Is there a good justification for joining the Stormcloaks?

I want to roleplay as a character that joins them, but I'm finding it impossible to rationalize. There just seems to be no good argument for the Stormcloaks. It's clear they are unwitting pawns of the Thalmor and that helping them with their revolution is what the Thalmor wants. Yes, it explains in the dossier that the Thalmor want to avoid a total victory, but helping Ulfric still achieves the goal of weakening the Empire. If I join the Stormcloaks I can never avoid the feeling that I have doomed Skyrim. It also indeed looks the case that Ulfric murdered the High King and just used the markarth incident for political advantage.

It also doesn't help that the Stormcloak Jarls tend to be dicks and are often presented as less intelligent leaders. It's like the game is telling you the Imperials are the definite good guys. How can I join the Stormcloaks without thinking its a fucking retarded, clearly wrong decision?

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We're gonna build a wall and make the Dunmer pay for it

Just look at the sigils dude.
I mean come on how can you go wrong with a DRAGON?

Bears are more dangerous in skyrim than dragons tho

The High Elves are the ones funding/flaming the stormcloaks into rebelling. They plan to invade the mainland and this civil war only weakens man

objectively, Skyrim does not belong to the Nords.

>finding it impossible to rationalize
most stormcloaks are extremely emotional fanatics
they aren't looking to rationalize
they are looking for blood for the ones who were taken away from them etc

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Because the Empire is illegitimate. After the Septims died out the Dragonfires died with them. Until a dragon blooded Emperor takes the throne, all of Nirn will fall into chaos and be the plaything of the Daedra.

The imperials are already getting cucked by the thalmor. They've been infiltrated. They have literally no hope of fighting back. At least the Stormcloaks have an actual grassroots cause that people give a shit about. That's more than the imperials have with the way they just invade and take whatever the fuck they want and treat people like shit. The imperials are the brainlet choice.

Cause Ulfric is nicer to me than Tellius is

Is Skyrim Ukraine and the High Elves Russians?

Skyrim belongs to the dead!

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Look, I know the logic suggests that the Empire is the right choice, but I'm the motherfucking Dragonborn, bitch. I'm a vampire lord with the power to blot out the sun and I'm the champion of all the Daedric lords. I killed the fucking end of the world. I'll go straight to the Summerset Isles and fuck those Thalmor cocksuckers up single-handedly, and the Stormcloaks are the only ones with the balls to make war on those ugly knife-eared shits right now. Skyrim is for the Nords, bitches!

i agree with this. the thalmor have been infiltrating the empire and are in almost all levels of government. how much longer can you wait for the empire to get its shit together? at least the stormcloaks want to actively just kick the thalmor out.

weak ass white 'man' who can't even beat the high elves

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Being a dumb, drunk Nord who can't see the big picture and acts like a dudebro helps.

If you want to play a smart stormcloak the best I can come up with is a man-behind-the-man type trying to turn the Thalmor's own drunken, shortsighted weapon against them.

Stormcloaks = TRUMP
Imperials = HILLARY

>roleplaying in a single player RPG


The Empire does kinda execute random fucking people for literally no reason and doesn't stand a chance against the Thalmor

Do you know how many empires had a single dynasty? Not many


>tfw you realize the idea that the thalmor want to aid ulfric was actually proposed by the thalmor themselves to get people to want to side with the empire
amazing reverse psychology

its canon?

The only individual who could restore the Empire would be the Dragonborn, whom the Greybeards call Ysmir (or Talos). Obviously the last person to be called Talos was Tiber Septim.

>leader is LITERALLY a thalmor plant who does as they say
>entire 'grassroots movement' is planned out and the thalmor actively want it to succeed to let them bend the nords over more easily

Do you know how many dynasty's were blessed with dragon god blood?

Worked for Reman

a better question; how do i roleplay as a prisoner from the start? for morrowind, oblivion i always have a hard time coming up with a reason why i'd be in jail. If I'm a noble knight character or healer, than what shitty thing could I have done to end up in jail? What if Im not the type of character to commit crimes?

The Julio-claudian dynasty

>He doesn't know

They don’t need a Dragonborn emperor anymore. Martin Septim and Akatosh took care of that.

the empire wants to let the thalmor into everything they're doing and attend all their parties. meanwhile the stormcloaks want to kick all the thalmor out of skyrim. who really lets the thalmor bend them over more easily?

The thalmor want ulfric dead though because he cant be controlled he only acted like he could to support his own cause

I don't get how someone could join the imperials after almost being unfairly executed by them. That and also literally seeing the Thalmor giving orders to one of the imperials in charge

Fuck the thalmor, destroying the towers. The Empire Is weak and without a backbone. For Nords I typically get inspired by Ysmir, since you are Ysmir. They've ALWAYS looked after the sovereignty of Skyrim. At this point The Empire are simply invaders occupying another nation, crippled by war.

What does it matter? Nuthesda is shit and the Thalmor will be defeated offscreen or possibly in a mobile game. The plot of Hammerfell won’t connect in any way to Skyrim’s.

Up until Dagon is strong enough to start things all over again

The Imperials tried to have you executed without charge or trial. What other justification do you need to kill them all?

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then tell me, user. why roleplay in a singleplayer RPG?

For Skyrim it's easy since it's just "wrong place, wrong time" and the empire are assholes

I'm into torture and the Imperials really love their torturing

>he only acted like he could to support his own cause
Nords actually believe this? No wonder you're manipulated so easily.

Yes, fuck elves
I want a Dunmer or Bosmer waifu

>Dragon attacks
>Ulfric runs away like a coward
>Imperials fight to protect the people

Imperials are the only choice

>bending over for thalmor elves

So let's name the stormcloak victories prior to the game starting
1) genociding bretons in a city, as well as everyone who didn't join the genocide
2) Ulfric breaking all his vows to murder a guy with the Voice

The thalmor tried to save Ulfric at Helgen.
The only reason Ulfric was being executed at Helgen was because the Empire was afraid the thalmor would engineer his escape if they took him to Cyrodiil.

>He says as he bends over even further
Say it again, you can almost kiss the dirt.

>fighting for the people who tried to execute you when you weren't even on a list to be executed

I want to side with the imperials but i dont side with cucks who bend over for fat elf cock.

I just pretend it’s debters prison and my character is bad with money.

He won't be. Daedra can now never attack Tamriel, only be summoned. And its fucking hard to summon Daedra.

>Staying neutral

>Ron Perlman's voice

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>tfw my non-nord waifu may be mistreated if I help stormbros
help me nord bros what do I do

What would be the most realistic, intelligent choice here? On the one hand, the Imperials just tried to execute you, so maybe you'd feel safer going with Ralof. On the other hand, Hadvar seems nice, and there's a risk if you don't go with him you will be branded a Stormcloak and thus have no chance of redeeming yourself with the empire (i know that doesn't happen, just saying what you would be thinking in this moment).

I feel like if I was actually in this situation, my gut would tell me to go with Hadvar

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its called c0da, user

Ulfric did nothing wrong. He challenged Torryg to a duel, as is custom in Nordland.

First rodeo in shady upper politics/military situations I take it?

I just started playing again after spending hours getting mods, making it the most kino experience I could for myself. Then I do the golden claw mission and the game CTDs when I go through the doors leading into Bleak Falls Barrows. Fuck my life and fuck this game homie

For me, I roleplay that my Nord character was from Cyrodil and just wanted to visit Skyrim, his ancestral home. While crossing the border he gets stopped by the Imperials. And that's it.

