Why does she love Sonic so much? how come her rep has recovered from the adventure era?

Why does she love Sonic so much? how come her rep has recovered from the adventure era?

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She's young and has attachment issues coupled by the fact that he's a hero that saved the world multiple times and literally saved her life like a fairy tale story?

Because she and Charmy are both originally from some manga, in it she was Sonic's girlfriend.So they converted her from it to the games and since Sonic isn't the type to be interested in dating in the games they made her crush on him.

In universe however, Sonic is a famous hero, so she's obviously a fan girl that manage to meet, hang around, and become friends with the person she's being a fan girl over.

Her rep recovered because “girl who chases Sonic” is no longer her entire character. She’s now Cream’s Sonic essentially.

She's an idiot who can't take the message.

And if anything, she's gotten worse.

Fuck off, Boco.

>Best Amy trapped in second worst game
Boom deserved better.

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Let's end the debate once and for all.
Left or Right? Personally, I'm on team Right.

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Yeah, but she's cute.

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left, right is too anime and everything wrong with post S3&K Sonic

Bring on the fapfics

For Amy? Are you serious user?
>Cream needing a Sonic
user, that girl is in a league of her own

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Right. Left is just Sonic in a dress. Also right has constant panty shots

Because Sonic is a fucking gigachad in that universe and thats all there is to it. Even fucking Blaze got wet after only seeing him a couple times in Rush.

Right, better color choices, hair is more unique, better proportioned.

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I want to creampie Cream,

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OG Amy was a psychic and had a vision of being with Sonic, causing her to try and find him and ultimately needing to be saved after she gets abducted. You wouldn't know this unless you read the Sonic CD manual. Adventure Amy had major changes including getting the hammer, getting some sass to go along with Sonic's tude, etc.

Reminder, Amy still has her magic powers, tht hammer she can make as many as she wants, she still has her tarot cards and foretelling abilities as well

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>Why does she love Sonic so much
Sonic was the only one that ever cared for her, and thinking about Sonic was the only thing that kept her sane while Eggman raped her every day.

Fuc you,user, we aren't doing that shit

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Ax man doesn't know that for all of Cream's playable appearances in sonic games she was the most broken character in them

she is a kid retard

she doesn't understand the 'message' and even sonic doesn't know about any message at his age

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Sega has her fulfilling a rigid character role. They handle Sonic like Mickey in that the characters always have a familiar presentation. This is why Sonic isn't allowed to show much negative emotion, especially outside the games. This is why Tails is doomed to always repeat his "growing up" arc in every game, because that's the only developmental window the execs will allow him to exist in. This is why Amy is always doomed to be a Sonic fangirl, despite Word Of God already ensuring the two will never officially further the relationship. Amy, or rather her "character", are a victim of a company that wants to treat them like Disney treats the Mickey Mouse crew. They are mascots. Immortal and eternal. Amy will always love Sonic, and she will always chase him, and Sonic will always get bothered and say "Shoot, I gotta speed, keed uuuuuh bye" and then he runs whil Tails says "Wait up!" and follow after him.

If it's not already apparent, I have a very fucking sore issue with this policy.

To be honest they play fast and loose with this idea, considering how all over the place the writing and characterizations can be. Not to mention how awkwardly different the Japanese and American Modern Sonic characters are for trying to fill the same general checklist. But it is a bit absurd at this point that Sega - and maybe Iizuka - are just.. refusing to actually let the series grow and instead just churning out the same general stuff without refining anything.

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Adventure era Amy was the best version of the character though. It's Sonic Battle which had shit characterization for her.


To be fair, she is also trapped in the best Sonic cartoon (maybe second best if you count the OVA).

Source of this pic? Google/yandex/iqdb/etc are failing me.

There's only 2 other hedgehogs and there's no proof Shadow wasn't the one who gave Maria her autoimmune disorder.

The JAPAN manual, that it. The US manual not only wipes out this little-known aspect of her character, but also tries to pass her off as Princess Sally from the cartoons.

To be fair, I don't think she has anything but her hammer anymore. Her psychic ties have been dropped completely.

>The JAPAN manual, that it.
She inexplicably had invisibility and seemingly magic factors on Sonic '06, but then Sega deciding to focus near-entirely on Sonic after that game basically spell out that they really don't care anymore.

Fair, but that still doesn't change how the localization team for CD screwed Amy so badly.

What the fuck game is this.

Looks like a SEGA-themed Candy Crush knockoff.

Yeah just googled it, something called Sega Heroes. Kind of like one of those bejewelled/candy crush matching games but with combat.

Sega Heroes


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And thats how supossed to be , Sonic is a symbol where the viewer fills the gaps, it cant be a fully developed character

He literally saved her life when she was young so she loves him because of this

outside this there's only one time when they where something,in sonic and the black knight the reason of why sonic has 2 chilly dogs is because he was on a date with Amy

>Adventure Amy had major changes including getting the hammer
She got her hammer in Sonic the Fighters.