Classic... home?

>be vanilla boomer picking up wow as my first mmo
>decide to play it my way, read all quests, explore, take it slow
>RL friends already outleveled me, joined good guilds
>forced to play solo or with literal whos most of the time
>mfw im forced to heal with my dorf paladin, i hate healing
>reroll mage, fuck this leveling is taking way too long
>quit the game and go back playing wc3
yeah im probably gonna end up quitting after a month again.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I think everyone will


this, there will be people who stick with it but a lot of people will quit pretty quickly. People who didn't play vanilla have no clue how much of a grind it was.

>first mmo
Yeah, nah.

i will be rolling male undead rogue.

you will fear me.
you will hate me as i gank you at nesingwary.
you will despise me as i vanish your attacks and stunlock you and kill you.
you will curse me as i sap you at the booty bay docks just as the boat begins to sail away without you...

you will fear me.

eh who gives a fuck, I'm just here to DAB on warrshits.

speaking of which..

>can tank the moment they can turn into a bear
>higher health and armor values
>amazing utility, a bro to all healers
>literally cannot be killed/kited in pvp
>most obnoxious opponent to try to kill, most just give up(you know they mad)
>god tier at wpvp
>doesn't even need gear to be good while leveling
>BIS weapon for entire game is a lvl 29 weapon (holy fuck that efficiency)
>tanks NAXX in fucking BWL like a true chad
>can heal and tank by just swapping gear (name one other class capable of that)
>one of the most comfy leveling experiences in the game
>Entire zone dedicated to the class, gets to chill with literal druid gods
>More entertaining in PvP, premium flag carrier and 1v1 god
>Can't be disarmed
>always a good attitude towards others
>uses gear no one else needs (like a true bro)
>will always pass on weapon epics (unlike a warfag who will take them and add them to his bank of forgotten weaps
>best at gathering profs
>doesn’t need to do bitch work in raids (rezzing all, sums, cookies, etc. literally just show up and get gear)
>doesn't even need 60% speed, travel form + pvp set + defiler boots = more speed
>can aoe farm in open world and dungeons while being in heal spec.
>can do emp runs easily
>much more efficient trib runs with a rogue.
>can solo practically every single elite enemy in the entire game

not looking good for warrgins, Druchads lookin fine tho

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>you will curse me as i sap you at the booty bay docks just as the boat begins to sail away without you...
Gods work user.

On the opposite end, what class should I play to become maximum Bro? Thinking the Feral/Resto spec for that do it ALL goodness. Or just Rsham.

and if you played on a pvp server, the slower you leveled the more bored max level gankers were around roaming the areas, making you even slower, i cant even imagine the amount of whining the retail trannys will produce, the forums will explode

Oh boy you posted it again

stay mad warrgin

>wasted my 20s play World of Warcraft
>can't wait to waste my 30s playing the exact same game!

Im not even going to play a warrior its just fucking annoying now.

>BIS weapon for entire game is a lvl 29 weapon (holy fuck that efficiency)
have fun farming gnomer every single day :) (unironically feral is comfy as fuck)

>warcraft br
>parachute out of zepplin
>goal is to clear MC
>rounds last for months
>pvp always enabled

the game was all about the community and the community is much different now. a whole new experience! enjoy all the zoomers whining about how the game isnt balanced and trannies about how they want blizzard to implement transmog system

Based and redpilled SwoleBenji gonna stream tonight after the gym.

Anyone still have that “Male human warrior.gif” of some bearded Redditor soimale making faces into his camera? Some guy used to post it all the time

dont all classes have to farm consumables for raiding anyhow, the real problem here is that gnomer is the worst dungeon by far in vanilla

easy to filter, watch this
/ignore (shift+click name)
press enter


Project Ascension is better even with its flaws and cash shop

>you will fear me

indeed I will

t. warlock

>>BIS weapon for entire game is a lvl 29 weapon (holy fuck that efficiency)
What weapon?

literally what, im going to have to google that
btw ESO is the best mmo out right now imho


>ESO is the best mmo out right now
That would be FFXI Eden but ESO is 3rd after ascension.
ESO is the best retail MMO right now by a mile though. Shame about weaving, hate that shit so I quit playing.

Being 16 in 2004 = 31 in 2019.
Nah, yeah.

you better hope he wont be playing undead

you mean the whole light attack between every ability? do i really have to do that, not max level yet

What class/race combo do negroids play?

You are a zoomer faggot if your first MMO was this streamlined casual dogshit.

Human Warrior

The game isnt designed with it in mind but if you want to do your "best" its expected. It isnt hard after some practice, but man I just cant enjoy it.

Classic. Home.

Attached: 35.png (1920x1080, 2.87M)

(Gutterspeak) LOL

>the real problem here is that gnomer is the worst dungeon
That's a funny way of spelling Mara

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troll warrior mon, keep away from da voodoo

>stay away from da voodoo
Will do man
>big tiddy troll
>come get da voodoo
Hold up

OP here, my first modern mmo was actually lineage 2 but im not here to tell you about my life

well shit, i hate light attack spam too

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How soon are players going to be running MC?
The first week, the second?
I think the main issue I'm worried about is getting as many runs in as possible to get geared before phase 2's honor system.

I refuse to believe a level 29 weapon from Gnomergan is BiS for druids.

Anyone got the data on that?

okay maybe i just hate gnomes, i didnt think mara was too bad tho

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dont trust da female succubi they will drain your life force mon

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very nice, keep em coming

Yes actually.

>what is google

Have sex.

Spread 'em.

take your own advice

I always wondered who this mysterous "have sex" poster is.

I was driving home from the supermarket today and I was thinking of all the epic Yea Forums posts I come across, and the "haxe sex" guy came up. I was like "Man that dude is dedicated to the meme." I even saw some faggot bitching about how he filters "have sex" (Only cunts use filters.)

I even thought how I saw the "have sex" post and then minutes later banged my gf, like it reminded me to fuck.

I started to feel empathy for all the 4channers who have no gf and can't get the sex. Do they feel sadness reading that post, or do they just load up their favorite motherless video and beat off to it?



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There will be classic news tomorrow ss this

Week 3 for the fastest people with organized guilds, week 7 or 8 for the first pugs, week 12 for most people. Average playtime from 1 to 60 was 11 days on Nost, but that's with a bunch of autists who have done it a million times making up like 30% of the population, make it 13 days for Classic and it will be more realistic. That's time played, so that's like 3 months just to finish leveling for people who aren't playing 12 hours a day.

does jacking off count as sex now

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my first MMO was dransik but I was all around wow in 2005, being 12

the retail and meta faggots are going all out

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thank god im an adult with a job now so i can just pay some chinese farmer to grind my toon to 60

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If it's free [spoier](it won't be)[/spoiler] I will play religiously. Azeroth is like my virtual home where I grew up just like the meme. I am an exile, wandering the wastes of free-to-play games due to poorfaggotry.

yeah its a fucking war out there and the only winner is blizzard because free shilling for their fuckold game

afaik it's just a wow sub

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its confirmed that you can play retail to make gold and then buy wow tokens from AH for your classic gametime

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t.seething horde cuck, where is your shoes horde nigger?

