Do you think Risk of Rain 2's update schedule is too slow for the content it promises?

Do you think Risk of Rain 2's update schedule is too slow for the content it promises?
What content would you like to see added?

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Other urls found in this thread:!DZ1XjYKL!lezvxW16TS5IXow0NbI83HQ1Wp_7YjAwTAKMEQLu28M

Balancing should be a weekly thing at least.

Isn't that a bit much for a simple coop game?
I mean, what's even a big issue at the moment? Apart from Artificer.



That's a terrible idea, especially at this stage in development where they are still working on incorporating new content into the game.

movement speed is to slow, gameplay needs to be sped up drastically at the start.
Enemies have too much HP
level layouts are kinda shit given low mobility of most players
classes are mostly shit compared to merc and artificer.
not enough enemy types
no upgrade paths for class - there should at least be sidegrades unlockable

ok retard

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care to elaborate or you just shitposting and shilling this boring fucking game?


I want to see new side areas/ level variations that are only accessible while looping. throw in a few more mini bosses for good measure.

>gotta wait for winter

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ROR1 Host when?

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Bros, 100 hours of RoR2 made me retarded. I tried to play some RoR1 to relax and I only beat Providence once. Out of like six Rainstorm runs. it wasn't relaxing at all.

I don't remember this game being so hard, the fuck.

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1) it's fine, get good
2) they're fine, get good
3) they're fine, get good
4) they're fine, get good [merc and arti aren't even the best classes]
5) game's in EA retard
6) upgrade paths lmfao, isn't even close to what this game is about, go play borderlands retard

I can afk host if there's interest.

Do you have any gripes with the balance right now? For a game like this, it's totally fine that some items are crap. I generally feel like all the classes are in good enough spot (though I definitely wouldn't call them all equal in power).

My only problem with the balance was burning damage, but that is in a fine spot now.

>every content update is going to add more items
>as a result the item pool will get more and more diluted with each update
>getting a useful build will get harder and harder
I really don't have a good feeling about this.

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>thinks a huge item pool resulting in inconsistent run quality is new to RoR
hello newfag
may i direct you to this user who got spoiled by how piss fucking easy RoR2 is right now and got clapped by RoR1

you shouldn't be starting up a run thinking you're just gonna play to 2 hours, this shit is supposed to be hard. it's really easy right now because there's only like four bad items and you get a SHITLOAD of items within thirty mins so every run is more or less the same.

I hope they release a command artifact, and then balance an even tougher game mode around it. At least with with mods this will always be possible.

I think a problem which people are ignoring is that even though RoR1 was a cult classic on Yea Forums, the artifacts we played it made it a drastically different game than 'normal'. I think the game that hopoo enjoys is different than the game that Yea Forums enjoys.

>What is the command artifact

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who are the best classes, in your opinion?

RoR1 isn't fun to me because there are TOO many garbage items.
Regen vitals, Snake Eyes, Piggy Bank you name it.
I wish there was a middleground between RoR2 and RoR1's difficultly. Maybe someone will make a mod that fixes this in the future, who knows.

You guys waited almost 2 new years for new content. You can wait a few more weeks.

Commando and MUL-T


>wanting less trash is the same as wanting to choose every item

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Commando needs better crowd control. He has the worst start bar none because for some reason double tap doesn't do much damage against beetles.

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mul-t and engie
i think RoR1 w command on rainstorm is the middle ground between vanilla RoR1 and RoR2 in its current state. that should be easy to consistently beat, unlike vanilla RoR1 which is tough as nails esp on monsoon. however it's not quite as braindead easy as RoR2 which is "find a sticky/will o wisp printer and win: the game"

To be desu you have misunderstandings of both games. RoR1 isn't tough as nails so much as Commando, Bandit, Huntress, etc. can only attack one enemy at a time since 2D plane. Commando has his FMJ to compensate, Bandit has his bomb, Huntress her glaive, but these don't do near enough damage because Monsoon RoR1 turns enemies into the spongiest of sponges. Between 2 and 1, 1 is far more braindead in that regard. 2, by virtue of being 3D, is more reliant on positioning in encounters like the golem, the beetle queen, vagrant; everything.
>Find a sticky/will o' the wisp printer and win: the game
That's if you get a printer of each. And it'll only be harder once more items get added.

>RoR1 Monsoon without artifacts is tough for people
Shame on all of you.

It's more tedious than anything else.