Then he broke his vows to only use the Thuum in worship of the gods, just to win a duel

>bosmer waifu
>literally a dirty stinky bitch who refuses who is mega vegan

How did the redguards BLACKED the dominion on their own?

You could argue him using the Voice was a violation of normal customs.

There's the farmer that works in or near Windhelm. She says she's treated with respect because she works hard. And the Argonians are also treated well. The Dunmer in the Grey Quarter are being genuine niggers. Your waifu is probably fine because she's not a Greu Quarter lazy nigger

I know, imagine the smelle

>windhelm is the only city to take in refugees
>meanwhile they're branded as the racist intolerance ones

Redguards are unironically the greatest warriors/army in all of Tamriel. They're also no slouches with magic when it comes down to it, and are frenemies with the Bretons and Orcs

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>Unironically defending the people trying to have you killed

Big Yikes

I skipped that thing as a teen cause i hate choosing sides, but now i'm probably gonna stick with imperials. The only reason to join stormcloaks is to be a nord, it's their country, other than that i see no reason. Dunmers don't have a place to live anymore, it's not like isis took over or something, i usually play as dunmers and imperials and they hate both.


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yea but yokuda sunk so they are stupid xDDDD

just enemy

Dominion didn’t really want the land, they just wanted them to split with the Empire. By letting the Redguards win, they sowed seeds of rebellion in other provinces against the Empire.

swap argonians with bretons and you're good

You don’t have to rationalize it yourself, just role play your character as being too dim witted to understand, overly patriotic towards Skyrim, or just really resentful towards the empire for that whole attempted beheading thing

There's a rival's respect among the three races of the region. The Bretons are also why the Orcs even have a land to call their own and are thought of as a species, rather than purely being nomads

Ralof is based.

Pretty retarded for the empire to give them up then with that shitty treaty.
>lost both hammerfell and skyrim who both have probably the most gifted warriors in the empire.
Taking the elf dick was a mistake.

>The Bretons are also why the Orcs even have a land to call their own
because they had Numidium?

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No there isn't. Redguards and Bretons united to destroy Orsinium but constantly fuck with each other as well. No one respects Orcs, thats their whole thing. They're considered little more than animals in many accounts

Empire was being pushed back and lacked stability, so they forged the treaty to buy time, which both sides knew

What neither side expected was the big dick energy coming from the redguards

i fight for myself, im the dragonborn


The empire destroyed the thalmors major force when they took back the imperial city so redguards had it easier. Still makes no sense for the empire to give in to thalmor demands though.

>It's clear they are unwitting pawns of the Thalmor
And Empire are witting pawns of the Thalmor.

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>but I'm finding it impossible to rationalize.
Easy. Role play as a Nazi.

reading the markarth incident, i don't understand what ulfric did wrong:
>the forsworn rebel and make their own kingdom in the reach
>ulfric is told if he helps take back the reach and return it to skyrim control, talos worship will be permitted
>he defeats the forsworn and returns the reach to control of the empire
>thalmor use this as an opportunity to demand rigid adherence to the ban, and empire cant do anything
>support for rebellion grows
So....Ulfric takes back the Reach for Skyrim. He does the hard work of taking it back from the forsworn. And in response of this heroic deed for his nation, they clamp down on talos worship. What did Ulfric do wrong? It's obviously clear that fighting for the Empire will get you nothing but more Thalmor control, thus the need for a rebellion

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So the nords are worth following because they're too stupid to know they're being used?

They are both shit, that's the point
But it's really not worth doing the civil war anyway, it's implementation was really disappointing.

>What did Ulfric do wrong?
Trusted knife eared elves to honor their word

I guarantee you about 75% of people who go stormcloak is because the empire tried to kill them and because they agree or care about their ideology

Ulfric didn't simply 'take back' the Reach. He hunted down and murdered every single person, and executed all those who didn't help the stormcloaks do so

>Real history examples to counter a fantasy world.

we already have enough /pol/ on this board

*not because, sorry

Skyrim is better being independent until a REAL empire is reestablished.

whats with all the bethesda shills trying to revitalize interest in this stale-ass civil war?

Skyrim is better off alone, or better yet- making a truce with Hammerfell to fight off the Thalmor.

The Thalmor weren't part of the deal. The people who promised Ulfric that Talos worship would be allowed didn't consult with the Thalmor first. They knew the Thalmor would not allow it. After Ulfric took back the Reach, Talos worship was actually restored there for a time, then the Thalmor clamped down.

Then again, is this not the ultimate sign that the nords have no control anymore? If they have to include the thalmor on every deal/agreement or it means nothing? Sounds like a good reason for a rebellion.

However I’m not wrong. That, or be like one of the confederate rebels from the civil war.

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The empire doesnt want anything to do with the thalmor. They got fucked in the war and treaty terms gave the thalmor right to get deep into the empire's ass

Nigger Skyrim is still fucking popular for some reason.

I think it's an interesting discussion. I learn new things almost every thread I never considered before.

Why didnt the empire just secede from skyrim like they did with hammerfell and just set up a defensive pact? This way skyrim doesnt have to bow to thalmor cock because of the empire, elves wouldnt be allowed in there and there would be no civil war.


Yeah its called shills

The Thuum is ancient. It's been apart of nord custom for centuries. It violates nothing.

>"hey user lets fight"
>"okay i got my fists right here"
>pull out a gun and shoot you in the face with it
>this is a fair duel and a good test of skill to prove who is superior and right

I really wish the civil war questlines weren’t cut. It would have actually fleshed out how Ulfric is the ultimate tool and how it’s you that should be leading the rebellion(bonus points for playing nord)

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I really feel like you're "meant" to side with the empire
>if you side with the empire, Balgruff is on your side and he's definitely a more likable and proper Jarl than Grey-Mane, who is kind of loopy and unlikable
>the imperial dawnstar jarl is likeable, nice and reasonable wheres the stormcloak jarl is a massive dick
>the jarl of winterhold is incompetent and intolerant, whereas the imperial replacement is more tolerant and reasonable
>the jarl of morthall is a kook, but her stormcloak replaced is disliked by everyone in the town and everyone wishes the old jarl was back
and so on. if you side with the stormcloaks the only "good" chance is kicking out siddgeir from falkreath. in basically every other instance, the imperials are almost always portrayed in a more positive light

It’s called being moddable. Something a lot of AAA games aren’t allowed allowed to be due to (((economic))) reasons

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no skyrim is everyone and the high elves are the jews

when you finish the civil war, do cities stay damaged? i was playing recently and i noticed that some of the wooden gates in whiterun are fucked up and some of the stones in solitude are damaged. does it realy stay that way forever?

Imperials are a lot more diplomatic and nords are brute force meatheads. Which is fine.

The empire suffered a defeat at the elves and had to take a shitty treaty that the nords don't like, so they could sow dissent among them.
It's a nice compelling divide & conquer tactics since even players fall for it and get the mad at the empire for losing and think the solution is to beat the elves is to weaken the enemies of the elves.

>Living as an elven cum dumpster
>Dying sending as much elven scum to oblivion as you can while your soul rests in sovngarde for eternity
Gee i wonder

If this thread existed because the game was moddable then the thread would be about mods.
Instead its about the stale, half assed "conflict" that Bethesda came up with in an attempt to make this sprawling, empty game more interesting.
The vanilla assets and base story of Skyrim are vapid garbage and the only person who would want to make a thread about it is a paid influencer.

Yeah. I think there’s a house in Whiterun that gets permanently destroyed.

The Thu'um is a martial art any Nord can learn and took Ulfric years to master a single shout. so its more like Ulfric using Kung Fu to kick Toryggs face in.