On the offhand chance you are still in the thread, Mage. Handing out food and portals to random is how you become friends with everyone, and of course AoE farm together with people.

its free as long as youre willing to grind gold in retail to pay for wow tokens, because classic and retail share the same account/sub/gametime

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>female dwarf shadow priest
have fun being kited :)

>when it starts raining and the fog rolls in
this shit was so fucking comfy

my pointy toes made holes in them but im still wearing them you smelly manlet gnome

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Can you imagine the token price hike that'll occur if that'll work/happen?

You have no idea what vg is for do you

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>doing things my way
>doesn't do things his way
What did he mean by this?

Your meme has gone on long enough. We just shut up the pallytard who kept posting that webm and now we have to see this essay every fucking thread

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It's basically a consumable. 3 charges of +50% attack speed, 30 seconds a pop. The weapon itself is nothing special.

especially because you can practically do legal RMT in classic now, you buy and gift them a wow token for retail and they will give you whatever you want in classic without having to fear to get banned

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that's a really nice picture


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classic was full of bad design choices yet its still more fun than retail, how can you fuck up this hard



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i mean making it so druids melee attack doesnt scale with his equipped weapon was a mistake

Its a weapon that breaks after 3 uses. Druids have to farm them in order to hold aggro but even then its still not as good at getting aggro on top of the fact that bear druids have nothing for crushing blows or crits.

>tfw no tauren mommy gf

Why dont you go visit vg and see what people talk about there

Druids are fine on threat, they farm the mace for dps.

dont druids have a bigger hp pool to make up for it tho

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Was crushing blows always a thing? Thought that got added with TBC. Or was it a hidden thing that never showed up in the basic combat log?

i swear im gonna hit on every fucking fem tauren i encounter in game, my ex played fem tauren too

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tranny stuff? why didnt they make /vg/ nsfw yet, its obviously the way to go
16 strength for a feral druid at level 29 is fucking amazing considering their options pretty much suck across the board for that spec

I don't think that's so bad, but in the process they just made them scale like shit. No attack speed bonus, no dual wield, and they miss out on weapon progression (60 blue --> top epic is 32 dps per onehander, ~450 AP equivalent or ~800 for two of them).

Would've been fine if they just scaled harder with raw stats instead. I really don't like the D3 nonsense of basing everything on weapon damage.

Ok I'm done.

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always a thing and always showed

my biggest hold on playing is knowing that there's nothing to explore
all the min/max calculations have been made, all the content has been out and analyzed for over a decade
all the magic will be dead and gone, so what's the point?

>no dead kid quest giver
Man to be honest its nice that blizzard let that kid have his own quest and shit but it depresses the fuck out of me every time i pass him. I would prefer him not to be there

unless you're one of the only people who raided with both factions before cata (not many since you couldn't have both on the same server), there's always the other side of the game to explore
I've never played vanilla content as horde and played it twice as alliance (TBC and private server), so I'm going horde to see the other half of the faction quests

Aight. My memory is real fucking fuzzy on some technical details, as it has been well over 14 years. Mostly remember the dumb shit I did and the random people I did the dumb shit with.

that brought back a good feel

Druids have higher armor too but it doesnt really help them it just means the healers have to heal more because druid lack the abilies to dull massive damage

gotten my ass kicked by orange+ mobs one too many times to forget that one
never knew how it worked before 60 but goddamn did my warrior eat shit when out of his depth

I played a mage most of the time, so I learned pretty quick to not bother shit that were not yellow or green, cause one resist and they are in your face interrupting non-stop and resisting frost nova and the shit show never stops from there. My grammar is all over the place cause I'm tired and should head for the bed.

Here's a story for u lads

>me and 2 brothers playing originally
>warrior, paladin, and mage(me)
>get to lvl 17, get quest in Thelsamar: WANTED: Chok'sul
>see it says "group" and the quest is originally red, then turns orange at lvl 18
>absolutely terrified of this quest
>one night, decide to group together and go for it
>about a dozen wipes before we finally got to the back of the cave and got him down
>get back and turn in, best feeling ever
>still reminisce about it to this day with my bros even tho neither of them have played WoW since early BC

Attached: guts feelsgoodman.jpg (750x750, 98K)

>I played a mage

thanks bro

what do you mean explore, did you do all quests on both factions?

Hey, I handed out food, water and portals to anyone who asked for it. Buffed anyone I ran past. And I fire blasted other mages/casters mobs right before their spells hit so they'd get the aggro, but I'd get the loot and exp. I enjoyed it.

accept it

>everyone is at a different level so it's just either be drug through content to catch up to solo play
playing mmos with your RL/discord/whatever friends never works out well because of that very thing. SWL is especially bad because the quests are very long and very interesting and leave you with no desire to play through them again while your friends sit there and think about the puzzles

It is still a thing, now (since cata) all tanks just are immune to it.

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>And I fire blasted other mages/casters mobs right before their spells hit so they'd get the aggro, but I'd get the loot and exp

>And I fire blasted other mages/casters mobs right before their spells hit so they'd get the aggro, but I'd get the loot and exp
Absolutely fucking based

have sex

>Why yes, I only play wow vanilla, the white man's apex creation!
>How did you notice?
>Probably was my aryan white skin, evropean features, absurdly high IQ and proud national socialism
Hail Victory, Hail Classic, Hail Hitler and Hail Trump.

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There's one big thing I really hope they don't fuck up.

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These threads are getting really sad op.

i swear to god

And I polymorphed anyone that got the jump on me and did not oneshot me. And laughed all the way to the flightpath, because I never really bothered with PvP unless I was really in the mood. I later played a rogue and sapped everyone, for the full duration.

>>fuck this leveling is taking way too long
>>quit the game and go back playing wc3
Literally me desu.
Leveling is by far the worst part of 99% of games.

Looks the same. One is nighttime the other is daytime. What is there to fuck up?

I had sex with your mom last night kiddo

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blizzard needs to release classic as soon as possible before more bad news about actiblizzards general incompetence as a company destroys the little faith we had in them to not fuck this up

To add on this part, I did this most of the time around Tyr's Hand of all places. Ended up pissing of enough people that I was on half the servers KoS list for a good while.

those are both night time and that's the problem

They are both night time. No, not joking. One patch ruined it.

based fucker


Who in their right mind signed off on making the night look like day?
Who was even complaining abou tit? People with poor eyesight?

who knows. weather effects used to be much stronger too and some patch toned them down a lot which is a real shame

There's one infamous forum post floating around, someone will probably post it. Basically, someone bitched they never got to see daytime WoW because they worked all day and got home when the game was nighttime.

