>Yea Forums hates Sekiro now

What the fuck happened?

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It's no Nioh.


no it doesn't, vocal autists do, autism prevents them to stop talking about game they hate
normal people finished it, enjoyed and moved on

Miyazaki is going to make an easy game next time. Thanks Yea Forums.

easy games are all he makes

Yea Forums has hated sekiro since week one, when they went in there and tried to do Dark Souls moves against bosses and got shitted on repeatedly like I did

Sekiro is a linear game with mediocre graphics, one weapon, zero replayability, disappointing bosses, few environmental variations.

Compared to previous Souls games, it leaves a lot to be desired, outside the combat mechanics and the grapple arm.

It's just not that great. Good game, just not what everyone expected.

Yea Forums hate everything, Get used to it.

>Good game, just not what everyone expected.
What does everyone expect? Another soulsborne game? Are you not tired of it?

I dunno guys. I find it easier than Souls games.

And better than Bloodborne.

people who like the game played it, talked about it, had fun and discutions in a lot of threads and now there is only bitter autists complaining and talking shit to follow the meta posts. sincerily, i dont think you really want to know, being an pathetic faggot like you are, this maybe just and shitpost to escavange some (you).

Beat sword saint last week after clearing out all the side quest and beads. Really fun, I'm halfway through NG+ now just seeing how quickly I can carve up enemies. I like the combat much more than any Souls game so I hope From continues prioritizing satisfying gameplay.

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fucking tired of souls games

they should just bring back kings field and make a first person hack and slash or some shit

I liked it and came here to shit on it Tbh

>disappointing bosses
Fuck you talking about? Sekiro's boss battle were tense as fuck.

>few environmental variations
Disagree with you on this as well. They were able to create areas with significantly different atmospheres while staying true to the theme of feudal Japan.

Salty BBfags.

because you are autistic


>outside the combat mechanics and the grapple arm.

So outside of the most important aspect of the game it's bad?

Same shit with RE2. Retards came in here and complained that zombies took too many bullets and that Mr. X ruined the game. When I finally got around to playing it the bitching seemed so much more pathetic.

Granted a lot of people bitching clearly never played the game, shit's pathetic.

Never take Yea Forums seriously.

you're right, sekiro is actually good

I don't hate it, I just don't think it's as great as a lot of people are making it out to be.

Filtered by ogre in NG+.

I think he has a major part to do with it. I've seen his opinions posted almost word for word in so many threads on here.

Filtered by chained ogre

My bushi

Because it shills gayshit.

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did people really have that much trouble with the ogre and guardian ape? I always see these two as the ones people complain about.

How the fuck do I beat Isshin when he pulls the halberd out? Fuck this nigger.

deflect, mikiri, bait for the jump + overhead swing the sidestep and attack right away. also once you have a bit of damage on him then start attacking constantly and deflecting his attacks. you'll prevent his posture from recovering as well as continually building it up for a quick execution.
once you get to the last phase just make sure to stay close to him so you can land the lightening reversals; if you put too much distance between you then even if you catch it you won't be able to stun him and it's free real estate.

Lol I'm at the same place. Got through phase three a couple times but I don't get how to dodge his mortal blade strikes so I just block them. Getting better each time though, I'm almost there.
Really happy with the game, biggest problems are reused bosses and exploring the same areas multiple times. Did we really need to do Ashina Castle three times? Would've been way nicer if they just made more areas.
That said the gameplay is fun as fuck and feels very fair, probably will play through NG+

isshin was the only one to actually give me trouble and you'll get there, I'm sure of it. it just took me learning the timings for his moves, since the most punishing ones were always the ones that got me. the timing of them just ran counter-intuitive of my instincts I guess.
even with P1 genichiro, I could knock him out in half a min some times and others get killed twice from that delayed thrust attack.