It’s half assed in vanilla Skyrim because roughly 90% of it was cut before final release and added back in through modding.

Also fucking think about it nigger. Why would Bethesda shill Skyrim of all games now and not ESO or fallout 76?

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I actually was thinking about a character that’s evil(think dio)would most likely join them using the power vacuum creating after the defeat of the empire to gain large influence in the new government

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>One side tries to kill you for no reason
>Other one doesn't
Simple really.
Who cares. Everyone in these games are racist as shit and dungmer deserve it.

Wouldn't it make sense to allow the Dragonborn to become the Emperor? If he has the blessing of Talos, as Dragonborn, then surely he has a divine claim to the throne? And especially since Mede is murdered in this game, you would think they were setting it up for you to take the throne. In my opinion what would make the most sense if for you to side with the Empire against Ulfric, then take the throne yourself and start a new dynasty.

Yeah I guess that's why the Empire is running Cyrodiil into the ground, can't protect High Rock, and left Morrowind to die.


It's fun to play in a character's mindset.
>Nord thief
>Revive the Thieve's Guild and Assassin's Guild
>follow the will of daedra because afraid of retribution
>help the stormcloaks win because trve Nord
>eventually get on that Alduin stuff because it's bad for business and nobody else will do it
>as I'm killing Alduin, realize that's the only good thing I've done the entire game and Skyrim is now even worse because of my actions

Even Bethesda knows nobody wants to talk about those dumpster fires. Skyrim was their last unmitigated success, so they want people to talk about it in order to build hype for ES6.

>people uniroincally think the Stormcloaks are evil

Can't wait to be hit with the Ulfric Dossier misinterpreted for the 1,000,000th time.

because the jews dont let them worship Talos

Why do you have to rationalise it if you're trying to roleplay OP? How often do people who join these kinds of movements sit back and weigh up the pros and cons? They get incensed, they get provoked, they get riled up, they get lied to etc.

One thing i disliked about skyrim that every faction already allows you to become their leader
>Lol youre archmage of winterhold after a few quests even though you never casted a spell in your life.

It would have been a cool plot twist if the blades were actually working for the thalmor

>literally caught with the leader of the rebellion, sneaking across the border
>said leader with magic powers who's known for using them for duplicitous actions
If you think the stormcloaks wouldn't kill you for being anywhere near an imperial town, let alone captured alongside tullius, you're retarded.

>character is evil
My character isn’t saying the faction is evil but is using the faction to take advantage of a situation for personal gain I don’t know how you thought I said the storm clocks were evil

Bros, do I need to mod the Special edition for it to be enjoyable? I have it installed, but my internet in my current location is utter dogshit, and I'm miles away from servers that host the mods, so I can't really mod it at this time, and these goddamn threads make me want to play it.

I thought that was going to be the case back in 11 during my first run
Maybe you could do that or get the nords to side with the dragons

you weren't caught with the stormcloaks. you were arrested while trying to cross the border, but the stormcloak ambush took place at darkwater crossing. you were just a prisoner they threw on the wagons to be executed with everyone else.

ESO isn’t that big of a dumpster fire, it’s literally just WoW with elder scrolls combat. Again nigga it’s because Skyrim is moddable

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>he actually thinks a Dynasty that came into power by taking advantage of the power vacuum caused by Martin's sacrifice would willingly give up their Dynasty to a complete stranger

It's funny how the actions of two drunken hobos in Windhelm pain the entire Stormcloak movement as racist yet if you join the Imperials all Tulius does is "YOU NORDS YOUR STUPID X" at Rikke

Where's a plottwist where Delphine isn't the most unlikable piece of shit that has ever been in a TES game. I honestly don't know if Bethesda expected anyone to like her, at all.

why didnt they just make the civil war the main quest? the main quest storyline is fucking boring as shit

>Imperials are a lot more diplomatic

Indeed, that's why they did absolutely nothing to quell the rumors of a rebellion going on and instead chose to let it fester until it exploded into full on warfare.

Yeah thats why anons are discussing mods ITT
Youre right


Ulfric is the true high king.
The empire treats Skyrim and her people like shit. He fights to free it from the Thalmor, who are puppeting the empire.

>He's a thalmor pawn
They make no statement in the dossier of how Ulfric is a pawn. They captured him in the war, tortured him, and fed him false information in the hopes he could be used in the future.
How? Nobody knows. Not even them.

I think Ulfric is a failed attempt at making a puppet. He doesn't follow any commands directly. They were hoping the instilled guilt from the lies they fed him would cause him to act in a way that would indirectly help the thalmor.

>Does the civil war help the Thalmor?
Yes, sorta.
All it does is "weaken" Skyrim. The longer the war rages, the more soldiers die that could have been used to fight off the Aldmeri Dominion in the future.

However, two things:
1. This was not the Thalmors plan. Never in the dossier or anywhere else does it say that Ulfric was fed the information to cause a civil war. It was just a serendipitous event.
2. It's only good so long as the war goes on. If either side wins, then the killing will stop, and any soldiers left are potential soldiers for the next war. They directly say this in the dossier. The empire winning is bad, and so is the Stormcloaks.

I'd argue that a Stormcloak victory would be worse for the Thalmor, because it would mean the Thalmor cannot act openly throughout Skyrim.
>Thalmor can openly invade them now.
And Ulfric can openly kill them too. If they team up with Hammerfell, Skyrim would fair far better than the Empire ever did. If Nords are good at anything- it's killing Elves.

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>literally caught with the leader of the rebellion, sneaking across the border
No. Ulfric is stated to be captured at Black Water Crossing, which is no where near the border.

If the Khajits and Argonians teamed up could they overthrow the Empire/Thalmor?

Wasnt there also that quest where you had to help out some non nords because while ulfric junps out to every nord he just lets every non norda get fucked by bandits?

What was cut that would have explained that?

I guarantee you about 75% of the people who go Empire lack reading comprehension, saw the dossier and think Ulfric is a spy

if you're roleplaynig as a character who wants to join the stormcloaks, he's definitely a low intelligence nord male to begin with and there is no logical inconsistency in his mind. any evidence that ulfric is a pawn of the (((thalmor))) can be easily dismissed by his low intelligence and simple denial.

Yeah, only it's understandable as every race would do the same thing in Ulfric's shoes. Also consider the fact that every Nord within his holds is a potential supporter of the cause and soldier, with the war spreading troops thin it makes sense to prioritize Nords over the other races.

I like the Stormcloaks, but agree with you.
I think the "cannon" ending will the the Empire. The evidence is as you explained, but also because It'll be easier for Bethesda to write how it all ends with the Empire winning.

However, from a purely entertaining side, the result of the Stormcloaks winning would be more interesting to see played out.

Considering the Argonians got pushed back by a weakened Redoran army, and the Khajiit don't really give a fuck about warfare probably not.

The game is still played because its still moddable
But this thread only exists because shills are trying to revive interest in the dogshit plot
Which, like many things that are dogshit, is still worth a good discussion, as you can see ITT

Fucking seriously.
Ulfric lets you join even if you're a fucking elf.

You mean the small Dominion unit that still left southern Hammerfell in complete devastation?

Need that tax revenue probably. A lot of the other provinces were ravaged by the war and probably not bringing in a lot of coin

Ulfric said to you in private he would march his armies into the summetset isles after the war is won. I dont think such a brainless approach would work out that well.

Not to mention you don't really see complaints about racism from any of the Stormcloak holds other than Windhelm. Riften is FULL of Mer and not one of them complains about racism. You have to be a complete moron not to see Windhelm's situation with the Grey Quarter is a problem that is partially the fault of the Dark Elves that live there.

not to mention, brunwulf free-winter is an undeniable "good guy" compared to ulfric.