Hello son, you're a fucking casual. Get off Yea Forums and go do the dishes

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You're an Edy of Warcraft!

So I've never really touched rogue in PvP, I've leveled on retail with one but that was here and there and pretty much just questing and dungeons. I was gonna roll with a mage as I've enjoyed it throughout the years but after seeing how they both have good damage and good control I'm really torn since I've done mage for so long. I was a retarded kid during vanilla and between that and starting late I didn't come to fully understand mechanics and the game in general till tbc at 70. Can anyone tell me what one has over the other in vanilla? Stealth just seems so powerful and since would be a new experience it seems so alluring

Ohoho, looks like someone didn't wash their back!

Attached: it's DWARF time.jpg (1680x1050, 175K)

Reminder that democracy is the worst political system ever invented for this very reason.

I hope your mother chokes to death on a rank 1 frostbolt.

honestly this is a huge pet peeve of mine, why cant wow just make it like all other big mmos (GW2, ESO, FF14) and make an ingame day-night cycle that is not 24 hours

Thanks! Nice pictures bro

both are pretty good if you play on pvp servers, just flip a coin

"Hey Bob... i feel like warriors have a too good of a time leveling... what if we add a monster type that debuffs them occasionally at any level range..."

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How is Paladin levelling?

I made it to 60 with mage, priest and hunter.

RogueVsMage is really cat'n mice. If the mage knows a rogue/druid is around, they'll rank 1 AE till they reveal the fucker and then start the shit show with frost nova and whatever else they got after that from PoM Pyro/polymorph or eternal frost bolt spam. Or if the rogue gets the drop with sap/cheap shot/ambush/whatever, they win, I'd say if they know how to stunlock or just got the dps, win 75% of the time.

worse than all the classes you listed, unless you enjoy putting your toon on auto-attack while you do something else

cant you blink out of a stun in classic? i dont remember

all gold farming bots in vanilla were paladins, so if you plan on botting, paladin is your friend

Slow and steady, and, dare I say, Comfy

Attached: comfy.jpg (1680x1050, 381K)

Buff up with your 5min buff. Seal, judgement, Seal again and then afk till you judgement again. Going into reckoning and shield spikes is a meme that'll get you only so far till you wish you'd just rolled a mage instead for fast leveling. Was it called "Judgement" or "condemn" when you used seals on targets?

You must not be from classic, you fucks are Literal bootleg... EVERYTHING. The only thing you're allowed to do is heal, and that's because raids will take anyone willing to watch healthbars for 3 hours and not kill themselves, no matter how good they are at it.

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Where's the user that gave me some tips for Shaman equipment?
He said he had a list of good shit to not forget about while leveling, so I wonder if he's still around.

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Pretty sure you couldn't or it was a 0.001 timing between stuns. Could be a ping thing too, between players/server.


>Early 2005
>Same situation as OP
>However end up much overleveled
>End up having to make alts just to play without friends
>They quit anyway
>Forced to heal as pally (same shit)
>Quit until TBC allowed Prot to actually tank

3 people working odd hours complained they couldn't see shit

>Was planning elaborate mary sue backstory for a female Nelf druid this whole time
>Play male nelf druid on pserver
>Just feels right
>Character is designed in a way that she's intrinsically only likeable and makes sense as a girl so I can't retrofit it.
The best I can do beyond "some druid dude" is that he was a former highborne prince that got disowned or something.

Make him gay/bi/don't-give-a-shit-it's-cute-and-got-a-hole and just roll with it, if sexuality is a big part of the backstory. Or say he/she mastered transmorphication to a new level but forgot how to turn back to a chick.

>if its free
are you really so poor you cant afford to pay 15$ a month?

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Yeah that's what I'll probably end up doing, hell they should just build one in since this will most likely be half of people

Thanks, I like that both with skill can do pretty well and both end up sitting pretty in basically any aspect of the game

Blink removes stuns in Vanilla yes. Save it for Kidney btw if you Blink Cheap you're asking to get styled on

Welcome to the american millenial dream.

>not having multiple character
>have 1 that you level exclusively with your bros

Attached: me on the left but as a dwarf with a long red beard and a smile showing off my pearly whities for gr (909x1100, 331K)

Go rogue if you love the flavor and sneaking around being an asshole, but mage is one of the most well-polished and just fucking busted classes out there. No other class has the 1vX potential that a mage does. They have the control, the burst, and the tools(everything but ice block at a max 30s cooldown).

The answer is always Warrior, no matter what.

>People who didn't play vanilla have no clue how much of a grind it was.
and people who played vanilla will have the rose tinted glasses ripped off their head.
most of them are nostalgia fags because it gives them "veteran points" yet when they'll understand what hell it will be without all the qol improvements it will be a cold shower.
and then everyone will see that the 12 years old player (the kind they hate because they still have the ability to have fun) will outskill them due to reflexes, they will bitterly leave, ranting about how "well it's not EXACTLY like before so yeah, do not want haha"
I can't wait

What is the most furfag race/class combo in vanilla?

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mage > warrior

night elf male druid

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Burning crusade is my favorite expansion, both for the Spacegoats and the happy medium that Hybrids hit, with there being a "one slot per raid" Position open for them due to buffs, but they could still compete for decent dps.

female night elf druid

Oh boy, oh BOY i cant wait. Imma be the most chill tauren druid you have EVER seen. Need a run through a dungeon, no problem, need some cash for some help, i gotchu dont worry about it. High lvls ganking you, i gotchu, ill come fend them off so you can quest. Guild leader having marital problems and having a break down in raid, ill pay for his couple therapy so we can get that boss down.. I will be there for you all.

Sexuality isn't part of the backstory at all, it's just that a sleepy amnesiac with a super secret dragon goddess princess past isn't passable unless you're a cute girl. So I'm gonna do something similar but more masculine by having my Druid be Griffith-esque. Which is still pretty gay.

Depends on how rush to 60 autist you are. If you do some dungeons while leveling the Important weapons are Mace from WC, Corpsemaker from RFK, Ravager from SM Arm, Mace from Inner Mara (or Pendulum if you get ultra lucky in Uldaman)

Leather/Mail is pretty straight forward, AP>Agi>Str generally for Enh. There's a few big ticket pieces like Triprunners from the Gnomer quest or the Naga Gloves in BFD that'll last you a good long while (Herod's shoulder)

>tauren are legit furry race, kinda hot too
>night elves have the better cat form

Fem tauren druid.
You are like double furry

lol da fuck is this?

the boringerest

warrior+healer>your whole bg group

6 or 8 hour cycles would let everyone experience all the times of day pretty efficiently without being so fast that it looks like minecraft day cycles

My Bovine Bretheren! as a priest I can promise to not pester you for innervate (cause I know you got my back) or hesitate to let you go full Bearmode in dungeons when we chillin.

no it isn't

you're so far from being wrong it's hilarious. a good mage/warlock or even mage/rogue or mage/mage will destroy a warrior/healer combo every day.