US east


>strongest character in the game by a mile
>needing buffs

> RoR1 isn't tough as nails so much as Commando, Bandit, Huntress, etc. can only attack one enemy at a time since 2D plane
that's.. why it's difficult? abusing i frames, positioning yourself well, and relying more heavily on rng makes it harder than ror2. ror1 isn't braindead at all. if you treat ror1 like a braindead game you die over and over again like a dumbass until the game gives you good rng.
>That's if you get a printer of each. And it'll only be harder once more items get added.
yeah that's kind of the idea, if you have something like the 3d printer that makes it possibly to reliably build huge stacks of OP items so you can win with ease, at the very least a larger item pool will make those printers harder to come across. ror2 will be much more fun when endgame mobs/stronger bosses/a final level/tons of items are added. it'll be more like ror1.

commando is absolutely not the strongest character, his late game is the best but it's balanced out by his terrible early game which requires attack speed and on hits to be good

engie and mul-t's early game aren't as item reliant and their endgames are just as good (i.e. stack stickies and let the game play itself)

What character should I play as for monsoon runs? I can make it as engineer but it's kind of boring.

>commando is also boring
>never played huntress
>MUL-T feels slow and I don't really like his kit
>Shartificer really is slow and I don't like her kit at all, can't even play her on drizzle
>Merc is fun but I keep getting wisp and burning elite bosses which are not fun

Sounds like the perfect environment for more radical experimentation. I think your logic is backwards.

Nah, maybe bi or tri-weekly. Every week is incredibly aggressive.

>that's.. why it's difficult?
That's not difficult. It's tedious and drawn out. That's how next map enemies are scaled higher than the items and levels you received.
>ror1 isn't braindead at all
All enemies besides Frenzied being confined to the platform they're spawned on while you move in and out abusing i-frames is absloutely braindead. Glass makes it less noticeable and more fun.

>That's not difficult. It's tedious and drawn out.
to each his own, but it's objectively more difficult than ror2 which is comparatively easier to cheese and is less item reliant even if you think it's difficult in a tedious way
>All enemies besides Frenzied being confined to the platform they're spawned on
this isn't true at all, lots of enemies fly and imps can teleport. many enemies have ranged attacks so you can't just spam shots while standing 10 feet away like a retard.

host when?

I felt the same about MUL-T until I got good with/"understood" his kit. Both of his Primaries are amazing and he just has great survivability. Just spam the shit out of his speed boost until you get some movement items, but keep in mind his boost does amazing damage and stuns.

No, not at all. Developers should take the time to make content at a pace they're comfortable with that won't leave people asking "Did the developers fucking die?" either. Nobody should ever try to make content too quickly. A prime example of this is the Fortnite developers who put out shit for their Battle Royale almost every single week. And from what I've heard and read, most of those developers want to kill themselves.

Risky 1 or 2?

US host

Having a quarterly update schedule does make people ask if the devs died.

Only if they don't pay attention. Hoppoo is very active in their community alongside the roadmap mean it's fine.

Chill the fuck up. Dev team is 3 people

What kind of lunar item should they add Yea Forums?

>Hoppoo is very active in their community
Is he?
quarterly content updates
that makes RoR2 the least updated game I can think of, beating out Overwatch.

One that is actually worth buying would be nice

It's piss easy and fun. Just loop 1 time before going to contact light

U.S. west

not enough items, not enough variety in the maps except "door that leads to an empty tunnel with a maybe chest at the end that can be accessed even if door is closed".

There's nothing wrong with Artificer either, she's difficult for a lot of people to pick up and play because they sure as hell get thrown off by her M1 having cool downs and the aim & hit detection being shit.

>no artifacts

>There's nothing wrong with Artificer either
Try playing Monsoon and say that again.


Ok retard. transcendence is good, glass is good, glowing mereorite is good if you have no damage and good survivavility, jesture is op with most active items, tincture is mediocre but in no way bad, effigy of grief is mediocre, brittle crown is shit most of the time but one time I got it I had no real problems with it. I need to count the time I need to get some amount of money on stage 4 to see how faster it is

Yeah it's slow and Acrid

You deal more damage BUT all your attacks our backwards
You move 50% faster but enemies act 50% faster

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Have you ever played monsoon as artificer, drizzlet? She's fine, you just suck ass at this game because you're a faggot


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Could you be more specific?
Risk of rain 1

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they're gonna neuter its interaction with engi if it comes back

Yes, I have. No, she's not. Stop lying.

Just add spirit, YEOW

Just admit it, you are a typical Yea Forums user who can't play games and calls everything too hard because you are retarded


Already resorting to ad hominems? That's pathetic, dude.

Ah yes, backpedaling. Go play drizzle as engie more

Imagine if Acrid comes back, but is the only character that has been vastly changed.
Cause he spent his life after RoR1 on the planet itself and all its many horrors.
Now he's worn out and brings his kids along to fight for him as a poison Summoner.

Please join.

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Get in here

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Not once did I backpedal, you should do something about that compulsive lying.

Where da rooms at

>Ancient Scepter buffs 4th ability (the R ability in RoR2)
>Get it on MUL-T

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>that one based user for joining and leaving for no reason.