I agree, but Bethesda haven't even started working on ES6 yet. Not in any true capacity.
It'll be 2024 before we see it.

And if I have to wait THAT FUCKING LONG, it better include the entire goddamn continent of Tamriel.

Yeah Ulfric should take the approach of a war of attrition, by letting his population age, let his enemies buy influence and favor within his borders, and control trade.

Oh wait.

shit like that and becoming the leader of every guild you can join really shouldn't be read into the way you and user are doing. Its clearly just for the sake of the player.

Pic related explains that pretty well.

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Reminder that whichever side wins doesn't matter because you're the fucking dragonborn and can single handedly defeat the entire thalmor army

The worst Jarl the Stormcloaks have is a guy whose only flaw is being a genuine asshole (Skald). Vignar is a fine Jarl, people literally just hate him because he's not Balgruff. Sidger literally lets bandits plunder his people so long as he gets a cut and Maven Black-Briar is the most corrupt person in the entirety of northern Tamriel.

i wish balgruff stayed the jarl of whiterun regardless. just feels so fucking wrong for gray-mane to be there

Ulfric is the biggest fuckup in the history of fuck ups. Ulfric thought he could actually win his civil war, defeat the empire and then defeat the Domnion. You can agree with his ideology all you want, but Skyrim is doomed with him at the helm.

>Heir to a powerful region of Skyrim
>goes to study with a bunch of old men instead

>Learns the way of the voice and can shout
>Joins to the war to use his special abilities but gets captured and tortured by elves, made to believe released vital information

>Knows Markarth can't allow Talos worships
>Gets duped into fighting forsworn invaders anyways

>High King looks up to Ulfric and was about to go along with the rebellion against the Dominion. The empire would have joined in on this war.
>Ulfric kills him in a duel so he could be high king instead

>The empire was gearing up for war against the Dominion, the dominion knew they would lose this war
>Ulfric continues to play into the Dominions hands to keep the civil war going, weakening skyrim and the empire

>Ulfric surrounds himself with his top generals
>one of them is a raging drunk and the other is some commoner he picked off the streets

>Ulfric is traveling with his most trusted men on a top secret mission
>Ends up getting ambushed and captured by general Tulius

>Ends up on the same cart as the Dragonborn
>nearly ends up executed and is saved by a literal dues ex machina from thousands of years ago

>Spends massive resources to reclaim a ancient skyrim crown
>Doesn't even wear the damn thing

I mean, he wouldnt really bother to play it smart he just wants to go there and kill as much as elves as he can either win by brute force which would be unlikely already being weakened after the civil war or sovngarde.

Then he should have accepted the axe

I find it incredibly dumb that the player can't convince Balgruff, either way tough shit.

Im becoming more and more convinced that the bruteforce attitude of the stormcloaks is more logical than the diplomatic patience of the imperials, despite being less cerebral. seems like the imperials will just sit on their ass, play nice, while the thalmor take part and destroy them and subvert them from within

I choose to play as a Elve who was captured by the stormcloaks and became their cock sleeve, mindbroken she supports the stormcloaks even after she discovers she is the dragonborn.

Your character must be REALLY bad with money if they're executing you in some backwater town

Sorli (Morthal) is also a shitty Jarl, the whole town says she doesn't care about helping them. Korir (Winterhold) is also presented as just being dumb and blaming the college for the collapse.

The Imperials brought them niggers in, ain’t that enough to shoot em all down?

The Stormcloaks aren't dumb, Ulfric says that the movement is going to focus first on rebuilding Skyrim then start taking the fight to the Dominion. Galmar is unironically the biggest bro in Skyrim and tells you they know the Dominion are behind everything. Cyrodiil is already in shambles, if Skyrim secedes the Empire is factually dead because it would cut all and routes to High Rock and right now the Empire is acting as a bulwark for the Dominion.

No they are not for the fucking last time. An independent Skyrim would fuck over the Elves enormously and the dossier you are referencing doesn't even say what you are claiming it says. Go back and read it word for word and you'll see how Ulfric KNOWS the elves are working behind the scenes and how they used him and the Civil War questline goes over Ulfrics position quite clearly and how it will absolutely work against the elves.

really good post

based and redpilled

if you side with the imperials, you hear this exchange at the end
>Skyrim doesn't belong to you, Ulfric.
>No...But I belong to her.
At that moment I wondered if I made the wrong choice.

>Ulfric is a thalmor plant
Faggots on Yea Forums have never played Skyrim and actually paid attention

Tulius tells you that war with the Dominion is going to be sooner rather then later. The Empire has been rebuilding its forces and the Dominion knows that humans breed faster and grow up faster then Elves so they have a massive short term advantage. The civil war did no one any favors, Talos worship was only technically banned, it was only after UIfric started his civil war did the Empire have to let the secret police in.


Neither of those are still as bad as Sidgeir or Maven by a long shot. I actually don't even know why Bethesda created Morthal for Skyrim. If you look at older maps of Skyrim from previous TES games there is no Morthal or Hjaalmarch, it's all just part of Solitude

Just role play as a nord Dragonborn who will reclaim Skyrim for the nords no matter the cost

>Heir to a powerful region of Skyrim
>goes to study with a bunch of old men instead
And get's super powers. Gee what a waste.

>Learns the way of the voice and can shout
>Joins to the war to use his special abilities but gets captured and tortured by elves, made to believe released vital information
Unless his capture was under heavily overwhelming odds, this is kinda sad. But we don't know one way or the other.

>Knows Markarth can't allow Talos worships
>Gets duped into fighting forsworn invaders anyways
He was hoping the local gov would allow it, and that be the end of it. And they did... but then the Thalmor came in and reinforced the ban.
Ulfric was mad that the local gov rolled over so easily, and that is hard work was for nothing.

>High King looks up to Ulfric and was about to go along with the rebellion against the Dominion. The empire would have joined in on this war.
>Ulfric kills him in a duel so he could be high king instead
Citation needed.
I have not heard of this. Might have come from a biased in game source.

>The empire was gearing up for war against the Dominion, the dominion knew they would lose this war
>Ulfric continues to play into the Dominions hands to keep the civil war going, weakening skyrim and the empire
Citation needed.
Both sides know the concordat was temporary. I doubt the Dominion expect a loss. A Skyrim pooling it's resources and man power within it's boarders will do better than having to defend the entire Empire.

It's not just on Yea Forums, it's everywhere. 8 years later and retards still think Ulfric is a Thalmor plant.

I'm very thankful anons like you exist, anons who play and read the game.

Dont elves breed as fast as humans if the population is low?

Yeah but it takes longer for them to reach adulthood. Besides altmers are really picky with breeding trying to keep their genes pure.

pretty sure the point about the high king wanted to join ulfric, was said by elisif. so yeah, a pretty biased source

So why would the Empire choose to wait longer (which has only bit them in the ass) instead of doing at the Markarth Incident? Why now with less resources, less men, and a more depleted population are they now ready to attempt war? The Empire bending the knee to the Dominion for the second time at Markarth will never make sense to me if they were truly planning another war.

They know he's not literally taking direct orders from the Thalmor. But he's doing everything they want him to do.