Fuck off, real time day night cycle is kino and more gameplay elements should be tied to it. I'm still waiting for a game that does that AND real time seasons.

what the fuck are we, arenas now?
one quick FAP > 40 mages > Ragnaros

cant wait to farm up winter squid like crazy and sell them over the summer

kill yourself and your unfunny forced jokes

I'd like to set up refrigerated storage for over the summer months.

Exactly, you need them for the summer boss that only appears when it's +35C ingame during day, they'll be in high demand!

As long as you had fun in that one month.
Don't let other dictate how you should play a game.

>a furycuck asks for an invite to RFK
>tell him "sure thing buddy! we got all the quests, we'll be waiting at entrance."
>he shows up
>slowly and methodically we all start to ask him why he doesn't have a shield
>he private msgs me "bro I thought you guys knew."
>respond with "?"
>he tries to defend himself to us, begging us to take him, and that he can tank even without a shield.
>we all /laugh and his /begging ass.
>warlock looks towards the instance portal and /whistles
>A Druchad reveals himself to us all from stealth.
>the Warrnigger immediately goes into meltdown mode
>he tries bribing us with 5g each but we simply click out the trade window
>finally he begins to understand his place in this world.
>he drops group and simply runs towards the elites just before the entrance....and dies.

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[spoilers] [/spoilers]]

Based and greenpilled.

Attached: classic_druid_world_pvp.gif (386x247, 2.53M)

Die in hell.

Lol this pasta always triggers the shit out of warkids.

>things that will never happen

You better start changing your attitude quick and start practicing typing out your /w begging every warriorchad that formed their own group if you can dps. Hopefully you are willing to offer your girlfriend to the bull or else

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I'm rolling a druid with the specific intent to be a healer wearing sexy robes and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

How to spot the liar

between all the downtime, many quest actually requiring you to read them so you know what the fuck you actually had to do, you could've take it "slow"

Your friends either played way too much or you barely played the game

Hey man, thanks for the info!
So I will be using pretty much only 1H maces and 2H axes during my leveling time?

Yeah, yes.

kek I gank rogues six lvls higher than me for lulz

7spoiler)ur dong it wrong{\spoilers=

Thank you warrior.
Good thing Rock can't find scissors because scissors is invisible.

I have to agree with the first guy, if WoW was your first MMO you're a zoomer. Boomers played Runescape, Priston Tale, Ragnarok Online and a bunch of free to play Asian MMOs before WoW. WoWs release is right around the start of zoomers. People who's favorite games are Vanilla WoW, Oblivion, Halo 3, COD4 etc are all zoomers.

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sorry can't hear you over this pile of dead druids

since he said he played a paladin, common sense says he leveled slow as fuck and statistically his friends were probably one of the five classes that don't suck at questing, thus leaving him in the dust. even being 5 levels ahead in this game is a huge divide as far as partying up is concerned

[BEGINSPOILERS] how can you fuck this up? [ENDSPOILERS]

>16 strength for a feral druid at level 29 is fucking amazing considering their options pretty much suck across the board for that spec

It's for the active, not the stats. 50% increased attack speed for 30s is the biggest dps/threat boost for feral druids.

Pretty much. Pendulum of Doom is a 2h mace that's Absurd but also impossibly rare. Flurry/WF incentivize slower 2h, though there are spots where if you get a good 1h and there's no readily available 2h 1h/shield works out. Before WF Flametongue with a fast dagger is the best and if you just like havin a shield you can keep that up all the way to 60 since it's a bit more weapon agnostic than WF

I honestly feel like I'm forgetting an important something somewhere after Ravager - idk it probably drops in BRD everything fuckin drops in BRD

oh boy, here we go again

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how much it took you in real time.

>Pendulum of Doom is a 2h mace

Attached: 1549681701143.png (249x424, 84K)

94 hours in paint
that's not me, dumbass

isnt that like a full day faster than his best legit vanilla time? dang

Best professions for leveling as rogue?

This is literally a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot. Why?

>Poopsocking to 60

Imagine having this little soul

yeah, for a first attempt that's pretty slick
sounds like he took 2 weeks to do it though, so gotta deduct a bit of rested

damn wasn't his last record 4 days and 20hrs? shaving an entire day of played time seems crazy. wonder if he did it on a low pop realm.

>can't recognize that delicious youtube compression
step your game up


You shit. You absolute cockup. I cant believe the fucking wheelbarrow you have to carry your balls around in to try to slip by saying mara is worse than gnomer.

1. Gnome is literally full of stinky smelly gnomes
2. So much just bullshit that you can get lost in. Stupid scripted events.
3. All the way in dwarf town. How the fuck is a horde party getting there?

1. Absolute fucking kino when you bust past the poison falls into the primordial untouched beauty. One of my favorite places in wow.
2. Bad ass fucking mongol ghost Khan's. Hell yes.
3. You get to kill my mom.

The answer is obvious, mara is the thinking man's dungeon, I wouldn't wish farming gnomer on my worst enemy

how fast was this autists IRL times?

so much trufe in dis nigga post

anyone wanna watch me level on twitch?

kill yourself benny

everything should be based on weapon damage



...meanwhile on my hunter

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how do you "play well" in a game where you press 3 numbers and whoever has spent the most hours getting imaginary items with the biggest numbers wins?

don't feel bad 8 days is above average. 3 days playtime to 60 is just fucking crazy. awesome that it's done, but i would never be able to do it

I hate this faggot and his queerish guides so much. Imagine actually unironically using a guide for a 14 years old MMO. Imagine actually rushing your way to 60 instead of enjoying wpvp, doing professions, grinding low level dungeons for a piece of gear you're going to replace in 4 levels. Imagine actually wanting to join a raiding guild and raidlogging to clear MC and BWL for 1001 time. Imagine actually wanting to find a preraid full of mentally ill europeans with ego issues and grind for months to get a r14.

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yeah I've never seen a 7.X time myself

>rush to 60
>go to lakeshire
>literally no one to stop you because there are no other 60s

my first MMO

Attached: Endless+Online+Rogue.jpg (640x480, 92K)

they brought back classic? Can I hope in with my raid geared level 60 warrior that I used to fuck shit up on after like 3 expansions I didn't buy passed? It was completely unfair and fun as fuck.

Imagine having this few socks.

>low key rush to 60
>all enemy players just run past you because nobody wants to get caught in the "wave"
this shit is pretty funny phenomenon desu.

