K)

How come you always post the crusty version

Stomach deformation/bulge
Y/N Yea Forums?

bulge from cum - yes
bulge from cock - no

Rouge is 17

Attached: 1529510419924.jpg (1440x2560, 507K)

If its just a bump then its pretty hot, when its the entire fucking dick showing through her stomach it gets kinda gross.


bulge from cum - no
bulge from cock - yes

That's call inflation but ill let it slide.
You are weak user.


They did that because I was underage when this came out and they don't want her getting in trouble

Depends on how dramatic. A little for emphasis, sure. Artists take that shit way too far though.

It says she was 18 in 2015 tho

Even in America, 17 is legal is several states.

Post more cream

that might be hinting that shes a cougar

It's okay, she's 36 in bat years.

most Sonic girls are underage but who fucking cares, I cant think of something more cucked then putting off jerking it to a fictional character cause of their age

Attached: 1540473626336.jpg (595x413, 36K)

>Rouge is my age
What did they mean by this

I like you user


Attached: rouge height.jpg (1100x525, 369K)

it's ok that manual was from 16 years ago

>implying sonic ages mean anything

How come rouge gets to work with GUN but knuckles doesn't have them help secure his emerald?

good dick sucking size

I remember drawing shit like this, but instead of suit porn, it was tentacle porn.

That manual is for Sonic Heroes (2003). That would make her 35 now.

Would you let the government anywhere near the giant valuable magical gem that you have been guarding all your life?

Attached: 81467adc597e34d7e962d9e10e6c5129.jpg (1672x2048, 407K)

That actually might be a good game.
>In b4 sega tries to go shadow the hedgehog 2 and she literally kills people by snapping their necks

That's an echolocation bat, She's clearly a Fruitbat.
Its like the difference in a Wolf and a toy breed.

Attached: fruitbat.jpg (288x266, 32K)

>35 year old Christmas cake rouge


Attached: 1496463479715.png (271x265, 82K)

Attached: 1543770788802.jpg (240x280, 15K)

>only good Rouge doujin is that time stop one
It's not fair.

You can't trick me

Attached: american justice.png (584x602, 156K)

>Death By Degrees: Anthro Edition
No good can come from this.

They used to matter like 20 years ago when characters acted their age.

lol is that you?

>all that cream porn you fapped to?
>Yeah, that's ultra pedo.
>She's 3 you sick fuck

>Sonic Boom is coming off of Hulu

Attached: Capture+_2019-05-05-21-51-00.png (1876x1421, 1.42M)

That's not real. It couldn't possibly work like that.

Sorry, meant 33.

thanks for the rouge, it was a good nut.


Sure, but the moment they switched to the 4kids actors, she immediately became 30

you got a lot of learn about the world then kiddo

that's fucked

I couldn't handle all the Horton hears a who jokes

No, but I would like to cum on it

Rouge's original voice actress (Lani Minella) voiced tyranid hivemind in DoW2. The more you know

Attached: 2cb0f35a5a3b04fcbb4dc62e0412b13a.png (863x900, 1.31M)

Has anyone ever stop to think of how most of the sonic cast would look if they were fully matured considered how tall Vanilla is. even the avatar in forces is taller than modern sonic

Attached: 1554711636414.png (749x1067, 594K)

Sonic's an adult.

I want to have oyakodon with Cream and Vanilla!

I wanna cater to Vanilla's every need.

>all that Amy porn
>shes 12 btw
>fap even harder

Attached: 1214832967590.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

>rouge the BAT
>species: CAT


>mfw seeing a thread about pedophilia on Yea Forums at the same time as this thread

(((Pure coincidence)))?

I wang Vanilla to be my mom

Attached: 1554731474810.jpg (1360x2072, 1.17M)

>tfw starting to preffer pics with realistic and detailed furr
is too late for me.

Attached: maxresdefault (10).jpg (750x375, 32K)

But there's always a pedo thread on Yea Forums

I wanna cater to Vanilla's every sneed.

Attached: sneedoran.png (250x250, 65K)

I wish I was Rouge's car.

Attached: polhikA9Xc1rnak98o1_r1.jpg (1280x1084, 291K)

They don't exist yet Johnny. Give us till like 2060

that's normal for Yea Forums thou

Attached: 1231832997590.png (1280x720, 857K)


She farts in that seat, you know...

>fucked for life because of a 1 year difference
Shit's fucked

More Vanilla art is required.

god fucking damn it, i need to fap again...

Yes, and?

god I wish I was that seat...