No he isn't. Read this and go play Skyrim instead of shitposting

You can draw a lot of parallels between the civil war here and the american revolution. On both counts, the smaller, less organized guerilla force triumphs in small victories but suffers from idealistic tunnel-vision that prevents them from seeing their own inevitable defeat by a force that is larger, better trained, organized, and funded. If it weren't for the Dragonborn, the stormcloaks would have drawn the war to the final man, ensuring a bloody and unsatisfying end rather than laying down their arms to the inevitable. That being said, if it weren't for the damn frenchies the americans would have been utterly fucked in the long-run too, so there's that. The stormcloaks aren't pawns of the thalmor, if you read the note it clearly states that the war is advantageous to them because it divides allegiances and reduces the numbers of their enemy; while a civil war is in the thalmor's best interest, they have very little to do with it.

>How can I join the Stormcloaks without thinking its a fucking retarded, clearly wrong decision?
You severely underestimate how mind-blowingly powerful the Dragonborn actually is, the right decision is whatever decision they make.

>It also doesn't help that the Stormcloak Jarls tend to be dicks and are often presented as less intelligent leaders.
Jarl Ulfric might seem like a typical ooga booga nord, but after your victory over general Tullius he makes it immediately obvious that he is well aware of the precarious position the now Independent Skyrim exists in, and that they need to make preparations to maintain their sovereignty.

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The only time it's ever justified is if your character is a nord, and even then it's a 50/50.

curved swords ARE kinda the tightest shit.

>Ulfric surrounds himself with his top generals
>one of them is a raging drunk and the other is some commoner he picked off the streets

>Ulfric is traveling with his most trusted men on a top secret mission
>Ends up getting ambushed and captured by general Tulius
We have no clue what he was doing, or who he was with. His capture is more due to Tulius' tacticain skills over Ulfrics supposed incompetence.

>Ends up on the same cart as the Dragonborn
>nearly ends up executed and is saved by a literal dues ex machina from thousands of years ago
What's your point?

>Spends massive resources to reclaim a ancient skyrim crown
>Doesn't even wear the damn thing
He's waiting until he's high king.

Thalmor invading Skyrim makes no sense for a couple of reasons

Skryim has immense natural barriers in the huge mountain ranges and the Sea of Ghosts. And if the Empire actually lets the Dominion march its armies near the Imperial City over up to Skyrim it just justifies the rebellion in the first place. And if anything a land invasion would be suicide to the Dominion's standing army. There is legitimately one way into Skyrim on land through Cyrodiil, and if they get bottle necked there the Empire would be truly retarded not to take advantage of that and sandwhich a standing Dominion army into dust

Nope, you can’t even lock swords and overpower your opponent, it just slides off the sword cause it’s not straight cause it’s gay

>That one jarl in Riften
>vague stormcloak leanings,but she’s a dumb stoolie for Maven blackbriar
>support imperials,maven is jarl outright

It hurts,I wanted to waste her so bad.

The Nords should wipe out the Redguards next game

No, he is not. The Thalmor don't want the Stormcloaks to win just like they don't want the Empire to win. If the Stormcloaks win Ulfric declares war on the Aldmeri Dominion in front of all his troops and generals and the Dragonborn.

There's cut dialogue where if you take Riften back after giving it to the Empire Laila and Maven exchange words and she finally realizes what a backstabbing cunt Maven is. It's sad so much of the Civil War was cut from the game.

Why? Redguards are bros or is just a dumb /pol/post?

Considering the Nords conquered most of Eastern Hammerfell during the 3rd Era they probably could

Yup, this guy gets it.
Skyrim would crush a defensive war.

Plus they have fucking dragons everywhere.
If nothing else, they would serve as a drop in moral to the elven soldiers. As they march through the mountain pass, they're attention would constantly be diverted to the sky. Watching every mountain peak for dragons as they pass. The potential to burn to a crisp at a moments notice would be terrifying.

>that one guy that removed his mod because of retarded pseudo-politics

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Good post.
OP is retarded.

They ain’t no brother of mine, brother

Meh, I think you could justify a non-Nord thinking they could have a lot to gain with the stormcloaks. Maybe a Dunmer for instance could gain their respect and improve relations with the Nords? It could feel like the storyline to Morrowind, where they have to trust an outlander to achieve victory.

Knowing this makes it impossible for me to join the Stormcloaks in subsequent playthroughs

Ulfric was a good man.

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I thought putting Maven on the throne was actually better, morally. She always had all the power, so why not just make it official, instead of under-handed?

>wood elf
you've never read the lore have you?

It can make sense plenty if the player is pronounced Dragonborn before joining. Nords are probably the most spiritually inclined race of Man in Tamriel, they recognize the spiritual importance of Dragonborn and would likely be honored if the Dragonborn would fight for them regardless of race. The Nords swore fealty to Reman and Hjalti once they discovered they were Dragonborn and neither of them were Nords

a really interesting cut scene, if you side with the stormcloaks

So you're fine with a corrupt and legitimately evil person having "official" political power?

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Are these scenes restored with the cutting room floor mod?

Anyone who chooses the imperials over the stormcloaks is a blue pilled milk drinking faggot cuck who enjoys watching Redguards or niggers as I'd like to call them and Orcs fuck their wives in front of them while they watch

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>it's "morally" better to put Maven on the throne
>someone who backs the Thieves Guild which in turn terrorize Riften and make sure the people there are kept poor
>fucks with the Dark Brotherhood, god knows how many people she has had assassinated
>compared to Layla who is at worst naive

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I don't understand. How do the Stormcloaks intend to fight the Elves if its just them?

For me it's House Telvanni

>Get that thing out of here and burn it
Fucking badass Galmar.

Is this added back with "cutting room floor" or "Open Civil War" mods?

The west funded the Ukraine revolt after it's government chose a Russian trade deal over Jewish loans.

You are assuming the Nords are the only faction that want the Dominion gone, you're also assuming the Dominion still is not recovering from the Great War as their main army was wiped out and they were bleeding resources trying to unsuccessfully take southern Hammerfell. The Dominion's greatest asset was the element of surprise and people underestimating them, Delphine tells you this as much. They don't have either of this anymore. Ulfric makes it sound like they will aid whoever is fighting the Dominion as well.

While I agree, it's only rumor that Maven has ties to the DBH.
In reality, we never see her use them, or anyone in the DBH mention her.
It's probably a lie she spread herself to make others fear her.

>could have had Divayth and his many daughters back
>we get some random Telvanni Lord from Morrowind but given an actual personaltiy

Granted I really liked him, but I wanted to see Divayth.

Im convinced at this point that nobody even did the stormcloak questline at this point.
Protip: if someone say Ulfric is a thalmor puppet, they have no idea of what they are talking about.

Worked for the redguards. They could probably team up with them since hammerfell is pissed at the empire and the thalmor.

>it's only a rumor

She has a summoning circle for the DBH in her home in a locked room

It won't be just them.
But even if it was- remember...
Nords, based on their racial stats alone, are the best warrior race to counter mages due to their frost resistance.
Frost being mages best tool to shut down warriors, both in game and in lore. And mages being Elves strongest class.
That's why throughout Nord history, they're really good at slaughtering elves.

She has a room in her house set up for the black sacrament.

There's also a letter there which is basically Maven throwing a childish temper tantrum and demanding Astrid to kill who she wants because she's important. I don't think the DB ever gave a fuck about her.

>this thread
Man it feels weird looking back at my Skyrim playthrough now that I understand everything more compared to when I was a teenager.

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Does she?
I was not aware of that...

Still, maybe she's tried but can't get them to contact her? The Night Mother may not like her...

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Truth is most normies don't want to be labeled as racist and that's the normalfag opinion about the Stormcloaks: They're all just racist retards who don't deserve support. They don't look at anything, just "das waycis!"