>Pick game
>Friends want to metagame
>Want to play it comfy
If you want to metagame in vanilla, you look up a talent build and get like minded friends/niggas to do it with, each filling out a part/raid core then adding others to fill in other niches(regnant farming, 300/300 alch, enchanting,etc) Or you meta for PVP(Or both really)

If you want to play it comfy, do it. Just play the game and enjoy the atmosphere of it all

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Fear>Will of Forsaken>Death Coil>PVP trinket>Fear again
Rogue is now dead

>pvp trinket death coil

>That list
Not him, but you are a zoomer if your first MMOs weren't some sort of MUD or Everquest

>Dont use it
>get hit with soul fire

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Look up death coil and pvp trinket on some classic database.

No class trinket removes Horrify effects in Vanilla you absolute fucking retard

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Never seen bunch of lowbies team up and dispatch level 60 in green gear, eh?

Reminder that rushing to 60 and minmaxing is unironically the worst way you could possibly play the game
>get to 60 super fast, re-run the same dungeons 100s of times to get every little tiny upgrade so you're "pre-raid bis"
>shit all over MC anyways cause its piss easy
>proceed to shit on BWL also when it releases
>continue doing these raids on a weekly basis, but you've run out of content cause you rushed past all the fun content on your way to max so you stay bored as fuck the rest of the time

you're basically just playing the game like you would retail. dont be a virgin minmax autist

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does anyone have any good ganking/griefing youtube playlists

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this is false.
those lowbies will kick your ass.

>pvp trinket
>Remove fear
>Death coil
>3 second fear
I played Warlock in retail classic on about 3 private servers
It was probably the best class to handle a rogue outside of a geared warrior that can just throw down

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Aight anons, my two friends are rolling a warrior and a pally (ret/holy hybrid). What class that's not a mage should I roll with them that can do damage but support them? (help them catch up to targets, supportive damage, cc, anything rly)

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Taking it slow and minmaxing sounds fun though.
>Spend every ten levels getting to full twink mode for that bracket hunting rare and powerful items all over the world.
>At every 9 you go around wreaking havoc on the enemy faction.
Minmaxing at max level sounds gay as fuck and tedious though.

This. I played UO, EQ, DAoC, SWG and Asheron's Call, not to mention the MUDs that I dabbled with before WoW came along. All these kids pretending to be boomers because they played vanilla WoW. Just lol.

based comfy poster, we going home

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thats just twinking tho. diff from minmaxing. similar ideology, but not as autistic and its in pvp so 10x more chad

>private server babby doesn't even know the difference between fear and horrify

ummmm sweaty...

didn't he have a video where he rolled over durotar with a souped up mage? or was that someone else?

Hunter, Rogue or Warlock. Hunter is the most based of the three.

wwhens classic

I love the way stealth works in WoW, sneaking around an alliance city looking for erpers to burst. Good times.

>not mage
could go destro lock, would be some crazy focus fire and a lot more reliable cc than a hunter

that was pretty good ty user
idk heres a video of him rolling over durotar with a lvl 8 pally twink

He had one with a level 8 paladin raid boss. Paladins are a downhill spiral past level 8, but for that one level they are the most powerful class in the game.

how would you say warlocks fare in world pvp at lower level, especially when trying to twink for bgs at 29,39, and 49? i dont really know shit about warlocks

warlocks are fucking nasty at low levels.


I don't know. Destro is kind of shit until you can get some crit, so that's a no-go. But they scale pretty well with health, so I could see siphon life being kind of nasty. At least as long as you're not up against too many twinks, don't see where you'd get the damage to compete with physical twinks.

hunter is least fun to play class in vanilla wow
and is stays like this until wotlk

Eviscerate does STATIC damage


what the fuck does zoomer even mean then? is it just the new "normie"/"normalfag"?

Alliance Warlocks really like to have Death Coil because of undead so it'll be weaker than usual until the 49 bracket. With good support it shouldn't be a deciding factor though. For leveling with friends they're less comfy because of how self sufficient they already are alone.
Kiting in between auto attacks is fun. All the systems with pets and ammo are also really interesting. It's kind of a silly thing to say when priests, sub 60 ungeared warriors and paladins exist.

Avoid any Yea Forums newfag that tries to invite to to their discords/circlejerks
Just look at speedonvhs and adamantium here

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pvt server faggots confirmed for brainlets

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It's not going to be the same, everyone already have vanilla mapped out, people will min max day one and only do things that benefit them, raiding dungeons will be beaten within a week

I got literelly 8 days 0 minutes /played on a warrior on northdale. I'm still HEATED about not getting sub 8

Yea Forums should coordinate as to which server we are all going to play on

As cool as it sounds it almost never happens. Most of the time it's just bitching in general until 60's show up and kill the ganker, or the ganker leaves.

I think that's fine if other mechanics are in order. Of course, in the case of classic druids, they're not. The gnomer weapon is silly and shouldn't exist, though (druids should just be better to compensate).

Whatever you do, don't play with Yea Forums or /vg/ guilds if you treasure your drama and faggotry-free environment.

This but so I can avoid it

RP-PVP is the only type that would have something for everyone. Also voice chat has to be mandatory to weed out trannies.

Fuck I really just want a group of four absolute bros to adventure with slowly and in character the entire way through.

It's really not that bad, those some "veterans" you mentioned have a habit of badly exaggerating how hardcore it is. Just leveling to 60 at a decent pace takes a long time but it's not some massive turbo grind as long as you're not playing a warrior or leveling in a healing spec or something.

>raiding dungeons will be beaten within a week
Faster. Every raid except Molten Core will be beaten the day they unlock, tops 2 days. This has been achieved on private servers and retail classic will be more organized and have more serious players. MC will take longer because you need to warm bodies to fill up the raid obviously.


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look at this chad reminding us of the good old days and his experience playing 5 other MMO's 15 years ago

For me, it's Warlock Tier 3

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Have to agree with this.

Gnomeregan is comfy fight me.

How much better do you think enhance would have been in Vanilla if they had dual wield?

God tier
High Tier
Mid Tier
Ehhhhhhh Tier

Still has problems lol

They don't?

On that note, I know it's not vanilla, but when are exotic beast taming and dual wielding two handers in the game?

they would be op.
enhancement is fine as it is. i think that leveling as shaman is one of the comfiest things there is

Anyone a literal boomer dadgamer here? I may have a family and a job but nothing can stop me from playing classic for at least 1.5 hours every second day!

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I'm 27 and I've never had a job or even held hands

So I have 0 knowledge of the actual game, but I really dig how this set looks (aside the dumb looking lightning rods on the shoulders).
How much of a waste of time would it be to actually get it?

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wtf are you a catababby?

I still remember looking at this set on Wowead 10 years ago and admiring the shit stats. It's definitely the worst dungeon set.

Damn I was hoping BC. I started playing in Vanilla but I didn't get to max level until Cata because I was too much of an RPfag to actually play the game, I would just stealth and explore all the expansion's zones while horrifically underleveled.