Fuck dude

Attached: 1434479442847.gif (256x204, 1.61M)


>average height

>Implying bat waifu does something so vulgar.

Only when she thinks there's nobody around
But then user was seat

No we don't

Attached: 23cd5891-9c12-41f7-a6cb-ab6bc67e775f.png (566x709, 189K)

I wanna start playing Sanic and I only have a PC
Where should I start?
What games should I play?

Attached: 1556800139166.jpg (700x1000, 197K)


How much of a freak is she in the sack?

Sonic 1
Sonic 2
Sonic 3K
Sonic CD



Attached: 1542011391534.png (680x740, 128K)

Play all the main Classic games (1/2/3/&K/CD/Mania). Then try a few Modern games to see if you like them (Adventure-style and Boost-style are different). Then you can figure out what to try from there (Sonic Advance series, spin-offs, Master System/Game Gear classic games, etc.)

Keep in mind that the only thing across the series that remains consistently good is the music, outside of western-developed titles like Dark Brotherhood and Boom.

Actually super cute!


Sonic Mania is great as well. But only after you've played the others

w e w

No, thats the ones drawn by Aedollon.

Oh you know she's one helluva kinky Cougar

Attached: 20190506_002035.jpg (643x1495, 598K)


I'll unironicall fap to this

If I make TSR threads with a Rouge OP I get banned. This is still up. Has Jenny finally given up on his anti Rouge crusade?

May I post humanized pics?

Dark skin > light skin

Dark nipples > pink nipples

Attached: 1556914996707.jpg (1036x1059, 156K)

Do what you must, user.

Being a furry is a community thing. You can jack it, whack it, and smack it to whatever you fucking want, you're only a furry once you start making art, using weirdo terms like yiff, and start making art, RPing, or making a fursona. The most interaction you should have with furries is possibly a compliment to a furry artist that made something you like.

>Dark nipples > pink nipples

Depends on if they are uncanny or not

Attached: 1542193487102.png (2480x1746, 731K)

>no game starring rouge

Sega hates money.


Attached: 1556823568269.jpg (285x274, 13K)

now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...

Attached: 1556762476760.jpg (379x364, 20K)


sauce me

Why not? Let's see what you got.



The last time they made a game with a side character, it ended... poorly.

Looks like Argento

Ya, cause the game sucked. If you actually give a shit about the product your making, the lead character shouldn't matter

there is no way thats official art

Anybody have that horrifying 3D rouge walking animation some user made?

It actually made me feel uneasy and look away from the screen the first time I saw it.

You mean this one?

>Rouge is 17
what?i tough she was almost 30

Got sauce?

fuck off zeta

Ya'll bat fuckers need some clown gf's

Attached: tumblr_inline_pfa7q6ChY71qkpnrw_400.gif (256x192, 884K)

You need a pie in the face and some cement shoes.

Attached: 1528848775290.jpg (664x645, 89K)

Post bat feet

She sounds like a 30 year old chain smoker.

Attached: 1556915292402.jpg (1154x1080, 177K)

Attached: 1556915582170.jpg (1144x1080, 138K)


Attached: 12609784098650.png (473x909, 428K)

Stop pretending, you know exactly what they had in mind.

Attached: 1556119500494.jpg (3400x6400, 3.41M)

Tfw rouge tiddies managed to distract Omega enough to cause him to crash

The difference between a furry and a run of the mill degenerate jerking it to cartoons is the attraction to animal features. If you're just indifferent to a few strange or exotic features here and there and wank over Rouge because she has nice titties, that's one thing. If you're attracted to her *because* she's an anthropomorphic bat, then you're pretty much furry.

Not too late, but not a good sign either.

Attached: 1556374152996.png (886x825, 692K)


tfw I've been fapping to Rouge since 2001 (I started fapping in 3rd grade) and now I have a shortstack gf

I only recognize 13 of them, can I still be saved?

I prefer Amy.

Attached: 1556250081106.png (794x856, 721K)

yeah right, I bet you also enjoy video games too faggot. Just cause you fapped to a few pics of a girl doesnt make her your gf.

Gentlemen, behold: the true best girl

Attached: Wave_the_Swallow.PNG.png (694x918, 207K)

My nigga. Got her to gain weight now I need to get her to workout more to get rid of the belly a little bit.

This. Brown Rouge is best

Attached: DC vs GCN.png (621x235, 256K)

Attached: 1556284125795.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

It's okay user maybe someday you too will get your own shortstack gf

Attached: c771cd0d78ac9282d13f647d6f232a17.jpg (1216x1000, 472K)