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You now get 2 items at once, each slot.


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temporary buff on switch maybe? honestly mul-t's the only real reason i can think of for them not bringing back the scepter.

You get a third item slot and a third mode that summons a mini han-d.


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>quarterly content updates
>that makes RoR2 the least updated game I can think of, beating out Overwatch
Total Warhammer 2 was updated twice in a year.

>Retool swaps weapons faster orinstantly
>Nailgun gets improved item activation ratio, holding Rebar Puncher will charge for extra damage and improved item on hit chance

user it's 1:30am on a Sunday. Try again later

Not in the EU, where history is actually made

RoR1 players play more around US times though.
6-11pm are the best time to get players.

Oi fags, I'm new as shit in terms of ability but love playing artificer. Why does everyone think she's weak, and how would you propose fixing her? I think she's a bit slow and a lot of on-hit artifacts are weak with her, but what's the fix for that?

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The major problem is the fact she has fuck for mobility. No moveskill and normal movespeed means you outright need mobility items to not die in higher difficulties.

March 28th 2019 - May 6th 2019
Here lies Risk of Rain 2
Although his time was short, his legacy will continue on

i would just make her base movement speed 9. That's it.

She has a massive movespeed issue and needs a couple of hooves and wax quails, else you might as well not play.
Furthermore she has fuck all for items that suit her for damage purposes. The game is very much focused on attack speed and on hit, and she's shit at both.
Maybe the future updates will add items that help her more, if not she needs a rework.

i can't believe risky rain is fucking dead

I think when you do ice wall and hit an enemy you should get a speed boost or perhaps whenever you put your wall theres an ice floor up to it that speeds you up but making turning impossible.

Nah, icewall's already doing enough with the instakill gimmick.
Hitting/killing with fireballs should grant you speedboost stacks.
Probability of condensation

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Naw fireball is fine and shouldn’t be changed. I think they should remove the right click and make it a simple speed buff.
don’t ask for ideas and then shut them down you faggot, say “yes and...” fucking nigger kill yourself.

She has no mobility OR defensive options, which makes her incredibly easy to kill lategame unless you go all in on mobility items, but then doing that makes your damage way too low for lategame. Couple this with the fact that the way her kit works makes a fair number of normally useful damage items do nothing or work poorly, and she is very very hard to get to work late in the game. Not impossible, she's definitely my favorite character and I've had my fair share of good monsoon runs with her, but she is much much much harder to get good results with and much more luck reliant on which specific items you get than every other character is. She is a character in a game about picking up items where like half the fucking items in the game do nothing or give a worse effect than everyone else gets. She's perfectly playable, but objectively weaker than every single other character from a foundational level.

I'm not even the fag you replied to.
>removing her single best ability
what the fuck is wrong with you retard


I’m being facetious retard fucking end you life you mentally ill manchild.


U.S. west Monsoon

>i was just pretending to be retarded

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Barbed wire was pretty good on HAN-D. What else was really good on him, besides syringes?

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His best in my opinion is probably crowbar. All his stuff is just really hard hitting hits already, and if you start one shotting things with his drone ability it starts becoming broken and you get endless drones

True, I'll grab a crowbar for him for my display. Thanks

US West
Vanilla Monsoon

l o l i f i c e r

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artist source?


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>You move 50% faster but enemies act 50% faster
I don't think having a lunar item that affects everyone is a good idea. Not as a global modifier.

Move 50% faster but lose 25% attackspeed

Definitely too slow.
More alternative stages.

this is the overwatchtranny mindset. keep it to your faggot games please


Thats a bit much, maybe monthly with a tiny bit of new content

better than what many other games and companies do at least.
I mean most AAA games are so fucking slow with their content these days that it's become embarassing for idiots to defend said game or company that produces it.

US west monsoon
3/4 get in here


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I can't think of a multiplayer game that updates slower.

I just want Miner and Sniper back
Sniper honestly seems less likely at this point since I'm not sure he'd work please wake up all that well in this game, especially with MUL-T playing the part of sniper now
I just really want Miner because I love melee characters and Merc needs a friend
Also can someone please explain to me why everyone is jizzing their pants over Bandit? Bandit was annoying as fuck to play in the original, I don't want to have to spam my keyboard/mouse to get the optimal please wake up please we miss you fire rate, like fuck off

An improvement

Sniper would need more defensive skills to do well here, like bandit's invisibility

I want the poison guy or Acrid? w/e his name is.

I feel like Acrid gameplay in 3D would just be Splatoon
Which I'm down for, I suppose
Risk of rain 1 host

You got people saying Artificer is fine, I'm Sniper would be fine, too.

What about a new character.. a birdman or something that can fly.