Hah really? That blows.
But good to know, thanks man.
What would you recommend me to aim for? I do like how it looks, but if its useless, then might as well get something else.

You and me brah.

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Pally has to wear dress in endgame ya?

It's not a waste of time if it looks cool.

>spending 5 years to get level cap
I don't believe it

Judgement is a dress and it's the best set in the game even if you include retail.

warrior t2 is absolutely based imo but fuck playing warrior
I plan on rolling the most braindead class, though I havent decided yet if that's hunter or warlock

As far as looks i don't know but it depends how you wanna play, there's a lot of spell damage gear in Dire Maul when that launches in phase 2.

the ten storms I had all but shoulders when I quit

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>>quit the game and go back playing wc3


that's d1, also called t0 sometimes. you can get entire set in a day if you're really lucky or never get it because head or some other piece just wont drop. stats are really bad for shaman and it all drops in 5 mans except for shoulders and chest, still people don't really want that since there are much better gear stat wise from same dungeons so there wont really be competition(who even takes two shamans to 5 man?), you can get 2/8 just from auction house

Putting looks aside, Is there any set or piece of equipment that I should be looking for while leveling?
I think I'm gonna be doing enh all the way to 60 anyways.

You'll most likely pick up most of the pieces as you farm for actually useful pre-raid.
I always liked how it looked also.
pic related

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It took me until BC was ending to get to 40 and wrath to 58. My level of casual-ness was hardcore in itself. Playing WoW for the gameplay in the first place is pretty gay. I just wanted to explore and do fun shit like getting to bloodsail admiral at level 42.

>playing vanilla wanting to look cool

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Left is the reality if you're a bad enuf dude to get rank 14.

T2 lock/rogue and T3 priest/mage are the best looking sets in the game

Oh no, don't get me wrong, I understand how the gearing looks endgame.
I played FFXI, so I understand the feeling of looking like a jabroni for the best stats, but getting a set or two while leveling up is always fun, having leveling goals makes the grind more bearable, and that's why I am asking.

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>players make fun of retail for skill prune
>still a lot more buttons than classic

Attached: Untitled-2.png (800x465, 320K)

weak bait

>extra button for stealth
>toys and memes
>5 hearth stones
>pickpocket and detect traps on main bar
>other irrelevant
>multiple stealth only spells during unstealthed state
yeah nice try

>far right
>main bar

>ignoring that the main bar still has more combat abilities than the 60 rogue
I guess lucky I didn't include the pvp-only skills, since the 60 already blown the fuck out without them.

>no gouge
>no distract
>no expose armor
>no backstab
>no sinister strike
>no eviscerate (wtf?)
>no poison making
>hearthstones & rings in the bag slot ???
>9 macros and spam of knives

Attached: bullshit1.jpg (720x439, 47K)

you can start getting the scarlet monastery set around level 37 or so. it's good for enhancement at 40 once you can wear mail. only issue is that you're going to be competing with a lot of warriors and other shamans and retarded hunters for it.

>warmode not turned on so many pvp skills not shown
>getting mad over bag bar shown when included in 60 image also

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>Roll Dwarf and deal with trannies, especially if TBC comes out
>Roll UD and have to deal with other UDfaggots and then BEs in TBC
Honestly i just want to roll a dwarf priest, but i've played Alliance since Vanilla

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easily hunter. warlocks are good but hunter literally just send in pet and auto shot. hell, most of the time your pet can just solo shit anyways so you can afk

Thank god Classic is always on warmode lel.

Got it, thanks man.

hard disagree but to each their own i guess. i feel like mage and priest are probably the two weakest in all of vanilla, but they both got good sets in BC, albeit priest much better

you really just equip whatever you manage to get from quests and dungeons

Trannies are unavoidable unless you make your own tranny free guild. They're just as likely to be playing horde races as ally ones.

Reminder that if you plan on rolling PvE server you may aswell just stick to BfA.

What's Alliance like? Never played Alliance, ever. Always played Horde (Tauren). Never played a class that Taurens can't play either.

ok Mr Blizzard shill

i think warlock is smoother if you have a decent understand of how it functions because you dont need ammo, pet food, etc. both are like s tier though so the differences are small

the absolute state of retailfags

ok carebear shitter

Yeah but Fem NElves brings them out, until you get Draenei and BE in TBC

Comfy, but too passive for my taste in PvP. I assume Horde is similar, but younger

>too passive for my taste in PvP
please elaborate.
all the tryhards go alliance

>I'm playing undead because they look cool and wotf is OP
>I'm playing female nelf warrior because I'm fucked in head btw come discord for ERP oops almost chocked on my HRT pill haha I'm so clumsy uwu

sure, but the point is which one is easier, and its definitely hunter. they both are about as good at doing solo content, but hunter is about as braindead as it gets.

Giantstalker is tops but only on dwarves.

>nelf warrior when superior human exist

>mfw i sneak into the hidden district in Stormwind

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Horrendous taste

i'm going to pvp, not look pretty
my taste is just fine

>played dwarf warrior
>got him to high warlord
>raiding gear was shit and took too ong so I didn't bother
>quickly realized alliance is full of faggot players

>leveled a undead mage
>leveled to 60 in almost 1/6th the time of my warrior
>got high warlord again

>was unstoppable killing machine for both

>look into he new classic
>see the patch number
>morons are actually running warrior and mage now

Sorry if you want the true warrior an mage experience it's not in 1.12. 1.12 is so fucking late in vanilla that all the time mage and warrior were amazing doesn't fucking matter.

I'm going to roll a warlock this time. For many reasons...
>the actual best dueling spec
>best solo class
>largely needed in raids all the time
>being able to summon people is the most lucrative money maker in 2019 in the time of inpatient Zoomers.

I am not fucking kidding you when I say I am going to have my epic mount at 60 within a fucking week. And all you morons are going to miss out playing dumbass warrior and mage.

Literally 1 gold per summon... And I will sit at a particular location waiting. No, no gold makers guide will fucking tell you they want you fucking morons mining or killing stupid shit ignoring this potential.

why would trannies be in tbc? Is it that ghey?

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I'm going to play a human priest and spec holy, dont gank me.