It still shows intent, it's just like the idiots who think Muiri is the best wife in the game when they completely ignore she fucked over the Shatter-Shields and then somehow found a way to blame her misfortune on them and had their final child murdered.

I don't support the stormcloaks because I just plain don't like Ulfric. Everything about the game paints him as an absolute moron who prefers to brute force everything and is just using the Talos ban as a pretext to become high king. Also I just don't like the idiotic idea of literally starting a war because you're not allowed to openly worship a god. The very concept of it is ridiculous.

Maybe. Her letter states she paid for an assassination that was never carried out, so she at least spoke with them.

I fully admit to never completing the Stormcloak questline (got to liberating the forts then went fuck it). Honestly i just preferred the aesthetics of the Imperial Legion

>Also I just don't like the idiotic idea of literally starting a war because you're not allowed to openly worship a god. The very concept of it is ridiculous.
You do know there have been billions of wars because of that in real life right?

>starting a war because you're not allowed to openly worship a god
It doesn't make sense being raised in a secular environment but if you see the stormcloaks as ice mudslimes it makes perfect sense

I sided with them a few times. I never read the dossier and didn’t really understand the thing with the Thalmor. It was my first Elder Scrolls game and reading is for losers, so I joined the rebels because rebels are usually the good guys in American media.

I'm disappointed Skyrim didn't have at least one quest where someone was secretly worshiping Talos in their home, and you could either help them or report them. Or if there was a quest like this, I totally missed it.

The Thalmor weren't even enforcing it that hard. Only idiots who openly went around praising Talos got murked. People who just quietly worshiped him were fine. Hell they didn't do anything about that raving madman in whiterun who just spends all day ranting about how Thalmor suck and Talos rules. And even with all that, just because it's happened in real life doesn't make it not idiotic. It's a stupid thing to start a war over.

If worshipping a christian god would be banned in the USA there would be a civil war overnight what are you talking about?

>Never played the game.

>Bound Bow + Marksman stealthy archer

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Easy, the Imperials tried to have (you) executed, you can simply approach the idea as your character keeping a grudge for that and not being too into the whole Hero Politics thing, FUCK YOU GOT MINE if you catch my drift, that said, Skyrim is kinda shit for roleplaying honestly.

And technically speaking the Skyrim situation was Win-Win for the Thalmor from the get go, Yes, the Empire was consolidating power, but do you really think the Thalmor weren't aware and doing the same? Especially as it is clear the Thalmor held advantages even in land that is not their own.

Siding with the Stormcloaks is risky but could be considered better then the slow and very definite incursion that the Empire is allowing under the guise of "buying time", it is more a "pick your poison" where the Thalmor "win" regardless, a question of if you are of the opinion "ENOUGH WAITING, THE TIME TO STRIKE BACK IS NOW" or "Let's wait some more and strike when they don't expect it."

There is one. Ondolomar in Markarth sends you to some dudes house to look for Talos worship. You find his Talos amulet and he gets disappeared. That’s about it. I wish they had more options to join the Thalmor or help them out. I wanted to play as an absolute bastard elf.

>The fact that people would do it in real life means it's not stupid!

Oh wise one with 1000 hours in Skyrim and knowledge of all lore, please enlighten me about how Ulfric is the true high king and a righteous man. Please.

>wear amulet of talos while walking out in the woods
>thalmor try to kill me because of it
niggers are niggers user, they deserve to die

>strike when they dont expect it
The problem is that the thalmor arent just expecting it, they are are planning for it. Theyre calling the "first" great war for a reason

Since you didn't read shit when you "played," read theses.

they are also actively infiltrating and subverting the empire at every turn. at some point, you have to put your hands up and say enough is enough.

Think about it. Gaining independence before shit hits the fan is the best choice for Skyrim. It's better to create your own laws, infrastructure and established rulership before it's too late and they get dragged down once the empire dies. Just look at history and the fall of the Holy Roman Empire and what happened there. The reason the Church was able to grab so much power after the HRE fell is because they pulled out from all the places they had conquered and left everything in shambles and leaderless.

Siding with the Empire is clearly the immoral thing to do in the long run. The empire WILL die, this has been the theme of Oblivion and Skyrim. I'd be surprised if the next TES isn't about picking up the pieces of a fallen empire, or at the very least takes place in its twilight.

Let me say that again. The main theme of Oblivion and Skyrim was the fading empire. Everything else was just a background premise to highlight that. If you didn't pick up on that then you weren't paying enough attention or simply weren't smart enough for it.

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>people defending ulfric for the markarth incident
he slaughtered everyone with abandon just because they refused to help his slaughter of the reachmen who by that point were respected and well established

Since you're the one who instigated against me about how I supposedly didn't play the game, how about YOU tell me what I'm wrong about instead of parroting other people's posts? Fucking retard.

Protect your country from an invasion of a different race that just want to trash your culture and your belief and force you to adopt its own while they are in your country


Take a hint retard, the Empire is done.

If you do this in africa is bad cause african must protect their etnicity and don t need to be colonized.
If you want to protect your country from the african you are just a bigot

I really wish Alduin was sent to Helgen for a reason instead of random fucking coincidence.

First, The 2nd post is mine.
Two, I don't care enough to type out another book.

Play the stormcloak campaign and actually LISTEN and READ what Ulfric and the SCs say.

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I have no idea how people can go imperial. They plan to murder you for literally no reason, and no one says otherwise, even the leader of the imperials within earshot.
Stormcloaks can be racist, but its important to remember that in ES that the worship of a god is what keeps them alive and gods themselves shape how the world of ES worlds. The Thalmur trying to control Skyrim is just so they can kill Talos, which would have disastrous effects on the whole world.
Anyone who sides with the Imperials are retarded. The war against the Thalmur is worth the death of everyone in Skyrim.

I think people tend to forget that all the guild quests are canon in TES.

Hence the "Thalmor win either way".

Stormcloaks win Skyrim? Empire lost a whole region and all that comes with it and opposition to the Thalmor is now fractured making it easier to defeat.
Imperials win Skyrim? Still weakened by the "civil war" so they will be weaker and need to subside more to pressure in order to buy time to get "ready" again, and since the Thalmor know it is coming up they are ready for it regardless how long the Empire plan to wait and build up, especially as their agents get more rooted in and the Empires cultures get increasingly subverted in its own lands.

My favorite rationalization is that TLD is so singlehandedly powerful the he can use the Stormcloaks to defeat the thalmor and usher in a new Nordic/Skyrimmic empire.

I figured he went there because he sensed the Dragonborn.

Why do the Dunmer call the other races "lesser", but don't seem to _actually_ be falling for the Nazi meme as hard as the Altmer are? They look down on everyone else but still seem to be able to cooperate with almost anyone without any problems.

For some reason Imperials guards in the holds just feel more "right". It's odd seeing Stormcloak guards in places like Solitude.

Play as a white guy?
No, wait- that's racist.

Play as a black guy?
Yeaaaah, fuck whitey.

The Dunmer attitude is more of a begrudging dislike for others. It's not really the intense need to take over like the high elves.

>Roleplaying in an RPG
Summer catches me off guard every time.


alright anons give me a hand here
>vigilant, apocalypse spells and forgotten city major mods
>vigilant gives me daedric weapons and a ring that doubles sneaking damage
>daggers do 30x damage. 100 sneak, 100 illusion. Immortal.
>forgotten city gives me a talisman that lets me sell stolen goods to anyone without wasting perks. rich.
>apocalypse spells has alteration magic that auto-casts shit when enemies are close. untouchable.
I need a mod that will challenge my god dovahkiin.