Artificier and MUL-T

>Bandit was annoying as fuck to play in the original
What are you talking about, Bandit was practically easy mode in 1

Can someone explain why Artificier is bad without bringing up her movement speed?
Just did my first two hour rainstorm run with her and it was fine.

Just first timed bandit in the Yea Forums. He's fucking based, the invisibility resets makes him pretty safe for the most part

She has fuck all for items that increase her damage.

Flight would be overpowered, basically nothing could hit you.

>explain why a character is bad without talking about what's bad
But for real, it's not her movement speed, it's her lack of an ability that she can either disengage with, dodge with, or defend with. Everyone has the same speed as her, but everyone else also has other mobility options or some kind of defensive tool. That aside, the nature of her kit being slow single hits outside of Flamethrower makes her synergize poorly with proc-based items and her M1 not being affected by attack speed increases doesn't do anything to help that. It also doesn't help that her M1, Shift, and R all have short range meaning she has to be much closer to her enemies than most other characters, which makes her lack of mobility even worse. She's a character who from the ground up doesn't work effectively with a large percentage of items and playstyles in a game that's all about hoarding items. She's not BAD, she's perfectly playable and you can absolutely get results with her, but she is significantly worse than every other character in the game by endgame.

What's the worst item right now and why is it the Cautious Slug?

Fuck man just make artificers ice wall more compact and block projectiles. There, you've made the ability even more interesting and now she finally has some defensive ability. also give her +1 or 2 movespeed.

make her able to hover above ground for like 5 sec as a passive? she has those jetpacks behind her.. shes abit clunky and slow it feels like an absolute bore to play her w/o ms items

Peach float might be an interesting passive

and most of the items dont even synergize w/ her.. i guess they can start on that.

Cautious Slug is amazing for Merc, Mul-T, and Artificer. Merc gets huge heals from it, Mul-T has the best disengage in the game and also gets big heals, and it's one of the only healing items that Arti can actually use effectively provided she has enough movement items to get around. Monster Tooth, AP Rounds, Tri-Tip Dagger, and Chronobauble are all easily worse. Stun Grenade also becomes useless in endgame so it's a notable mention.

Floating at an accelerated pace towards where the camera points

>meshes are just 5 minute low poly shit
>textures are the same
>items are the same but with an added icon and a few lines of code
>still takes months to add them
I can understand characters, and maybe enemies too since they have a bit more to them (but not much), but what the fuck takes so long to make a shitty empty level with a few random low quality meshes strewn about?

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I like this development.

That's not stun grenade or sticky bomb

>Tri-Tip Dagger

Thanks for hosting.

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I was shocked when I saw the roadmap. Didn't Hopoo put up a poll about it, and the options were like monthly or bimonthly. I dont think anyone expected almost quarterly

>Almost quarterly
>first update in a month

>sticky bomb
>highest stacking damage increment in the entire game
hello shitter

Risk of rain 2 modded
Got Sacrifice mod installed. Lets try this shit out.

And the rest of the updates?

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I was literally sending out preons left and right. I spawned overloading worm and got flanked by spawning elder lemurians that one shot me.

Fuck this game.

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>sticky grenade
>single best item in the game

>stun grenade
>stunlocking any non-bosses infinitely

Anyone? you dont need to install anything, just join.

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after the disaster of apex legends im just glad to have a competent dev team willing to describe upcoming content and attach it to a deadline rather than "we'll think about fixing it soon within season 2 nex year"


What version of Sacrifice is it? The one modanon did? Or another?

Did you change any of the settings?

Clover rerolled chance to drop items but i turned it off

I gotta go for a bit, maybe I'll join if it's still around when I'm back

Game should have +5 lunar coins each lap but only on monsoon. I don't want to play engi on drizzle just to farm coins.

>implying Hoppo would think that far
look at Artificer's item interactions

I want HAN-D, Acrid, and Bandit back. If I can't shoot beasts the fuck up with a western shotgun with skill refresh spam, it'd be sad

there's literally never a single situation where Corpsebloom is at all anymore useful that just normal healing

Han-D and Bandit have a very good chance. It'll still take like half a year at the very least for even one of them to get in.

>35 minute Merc run, going good
>Looping stages 5, 6, 7, no sticky bombs, wisps, or ukuleles so my damage falls off
>Die on stage 7

What if Acrid returns, but as a boss you must kill.

Oh user. It'll only get worse from here.

Final boss should randomly be one of the survivors from RoR1 outfitted with a bunch of gear. Pic related. Would be kino of the highest order, and I say that with complete sincerity.

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Final boss being an original ror1 survivor super buffed with items, probably commando would be kino

Wasn't that how you unlocked him in 1

But that's literally how you unlocked him.


I had some autistic user screech at me in another thread about it but yes, absolutely. A character every three months is bad. He brought up the point that it's a small team, which is true, but RoR2 is massively popular and they should have the funds to get some help.