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I think warlock has it easier dealing with sudden adds and the like. Three orange mobs are like nothing.
He can even revive (feign death is probably better, but soulstone is useful to other people too)

Things that didn't happen and things that won't happen for 500

where's that, what happens there

Attached: troll warrior fury.jpg (737x660, 150K)

>lvl 80

>rolling a troll warrior

Fucking moron

you reasons suck tbqh
>>the actual best dueling spec
no rewards other than ego boosting and gold if you agreed to duel for it
>>best solo class
that's a hunter, warlock soloing peak is mara but hey I can do that as a mage
>>largely needed in raids all the time
not as largely as one may imagine
>>being able to summon people is the most lucrative money maker in 2019 in the time of inpatient Zoomers.
yeah but you CAN'T summon alone, you need other people to click portal. good luck ever getting any money from that

rogues had a different rotation in assassination vs combat vs sub in WotLK

skill pruning didn't really happen until later

>being this much of a zoomer faggot

Did you ever ask yourself why warlocks are always the richest players. Did you know warlocks are banned from competitive duels on classic servers because soul link is broken as fuck??

frost is for pussies

im going to burn all of you fuckers

Attached: fire.jpg (630x383, 51K)

>"Hey Bro, lemme enchant that wep for you for free to help you out a bit while leveling. Oh, no need for a tip, here take this 1g to help with some wep training and spells. Need a run through WC? I gotchu."

Attached: tauren bro.jpg (534x615, 124K)

>im going to burn all of you fuckers
up until the moment you hit 60 and realize than in order to progress further you need to be frost

You only contested his last statement. And that is really easy to solve in finding a random person near a flight point that takes 1 minute or less.

>every streamer is going to play warrior again in classic
>asked what class they would play if not warrior
>they all say warlock
>all say warlocks are broken pieces of grieving shit in 1.12

that god tier taste
>mfw played rtc wolfenstein alone because poor and no internet, but just wanted to check out that awesome flamethrower
>mfw played against PODbots on de_rats

Attached: boomer pc.jpg (633x640, 51K)

Tauren should be Alliance

>pve progression

fuck pve. you can take this fireball and shove it deep in that weak ass

ok cool
*gets summoned*
*doesn't pays back*
ciao loser

>I am not fucking kidding you when I say I am going to have my epic mount at 60 within a fucking week
Yeah it's doable.

I don't buy your "double hwl" story though.

They really should. They don't belong on the evil faction.

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>the 12 years old player (the kind they hate because they still have the ability to have fun) will outskill them due to reflexes

but 12 year olds have slower reflexes than 30y old boomers since their nerves are literally not yet fully developed. they lack full myelinisation.


>vanilla class balance is shit
>people latch on to one of the three viable classes
woah no fucking way

4.4k health. 150+ Shadow Damage. 9/31/0

Warlock is legitimately the most overwhelmingly OP 49 twink with 1.12 itemization. My First alt is gonna be a 49 lock twink and I've got all of Phase1/2 to prep for it.

This is the stupidest thing I've read yet

>fire mage
What a dumb faggot

>fire mages nerfed to ground in previous patch
>can't do any damage in first 2 raid tiers
>literally no survival talents

POM mage was good before 1.12 zoomer faggot. Ahahahahahahba

>a random person

And most people will go "sry" or not respond at all. Now you're spending 5 minutes to gain 1g, after which you try to find another person to summon. You'll probably make 5g/h

"Quality of life improvement" is the most entertaining expression to me. That's what they call the progressive watering down of every fun and unique game mechanic.

>fuck pve
well, then say goodbye to good gear for pvp as well

>no dual specs
>"fun and unique game mechanic"

Same thing happened with Monster Hunter and people started calling it "Quality of Life" on the day the trailer got released, I swear people saying that are legitimate paid shills.

That part is easy to explain. My dwarf warrior was on a somewhat dead server called lightings blade. It's 100% dead now and half the reason I changed servers and went horde. The server now is literally a ghost zone. It was really easy to get high warlord the first time.

Second time I also stupidity went to a dead server called homarush and got high warlord again. I sever transfered in BC to bleeding hollow.

>"dual spec good"

Attached: varg punch.jpg (734x729, 315K)

>dual spec bad

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Don't bro....

>dual spec bad

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MonHun 4U is arguably the best in the series. PSP boomers get fucked.

Just glossed over this warmode shit. Only trannycraft could come up with this shit. Can't wait until we're home.

if you like dual spec so much then just don't play classic?

Are you retarded? Lore wise the alliance are racist to beast races. In the novels varian wanted to kill the worgen on sight because he saw them as beast.

Alliance are not good guys moron.

I'm talking about World here, the first thing people bring up to defend it is "Quality of life"

why not have all talents by default?!

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I don't know about the later lore but in Classic they are objectively evil.

it's not about what I like or don't like, it's about pretending like quality of life is just a meme phrase. I could point to guild bank and removal of dishonor points as two other positives, but you know... meme phrase.

>not just getting rank 10 for ur gear

have fun backpedaling and casting 1 ability to farm free epics that make u feel good when you'll inevitably still get shit on in world pvp

de_rats is legend

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I'm still upset they won't be using the original vanilla client.

we gonna cook your brains mon

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You're lucky they even let you respec at the trainer zoom-zoom...

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there will be no pvp gear in phase 1, if you dont want to get facerolled you will have to do pve.

Getting rank 10 pvp gear is better than any gear in MC or bwl. And it is not till AQ 40 when you get decent gear to compare to the pvp gear. And even then AQ40 was the first none casual raid that took many many hours to finish. Good luck spending 40 minutee per pull on some bosses just to get gear comparison to rank 10 pvp gear.

i'm 42

I actually remember your list. good taste

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Physically maybe.

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Troll warrior is legit maybe the ONLY warrior race on horde that sucks.

>undead pvp
>orc pve dps
>Tauren tanks

Troll is fucking trash.

I can't wait for you to open up with everything only for me to DORF you right in the fucking head.

troll for threat actually

>got high warlord on mage and warrior
>able to transmog the gear on all my mages and warriors in retail

It's the only transmog I wear that gives me (you)'s when standing around in a city.

Especially if you wear the alliance warrior shoulders.

you are deluded

hence why internet trolls are called trolls, they're the best at generating rage

orc pve is the best dps if you can use axes, but most tanking weapons aren't. troll is the only race that has some kind of tool to improve their dps as warrior making them good at generating threat.

Yeah that 5% more beast damage is sure gonna be handy at the three or four beast raid boss the game has. Oh wait, you didn't mean berserking, did you? That racial is fucking shit, has a 3 min cd and costs rage on top of it. Orc's +5 to axe makes them easily the best threat tank in the game.

i like how 50% of people on Yea Forums were r14

No it doesn't get you (you)s considering literally ANYONE with 1800 in RBGs can use the same set.
I really wish this wasnt the case though as I also have it from my og 60.

Attached: Wow_2018-09-06_14-45-37.png (879x859, 1.42M)

Do retail zoomers even know what that armor is anymore?

Threat should not be a problem... And if it is it is the retarded dps fault.

All tanks are spec to arms/fury for threat generation anyway...

haha this comment really pogged my kappas pepeclap and pog champs

>what is speedrunning clear times

>rated battlegrounds

Ya dude try to get 1800 rating in rated bgs. It ain't easy either. No one plays them.

Twitch emotes should be integrated into Classic chat.