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Been playing RPGs since the 80's and I'd never role play. Seems to be more of a zoomer thing if you ask me. Kids who have been growing up with Skyrim since they were 10 yo are now 18, these kind of people seem more keen on the whole role play aspect of it.

There's no mod that makes any of the TES games challenging. I've tried several times. Just enjoy the journey because the destination is fucking dull.

>stormcloak initiation is going to a remote icy island and defeat an ice wraith, a true test of mettle and resolve
>imperial initiation is just a fort
man the imperials are fucking boring

I wish I could actively destroy them both just as a fuck you but no matter what you end up as some daedra's cocksleeve. Dragonbitch.

sad, but not unexpected. what mods shold I just play for fun then?

It makes no sense to even attempt roleplay in a game like Skyrim. There are 0 meaningful choices in that game. Your character can be everyone, do everything, be good at everything. You never really engage anyone in dialogue where your response cuts off the ability to explore other dialogue options unless it's going to cause you to get into a lethal fight with him. These games are not really RPGs (and honestly, CRPGs aren't even good at motivating roleplay either); they're just pre-generated content to be explored. You'll always make the choice that allows you to see the content you want.

The biggest problem is that Ulfric is a complete moron.
Headcanon is that the aldmeri is already overextended by occupying high rock and their intention behind supporting the rebellion is to weaken the empire for the purpose of preventing a retaliation, not in preparation for another offensive.
They don't have the manpower to occupy skyrim. First and foremost the purpose of the war was to protect their heritage that the imperials were actively suppressing, and this is a conflict far beyond simply killing a few stormcloak soldiers and Ulfric himself. By siding with the imperials you are in effect pushing the conflict into the future in a poetically similar way as the three who send alduin to the future. Unfortunately bethesda had to make the leader of the rebellion completely unlikable.

Haven't played Skyrim in years so I don't remember what mods I used there. In Morrowind I mostly use QoL mods, i.e stuff that changes how HP is calculated (so you don't have to front load Endurance right off the bat) or adds an item that keeps track of what Attribute gains you are going to get the next level in case I want to min/max my level.

someone remind me how some candy ass, fruit loop suckling, dildo conjuring, melanin avoiding, chim-incapable, cuckolding supporting, pinhead looking shitheads with yellow skin managed to get a cock grip on the empire

To be fair engaging in RP has always been about self-imposing arbitrary limitations so the way how stats and skills work in Skyrim shouldn't be an issue. But you're right in that there are no interesting choices to be made in Skyrim and the game world is very limiting anyway as it's incredibly static and low on actual flavorful content and not just copy pasted barrows.

No Dragonborn on the throne.

stolen from /f/ years ago
I always go imperial

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and you’re telling me the cyrodill guards who can phase in and out of existence at will to seek out blood curling fiends who moved an apple off a plate weren’t able to defend themselves from some prancing la la homos shooting sparks from their fingernails?

but isnt there actual proof of talos' divinity?

Yes. Poor game mechanics is not lore canon.

Any TES games were you as an elf slavemaster breed with human prisoners and give birth to the bretons?

>kid around
user for fuck’s sake I was hoping you wouldn’t take that at face value. just link me to the page that says what happened or tell me what to google

>someone unironically thinks that Bethesda is paying people to make Stormcloak vs Imperial threads 8 years after the game came out

how does it feel to be a retard

No. It's just a belief since people loved him so much. It's not any different than how some actual Roman Emperors got canonized as divinity after they died.

Google Oblivion. The last Septim with Dragon heritage dies there and leaves the throne without a proper Dragonborn ruler.

Tons of it, that jpg is actually retarded

Didnt they require some divine blood in Oblivion and they used Talos's old bloody armor and was accepted?

Talos appears as a man in Morrowind.

Explain using Talos' blood to gain entry into Mankar Camorans Paradise. Explain Talos' blessing letting you follow Umaril. Explain directly benefiting from his blessings in skyrim


Explain CHIM. Explain Sword Singing. Explain Moth Magic. If you don't know the difference between actual divinity and meme divinity in TES lore yet then I have bad news for you.

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>Actual Divinity
>Meme Divinity
Either challenge me with an actual argument or fuck off faggot

I can't have an argument with a person who isn't familiar with the premise they are pretending to argue about.

So you're arguing that Talos is as divine as Vivec, i.e. not an actual god?

Pretty much. Even the canon lore for TES leaves it vague if he ascended or not. Wulf being an aspect of Tiber Septim can just as easily be explained by the collective belief in Talos memeing him into existence rather than him actually becoming a divine god-being.

Ulfric was a moron. High King Torygg was his biggest fan. If he just went to him and asked him to join him in supporting an independent Skyrim he probably would have sided with the separatists. With the legitimate and acknowledged high king supporting Skyrims independence there would have been no need for a civil war. But Ulfric wanted to be High King.

Every single time Ulfric jumped without thinking he ended up playing directly into the hands of the Thalmor. I'd even go so far as to say that the entire reason the Thalmor forced the Empire to ban the worship of Talos was specifically to rile up Ulfric and possibly others like him.

Doesn't TES lore keep the exact nature of the divines vague and uncertain? Won't worshiping different versions of the same god give different blessings?

>I'd even go so far as to say that the entire reason the Thalmor forced the Empire to ban the worship of Talos was specifically to rile up Ulfric and possibly others like him.
That makes a lot of sense. After all, they waited until Ulfric had taken back the Reach to really start clamping down on Talos worship, almost as if to make Ulfric as mad as possible

No, not all of the divines are as uncertain as Talos. Yes, worshiping a different aspect of the same god will grant different blessings. This just mimics how we thought of our own gods before and adds authenticity and believability to the TES universe.

How are they pawns of the thalmor when they are the only ones willing to fight them? The inperials literally have the thalmor living in their towns letting their disgusting asses harass and kill imperial citizens and then just sucking thalmor dick if anyone complains. The imperials can plot and plan all they want but the fact of the matter is they wont do shit, they are too cucked.

But aren't the modern gods based on the old elven pantheon? What about the Atmoran gods from the old continent?

The reason the Thalmor are in those towns is because Ulfric kicked a hornets nest by demanding that Markarth legalized the worship of Talos in exchange for solving their forsworn problem. Such a public defiance of the treaty weakened the Empires position forcing them to concede or face immediate war.

Considering Ulfrics track record I don't exactly have much confidence in his ability to avoid getting goaded by the Thalmor into doing exactly what they want him to do without realizing it either.

>They've been infiltrated. They have literally no hope of fighting back.
From the bottom soldiers to the legates and the general, all talk about how they are currently mustering strength for payback. It's like you activly try to blend out every fucking shred of dialog the imperials have.

>Choosing the vampires
Also if anything the dragonborn will be the new emperor

The only thing they want him to do is keep the Civil War going, as soon as the Civil War ends the Thalmor are fucked either way but a Stormcloak victory effectively removes their influence from the entire region.

>I have no idea how people can go imperial. They plan to murder you for literally no reason
How many more retards are the who haven't read this or figured it out by themselfs?
One would think noone could sprout so much bullshit after all these years, but here we are.

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I my headcannon for the post game my dragonborn goes on to try to establish a claim to the throne on the basis of his dragon blood connecting him to Tiber Septim. That one of the dragon blood must sit on the throne.

Hell, he's even got his own Nafaalilargus in the form of Odahviing.

Open influence. The Thalmor have spies everywhere. Most of the Thalmor agents that attack you in the main quest are undercover and that one wood elf that helps you in the embassy is under threat of Thalmor agents right in Windhelm.