Poopoo is that you? Just fucking fix player damage scaling. It's RIDICULOUS to do no damage to blazing brass fucks on stage 6.

The 12 month dev cycle was promised before release came close. It's really a non-issue.

>Enemies have too much HP
Only on Monsoon. Feels like RoR1 original Rainstorm.

>no upgrade paths for class - there should at least be sidegrades unlockable
Secretly hoping the Ancient Scepter comes back, but every class should have a passive like Merc and technically MUL-T does.

He's probably canon dead, killed by you in 1.

12 month dev cycle in no way implies quarterly updates.

final boss should be donald trump LMAO
fuck alt righter nazis

>pick arty in monsoon
>don’t get a single movement item
>stage three, get magma worm, triple dune strider or imp
>every single one kills you with absolute impunity with no possible counter play
T-thanks h-hoopoo

Can I summon the lewd Queen's Gland modder?

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>tfw Artificer finally clicked
Hoppo should just give her faster base movement to make her less item reliant at the start and make ice wall have an air variant since it's so critical to how she plays


Well the playerbase is a tenth of what it was last month so it's a pretty big fucking issue

user Killing Floor 2 was in EA for two and a half years. It enjoys regular seasonal events, sales, free weekends, double XP weekends, and maintains itself on a daily playercount of about 4-6k. 4-6k for RoR2 is MORE than enough to get 4 players, let alone 10 players in a lobby.

>Final boss is a group of the 4 survivors that remained on the planet

What was KF2's update schedule like?

Why keep the majority interested when you can just wallow in mediocrity?

Literally mobashit autist tier
What the hell are you smoking thinking this unfinished game needs a weekly balance update.

That was a few years ago so I can't remember. I took a break for eight months and then Support was in, Martial Artist was dropped in favor of Survivor, etc.
That's a hot opinion you have there. Shame it's incorrect.

And what does RoR2 enjoy?

...It's in early access, and out of EA KF2 enjoys a stable community with regular updates post-launch. Why do you assume RoR2 can't have that?

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I want this

KF2 is hot garbage, to be completely honest.

Maps like Containment are, absolutely. Fuck that map. And fuck the other boring stock maps. And fuck the stupid silly shit they turned up to 10 like the Santa workshop announcer guy. Gameplay is still as solid as an oak.

I can't look past some of the maps and the super wacky epic reddit humor, sorry.

Because it has none of the things Killing Floor does to allow that?

what is the lewd queen's gland mod

Chef and Loader are post-launch additions to RoR1.
I don't blame you.
Whoever scripted that should be shot, and whoever approved should be fired.

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>got to stage 19 before getting sniped by eight golems

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Exactly what the picture shows. Big boobs for Arti and Huntress.
And a similar mod for merc.

Literally the only thing that kills me in this piece of shit game is lemurians 5 shotting me when they spawn up my asshole and lategame fire enemies.

Because RoR is made by 3 dudes and KF is a company that's been around for more than 10 years? Like you are comparing oranges and apples here, there is no way in hell thsoe two are comparable.

Even after Gearbox became publisher, all it accounted to was some guy in discord saying that there's 2-3 guys from Gearbox betatesting all they could and help the mess develpoment hell that RoR2 was into.

An item that gives you more damage against elites would be nice.

I don't understand why having 3 guys precludes the notion of post-launch content when Loader and Chef are exactly that. Is this what runs through your mind?:
>As SOON as RoR2 reaches 1.0, Poopoo and co. are just going to up and abandon the game. Yes siree bob. They'll completely clean out their offices of any RoR2 content and just let it die.

>hotpoo and friends take ages to fix the most simple shit like blazing enemies
>based Yea Forums modder fixes multiple gamebreaking bugs in a single day

defend this

God, it'd be so good to have a fucking sniper.
Also, outlaw

Modder just got a new toy to play with and is eager to play with it losing hours of sleep.

i wish you could shoot barrels to open them

That's a defense?

Modded with sacrifice. Just join, no need to install anything

im new to this game is artificer a noob trap?
shes the only character that lets me strong arm my way on the first five stages. it feel like im playing ror 1 with glass artifact

no not you nu ror2 vaggots

She's by far the weakest, but she has a strong early game.
Commando is the opposite of her.
If you're planning on going for a long run, literally every other character is a much easier time than Artificer.

>tfw already playing with friends
I'd join otherwise

eu vanilla

2/4 get in here

>huntress with ukulele, willo and gasoline stack and bandolier stack to boot
We carpal tunnel from right click now lads

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>tfw nobody plays risky rain 2 now

this is a good image

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>Tfw no one posts on Yea Forums anymore
dead board RIP 2019

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sacrifice update

dramatically reduces cooldown, indeed........