Those are Murkblood Avenger's Legplates on the left, that's an Outland Clownsuit and you know it

Yeah it really is easy dude. Sorry.
I did get 2000 in rbgs just by playing a holy priest and using a group finder addon.m

>+5 to axe is the best forgerating rage
What the hell are you talking about
1. Brezerking is better for rage than a +5 axe skill
2. There are hardly any onehanded tanking axes in the game and non are top tier or even good
Im not even a troll fag im just pointing out how retarded you are

Even if that is thr case. Troll is still the fucking worst option moron. Blood fury is better.

what are you so mad about you dumb kid

>gets called out


Who does well against hunters during leveling, and at 60?

Which class fucks over mages the hardest?

I wonder which one I should pick, hmm.
or here. I wonder which one is better.
Yeah I think I'll go with the pvp gear.

And those are the good slots. Don't make me go into necklaces and shit.

based and MMOpilled

I have never ever in the history of this game ever hear of a person wanting to roll a troll for any reason from vanilla to lich king. There is even a funny animation made in 2006 making fun of a noob female player rolling a troll warrior.

>Female Tauren
>Female Night Elf
>Male Undead

These are pretty accurate, from my personal experience.

All I do is browse Classic threads, I actually started having dreams about Classic.

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none of you kids player warcraft 2, let alone warcraft

This + watching WoW videos

How exactly 18 years old kid who played warcraft 2 in 2019 and enjoyed it is different from a 75 years old fart who managed to play it in 90s?

Who else here is rolling the epitomy of a chad class, Dwarf Hunter, for classic?

Im rolling the most bro of bro classes, tauren druid. If i see you out in the field, ill do a /nod at you and let you go on your way, but if you start something with any of my lowbie friends. we got a problem to work out

As a casual player, I'm thinking of going Tauren Feral Druid.

>rolling the first character you see in the first trailer
impressionable zoomer tier, not actually chad

Don't worry bud, I only wish to kill rogueniggers. So you know, 75% of the people playing undead.

Honestly really true. They should mention that undead males are good at pvp.

Also yes every orc female is a fucking God at this game. They are always the best players. If it is a orc female warrior tank get ready for a literal GOD. They are never female players.

Solid choice until 60. Pretty fun to level.

Why in vanilla screenshots do I see so many people with their autoattack bound to 1? Did they not know they could take it off their bars? Was canceling autoattack something you did often?
t. wrathbaby

The Horde has access to a robust and fully itemized loot table for boots. This post promotes prejudicial stereotypes about a particular faction and will be reported if seen in-game.

one thing about locks in WoW that pissed me off is how they can't gas juden, like orc locks in Orcs & Humans could.

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yep not bad

AKA me. Good luck faget, you won't even see me cumming.

I'm rolling undead warlock and going to grief low level players everywhere at level 60 in my free time.


likewise friend, tribes is connoisseur taste.

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>track stealth
>hunters mark
Nice try r*gue, hope you enjoy being a hardy meal for my pet.

Well feral cat. I play feral on retail. Been doing research but I probably won't get into raiding since I've never played classic before. So I'll probably just pvp or do other stuff.


To me it isn't

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>Runescape, Priston Tale, Ragnarok Online
fuck off, that's zoomer garbage. everquest is the king of mmos

you on da hex list mon

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Yeah but objectively the worst lore in the game

super lame flavour

I was pretty hyped but after fucking around on private servers and crap it's just not there anymore.

>go ele, consistently blow people the fuck up
>go enh, blow people up but not as consistently as ele. still badass as fuck
>go resto, 2nd most sought after class for raid groups in guilds

Shaman is the most based class by far

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because game was new and people didn't knew how to macro yet

Yeah feral cat is what I meant.
You probably wouldn't raid as a feral in most guilds anyway, but if you're committed they make top tier flag runners in WSG. Pretty high skill ceiling there and very useful.

the only connoisseur taste races in WoW are troll for horde and dwarf for Alliance. You have to have high IQ to understand this though.

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>try to do raids/dungeons as ele or enhance
>haha, nice try faggot, better get that healer robe on
>cry and do so like the good sh*man you are


>buying Ultima 17k
>buying Baru 200k

you don't run flags as feral, you're resto

>go resto, 2nd most sought after class for raid groups in guilds
which class are you implying is more sought after?

It was the default from character creation, many didn't think to change it. It's a shame the playerbase for mmo's in general is never going to be that blank a slate again.

>actual clad class/race combo
Dwarf warrior
Tauren warrior
Undead mage/warlock
Gnome warlock... (please understand)

>bro class/race combos
Dwarf pally
Dwarf hunter
Tauren hunter
Dwarf priest
Tauren druid

>try hard rapes you in your sleep assholes
Gnome mage
Undead rogue
Undead warrior
Gnome warrior
Tauren shaman

All night elves

>bottom bitch babies
All humans
Undead priest

>fucking retard

try again

i thought it was a hybrid spec

he will say warrior but the real answer is priest

>Undead mage

My nigga. I played Undead Mage until I quit back in Panda land

>female tauren
>fits me
>but I'm a guy
I cant help it.

is there any place I can see casting animations? when I used to play I remember some races/genders having stupid ones

>crying troll bitch nigga

>those eyes
she knows he's there

Male NE had stupid everything. I remember that much.

>tfw only character I've kept since I first started back at the ass end of TBC is a female tauren hunter
>originally made it as a 'joke' since I was just a dumb kid
>ends up becoming the character I still like the most, even if I haven't exactly kept her leveled up to date

>making racist orc clans, because that's surely the point of this thing called mmorpg
>minmax has not yet entered the lexicon

absolutely booming

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what's in the gift package

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>idiot tier
Auto attack bound to 1.
>also an idiot tier
Auto attack not bound.
>smart tier
Auto attack bound

>that one troll
He cute.

Yeah, bound to a hidden bar, and called through macro.

He's an honorary orc!

based frog poster with the real questions

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wow what a badass..

i'm the green orc, they wouldn't let me in because i was the wrong skin color.

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Gotta be honest, lads. The autoattack aesthetic of classic is a bit lackluster. Nothing feels timed quite right and the animations are tad stilted. In comparison, take a game like daoc. The parries, the blocks and evades--really gave a sense of fluid action. *sips* Yup, now that was an mmo.

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I wonder if I can get my Murky on Classic. If so I hope only vanilla pets can be retrieved.
>faggots running around with anachronistic Thor pets as an allegory to both Warcraft and Starcraft's decline from glory

should bring back DAOC too, but thats probably impossible. I doubt the game has the aesthetic, lore, and big enough community. Even if the game design side seems incredible. I wish i've played it, i started with Ragnarok Online and then Vanilla WoW.

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>letting pickle orcs into your mud hut where you sit around and starve because no agriculture
That no Zug-zug...