Yes skyrim is poorly written garbage

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There wouldn't be much of an "Empire" left at that point since it would mostly just be Cyrodiil and a bit of whatever is left of Morrowind. The Mede Dynasty simply can't afford to lose Skyrim.

I thought dragonborns were unrelated, thats why every race can become one?

One note to add on to that image. Alduin was already in Skyrim when Ulfric killed the High King considering that you can meet Torygg in the mists. Just like the Thalmor Alduin wanted the civil war to continue as a stalemate to maximize the souls he could consume to regain his strength.

Empire is objectively in the wrong, they're the ones actually being played by thalmor.
They're supposedly preparing a counterattack against Aedra's Chosen People so it should be in THEIR best interest to covertly extend a hand toward Stormcloaks and form an alliance in the upcoming battle, not engage in a pointless civil war because they did what Thalmor told them to, like the good goyim they are.
How are Stormcloaks supposed to know the Emps are only pretending to be retarded? As far as 99,9% of Nords are aware, the Empire is being thalmor's bitch and they're shitting on their culture and history because the elves told them to, therefore their rebellion is noble.
Ulfric himself may or may not be backed by Mossad, but Stormcloaks as a whole are in the right.

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Theres not much of a empire left regardless. The empire is done.

It would be a war of attrition just like with Hammerfell.

As if their dialogue means a fucking thing. They can't do anything. The thalmor are literally in control

You're talking about worship of a god that has been shown to factually exist in that world and is essentially THE patron god for humans. Of course they could worship them in secret but worship done only in secrecy isn't real worship for again, what is an indisputably a god that exists.

Who do you think beth will pick as the winner if the next game isnt set as a prequel?

Assuming that the Dragonborn sides with the Empire then most humans still remain in the Empire.
Meanwhile the Thalmor don't exactly get along with any of the other races of mer. They just have the cats because the cats are fucking retarded.

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Then explain why when I goat Thalmor Judiciaries into attacking me any nearby Imperial soldiers will rush to my aid?

you bunch of milk drinkers skyrim needs to be allied with the empire to survive, even a falmer could understand that
take your nord pride and shove it up your ass

Why doesn't everyone just team up and kill the j- elves and worry about the other shit later?

Empire probably, cloaks are too racist in current times even if 2011 wasnt even that long ago it was still a different time before videogames got flooded with SJW shit.

I think they’ll do some shenanigans that will make the outcome irrelevant.

Because AI in TES is fucking retarded. You needed an explanation for this?

Bethesda seems to like to make it so it's unclear which actions the player took aside from completing the main quest.
I mean Morrowind is wiped clean the the eruption of Red Mountain. Oblivion didn't exactly have any branching story paths but it's been 200 years and most of the organizations seen in it disbanded in the chaos that followed the Oblivion crisis.

Even from Fallout 3 to Fallout 4 the backstory was set up so that it could have happened no matter what the player did in 3.

My guess is something happened that fucked everything up to the point it no longer matters which side won the civil war. Either that or they'll do the same thing that Oblivion did where it takes place almost immediately after the events of the preceding game but far enough away that the effects of whatever happened there wouldn't have reached the new zone yet.

Is there a way to completely uninstall all my mods without uninstalling the game? My internet's pretty shit so I'd rather not have to wait like 4 hours to install it again

If you give equal weight to the pro-Imperial sources and pro-Stormcloak sources in the game then it's a difficult but rational choice to side with the Imperials.

However, there are only a few accounts in the game of how the Empire is doing after the great war. You don't see or experience the Empire directly, so you just have to trust these Imperials when they say the Empire has a chance of defeating the Thalmor.

I don't believe this, I think the Thalmor have entirely infiltrated the Imperial government and military because the Thalmor managed to infiltrate and cripple the Empire before and during the Great War. The White Gold Concordat has made doing this a second time even easier.
However, this isn't said by anyone in the game, it's just an inference I've made myself and there is no hard evidence.

Therefore to me the choice is
>Stormcloaks: 90% of being Thalmor puppets 10% chance of victory
>Empire: 100% chance of being Thalmor puppets

So I think the Stormcloaks are a doomed but preferable choice.

I think we're discussing this 8 years later because it isn't an easy choice.

I've mentioned this above, but if TES were real life I wouldn't trust those soldiers or officers based upon how thoroughly infiltrated the Empire was BEFORE the White Gold Concordat (which gave the Thalmor the right to operate in Imperial territory.)

I hope you have a great day user.

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Canonically, the Redguards are the greatest individual warriors but the Nords are probably the best soldiers/army.

Skyrim was once at war with Hammerfell AND High Rock at the same time and ended up defeating both and annexing some of their territory.

But then TESV happened.

I don't think that's substantiated.

Any mod organiser does that. Gotta be careful though sometimes you will fuck up your save deleting everything

>add dragonborn
>either side now has 101% victory chance
I think the thane of all holds, master of the thu’um, grand master of all guilds and overall big dick on campus can handle some knife ears

I mean completely remove, sometimes I still get some weird enemy showing up or ugly naked bodies when I loot enemies

>that fucking guy who helped Ulfric escape from Solitude, because he thinks Ulfric won fair and square
Motherfucker deserves to be executed.

I'm still mad there's no option to purge the shit out of the criminal element in riften

>tfw you picked imperial because the stormcloak guy literally told you to jump from a burning tower into a burning building while you had your hands tied, whilst the imperial guy actually made a show of protecting your ass and the general townsfolk.
Not exactly a hard decision.

>protecting you when they were gonna chop your head off

The real joke is that the dragonborn's soul is going back to daddy akatosh no matter how many daedra it was promised to

Even miraak's soul and the dragon souls he collected get absorbed by the dragonborn instead of going to hermaeus mora

There any good imperial themed slutwear out there?

>jump from a burning tower into a burning building while you had your hands tied
You know up until now it never occurred to me how fucking retarded that was.

Hadvar didn't agree with that order, and since your name wasn't on the list he knew that it wouldn't stick what with the chaos going on. He needed you to stay alive to clear his conscience.

God, the Thalmor can suck dick.
Fucking pretentious counts they are.

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>I'm finding it impossible to rationalize
same with ceasers legion desu

Banning Talos is an affront to Shor(Lorkahn) THE reason Man exist. Knife ears are just ass hurt their no longer divine. The Empire is to cowardly to do anything. both the nords and high elves are the closest to the ehlnofey.

You mean their regular outfits?

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t. profligate

What empire would just give everyone indipendence? Especially if the country itself in torn apart about this decision? You forget that half of skyrim stood with the empire.Who would you be to jst betray them and "give them away" if you will

The Empire fought a war over it, got suckerpunched by a surprise army and managed to secure a peace after just reclaiming their lost territory by signing a treaty that they had no real intention of enforcing at the time.

What about the peace treaty quest or is that not canon?

A lot of the information in this jpg is hearsay at best. Killing children and Women makes no sense when taking Ulfrics actions during the civil war questline into reference. The only bit of information on him doing so during the forsworn shit is during a conversation with tullius at the greybeards peace talks and Ulfric says it didnt happen. So its he said/she said shit. Honestly I'd love for someone to make a clearly written and sourced document about why the imperials is the correct faction to choose because every single one of these threads is just shit slingling from both sides with good linguistics every now and then to sway public thread attention in one way or another.

Idk about you dude but being told not to do something youve always done by a bunch of foreign bureaucrats is not good unless you're a eurocuck britfag

So, assuming the next Elder Scrolls takes place around the same time as Skyrim, who's our next big bad?

The treaty only lasts for as long as alduin is around, after that they go right back at it

Alright, i never finished the main quest in skyrim because its boring even though i dumped 600 hours in the game.