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That would indeed be kino, also extremely broken.
i want it

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A shit way to play the game - thats what it is.

Ror1 host when?

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How stackable is glass? I read that the damage increase caps after a while, is that true?

Cute feet!

I was very disgruntled that in-game Paul's Goat Hoof only changed one leg.

Really should go on both. Maybe Hopoo has somthing planned in the future that puts something on the other leg.

I still want two goat hooves. For aesthetic reasons.

>tfw monstrous bizzare tf-fag
This is the single best RoR-related picture I've ever seen in my life.

Attached: 2hot4me.gif (275x212, 474K)


Attached: 1554200674437.png (1014x1300, 83K)

>Huntress with two goat hooves, trancendence for cute bug antenna and an ass to die for.

>Have to wait until June to see if Hopoo buffs Huntress' HP or makes Artificer more fun

Attached: virgin scream.png (909x763, 516K)

>hopoo will never make this real

We can mod it. We have the technology.

Nah, fighting him in RoR makes him join the survivors. It's like pinning an overaggressive dog, you assert dominance and he recognizes you as the leader.

We must make it happen

Can we make Lolificer, too?

The guy that made Ryuuko Merc is planning on it

Welp, I did it guys. I don't think you can get a better engi build. I also managed to get the overloading worm log, which was my last one.

Attached: 776b062e997112fea4b2ac468455a4d5.jpg (1920x1080, 1.19M)

Engie is OP as fuck ,I cleared Monsoon on my second try with him.

Lolificer, doublehooved Huntrass with extra thicc.
Can we make everyone a cute girl?

Huh, really? That's great news.

Source on the image? Unless you're the creator, then please tell me all about how you did this, it looks fantastic!

For me, it's femCommando going commando

Do you have the files for this, I wanna see if I can get my Uni's 3D print department to do this.

We will most likely get that soon.

This game would be a lot better if both Huntress and Artificier had bigger asses.

Aye, I just wanted to relax on the side. My current objective is the long road with Merc on Moonsoon, he's my boy. But you're right Engi feels almost unfair to play. The moment you get some power you just...move around and things die. Not much skill required.

I made it. HAN-D is a (mostly) 3D printed custom action figure I made. The joints are stock joints, the fists are from another figure.

Do you mean the barbed wire or HAN-D? I already zipped HAN-D up for some other folks who asked, with a readme and some diagrams, mega link below. It's not as simple as just printing him up, but I would love for other folks to try making one!!DZ1XjYKL!lezvxW16TS5IXow0NbI83HQ1Wp_7YjAwTAKMEQLu28M

Attached: IMG_20190429_185832.jpg (3024x4032, 1.83M)

EU lobby, NA fine

Their asses are already plenty big, to be honest.

>queens gland modder is making sure to make their asses extra thick
he's a god

That sounds terrific, what a guy.

>when that cheater fuck with 999 lunar coins goes in every shop and immediately buys all of the shells just to ruin your game

Bless his soul.

Considering there's already an active modding community, and it's already a very well playable game worth hundreds of hours of fun, the pace is perfectly fine in my opinion.

Attached: 1556979547489.png (400x358, 20K)

Desu half of the lunar items are worthless
All three use items are trash and transcendence + glass shard are pretty much the only essential lunar items. Crown is okay at best, and the use item one is fairly useless.

Honestly Artificier should have been a loli from the start.

I can't disagree.

>and the use item one is fairly useless.
Have you used it? It's stupid broken.
Risk of rain host

Attached: 1554583554269.gif (246x382, 1.38M)

holy fuck that image is fucking neat.

what if the final boss had every single item you and your team picked up during your run

> transcendence + glass
i tried this and still had half taken

the ting is you can keep stacking transcendence and gain quite a bit of hp.

Attached: w0JHmdI.png (295x430, 176K)



get in here you damn

Attached: 1555873354732.gif (100x100, 19K)

action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 2
for object objServer:

Unable to find any instance for object index '480'
at gml_Script_server_new_player
stack frame is
gml_Script_server_new_player (line 0)

fucking hopoo

based, can i follow you?



>not liking lolis
What are you doing here?

Yeah, it still takes half. But you can get more transcendence to get more boost to your shield health. Also, the damage boost from shaped glass is usually worth it.

Attached: 1554271632963.png (1369x2505, 253K)

Attached: 1555215042403.jpg (768x768, 106K)

Attached: 1554428010292.png (912x1002, 29K)

Attached: 1556766757451.png (1227x1400, 1.5M)

man this image is fucking weird without the actual point of the image being there.

>no huge dong

You're not wrong

Nice art, but I don't get what the fuck is going on

are you planing to model more characters?
I have a 3Dprinter and love gundam and shit so one day will print this
I love you user, keep working, you are good


I'm not too sure either, I think it's supposed to be like a dildo or some shit up in her cooch

It's an edit. In the normal picture she has a dick with a ring around her balls and a thick sounding rod plugging the dick.

Yeah, I doubt that.

Wack, I can't find the og pics literally anywhere for some fucking reason

oh boy

Suit yourself.

Fuck, where the booru link? I always forget to save it.

Well, shit.

Is there a diff version of this one too then? Seems to be same artist

Attached: image0.jpg (1197x1400, 187K)

The alternate version's inflation stuff

fucking knew it was aka6


Where do you find those pics?

Attached: 1445695675422.jpg (600x602, 32K)

At least post the one with the finished left arm

Attached: You fucks.png (1227x1400, 1.12M)


Eyyyy, thank you my mans, didn't know there was one lmao

Attached: 1557003902600.png (1180x1080, 320K)

>jannies are in this thread
is this real?


>try to get deicide
>get challeng of the mountain on round 2
>air is burning, glacial greater wisp spawns as boss
>doesn't count
Fuck this game

Speaking of art, did we ever get the finished version of this one?

Attached: 7f768120d83c657ddda3e606bb62ee2ed3b28bb4.png (1200x1200, 701K)

Idk who drew this one, but this is def one of my fav arti pics

Attached: 1557026679996.png (475x320, 72K)


>what's going on with the head of her co-
>oh that's not the head

Is there a version without the dick?

Why would you want that

I prefer my chicks without dicks.

I absolutely love Engineer. Right from the start you can just let your turrets do the work while you move around, saving you precious time

I got myself Merc and will try to get Artificer soon

Attached: 1557006352224.png (960x540, 191K)


The game is way too easy atm
new items add more zaniness to the runs so not every run devolves into 100 sticky bombs and 50 syringes or 20 will-o-wisps

Merc is the best fucking thing to me. Too bad he exposes himself so much you usually just die while existing next to something.

Attached: where the wisps at.png (664x500, 303K)

>just want to play risk of rain
>thread becomes about futa
Not complaining it's my favorite fetish but

Attached: 1556734425605.png (728x698, 315K)

Jannies are trannies

Attached: IMG_20190506_193427.png (1141x959, 1.25M)

I wish Hopoo added more maps, a few new enemies and modding tools so we can make Huntress' and Artificier's asses even bigger.

Based and saved

fuck off faggot,dont derail thread

Had a pretty good run, Huntress is great.

Attached: Annotation 2019-05-06 173844.jpg (1919x1079, 257K)

>made a futa mod of huntress and artificer complete with dick physics
>have a erection and flaccid version as well
all's well


>obvious lies

Attached: 1421939036439.png (447x265, 56K)

>futa mod.
How big and floppy?

post the mega link

>implying I'd lie about futa, the patricians fetish

you already have log for aurelionite?

Fuck off, retard.

Well, you are. Not much to imply there.

Attached: 1383372152785.jpg (394x171, 30K)


Where can I find all the mods? How do I install them? Am I able to play with people who do not have the said mods?

Yes. The first and only time I went to his place he dropped it. Haven't visited it since, fuck that level, desu.

Attached: engi.png (500x531, 105K)

You just want a megalink. I'm not giving it out, make it yourself.

I crashed, will take a break, thanks for the games.

Attached: 1556411211190.gif (700x643, 910K)

>deletes pic with dick
>leaves pic with anal

Jannies confirmed for loving anal plugs

I don't even like futa. But that lie was too obvious to not call out.

Pretty sure that user wants proof, which is why he's calling you a liar. One screenshot is all it takes.

Anal is pretty top tier, fuck jannies though

For once I think jannies might have some ok tastes

Imagine liking the coc of another living thing and some how thinking thats not gay.
mental gymnastics of saying "the dick is the best part" then pretending to be straight.

Attached: 1526800483366.jpg (1080x889, 77K)

fuck off retard futa is great

also i am gay

bb-bbut MUH feminine penis XD

>character select screen only has 4 more slots
>at least 1 is confirmed to be a brand new character
>bandit has supposedly been datamined

Who is getting cut, lads?

They should adopt the model that the team from Deep Rock Galactic uses

I didn't actually model HAN-D, it's the model from RoR2. I just edited it for printing and joints. I did model the hammer though, since I hated the one in RoR2 files.

Attached: IMG_20190429_191718.jpg (4032x3024, 2.39M)

Fuck off, retard.

Bandit isn't just datamined, he's fully playable if you mod the game. Only one skill doesn't work currently. HAN-D is also playable, but less finished than Bandit.

Attached: IMG_20190429_191038.jpg (3025x3024, 1.16M)

Unironically this, DRG's pretty based

Who was your commando base? Looks familiar

Why the hell are these characters so ungodly sexy?
What kind of black magic is this?

Attached: 1557121360032.jpg (775x1024, 52K)

its dead already

That's just the Methados effect

>vagina lines

Scarif trooper from rogue one, never saw the movie but it's a nice figure.

Attached: IMG_20181022_200807~2.jpg (3024x4032, 2.35M)

Body suits my dude


>switching is almost instant (except when used successively) and grants a buff to main for a few seconds
>encourages people to switch weapons late-game instead of just fish for procs with nailgun

Rebar Minigun

Attached: 1555477485110.png (1450x2250, 339K)

I-is no one gonna mention this fucking post

Attached: 1367711991977.jpg (200x196, 34K)

someone host

fukken saved

>four replies before yours
i don't know what you want other than ruining a simple joke

I only care about this game for the soundtrack

Too bad it's currently shit compared to 1's

hoping the unreleased tracks are better

Cute Lucchini!

Even the tracks we have aren't finished. There's videos on Christadolou's Instagram of him working on tracks we already have.

Another one:

So what’s the optimal four player party this time around?

Attached: 28A480A6-68FC-4755-A89B-B78F571F1DFE.jpg (1200x1200, 123K)

I have faith in him.



Definitely, pretty much everything he does is great. We have some tracks that feel more like the mellower RoR1 tracks currently, I'm sure we will get more screaming synth solos and syncopation.


Post yfw this is from the final level and the song is a remix of all past levels

Attached: play-it-commando.gif (500x506, 149K)

3/4 stilll waiting pls 1 more

Is lewd modder in this thread?

Attached: D3rsFQMW0AA3ILt.jpg orig.jpg (2000x2000, 280K)

Sadly he's usually not on for another 12 hours, thats when I usually see em

You are on Yea Forums, after all.

What would you need to ask if he was hypothetically here?

If he thinks the game could theoretically support a skin switching system.
When he releases more mods it's gonna be a pain to swap them out if you want another mod for another run.
I already dread having to choose between the Ryuuko mod and the Merc mod before I launch the game.

This is why we need mod tools.
I want to run my big tiddy dummy thicc mods alongside everything else.

Yeah, but I don't see them coming out for at least an entire year, if ever.

What model is that?

Attached: STACKED STACKS.jpg (2989x3646, 447K)

>when you get too many Queen's Glands


Attached: 20190505232851_1.jpg (1920x1080, 556K)

Either that, or the song that plays on Rally point Delta is going to end up fucking radical by release.

Attached: lewd.jpg (2016x5030, 1.16M)

Also from this run: Ghostlionite

Attached: 20190505230856_1.jpg (1920x1080, 513K)

good taste but she deserves better

Clover is some shit.

>risk of rain thread with new art
>no one posts to the fucking booru

Can't be bothered to make an account desu


Attached: 78070c5908867adea710ea761c54af0c34a1e960.png (4000x4000, 3.56M)

Attached: 1555836404954.jpg (1874x1704, 172K)

Attached: 1554297641841.png (682x603, 28K)

I like that we're living in an age where you can just draw the fattest asses possible and make people lose their minds

1 or 2 more defensive items
Rework majority of lunar items
Rework Huntress arrow rain and make her male to avoid cringey le epic fanart
Rework Commandos visuals
Rework Engineer balls
Rework Artifcer entirely and make her male to avoid cringey le epic fanart
Rework Stone Golem boss
Make objectives to unlock new items more clear

a faggot gayer than OP has been found

fuck off i bet you're a bowsette tourist thats the kind of people this lame fanart attracts
retarded faggot

got a yikes out of me

go fantasize about reworking engis balls some more


you post like a console war shitposter

The only two things on this list I agree with is fixing the lunar items and making the stone golem beam more dodge-able, otherwise what a fag

>make her male to avoid le cringy fanart
you are aware that there's fanart of males too, yeah?

erotic fanart of the men is what he wants

stop giving him (you)s, he's clearly just a master baiter here.

gotta keep the thread bumped

Ror1 host when?

Imagine being this homosexual.

Never, 2 killed 1 by commiting suicide.

There are mod managers currently, but in my experience they're either non-functional or pretty ass. Fortunately you can just swap out the individual files as long as their compatible, so I just make back up folders and organize them that way. Organization makes switching between RoR2 mods easy.

Attached: 1555895019030.png (746x600, 48K)

they need to figure out how to allow user created cosmetic mods (in an easy to implement, not hacky fashion) so we can have all sorts of ridiculous and lewd shit all over the game


sacrifice lobby when?

>Do you think Risk of Rain 2's update schedule is too slow for the content it promises?
Is this your first early access game?

Attached: 1556838780159.jpg (375x375, 34K)

How is this fun for anyone

just post lobbies here my man